    def _re_bound(self,plot_bounding_box,mat,box,density):

        # CEBHACKALERT: for Julien...
        # If plot_bounding_box is that of a Sheet, it will already have been
        # setup so that the density in the x direction and the density in the
        # y direction are equal.
        # If plot_bounding_box comes from elsewhere (i.e. you create it from
        # arbitrary bounds), it might need to be adjusted to ensure the density
        # in both directions is the same (see Sheet.__init__()). I don't know where
        # you want to do that; presumably the code should be common to Sheet and
        # where it's used in the plotting?
        # It's possible we can move some of the functionality
        # into SheetCoordinateSystem.
        if plot_bounding_box.containsbb_exclusive(box):
             ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(plot_bounding_box,density,density)
             new_mat = np.zeros(ct.shape,dtype=np.float)
             r1,r2,c1,c2 = Slice(box,ct)
             new_mat[r1:r2,c1:c2] = mat
             scs = SheetCoordinateSystem(box,density,density)
             new_mat = s.submatrix(mat)

        return new_mat
    def test_bounds2slice(self):

        # test that if you ask to slice the matrix with the sheet's BoundingBox, you
        # get back the whole matrix
        sheet_bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5)))
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(sheet_bb, 10)

        slice_ = Slice(sheet_bb, ct)
        true_slice = (0, 10, 0, 10
                      )  # inclusive left boundary, exclusive right boundary
        self.assertEqual(tuple(slice_.tolist()), true_slice)

        # for the following tests, the values have been all computed by hand and then
        # tested (by JC). The boundingbox and density tested have been chosen randomly,
        # then drawn to get the slice from it.

        # Test with 20 density.
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(sheet_bb, 20, 20)
        bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.05, -0.20), (0.20, 0.05)))
        slice_ = Slice(bb, ct)

        true_slice = (9, 14, 9, 14)
        self.assertEqual(tuple(slice_.tolist()), true_slice)

        bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.40, 0), (-0.30, 0.30)))
        slice_ = Slice(bb, ct)
        true_slice = (4, 10, 2, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tuple(slice_.tolist()), true_slice)

        bb = BoundingBox(points=((0.15, 0.10), (0.30, 0.30)))
        slice_ = Slice(bb, ct)
        true_slice = (4, 8, 13, 16)
        self.assertEqual(tuple(slice_.tolist()), true_slice)

        bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.05, -0.45), (0.10, -0.25)))
        slice_ = Slice(bb, ct)
        true_slice = (15, 19, 9, 12)
        self.assertEqual(tuple(slice_.tolist()), true_slice)

        # test with 7 density sheet.

        bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5 + 2.0 / 7.0, 0.5 - 2.0 / 7.0),
                                 (-0.5 + 4.0 / 7.0, 0.5)))
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(sheet_bb, 7)

        slice_ = Slice(bb, ct)
        true_slice = (0, 2, 2, 4)
        self.assertEqual(tuple(slice_.tolist()), true_slice)

        #(4x4 matrix)
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(BoundingBox(radius=0.2),
        test_bounds = BoundingBox(radius=0.1)
        slice_ = Slice(test_bounds, ct)
        r1, r2, c1, c2 = slice_
        self.assertEqual((r1, r2, c1, c2), (1, 3, 1, 3))
    def makeBox(self):
        self.box = BoundingBox(points=((self.left,self.bottom),

        self.ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(self.box,self.density,self.density)

        # float bounds for matrix coordinates: these
        # values are actually outside the matrix
        self.rbound = self.density*(self.top-self.bottom)
        self.cbound = self.density*(self.right-self.left)

        #self.cbound = int(self.density*(self.right-self.left)) / float((self.right-self.left))
        #self.rbound = int(self.density*(self.top-self.bottom)) / float((self.top-self.bottom))

        # CEBALERT: this is supposed to be a small distance
        D = 0.00001

        # Sheet values around the edge of the BoundingBox
        self.just_in_right_x = self.right - D
        self.just_in_bottom_y = self.bottom + D
        self.just_out_top_y = self.top + D
        self.just_out_left_x = self.left - D

        # Matrix values around the edge of the matrix
        self.just_out_right_idx = self.rbound + D
        self.just_out_bottom_idx = self.cbound + D
        self.just_out_top_idx = 0.0 - D
        self.just_out_left_idx = 0.0 - D
    def test_coordinate_position(self):
        these tests duplicate some of the earlier ones,
        except these use a matrix with non-integer
        (right-left) and (top-bottom). This is an important
        test case for the definition of density; without it,
        the tests above could be passed by a variety of
        sheet2matrix, bounds2shape functions, etc.
        CEBALERT: transfer the box to TestBox3Coordinates and have
        these tests run in the framework.
        l, b, r, t = (-0.8, -0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
        # mimics that a sheet recalculates its density)
        density = int(16 * (r - l)) / float(r - l)

        bounds = BoundingBox(points=((l, b), (r, t)))

        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(bounds, density, density)

        self.assertEqual(ct.sheet2matrixidx(0.8, 0.8), (0, 24 + 1))
        self.assertEqual(ct.sheet2matrixidx(0.0, 0.0), (12, 12))
        self.assertEqual(ct.sheet2matrixidx(-0.8, -0.8), (24 + 1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(ct.matrixidx2sheet(24, 0),
                         (((r - l) / int(density * (r - l)) / 2.0) + l,
                          (t - b) / int(density * (t - b)) / 2.0 + b))
        self.assertEqual(ct.matrixidx2sheet(0, 0),
                         (((r - l) / int(density * (r - l)) / 2.0) + l,
                          (t - b) / int(density * (t - b)) *
                          (int(density * (t - b)) - 0.5) + b))

        x, y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(0, 0)
        self.assertTrue(bounds.contains(x, y))
        self.assertEqual((0, 0), ct.sheet2matrixidx(x, y))

        x, y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(25, 25)
        self.assertFalse(bounds.contains(x, y))
        self.assertNotEqual((24, 24), ct.sheet2matrixidx(x, y))

        x, y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(0, 24)
        self.assertTrue(bounds.contains(x, y))
        self.assertEqual((0, 24), ct.sheet2matrixidx(x, y))

        x, y = ct.matrixidx2sheet(24, 0)
        self.assertTrue(bounds.contains(x, y))
        self.assertEqual((24, 0), ct.sheet2matrixidx(x, y))
    def test_slice2bounds(self):

        # test that if you ask to slice the matrix with the sheet's BoundingBox, you
        # get back the whole matrix
        # (I chose to use a 7 density, I don't know why I like 7 so much, it is kind of mystical)

        sheet_bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5,-0.5),(0.5,0.5)))
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(sheet_bb,7)
        slice_ = (0,7,0,7)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        true_bounds_lbrt = (-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5)
        for a,b in zip(bounds.lbrt(),true_bounds_lbrt):

        # for the following tests, the values have been all computed
        # by hand and then tested (by JC). The boundingbox and density
        # tested have been chosen randomly, then drawn to get the slice
        # from it.

        # Test for 10 density
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(sheet_bb,10)
        slice_ = (0,9,1,5)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        true_bounds_lbrt = (-0.4,-0.4,0,0.5)
        for a,b in zip(bounds.lbrt(),true_bounds_lbrt):

        slice_ = (2,3,7,10)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        true_bounds_lbrt = (0.2,0.2,0.5,0.3)
        for a,b in zip(bounds.lbrt(),true_bounds_lbrt):

        # Test for 7 density
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(sheet_bb,7)
        slice_ = (3,7,2,5)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        true_bounds_lbrt = (-0.5+2.0/7.0,-0.5,-0.5+5.0/7.0,0.5-3.0/7.0)
        for a,b in zip(bounds.lbrt(),true_bounds_lbrt):

        slice_ = (2,6,0,1)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        true_bounds_lbrt = (-0.5,0.5-6.0/7.0,-0.5+1.0/7.0,0.5-2.0/7.0)
        for a,b in zip(bounds.lbrt(),true_bounds_lbrt):

        # Test for 25 density
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(sheet_bb,25)
        slice_ = (0,25,4,10)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        true_bounds_lbrt = (-0.5+4.0/25.0,-0.5,-0.5+10.0/25.0,0.5)
        for a,b in zip(bounds.lbrt(),true_bounds_lbrt):

        slice_ = (7,18,3,11)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        true_bounds_lbrt = (-0.5+3.0/25.0,0.5-18.0/25.0,-0.5+11.0/25.0,0.5-7.0/25.0)
        for a,b in zip(bounds.lbrt(),true_bounds_lbrt):
    def test_slice2bounds_bounds2slice(self):

        bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5,-0.5),(0.5,0.5)))
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(bb,10)

        slice_ =(0,3,7,8)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):

        slice_ =(4,7,8,10)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):

        slice_ =(2,3,4,8)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):

        slice_ =(0,3,9,10)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):

        bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.75,-0.5),(0.75,0.5)))
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(bb,20,20)

        slice_ =(9,14,27,29)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):

        slice_ =(0,6,0,7)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):

        slice_ =(6,10,11,29)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):

        bb = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5,-0.5),(0.5,0.5)))
        ct = SheetCoordinateSystem(bb,7)

        slice_ =(4,7,2,3)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):

        slice_ =(0,7,0,7)
        bounds = BoundingBox(points=Slice._slicespec2boundsspec(slice_,ct))
        test_slice = Slice(bounds,ct)

        for a,b in zip(slice_,test_slice):