def phase_shift(coefficients,
	Genertate phase_shift Interferogram from interferometer
	based on zernike polynomials and twyman_green interferometer


	Class zernike polynomials coefficients in wavenumber

	see Class:opticspy.zernike.Coefficients

	lambda_1: wavelength in nanometer, default = 632nm
	PR: pupil radius, default = 1(also use this value for aperture matrix generate)
	type: PSI algorithm default:'4-step'
	boundary: if have a aperture
	noise: from 0 to 1, default 0
	sample: sample points

	Interferogram of aberration
    lambda_1 = lambda_1 * (10**-9)
    coefficients = coefficients.__coefficients__
    r = __np__.linspace(-PR, PR, sample)
    x, y = __np__.meshgrid(r, r)
    rr = __np__.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    OPD = __zernike__.__zernikecartesian__(coefficients, x, y) * 2 / PR
    Ia = 1
    Ib = 1
    ph = 2 * __np__.pi * OPD

    if type == "4-step":
        __tools__.makecircle_boundary(OPD, r, PR, 0)
        im = __plt__.imshow(OPD, extent=[-PR, PR, -PR, PR], cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
        __plt__.title('Surface figure', fontsize=16)

        I1 = Ia + Ib + 2 * __np__.sqrt(Ia * Ib) * __np__.cos(ph)
        I2 = Ia + Ib + 2 * __np__.sqrt(
            Ia * Ib) * __np__.cos(ph + 90.0 / 180 * __np__.pi)
        I3 = Ia + Ib + 2 * __np__.sqrt(
            Ia * Ib) * __np__.cos(ph + 180.0 / 180 * __np__.pi)
        I4 = Ia + Ib + 2 * __np__.sqrt(
            Ia * Ib) * __np__.cos(ph + 270.0 / 180 * __np__.pi)
        if noise != 0:
            # add noise / default noise 0
            I1 = I1 + I1 * noise * __np__.random.randn(sample, sample)
            I2 = I2 + I2 * noise * __np__.random.randn(sample, sample)
            I3 = I3 + I3 * noise * __np__.random.randn(sample, sample)
            I4 = I4 + I4 * noise * __np__.random.randn(sample, sample)
        __tools__.makecircle_boundary(I1, r, PR, 0)
        __tools__.makecircle_boundary(I2, r, PR, 0)
        __tools__.makecircle_boundary(I3, r, PR, 0)
        __tools__.makecircle_boundary(I4, r, PR, 0)
        I = [I1, I2, I3, I4]
        __tools__.phase_shift_figure(I, PR, type="4-step")
        M = __np__.ones([sample, sample])  #map matrix, which is boundary
        __tools__.makecircle_boundary(M, r, PR, 0)

        # fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80)
        # im = __plt__.pcolormesh(M,cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
        # __plt__.title('Phase value map',fontsize=16)
        # __plt__.colorbar()

        return [I, PR, M, sample]
        print("No this type of PSI")
def phase_shift(coefficients, lambda_1 = 632, PR = 1, type = '4-step', noise = 0, sample = 200):
	Genertate phase_shift Interferogram from interferometer
	based on zernike polynomials and twyman_green interferometer


	Class zernike polynomials coefficients in wavenumber

	see Class:opticspy.zernike.Coefficients

	lambda_1: wavelength in nanometer, default = 632nm
	PR: pupil radius, default = 1(also use this value for aperture matrix generate)
	type: PSI algorithm default:'4-step'
	boundary: if have a aperture
	noise: from 0 to 1, default 0
	sample: sample points

	Interferogram of aberration
	lambda_1 = lambda_1*(10**-9)
	coefficients = coefficients.__coefficients__
	r = __np__.linspace(-PR, PR, sample)
	x, y = __np__.meshgrid(r,r)
	rr = __np__.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
	OPD = 	__zernike__.__zernikecartesian__(coefficients,x,y)*2/PR
	Ia = 1
	Ib = 1
	ph = 2 * __np__.pi * OPD

	if type == "4-step":
		__tools__.makecircle_boundary(OPD, r, PR, 0)
		im = __plt__.imshow(OPD,extent=[-PR,PR,-PR,PR],cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
		__plt__.title('Surface figure',fontsize=16)

		I1 = Ia + Ib + 2 * __np__.sqrt(Ia*Ib) * __np__.cos(ph)
		I2 = Ia + Ib + 2 * __np__.sqrt(Ia*Ib) * __np__.cos(ph+90.0/180*__np__.pi)
		I3 = Ia + Ib + 2 * __np__.sqrt(Ia*Ib) * __np__.cos(ph+180.0/180*__np__.pi)
		I4 = Ia + Ib + 2 * __np__.sqrt(Ia*Ib) * __np__.cos(ph+270.0/180*__np__.pi)
		if noise != 0:
			# add noise / default noise 0
			I1 = I1 + I1*noise*__np__.random.randn(sample,sample)
			I2 = I2 + I2*noise*__np__.random.randn(sample,sample)
			I3 = I3 + I3*noise*__np__.random.randn(sample,sample)
			I4 = I4 + I4*noise*__np__.random.randn(sample,sample)
		__tools__.makecircle_boundary(I1, r, PR, 0)
		__tools__.makecircle_boundary(I2, r, PR, 0)
		__tools__.makecircle_boundary(I3, r, PR, 0)
		__tools__.makecircle_boundary(I4, r, PR, 0)
		I = [I1,I2,I3,I4]
		__tools__.phase_shift_figure(I,PR,type = "4-step")
		M = __np__.ones([sample,sample])	 #map matrix, which is boundary
		__tools__.makecircle_boundary(M, r, PR, 0)

		# fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80)
		# im = __plt__.pcolormesh(M,cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
		# __plt__.title('Phase value map',fontsize=16)
		# __plt__.colorbar()

		return [I,PR,M,sample]
		print("No this type of PSI")
def rebuild_surface(data,
	Rebuild surface function
	data: Interferogram data from PSI
	shifttype: PSI type, default 4-step PSI
	unwraptype: phaseunwrap type, default "simple"

	rebuild surface matrix
    if shifttype == "4-step" and unwraptype == "simple" and noise == False:
        I = data[0]
        PR = data[1]
        ph = __np__.arctan2((I[3] - I[1]), (I[0] - I[2]))
        fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=80)
        im = __plt__.imshow(ph, extent=[-PR, PR, -PR, PR], cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
        __plt__.title('Wrapped phase', fontsize=16)
        #-----------------------Phase unwrap-------------------------
        rebuild_ph = __unwrap2D__(ph, type="simple")
        rebuild_surface = rebuild_ph / 2 / __np__.pi * PR / 2
        fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=80)
        im = __plt__.imshow(rebuild_surface,
                            extent=[-PR, PR, -PR, PR],
        __plt__.title('Rebuild Surface', fontsize=16)
        return rebuild_surface

    elif shifttype == "4-step" and unwraptype == "unwrap2D" and noise == True:
        I = data[0]
        PR = data[1]
        M = data[2]
        s = data[3]
        r = __np__.linspace(-PR, PR, s)
        ph = __np__.arctan2((I[3] - I[1]), (I[0] - I[2]))
        fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=80)
        im = __plt__.imshow(ph, extent=[-PR, PR, -PR, PR], cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
        __plt__.title('Wrapped phase', fontsize=16)
        #-----------------------Phase unwrap-------------------------
        ph1 = [ph, M, s]
        rebuild_ph = __unwrap2D__(ph1, noise=True)
        rebuild_surface = rebuild_ph / 2 / __np__.pi * PR / 2
        __tools__.makecircle_boundary(rebuild_surface, r, PR, 0)
        fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=80)
        im = __plt__.imshow(rebuild_surface,
                            extent=[-PR, PR, -PR, PR],
        __plt__.title('Rebuild Surface', fontsize=16)
        return rebuild_surface

        print("No this kind of phase shift type")
        return 0
def rebuild_surface(data, shifttype = "4-step", unwraptype = "unwrap2D", noise = True):
	Rebuild surface function
	data: Interferogram data from PSI
	shifttype: PSI type, default 4-step PSI
	unwraptype: phaseunwrap type, default "simple"

	rebuild surface matrix
	if shifttype == "4-step" and unwraptype == "simple" and noise == False:
		I = data[0]
		PR = data[1]
		ph = __np__.arctan2((I[3]-I[1]),(I[0]-I[2]))
		fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=80)
		im = __plt__.imshow(ph,extent=[-PR,PR,-PR,PR],cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
		__plt__.title('Wrapped phase',fontsize=16)
		#-----------------------Phase unwrap-------------------------
		rebuild_ph = __unwrap2D__(ph,type = "simple")
		rebuild_surface = rebuild_ph/2/__np__.pi*PR/2
		fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=80)
		im = __plt__.imshow(rebuild_surface,extent=[-PR,PR,-PR,PR],cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
		__plt__.title('Rebuild Surface',fontsize=16)
		return rebuild_surface

	elif shifttype == "4-step" and unwraptype == "unwrap2D" and noise == True:
		I = data[0]
		PR = data[1]
		M = data[2]
		s = data[3]
		r = __np__.linspace(-PR, PR, s)
		ph = __np__.arctan2((I[3]-I[1]),(I[0]-I[2]))
		fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=80)
		im = __plt__.imshow(ph,extent=[-PR,PR,-PR,PR],cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
		__plt__.title('Wrapped phase',fontsize=16)
		#-----------------------Phase unwrap-------------------------
		ph1 = [ph,M,s]
		rebuild_ph = __unwrap2D__(ph1,noise = True)
		rebuild_surface = rebuild_ph/2/__np__.pi*PR/2
		__tools__.makecircle_boundary(rebuild_surface, r, PR, 0)
		fig = __plt__.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=80)
		im = __plt__.imshow(rebuild_surface,extent=[-PR,PR,-PR,PR],cmap=__cm__.RdYlGn)
		__plt__.title('Rebuild Surface',fontsize=16)
		return rebuild_surface

		print("No this kind of phase shift type")
		return 0