def read_symbol(self, name, shape=int): if Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['mem'] == 'flash': arr = self.read_flash(Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['adr'], bytearray(Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['size'])) else: arr = uart.access(0, Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['adr'], bytearray(Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['size'])) if shape == int: return tools.to_int(arr) else: return arr
def read_symbol_dbgcp(self, name, shape=int): if Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['mem'] == 'ram' and \ Gum.meta['symbols']['__dbg2cp_start']['adr'] <= Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['adr'] < Gum.meta['symbols']['__dbg2cp_end']['adr']: offset = Gum.meta['symbols']['__dbgcp_start']['adr'] - Gum.meta['symbols']['__dbg2cp_start']['adr'] arr = uart.access(0, Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['adr'] + offset, bytearray(Gum.meta['symbols'][name]['size'])) else: raise Exception("Not a dbgcp symbol.") if shape == int: return tools.to_int(arr) else: return arr
defines = { # "F_CPU" : 9216000, # "BAUD" : 230400, "F_CPU": 16000000, "BAUD": 38400, # "NDEBUG" : "", "__ASSERT_USE_STDERR": "", # I have my own assert right now anyway "__DELAY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE__": "", # compile error with 4.7.2 "PLAIN_CONSOLE": 0, "BUILD_SEC": build_time[0], "BUILD_MIN": build_time[1], "BUILD_HOUR": build_time[2], "BUILD_WEEKDAY": build_time[3], "BUILD_DAY": build_time[4], "BUILD_MONTH": build_time[5], "BUILD_YEAR": tools.to_int(build_time[6:8]) } cflags = ( #"-g3", # gstabs+ #"-ggdb3", # dwarf # segmentation fault in lto1 #"-feliminate-dwarf2-dups", "-gdwarf-4", "-g3", "-gstrict-dwarf", "-Os", #"-v", "-save-temps", # GCC debugging #"-mmcu=atmega32", "-mmcu=atmega328p", "-std=gnu99",
def skeleton(self, body, gumi = None): html = el('html') html.attrib['xmlns'] = '' head = el('head') title = el('title') title.text = "Arduino" head.append(title) html.append(head) body.append(el('hr')) link_tab = el('table') tr = el('tr') for i in dir(self): attr = eval('self.' + i) if hasattr(attr, 'link') and hasattr(attr, 'exposed') and td = el('td') a = el('a') a.attrib['href'] = attr.__name__ a.text = td.append(a) tr.append(td) link_tab.append(tr) body.append(link_tab) body.append(el('hr')) if gumi: times = el('p') times.text = "" daylist = [ 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun' ] monthlist = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] date = gumi.read_symbol('date', None) times.text += "%s, %d %s %2d " % (daylist[date[3]], date[4] + 1, monthlist[date[5]], tools.to_int(date[6:8])) # date times.text += "%d:%02d:%02d " % (date[2], date[1], date[0]) uptime = gumi.read_symbol('uptime') up_days = uptime / (60 * 60 * 24) uptime %= (60 * 60 * 24) up_hours = uptime / (60 * 60) uptime %= (60 * 60) up_mins = uptime / 60 uptime %= 60 times.text += "(Uptime: %dd %dh %dm %ds)" % (up_days, up_hours, up_mins, uptime) body.append(times) html.append(body) page = "" page += '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' page += '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">' page += xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring(html).decode() return page
# "F_CPU" : 9216000, # "BAUD" : 230400, "F_CPU" : 16000000, "BAUD" : 38400, # "NDEBUG" : "", "__ASSERT_USE_STDERR" : "", # I have my own assert right now anyway "__DELAY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE__" : "", # compile error with 4.7.2 "PLAIN_CONSOLE" : 0, "BUILD_SEC" : build_time[0], "BUILD_MIN" : build_time[1], "BUILD_HOUR" : build_time[2], "BUILD_WEEKDAY" : build_time[3], "BUILD_DAY" : build_time[4], "BUILD_MONTH" : build_time[5], "BUILD_YEAR" : tools.to_int(build_time[6:8]) } cflags = ( #"-g3", # gstabs+ #"-ggdb3", # dwarf # segmentation fault in lto1 #"-feliminate-dwarf2-dups", "-gdwarf-4", "-g3", "-gstrict-dwarf", "-Os", #"-v", "-save-temps", # GCC debugging #"-mmcu=atmega32", "-mmcu=atmega328p", "-std=gnu99",