    def __init__(self, model, dummy_input):
        model = distiller.make_non_parallel_copy(model)
        with torch.onnx.set_training(model, False):
            trace, _ = jit.get_trace_graph(model, dummy_input.cuda())

            # Let ONNX do the heavy lifting: fusing the convolution nodes; fusing the nodes
            # composing a GEMM operation; etc.
            torch.onnx._optimize_trace(trace, False)
            graph = trace.graph()
            self.ops = {}
            self.params = {}
            self.edges = []
            self.temp = {}

            in_out = list(graph.inputs()) + list(graph.outputs())
            for param in in_out:

            for node in graph.nodes():
                new_op = self.__create_op(node)

                # Operators with the same name create very confusing graphs (Resnet, for example),
                # so we "unroll" them.
                # Sometimes operations of different types have the same name, so we differentiate
                # using both name and type
                # (this happens, for example, when an operator is called via some functional API and
                # not via a module)
                same = [
                    op for op in self.ops.values() if op['orig-name'] +
                    op['type'] == new_op['orig-name'] + new_op['type']
                if len(same) > 0:
                    new_op['name'] += "." + str(len(same))

                new_op['name'] = onnx_name_2_pytorch_name(
                    new_op['name'], new_op['type'])
                assert len(new_op['name']) > 0

                self.ops[new_op['name']] = new_op

                for input_ in node.inputs():
                    self.__add_input(new_op, input_)
                        SummaryGraph.Edge(input_.uniqueName(), new_op['name']))

                for output in node.outputs():
                    self.__add_output(new_op, output)
                        SummaryGraph.Edge(new_op['name'], output.uniqueName()))

                new_op['attrs'] = {
                    attr_name: node[attr_name]
                    for attr_name in node.attributeNames()

        del model
    def __init__(self, model, dummy_input):
        with torch.onnx.set_training(model, False):
            trace, _ = jit.get_trace_graph(model, dummy_input)

            # Let ONNX do the heavy lifting: fusing the convolution nodes; fusing the nodes
            # composing a GEMM operation; etc.
            torch.onnx._optimize_trace(trace, False)
            graph = trace.graph()
            self.ops = []
            self.params = {}
            self.edges = []
            self.temp = {}

            in_out = list(graph.inputs()) + list(graph.outputs())
            for param in in_out:

            for node in graph.nodes():
                op = {}
                op['name'] = node.scopeName()
                op['orig-name'] = node.scopeName()
                op['type'] = node.kind().lstrip('::onnx')
                op['inputs'] = []
                op['outputs'] = []
                op['params'] = []

                # in-place operators create very confusing graphs (Resnet, for example),
                # so we "unroll" them
                same = [
                    layer for layer in self.ops
                    if layer['orig-name'] == op['orig-name']
                if len(same) > 0:
                    op['name'] += "." + str(len(same))

                op['name'] = onnx_name_2_pytorch_name(op['name'])
                #op['name'] = '\n'.join(op['name'], op['type'])
                op['name'] += ("\n" + op['type'])

                # print(op['name'])

                for input_ in node.inputs():
                    self.__add_input(op, input_)
                    self.edges.append((input_.uniqueName(), op['name']))

                for output in node.outputs():
                    self.__add_output(op, output)
                    self.edges.append((op['name'], output.uniqueName()))

                op['attrs'] = {
                    attr_name: node[attr_name]
                    for attr_name in node.attributeNames()

    def __init__(self, model, dummy_input, apply_scope_name_workarounds=True):
        self._src_model = model
        model_clone = distiller.make_non_parallel_copy(model)

        # Switch all instances of torch.nn.ModuleList in the model to our DistillerModuleList
        # See documentation of _DistillerModuleList class for details on why this is done
        model_clone, converted_module_names_map = _to_distiller_modulelist(model_clone)

        with torch.onnx.set_training(model_clone, False):
            device = distiller.model_device(model_clone)
            dummy_input = distiller.convert_tensors_recursively_to(dummy_input, device=device)
            trace, _ = jit.get_trace_graph(model_clone, dummy_input, _force_outplace=True)

            # As of PyTorch 1.1.0, ONNX trace optimization has two issues that result in incorrect scope names
            # of nodes in the trace graph.
            # These can make it impossible, in some cases, to derive the connectivity of the model using the original
            # module names. So we try to detect these cases and apply workarounds

            # Issue #1:
            #   Gemm ops (aka "Linear" / "addmm" / "FC") get the scope name of the last non-Gemm node
            #   that came before them.
            #   Note that if the node prior to the Gemm node isn't the result of a dedicated module call,
            #   then this issue doesn't occur. For simplicity we just track all Gemms.
            # TODO: This should be fixed in PyTorch 1.2.0, revisit when it's released
            aten_addmm_nodes_scope_names = []
            onnx_gemm_count = 0

            # Issue #2:
            #   Dropout ops are removed by ONNX trace optimization. However, the op BEFORE the original dropout op
            #   gets the scope name of the dropout op
            pre_dropout_nodes_scope_names = OrderedDict()

            prev_non_dropout_op = None
            for node in trace.graph().nodes():
                kind = node.kind()
                if 'aten' not in kind:
                if kind == 'aten::dropout':
                    if prev_non_dropout_op:
                        pre_dropout_nodes_scope_names[node.scopeName()] = prev_non_dropout_op.scopeName()
                    prev_non_dropout_op = node
                    if kind == 'aten::addmm':

            # Let ONNX do the heavy lifting: fusing the convolution nodes; fusing the nodes
            # composing a GEMM operation; etc.
            torch.onnx._optimize_trace(trace, torch.onnx.OperatorExportTypes.ONNX)

            graph = trace.graph()
            self.ops = OrderedDict()
            self.module_ops_map = defaultdict(list)
            self.params = OrderedDict()
            self.edges = []
            self.temp = OrderedDict()

            in_out = list(graph.inputs()) + list(graph.outputs())
            for param in in_out:

            for node in graph.nodes():
                new_op = self.__create_op(node)

                if apply_scope_name_workarounds:
                    # Here we apply the workaround to the Gemm nodes scope name issue mentioned above
                    if new_op['type'] == 'Gemm':
                        new_op['orig-name'] = aten_addmm_nodes_scope_names[onnx_gemm_count]
                        new_op['name'] = new_op['orig-name']
                        onnx_gemm_count += 1

                    # Here we apply the workaround to the issue of dropout op scope name overriding previous op's
                    # scope name
                    if new_op['name'] in pre_dropout_nodes_scope_names:
                        new_op['orig-name'] = pre_dropout_nodes_scope_names[new_op['name']]
                        new_op['name'] = new_op['orig-name']

                # Convert the graph node's scope name to a PyTorch module name
                module_name = onnx_name_2_pytorch_name(new_op['orig-name'])

                # Get name from before conversion to DistillerModuleList
                module_name = converted_module_names_map[module_name]

                if len(module_name) == 0:
                    # Special case where the module name is an empty string - this happens
                    # when the op is called from the "top-level" of the model
                    new_op['name'] = 'top_level_op'
                    new_op['name'] = module_name

                # Save the calling module name in the op dict. Denormalize it so it can
                # be directly matched with the actual model
                module_name = distiller.denormalize_module_name(self._src_model, module_name)
                new_op['module-name'] = module_name

                # The node's scope name in the graph corresponds to the module from which the op was called.
                # This means that when ops are invoked from the same module via functional calls or direct
                # operations on tensors, these ops will have the SAME MODEL NAME associated with them.
                # For example:
                #   t = t1 + t2
                #   t = F.relu(t)
                # In this case the add operation and the ReLU operation will have the same name, which is
                # derived from the module they're contained in.
                # Another case where different ops will have the same module name is when a module is reused:
                #   out = self.conv1(x)
                #   out = self.relu(out)    <=== First use of self.relu
                #   out = self.conv2(out)
                #   out = self.relu(out)    <=== Second use of self.relu
                # In this case the graph will have 2 distinct ReLU nodes, with the same scope name.
                # Operators with the same name create very confusing graphs (in ResNet, for example),
                # so we "unroll" them.
                same_module_cnt = len(self.module_ops_map[module_name])
                if same_module_cnt:
                    new_op['name'] += "__" + str(same_module_cnt)

                # Finally we register the new op in the ops collection
                msglogger.debug("new sgraph node - Scope name: {} ; Type: {} ; Display name {}".format(
                    new_op['orig-name'], new_op['type'], new_op['name']))
                self.ops[new_op['name']] = new_op

                for input_ in node.inputs():
                    self.__add_input(new_op, input_)
                    self.edges.append(SummaryGraph.Edge(input_.uniqueName(), new_op['name']))

                for output in node.outputs():
                    self.__add_output(new_op, output)
                    self.edges.append(SummaryGraph.Edge(new_op['name'], output.uniqueName()))

                new_op['attrs'] = OrderedDict([(attr_name, node[attr_name]) for attr_name in node.attributeNames()])

        del model_clone
    def __init__(self, model, dummy_input):
        self._src_model = model
        model_clone = distiller.make_non_parallel_copy(model)
        with torch.onnx.set_training(model_clone, False):

            device = next(model_clone.parameters()).device
            dummy_input = distiller.convert_tensors_recursively_to(
                dummy_input, device=device
            trace, _ = jit.get_trace_graph(
                model_clone, dummy_input, _force_outplace=True

            # Let ONNX do the heavy lifting: fusing the convolution nodes; fusing the nodes
            # composing a GEMM operation; etc.
            torch.onnx._optimize_trace(trace, torch.onnx.OperatorExportTypes.ONNX)

            graph = trace.graph()
            self.ops = OrderedDict()
            self.params = OrderedDict()
            self.edges = []
            self.temp = OrderedDict()

            in_out = list(graph.inputs()) + list(graph.outputs())
            for param in in_out:

            for node in graph.nodes():
                new_op = self.__create_op(node)

                # Operators with the same name create very confusing graphs (Resnet, for example),
                # so we "unroll" them.
                # Sometimes operations of different types have the same name, so we differentiate
                # using both name and type
                # (this happens, for example, when an operator is called via some functional API and
                # not via a module)
                same = [
                    for op in self.ops.values()
                    if op["orig-name"] + op["type"]
                    == new_op["orig-name"] + new_op["type"]
                if len(same) > 0:
                    new_op["name"] += "." + str(len(same))

                new_op["name"] = onnx_name_2_pytorch_name(
                    new_op["name"], new_op["type"]
                assert len(new_op["name"]) > 0

                if new_op["name"] in self.ops:
                    # This is a patch.
                    # ONNX names integrate the node type, while we don't (design bug).
                    # This means that while parsing the ONNX graph we might find two nodes with the "same" name.
                    # This patch increments the instance name, but this may break in the future.
                    new_op["name"] = increment_instance(new_op["name"])
                self.ops[new_op["name"]] = new_op

                for input_ in node.inputs():
                    self.__add_input(new_op, input_)
                        SummaryGraph.Edge(input_.uniqueName(), new_op["name"])

                for output in node.outputs():
                    self.__add_output(new_op, output)
                        SummaryGraph.Edge(new_op["name"], output.uniqueName())

                new_op["attrs"] = OrderedDict(
                        (attr_name, node[attr_name])
                        for attr_name in node.attributeNames()

        del model_clone
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.jit as jit

class SimpleNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(SimpleNet, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3,10,kernel_size=3)
    def forward(self,x):
        x = self.conv1(x)
        return x

net = SimpleNet()
var = torch.rand(1,3,224,224)
trace, out = jit.get_trace_graph(net,var)
    def __init__(self, model, dummy_input, apply_scope_name_workarounds=True):
        self._src_model = model
        self._named_modules = OrderedDict(model.named_modules())
        self._adj_map = None
        self._layers_topological_order = None
        self._top_level_ops = set()
        model_clone = utils.make_non_parallel_copy(model)

        # Switch all instances of torch.nn.ModuleList in the model to our CACPModuleList
        # See documentation of _ModuleList class for details on why this is done
        model_clone, converted_module_names_map = _to_modulelist(model_clone)

        with torch.onnx.set_training(model_clone, False):

            device = utils.model_device(model_clone)
            dummy_input = utils.convert_tensors_recursively_to(dummy_input,
            self.dummy_input = dummy_input
            trace, _ = jit.get_trace_graph(model_clone,

            # As of PyTorch 1.3.0, ONNX trace optimization has an issue that results in incorrect scope names
            # of nodes in the trace graph.
            # These can make it impossible, in some cases, to derive the connectivity of the model using the original
            # module names. So we try to detect these cases and apply workarounds

            # The issue is:
            #   Dropout ops are removed by ONNX trace optimization. However, the op BEFORE the original dropout op
            #   gets the scope name of the dropout op
            pre_dropout_nodes_scope_names = OrderedDict()

            prev_non_dropout_op = None
            for node in trace.graph().nodes():
                kind = node.kind()
                if 'aten' not in kind:
                if kind == 'aten::dropout':
                    if prev_non_dropout_op:
                        )] = prev_non_dropout_op.scopeName()
                    prev_non_dropout_op = node

            # Let ONNX do the heavy lifting: fusing the convolution nodes; fusing the nodes
            # composing a GEMM operation; etc.

            graph = trace.graph()
            self.ops = OrderedDict()
            self.module_ops_map = defaultdict(list)
            self.params = OrderedDict()
            self.edges = []
            self.temp = OrderedDict()

            in_out = list(graph.inputs()) + list(graph.outputs())
            for param in in_out:

            for node in graph.nodes():
                new_op = self.__create_op(node)

                if apply_scope_name_workarounds:
                    # Here we apply the workaround to the issue of dropout op scope name overriding previous op's
                    # scope name
                    if new_op['name'] in pre_dropout_nodes_scope_names:
                        new_op['orig-name'] = pre_dropout_nodes_scope_names[
                        new_op['name'] = new_op['orig-name']

                # Convert the graph node's scope name to a PyTorch module name
                module_name = onnx_name_2_pytorch_name(new_op['orig-name'])

                # Get name from before conversion to CACPModuleList
                module_name = converted_module_names_map[module_name]

                if len(module_name) == 0:
                    # Special case where the module name is an empty string - this happens
                    # when the op is called from the "top-level" of the model
                    new_op['name'] = 'top_level_op'
                    new_op['name'] = module_name

                # Save the calling module name in the op dict. Denormalize it so it can
                # be directly matched with the actual model
                module_name = utils.denormalize_module_name(
                    self._src_model, module_name)
                new_op['module-name'] = module_name

                # The node's scope name in the graph corresponds to the module from which the op was called.
                # This means that when ops are invoked from the same module via functional calls or direct
                # operations on tensors, these ops will have the SAME MODEL NAME associated with them.
                # For example:
                #   t = t1 + t2
                #   t = F.relu(t)
                # In this case the add operation and the ReLU operation will have the same name, which is
                # derived from the module they're contained in.
                # Another case where different ops will have the same module name is when a module is reused:
                #   out = self.conv1(x)
                #   out = self.relu(out)    <=== First use of self.relu
                #   out = self.conv2(out)
                #   out = self.relu(out)    <=== Second use of self.relu
                # In this case the graph will have 2 distinct ReLU nodes, with the same scope name.
                # Operators with the same name create very confusing graphs (in ResNet, for example),
                # so we "unroll" them.
                same_module_cnt = len(self.module_ops_map[module_name])
                if same_module_cnt:
                    # TODO: Was this meant to be applied only to 'top_level_ops'? Also, it's not
                    #       applied to the first module that had the same name
                    new_op['name'] += "_%s_%d" % (new_op['type'],

                # Finally we register the new op in the ops collection
                self.ops[new_op['name']] = new_op

                for input_ in node.inputs():
                    self.__add_input(new_op, input_)
                        SummaryGraph.Edge(input_.debugName(), new_op['name']))

                for output in node.outputs():
                    self.__add_output(new_op, output)
                        SummaryGraph.Edge(new_op['name'], output.debugName()))

                new_op['attrs'] = OrderedDict([
                    (attr_name, node[attr_name])
                    for attr_name in node.attributeNames()

        del trace
        del graph
        del model_clone
    def __init__(self, model, dummy_input):
        self._src_model = model
        model_clone = distiller.make_non_parallel_copy(model)
        with torch.onnx.set_training(model_clone, False):

            device = next(model_clone.parameters()).device
            dummy_input = distiller.convert_tensors_recursively_to(
                dummy_input, device=device)
            trace, _ = jit.get_trace_graph(model_clone,

            # ONNX trace optimization has issues with Gemm ops (aka "Linear" / "addmm" / "FC"), where
            # Gemm nodes get the scope name of the last non-Gemm node that came before them. This can make
            # it impossible, in some cases, to derive the connectivity of the model using the original
            # module names. So we save the scope names for these nodes from the un-optimized trace.
            aten_addmm_nodes_scope_names = [
                n.scopeName() for n in trace.graph().nodes()
                if n.kind() == 'aten::addmm'
            onnx_gemm_count = 0

            # Let ONNX do the heavy lifting: fusing the convolution nodes; fusing the nodes
            # composing a GEMM operation; etc.

            graph = trace.graph()
            self.ops = OrderedDict()
            self.module_ops_map = defaultdict(list)
            self.params = OrderedDict()
            self.edges = []
            self.temp = OrderedDict()

            in_out = list(graph.inputs()) + list(graph.outputs())
            for param in in_out:

            for node in graph.nodes():
                new_op = self.__create_op(node)

                # Here we apply the workaround to the Gemm nodes scope name issue mentioned above
                if new_op['type'] == 'Gemm':
                    new_op['orig-name'] = aten_addmm_nodes_scope_names[
                    new_op['name'] = new_op['orig-name']
                    onnx_gemm_count += 1

                # Convert the graph node's scope name to a PyTorch module name
                module_name = onnx_name_2_pytorch_name(new_op['orig-name'])
                new_op['module-name'] = module_name
                if len(module_name) == 0:
                    # Special case where the module name is an empty string - this happens
                    # when the op is called from the "top-level" of the model
                    new_op['name'] = 'top_level_op'
                    new_op['name'] = module_name

                # The node's scope name in the graph corresponds to the module from which the op was called.
                # This means that when ops are invoked from the same module via functional calls or direct
                # operations on tensors, these ops will have the SAME MODEL NAME associated with them.
                # For example:
                #   t = t1 + t2
                #   t = F.relu(t)
                # In this case the add operation and the ReLU operation will have the same name, which is
                # derived from the module they're contained in.
                # Another case where different ops will have the same module name is when a module is reused:
                #   out = self.conv1(x)
                #   out = self.relu(out)    <=== First use of self.relu
                #   out = self.conv2(out)
                #   out = self.relu(out)    <=== Second use of self.relu
                # In this case the graph will have 2 distinct ReLU nodes, with the same scope name.
                # Operators with the same name create very confusing graphs (in ResNet, for example),
                # so we "unroll" them.
                same_module_cnt = len(self.module_ops_map[module_name])
                if same_module_cnt:
                    new_op['name'] += "__" + str(same_module_cnt)

                # Finally we register the new op in the ops collection
                    "new sgraph node - Scope name: {} ; Type: {} ; Display name {}"
                    .format(new_op['orig-name'], new_op['type'],
                self.ops[new_op['name']] = new_op

                for input_ in node.inputs():
                    self.__add_input(new_op, input_)
                        SummaryGraph.Edge(input_.uniqueName(), new_op['name']))

                for output in node.outputs():
                    self.__add_output(new_op, output)
                        SummaryGraph.Edge(new_op['name'], output.uniqueName()))

                new_op['attrs'] = OrderedDict([
                    (attr_name, node[attr_name])
                    for attr_name in node.attributeNames()

        del model_clone