    def forces_moments(self, state, inputs):

        # define states
        phi = state.item(6)
        theta = state.item(7)
        psi = state.item(8)
        R_bi = RotationVehicle2Body(phi, theta, psi).T

        # control inputs
        thrust = inputs.item(0)
        tau_x = inputs.item(1)
        tau_y = inputs.item(2)
        tau_z = inputs.item(3)

        # forces calculations
        v_thrust = np.array([[0, 0, -thrust]]).T
        v_gravity = np.array([[0, 0, QUAD.gravity * QUAD.mass]]).T
        f_total = R_bi @ v_thrust + v_gravity

        # moments calculations
        m_body = np.array([[tau_x, tau_y, tau_z]]).T
        m_total = R_bi @ m_body

        return np.array([[
    def _update_velocity_data(self, wind=np.zeros((6, 1))):
        e0 = self._state.item(6)
        e1 = self._state.item(7)
        e2 = self._state.item(8)
        e3 = self._state.item(9)

        phi, theta, psi = Quaternion2Euler(np.array([e0, e1, e2, e3]))
        Rvb = RotationVehicle2Body(phi, theta, psi)

        # calculate wind components
        self._wind = wind[0:3]
        wind_combined = Rvb @ wind[0:3] + wind[3:6]
        # compute relative airspeed components
        self._ur = self._state.item(3) - wind_combined.item(0)
        self._vr = self._state.item(4) - wind_combined.item(1)
        self._wr = self._state.item(5) - wind_combined.item(2)

        self.Vg = Rvb.transpose() @ self._state[3:6]  # In vehicle frame
        self._Vg = np.linalg.norm(self.Vg)

        # compute airspeed
        self._Va = np.sqrt(self._ur**2 + self._vr**2 + self._wr**2)
        # compute angle of attack
        self._alpha = np.arctan2(self._wr, self._ur)
        # compute sideslip angle
        self._beta = np.arcsin(self._vr / self._Va)
 def get_target_depths(self):
     R_ib = RotationVehicle2Body(self.orientation.item(0),
     R_bc = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
     R_ic = R_bc @ R_ib
     p_t = R_ic @ (self.targets.get_targets() -
                   self.position.reshape(-1, 1))
     return p_t[2, :]
 def get_target_pixels(self):
     R_ib = RotationVehicle2Body(self.orientation.item(0),
     R_bc = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
     R_ic = R_bc @ R_ib
     p_t = self.targets.get_targets() - self.position.reshape(-1, 1)
     e_targets = R_ic @ p_t
     for i in range(len(p_t[0])):
         e_targets[:, i] = self.f / e_targets[
             2, i] * e_targets[:, i] * SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
     return e_targets[0:2, :] + np.array([[SENSOR.pixel_width / 2],
                                          [SENSOR.pixel_height / 2]])
    def _update_velocity_data(self, wind=np.zeros((6, 1))):
        # compute airspeed

        e0 = self._state.item(6)
        e1 = self._state.item(7)
        e2 = self._state.item(8)
        e3 = self._state.item(9)

        phi, theta, psi = Quaternion2Euler(np.array([e0, e1, e2, e3]))
        Rv2b = RotationVehicle2Body(phi, theta, psi)
        wind_result = np.matmul(Rv2b, wind[0:3]) + wind[3:6]
        self._wind = np.matmul(Rv2b, wind_result)

        uw = wind_result.item(0)
        vw = wind_result.item(1)
        ww = wind_result.item(2)

        ur = self._state[3] - uw
        vr = self._state[4] - vw
        wr = self._state[5] - ww

        ur = ur.item(0)
        vr = vr.item(0)
        wr = wr.item(0)

        self._Va = sqrt(ur**2 + vr**2 + wr**2)
        #print("update_velocities =",self._Va)
        # compute angle of attack
        self._alpha = atan2(wr, ur)
        # compute sideslip angle
        self._beta = np.arcsin(vr / self._Va)
        # Vg, chi, gamma

        Rb2v = RotationBody2Vehicle(phi, theta, psi)

        Vg_result = np.matmul(Rb2v, self._state[3:6])
        Vg_n = Vg_result.item(0)
        Vg_e = Vg_result.item(1)
        Vg_d = Vg_result.item(2)
        self._Vg = sqrt(Vg_n**2 + Vg_e**2 + Vg_d**2)
        self.gamma = atan2(-Vg_d, sqrt(Vg_n**2 + Vg_e**2))
        self.chi = atan2(Vg_e, Vg_n)
        # angle wrapping for commanded phi help
        if self.chi_prev > 0.75 * np.pi and self.chi < 0.0:
            self.chi += 2. * np.pi
        if self.chi_prev < -0.75 * np.pi and self.chi > 0.0:
            self.chi -= 2. * np.pi
        self.chi_prev = self.chi
    def update(self, cmd, state, pts, pts_depth):
        f = SENSOR.f
        u1 = pts[0, 0] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        v1 = pts[1, 0] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        u1_e = u1 - CON.desired_targets[0, 0] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        v1_e = v1 - CON.desired_targets[1, 0] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        z1 = pts_depth.item(0)
        Jp1 = self.image_jacobian(u1, v1, z1, f)
        u2 = pts[0, 1] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        v2 = pts[1, 1] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        u2_e = u2 - CON.desired_targets[0, 1] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        v2_e = v2 - CON.desired_targets[1, 1] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        z2 = pts_depth.item(1)
        Jp2 = self.image_jacobian(u2, v2, z2, f)
        u3 = pts[0, 2] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        v3 = pts[1, 2] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter
        u3_e = (u3 - CON.desired_targets[0, 2] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter)
        v3_e = (v3 - CON.desired_targets[1, 2] / SENSOR.pixels_per_meter)
        z3 = pts_depth.item(2)
        Jp3 = self.image_jacobian(u3, v3, z3, f)
        J = np.vstack((Jp1, Jp2, Jp3))
        e = np.array([[u1_e, v1_e, u2_e, v2_e, u3_e, v3_e]]).T
        V_c = -self.Kp * np.linalg.inv(J) @ e
        R_cb = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]).T
        R_bi = RotationVehicle2Body(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi).T
        v_i = R_bi @ R_cb @ V_c[0:3, 0]
        w_b = R_cb @ V_c[3:6, 0] * 0

        cmd.u = v_i.item(0)
        cmd.v = v_i.item(1)
        cmd.w = v_i.item(2)
        cmd.p = w_b.item(0)
        cmd.q = w_b.item(1)
        cmd.r = w_b.item(2)

        x = np.array([[
            state.u - v_i.item(0), state.v - v_i.item(1),
            state.w - v_i.item(2), state.phi, state.theta, state.psi,
            state.p - w_b.item(0), state.q - w_b.item(1), state.r - w_b.item(2)
        ]]).T  # using beta as an estimate for v
        u_tilde = self.control.update(x)
        u = u_tilde + self.trim_input.reshape(-1, 1)
        u_sat = self._saturate(u)
        self.inputs = u_sat.reshape(-1, 1)
        self.commanded_state = cmd
        return self.inputs, self.commanded_state
 def _update_velocity_data(self):
     Rvb = RotationVehicle2Body(0.0, 0.0, self._state.item(6))
     self.Vg = Rvb.transpose() @ self._state[3:6]  # In vehicle frame
     self._Vg = np.linalg.norm(self.Vg)