[str, 'grpc', 'experiment type, one of: grpc, quic, quic0rtt'], 'bw': [ float, 100, 'link bandwidth, one of: 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000' ], 'delay': [str, '100us', 'link delays, one of: 1us, 100us, 10ms'], 'size': [int, 1000, 'lambda request input size, one of: 100, 1000, 10000'] }, { 'cpu_limit': -1.0, 'nat': False, 'controller': 'flat', 'balancing': 'rr-async', 'edgetype': 'router', 'tclink': 'wotc' }) experiment = LinearQuic(**vars(args)) experiment.runExperiment( topo.LinearTopo( 4, # hosts # linkargs dict( bw=experiment.confopts['bw'], # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< delay=experiment.confopts['delay'], # <<<<<<<<<<< loss=0, max_queue_size=1000, use_htb=True), dict())) # hostargs
[int, 1000, 'lambda request input size, one of: 100, 1000, 10000'], 'loss': [int, 0, 'link loss probability'], 'numclients': [int, 1, 'number of client threads'] }, { 'cpu_limit': -1.0, 'nat': False, 'controller': 'flat', 'balancing': 'rr-async', 'edgetype': 'router', 'tclink': 'wotc', 'pingtest': 'none' }) experiment = QuicRouterComputer(**vars(args)) # delay and bandwidth link_types = { 'slow': ['50ms', 1], 'medium': ['10ms', 10], 'fast': ['100us', 100], } experiment.runExperiment( topo.LinearTopo( 4, dict(delay=link_types[experiment.confopts['link']][0], bw=link_types[experiment.confopts['link']][1], loss=experiment.confopts['loss'], max_queue_size=1000, use_htb=True), dict()))