def validation(epoch):
    validation_loss = 0
    correct = 0
    for data, target in val_loader:
        if use_cuda:
            data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda()
        output = model(data)
        # sum up batch loss
        criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='elementwise_mean')
        validation_loss += criterion(output, target).data.item()
        # get the index of the max log-probability
        pred =, keepdim=True)[1]
        valid = pred.eq(
        wrong_images = np.argwhere(valid.numpy() == 0)[:, 0]
        correct += valid.sum()
        if epoch > 15:
            show_images(data, 5, indexes=wrong_images)

    validation_loss /= len(val_loader.dataset)
        '\nValidation set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.0f}%)\n'.
        format(validation_loss, correct, len(val_loader.dataset),
               100. * correct / len(val_loader.dataset)))
    def show_move(self, direction, show_full_grid=False):

        if isinstance(direction, str):
            key_map = {
                "W": 1,
                "A": 2,
                "S": 3,
                "D": 0,
                "w": 1,
                "a": 2,
                "s": 3,
                "d": 0
            direction = key_map[direction]

        (reward, terminal) = self.move(direction)
        # self.get_view()

        if show_full_grid:
            view = self.view.clone()
            grid = self.environment.grid.clone()

            view[self.range, self.range] = 1.
            grid[tuple(self.environment.agent_point)] = 1.
            tools.show_images([view.numpy(), grid.numpy()],
                              titles=["Agent perspective", "Maze map"])


        return reward, terminal
def unprocess(image, mean_pixel):
    return image + mean_pixel

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pretrained_vgg_19_path = '/home/meizu/WORK/code/neural_style/model/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat'
    test_image_path = '/home/meizu/WORK/code/neural_style/images/1-content.jpg'
    figures_save_path = '/home/meizu/WORK/code/neural_style/figures'
    # read image
    test_image = tools.imread(test_image_path)

    # load pretrained vgg19 weights
    weights, mean_pixel = load_weights(pretrained_vgg_19_path)

    # preprocess the test image
    test_image_preprocessed = np.array([preprocess(test_image, mean_pixel)

    # infer the input image with vgg19
    imput_image_infered = net_infer(weights, test_image_preprocessed)

    sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
    aa =['relu4_2'])
    aa = aa.reshape(aa.shape[1], aa.shape[2], aa.shape[3])
    aa_for_plot = []
    for i in range(aa.shape[2]):
        aa_for_plot.append(aa[:, :, i])

    tools.show_images(aa_for_plot[::8], cols=8)
    print ''
    w, h = gray.shape
    rgb = np.empty((w, h, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    rgb[:, :, 2] = rgb[:, :, 1] = rgb[:, :, 0] = gray
    return rgb

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # prepare the content image for style transform
    # and the specified style image
    content_image_path = '../images/1-content.jpg'
    style_image_path = '../images/1-style.jpg'
    content_image = tools.imread(content_image_path)
    style_image = tools.imread(style_image_path)
    style_images = [style_image]  # for multi-styles
    tools.show_images([content_image, style_image],
                      titles=['content image', 'style'],

    # pretrained vgg path
    pre_trained_vgg_path = '../model/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat'

    # set content image width for model input
    # and style_scale for scaling the style image
    width = 384
    if width is not None:
        new_shape = (int(
                float(content_image.shape[0]) / content_image.shape[1] *
                width)), width)
        content_image = misc.imresize(content_image,
            generated_images - content_images) * 2 / tf.to_float(
                size)  # remain the same as in the paper
    return content_loss

def total_variation_loss(layer):
    shape = tf.shape(layer)
    height = shape[1]
    width = shape[2]
    y = tf.slice(layer, [0, 0, 0, 0],
                 tf.stack([-1, height - 1, -1, -1])) - tf.slice(
                     layer, [0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1, -1])
    x = tf.slice(layer, [0, 0, 0, 0],
                 tf.stack([-1, -1, width - 1, -1])) - tf.slice(
                     layer, [0, 0, 1, 0], [-1, -1, -1, -1])
    loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(x) / tf.to_float(
        tf.size(x)) + tf.nn.l2_loss(y) / tf.to_float(tf.size(y))
    return loss

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    import tools
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--conf', default='../conf/candy.yml')
    parser.add_argument('--loss_model_file', default='../models/vgg_16.ckpt')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    FLAGS = utils.read_conf_file(args.conf)
    features = get_style_features(FLAGS)
    tools.show_images(features, cols=2)