def show_all_my_movies_with_cast(self): print_with_nl("This is my database of movies with cast:") time.sleep(1) print("(This will take a moment...)") time.sleep(2) for movie_title in self.my_movies.list_of_titles: this_movie = self.my_movies.database[movie_title] line_printer.line() time.sleep(0.5) print(movie_title, f'({this_movie.get_year_of_production()})') this_movie.show_cast()
def add_cast_to_movie(self): print_with_nl( "Warning! Actors and movies that you enter here as cast must already exist in database.\n" ) movie_title = look_for( "title of movie", self.my_movies.list_of_titles, "no movie titled", "correct title of movie.", "Press 1 to return to menu and add new movie to database.") cast = [] while movie_title: actor_name = look_for( "name of actor/actress", self.my_actors.list_of_actors, "no such person", "correct name of actor/actress.", "Press 1 to return to menu and add new actor/actress to database." ) if actor_name in [ actor.get_name() for actor in self.my_movies.database[movie_title].cast.cast.keys() ]: print_with_nl( f"{actor_name} has been already casted in {movie_title}!") continue role = get_str_from_user( f"Enter the role of {actor_name} in \"{movie_title}\".\n", duplicate=True) cast.append(actor_name) cast.append(string.capwords(role)) if input("Do you want to add another role? Press y for yes.\n" ) not in ['y', 'Y']: break if cast: print(movie_title) for i in range(0, len(cast), 2): print(cast[i], 'as', cast[i + 1]) validation = input( "Are you sure you want to add such data to cast database?\ny for yes\nn for no\nc for correct data\n" ) if validation == "y": add_to_txt_database('cast', [movie_title]) for i in range(0, len(cast), 2): add_to_txt_database('cast', [f"{cast[i]} as {cast[i + 1]}"], without_new_line=True) self.my_movies.database[movie_title].add_cast( self.my_actors.database[cast[i]], cast[i + 1]) elif validation == "c": self.add_cast_to_movie() else: self.intro()
def look_for(search, database, text1, text2, text3="(Press 1 to quit this option)"): name = input(f"Please enter {search} you are looking for:\n").capitalize() temp = 0 while name not in database: for data in database: if name.lower() == data.lower(): return data if, data.lower()): temp += 1 if temp == 1: print_with_nl("Here are some suggestions:") print(data) if name == '1': return line() name = input( f"There is {text1} '{capwords(name)}' in my database." f"\nPlease enter {text2}\n{text3}\n") line() return name
def show_actor_filmography(self): actor_name = look_for("name of actor/actress", self.my_actors.list_of_actors, "no such person", "correct or another name of actor/actress.") print_with_nl(self.my_actors.database[actor_name].introduce_myself()) return self.my_actors.database[actor_name].show_filmography()
def show_all_my_actors(self): print_with_nl("This is content of MyActorsDatabase:") return self.my_actors.print_database_content()
def show_all_my_movies(self): print_with_nl("This is content of MyMovieDatabase:") return self.my_movies.print_database_content()