def main(): if __name__ == '__main__': # ------------------------ INPUTS ------------------------ # define the conditions for the wind farm positions = np.array([[0, 0], [6, 6]]) # initial turbine pos optimal_types = np.array([[2], [6]]) # optimal layout # =============================================================================== # Setup the problem and plotting # =============================================================================== try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.gcf() plot_comp = TurbineTypePlotComponent( turbine_type_names=["Turbine %d" % i for i in range(5)], plot_initial=False, delay=0.1, legendloc=0) plot = True except RuntimeError: plot_comp = NoPlot() plot = False # create the wind farm tf = TopFarmProblem( design_vars={'type': ([0, 0], 0, 4)}, cost_comp=DummyCost(optimal_types, ['type']), plot_comp=plot_comp, driver=FullFactorialGenerator(5), ext_vars={ 'x': positions[:, 0], 'y': positions[:, 1] }, ) # =============================================================================== # # Run the optimization # =============================================================================== state = {} cost, state, recorder = tf.optimize(state) # =============================================================================== # plot and prin the the final, optimal types # =============================================================================== print(state['type']) tf.evaluate(state) # save the figure if plot: folder, file = os.path.split(__file__) plt.savefig(folder + "/figures/" + file.replace('.py', '.png'))
def test_TopFarmProblem_with_cirleboundary_plot(): if == 'posix' and "DISPLAY" not in os.environ: pytest.xfail("No display") optimal = np.array([(0, 0)]) desvar = dict(zip('xy', optimal.T)) plot_comp = PlotComp() b = CircleBoundaryConstraint([1, 2], 3) tf = TopFarmProblem(desvar, DummyCost(optimal, 'xy'), constraints=[b], plot_comp=plot_comp) tf.evaluate()
def test_NOJ_Topfarm(aep_calc): init_pos = aep_calc.wake_model.windFarm.pos with warnings.catch_warnings( ): # suppress "warning, make sure that this position array is oriented in ndarray([n_wt, 2]) or ndarray([n_wt, 3])" warnings.simplefilter("ignore") tf = TopFarmProblem(dict(zip('xy', init_pos.T)), aep_calc.get_TopFarm_cost_component(), constraints=[ SpacingConstraint(160), XYBoundaryConstraint(init_pos, 'square') ]) tf.evaluate() assert tf.cost == -18.90684500124578
def test_TopFarmProblem_with_cirleboundary_penalty(): optimal = np.array([(0, 0)]) desvar = dict(zip('xy', optimal.T)) b = CircleBoundaryConstraint([1, 2], 3) driver = SimpleGADriver() tf = TopFarmProblem(desvar, DummyCost(optimal, 'xy'), constraints=[b], driver=driver) tf.evaluate() np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( ((b.constraintComponent.xy_boundary - [1, 2])**2).sum(1), 3**2) npt.assert_array_less(tf.evaluate({'x': [3.9], 'y': [2]})[0], 1e10) npt.assert_array_less(1e10, tf.evaluate({'x': [4.1], 'y': [2]})[0])
def main(): if __name__ == '__main__': # define the conditions for the wind farm boundary = [(0, 0), (6, 0), (6, -10), (0, -10)] # turbine boundaries initial = np.array([[6, 0], [6, -8], [1, 1], [-1, -8]]) # initial turbine pos desired = np.array([[3, -3], [7, -7], [4, -3], [3, -7]]) # desired turbine pos optimal = np.array([[2.5, -3], [6, -7], [4.5, -3], [3, -7]]) # optimal layout min_spacing = 2 # min distance between turbines # ------------------------ OPTIMIZATION ------------------------ # create the wind farm and run the optimization def wt_cost(i, x, y): time.sleep(0.01) return (desired[i, 0] - x[i])**2 + (desired[i, 1] - y[i])**2 n_wt = len(initial) comps = [CostModelComponent('xy', 4, cost_function=lambda x, y, i=i:wt_cost(i, x, y), objective=False, output_key='cost%d' % i) for i in range(n_wt)] def sum_map(**kwargs): return np.sum([kwargs['cost%d' % i] for i in range(n_wt)]) comps.append(CostModelComponent(['cost%d' % i for i in range(n_wt)], 1, cost_function=sum_map, objective=True)) cost_comp = TopFarmParallelGroup(comps) tf = TopFarmProblem( design_vars={'x': initial[:, 0], 'y': initial[:, 1]}, cost_comp=cost_comp, constraints=[XYBoundaryConstraint(boundary), SpacingConstraint(min_spacing)], # plot_comp=DummyCostPlotComp(desired), plot_comp=NoPlot(), driver=EasyScipyOptimizeDriver() ) # view_model(tf) #print(tf.evaluate({'x': desired[:, 0], 'y': desired[:, 1]})) print(tf.evaluate({'x': optimal[:, 0], 'y': optimal[:, 1]}, disp=False)) #print(tf.evaluate({'x': initial[:, 0], 'y': initial[:, 1]})) # tic = time.time() cost, state, recorder = tf.optimize() # toc = time.time() # print('optimized in {:.3f}s '.format(toc-tic))
def test_capacity_tf(): # 15 turbines, 5 different types, 50MW max installed capacity n_wt = 15 rated_power_array_kW = np.linspace(1, 10, int(n_wt / 3)) * 1e3 inputtypes = np.tile(np.array([range(int(n_wt / 3))]), 3).flatten() tf = TopFarmProblem({'type': inputtypes}, constraints=[ CapacityConstraint( max_capacity=50, rated_power_array=rated_power_array_kW) ], driver=EasySimpleGADriver()) tf.evaluate() # case above the maximum allowed installed capacity, yes penalty assert tf["totalcapacity"] == 82.5 assert tf['penalty_comp.penalty_capacity_comp_50'] == 32.5 # set all turbines type 0, still 15 turbines and re-run the problem tf.evaluate({'type': inputtypes * 0}) # case below the maximum allowed installed capacity, no penalty assert tf["totalcapacity"] == 15 assert tf['penalty_comp.penalty_capacity_comp_50'][0] == 0.0
def test_turbineXYZ_optimization(): optimal = np.array([(5, 4, 3), (3, 2, 1)]) turbineXYZ = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2]]) design_vars = {k: v for k, v in zip('xy', turbineXYZ.T)} design_vars['z'] = (turbineXYZ[:, 2], 1, 4) xy_boundary = [(0, 0), (5, 5)] tf = TopFarmProblem( design_vars=design_vars, cost_comp=DummyCost(optimal, 'xyz'), driver=EasyScipyOptimizeDriver(disp=False), constraints=[XYBoundaryConstraint(xy_boundary, 'square')]) cost, state = tf.evaluate() assert cost == 52 np.testing.assert_array_equal(state['x'], [0, 2]) cost = tf.optimize()[0] assert cost < 1e6 np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tf.turbine_positions, optimal[:, :2], 3)