class Effects(pygame.sprite.Sprite): BLOOD_F1 = load_image('blood_f1.png') BLOOD_F2 = load_image('blood_f2.png') def __init__(self, x, y): super(Effects, self).__init__() self.images = ([self.BLOOD_F1] * (FPS / 15)) + ([self.BLOOD_F2] * (FPS / 15)) self.rect = self.images[0].get_rect(centerx=x, centery=y) self.frame_count = 0 self.simply_gravity = 0 def update(self): self.simply_gravity += 1 self.image = self.images[self.frame_count % len(self.images)] self.frame_count += 1 self.rect.move_ip(0, self.simply_gravity) def alive(self): # ;)) if self.frame_count > len(self.images): return False return True def draw(self, surface): surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)
class Spider(CommonSpider): IMG_1 = load_image('spider_f1.png') IMG_2 = load_image('spider_f2.png') IMG_DEAD = load_image('spider_dead.png') def __init__(self): super(Spider, self).__init__(self.IMG_1, self.IMG_2, self.IMG_DEAD)
class Fish(pygame.sprite.Sprite): image = load_image('good_fish.png') bomb_image = load_image('bomb_fish.png') def __init__(self, group, is_bomb): self.timer = 0 super().__init__(group) self.is_bomb = is_bomb if is_bomb: self.image = Fish.bomb_image else: self.image = Fish.image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = width self.rect.y = height def show(self): self.rect.x = width // 2 - 50 self.rect.y = height // 2 - 50 def hide(self): self.rect.x = width self.rect.y = height def update(self): pass
def train(): Dt1_train_dir = "/media/wutong/New Volume/reseach/Dataset/OU-ISIR_by_Setoguchi/Gallery/signed/128_3ch/CV01_(Gallery&Probe)_2nd" train1 = load_image(path_dir=Dt1_train_dir, mode=True) Dt2_train_dir = "/media/wutong/New Volume/reseach/Dataset/OU-ISIR_by_Setoguchi/Gallery/signed/128_3ch/CV01_Dt2_(Gallery&Probe)" train2 = load_image(path_dir=Dt2_train_dir, mode=True) model = Multi_modal_GEINet() model.to_gpu() Dt1_train_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(train1, batch_size=239, shuffle=False) Dt2_train_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(train2, batch_size=239, shuffle=False) optimizer = chainer.optimizers.MomentumSGD(lr=0.02, momentum=0.9) optimizer.setup(model) optimizer.add_hook(chainer.optimizer.WeightDecay(0.01)) # updater = training.ParallelUpdater(train_iter, optimizer, devices={'main': 0, 'second': 1}) updater = Multi_modal_Updater(model, Dt1_train_iter, Dt2_train_iter, optimizer, device=0) epoch = 6250 trainer = training.Trainer( updater, (epoch, 'epoch'), out='/home/wutong/Setoguchi/chainer_files/result') # trainer.extend(extensions.Evaluator(test_iter, model, device=0)) trainer.extend(extensions.ExponentialShift(attr='lr', rate=0.56234), trigger=(1250, 'epoch')) trainer.extend( extensions.LogReport(log_name='SFDEI_log', trigger=(50, "epoch"))) trainer.extend(extensions.snapshot(), trigger=(1250, 'epoch')) trainer.extend(extensions.snapshot_object( target=model, filename='model_snapshot_{.updater.epoch}'), trigger=(1250, 'epoch')) trainer.extend(extensions.PrintReport(['epoch', 'accuracy', 'loss'])) # 'validation/main/accuracy']), # trigger=(1, "epoch")) trainer.extend( extensions.dump_graph(root_name="loss", out_name="")) trainer.extend(extensions.PlotReport(["loss"]), trigger=(20, 'epoch')) trainer.extend(extensions.ProgressBar()) # Run the trainer
def build_model(): if os.path.exists(UUID_PRFIX): shutil.rmtree(UUID_PRFIX) os.makedirs(UUID_PRFIX) if os.path.exists(CHECKPOINT_DIR): shutil.rmtree(CHECKPOINT_DIR) os.makedirs(CHECKPOINT_DIR) if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR): shutil.rmtree(OUTPUT_DIR) os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR) if os.path.isfile(LOG_PATH): os.remove(LOG_PATH) with open(LOG_PATH, 'w') as f: pass # Check directory path if not os.path.isdir(CHECKPOINT_DIR): raise ValueError(CHECKPOINT_DIR + " doesn't exist.") if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT_DIR): raise ValueError(OUTPUT_DIR + " doesn't exist.") if not os.path.isdir(DATA_PATH): raise ValueError(DATA_PATH + " doesn't exist.") # Check file path if not os.path.exists(VGG_PATH): raise ValueError(VGG_PATH + " doesn't exist.") if not os.path.exists(VGG_PATH): raise ValueError(STYLE_PATH + " doesn't exist.") if not os.path.exists(TEST_PATH): raise ValueError(TEST_PATH + " doesn't exist.") style_image = load_image(STYLE_PATH) test_image = load_image(TEST_PATH, (256, 256)) # files = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(DATA_PATH): files.extend(filenames) break files = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, x) for x in files] new_style = Style(content_images=files, style_image=style_image, content_weight=7.5, style_weight=100, denoise_weight=100, vgg_path=VGG_PATH, ck_dir=CHECKPOINT_DIR, test_image=test_image, test_out_dir=OUTPUT_DIR, log_path=LOG_PATH, batch_size=32, alpha=1e-3) new_style.train()
class Tarantula(CommonSpider): IMG_1 = load_image('tarantula_f1.png') IMG_2 = load_image('tarantula_f2.png') IMG_DEAD = load_image('tarantula_dead.png') def __init__(self): super(Tarantula, self).__init__(self.IMG_1, self.IMG_2, self.IMG_DEAD, health=5) def update(self, level): self.image = self.images[self.frame_count % FPS] self.frame_count += 1 self.rect.move_ip(0, random.randint(-int(math.log(level, 4)) - 1, 0))
class WailingWidow(CommonSpider): IMG_1 = load_image('wailing_widow_f1.png') IMG_2 = load_image('wailing_widow_f2.png') IMG_DEAD = load_image('wailing_widow_dead.png') def __init__(self): super(WailingWidow, self).__init__(self.IMG_1, self.IMG_2, self.IMG_DEAD, health=35) def update(self, level): self.image = self.images[self.frame_count % FPS] self.frame_count += 1 self.rect.move_ip(0, random.randint(-int(math.log(level, 5)) - 1, 0))
class PoisonSpider(CommonSpider): IMG_1 = load_image('poison_spider_f1.png') IMG_2 = load_image('poison_spider_f2.png') IMG_DEAD = load_image('poison_spider_dead.png') def __init__(self): super(PoisonSpider, self).__init__(self.IMG_1, self.IMG_2, self.IMG_DEAD, health=2) def update(self, level): self.image = self.images[self.frame_count % FPS] self.frame_count += 1 self.rect.move_ip(0, random.randint(-int(math.log(level, 5)) - 1, 0))
def __init__(self, gb, sprpos, cell): #static data for game mechanics self.__GAMEBOARD = gb # pointer to the game board to ask for services such as "find me a creep to attack" self.__MAXHP = config_get_tower_hp() self.__ATK = config_get_tower_atk() self.__ATK_RANGE = config_get_tower_atk_range() #range at which tower can attack creep self.__MVT_RANGE = config_get_tower_mvt_range() #range at which tower can move (2 means it can potentially jump over a creep) self.__MVT_COOLDOWN = config_get_tower_mvt_cooldown() #cooldown before tower can move again, in frames #dynamic data (status) self.__hp = self.__MAXHP self.__atk_cooldown_tick = config_get_tower_atk_cooldown() #at the beginning it can not attack self.__atk_anim_tick = config_get_tower_atk_anim_duration() #initialized at animduration and decreased each tick. when == 0, tower actually attacks # towers actually inflicts dmg every (atkcooldown + atkanimation) frames self.__mvt_cooldown_tick = self.__MVT_COOLDOWN #when towers are created, player has to wait before towers can be moved self.__current_cell = cell self.__target = None #__SPRITE self.__SPRITE = pygame.sprite.Sprite() self.__SPRITE.image, self.__SPRITE.rect = load_image(config_get_tower_sprite(), (int(self.__GAMEBOARD.get_cell_width()*config_get_tower_sprite_scale()), int(self.__GAMEBOARD.get_cell_height()*config_get_tower_sprite_scale())) ) self.__padding = (1 - config_get_tower_sprite_scale()) / 2 self.__SPRITE.rect.topleft = int(sprpos[0] + self.__GAMEBOARD.get_cell_width()*self.__padding), int(sprpos[1] + self.__GAMEBOARD.get_cell_height()*self.__padding) #if spritescale = 0.8, then padding should be (1-0.8)/2 = 0.1 on top and bottom, and 0.1 on left and right #so that the spr is centered in the middle of the cell return
def __init__(self, type, pos=(0, 0)): super().__init__() self.image = load_image(type) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.square = True if self.rect.height != self.rect.width: self.square = False
def transfer(reserve=False): if not os.path.isfile(CONTENT_PATH): raise ValueError(CONTENT_PATH + " doesn't exist.") content_image = load_image(CONTENT_PATH) neural_transfer.transfer(content_image=content_image, output_path=GENRD_PATH, model_path=MODEL_PATH, reserve_color=reserve)
def train(self): target_grams = _target_grams(self.vgg_path, self.st_image) batch_test_image = [self.test_image] * self.batch_size batch_test_image = np.array(batch_test_image) with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: content_loss, genrAndvgg_net, _genr_net, x_content = self.create_content_loss( ) style_loss = self.create_style_loss(genrAndvgg_net, target_grams) denoise_loss = self.create_denoise_loss(_genr_net) total_loss = content_loss + style_loss + denoise_loss print("total_loss type=", type(total_loss)) my_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( self.alpha).minimize(total_loss) numOfExamples = len(self.ct_images) cur_iter = 0 st_idx, ed_idx = 0, self.batch_size while ed_idx < numOfExamples: batch_data = self.ct_images[st_idx:ed_idx] x_batch = list( map(lambda x: load_image(x, (256, 256)).astype(np.float32), batch_data)) x_batch = np.array(x_batch){x_content: x_batch}) st_idx += self.batch_size ed_idx += self.batch_size if not cur_iter % SAVE_PERIOD: file_name = "model_{}.ckpt".format(cur_iter) tf.train.Saver().save(sess, os.path.join(self.ck_dir, file_name)) # use test image to do pre-propagation pre_prop = [ content_loss, style_loss, denoise_loss, total_loss, _genr_net ] ret =, feed_dict={x_content: batch_test_image}) save_image( os.path.join(self.test_out_dir, "{}.png".format(cur_iter)), ret[4][0]) with open(self.log_path, 'a') as f: print( "{} content_loss:{:.3f} style_loss:{:.3f} denoise_loss:{:.3f} total_loss:{:.3f}" .format(cur_iter, ret[0], ret[1], ret[2], ret[3])) f.write( "{} content_loss:{:.3f} style_loss:{:.3f} denoise_loss:{:.3f} total_loss:{:.3f}\n" .format(cur_iter, ret[0], ret[1], ret[2], ret[3])) cur_iter += 1
def tool_init(): global back back = sprite.Sprite(tool_group) back.image = pygame.Surface((width, 60), pygame.SRCALPHA) back.image.fill((255, 255, 255)) back.rect = back.image.get_rect() Button(tool_group, load_image(fr'tools\save.jpg'), save, (5, 5)) Button(tool_group, load_image(fr'tools\open.png'), open_im, (60, 5)) Button(tool_group, load_image(fr'tools\palette.png'), new_color, (width - 80, 0)) for i in range(5, 36, 30): for j in range(width - 370, width - 100, 30): Palette(tool_group, (j, i), update_color, col_mark, pygame.Color('red'), 20) tool_group.update(event=pygame.event.Event(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, button=1, pos=(width - 369, 6))) tool_setting(Rect, 'rect', (width - 500, 5), True) tool_setting(Circle, 'circle', (width - 440, 5)) tool_setting(Line, 'line', (width - 560, 5))
def tool_setting(c, im, pos, t=False): def func(*args): global figure figure = c if drawing: figure_arr.pop() figure_arr.append(c(draw_group)) b = Button(tool_group, load_image(fr'tools\{im}.bmp', pygame.Color((255, 255, 255))), func, pos, type=mode) if t: mode.move(b.rect)
class Pow(pygame.sprite.Sprite): l_image = load_image('Pow1.png') r_image = load_image('Pow2.png') l_x, l_y = 0, 0 x_pressed, y_pressed = width // 2 - 100, height // 2 - 100 r_x, r_y = width - 200, height - 200 def __init__(self, group, left): super().__init__(group) self.left = left self.pressed = False self.timer = 0 if left: self.image = Pow.l_image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() else: self.image = Pow.r_image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = Pow.r_x self.rect.y = Pow.r_y def press(self): self.pressed = True self.timer = 0 self.rect.x = Pow.x_pressed self.rect.y = Pow.y_pressed def unpress(self): self.pressed = False self.timer = 0 if self.left: self.rect.x = Pow.l_x self.rect.y = Pow.l_y else: self.rect.x = Pow.r_x self.rect.y = Pow.r_y def update(self): if self.pressed: self.timer += 1 if self.timer > 4: self.unpress()
def feature_based(args, valid=False): img_l = tools.load_image(args.left_image, 0) img_r = tools.load_image(args.right_image, 0) if valid: img_l, img_r = img_r, img_l feat_l = tools.get_features(img_l) feat_r = tools.get_features(img_r) disparity = np.zeros(img_l.shape).astype( disparity = functions.GetDisparity_feature(img_l, img_r, args.kernel_size, feat_l, feat_r, args.measure, disparity, valid=valid) disparity = cv2.filter2D(disparity.astype(np.float32), -1, tools.mean_kernel2D) print return disparity.astype(
def create_all(self, name, alpha=True): """generate surface and alternative maps and reference them""" surface = tools.load_image(name, self.theme, self.scene, alpha) self.surfaces.update({name: surface}) hit = tools.make_white(surface) shadow = tools.make_shadow(surface, parameters.SHADOWSCALE) array = tools.make_array(surface) self.hit.update({name: hit}) self.shadow.update({name: shadow}) self.array.update({name: array})
def __init__(self, default_pos, pos): super().__init__() self.image = load_image('bullet1.png') self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.topleft = default_pos[0], default_pos[1] self.speed = 10 self.x = default_pos[0] self.y = default_pos[1] dx = pos[0] -[0] dy = -(pos[1] -[1]) dz = sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) self.speedx = dx/dz * self.speed self.speedy = dy/dz * self.speed
def region_based(args, valid=False): img_l = tools.load_image(args.left_image, 0) img_r = tools.load_image(args.right_image, 0) if valid: img_l, img_r = img_r, img_l pyramid_l = functions.GaussianPyramid(img_l, args.level) pyramid_r = functions.GaussianPyramid(img_r, args.level) disparity = np.zeros(pyramid_l[-1].shape) for i in range(args.level - 1, -1, -1): print "### Lv.%d" % (i + 1) disparity = disparity.astype( disparity = functions.GetDisparity_region(pyramid_l[i], pyramid_r[i], args.kernel_size, args.window_length, args.measure, disparity, valid=valid) disparity = cv2.filter2D(disparity.astype(np.float32), -1, tools.mean_kernel2D) if i > 0: disparity = functions.Expand(disparity) * 2 print return disparity.astype(
def recognition(model_name): # 識別用のデータをダウンロード train1, train_labels1 = load_image( "/media/wutong/New Volume/reseach/Dataset/OU-ISIR_by_Setoguchi/Gallery/signed/128_3ch/CV02(Gallery)_2nd", mode=False) train2, train_labels2 = load_image( "/media/wutong/New Volume/reseach/Dataset/OU-ISIR_by_Setoguchi/Gallery/signed/128_3ch/CV02_Dt2(Gallery)", mode=False) test1, test_labels1 = load_image( "/media/wutong/New Volume/reseach/Dataset/OU-ISIR_by_Setoguchi/Probe/signed/128_3ch/CV02(Probe)_2nd", mode=False) test2, test_labels2 = load_image( "/media/wutong/New Volume/reseach/Dataset/OU-ISIR_by_Setoguchi/Probe/signed/128_3ch/CV02_Dt2(Probe)", mode=False) # extract features model = Multi_modal_GEINet() serializers.load_npz(model_name, obj=model) train_features = extract_features(model, train1, train2) test_features = extract_features(model, test1, test2) neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1), train_labels1) correct = 0.0 for i, item in enumerate(test_features): predit = neigh.predict([item])[0] print "label:%d, predict:%d" % (test_labels1[i], predit) if predit == test_labels1[i]: correct = correct + 1 # else: # f.write("label:%d, predict:%d" %(true_label[i],predit)+"\n") acc = correct / len(test_features) print acc
def start_cat(): end_flag = False screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group() # создадим спрайт sprite = pygame.sprite.Sprite() # определим его вид sprite.image = load_image("cat_bg.png") # и размеры sprite.rect = sprite.image.get_rect() # добавим спрайт в группу all_sprites.add(sprite) fishs = FishGroup(Fish(all_sprites, False), Fish(all_sprites, True)) l_pow = Pow(all_sprites, True) r_pow = Pow(all_sprites, False) running = True fps = 30 # пикселей в секунду clock = pygame.time.Clock() while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # rshift — 303, lshift — 304 if event.key in (303, 1073742053): elif event.key in (304, 1073742049): screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) fishs.update() all_sprites.update() all_sprites.draw(screen) if p1 > 4 or p2 > 4: return p1 if p1 >= 0 else 0, p2 if p2 >= 0 else 0 show_points(screen) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(fps) pygame.quit() return p1, p2
def __init__(self): self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) self.surface = main_surface self.deadline = 120 # for monster :)) self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) self.background = load_image('background.png')'background.ogg')) self.brushing() self.level_formula = lambda x: (x + random.randint(5, x + 5)) self.MAIN_LOOP = self.MENU_LOOP = self.OPTIONS_LOOP = False, 0.0) self.show_menu() self.start()
def __init__(self, image, dimensions, colorkey=-1): # load the image if type(image) is str: image = load_image(image) if colorkey == -1: colorkey = image.get_at((0,0)) if colorkey: image.set_colorkey(colorkey) cols, rows = dimensions w = self.width = 1.0 * image.get_width() / cols h = self.height = 1.0 * image.get_height() / rows # build the images self._images = [] for y in range(rows): row = [] for x in range(cols): row.append(image.subsurface((x*w, y*h, w, h))) self._images.append(row)
def __init__(self, gb, sprpos, cell): #static data for game mechanics self.__GAMEBOARD = gb # pointer to the game board to ask for services such as "get me a tower to attack" self.__MAXHP = config_get_creep_hp() self.__ATK = config_get_creep_atk() self.__ATK_RANGE = config_get_creep_atk_range( ) #range at which creep can attack tower self.__MVT_RANGE = config_get_creep_mvt_range( ) #range at which creep can move (2 means it can potentially jump over a tower) self.__MVT_COOLDOWN = config_get_creep_mvt_cooldown( ) #cooldown before creep can move again, in frames #dynamic data (status) self.__hp = self.__MAXHP self.__atk_cooldown_tick = config_get_creep_atk_cooldown( ) #at the beginning creeps can not attack self.__atk_anim_tick = config_get_creep_atk_anim_duration( ) #initialized at animduration and decreased each tick. when == 0, creep actually attacks # creep actually inflicts dmg every (atkcooldown + atkanimation) frames self.__mvt_cooldown_tick = self.__MVT_COOLDOWN #at beginning, creeps have to wait before moving self.__current_cell = cell self.__target = None #__SPRITE self.__SPRITE = pygame.sprite.Sprite() self.__SPRITE.image, self.__SPRITE.rect = load_image( config_get_creep_sprite(), (int(self.__GAMEBOARD.get_cell_width() * config_get_creep_sprite_scale()), int(self.__GAMEBOARD.get_cell_height() * config_get_creep_sprite_scale()))) self.__SPRITE.area = pygame.display.get_surface().get_rect() self.__padding = (1 - config_get_creep_sprite_scale()) / 2 self.__SPRITE.rect.topleft = int( sprpos[0] + self.__GAMEBOARD.get_cell_width() * self.__padding ), int(sprpos[1] + self.__GAMEBOARD.get_cell_height() * self.__padding) #if spritescale = 0.8, then padding should be (1-0.8)/2 = 0.1 on top and bottom, and 0.1 on left and right #so that the spr is centered in the middle of the cell return
class BlackSkull(Weapon): IMG = load_image('black_skull.png') hit = 5 def __init__(self, centerx, top, direction): super(BlackSkull, self).__init__(centerx, top, self.IMG, direction)
def run_ping(): pygame.init() width = 850 height = 450 my_win = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) radius = 15 bumper_w = 50 bumper_h = 110 xspeed1 = 0 xspeed2 = 0 yspeed1 = 0 yspeed2 = 0 frame_count = 0 p1_score = 0 p2_score = 0 bg = load_image('ping_bg.png') bumper1_img = load_image('bar1.png') bumper2_img = load_image('bar2.png') myFont = pygame.font.Font(None, 60) x = width / 2 y = height / 2 b1_x = 10 b1_y = 190 b2_x = 790 b2_y = 190 num = random.randint(1, 4) if num == 1: x_v = 4 y_v = -4 if num == 2: x_v = 4 y_v = 4 if num == 3: x_v = -4 y_v = 4 if num == 4: x_v = -4 y_v = -4 flag = True while flag: pygame.time.delay(15) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: flag = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if == "w": yspeed1 = -5 if == "d": xspeed1 = 5 if == "s": yspeed1 = 5 if == "a": xspeed1 = -5 if == "up": yspeed2 = -5 if == "right": xspeed2 = 5 if == "down": yspeed2 = 5 if == "left": xspeed2 = -5 elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if == "w": yspeed1 = 0 if == "d": xspeed1 = 0 if == "s": yspeed1 = 0 if == "a": xspeed1 = 0 if == "up": yspeed2 = 0 if == "right": xspeed2 = 0 if == "down": yspeed2 = 0 if == "left": xspeed2 = 0 x += x_v y += y_v frame_count += 1 increment = 1 if frame_count >= 500: frame_count = 0 if x_v > 0: x_v += increment if x_v < 0: x_v += -increment if y_v > 0: y_v += increment if y_v < 0: y_v += -increment b1_x += xspeed1 b1_y += yspeed1 b2_x += xspeed2 b2_y += yspeed2 if b1_x < 0: b1_x = 0 if b1_x > 399: b1_x = 399 if b1_y < 0: b1_y = 0 if b1_y > 370: b1_y = 370 if b2_x < 426: b2_x = 426 if b2_x > 825: b2_x = 825 if b2_y < 0: b2_y = 0 if b2_y > 370: b2_y = 370 if x < -radius: p2_score += 1 (x, y) = (width / 2, height / 2) frame_count = 0 num = random.randint(1, 4) if num == 1: x_v = 4 y_v = -4 if num == 2: x_v = 4 y_v = 4 if num == 3: x_v = -4 y_v = 4 if num == 4: x_v = -4 y_v = -4 if x > (width + radius): p1_score += 1 (x, y) = (width / 2, height / 2) frame_count = 0 num = random.randint(1, 4) if num == 1: x_v = 4 y_v = -4 if num == 2: x_v = 4 y_v = 4 if num == 3: x_v = -4 y_v = 4 if num == 4: x_v = -4 y_v = -4 if y <= radius: y_v = -1 * y_v if y >= (height - radius): y_v = -1 * y_v if (x_v < 0) and (xspeed1 >= 0): if ((x - b1_x) <= (radius + bumper_w)) and ( (x - b1_x) > ((radius + bumper_w) - bumper_w)): if ((y - b1_y) > -radius) and ((y - b1_y) <= (bumper_h / 2)): x_v = -1 * x_v y_v = -1 * abs(y_v) if ((y - b1_y) > (bumper_h / 2)) and ((y - b1_y) < (bumper_h + radius)): x_v = -1 * x_v y_v = abs(y_v) if (x_v > 0) and (xspeed2 <= 0): if ((b2_x - x) <= radius) and ((b2_x - x) > (radius - bumper_w)): if ((y - b2_y) > -radius) and ((y - b2_y) <= (bumper_h / 2)): x_v = -1 * x_v y_v = -1 * abs(y_v) if ((y - b2_y) > (bumper_h / 2)) and ((y - b2_y) < (bumper_h + radius)): x_v = -1 * x_v y_v = abs(y_v) my_win.fill(pygame.color.Color("#281042")) my_win.blit(bg, (0, 0)) score_label_1 = myFont.render(str(p1_score), True, pygame.color.Color("white")) my_win.blit(score_label_1, (304, 400)) score_label_2 = myFont.render(str(p2_score), True, pygame.color.Color("white")) my_win.blit(score_label_2, (520, 20)), pygame.color.Color("red"), (int(x), int(y)), int(radius)) my_win.blit(bumper1_img, (b1_x, b1_y)) my_win.blit(bumper2_img, (b2_x, b2_y)) if p1_score > 4 or p2_score > 4: return p1_score, p2_score pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() return p1_score, p2_score
def BlendImage(image_1, image_2, pixel_1=-1, pixel_2=-1): ''' blend image base on n level Laplacian pyramid of both image and n level Gaussian pyramid of bit masks. And finally use reconstruction function to reconstruct the final image param image_1, image_2: input images to be blended param pixel_1, pixel_2: x value of points corresponse return: blended image ''' img_1 = tools.load_image(image_1) img_2 = tools.load_image(image_2) img_height = img_1.shape[0] img_width_1 = img_1.shape[1] img_width_2 = img_2.shape[1] print img_width_1, img_width_2 # pick width by clicking if pixel_1 < 0 or pixel_2 < 0: plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img_1.astype('uint8'), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) x, _ = plt.ginput(1)[0] plt.close('all') pixel_1 = x plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img_2.astype('uint8'), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) x, _ = plt.ginput(1)[0] plt.close('all') pixel_2 = x pixel_1 = int(img_width_1 - pixel_1) pixel_2 = int(pixel_2) blend_width = max([ img_width_1 + img_width_2 - pixel_1 - pixel_2, img_width_1, img_width_2 ]) left_width = img_width_1 - pixel_1 right_width = blend_width - img_width_2 + pixel_2 img_1 = np.hstack( (img_1, np.zeros((img_height, blend_width - img_width_1, 3)))) img_2 = np.hstack((np.zeros( (img_height, blend_width - img_width_2, 3)), img_2)) # bit-mask bit_mask_1 = np.hstack((np.ones((img_height, left_width, 3)), np.zeros( (img_height, blend_width - left_width, 3)))) bit_mask_2 = np.hstack((np.zeros((img_height, right_width, 3)), np.ones((img_height, img_width_2 - pixel_2, 3)))) # pyramid laplacian_img_1 = LaplacianPyramid(img_1, 5) laplacian_img_2 = LaplacianPyramid(img_2, 5) print ">>> Generating bit-masks for image 1" gaussian_mask_1 = GaussianPyramid(bit_mask_1, 5) print ">>> Generating bit-masks for image 2" gaussian_mask_2 = GaussianPyramid(bit_mask_2, 5) # blend blend_pyramid_1 = [ img * mask for img, mask in zip(laplacian_img_1, gaussian_mask_1) ] blend_pyramid_2 = [ img * mask for img, mask in zip(laplacian_img_2, gaussian_mask_2) ] blend_pyramid = [ blend_1 + blend_2 for blend_1, blend_2 in zip(blend_pyramid_1, blend_pyramid_2) ] blended_img = Reconstruct(blend_pyramid, 5) return blended_img
class WhiteSkull(Weapon): IMG = load_image('skull.png') hit = 1 def __init__(self, centerx, top, direction): super(WhiteSkull, self).__init__(centerx, top, self.IMG, direction)
def create_surf(self, name, alpha=True): """generate only pygame surface """ surface = tools.load_image(name, self.theme, self.scene, alpha) self.surfaces.update({name: surface})
from neupy import storage storage.load(net, WEIGHTS_FILE) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt images = [] image_paths = [] target = [] for path, directories, image_names in os.walk(IMAGE_DIR): for image_name in image_names: image_path = os.path.join(path, image_name) image = load_image(image_path, image_size=(224, 224), crop_size=(224, 224)) images.append(image) image_paths.append(image_path) label = image_path.split(os.path.sep)[-2] if label == "Benign": label = 3 if label == "malignant": label = 2 if label == "benignwhite": label = 1 if label == "malignantwhite": label = 0
import sys import pygame from tools import load_image, win from cat import start_cat from play2 import run_ping from play1 import run_car FPS = 50 size = WIDTH, HEIGHT = 900, 600 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) start_bg = load_image('start_bg.png') start_bg_car = load_image('start_bg_car.png') start_bg_kub = load_image('start_bg_kub.png') start_bg_ping = load_image('start_bg_ping.png') start_bg_pow = load_image('start_bg_pow.png')'FortyThr33 - Bay Breeze FREE DOWNLOAD.mp3') def terminate(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def hover(pos, click=True): x, y = pos[0], pos[1]
class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite): IMG_HEALTH = load_image('life.png') CHAR_LEFT_F1 = load_image('character_left_f1.png') CHAR_LEFT_F2 = load_image('character_left_f2.png') CHAR_LEFT_F3 = load_image('character_left_f3.png') CHAR_RIGHT_F1 = load_image('character_right_f1.png') CHAR_RIGHT_F2 = load_image('character_right_f2.png') CHAR_RIGHT_F3 = load_image('character_right_f3.png') def __init__(self, health=10): super(Player, self).__init__() = [self.IMG_HEALTH] * health self.images_left = [] self.images_right = [] for i, name in enumerate(( self.CHAR_LEFT_F1, self.CHAR_LEFT_F2, self.CHAR_LEFT_F3, self.CHAR_RIGHT_F1, self.CHAR_RIGHT_F2, self.CHAR_RIGHT_F3, )): if i < 3: self.images_left.extend([name] * (FPS / 6)) else: self.images_right.extend([name] * (FPS / 6)) self.image = self.images_left[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = 66 self.rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 self.max = SCREEN_WIDTH self.frame_count = 1 self.black_skulls = 0 # for left self.direction = -5 def update(self, keys): if keys[K_LEFT]: self.direction = -5 self.frame_count += 1 self.image = self.images_left[self.frame_count % (FPS / 2)] self.rect.move_ip(-10, 0) if self.rect.centerx < 0: self.rect.centerx = 0 elif keys[K_RIGHT]: self.direction = 5 self.frame_count += 1 self.image = self.images_right[self.frame_count % (FPS / 2)] self.rect.move_ip(10, 0) if self.rect.centerx > self.max: self.rect.centerx = self.max def draw(self, surface): surface.blit(self.image, self.rect) def hit(self): if del[-1] def alive(self): if not return False return True
def update(self): node_type = self.circuit_grid_model.get_node_gate_part( self.wire_num, self.column_num ) if node_type == node_types.H: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/h_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.X: node = self.circuit_grid_model.get_node(self.wire_num, self.column_num) if node.ctrl_a >= 0 or node.ctrl_b >= 0: # This is a control-X gate or Toffoli gate # TODO: Handle Toffoli gates more completely if self.wire_num > max(node.ctrl_a, node.ctrl_b): self.image, self.rect = load_image( "gate_images/not_gate_below_ctrl.png", -1 ) else: self.image, self.rect = load_image( "gate_images/not_gate_above_ctrl.png", -1 ) elif node.radians != 0: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/rx_gate.png", -1) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() pygame.draw.arc( self.image, COLORS["MAGENTA"], self.rect, 0, node.radians % (2 * np.pi), 6, ) pygame.draw.arc( self.image, COLORS["MAGENTA"], self.rect, node.radians % (2 * np.pi), 2 * np.pi, 1, ) else: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/x_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.Y: node = self.circuit_grid_model.get_node(self.wire_num, self.column_num) if node.radians != 0: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/ry_gate.png", -1) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() pygame.draw.arc( self.image, COLORS["MAGENTA"], self.rect, 0, node.radians % (2 * np.pi), 6, ) pygame.draw.arc( self.image, COLORS["MAGENTA"], self.rect, node.radians % (2 * np.pi), 2 * np.pi, 1, ) else: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/y_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.Z: node = self.circuit_grid_model.get_node(self.wire_num, self.column_num) if node.radians != 0: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/rz_gate.png", -1) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() pygame.draw.arc( self.image, COLORS["MAGENTA"], self.rect, 0, node.radians % (2 * np.pi), 6, ) pygame.draw.arc( self.image, COLORS["MAGENTA"], self.rect, node.radians % (2 * np.pi), 2 * np.pi, 1, ) else: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/z_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.S: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/s_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.SDG: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/sdg_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.T: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/t_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.TDG: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/tdg_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.IDEN: # a completely transparent PNG is used to place at the end of the circuit to prevent crash # the game crashes if the circuit is empty self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/transparent.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.CTRL: # TODO: Handle Toffoli gates correctly if self.wire_num > self.circuit_grid_model.get_gate_wire_for_control_node( self.wire_num, self.column_num ): self.image, self.rect = load_image( "gate_images/ctrl_gate_bottom_wire.png", -1 ) else: self.image, self.rect = load_image( "gate_images/ctrl_gate_top_wire.png", -1 ) elif node_type == node_types.TRACE: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/trace_gate.png", -1) elif node_type == node_types.SWAP: self.image, self.rect = load_image("gate_images/swap_gate.png", -1) else: self.image = pygame.Surface([GATE_TILE_WIDTH, GATE_TILE_HEIGHT]) self.image.set_alpha(0) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.image.convert()
def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image, self.rect = load_image( "cursor_images/circuit-grid-cursor-medium.png", -1 ) self.image.convert_alpha()
def _load_image(self, path): grayscale = self.channels == 1 return tools.load_image(path, (self.target_imsize[1], self.target_imsize[0]), grayscale)