def main(): s = { 'nh1': 450, 'nh2': 450, 'win': 3, 'emb_dimension': 300, 'lr': 0.0001, 'lr_decay': 0.5, # 'max_grad_norm': 5, # 'seed': 345, # 'nepochs': 50, 'batch_size': 16, 'keep_prob': 1.0, 'check_dir': './checkpoints/GZ_mycps_Adam_0.0001_16/kp20k', 'display_test_per': 1, # 'lr_decay_per': 5 # } # load the dataset # data_set_file = 'CNTN/data/inspec_wo_stem/data_set.pkl' # emb_file = 'CNTN/data/inspec_wo_stem/embedding.pkl' # data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/krapivin/krapivin_t_a_GZ_data_set.pkl' # emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/krapivin/krapivin_t_a_GZ_embedding.pkl' data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/kp20k/kp20k_t_a_data_set.pkl' emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/kp20k/kp20k_t_a_embedding.pkl' # train_set, test_set, dic, embedding = load.atisfold(data_set_file, emb_file) print('loading dataset.....') train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic, embedding = load.atisfold_ACL2017(data_set_file, emb_file) test_lex, test_y, test_z = test_set y_nclasses = 2 z_nclasses = 5 gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=1.0) config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True) ########################################### with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: my_model = mymodel.myModel( nh1=s['nh1'], nh2=s['nh2'], ny=y_nclasses, nz=z_nclasses, de=s['emb_dimension'], lr=s['lr'], lr_decay=s['lr_decay'], embedding=embedding, max_gradient_norm=s['max_grad_norm'], batch_size=s['batch_size'], rnn_model_cell='lstm' ) checkpoint_dir = s['check_dir'] logfile = open(str(s['check_dir']) + '/predict_log_NEW.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables()) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: # print(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[4]) print(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) logfile.write(str(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) + '\n') saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) def dev_step(cwords): feed = { my_model.cnn_input_x: cwords, my_model.keep_prob: s['keep_prob'] } fetches = my_model.sz_pred sz_pred =, feed_dict=feed) return sz_pred predictions_test = [] groundtruth_test = [] start_num = 0 steps = len(test_lex) // s['batch_size'] # for batch in tl.iterate.minibatches(test_lex, test_z, batch_size=s['batch_size']): print('testing............') for step in range(steps): # batch = batch_putin(test_lex, test_z, start_num=start_num, batch_size=s['batch_size']) x, z = test_batch_putin(test_lex, test_z, start_num=start_num, batch_size=s['batch_size']) # x, z = batch x = load.pad_sentences(x) # x = tools.contextwin_2(x, s['win']) predictions_test.extend(dev_step(x)) groundtruth_test.extend(z) start_num += s['batch_size'] if step % 100 == 0: print('tested %d batch......' % (step//100)) print('dataset: ' + data_set_file) logfile.write('dataset: ' + data_set_file + '\n') print("测试结果:") logfile.write("测试结果:\n") res_test = tools.conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test) print('all: ', res_test) logfile.write('all: ' + str(res_test) + '\n') res_test_top5 = tools.conlleval_top(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, 5) print('top5: ', res_test_top5) logfile.write('top5: ' + str(res_test_top5) + '\n') res_test_top10 = tools.conlleval_top(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, 10) print('top10: ', res_test_top10) logfile.write('top10: ' + str(res_test_top10) + '\n') logfile.write('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' + '\n') logfile.close()
def main(): s = { 'nh1': 300, 'nh2': 300, 'win': 3, 'emb_dimension': 300, 'lr': 0.001, 'lr_decay': 0.5, 'max_grad_norm': 5, 'seed': 345, 'nepochs': 50, 'batch_size': 16, 'keep_prob': 1.0, 'check_dir': './checkpoints/GZ_EMNLP2016/semeval_0.001_16', 'display_test_per': 1, 'lr_decay_per': 5 } # load the dataset #data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/inspec/inspec_t_a_GZ_data_set.pkl' #emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/inspec/inspec_t_a_GZ_embedding.pkl' # data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/krapivin/krapivin_t_a_allwords_data_set.pkl' # emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/ACL2017_t_a_embedding.pkl' # data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/krapivin/krapivin_t_a_GZ_data_set.pkl' # emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/krapivin/krapivin_t_a_GZ_embedding.pkl' #data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/kp20k/kp20k_t_a_allwords_data_set.pkl' #emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/kp20k/ACL2017_t_a_embedding.pkl' data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/semeval/semeval_t_a_GZ_data_set.pkl' emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/semeval/semeval_t_a_GZ_embedding.pkl' # train_set, test_set, dic, embedding = load.atisfold(data_set_file, emb_file) #data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/nus/nus_t_a_GZ_data_set.pkl' #emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/nus/nus_t_a_GZ_embedding.pkl' # train_set, test_set, dic, embedding = load.atisfold(data_set_file, emb_file) print('loading dataset.....') train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic, embedding = load.atisfold_ACL2017( data_set_file, emb_file) # idx2label = dict((k,v) for v,k in dic['labels2idx'].items()) # idx2word = dict((k,v) for v,k in dic['words2idx'].items()) # vocab = set(dic['words2idx'].keys()) # vocsize = len(vocab) test_lex, test_y, test_z = test_set # test_lex = test_lex[:1000] # test_y = test_y[:1000] # test_z = test_z[:1000] y_nclasses = 2 z_nclasses = 5 gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.9) config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True) with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: rnn = model.Model(nh1=s['nh1'], nh2=s['nh2'], ny=y_nclasses, nz=z_nclasses, de=s['emb_dimension'], cs=s['win'], lr=s['lr'], lr_decay=s['lr_decay'], embedding=embedding, max_gradient_norm=s['max_grad_norm'], batch_size=s['batch_size'], model_cell='lstm') checkpoint_dir = s['check_dir'] logfile = open(str(s['check_dir']) + '/predict_log_NEW.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables()) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: print(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) logfile.write(str(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) + '\n') saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) def dev_step(cwords): feed = { rnn.input_x: cwords, rnn.keep_prob: s['keep_prob'], # rnn.batch_size:s['batch_size'] } fetches = rnn.sz_pred sz_pred =, feed_dict=feed) return sz_pred predictions_test = [] groundtruth_test = [] start_num = 0 steps = len(test_lex) // s['batch_size'] # for batch in tl.iterate.minibatches(test_lex, test_z, batch_size=s['batch_size']): print('testing............') for step in range(steps): # batch = batch_putin(test_lex, test_z, start_num=start_num, batch_size=s['batch_size']) # x, z = batch x, z = test_batch_putin(test_lex, test_z, start_num=start_num, batch_size=s['batch_size']) x = load.pad_sentences(x) x = tools.contextwin_2(x, s['win']) predictions_test.extend(dev_step(x)) groundtruth_test.extend(z) start_num += s['batch_size'] if step % 100 == 0: print('tested %d batch......' % step) print('dataset: ' + data_set_file) logfile.write('dataset: ' + data_set_file + '\n') print("result:") logfile.write("result:\n") # res_test = tools.conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test) res_test = tools.conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test) print('all: ', res_test) logfile.write('all: ' + str(res_test) + '\n') res_test_top5 = tools.conlleval_top(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, 5) print('top5: ', res_test_top5) logfile.write('top5: ' + str(res_test_top5) + '\n') res_test_top10 = tools.conlleval_top(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, 10) print('top10: ', res_test_top10) logfile.write('top10: ' + str(res_test_top10) + '\n') logfile.write( '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' + '\n') logfile.close()
def main(): s = { 'nh1': 450, # 第1层LSTM的隐藏单元数 'nh2': 450, # 第2层LSTM的隐藏单元数 'emb_dimension': 300, # 词向量维度 'lr_decay': 0.5, # 学习率衰减率 'lr_decay_per': 5, # 如果训练5次以后准确率没有上升,则衰减学习率为原来的0.5倍 'nepochs': 50, # 总共迭代50个epoch 'lr': 0.0001, # 初始学习率 'batch_size': 16, # batch_size=16 'keep_prob': 0.5, # keep_prob 保留下来的概率 'check_dir': './checkpoints/kp20k_mycps_multisize_CNN_LSTM_attention_Adam_0.0001_16', # 模型保存地址 'max_grad_norm': 5, # 'seed': 345, # 'display_test_per': 1, # } data_set_file = 'data/ACL2017/kp20k/kp20k_t_a_allwords_data_set.pkl' emb_file = 'data/ACL2017/kp20k/ACL2017_t_a_embedding.pkl' # train_set, test_set, dic, embedding = load.atisfold(data_set_file, emb_file) print('loading dataset.....') train_set, valid_set, test_set, dic, embedding = load.atisfold_ACL2017(data_set_file, emb_file) train_lex, train_y, train_z = train_set # train_lex: [[每条tweet的word的idx],[每条tweet的word的idx]], train_y: [[关键词的位置为1]], train_z: [[关键词的位置为0~4(开头、结尾...)]] # tr = int(len(train_lex) * 0.9) # valid_lex, valid_y, valid_z = train_lex[tr:], train_y[tr:], train_z[tr:] ################ # train_lex, train_y, train_z = train_lex[:tr], train_y[:tr], train_z[:tr] valid_lex, valid_y, valid_z = valid_set test_lex, test_y, test_z = test_set log_dir = s['check_dir'] if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.mkdir(log_dir) logfile = open(str(s['check_dir']) + '/log.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8', buffering=1) print('len(train_data) {}'.format(len(train_lex))) print('len(valid_data) {}'.format(len(valid_lex))) print('len(test_data) {}'.format(len(test_lex))) logfile.write('len(train_data) {}\n'.format(len(train_lex))) logfile.write('len(valid_data) {}\n'.format(len(valid_lex))) logfile.write('len(test_data) {}\n'.format(len(test_lex))) vocab = set(dic['words2idx'].keys()) vocsize = len(vocab) print('len(vocab) {}'.format(vocsize)) print("Train started!") logfile.write('len(vocab) {}\n'.format(vocsize)) logfile.write("Train started!\n") y_nclasses = 2 z_nclasses = 5 nsentences = len(train_lex) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=1.0) config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True)########################################### with tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) as sess:##################################### my_model = mymodel.myModel( nh1=s['nh1'], nh2=s['nh2'], ny=y_nclasses, nz=z_nclasses, de=s['emb_dimension'], lr=s['lr'], lr_decay=s['lr_decay'], embedding=embedding, max_gradient_norm=s['max_grad_norm'], batch_size=s['batch_size'], rnn_model_cell='lstm' ) # 保存模型 checkpoint_dir=s['check_dir'] if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): os.mkdir(checkpoint_dir) checkpoint_prefix=os.path.join(checkpoint_dir,'model') def train_step(cwords, label_y, label_z): feed = { my_model.cnn_input_x: cwords, my_model.rnn_input_y: label_y, my_model.rnn_input_z: label_z, my_model.keep_prob: s['keep_prob'] } fetches = [my_model.loss, my_model.train_op] loss, _ =, feed_dict=feed) return loss def dev_step(cwords): feed={ my_model.cnn_input_x:cwords, my_model.keep_prob: 1.0 } fetches=my_model.sz_pred,feed_dict=feed) return sz_pred saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables(), max_to_keep=2) best_f = -1 best_e = 0 decay_e = 0 test_best_f = -1 test_best_e = 0 best_res = None test_best_res = None for e in range(s['nepochs']): tools.shuffle([train_lex, train_y, train_z], s['seed']) t_start = time.time() start_num = 0 steps = len(train_lex) // s['batch_size'] for step in range(steps): ################################################## input_x, label_y, label_z = train_batch_putin(train_lex, train_y, train_z, start_num=start_num, batch_size=s['batch_size']) # input_x, label_y, label_z = batch # label_y, label_z = list(zip(*target)) input_x = load.pad_sentences(input_x) label_y = load.pad_sentences(label_y) label_z = load.pad_sentences(label_z) loss = train_step(input_x, label_y, label_z) start_num += s['batch_size'] print('loss %.6f' % loss, ' [learning] epoch %i>> %2.2f%%' % (e, s['batch_size'] * step * 100. / nsentences), 'completed in %.2f (sec) <<\r' % (time.time() - t_start)) if step % 1000 == 0: logfile.write('loss %.6f' % loss) logfile.write(' [learning] epoch %i>> %2.2f%%' % (e, s['batch_size'] * step * 100. / nsentences)) logfile.write('completed in %.2f (sec) <<\n' % (time.time() - t_start)) # VALID if e >= 0: print('Validing..............') predictions_valid = [] predictions_test = [] groundtruth_valid = [] groundtruth_test = [] start_num = 0 steps = len(valid_lex) // s['batch_size'] for step in range(steps): x, z = test_batch_putin(valid_lex, valid_z, start_num=start_num, batch_size=s['batch_size']) # x, z = batch x = load.pad_sentences(x) predictions_valid.extend(dev_step(x)) groundtruth_valid.extend(z) start_num += s['batch_size'] res_valid = tools.conlleval(predictions_valid, groundtruth_valid) del predictions_valid del groundtruth_valid if res_valid['f'] > best_f: best_f = res_valid['f'] best_e = e decay_e = e best_res = res_valid print('\nVALID new best:', res_valid) logfile.write('\nVALID new best: ' + str(res_valid)) path =, save_path=checkpoint_prefix, global_step=e) print("Save model checkpoint to {}".format(path)) logfile.write("\nSave model checkpoint to {}\n".format(path)) else: print('\nVALID new curr:', res_valid) logfile.write('\nVALID new curr: ' + str(res_valid)) # TEST print('Testing..............') start_num = 0 steps = len(test_lex) // s['batch_size'] if e % s['display_test_per'] == 0: for step in range(steps): x, z = test_batch_putin(test_lex, test_z, start_num=start_num, batch_size=s['batch_size']) # x, z = batch x = load.pad_sentences(x) predictions_test.extend(dev_step(x)) groundtruth_test.extend(z) start_num += s['batch_size'] res_test = tools.conlleval(predictions_test, groundtruth_test) res_test_top5 = tools.conlleval_top(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, 5) res_test_top10 = tools.conlleval_top(predictions_test, groundtruth_test, 10) del predictions_test del groundtruth_test if res_test['f'] > test_best_f: test_best_f = res_test['f'] test_best_e = e test_best_res = res_test print('TEST new best:', res_test) logfile.write('\nTEST new best: ' + str(res_test)) else: print('TEST new curr:', res_test) logfile.write('\nTEST new curr: ' + str(res_test)) print('top5: ', res_test_top5) logfile.write('\ntop5: ' + str(res_test_top5)) print('top10: ', res_test_top10) logfile.write('\ntop10: ' + str(res_test_top10) + '\n') # learning rate decay if no improvement in 10 epochs if e - best_e > s['lr_decay_per'] and e - decay_e > s['lr_decay_per']: decay_e = e lr = print('learning rate:%f' % lr) logfile.write('\nlearning rate:%f\n' % lr) if lr < 1e-6: break print("Train finished!") print('Valid Best Result: epoch %d: ' % (best_e), best_res) print('Test Best Result: epoch %d: ' % (test_best_e), test_best_res) logfile.write("Train finished!\n") logfile.write('Valid Best Result: epoch %d: ' % (best_e) + str(best_res)) logfile.write('\nTest Best Result: epoch %d: ' % (test_best_e) + str(test_best_res)) logfile.close()