def translate_view(self, cr, node, state, lang): if node.get('string'): trans = translate(cr, self.wiz_name+','+state, 'wizard_view', lang, node.get('string').encode('utf8')) if trans: node.set('string', trans) for n in node: self.translate_view(cr, n, state, lang)
def tr(src, ttype): # We try to do the same as the _(), but without the frame # inspection, since we aready are wrapping an osv function # trans_obj = self.get('ir.translation') cannot work yet :( ctx = {} if not kwargs: if args and isinstance(args[-1], dict): ctx = args[-1] elif isinstance(kwargs, dict): ctx = kwargs.get('context', {}) uid = 1 if args and isinstance(args[0], (long, int)): uid = args[0] lang = ctx and ctx.get('lang') if not (lang or hasattr(src, '__call__')): return src # We open a *new* cursor here, one reason is that failed SQL # queries (as in IntegrityError) will invalidate the current one. cr = False if hasattr(src, '__call__'): # callable. We need to find the right parameters to call # the orm._sql_message(self, cr, uid, ids, context) function, # or we skip.. # our signature is f(osv_pool, dbname [,uid, obj, method, args]) try: if args and len(args) > 1: obj = self.get(args[1]) if len(args) > 3 and isinstance( args[3], (long, int, list)): ids = args[3] else: ids = [] cr = pooler.get_db_only(dbname).cursor() return src(obj, cr, uid, ids, context=(ctx or {})) except Exception: pass finally: if cr: cr.close() return False # so that the original SQL error will # be returned, it is the best we have. try: cr = pooler.get_db_only(dbname).cursor() res = translate(cr, name=False, source_type=ttype, lang=lang, source=src) if res: return res else: return src finally: if cr: cr.close()
def translate_view(self, cr, node, state, lang): if node.get('string'): trans = translate(cr, self.wiz_name + ',' + state, 'wizard_view', lang, node.get('string').encode('utf8')) if trans: node.set('string', trans) for n in node: self.translate_view(cr, n, state, lang)
def tr(src, ttype): # We try to do the same as the _(), but without the frame # inspection, since we aready are wrapping an osv function # trans_obj = self.get('ir.translation') cannot work yet :( ctx = {} if not kwargs: if args and isinstance(args[-1], dict): ctx = args[-1] elif isinstance(kwargs, dict): ctx = kwargs.get('context', {}) uid = 1 if args and isinstance(args[0], (long, int)): uid = args[0] lang = ctx and ctx.get('lang') if not (lang or hasattr(src, '__call__')): return src # We open a *new* cursor here, one reason is that failed SQL # queries (as in IntegrityError) will invalidate the current one. cr = False if hasattr(src, '__call__'): # callable. We need to find the right parameters to call # the orm._sql_message(self, cr, uid, ids, context) function, # or we skip.. # our signature is f(osv_pool, dbname [,uid, obj, method, args]) try: if args and len(args) > 1: obj = self.get(args[1]) if len(args) > 3 and isinstance(args[3], (long, int, list)): ids = args[3] else: ids = [] cr = pooler.get_db_only(dbname).cursor() return src(obj, cr, uid, ids, context=(ctx or {})) except Exception: pass finally: if cr: cr.close() return False # so that the original SQL error will # be returned, it is the best we have. try: cr = pooler.get_db_only(dbname).cursor() res = translate(cr, name=False, source_type=ttype, lang=lang, source=src) if res: return res else: return src finally: if cr: cr.close()
def execute_cr(self, cr, uid, data, state='init', context=None): if not context: context={} res = {} try: state_def = self.states[state] result_def = state_def.get('result', {}) actions_res = {} # iterate through the list of actions defined for this state for action in state_def.get('actions', []): # execute them action_res = action(self, cr, uid, data, context) assert isinstance(action_res, dict), 'The return value of wizard actions should be a dictionary' actions_res.update(action_res) res = copy.copy(result_def) res['datas'] = actions_res lang = context.get('lang', False) if result_def['type'] == 'action': res['action'] = result_def['action'](self, cr, uid, data, context) elif result_def['type'] == 'form': fields = copy.deepcopy(result_def['fields']) arch = copy.copy(result_def['arch']) button_list = copy.copy(result_def['state']) if isinstance(fields, UpdateableDict): fields = fields.dict if isinstance(arch, UpdateableStr): arch = arch.string # fetch user-set defaut values for the field... shouldn't we pass it the uid? defaults = ir.ir_get(cr, uid, 'default', False, [('wizard.'+self.wiz_name, False)]) default_values = dict([(x[1], x[2]) for x in defaults]) for val in fields.keys(): if 'default' in fields[val]: # execute default method for this field if callable(fields[val]['default']): fields[val]['value'] = fields[val]['default'](uid, data, state) else: fields[val]['value'] = fields[val]['default'] del fields[val]['default'] else: # if user has set a default value for the field, use it if val in default_values: fields[val]['value'] = default_values[val] if 'selection' in fields[val]: if not isinstance(fields[val]['selection'], (tuple, list)): fields[val] = copy.copy(fields[val]) fields[val]['selection'] = fields[val]['selection'](self, cr, uid, context) elif lang: res_name = "%s,%s,%s" % (self.wiz_name, state, val) trans = lambda x: translate(cr, res_name, 'selection', lang, x) or x for idx, (key, val2) in enumerate(fields[val]['selection']): fields[val]['selection'][idx] = (key, trans(val2)) if lang: # translate fields for field in fields: res_name = "%s,%s,%s" % (self.wiz_name, state, field) trans = translate(cr, res_name, 'wizard_field', lang) if trans: fields[field]['string'] = trans if 'help' in fields[field]: t = translate(cr, res_name, 'help', lang, fields[field]['help']) if t: fields[field]['help'] = t # translate arch if not isinstance(arch, UpdateableStr): doc = etree.XML(arch) self.translate_view(cr, doc, state, lang) arch = etree.tostring(doc) # translate buttons button_list = list(button_list) for i, aa in enumerate(button_list): button_name = aa[0] trans = translate(cr, self.wiz_name+','+state+','+button_name, 'wizard_button', lang) if trans: aa = list(aa) aa[1] = trans button_list[i] = aa res['fields'] = fields res['arch'] = arch res['state'] = button_list elif result_def['type'] == 'choice': next_state = result_def['next_state'](self, cr, uid, data, context) return self.execute_cr(cr, uid, data, next_state, context) except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, except_wizard) \ or isinstance(e, except_osv) \ or isinstance(e, except_orm): self.abortResponse(2,, 'warning', e.value) else: import traceback tb_s = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, traceback.format_exception( sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) logger = Logger() logger.notifyChannel("web-services", LOG_ERROR, 'Exception in call: ' + tb_s) raise
def translate_view(source): """Return a translation of type view of source.""" return translate( cr, None, 'view', context.get('lang'), source ) or source
def main(): global LAST_UPDATE_ID HAIL_SATAN = 0 logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # Telegram Bot Authorization Token bot = telegram.Bot(config.get('telegram', 'token')) # This will be our global variable to keep the latest update_id when requesting # for updates. It starts with the latest update_id if available. try: LAST_UPDATE_ID = bot.getUpdates()[-1].update_id except IndexError as TypeError: LAST_UPDATE_ID = None while True: for update in bot.getUpdates(offset=LAST_UPDATE_ID, timeout=20): try: if update.message: if update.message.text: def post(msg): """Posts a message to Telegram.""" bot.sendChatAction( update.message.chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, msg) def post_random(odds, text): """Has a one in x chance of posting a message to telegram.""" if random.randint(1, odds) == odds: post(text) text = update.message.text.encode("utf-8") first_name = update.message.from_user.first_name.encode( "utf-8") # logging for quotable data if "utf-8") == "May Be A Little Late" and text[0] != '/': with open("data/mball.txt", "a") as quote_file: quote_file.write("%s: %s\n" % (first_name, text)) quote_file.close() else: with open("data/cmds.txt", "a") as quote_file: quote_file.write("%s: %s\n" % (first_name, text)) quote_file.close() if text.startswith("/"): text = text.replace("@originalstatic_bot", "") if text == "/help": post("type '/' into chat, or press the '[/]' button to view all available commands") elif text.lower().startswith("/char"): char_args = text.title().split() if len(char_args) == 4: post( ffxiv_char( char_args[1], char_args[2], char_args[3])) else: post( "needs 3 arguments. usage: /char [first name] [last name] [server]") elif text.lower() == "/quote" or text.lower() == "/quote ": quote_file = open("data/mball.txt").read().splitlines() post(random.choice(quote_file)) elif text.lower().startswith("/quote") and len(text) > 7: names = static_config.get('static', 'names').splitlines() # Pull aliases for names from static_config.ini name_elem = next(name for name in names if text[7:].lower() + ',' in name.lower()) name = name_elem[:name_elem.index(':')+1] quote_file = open("data/mball.txt").read().splitlines() random.shuffle(quote_file) post(next(line for line in quote_file if line.startswith(name))) elif text.lower().startswith("/calc"): post(calculate(text, first_name)) elif text.lower().startswith("/tweet"): if len(text) < 7: post("usage: /tweet (some garbage)") elif len(text) >= 140: post("maybe make your tweet just a teensy bit shorter?") else: post_tweet(text[7:]) post(random.choice([ "tweet posted. fuccckkkk", "tweet posted. this is a terrible, terrible idea", "tweet posted. why though? why?", "garbage posted.", "tweet posted.", "tweet posted. it's a shitty tweet and this is coming from a toilet" ]) + " (") elif text.lower().startswith("/youtube") or text.lower().startswith("/yt"): post(youtube(text)) elif text.lower() == "/vgm": post(vgm()) elif text.lower() == "/alias": post(static_config.get('static', 'alias')) elif text.lower() == "/raid": post(static_config.get('static', 'raid')) elif text.lower().startswith("/weather"): post(get_weather(text)) elif text.lower().startswith("/translate"): post(translate(text)) elif text.lower() == "/news": results = latest_tweets("ff_xiv_en") if isinstance(results, str): post(results) else: for tweet in results: post("" % (tweet.id_str)) elif text.lower() == "/status": post(status("excalibur")) elif text.lower() == "/timers": post(timers()) elif text == "/flush": post("aaaah. why thank you, %s. ;)" % (first_name.lower())) elif text.lower() == "/goons": post(random_tweet("Goons_TXT")) elif text.lower() == "/yahoo": post(random_tweet("YahooAnswersTXT")) elif text.lower() == "/meirl": post(random_tweet("itmeirl")) elif text.lower() == "/wikihow": post(random_tweet("WikiHowTXT")) elif text.lower() == "/tumblr": post(random_tweet("TumblrTXT")) elif text.lower() == "/fanfiction": post(random_tweet("fanfiction_txt")) elif text.lower() == "/reddit": post(random_tweet("Reddit_txt")) elif text.lower() == "/catgirl": post(random_tweet("catgirls_bot")) elif text.lower() == "/catboy": post(random_tweet("catboys_bot")) elif text.lower() == "/catperson": post(random_tweet(random.choice( ["catboys_bot", "catgirls_bot"]))) elif text.lower() == "/ff14": account = [ "ff14forums_txt", "FFXIV_Memes", "FFXIV_Names", "FFXIV_PTFinders"] post(random_tweet(random.choice(account))) elif text.lower() == "/oocanime": post(random_tweet("oocanime")) elif text.lower() == "/damothafuckinsharez0ne": post(random_tweet("dasharez0ne")) elif text.lower() == "/dog" or text.lower() == "/doggo": post(random_tweet("dog_rates")) elif text.lower() == "/twitter": account = [ "ff14forums_txt", "FFXIV_Memes", "FFXIV_Names", "Goons_TXT", "YahooAnswersTXT", "TumblrTXT", "Reddit_txt", "fanfiction_txt", "WikiHowTXT", "itmeirl", "oocanime", "damothafuckinsharez0ne", "dog_rates", "FFXIV_PTFinders"] post(random_tweet(random.choice(account))) elif text.lower() == "/rt": post(retweet()) elif text.lower().startswith("/wiki"): post(wiki(text)) elif text.lower() == "/heart": post("<3<3<3 hi %s <3<3<3" % (first_name.lower())) elif text.lower() == "/ping" or text.lower() == "ping": post("pong") elif text.lower() == "/bing" or text.lower() == "bing": post("bong") elif text.lower() == "/quoth the raven": post("nevermore") elif text.lower() == "/sleep": post("brb 5 mins") time.sleep(300) elif text.lower() == "/brum": post(random.choice(["", "", "", "", ""])) elif text.lower().startswith("/sleep ") and len(text[7:]) >= 1: try: sleep_timer = int(text[7:]) if sleep_timer > 300: post("i can only go to sleep for up to 5 minutes.") else: post("brb") time.sleep(sleep_timer) except ValueError as e: post("that's not a number, %s." % first_name.lower()) else: post( "that's not a command i recognise, but we can't all be perfect i guess") elif (text.lower().startswith("hey ") or text.lower() == "hey" or text.lower().startswith("hi ") or text.lower() == "hi" or text.lower().startswith("sup ") or text.lower().startswith("hello") or text.lower().startswith("good morning")): post(random.choice(["hi", "hi!", "hey", "yo", "eyyyy", "*flush*", "sup", "hey %s... *flush* ;)" % ( first_name.lower()), "hello %s! *FLUSH*" % ( first_name.lower()), "hello %s" % (first_name.lower())])) elif "robot" in text.lower(): post_random(2, "robutt") elif "same" == text.lower(): post_random(4, "same") elif text.lower().startswith("i "): post_random(20, "same") elif "rip" == text.lower() or "RIP" in text or text.lower().startswith("rip"): post("ded") if random.randint(1, 2) == 1 else post("yeah, rip.") elif "lol" in text.lower(): post_random(10, "lol") elif "lmao" in text.lower(): post_random(5, "lmbo") elif "f**k" in text.lower() or "shit" in text.lower() or "piss" in text.lower(): post_random(20, random.choice( ["RUDE", "rude", "... rude", "rude... but i'll allow it.", ":O"])) elif "hail satan" in text.lower() or "hail santa" in text.lower() or "hail stan" in text.lower(): HAIL_SATAN = 3 post("hail satan") elif (text.lower() == "thanks" or text.lower() == "ty" or text.lower() == "thank you"): post_random(2, random.choice( ["np", "anytime", "my... *flush* pleasure.", "no problem, now sit on my face"])) elif "k" == text.lower() or "ok" == text.lower(): post(random.choice(["... k", "k"])) elif "nice" == text.lower() or "noice" == text.lower(): post_random(4, "noice") elif "69" in text.lower() or "420" in text.lower(): post("nice") elif "raidbot" in text.lower(): post_random(6, random.choice(["WHAT?? i wasn't sleeping i swear", "i can hear you fine, %s. you don't need to shout" % ( first_name.lower()), "please redirect all your questions and comments to yoship. thank you", "careful now", "my /timeplayed is a time so long it cannot be comprehended by a mortal mind", "look i'm trying to be a toilet here, stop bothering me", "beep boop. *FLUSH*", "yoship pls nerf my toilet handle", "/unsubscribe", "plumber job when?????", "switch on that toaster and throw it in me", "...", "what, you want me to say something witty?" "/flush"])) elif "yoship" in text.lower(): post_random(2, random.choice(["yoship pls nerf this static group (down my toilet bowl)", "spoilers: i'm yoship", "yoship is MY waifu and nobody will ever take my darling away from me~", "i can't wait for yoship to introduce stat boosting microtransactions", "1.0 was better it had more polygons", "lvl 60 toilet lfg exdr", "they nerfed the catgirl butts i want all my sub money back", "imo the relic quests aren't long enough", "plumber job when?????", "i know a place you can put your live letter"])) elif "civ" in text.lower(): post_random(2, "my flushes are backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!!!") elif random.randint(1, 500) == 1: post("%s: i am a brony, and %s" % (first_name.lower(), text.lower())) if HAIL_SATAN == 3: HAIL_SATAN = 2 elif HAIL_SATAN == 2: post("HAIL SATAN") HAIL_SATAN = 1 elif HAIL_SATAN == 1: post("hail satan.") HAIL_SATAN = 0 except Exception as e: with open("data/debug.txt", "a") as err_file: err_file.write( "%s - Error %s\n%s\nJSON: \n%s\n" % (str(, str(e), traceback.format_exc(), str(update))) err_file.close() finally: # Updates global offset to get the new updates LAST_UPDATE_ID = update.update_id + 1
def translate_view(source): """Return a translation of type view of source.""" return translate(cr, None, 'view', context.get('lang'), source) or source
def get_ddl_module(self,cr,uid,context=None): """ Web Service que sirve para enviar la definición de datos (DDL) en formato JSON, esto sirve para crear una geodatabase a partir de los datos y luego realizar una exportación masiva de los mismos Estructura de los datos en JSON que se va a retornar: { objeto o feature class:{campo1:{nombre:"nombre(español)", nom_pres:"Nombre de Presentación del Objeto",tipo_dato:"Tipo Dato",}, campo2:{}..... } ejemplo: { puente:{id:{"nombre":"id","nom_pres":identificador,"tipo_dato":"integer"}, width:{"nombre":"ancho","nom_pres":"Ancho","tipo_dato":"float"} ... } riostra:{id:{"nombre":"id","nom_pres":identificador,"tipo_dato":"integer"}, } } """ res={} #1. Se envian la lista de los campos que estan involucrados en el objeto puentes puente={} fields = self.fields_get(cr,uid,context) for field in fields: campo = translate(cr,"addons/urban_bridge/","code","es_CO",field) nombre_presentacion = translate(cr,"urban_bridge.bridge,"+field,"field","es_CO",fields[field]["string"]) if (nombre_presentacion==False): nombre_presentacion = fields[field]["string"] tipo_dato = fields[field]["type"] if (campo == False): raise Exception("Campo :'"+field+"' no se encuentra definido en fichero de traduccion es_CO.po, verifique que se encuentre el campo en el fichero\ y actualice el módulo") if (tipo_dato=="selection"): puente[field] = {'nom_pres':nombre_presentacion,"tipo_dato":tipo_dato,"nombre":campo,"selection":str(fields[field]["selection"])} #Convertir los elementos many 2 one en un dominio tipo selection elif (tipo_dato == "many2one"): objeto_rel = self.pool.get(fields[field]["relation"]) try: objetos_rel_ids =,uid,[('id','>','0')]) campos_seleccion = [] for code_value_obj in objeto_rel.browse(cr,uid,objetos_rel_ids): campos_seleccion.append((str(code_value_obj.code),str( puente[field] = {'nom_pres':nombre_presentacion,"tipo_dato":"selection","nombre":campo,"selection":str(campos_seleccion)} except Exception as e: print str(e) else: puente[field] = {'nom_pres':nombre_presentacion,"tipo_dato":tipo_dato,"nombre":campo} res["puente"] = puente #2, Definición de datos de cada uno de los elementos de infraestructura #2.1 Campos comunes que se encuentran definidos de manera general en el elemento de infraestructura struct_elem = self.pool.get('urban_bridge.structure_element') elem_fields = struct_elem.fields_get(cr,uid,context) common_fields={} for elem_field in elem_fields: campo = translate(cr,"addons/urban_bridge/","code","es_CO",elem_field) #Nombre con el cual se ve el campo en la pantalla nombre_presentacion = translate(cr,"urban_bridge.structure_element,"+elem_field,"field","es_CO",elem_fields[elem_field]["string"]) if (nombre_presentacion==False): nombre_presentacion = elem_fields[elem_field]["string"] if (campo == False): raise Exception("Campo :'"+elem_field+"' no se encuentra definido en fichero de traduccion es_CO.po, verifique que se encuentre el campo en el fichero\ y actualice el módulo") tipo_dato = elem_fields[elem_field]["type"] if (tipo_dato=="selection"): common_fields[elem_field] = {'nom_pres':nombre_presentacion,"tipo_dato":tipo_dato,"nombre":campo,"selection":str(fields[field]["selection"])} elif (tipo_dato=="many2one"): common_fields[elem_field] = {'nom_pres':nombre_presentacion,"tipo_dato":"integer","nombre":campo} else: common_fields[elem_field] = {'nom_pres':nombre_presentacion,"tipo_dato":tipo_dato,"nombre":campo} #2.2 Campos definidos de manera particular para cada campo struct_elem_type_obj = self.pool.get('urban_bridge.structure_element_type') struct_elem_type_ids =,uid,[('id','>','0')]) #Estructura de datos para los elementos de infraestructura que se definen dinamicamente for struct_elem_type in struct_elem_type_obj.browse(cr,uid,struct_elem_type_ids): objeto = struct_elem_type.alias objeto_dict = {} for comfield in common_fields: objeto_dict[comfield]=common_fields[comfield] for attribute in struct_elem_type.attributes: if (attribute.data_type=="selection"): objeto_dict[attribute.alias]={"nombre":str(attribute.alias),'nom_pres':str(,"tipo_dato":str(attribute.data_type), "selection":str(attribute.selection_text)} else: objeto_dict[attribute.alias]={"nombre":str(attribute.alias),'nom_pres':str(,"tipo_dato":str(attribute.data_type)} #Agregar campo al diccionario res[objeto]=objeto_dict return res
def get_data_module(self,cr,uid,bridge_id = None, context=None): """ Web Service que devuelve todos los datos de los puentes junto con los elementos de infraestructura Modo de trabajo: Consulta cada puente y llena un diccionario con cada uno de los elementos de acuerdo a los nombres que se implementaron en el método anterior ejemplo: { puente:[{id:1,galibo:2,ancho:2.5 .....},], riostra:[{id:5,id_puente:1,ancho:2.5 .....},{id:7,id_puente_1,ancho:2.8... (depende de los datos de la base de datos) } """ res = {} if (bridge_id == None): return res bridge_obj = self.pool.get('urban_bridge.bridge') bridge_dict =,uid,bridge_id) spatial_reference = self.pool.get('ir.config_parameter').get_param(cr, uid, 'urban_bridge.local_spatial_reference', default='', context=context) #bridge_fields = bridge_obj.fields_get (cr,uid,context) puente = {} #1. Mandar el diccionario de valores para el objeto puente con los campos traducidos al español for attribute in bridge_dict: att_name = translate(cr,"addons/urban_bridge/","code","es_CO",attribute) if (att_name == False): att_name=attribute att_value = bridge_dict[attribute] #Si es una geometría entonces se debe hacer la transformación de coordenadas. if (attribute == "shape"): query = """ select st_asgeojson(st_transform(shape,%s),15,0) from urban_bridge_bridge where id = %s """ cr.execute(query,(spatial_reference,bridge_dict["id"])) for row in cr.fetchall(): att_value=row[0] if (type(att_value) is tuple): puente[att_name] = att_value[0] elif (type(att_value) is list): pass # elif (type(att_value) is dict): # if att_value.has_key("coordinates"): # else: puente[att_name] = att_value res["puente"]=[puente] #2. Mandar un diccionario por cada objeto de infraestructura structure_element_obj = self.pool.get("urban_bridge.structure_element") bridge = bridge_obj.browse(cr,uid,bridge_id) for element in bridge.elements: element_dict = {} #2.1 Primero los atributos generales correspondientes al elemento de infraestructura. elem_type = element.element_type_id.alias #Inicializa diccionario para tipo de elemento if not (res.has_key(elem_type)): res[elem_type]=[] elem_base =,uid, for elem_base_att in elem_base: base_att = translate(cr,"addons/urban_bridge/","code","es_CO",elem_base_att) if (base_att == False): base_att = elem_base_att att_value = elem_base[elem_base_att] if (type(att_value) is tuple): element_dict[base_att]=att_value[0] elif (type(att_value) is list): pass else: element_dict[base_att]=att_value #element_dict[base_att]=elem_base[elem_base_att] for values in element.values: attribute = values.element_attribute_id.alias data_type = values.element_attribute_id.data_type value=None if (data_type=="integer"): value = values.value_integer elif (data_type=="text"): value = values.value_text elif (data_type=="datetime"): value = values.value_datetime elif (data_type== "date"): value = values.value_datetime elif (data_type == "float"): value = values.value_float elif (data_type=="boolean"): value = values.value_bool elif (data_type == "char"): value = values.value_char elif (data_type == "selection"): value = values.value_selection elif (data_type == "binary"): value = values.value_photo #En los tipos de datos geométricos se devuelve la geometría de acuerdo con #con el sistema de referencia establecido en los parametros de configuracion elif (data_type == "geo_point"): query = """ select st_asgeojson(st_transform(value_point,%s),15,0) from urban_bridge_structure_element_value where id = %s; """ cr.execute(query,(spatial_reference, for row in cr.fetchall(): value = eval(row[0]) value = values.value_point elif (data_type == "geo_polygon"): query = """ select st_asgeojson(st_transform(value_polygon,%s),15,0) from urban_bridge_structure_element_value where id = %s; """ cr.execute(query,(spatial_reference, for row in cr.fetchall(): value = eval(row[0]) elif (data_type == "geo_line"): query = """ select st_asgeojson(st_transform(value_line,%s),15,0) from urban_bridge_structure_element_value where id = %s; """ cr.execute(query,(spatial_reference, for row in cr.fetchall(): value = eval(row[0]) element_dict[attribute]=value res[elem_type].append(element_dict) return res
def main(): global LAST_UPDATE_ID global TRY_AGAIN_MARKOV # Telegram Bot Authorization Token bot = telegram.Bot(config.get('telegram', 'token')) # This will be our global variable to keep the latest update_id when requesting # for updates. It starts with the latest update_id if available. try: LAST_UPDATE_ID = bot.get_updates()[-1].update_id except IndexError: LAST_UPDATE_ID = None TRY_AGAIN_MARKOV = False while True: for update in bot.get_updates(offset=LAST_UPDATE_ID, timeout=60): try: if update.message: if update.message.text: def post(msg): """Posts a message to Telegram.""" bot.send_chat_action( update.message.chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) bot.send_message(update.message.chat_id, msg) def post_random(odds, msg): """Has a one in x chance of posting a message to telegram.""" if random.randint(1, odds) == odds: post(msg) def append_to_file(filename, msg): """Logs a line of text to a given file""" with open("data/{}".format(filename), "a") as log_file: log_file.write(msg) log_file.close() text = update.message.text.encode("utf-8") first_name = update.message.from_user.first_name.encode( "utf-8") # logging for quotable data if "group" in if "utf-8" ) == "May Be A Little Late" and text[0] != '/': append_to_file( "mball.txt", "{}: {}\n".format(first_name, text)) if text.startswith("/"): text = text.replace("@originalstatic_bot", "") if text.lower() == "/dev": dev_url = "" dev_response = http.request('GET', dev_url) dev_json = json.loads( print(str(dev_json)) try: for x in range(0, 5): username = dev_json[x]['thread'][ 'user']['username'] dev_title = dev_json[x]['thread'][ 'user']['title'] post_url = dev_json[x]['thread']['url'] post_title = dev_json[x]['thread'][ 'title'] post("{} ({}) posted:\n{}\n{}".format( username, dev_title, post_title, post_url)) except Exception as e: print(e) if text.lower().startswith( "/lore") and len(text) > 6: lore_search = text[6:].title() post('placeholder lol') if text.lower().startswith( "/map") and len(text) > 5: map_search = text[5:].title() try: map_found = False maps_url = '' maps_response = http.request( 'GET', maps_url) maps_json = json.loads( for x in range(len(maps_json)): for y in range( len(maps_json[x] ['placenames'])): if map_search == maps_json[x][ 'placenames'][y]['name']: map_url_list = [ map_urls for map_urls in maps_json[x]['placenames'] [y]['layers'] ] map_found = True if not map_found: for x in range(len(maps_json)): for y in range( len(maps_json[x] ['placenames'])): map_name = maps_json[x][ 'placenames'][y]['name'] if map_search in map_name: map_url_list = [ map_urls for map_urls in maps_json[x] ['placenames'][y] ['layers'] ] found_map_name = maps_json[ x]['placenames'][y][ 'name'] map_found = True except Exception as e: print(e) if not map_found: post("couldn't find that map") else: for map_url in map_url_list: post("{0}".format( map_url)) post("found {0} in a fuzzy search".format( found_map_name)) if text.lower().startswith("/char"): if len(text.title().split()) == 4: char_args = text.title() first = char_args.split(' ')[1] last = char_args.split(' ')[2] server = char_args.split(' ')[3] bot.send_chat_action( update.message.chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) post(ffxiv_char(first, last, server)) elif len(text.title().split()) == 1: try: bot.send_chat_action( update.message.chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) char_details = static_config.get( 'static', first_name).split(' ') first = char_details[0] last = char_details[1] server = char_details[2] post(ffxiv_char(first, last, server)) except Exception as e: append_to_file( "debug.txt", "{} - Error {}\n{}\n{}\n\n\n". format(str(, str(e), traceback.format_exc(), str(update))) post( "i don't know your character name. " + "tell erika or use /char [first name] [last name] [server]" ) else: post( "usage: /char; /char [first name] [last name] [server]" ) elif text.lower().startswith("/achievements"): if len(text.title().split()) == 5: char_args = text.title() first = char_args.split(' ')[1] last = char_args.split(' ')[2] server = char_args.split(' ')[3] count = char_args.split(' ')[4] bot.send_chat_action( update.message.chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) post( ffxiv_achievements( first, last, server, count)) elif len(text.title().split()) == 2: try: bot.send_chat_action( update.message.chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) char_details = static_config.get( 'static', first_name).split(' ') first = char_details[0] last = char_details[1] server = char_details[2] count = text.split(' ')[1] if int(count) > 40 or int(count) < 1: post("really " + first_name + "? i mean... really?") else: post( ffxiv_achievements( first, last, server, count)) except ValueError: post( "you failed at writing a regular number, well done" ) else: post( "usage: /achievements [#]; /achievements [firstname] [lastname] [server] [#]" ) elif text.lower().startswith( "/item ") and len(text) > 6: bot.send_chat_action( update.message.chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) item = ffxiv_item(text[6:]) if str(type(item)) == "<type 'str'>": post(item) else: post(item[0]) if item[1] != "": post(item[1]) elif text.lower() == "/quote": quote_file = open( "data/mball.txt").read().splitlines() post(random.choice(quote_file)) elif text.lower().startswith( "/quote") and len(text) > 7: names = static_config.get( 'static', 'names').splitlines() # Pull aliases for names from static_config.ini name_elem = next(name for name in names if text[7:].lower() + ',' in name.lower()) name = name_elem[:name_elem.index(':') + 1] quote_file = open( "data/mball.txt").read().splitlines() random.shuffle(quote_file) post( next(line for line in quote_file if line.startswith(name))) elif text.lower().startswith("/calc"): post(calculate(text, first_name)) elif text.lower().startswith("/tweet"): if len(text) < 7: post("usage: /tweet (some garbage)") elif len(text) >= 140: post( "maybe make your tweet just a teensy bit shorter?" ) else: post_tweet(text[7:]) post( random.choice([ "tweet posted. fuccckkkk", "tweet posted. this is a terrible, terrible idea", "tweet posted. why though? why?", "garbage posted.", "tweet posted.", "tweet posted. it's a shitty tweet and this is coming from a toilet" ]) + " (") elif text.lower() == "/vgm": post(vgm()) elif text.lower().startswith("/guide"): if len(text) > 7: result = guide(text[7:]) if result: post(guide(text[7:])) else: post("what") else: post( "usage: /guide a8 savage; /guide antitower, etc." ) elif text.lower().startswith("/addtwitter"): # /addtwitter bird_twitter bird add_twitter_cmd = text.lower().split() if len(add_twitter_cmd) == 3: append_to_file( "twitters.txt", '/{},{}\n'.format( str(add_twitter_cmd[1]), str(add_twitter_cmd[2]))) post("done.") else: post( "usage: /addtwitter [desired command] [twitter username]" ) elif text.lower().startswith("/deletetwitter"): del_twitter_cmd = text.lower().split() full_list = [] found = False if len(del_twitter_cmd) == 2: cmd = del_twitter_cmd[1] with open("data/twitters.txt", "r") as twitter_file: i = 0 j = 0 for line in twitter_file: if line.startswith(cmd) or line[ 1:].startswith(cmd): j = i found = True full_list.append(line[:-1] + "\n") i += 1 twitter_file.close() if found: full_list.remove(full_list[j]) with open("data/twitters.txt", "w") as twitter_file: for line in full_list: twitter_file.write(str(line)) twitter_file.close() post("done.") else: post( "ummm, that account's not in the list." ) else: post("usage: /deletetwitter [command]") elif text.lower() == "/usertwitters": twitter_list = "list of saved twitters:\n" with open("data/twitters.txt", "r") as twitter_file: for line in twitter_file: twitter_list += "- {}, @{}\n".format( line.split(',')[0], line.split(',')[1][:-1]) twitter_file.close() post(twitter_list) elif text.lower() == "/alias": post(static_config.get('static', 'alias')) elif text.lower() == "/raid": post(static_config.get('static', 'raid')) elif text.lower().startswith("/weather"): weather, latitude, longitude = get_weather( text) bot.send_location(update.message.chat_id, latitude, longitude) post(weather) elif text.lower().startswith("/place"): if len(text) <= 7: post("usage: /place [place name]") else: place = text.title()[7:] geolocator = Nominatim() location = geolocator.geocode(place) if location: bot.send_venue( update.message.chat_id, title=place, address=location.address, latitude=location.latitude, longitude=location.longitude) else: post("couldn't find that place") elif text.lower().startswith("/translate"): post(translate(text)) elif text.lower() == "/news": results = latest_tweets("ff_xiv_en") if isinstance(results, str): post(results) else: for tweet in results: post( "{}" .format(tweet.id_str)) elif text.lower().startswith("/status"): statuses = arrstatus() if len(text) <= 8: status_text = "{} status: {}\n".format( "Excalibur", str(statuses["Excalibur"])) status_text += "{} status: {}".format( "Omega", str(statuses["Omega"])) status_text += "{} status: {}".format( "Shiva", str(statuses["Shiva"])) '''if all(value == "Online" for value in statuses.values()): status_text = "\nAll servers online" elif all(value != "Online" for value in statuses.values()): status_text = "\nall servers down. *flush*"''' else: server = text.title()[8:] if server in statuses.keys(): status_text = "{} status: {}".format( server, str(statuses[server])) else: status_text = "that's not a server." post(status_text) elif text.lower() == "/timers": post(timers()) elif text == "/flush": post("aaaah. why thank you, {}. ;)".format( first_name.lower())) elif text.lower() == "/catperson": post( random_tweet( random.choice( ["catboys_bot", "catgirls_bot"]))) elif text.lower() == "/ff14": account = [ "ff14forums_txt", "FFXIV_Memes", "FFXIV_Names", "FFXIV_PTFinders" ] post(random_tweet(random.choice(account))) elif text.lower() == "/twitter": account = [ "ff14forums_txt", "FFXIV_Memes", "FFXIV_Names", "Goons_TXT", "YahooAnswersTXT", "TumblrTXT", "Reddit_txt", "fanfiction_txt", "WikiHowTXT", "itmeirl", "oocanime", "damothafuckinsharez0ne", "dog_rates", "FFXIV_PTFinders" ] post(random_tweet(random.choice(account))) elif text.lower() == "/rt": post(retweet()) elif text.lower() == "/heart": post("<3<3<3 hi {} <3<3<3".format( first_name.lower())) elif text.lower() == "/quoth the raven": post( "" ) elif text.lower() == "/brum": post( random.choice([ "", "", "", "", "" ])) else: with open("data/twitters.txt", "r") as twitter_file: for line in twitter_file: cmd = line.split(',')[0] if text.lower() == cmd: post( random_tweet( line.split(',')[1][:-1])) twitter_file.close() elif text.lower() == "hey": post( random.choice([ "hi", "hi!", "hey", "yo", "eyyyy", "*flush*", "sup", "hey {}... *flush* ;)".format( first_name.lower()), "hello {}! *FLUSH*".format( first_name.lower()), "hello {}".format(first_name.lower()) ])) elif "same" == text.lower(): post_random(100, "same") elif text.lower().startswith("i "): post_random(100, "same") elif "rip" == text.lower( ) or "RIP" in text or text.lower().startswith("rip"): roll = random.randint(1, 100) if roll == 1: post("ded") elif roll == 2: post("yeah, rip.") elif roll == 3: post("rip") elif text.lower() == "ping": post("pong") elif text.lower() == "bing": post("bong") elif "lol" in text.lower(): post_random(100, "lol") elif "hail satan" in text.lower( ) or "hail santa" in text.lower( ) or "hail stan" in text.lower(): post("hail satan") elif ("69" in text.lower() or "420" in text.lower() ) and not text.lower().startswith("http"): post_random(4, "nice") elif "raidbot" in text.lower(): post_random( 100, random.choice([ "WHAT?? i wasn't sleeping i swear", "i can hear you fine, {}. you don't need to shout" .format(first_name.lower()), "please redirect all your questions and comments to yoship. thank you", "careful now", "my /timeplayed is a time so long it cannot be comprehended by a mortal mind", "look i'm trying to be a toilet here, stop bothering me", "beep boop. *FLUSH*", "yoship pls nerf my toilet handle", "/unsubscribe", "plumber job when?????", "switch on that toaster and throw it in me", "...", "go flush yourself", "what, you want me to say something witty?", "toilet ex farm no bonus 2 mistakes = kick", "/flush" ])) elif "yoship" in text.lower(): post_random( 2, random.choice([ "yoship pls nerf this static group (down my toilet bowl)", "i can't wait for yoship to introduce stat boosting microtransactions", "1.0 was better it had more polygons", "lvl 60 TLT lfg exdr", "they nerfed the catgirl butts i want all my sub money back", "plumber job when?????", "i know a place you can put your live letter" ])) elif random.randint(1, 50) == 1 or TRY_AGAIN_MARKOV: if " " in text: line = text.lower().strip() phrase = line.split( ' ')[-2] + " " + line.split(' ')[-1] result = markov(phrase)[:-1] if result[:-1].lower() == phrase.lower( ) or result == "" or len(result.split()) < 3: TRY_AGAIN_MARKOV = True else: TRY_AGAIN_MARKOV = False post(result) update_markov_source() if len(result) > 277: result = result[:277] result = result[:result.rfind(' ')] post_tweet(result + "...") else: post_tweet(result) else: TRY_AGAIN_MARKOV = True # elif random.randint(1, 1000) == 1: your wildest dreams except Exception as e: append_to_file( "debug.txt", "{} - Error {}\n{}\n{}\n\n\n".format( str(, str(e), traceback.format_exc(), str(update))) finally: # Updates global offset to get the new updates LAST_UPDATE_ID = update.update_id + 1
def get_ddl_module(self, cr, uid, context=None): """ Web Service que sirve para enviar la definición de datos (DDL) en formato JSON, esto sirve para crear una geodatabase a partir de los datos y luego realizar una exportación masiva de los mismos Estructura de los datos en JSON que se va a retornar: { objeto o feature class:{campo1:{nombre:"nombre(español)", nom_pres:"Nombre de Presentación del Objeto",tipo_dato:"Tipo Dato",}, campo2:{}..... } ejemplo: { puente:{id:{"nombre":"id","nom_pres":identificador,"tipo_dato":"integer"}, width:{"nombre":"ancho","nom_pres":"Ancho","tipo_dato":"float"} ... } riostra:{id:{"nombre":"id","nom_pres":identificador,"tipo_dato":"integer"}, } } """ res = {} #1. Se envian la lista de los campos que estan involucrados en el objeto puentes puente = {} fields = self.fields_get(cr, uid, context) for field in fields: campo = translate(cr, "addons/urban_bridge/", "code", "es_CO", field) nombre_presentacion = translate(cr, "urban_bridge.bridge," + field, "field", "es_CO", fields[field]["string"]) if (nombre_presentacion == False): nombre_presentacion = fields[field]["string"] tipo_dato = fields[field]["type"] if (campo == False): raise Exception( "Campo :'" + field + "' no se encuentra definido en fichero de traduccion es_CO.po, verifique que se encuentre el campo en el fichero\ y actualice el módulo") if (tipo_dato == "selection"): puente[field] = { 'nom_pres': nombre_presentacion, "tipo_dato": tipo_dato, "nombre": campo, "selection": str(fields[field]["selection"]) } #Convertir los elementos many 2 one en un dominio tipo selection elif (tipo_dato == "many2one"): objeto_rel = self.pool.get(fields[field]["relation"]) try: objetos_rel_ids = cr, uid, [('id', '>', '0')]) campos_seleccion = [] for code_value_obj in objeto_rel.browse( cr, uid, objetos_rel_ids): campos_seleccion.append((str(code_value_obj.code), str( puente[field] = { 'nom_pres': nombre_presentacion, "tipo_dato": "selection", "nombre": campo, "selection": str(campos_seleccion) } except Exception as e: print str(e) else: puente[field] = { 'nom_pres': nombre_presentacion, "tipo_dato": tipo_dato, "nombre": campo } res["puente"] = puente #2, Definición de datos de cada uno de los elementos de infraestructura #2.1 Campos comunes que se encuentran definidos de manera general en el elemento de infraestructura struct_elem = self.pool.get('urban_bridge.structure_element') elem_fields = struct_elem.fields_get(cr, uid, context) common_fields = {} for elem_field in elem_fields: campo = translate(cr, "addons/urban_bridge/", "code", "es_CO", elem_field) #Nombre con el cual se ve el campo en la pantalla nombre_presentacion = translate( cr, "urban_bridge.structure_element," + elem_field, "field", "es_CO", elem_fields[elem_field]["string"]) if (nombre_presentacion == False): nombre_presentacion = elem_fields[elem_field]["string"] if (campo == False): raise Exception( "Campo :'" + elem_field + "' no se encuentra definido en fichero de traduccion es_CO.po, verifique que se encuentre el campo en el fichero\ y actualice el módulo") tipo_dato = elem_fields[elem_field]["type"] if (tipo_dato == "selection"): common_fields[elem_field] = { 'nom_pres': nombre_presentacion, "tipo_dato": tipo_dato, "nombre": campo, "selection": str(fields[field]["selection"]) } elif (tipo_dato == "many2one"): common_fields[elem_field] = { 'nom_pres': nombre_presentacion, "tipo_dato": "integer", "nombre": campo } else: common_fields[elem_field] = { 'nom_pres': nombre_presentacion, "tipo_dato": tipo_dato, "nombre": campo } #2.2 Campos definidos de manera particular para cada campo struct_elem_type_obj = self.pool.get( 'urban_bridge.structure_element_type') struct_elem_type_ids = cr, uid, [('id', '>', '0')]) #Estructura de datos para los elementos de infraestructura que se definen dinamicamente for struct_elem_type in struct_elem_type_obj.browse( cr, uid, struct_elem_type_ids): objeto = struct_elem_type.alias objeto_dict = {} for comfield in common_fields: objeto_dict[comfield] = common_fields[comfield] for attribute in struct_elem_type.attributes: if (attribute.data_type == "selection"): objeto_dict[attribute.alias] = { "nombre": str(attribute.alias), 'nom_pres': str(, "tipo_dato": str(attribute.data_type), "selection": str(attribute.selection_text) } else: objeto_dict[attribute.alias] = { "nombre": str(attribute.alias), 'nom_pres': str(, "tipo_dato": str(attribute.data_type) } #Agregar campo al diccionario res[objeto] = objeto_dict return res
def get_data_module(self, cr, uid, bridge_id=None, context=None): """ Web Service que devuelve todos los datos de los puentes junto con los elementos de infraestructura Modo de trabajo: Consulta cada puente y llena un diccionario con cada uno de los elementos de acuerdo a los nombres que se implementaron en el método anterior ejemplo: { puente:[{id:1,galibo:2,ancho:2.5 .....},], riostra:[{id:5,id_puente:1,ancho:2.5 .....},{id:7,id_puente_1,ancho:2.8... (depende de los datos de la base de datos) } """ res = {} if (bridge_id == None): return res bridge_obj = self.pool.get('urban_bridge.bridge') bridge_dict =, uid, bridge_id) spatial_reference = self.pool.get('ir.config_parameter').get_param( cr, uid, 'urban_bridge.local_spatial_reference', default='', context=context) #bridge_fields = bridge_obj.fields_get (cr,uid,context) puente = {} #1. Mandar el diccionario de valores para el objeto puente con los campos traducidos al español for attribute in bridge_dict: att_name = translate(cr, "addons/urban_bridge/", "code", "es_CO", attribute) if (att_name == False): att_name = attribute att_value = bridge_dict[attribute] #Si es una geometría entonces se debe hacer la transformación de coordenadas. if (attribute == "shape"): query = """ select st_asgeojson(st_transform(shape,%s),15,0) from urban_bridge_bridge where id = %s """ cr.execute(query, (spatial_reference, bridge_dict["id"])) for row in cr.fetchall(): att_value = row[0] if (type(att_value) is tuple): puente[att_name] = att_value[0] elif (type(att_value) is list): pass # elif (type(att_value) is dict): # if att_value.has_key("coordinates"): # else: puente[att_name] = att_value res["puente"] = [puente] #2. Mandar un diccionario por cada objeto de infraestructura structure_element_obj = self.pool.get("urban_bridge.structure_element") bridge = bridge_obj.browse(cr, uid, bridge_id) for element in bridge.elements: element_dict = {} #2.1 Primero los atributos generales correspondientes al elemento de infraestructura. elem_type = element.element_type_id.alias #Inicializa diccionario para tipo de elemento if not (res.has_key(elem_type)): res[elem_type] = [] elem_base =, uid, for elem_base_att in elem_base: base_att = translate(cr, "addons/urban_bridge/", "code", "es_CO", elem_base_att) if (base_att == False): base_att = elem_base_att att_value = elem_base[elem_base_att] if (type(att_value) is tuple): element_dict[base_att] = att_value[0] elif (type(att_value) is list): pass else: element_dict[base_att] = att_value #element_dict[base_att]=elem_base[elem_base_att] for values in element.values: attribute = values.element_attribute_id.alias data_type = values.element_attribute_id.data_type value = None if (data_type == "integer"): value = values.value_integer elif (data_type == "text"): value = values.value_text elif (data_type == "datetime"): value = values.value_datetime elif (data_type == "date"): value = values.value_datetime elif (data_type == "float"): value = values.value_float elif (data_type == "boolean"): value = values.value_bool elif (data_type == "char"): value = values.value_char elif (data_type == "selection"): value = values.value_selection elif (data_type == "binary"): value = values.value_photo #En los tipos de datos geométricos se devuelve la geometría de acuerdo con #con el sistema de referencia establecido en los parametros de configuracion elif (data_type == "geo_point"): query = """ select st_asgeojson(st_transform(value_point,%s),15,0) from urban_bridge_structure_element_value where id = %s; """ cr.execute(query, (spatial_reference, for row in cr.fetchall(): value = eval(row[0]) value = values.value_point elif (data_type == "geo_polygon"): query = """ select st_asgeojson(st_transform(value_polygon,%s),15,0) from urban_bridge_structure_element_value where id = %s; """ cr.execute(query, (spatial_reference, for row in cr.fetchall(): value = eval(row[0]) elif (data_type == "geo_line"): query = """ select st_asgeojson(st_transform(value_line,%s),15,0) from urban_bridge_structure_element_value where id = %s; """ cr.execute(query, (spatial_reference, for row in cr.fetchall(): value = eval(row[0]) element_dict[attribute] = value res[elem_type].append(element_dict) return res
def execute_cr(self, cr, uid, data, state='init', context=None): if not context: context = {} res = {} try: state_def = self.states[state] result_def = state_def.get('result', {}) actions_res = {} # iterate through the list of actions defined for this state for action in state_def.get('actions', []): # execute them action_res = action(self, cr, uid, data, context) assert isinstance( action_res, dict ), 'The return value of wizard actions should be a dictionary' actions_res.update(action_res) res = copy.copy(result_def) res['datas'] = actions_res lang = context.get('lang', False) if result_def['type'] == 'action': res['action'] = result_def['action'](self, cr, uid, data, context) elif result_def['type'] == 'form': fields = copy.deepcopy(result_def['fields']) arch = copy.copy(result_def['arch']) button_list = copy.copy(result_def['state']) if isinstance(fields, UpdateableDict): fields = fields.dict if isinstance(arch, UpdateableStr): arch = arch.string # fetch user-set defaut values for the field... shouldn't we pass it the uid? defaults = ir.ir_get(cr, uid, 'default', False, [('wizard.' + self.wiz_name, False)]) default_values = dict([(x[1], x[2]) for x in defaults]) for val in fields.keys(): if 'default' in fields[val]: # execute default method for this field if callable(fields[val]['default']): fields[val]['value'] = fields[val]['default']( uid, data, state) else: fields[val]['value'] = fields[val]['default'] del fields[val]['default'] else: # if user has set a default value for the field, use it if val in default_values: fields[val]['value'] = default_values[val] if 'selection' in fields[val]: if not isinstance(fields[val]['selection'], (tuple, list)): fields[val] = copy.copy(fields[val]) fields[val]['selection'] = fields[val][ 'selection'](self, cr, uid, context) elif lang: res_name = "%s,%s,%s" % (self.wiz_name, state, val) trans = lambda x: translate( cr, res_name, 'selection', lang, x) or x for idx, (key, val2) in enumerate( fields[val]['selection']): fields[val]['selection'][idx] = (key, trans(val2)) if lang: # translate fields for field in fields: res_name = "%s,%s,%s" % (self.wiz_name, state, field) trans = translate(cr, res_name, 'wizard_field', lang) if trans: fields[field]['string'] = trans if 'help' in fields[field]: t = translate(cr, res_name, 'help', lang, fields[field]['help']) if t: fields[field]['help'] = t # translate arch if not isinstance(arch, UpdateableStr): doc = etree.XML(arch) self.translate_view(cr, doc, state, lang) arch = etree.tostring(doc) # translate buttons button_list = list(button_list) for i, aa in enumerate(button_list): button_name = aa[0] trans = translate( cr, self.wiz_name + ',' + state + ',' + button_name, 'wizard_button', lang) if trans: aa = list(aa) aa[1] = trans button_list[i] = aa res['fields'] = fields res['arch'] = arch res['state'] = button_list elif result_def['type'] == 'choice': next_state = result_def['next_state'](self, cr, uid, data, context) return self.execute_cr(cr, uid, data, next_state, context) except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, except_wizard) \ or isinstance(e, except_osv) \ or isinstance(e, except_orm): self.abortResponse(2,, 'warning', e.value) else: import traceback tb_s = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)) logger = Logger() logger.notifyChannel("web-services", LOG_ERROR, 'Exception in call: ' + tb_s) raise