def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(L2Forwarding, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Load the topology topo_file = 'topology.txt' self.G = load_topology(topo_file) # For each node in the graph, add an attribute mac-to-port # for n in self.G.nodes(): # self.G.add_node(n, mactoport={}) self.mac_to_port = {} self.counter = 0 # Compute a Spanning Tree for the graph G self.ST = compute_spanning_tree(self.G) print "Regular..." print self.get_str_topo(self.G) print "NX Lib Spanning..." print self.get_str_topo(self.ST) # my_compute_spanning_tree(self.G) min_spanning_tree = get_my_spanning_tree(self.G) print "My Spanning!" print self.get_str_topo(min_spanning_tree) self.MY_ST = min_spanning_tree
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(L2Forwarding, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Load the topology topo_file = 'topology.txt' self.G = load_topology(topo_file) # For each node in the graph, add an attribute mac-to-port for n in self.G.nodes(): self.G.add_node(n, mactoport={})
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(L2Forwarding, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Load the topology topo_file = 'topology.txt' self.G = load_topology(topo_file) # For each node in the graph, add an attribute mac-to-port for n in self.G.nodes(): self.G.add_node(n, mactoport={}) # Compute a Spanning Tree for the graph G self.ST = compute_spanning_tree(self.G) print self.get_str_topo(self.G) print self.get_str_topo(self.ST)
def __init__(self): Topo.__init__(self) self.read_config('config/config') self.topology_graph = load_topology(Topology.FILENAME + '.graphml') self.link_table = {} self.switch_table = Set() self.mylinks = [] self.myswitches = {} for v in self.topology_graph.vertices(): #node_name = self.topology_graph.vertex_properties['name'][v] print 'switch id:', v, ' dpid: ', self.dpid(v) current_sw_name = self.switch_name(v) if v not in self.switch_table: self.myswitches[int(v)] = self.addSwitch( current_sw_name, dpid=self.dpid(v), protocols='OpenFlow13') self.switch_table.add(v) self.add_neighbor_switch(v) self.add_neighbor_link(v)
# Creating links between switches and hosts_tab for switch_id in G: port_from = G.node[switch_id]['ports']['host'] print 'Add Link s' + str(switch_id) + '(' + str( port_from) + ')->(?)' + 'h' + str(switch_id) net.addLink(node1='s' + str(switch_id), node2='h' + str(switch_id), port1=port_from) print "*** Creating remote controller" c1 = net.addController('c1', controller=RemoteController, port=6633) print "*** Starting network" c1.start() for s in switches_tab: s.start([c1]) return net if __name__ == '__main__': G = load_topology('topology.txt') net = createMininetNetwork(G) print "*** Running CLI" CLI(net)
def lab0_topology(): G = load_topology('topology.txt') net = createMininetNetwork(G) return net