def slants(side, show, name, swirl, set_wall, gradient, invert): """Generates slanting lines of various colors""" error = "" if side < 50: error = "Image too small. Minimum size 50" if error: logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) scale = 2 side = side * scale # increase size to anti alias print("Preparing image", end="") img = drawSlants(side, gradient, invert) print("\r", end="") print("Making final tweaks", end="") img = img.resize((side // scale, side // scale), resample=Image.BICUBIC) if swirl: img = swirl_image(img, swirl) if show: file_name = "" if name: file_name = f"{name}.png" else: file_name = f"wall-{int(time.time())}.png" print("\r", end="") print(f"Image is stored at {file_name}") if set_wall: msg, ret = setwallpaper(file_name) if ret: click.secho(msg, fg="green") else: logger.error(msg) click.secho(msg, fg="red")
def slants(side, show, name, swirl, set_wall): """ Generates slanting lines of various colors """ scale = 2 side = side * scale # increase size to anti alias print("Preparing image", end="") img = drawSlants(side) print("\r", end="") print("Making final tweaks", end="") img = img.resize((side // scale, side // scale), resample=Image.BICUBIC) if swirl: img = swirl_image(img, swirl) if show: file_name = "" if name: file_name = "{}.png".format(name) else: file_name = "wall-{}.png".format(int(time.time())) print("\r", end="") print(f"Image is stored at {file_name}") if set_wall: msg, ret = setwallpaper(file_name) if ret: click.secho(msg, fg="green") else: click.secho(msg, fg="red")
def pic_shape(image, shape, show, outline, name, percent, set_wall): """Generate a HQ image of a beautiful shapes""" error = None if percent: if percent < 1 or percent > 10: error = "Percent range 1-10" if error: logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) img = width = img.width height = img.height if outline: if isinstance(outline, tuple): pass else: try: outline = tuple(bytes.fromhex(outline[1:])) except Exception as e: logger.error(type(e).__name__) logger.error(e) click.secho("Invalid color hex", fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) print("Preparing image", end="") if shape == "hex": percent = percent if percent else 5 img = genHexagon(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) elif shape == "sq": img = genSquares(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) elif shape == "dia": img = genDiamond(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) elif shape == "tri": img = genTriangle(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) elif shape == "iso": img = genIsometric(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) else: error = """ No shape given. To see list of shapes \"wallgen pic shape --help\" """ logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) print("\r", end="") print("Making final tweaks", end="") if show: file_name = "" if name: file_name = f"{name}.png" else: file_name = f"wall-{int(time.time())}.png" print("\r", end="") print(f"Image is stored at {file_name}") if set_wall: msg, ret = setwallpaper(file_name) if ret: click.secho(msg, fg="green") else: logger.error(msg) click.secho(msg, fg="red")
def pic_poly(image, points, show, outline, name, smart, set_wall): """Generates a HQ low poly image""" if points < MIN_POINTS: error = f"Too less points. Minimum points {MIN_POINTS}" elif points > MAX_POINTS: error = f"Too many points. Maximum points {MAX_POINTS}" else: error = None if error: logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) # wshift = img.width//10 # hshift = img.height//10 # width += wshift*1 # height += hshift*2 if outline: if isinstance(outline, tuple): pass else: try: outline = tuple(bytes.fromhex(outline[1:])) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) click.secho("Invalid color hex", fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) print("Preparing image", end="") img = width = img.width height = img.height wshift = width // 100 hshift = height // 100 n_width = width + 2 * wshift n_height = height + 2 * hshift if smart: # Sobel Edge ski_img = np.array(img) gray_img = color.rgb2gray(ski_img) pts = genSmartPoints(gray_img) else: pts = genPoints(points, n_width, n_height) print("\r", end="") print("Generated points", end="") final_img = genPoly(img.width, img.height, img, pts, wshift, hshift, outline, pic=True) print("\r", end="") print("Making final tweaks", end="") if show: file_name = "" if name: file_name = f"{name}.png" else: file_name = f"wall-{int(time.time())}.png" print("\r", end="") print(f"Image is stored at {file_name}") if set_wall: msg, ret = setwallpaper(file_name) if ret: click.secho(msg, fg="green") else: logger.error(msg) click.secho(msg, fg="red")
def shape( side, choice_of_shape, colors, show, outline, name, percent, use_nn, swirl, scale, set_wall, ): """Generates a HQ image of a beautiful shapes""" error = "" if side < 50: error = "Image too small. Minimum size 50" if percent is not None: if percent < 1 or percent > 10: error = f"Error {percent} : Percent range 1-10" if error: logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) side = side * scale # increase size to anti alias if colors: if len(colors) < 2: error = "One color gradient not possible." logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) try: cs = [tuple(bytes.fromhex(c[1:])) for c in colors] except Exception as e: logger.error(e) click.secho("Invalid color hex", fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) img = nGradient(side, *cs) else: if use_nn: img = NbyNGradient(side) else: img = random_gradient(side) if swirl: img = swirl_image(img, swirl) if outline: if isinstance(outline, tuple): pass else: try: outline = tuple(bytes.fromhex(outline[1:])) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) click.secho("Invalid color hex", fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) print("Preparing image", end="") if choice_of_shape == "hex": percent = percent if percent else 5 img = genHexagon(side, side, img, outline, per=(percent or 1)) elif choice_of_shape == "sq": img = genSquares(side, side, img, outline, per=(percent or 1)) elif choice_of_shape == "dia": img = genDiamond(side, side, img, outline, per=(percent or 1)) elif choice_of_shape == "tri": img = genTriangle(side, side, img, outline, per=(percent or 1)) elif choice_of_shape == "iso": img = genIsometric(side, side, img, outline, per=(percent or 1)) else: error = """ No shape given. To see list of shapes \"wallgen shape --help\" """ logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) print("\r", end="") print("Making final tweaks", end="") img = img.resize((side // scale, side // scale), resample=Image.BICUBIC) if show: file_name = "" if name: file_name = f"{name}.png" else: file_name = f"wall-{int(time.time())}.png" print("\r", end="") print(f"Image is stored at {file_name}") if set_wall: msg, ret = setwallpaper(file_name) if ret: click.secho(msg, fg="green") else: logger.error(msg) click.secho(msg, fg="red")
def poly( side, points, show, colors, outline, name, only_color, use_nn, swirl, scale, set_wall, ): """Generates a HQ low poly image using a gradient""" error = "" if side < 50: error = "Image too small. Minimum size 50" elif points < MIN_POINTS: error = f"Too less points. Minimum points {MIN_POINTS}" elif points > MAX_POINTS: error = f"Too many points. Maximum points {MAX_POINTS}" elif scale < 1: error = "Invalid scale value" if error: logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) side = side * scale # increase size to anti alias shift = side // 10 nside = side + shift * 2 # increase size to prevent underflow if colors: if len(colors) < 2: error = "One color gradient not possible." logger.error(error) click.secho(error, fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) try: cs = [tuple(bytes.fromhex(c[1:])) for c in colors] except Exception as e: logger.error(e) click.secho("Invalid color hex", fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) img = nGradient(nside, *cs) else: if use_nn: points = 1000 if points < 1000 else points img = NbyNGradient(nside) else: img = random_gradient(nside) if swirl: if only_color: img = img.resize((side // scale, side // scale), resample=Image.BICUBIC) img = swirl_image(img, swirl) if not only_color: if outline: if isinstance(outline, tuple): pass else: try: outline = tuple(bytes.fromhex(outline[1:])) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) click.secho("Invalid color hex", fg="red", err=True) sys.exit(1) print("Preparing image", end="") pts = genPoints(points, nside, nside) print("\r", end="") print("Generated points", end="") img = genPoly(side, side, img, pts, shift, shift, outl=outline) print("\r", end="") print("Making final tweaks", end="") img = img.resize((side // scale, side // scale), resample=Image.BICUBIC) if show: file_name = "" if name: file_name = f"{name}.png" else: file_name = f"wall-{int(time.time())}.png" print("\r", end="") print(f"Image is stored at {file_name}") if set_wall: msg, ret = setwallpaper(file_name) if ret: click.secho(msg, fg="green") else: logger.error(msg) click.secho(msg, fg="red")
def shape(image, shape, show, outline, name, percent, set_wall): # noqa: F811 """ Generate a HQ image of a beautiful shapes """ error = None if percent: if percent < 1 or percent > 10: error = "Percent range 1-10" if error: click.secho(error, fg='red', err=True) sys.exit(1) img = width = img.width height = img.height if outline: try: outline = tuple(bytes.fromhex(outline[1:])) except Exception: click.secho("Invalid color hex", fg='red', err=True) sys.exit(1) print("Preparing image", end="") if shape == 'hex': percent = percent if percent else 5 img = genHexagon(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) elif shape == 'sq': img = genSquares(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) elif shape == 'dia': img = genDiamond(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) elif shape == 'tri': img = genTriangle(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) elif shape == 'iso': img = genIsometric(width, height, img, outline, pic=True, per=percent) else: error = """ No shape given. To see list of shapes \"wallgen pic shape --help\" """ click.secho(error, fg='red', err=True) sys.exit(1) print("\r", end="") print("Making final tweaks", end="") if show: file_name = "" if name: file_name = "{}.png".format(name) else: file_name = "wall-{}.png".format(int(time.time())) print("\r", end="") print(f"Image is stored at {file_name}") if set_wall: msg, ret = setwallpaper(file_name) if ret: click.secho(msg, fg="green") else: click.secho(msg, fg="red")
def poly(image, points, show, outline, name, smart, set_wall): # noqa: F811 """ Generates a HQ low poly image """ if points < 3: error = "Too less points. Minimum points 3" elif points > 200000: error = "Too many points. Maximum points {}".format(200000) else: error = None if error: click.secho(error, fg='red', err=True) sys.exit(1) # wshift = img.width//10 # hshift = img.height//10 # width += wshift*1 # height += hshift*2 if outline: try: outline = tuple(bytes.fromhex(outline[1:])) except Exception: click.secho("Invalid color hex", fg='red', err=True) sys.exit(1) print("Preparing image", end="") img = width = img.width height = img.height wshift = width // 100 hshift = height // 100 n_width = width + 2 * wshift n_height = height + 2 * hshift if smart: # Sobel Edge ski_img = np.array(img) gray_img = color.rgb2gray(ski_img) pts = genSmartPoints(gray_img) else: pts = genPoints(points, n_width, n_height) print("\r", end="") print("Generated points", end="") final_img = genPoly(img.width, img.height, img, pts, wshift, hshift, outline, pic=True) print("\r", end="") print("Making final tweaks", end="") if show: file_name = "" if name: file_name = "{}.png".format(name) else: file_name = "wall-{}.png".format(int(time.time())) print("\r", end="") print(f"Image is stored at {file_name}") if set_wall: msg, ret = setwallpaper(file_name) if ret: click.secho(msg, fg="green") else: click.secho(msg, fg="red")