def st_convolve(train,
    """ Convolves a :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` with a kernel.

    :param train: Spike train to convolve.
    :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`
    :param kernel: The kernel instance to convolve with.
    :type kernel: :class:`Kernel`
    :param sampling_rate: The sampling rate which will be used to bin
        the spike train. The unit will typically be a frequency unit.
    :type sampling_rate: Quantity scalar
    :param mode:
        * 'same': The default which returns an array covering the whole
          duration of the spike train `train`.
        * 'full': Returns an array with additional discretization bins in the
          beginning and end so that for each spike the whole discretized
          kernel is included.
        * 'valid': Returns only the discretization bins where the discretized
          kernel and spike train completely overlap.

        See also :func:`scipy.signal.convolve`.
    :type mode: {'same', 'full', 'valid'}
    :param dict binning_params: Additional discretization arguments which will
        be passed to :func:`.tools.bin_spike_trains`.
    :param dict kernel_discretization_params: Additional discretization
        arguments which will be passed to :func:`.discretize_kernel`.
    :returns: The convolved spike train, the boundaries of the discretization
    :rtype: (Quantity 1D, Quantity 1D with the inverse units of `sampling_rate`)
    if binning_params is None:
        binning_params = {}
    if kernel_discretization_params is None:
        kernel_discretization_params = {}

    binned, bins = tools.bin_spike_trains({0: [train]}, sampling_rate,
    binned = binned[0][0]
    #sampling_rate = binned.size / (bins[-1] - bins[0])
    result = smooth(binned, kernel, sampling_rate, mode,

    assert (result.size - binned.size) % 2 == 0
    num_additional_bins = (result.size - binned.size) // 2

    if len(binned):
        bins = sp.linspace(bins[0] - num_additional_bins / sampling_rate,
                           bins[-1] + num_additional_bins / sampling_rate,
                           result.size + 1)
        bins = [] * pq.s

    return result, bins
def st_convolve(
        train, kernel, sampling_rate, mode='same', binning_params=None,
    """ Convolves a :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` with a kernel.

    :param train: Spike train to convolve.
    :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`
    :param kernel: The kernel instance to convolve with.
    :type kernel: :class:`Kernel`
    :param sampling_rate: The sampling rate which will be used to bin
        the spike train. The unit will typically be a frequency unit.
    :type sampling_rate: Quantity scalar
    :param mode:
        * 'same': The default which returns an array covering the whole
          duration of the spike train `train`.
        * 'full': Returns an array with additional discretization bins in the
          beginning and end so that for each spike the whole discretized
          kernel is included.
        * 'valid': Returns only the discretization bins where the discretized
          kernel and spike train completely overlap.

        See also :func:`scipy.signal.convolve`.
    :type mode: {'same', 'full', 'valid'}
    :param dict binning_params: Additional discretization arguments which will
        be passed to :func:`.tools.bin_spike_trains`.
    :param dict kernel_discretization_params: Additional discretization
        arguments which will be passed to :func:`.discretize_kernel`.
    :returns: The convolved spike train, the boundaries of the discretization
    :rtype: (Quantity 1D, Quantity 1D with the inverse units of `sampling_rate`)
    if binning_params is None:
        binning_params = {}
    if kernel_discretization_params is None:
        kernel_discretization_params = {}

    binned, bins = tools.bin_spike_trains(
        {0: [train]}, sampling_rate, **binning_params)
    binned = binned[0][0]
    #sampling_rate = binned.size / (bins[-1] - bins[0])
    result = smooth(
        binned, kernel, sampling_rate, mode, **kernel_discretization_params)

    assert (result.size - binned.size) % 2 == 0
    num_additional_bins = (result.size - binned.size) // 2

    if len(binned):
        bins = sp.linspace(
            bins[0] - num_additional_bins / sampling_rate,
            bins[-1] + num_additional_bins / sampling_rate,
            result.size + 1)
        bins = [] * pq.s

    return result, bins
def optimal_gauss_kernel_size(train, optimize_steps, progress=None):
    """ Return the optimal kernel size for a spike density estimation
    of a spike train for a gaussian kernel. This function takes a single
    spike train, which can be a superposition of multiple spike trains
    (created with :func:`collapsed_spike_trains`) that should be included
    in a spike density estimation.

    Implements the algorithm from
    (Shimazaki, Shinomoto. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 2010).

    :param train: The spike train for which the kernel
        size should be optimized.
    :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`
    :param optimize_steps: Array of kernel sizes to try (the best of
        these sizes will be returned).
    :type optimize_steps: Quantity 1D
    :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. Will be
        advanced by len(`optimize_steps`) steps.
    :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator`
    :returns: Best of the given kernel sizes
    :rtype: Quantity scalar
    if not progress:
        progress = ProgressIndicator()

    x = train.rescale(optimize_steps.units)

    N = len(train)
    C = {}

    sampling_rate = 1024.0 / (x.t_stop - x.t_start)
    dt = float(1.0 / sampling_rate)
    y_hist = tools.bin_spike_trains({0: [x]}, sampling_rate)[0][0][0]
    y_hist = sp.asfarray(y_hist) / N / dt
    for step in optimize_steps:
        s = float(step)
        yh = sigproc.smooth(y_hist,
                            sigproc.GaussianKernel(2 * step),
                            ensure_unit_area=True) * optimize_steps.units

        # Equation from Matlab code, 7/2012
        c = (sp.sum(yh**2) * dt - 2 * sp.sum(yh * y_hist) * dt +
             2 * 1 / sp.sqrt(2 * sp.pi) / s / N)
        C[s] = c * N * N

    # Return kernel size with smallest cost
    return min(C, key=C.get) * optimize_steps.units
def optimal_gauss_kernel_size(train, optimize_steps, progress=None):
    """ Return the optimal kernel size for a spike density estimation
    of a spike train for a gaussian kernel. This function takes a single
    spike train, which can be a superposition of multiple spike trains
    (created with :func:`collapsed_spike_trains`) that should be included
    in a spike density estimation.

    Implements the algorithm from
    (Shimazaki, Shinomoto. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 2010).

    :param train: The spike train for which the kernel
        size should be optimized.
    :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`
    :param optimize_steps: Array of kernel sizes to try (the best of
        these sizes will be returned).
    :type optimize_steps: Quantity 1D
    :param progress: Set this parameter to report progress. Will be
        advanced by len(`optimize_steps`) steps.
    :type progress: :class:`.progress_indicator.ProgressIndicator`
    :returns: Best of the given kernel sizes
    :rtype: Quantity scalar
    if not progress:
        progress = ProgressIndicator()

    x = train.rescale(optimize_steps.units)

    N = len(train)
    C = {}

    sampling_rate = 1024.0 / (x.t_stop - x.t_start)
    dt = float(1.0 / sampling_rate)
    y_hist = tools.bin_spike_trains({0: [x]}, sampling_rate)[0][0][0]
    y_hist = sp.asfarray(y_hist) / N / dt
    for step in optimize_steps:
        s = float(step)
        yh = sigproc.smooth(
            y_hist, sigproc.GaussianKernel(2 * step), sampling_rate, num_bins=2048,
            ensure_unit_area=True) * optimize_steps.units

        # Equation from Matlab code, 7/2012
        c = (sp.sum(yh ** 2) * dt -
             2 * sp.sum(yh * y_hist) * dt +
             2 * 1 / sp.sqrt(2 * sp.pi) / s / N)
        C[s] = c * N * N

    # Return kernel size with smallest cost
    return min(C, key=C.get) * optimize_steps.units
def psth(trains,
         start=0 * pq.ms,
         stop=sp.inf * pq.s):
    """ Return dictionary of peri stimulus time histograms for a dictionary
    of spike train lists.

    :param dict trains: A dictionary of lists of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`
    :param bin_size: The desired bin size (as a time quantity).
    :type bin_size: Quantity scalar
    :param bool rate_correction: Determines if a rates (``True``) or
        counts (``False``) are returned.
    :param start: The desired time for the start of the first bin. It
        will be recalculated if there are spike trains which start
        later than this time.
    :type start: Quantity scalar
    :param stop: The desired time for the end of the last bin. It will
        be recalculated if there are spike trains which end earlier
        than this time.
    :type stop: Quantity scalar
    :returns: A dictionary (with the same indices as ``trains``) of arrays
        containing counts (or rates if ``rate_correction`` is ``True``)
        and the bin borders.
    :rtype: dict, Quantity 1D
    if not trains:
        raise SpykeException('No spike trains for PSTH!')

    start, stop = tools.minimum_spike_train_interval(trains, start, stop)
    binned, bins = tools.bin_spike_trains(trains, 1.0 / bin_size, start, stop)

    cumulative = {}
    time_multiplier = 1.0 / float(bin_size.rescale(pq.s))
    for u in binned:
        if not binned[u]:
            cumulative[u] = sp.array([])
            if rate_correction:
                cumulative[u] = sp.mean(sp.array(binned[u]), 0)
                cumulative[u] = sp.sum(sp.array(binned[u]), 0)
            cumulative[u] *= time_multiplier

    return cumulative, bins
def psth(
        trains, bin_size, rate_correction=True, start=0 * pq.ms,
        stop=sp.inf * pq.s):
    """ Return dictionary of peri stimulus time histograms for a dictionary
    of spike train lists.

    :param dict trains: A dictionary of lists of :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain`
    :param bin_size: The desired bin size (as a time quantity).
    :type bin_size: Quantity scalar
    :param bool rate_correction: Determines if a rates (``True``) or
        counts (``False``) are returned.
    :param start: The desired time for the start of the first bin. It
        will be recalculated if there are spike trains which start
        later than this time.
    :type start: Quantity scalar
    :param stop: The desired time for the end of the last bin. It will
        be recalculated if there are spike trains which end earlier
        than this time.
    :type stop: Quantity scalar
    :returns: A dictionary (with the same indices as ``trains``) of arrays
        containing counts (or rates if ``rate_correction`` is ``True``)
        and the bin borders.
    :rtype: dict, Quantity 1D
    if not trains:
        raise SpykeException('No spike trains for PSTH!')

    start, stop = tools.minimum_spike_train_interval(trains, start, stop)
    binned, bins = tools.bin_spike_trains(trains, 1.0 / bin_size, start, stop)

    cumulative = {}
    time_multiplier = 1.0 / float(bin_size.rescale(pq.s))
    for u in binned:
        if not binned[u]:
            cumulative[u] = sp.array([])
            if rate_correction:
                cumulative[u] = sp.mean(sp.array(binned[u]), 0)
                cumulative[u] = sp.sum(sp.array(binned[u]), 0)
            cumulative[u] *= time_multiplier

    return cumulative, bins