def test_fourth_order_convergence_of_energy_constained_lit_simulation(): s = [] N = 256 L = 1.0 M_list = [1, 2, 4] T = 0.001 Pe = 512 U = 1.0 for M in M_list: s.append( lit.sim(N=N, M=M, U=U, T=T, L=L, save_th_every=1, T_kick=0.01, Pe=Pe, plot=False, constraint="energy")) st = tools.ScalarTool(N, L) R = st.l2norm(s[0].hist_th[-1] - s[1].hist_th[-1]) / \ st.l2norm(s[1].hist_th[-1] - s[2].hist_th[-1]) p = np.log(R) / np.log(2) print('p = ', p) assert abs(p - 4) < 0.5
def compute_norms(scalar_hist, N, L): st = tools.ScalarTool(N, L) time_length, _, _ = np.shape(scalar_hist) hm1norm_hist = np.zeros(time_length) l2norm_hist = np.zeros(time_length) h1norm_hist = np.zeros(time_length) for i, scalar in enumerate(scalar_hist): hm1norm_hist[i] = st.hm1norm(scalar) l2norm_hist[i] = st.l2norm(scalar) h1norm_hist[i] = st.h1norm(scalar) return [hm1norm_hist, l2norm_hist, h1norm_hist]
def increase_res(scalar, N_grid): st_grid = tools.ScalarTool(N_grid, L) th_hat = np.fft.rfft(scalar, axis=1) th_hat1 = np.zeros((N, N_grid // 2 + 1), dtype=ctype) th_hat1[:, 0:(N // 2 + 1)] = N_grid / N * th_hat th_hat2 = np.fft.fft(th_hat1, axis=0) th_hat3 = np.zeros((N_grid, N_grid // 2 + 1), dtype=ctype) th_hat3[0:N // 2, :] = N_grid / N * th_hat2[0:N // 2, :] th_hat3[(N_grid - N // 2):, :] = N_grid / N * th_hat2[N // 2:, :] th_new = st_grid.ifft(th_hat3) return th_new
def movie(time, scalar_hist, N, L, output_path='output/'): os.system('mkdir ' + output_path) os.system('mkdir ' + output_path + 'images/') st = tools.ScalarTool(N, L) # st.plot(scalar_hist[i]) # plt.savefig(outputPath + "image%.4d.png" % i, format='png') for i in range(len(time)): fig = plt.figure() st.plot(np.real(scalar_hist[i])) plt.title('Time = %.3f' % time[i]) plt.savefig(output_path + 'images/' + "image%.4d.png" % i, format='png') # plt.savefig("image.png", format='png') plt.close(fig) os.system("ffmpeg -y -framerate 20 -i " + output_path + 'images/' "image%04d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p " + output_path + "movies.mp4")
def sim(N=128, M=1000, T=1.0, L=1.0, gamma=1.0, U=1.0, Pe=1024, T_kick=0.01, save_th_every=10, save_u_every=10, pickle_file=None, plot=False, constraint='enstrophy'): def f(th, u): th_d = st.dealias(th) return st.dealias(-1.0 * np.sum(vt.dealias(u) * st.grad(th_d), 0) + kappa * st.lap(th_d)) def f_lit(th): return f(th, u_lit(th)) def u_lit_enstrophy(th): th_d = st.dealias(th) u_lit = th_d * st.grad_invlap(th_d) u_lit = -vt.invlap(vt.div_free_proj(u_lit)) u_lit = gamma * L * u_lit / st.l2norm(vt.curl(u_lit)) return u_lit def u_lit_energy(th): u_lit = st.dealias(th) * vt.dealias(st.grad_invlap(th)) u_lit = vt.div_free_proj(u_lit) u_lit = U * L * u_lit / vt.l2norm(u_lit) return u_lit if constraint == 'enstrophy': u_lit = u_lit_enstrophy elif constraint == 'energy': u_lit = u_lit_energy # Parameters h = L / N kappa = 1. / Pe # ## Double precision ftype = np.float64 ctype = np.complex128 total_steps = M dt = T / M print('dt = ', dt) final_time_ind = total_steps total_time_pts = total_steps + 1 X = np.mgrid[:N, :N].astype(ftype) * h Nf = N // 2 + 1 kx = np.fft.fftfreq(N, 1. / N).astype(int) ky = kx[:Nf].copy() ky[-1] *= -1 K = np.array(np.meshgrid(kx, ky, indexing='ij'), dtype=int) st = tools.ScalarTool(N, L) vt = tools.VectorTool(N, L) th0 = np.sin(2. * np.pi * X[0] / L) th = copy.copy(th0) # Initial kick # The default value for T_kick equal to 0.01 is sufficient to # initiate LIT optimization. num_steps_kick = int(max(round(T_kick / dt), 10)) dt_kick = T_kick / num_steps_kick u_kick = np.zeros((2, N, N), dtype=ftype) u_kick[0, :, :] = np.sin(2. * np.pi * X[1] / L) for i in range(num_steps_kick): k1 = f(th, u_kick) k2 = f(th + 0.5 * dt_kick * k1, u_kick) k3 = f(th + 0.5 * dt_kick * k2, u_kick) k4 = f(th + dt_kick * k3, u_kick) th = th + dt_kick * (1.0 / 6.0) * (k1 + 2.0 * k2 + 2.0 * k3 + k4) time = 0.0 hist_th = [th] hist_th_time = [time] hist_th_hm1 = [st.hm1norm(th)] hist_th_l2 = [st.l2norm(th)] hist_th_h1 = [st.h1norm(th)] u = u_lit(th) hist_u = [u] hist_u_time = [time] hist_u_h1 = [vt.h1norm(u)] hist_u_l2 = [vt.l2norm(u)] if plot: plt.figure() st.plot(th) plt.title('time = %2.3f' % time) u0 = copy.copy(u) assert total_steps == M for i in range(1, total_steps + 1): k1 = f_lit(th) k2 = f_lit(th + 0.5 * dt * k1) k3 = f_lit(th + 0.5 * dt * k2) k4 = f_lit(th + dt * k3) th = th + dt * (1.0 / 6.0) * (k1 + 2.0 * k2 + 2.0 * k3 + k4) time += dt if np.mod(i, save_th_every) == 0: hist_th.append(th) hist_th_time.append(time) hist_th_hm1.append(st.hm1norm(th)) hist_th_l2.append(st.l2norm(th)) hist_th_h1.append(st.h1norm(th)) if plot: plt.figure() st.plot(th) plt.title('time = %2.3f' % time) vt.plot(u) if np.mod(i, save_u_every) == 0: u = u_lit(th) hist_u.append(u) hist_u_time.append(time) hist_u_h1.append(vt.h1norm(u)) hist_u_l2.append(vt.l2norm(u)) sol_save = sol() sol_save.M = total_time_pts sol_save.N = N sol_save.T = T sol_save.dt = dt sol_save.Pe = Pe sol_save.L = L sol_save.hist_th = hist_th sol_save.hist_th_time = hist_th_time sol_save.hist_th_hm1 = hist_th_hm1 sol_save.hist_th_l2 = hist_th_l2 sol_save.hist_th_h1 = hist_th_h1 sol_save.hist_u = hist_u sol_save.hist_u_time = hist_u_time sol_save.hist_u_h1 = hist_u_h1 sol_save.hist_u_l2 = hist_u_l2 if pickle_file != None: output = open(pickle_file, 'wb') pickle.dump(sol_save, output) return sol_save
save_u_every = max(int(round(M / 8)), 1) solution = sim(N=N, M=M, T=T, L=L, U=U, gamma=gamma, Pe=Pe, constraint=constraint, save_th_every=save_th_every, save_u_every=save_u_every, pickle_file=pickle_file, plot=False) movie(solution.hist_th_time, solution.hist_th, N, L, output_path=output_folder) plt.figure() st = tools.ScalarTool(N, L) st.plot(solution.hist_th[-1]) plt.savefig(output_folder + 'plot_final_frame-pe=' + str(Pe) + '.png') plt.figure() plot_norms(solution.hist_th_time, solution.hist_th, N, L) plt.savefig(output_folder + 'plot_norms-pe=' + str(Pe) + '.png')