def create_mobilenetv2_ssd_lite(num_classes, width_mult=1.0, use_batch_norm=True, onnx_compatible=False, is_test=False, quantize=False): base_net = MobileNetV2(width_mult=width_mult, use_batch_norm=use_batch_norm, onnx_compatible=onnx_compatible).features source_layer_indexes = [ GraphPath(14, 'conv', 3), 19, ] extras = ModuleList([ InvertedResidual(1280, 512, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.2), InvertedResidual(512, 256, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.25), InvertedResidual(256, 256, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.5), InvertedResidual(256, 64, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.25) ]) regression_headers = ModuleList([ SeperableConv2d(in_channels=round(576 * width_mult), out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1280, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=1), ]) classification_headers = ModuleList([ SeperableConv2d(in_channels=round(576 * width_mult), out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1280, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=1), ]) if quantize: from utils.quantize import quantize config.priors = quantize(config.priors, num_bits=8, min_value=float(config.priors.min()), max_value=float(config.priors.max())) return SSD(num_classes, base_net, source_layer_indexes, extras, classification_headers, regression_headers, is_test=is_test, config=config)
class TabTransformerCombiner(Combiner): def __init__(self, input_features: Dict[str, "InputFeature"] = None, config: TabTransformerCombinerConfig = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(input_features) = "TabTransformerCombiner" logger.debug(f"Initializing {}") if config.reduce_output is None: raise ValueError("TabTransformer requires the `reduce_output` " "parameter") self.reduce_output = config.reduce_output self.reduce_sequence = SequenceReducer( reduce_mode=config.reduce_output, max_sequence_length=len(input_features), encoding_size=config.hidden_size) self.supports_masking = True self.embed_input_feature_name = config.embed_input_feature_name if self.embed_input_feature_name: vocab = [ i_f for i_f in input_features if input_features[i_f].type() != NUMBER or input_features[i_f].type() != BINARY ] if self.embed_input_feature_name == "add": self.embed_i_f_name_layer = Embed(vocab, config.hidden_size, force_embedding_size=True) projector_size = config.hidden_size elif isinstance(self.embed_input_feature_name, int): if self.embed_input_feature_name > config.hidden_size: raise ValueError("TabTransformer parameter " "`embed_input_feature_name` " "specified integer value ({}) " "needs to be smaller than " "`hidden_size` ({}).".format( self.embed_input_feature_name, config.hidden_size)) self.embed_i_f_name_layer = Embed( vocab, self.embed_input_feature_name, force_embedding_size=True, ) projector_size = config.hidden_size - self.embed_input_feature_name else: raise ValueError("TabTransformer parameter " "`embed_input_feature_name` " "should be either None, an integer or `add`, " "the current value is " "{}".format(self.embed_input_feature_name)) else: projector_size = config.hidden_size logger.debug(" Projectors") self.unembeddable_features = [] self.embeddable_features = [] for i_f in input_features: if input_features[i_f].type in {NUMBER, BINARY}: self.unembeddable_features.append(i_f) else: self.embeddable_features.append(i_f) self.projectors = ModuleList() for i_f in self.embeddable_features: flatten_size = self.get_flatten_size( input_features[i_f].output_shape) self.projectors.append(Linear(flatten_size[0], projector_size)) # input to layer_norm are the encoder outputs for unembeddable features, # which are number or binary features. These should be 2-dim # tensors. Size should be concatenation of these tensors. concatenated_unembeddable_encoders_size = 0 for i_f in self.unembeddable_features: concatenated_unembeddable_encoders_size += input_features[ i_f].output_shape[0] self.layer_norm = torch.nn.LayerNorm( concatenated_unembeddable_encoders_size) logger.debug(" TransformerStack") self.transformer_stack = TransformerStack( input_size=config.hidden_size, max_sequence_length=len(self.embeddable_features), hidden_size=config.hidden_size, # todo: can we just use projector_size? # hidden_size, num_heads=config.num_heads, output_size=config.transformer_output_size, num_layers=config.num_layers, dropout=config.dropout, ) logger.debug(" FCStack") # determine input size to fully connected layer based on reducer if config.reduce_output == "concat": fc_input_size = len(self.embeddable_features) * config.hidden_size else: fc_input_size = self.reduce_sequence.output_shape[-1] if len( self.embeddable_features) > 0 else 0 self.fc_stack = FCStack( fc_input_size + concatenated_unembeddable_encoders_size, layers=config.fc_layers, num_layers=config.num_fc_layers, default_output_size=config.output_size, default_use_bias=config.use_bias, default_weights_initializer=config.weights_initializer, default_bias_initializer=config.bias_initializer, default_norm=config.norm, default_norm_params=config.norm_params, default_activation=config.fc_activation, default_dropout=config.fc_dropout, fc_residual=config.fc_residual, ) self._empty_hidden = torch.empty([1, 0]) self._embeddable_features_indices = torch.arange( 0, len(self.embeddable_features)) # Create empty tensor of shape [1, 0] to use as hidden in case there are no category or numeric/binary features. self.register_buffer("empty_hidden", self._empty_hidden) self.register_buffer("embeddable_features_indices", self._embeddable_features_indices) @staticmethod def get_flatten_size(output_shape: torch.Size) -> torch.Size: size =[*output_shape])) return torch.Size([size.type(torch.int32)]) @property def output_shape(self) -> torch.Size: return self.fc_stack.output_shape def forward( self, inputs: Dict, # encoder outputs ) -> Dict: unembeddable_encoder_outputs = [ inputs[k]["encoder_output"] for k in inputs if k in self.unembeddable_features ] embeddable_encoder_outputs = [ inputs[k]["encoder_output"] for k in inputs if k in self.embeddable_features ] batch_size = (embeddable_encoder_outputs[0].shape[0] if len(embeddable_encoder_outputs) > 0 else unembeddable_encoder_outputs[0].shape[0]) # ================ Project & Concat embeddables ================ if len(embeddable_encoder_outputs) > 0: # ============== Flatten ================= embeddable_encoder_outputs = [ torch.reshape(eo, [batch_size, -1]) for eo in embeddable_encoder_outputs ] projected = [ self.projectors[i](eo) for i, eo in enumerate(embeddable_encoder_outputs) ] hidden = torch.stack(projected) # num_eo, bs, h hidden = torch.permute(hidden, (1, 0, 2)) # bs, num_eo, h if self.embed_input_feature_name: i_f_names_idcs = torch.reshape( torch.arange(0, len(embeddable_encoder_outputs), device=self.device), [-1, 1]) embedded_i_f_names = self.embed_i_f_name_layer(i_f_names_idcs) embedded_i_f_names = torch.unsqueeze(embedded_i_f_names, dim=0) embedded_i_f_names = torch.tile(embedded_i_f_names, [batch_size, 1, 1]) if self.embed_input_feature_name == "add": hidden = hidden + embedded_i_f_names else: hidden =[hidden, embedded_i_f_names], -1) # ================ Transformer Layers ================ hidden = self.transformer_stack(hidden) # ================ Sequence Reduction ================ hidden = self.reduce_sequence(hidden) else: # create empty tensor because there are no category features hidden = torch.empty([batch_size, 0], device=self.device) # ================ Concat Skipped ================ if len(unembeddable_encoder_outputs) > 0: unembeddable_encoder_outputs = [ torch.reshape(eo, [batch_size, -1]) for eo in unembeddable_encoder_outputs ] # ================ Flatten ================ if len(unembeddable_encoder_outputs) > 1: unembeddable_hidden = unembeddable_encoder_outputs, -1) # tf.keras.layers.concatenate else: unembeddable_hidden = list(unembeddable_encoder_outputs)[0] unembeddable_hidden = self.layer_norm(unembeddable_hidden) else: # create empty tensor because there are not numeric/binary features unembeddable_hidden = torch.tile(self.empty_hidden, [batch_size, 0]) # ================ Concat Skipped and Others ================ hidden =[hidden, unembeddable_hidden], -1) # ================ FC Layers ================ hidden = self.fc_stack(hidden) return_data = {"combiner_output": hidden} if len(inputs) == 1: for key, value in [d for d in inputs.values()][0].items(): if key != "encoder_output": return_data[key] = value return return_data @staticmethod def get_schema_cls(): return TabTransformerCombinerConfig
class unetr(ModelBase): """ This is the standard U-Net architecture : The 'residualConnections' flag controls residual connections The Downsampling, Encoding, Decoding modules are defined in the seg_modules file. These smaller modules are basically defined by 2 parameters, the input channels (filters) and the output channels (filters), and some other hyperparameters, which remain constant all the modules. For more details on the smaller modules please have a look at the seg_modules file. """ def __init__( self, parameters: dict, ): super(unetr, self).__init__(parameters) if not ("inner_patch_size" in parameters["model"]): parameters["model"]["inner_patch_size"] = parameters["patch_size"][0] print("Default inner patch size set to %d." % parameters["patch_size"][0]) if "inner_patch_size" in parameters["model"]: if np.ceil(np.log2(parameters["model"]["inner_patch_size"])) != np.floor( np.log2(parameters["model"]["inner_patch_size"]) ): sys.exit("The inner patch size must be a power of 2.") self.patch_size = parameters["model"]["inner_patch_size"] self.depth = int(np.log2(self.patch_size)) patch_check = checkPatchDimensions(parameters["patch_size"], self.depth) if patch_check != self.depth and patch_check >= 2: print( "The image size is not large enough for desired depth. It is expected that each dimension of the image is divisible by 2^i, where i is in a integer greater than or equal to 2. Only the first %d layers will run." % patch_check ) elif patch_check < 2: sys.exit( "The image size is not large enough for desired depth. It is expected that each dimension of the image is divisible by 2^i, where i is in a integer greater than or equal to 2." ) if not ("num_heads" in parameters["model"]): parameters["model"]["num_heads"] = 12 print( "Default number of heads in multi-head self-attention (MSA) set to 12." ) if not ("embed_dim" in parameters["model"]): parameters["model"]["embed_dim"] = 768 print("Default size of embedded dimension set to 768.") if self.n_dimensions == 2: self.img_size = parameters["patch_size"][0:2] elif self.n_dimensions == 3: self.img_size = parameters["patch_size"] self.num_layers = 3 * self.depth # number of transformer layers self.out_layers = np.arange(2, self.num_layers, 3) self.num_heads = parameters["model"]["num_heads"] self.embed_size = parameters["model"]["embed_dim"] self.patch_dim = [i // self.patch_size for i in self.img_size] if not all([i % self.patch_size == 0 for i in self.img_size]): sys.exit( "The image size is not divisible by the patch size in at least 1 dimension. UNETR is not defined in this case." ) if not all([self.patch_size <= i for i in self.img_size]): sys.exit("The inner patch size must be smaller than the input image.") self.transformer = _Transformer( img_size=self.img_size, patch_size=self.patch_size, in_feats=self.n_channels, embed_size=self.embed_size, num_heads=self.num_heads, mlp_dim=2048, num_layers=self.num_layers, out_layers=self.out_layers, Conv=self.Conv, Norm=self.Norm, ) self.upsampling = ModuleList([]) self.convs = ModuleList([]) for i in range(0, self.depth - 1): # add deconv blocks tempconvs = nn.Sequential() tempconvs.add_module( "conv0", _DeconvConvBlock( self.embed_size, 32 * 2**self.depth, self.Norm, self.Conv, self.ConvTranspose, ), ) for j in range(self.depth - 2, i, -1): tempconvs.add_module( "conv%d" % j, _DeconvConvBlock( 128 * 2**j, 128 * 2 ** (j - 1), self.Norm, self.Conv, self.ConvTranspose, ), ) self.convs.append(tempconvs) # add upsampling self.upsampling.append( _UpsampleBlock( 128 * 2 ** (i + 1), self.Norm, self.Conv, self.ConvTranspose ) ) # add upsampling for transformer output (no convs) self.upsampling.append( self.ConvTranspose( in_channels=self.embed_size, out_channels=32 * 2**self.depth, kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, output_padding=0, ) ) self.input_conv = nn.Sequential() self.input_conv.add_module( "conv1", _ConvBlock(self.n_channels, 32, self.Norm, self.Conv) ) self.input_conv.add_module("conv2", _ConvBlock(32, 64, self.Norm, self.Conv)) self.output_conv = nn.Sequential() self.output_conv.add_module("conv1", _ConvBlock(128, 64, self.Norm, self.Conv)) self.output_conv.add_module("conv2", _ConvBlock(64, 64, self.Norm, self.Conv)) self.output_conv.add_module( "conv3", out_conv( 64, self.n_classes, conv_kwargs={ "kernel_size": 1, "stride": 1, "padding": 0, "bias": False, }, norm=self.Norm, conv=self.Conv, final_convolution_layer=self.final_convolution_layer, sigmoid_input_multiplier=self.sigmoid_input_multiplier, ), ) def forward(self, x): """ Parameters ---------- x : Tensor Should be a 5D Tensor as [batch_size, channels, x_dims, y_dims, z_dims]. Returns ------- x : Tensor Returns a 5D Output Tensor as [batch_size, n_classes, x_dims, y_dims, z_dims]. """ transformer_out = self.transformer(x) y = self.upsampling[-1]( transformer_out[-1] .transpose(-1, -2) .view(-1, self.embed_size, *self.patch_dim) ) # z12 for i in range(len(self.convs) - 1, -1, -1): zi = ( transformer_out[i] .transpose(-1, -2) .view(-1, self.embed_size, *self.patch_dim) ) zi = self.convs[i](zi) zicat =[zi, y], dim=1) y = self.upsampling[i](zicat) x = self.input_conv(x) x =[x, y], dim=1) x = self.output_conv(x) return x
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels): super().__init__() self.convs = ModuleList( [SAGEConv(in_channels, 128), SAGEConv(128, out_channels)])
class CNV(Module): def __init__(self, num_classes, weight_bit_width, act_bit_width, in_bit_width, in_ch): super(CNV, self).__init__() self.conv_features = ModuleList() self.linear_features = ModuleList() self.conv_features.append(QuantIdentity( # for Q1.7 input format act_quant=CommonActQuant, bit_width=in_bit_width, min_val=- 1.0, max_val=1.0 - 2.0 ** (-7), narrow_range=False, restrict_scaling_type=RestrictValueType.POWER_OF_TWO)) for out_ch, is_pool_enabled in CNV_OUT_CH_POOL: self.conv_features.append(QuantConv2d( kernel_size=KERNEL_SIZE, in_channels=in_ch, out_channels=out_ch, bias=False, weight_quant=CommonWeightQuant, weight_bit_width=weight_bit_width)) in_ch = out_ch self.conv_features.append(BatchNorm2d(in_ch, eps=1e-4)) self.conv_features.append(QuantIdentity( act_quant=CommonActQuant, bit_width=act_bit_width)) if is_pool_enabled: self.conv_features.append(MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2)) for in_features, out_features in INTERMEDIATE_FC_FEATURES: self.linear_features.append(QuantLinear( in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features, bias=False, weight_quant=CommonWeightQuant, weight_bit_width=weight_bit_width)) self.linear_features.append(BatchNorm1d(out_features, eps=1e-4)) self.linear_features.append(QuantIdentity( act_quant=CommonActQuant, bit_width=act_bit_width)) self.linear_features.append(QuantLinear( in_features=LAST_FC_IN_FEATURES, out_features=num_classes, bias=False, weight_quant=CommonWeightQuant, weight_bit_width=weight_bit_width)) self.linear_features.append(TensorNorm()) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, QuantConv2d) or isinstance(m, QuantLinear): torch.nn.init.uniform_(, -1, 1) def clip_weights(self, min_val, max_val): for mod in self.conv_features: if isinstance(mod, QuantConv2d):, max_val) for mod in self.linear_features: if isinstance(mod, QuantLinear):, max_val) def forward(self, x): x = 2.0 * x - torch.tensor([1.0], device=x.device) for mod in self.conv_features: x = mod(x) x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1) for mod in self.linear_features: x = mod(x) return x
class Generator(th.nn.Module): """ Generator Module (block) of the GAN network Args: depth: required depth of the Network num_channels: number of output channels (default = 3 for RGB) latent_size: size of the latent manifold use_eql: whether to use equalized learning rate """ def __init__( self, depth: int = 10, num_channels: int = 3, latent_size: int = 512, use_eql: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__() # object state: self.depth = depth self.latent_size = latent_size self.num_channels = num_channels self.use_eql = use_eql ConvBlock = EqualizedConv2d if use_eql else Conv2d self.layers = ModuleList( [GenInitialBlock(latent_size, nf(1), use_eql=self.use_eql)] ) for stage in range(1, depth - 1): self.layers.append(GenGeneralConvBlock(nf(stage), nf(stage + 1), use_eql)) self.rgb_converters = ModuleList( [ ConvBlock(nf(stage), num_channels, kernel_size=(1, 1)) for stage in range(1, depth) ] ) def forward(self, x: Tensor, depth: int, alpha: float) -> Tensor: """ forward pass of the Generator Args: x: input latent noise depth: depth from where the network's output is required alpha: value of alpha for fade-in effect Returns: generated images at the give depth's resolution """ assert depth <= self.depth, f"Requested output depth {depth} cannot be produced" if depth == 2: y = self.rgb_converters[0](self.layers[0](x)) else: y = x for layer_block in self.layers[: depth - 2]: y = layer_block(y) residual = interpolate(self.rgb_converters[depth - 3](y), scale_factor=2) straight = self.rgb_converters[depth - 2](self.layers[depth - 2](y)) y = (alpha * straight) + ((1 - alpha) * residual) return y def get_save_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "conf": { "depth": self.depth, "num_channels": self.num_channels, "latent_size": self.latent_size, "use_eql": self.use_eql, }, "state_dict": self.state_dict(), }
class TFC(Module): def __init__(self, num_classes=10, weight_bit_width=None, act_bit_width=None, in_bit_width=None, in_ch=1, in_features=(28, 28)): super(TFC, self).__init__() weight_quant_type = get_quant_type(weight_bit_width) act_quant_type = get_quant_type(act_bit_width) in_quant_type = get_quant_type(in_bit_width) self.features = ModuleList() self.features.append(get_act_quant(in_bit_width, in_quant_type)) self.features.append(Dropout(p=IN_DROPOUT)) in_features = reduce(mul, in_features) for out_features in FC_OUT_FEATURES: self.features.append( get_quant_linear( in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features, per_out_ch_scaling=INTERMEDIATE_FC_PER_OUT_CH_SCALING, bit_width=weight_bit_width, quant_type=weight_quant_type)) in_features = out_features self.features.append(BatchNorm1d(num_features=in_features)) self.features.append(get_act_quant(act_bit_width, act_quant_type)) self.features.append(Dropout(p=HIDDEN_DROPOUT)) self.features.append( get_quant_linear(in_features=in_features, out_features=num_classes, per_out_ch_scaling=LAST_FC_PER_OUT_CH_SCALING, bit_width=weight_bit_width, quant_type=weight_quant_type)) self.features.append(BatchNorm1d(num_features=num_classes)) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, QuantLinear): torch.nn.init.uniform_(, -1, 1) def clip_weights(self, min_val, max_val): for mod in self.features: if isinstance(mod, QuantLinear):, max_val) def forward(self, x): x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1) x = 2.0 * x - torch.tensor([1.0], device=x.device) for mod in self.features: x = mod(x) return x
def create_mobilenetv1_ssd_lite(num_classes, is_test=False): base_net = MobileNetV1(1001).model # disable dropout layer source_layer_indexes = [ 12, 14, ] extras = ModuleList([ Sequential( Conv2d(in_channels=1024, out_channels=256, kernel_size=1), ReLU(), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), ), Sequential( Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=128, kernel_size=1), ReLU(), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), ), Sequential( Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=128, kernel_size=1), ReLU(), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), ), Sequential( Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=128, kernel_size=1), ReLU(), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)) ]) regression_headers = ModuleList([ SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1024, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=1), ]) classification_headers = ModuleList([ SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1024, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=1), ]) return SSD(num_classes, base_net, source_layer_indexes, extras, classification_headers, regression_headers, is_test=is_test, config=config)
def create_vgg_ssd(num_classes, is_test=False): vgg_config = [ 64, 64, 'M', 128, 128, 'M', 256, 256, 256, 'C', 512, 512, 512, 'M', 512, 512, 512 ] base_net = ModuleList(vgg(vgg_config)) source_layer_indexes = [ (23, ScaledL2Norm(512, 20)), len(base_net), ] extras = ModuleList([ Sequential( Conv2d(in_channels=1024, out_channels=256, kernel_size=1), ReLU(), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=512, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), ReLU()), Sequential( Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=128, kernel_size=1), ReLU(), Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), ReLU()), Sequential(Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=128, kernel_size=1), ReLU(), Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3), ReLU()), Sequential(Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=128, kernel_size=1), ReLU(), Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3), ReLU()) ]) regression_headers = ModuleList([ Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=4 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=1024, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=4 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=4 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # TODO: change to kernel_size=1, padding=0? ]) classification_headers = ModuleList([ Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=4 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=1024, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=4 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=4 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # TODO: change to kernel_size=1, padding=0? ]) return SSD(num_classes, base_net, source_layer_indexes, extras, classification_headers, regression_headers, is_test=is_test, config=config)
class Generator(Module): def __init__(self, gen_channel, texture_size, style_size, gen_nonlocal_loc, gen_lr, img_size, device): super().__init__() if device == 'cpu': self.use_gpu = False elif 'cuda:' in device: self.use_gpu = True else: assert Exception('invalid argument in Network2.Generator') self.gen_channel = gen_channel self.basic_texture = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.rand(gen_channel, texture_size, texture_size)) self.weight_scaling_1 = Weight_Scaling(gen_channel * 3 * 3, LEAKY_RELU_GAIN) self.conv = Conv2d(in_channels=gen_channel, out_channels=gen_channel, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) self.LeakyReLU = LeakyReLU(0.2) self.style_scaling = Weight_Scaling(style_size, 1) self.style_affine_1 = Linear(style_size, gen_channel * 2) self.noise_scaler_1 = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(gen_channel).view(1, gen_channel, 1, 1)) self.style_affine_2 = Linear(style_size, gen_channel * 2) self.noise_scaler_2 = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.zeros(gen_channel).view(1, gen_channel, 1, 1)) self.module_list = ModuleList() in_channels = gen_channel in_size = 4 cnt = 0 while True: cnt += 1 self.module_list.append( Generator_Conv(in_channels, in_channels // 2, 3, style_size, self.use_gpu)) if cnt == gen_nonlocal_loc: print('gen: non_local block inserted, in_size: ', 2 * in_size) self.module_list.append(Non_Local(in_channels // 2)) in_channels //= 2 in_size *= 2 if in_size >= img_size: break self.weight_scaling_2 = Weight_Scaling(in_channels * 1 * 1, 1) self.last_layer = Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=3, kernel_size=1, stride=1) self.opt = Adam(self.parameters(), lr=gen_lr, betas=BETAS) self.apply(init_weights) def forward(self, style_base): batch_size = style_base.size()[0] x = self.basic_texture.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1, 1) noise = make_noise_img((batch_size, 1, 4, 4)) if self.use_gpu: with torch.cuda.device_of(style_base): noise = noise.cuda() else: noise = noise.cpu() x = x + self.noise_scaler_1 * noise x = AdaIN( x, self.style_affine_1(self.style_scaling(style_base)).view( -1, 2 * self.gen_channel, 1, 1)) x = self.LeakyReLU( self.conv(self.weight_scaling_1(x)) + self.noise_scaler_2 * noise) x = AdaIN( x, self.style_affine_2(self.style_scaling(style_base)).view( -1, 2 * self.gen_channel, 1, 1)) for m in self.module_list: if type(m) != Non_Local: x = m(x, style_base) else: x = m(x) x = self.weight_scaling_2(x) #f*****g bug! pytorch1.4.0 has bug on conv with 1*1 kernel! x = x.contiguous() #above line fix the bug x = F.tanh(self.last_layer(x)) return x
def __init__(self, num_langs, encoder_args): super(MultiEncoder, self).__init__() self._num_langs = num_langs self._encoders = ModuleList( [Encoder(*encoder_args) for _ in range(num_langs)])
class Discriminator(Module): def __init__(self, disc_first_channel, disc_last_size, disc_nonlocal_loc, disc_lr, img_size, device): super().__init__() if not (device == 'cpu' or 'cuda:' in device): assert Exception('invalid argument in Network2.Discriminator') self.module_list = ModuleList() in_channels = 3 out_channels = disc_first_channel self.module_list.append( Weight_Scaling(in_channels * 1 * 1, LEAKY_RELU_GAIN)) self.module_list.append( Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=disc_first_channel, kernel_size=1, stride=1)) self.module_list.append(LeakyReLU(0.2)) in_size = img_size cnt = 0 while True: cnt += 1 in_channels = out_channels out_channels *= 2 if in_size == disc_last_size: break self.module_list.append(Disc_Conv(in_channels, out_channels)) if cnt == disc_nonlocal_loc: print('disc: non_local block inserted, in_size: ', in_size // 2) self.module_list.append(Non_Local(out_channels)) in_size //= 2 self.module_list.append(Minibatch_Stddev()) self.module_list.append( Weight_Scaling((in_channels + 1) * 3 * 3, LEAKY_RELU_GAIN)) self.module_list.append( Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels + 1, out_channels=in_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)) self.module_list.append(LeakyReLU(0.2)) self.module_list.append( Weight_Scaling(in_channels * 4 * 4, LEAKY_RELU_GAIN)) self.module_list.append( Conv2d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=in_channels, kernel_size=4, stride=1, padding=0)) self.module_list.append(LeakyReLU(0.2)) self.module_list.append(Flatten()) self.module_list.append(Weight_Scaling(in_channels, 1)) self.module_list.append(Linear(in_channels, 1)) self.opt = Adam(self.parameters(), lr=disc_lr, betas=BETAS) self.apply(init_weights) def forward(self, x): for m in self.module_list: x = m(x) return x
def __init__(self, base_kernels): super(BatchKernel, self).__init__(batch_size=len(base_kernels)) self.base_kernels = ModuleList(base_kernels)
def __init__(self, base_means): super(BatchMean, self).__init__() self.base_means = ModuleList(base_means)
def __init__(self, *kernels): super(AdditiveKernel, self).__init__() self.kernels = ModuleList(kernels)
class PathNetWithMP(torch.nn.Module): path_layers : Sequence[PathConvolutionLayer] def __init__(self, hidden_channels, out_channels, num_layers, dropout=0.0, path_lengths=None, path_depth=1, inter_message_passing=True): super(PathNetWithMP, self).__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers self.dropout = dropout self.inter_message_passing = inter_message_passing if path_lengths is None: path_lengths = [3, 4] self.path_lengths = path_lengths self.path_keys = [str(k) for k in path_lengths] self._build_base_mp_layers(hidden_channels, num_layers) self.lin = Linear(hidden_channels, out_channels) self.path_layers = ModuleList( PathConvolutionLayer(hidden_channels, path_depth, path_lengths, dropout) for _ in range(num_layers)) self.path_embedding = PathEmbeddingLayer(6, hidden_channels, path_lengths) def _build_base_mp_layers(self, hidden_channels, num_layers): self.atom_encoder = blocks.AtomEncoder(hidden_channels) self.bond_encoders = ModuleList() self.atom_convs = ModuleList() self.atom_batch_norms = ModuleList() for _ in range(num_layers): self.bond_encoders.append(blocks.BondEncoder(hidden_channels)) nn = Sequential( Linear(hidden_channels, 2 * hidden_channels), BatchNorm1d(2 * hidden_channels), ReLU(), Linear(2 * hidden_channels, hidden_channels), ) self.atom_convs.append(GINEConv(nn, train_eps=True)) self.atom_batch_norms.append(BatchNorm1d(hidden_channels)) self.atom_lin = Linear(hidden_channels, hidden_channels) def forward(self, data): x = self.atom_encoder(data.x.squeeze()) x_paths = {k: data['x_clique_%s_path' % k] for k in self.path_keys} atom_to_path_mapping = {k: data['atom2clique_%s_path' % k] for k in self.path_keys} # Apply initial embedding of path features. x_paths = self.path_embedding(x_paths) for i in range(self.num_layers): edge_attr = self.bond_encoders[i](data.edge_attr) x = self.atom_convs[i](x, data.edge_index, edge_attr) x = self.atom_batch_norms[i](x) x = F.relu(x) x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout, if self.inter_message_passing: # Blocks used in this layer x, x_paths = self.path_layers[i](x, x_paths, atom_to_path_mapping) # Aggregate output and run an MLP on top. x = scatter(x, data.batch, dim=0, reduce='mean') x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout, x = self.atom_lin(x) x = F.relu(x) x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout, x = self.lin(x) return x
def __init__(self, *kernels): super(ProductKernel, self).__init__() self.kernels = ModuleList(kernels)
def __init__(self, n_dim: int, e_dim: int, config, position_encoder=None, use_pos=False, use_cuda=False, q_only=False): super(AMPNN, self).__init__() self.h_dim = config['F_DIM'] self.c_dims = config['C_DIMS'] self.he_dim = config['HE_DIM'] self.layers = len(config['C_DIMS']) self.m_radius = config['M_RADIUS'] self.dropout = config['DROPOUT'] self.position_encoders = [position_encoder] self.use_pos = use_pos self.use_cuda = use_cuda assert not (use_pos and position_encoder) if use_pos: self.pos_dim = config['POS_DIM'] self.pos_trans = Linear(3, self.pos_dim) elif position_encoder: self.pos_dim = config['POS_DIM'] if position_encoder.use_rdkit: self.pos_dim = 3 else: self.pos_dim = 0 self.q_only = q_only self.temp_mask = torch.tensor([0] * int(self.pos_dim / 2) + [1] * int(self.pos_dim / 2), dtype=torch.float32) if self.use_cuda: self.temp_mask = self.temp_mask.cuda() in_dims = [self.h_dim] * (self.layers + 1) self.e_dim = e_dim self.FC_N = Linear(n_dim, self.h_dim, bias=True) self.FC_E = Linear(e_dim, self.he_dim, bias=True) # if self.position_encoders[0] or self.use_pos: # self.Ms = ModuleList([PosConcatMesPassing(in_dims[i], self.he_dim, self.pos_dim, self.c_dims[i], # dropout=self.dropout) # for i in range(self.layers)]) # else: # # self.Ms = ModuleList([ConcatMesPassing(in_dims[i], self.he_dim, self.c_dims[i], dropout=self.dropout) # # for i in range(self.layers)]) # self.Ms = ModuleList([MolGATMesPassing(in_dims[i], self.he_dim, self.pos_dim, self.c_dims[i], # dropout=self.dropout, use_cuda=use_cuda) # for i in range(self.layers)]) self.Ms = ModuleList([ MolGATMesPassing(in_dims[i], self.he_dim, self.pos_dim, self.c_dims[i], dropout=self.dropout, use_cuda=use_cuda) for i in range(self.layers) ]) self.Us = ModuleList([ GRUAggregation(self.c_dims[i], in_dims[i]) for i in range(self.layers) ]) self.R = AlignAttendPooling(in_dims[-1], in_dims[-1], self.pos_dim, radius=self.m_radius, use_cuda=use_cuda, dropout=self.dropout)
class ProGrowGenerator(nn.Module): """ Generator of the progressive growing GAN network """ def __init__(self, depth=7, latent_size=512, use_eql=True): """ constructor for the Generator class :param depth: required depth of the Network :param latent_size: size of the latent manifold :param use_eql: whether to use equalized learning rate """ from torch.nn import ModuleList, Upsample super(ProGrowGenerator, self).__init__() assert latent_size != 0 and ((latent_size & (latent_size - 1)) == 0), \ "latent size not a power of 2" if depth >= 4: assert latent_size >= np.power( 2, depth - 4), "latent size will diminish to zero" # state of the generator: self.use_eql = use_eql self.depth = depth self.latent_size = latent_size # register the modules required for the GAN self.initial_block = ProGrowInitialBlock(self.latent_size, use_eql=self.use_eql) # create a module list of the other required general convolution blocks self.layers = ModuleList([]) # initialize to empty list # create the ToRGB layers for various outputs: if self.use_eql: from .layers import equalized_conv2d self.toRGB = lambda in_channels: \ equalized_conv2d(in_channels, 3, (1, 1), bias=True) else: from torch.nn import Conv2d self.toRGB = lambda in_channels: Conv2d( in_channels, 3, (1, 1), bias=True) self.rgb_converters = ModuleList([self.toRGB(self.latent_size)]) # create the remaining layers for i in range(self.depth - 1): if i <= 2: layer = ProGrowConvBlock(self.latent_size, self.latent_size, use_eql=self.use_eql) rgb = self.toRGB(self.latent_size) else: layer = ProGrowConvBlock( int(self.latent_size // np.power(2, i - 3)), int(self.latent_size // np.power(2, i - 2)), use_eql=self.use_eql) rgb = self.toRGB(int(self.latent_size // np.power(2, i - 2))) self.layers.append(layer) self.rgb_converters.append(rgb) # register the temporary upsampler self.temporaryUpsampler = Upsample(scale_factor=2) def forward(self, x, depth, alpha): """ forward pass of the Generator :param x: input noise :param depth: current depth from where output is required :param alpha: value of alpha for fade-in effect :return: y => output """ # assert depth < self.depth, "Requested output depth cannot be produced" y = self.initial_block(x) if depth > 0: for block in self.layers[:depth - 1]: y = block(y) residual = self.rgb_converters[depth - 1]( self.temporaryUpsampler(y)) straight = self.rgb_converters[depth](self.layers[depth - 1](y)) out = (alpha * straight) + ((1 - alpha) * residual) else: out = self.rgb_converters[0](y) return out
def __init__(self, flows, dbgprint=False): super().__init__() self.flows = ModuleList(flows) self.dbgprint = dbgprint
def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, X_max_v, likelihood, MAP=True): ''' Inputs: - train_x: - train_y: - likelihood: ''' super(MultitaskGPModel, self).__init__(train_x, train_y, likelihood) # define priors outputscale_prior = gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(concentration=1, rate=10) lengthscale_prior = gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(concentration=4, rate=1 / 5) rho_prior = gpytorch.priors.UniformPrior(-1, 1) unit_outputscale_prior = gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(concentration=1, rate=10) unit_lengthscale_prior = gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(concentration=4, rate=1 / 5) drift_outputscale_prior = gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(concentration=1, rate=20) drift_lengthscale_prior = gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(concentration=5, rate=1 / 5) weekday_prior = gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(concentration=1, rate=10) day_prior = gpytorch.priors.GammaPrior(concentration=1, rate=10) # treatment/control groups self.num_groups = 2 self.num_units = len(train_x[:, -3].unique()) # categoritcal features: group/weekday/day/unit id self.X_max_v = X_max_v # dim of covariates self.d = list(train_x.shape)[1] - 1 # same mean of unit bias for all units, could extend this to be unit-dependent # self.unit_mean_module = gpytorch.means.ConstantMean() self.unit_mean_module = ConstantVectorMean(d=self.num_units) self.group_mean_module = ConstantVectorMean(d=self.num_groups) # marginalize weekday/day/unit id effects self.x_covar_module = ModuleList( [constantKernel(num_tasks=v + 1) for v in self.X_max_v]) # self.x_covar_module = ModuleList([constantKernel(num_tasks=X_max_v[0]+1, prior=weekday_prior), # constantKernel(num_tasks=X_max_v[1]+1, prior=day_prior), # constantKernel(num_tasks=X_max_v[2]+1)]) # group-level time trend self.group_t_covar_module = gpytorch.kernels.ScaleKernel(gpytorch.kernels.RBFKernel(\ active_dims=torch.tensor([self.d]),\ lengthscale_prior=lengthscale_prior if MAP else None),\ outputscale_prior=outputscale_prior if MAP else None) # indicator covariances self.x_indicator_module = ModuleList( [myIndicatorKernel(num_tasks=v + 1) for v in X_max_v]) self.group_index_module = myIndexKernel(num_tasks=self.num_groups,\ rho_prior=rho_prior if MAP else None) # unit-level zero-meaned time trend self.unit_t_covar_module = gpytorch.kernels.ScaleKernel(gpytorch.kernels.RBFKernel(\ active_dims=torch.tensor([self.d]),\ lengthscale_prior=unit_lengthscale_prior if MAP else None),\ outputscale_prior=unit_outputscale_prior if MAP else None) self.unit_indicator_module = myIndicatorKernel( num_tasks=len(train_x[:, -3].unique())) # drift process for treatment effect self.drift_t_module = DriftScaleKernel(gpytorch.kernels.RBFKernel(\ active_dims=torch.tensor([self.d]),\ lengthscale_prior=drift_lengthscale_prior if MAP else None),\ outputscale_prior=drift_outputscale_prior if MAP else None) self.drift_indicator_module = DriftIndicatorKernel( num_tasks=self.num_groups)
def _get_clones(module, N): return ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(module) for i in range(N)])
def __init__(self, use_model, node_features, n_layers, k_nn, hidden_channels=300, latent_channels=100, loop=False): super(ModelGNN, self).__init__() # Graph layers layers = [] in_channels = node_features for i in range(n_layers): # Choose the model if use_model == "DeepSet": lay = Sequential(Linear(in_channels, hidden_channels), ReLU(), Linear(hidden_channels, hidden_channels), ReLU(), Linear(hidden_channels, latent_channels)) elif use_model == "GCN": lay = GCNConv(in_channels, latent_channels) elif use_model == "PointNet": lay = PointNetLayer(in_channels, hidden_channels, latent_channels) elif use_model == "EdgeNet": lay = EdgeLayer(in_channels, hidden_channels, latent_channels) #lay = EdgeConv(Sequential(Linear(2*in_channels, hidden_channels),ReLU(),Linear(hidden_channels, hidden_channels),ReLU(),Linear(hidden_channels, latent_channels))) # Using the pytorch-geometric implementation, same result elif use_model == "EdgePoint": lay = EdgePointLayer(in_channels, hidden_channels, latent_channels) elif use_model == "MetaNet": if use_model == "MetaNet" and i == 2: in_channels = 610 #lay = MetaLayer(node_model=NodeModel(in_channels, hidden_channels, latent_channels), global_model=GlobalModel(in_channels, hidden_channels, latent_channels)) lay = MetaLayer(node_model=NodeModel( in_channels, hidden_channels, latent_channels)) else: print("Model not known...") layers.append(lay) in_channels = latent_channels if use_model == "MetaNet": in_channels = (node_features + latent_channels * 3 + 2) self.layers = ModuleList(layers) lin_in = latent_channels * 3 + 2 if use_model == "MetaNet": lin_in = (in_channels + latent_channels * 3 + 2) * 3 + 2 if use_model == "MetaNet" and n_layers == 3: lin_in = 2738 self.lin = Sequential(Linear(lin_in, latent_channels), ReLU(), Linear(latent_channels, latent_channels), ReLU(), Linear(latent_channels, 2)) self.k_nn = k_nn self.pooled = 0. self.h = 0. self.loop = loop if use_model == "PointNet" or use_model == "GCN": self.loop = True self.namemodel = use_model
def create_mobilenetv3_ssd_lite(num_classes, width_mult=1.0, is_test=False): base_net = MobileNetV3().features source_layer_indexes = [ GraphPath(11, 'conv'), 20, ] # extras = ModuleList([ # InvertedResidual(1280, 512, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.2), # InvertedResidual(512, 256, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.25), # InvertedResidual(256, 256, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.5), # InvertedResidual(256, 64, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.25) # ]) # regression_headers = ModuleList([ # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=round(576 * width_mult), out_channels=6 * 4, # kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1280, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), # Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=1), # ]) # classification_headers = ModuleList([ # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=round(576 * width_mult), out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1280, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), # Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=1), # ]) # return SSD(num_classes, base_net, source_layer_indexes, # extras, classification_headers, regression_headers, is_test=is_test, config=config) extras = ModuleList([ InvertedResidual(1280, 512, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.2), InvertedResidual(512, 256, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.25), InvertedResidual(256, 256, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.5), InvertedResidual(256, 64, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.25) ]) regression_headers = ModuleList([ SeperableConv2d(in_channels=round(288 * width_mult), out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1280, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=1), ]) classification_headers = ModuleList([ SeperableConv2d(in_channels=round(288 * width_mult), out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1280, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=1), ]) return SSD(num_classes, base_net, source_layer_indexes, extras, classification_headers, regression_headers, is_test=is_test, config=config)
def create_mobilenetv2_ssd_lite(num_classes, width_mult=1.0, use_batch_norm=True, onnx_compatible=False, is_test=False): base_net = MobileNetV2(width_mult=width_mult, use_batch_norm=use_batch_norm, onnx_compatible=onnx_compatible).features source_layer_indexes = [ GraphPath(14, 'conv', 3), 19, ] extras = ModuleList([ InvertedResidual(1280, 512, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.2), InvertedResidual(512, 256, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.25), InvertedResidual(256, 256, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.5), InvertedResidual(256, 64, stride=2, expand_ratio=0.25) ]) regression_headers = ModuleList([ SeperableConv2d(in_channels=round(576 * width_mult), out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1280, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=3, padding=1, onnx_compatible=False), Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=6 * 4, kernel_size=1), ]) classification_headers = ModuleList([ SeperableConv2d(in_channels=round(576 * width_mult), out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=1280, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=512, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), SeperableConv2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=3, padding=1), Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=6 * num_classes, kernel_size=1), ]) return SSD(num_classes, base_net, source_layer_indexes, extras, classification_headers, regression_headers, is_test=is_test, config=config, device=torch.device('cpu'))
def _clones(module: Module, num_layers: int): """Produce N identical layers.""" return ModuleList([deepcopy(module) for _ in range(num_layers)])
def __init__(self, input_features: Dict[str, "InputFeature"] = None, config: TabTransformerCombinerConfig = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(input_features) = "TabTransformerCombiner" logger.debug(f"Initializing {}") if config.reduce_output is None: raise ValueError("TabTransformer requires the `reduce_output` " "parameter") self.reduce_output = config.reduce_output self.reduce_sequence = SequenceReducer( reduce_mode=config.reduce_output, max_sequence_length=len(input_features), encoding_size=config.hidden_size) self.supports_masking = True self.embed_input_feature_name = config.embed_input_feature_name if self.embed_input_feature_name: vocab = [ i_f for i_f in input_features if input_features[i_f].type() != NUMBER or input_features[i_f].type() != BINARY ] if self.embed_input_feature_name == "add": self.embed_i_f_name_layer = Embed(vocab, config.hidden_size, force_embedding_size=True) projector_size = config.hidden_size elif isinstance(self.embed_input_feature_name, int): if self.embed_input_feature_name > config.hidden_size: raise ValueError("TabTransformer parameter " "`embed_input_feature_name` " "specified integer value ({}) " "needs to be smaller than " "`hidden_size` ({}).".format( self.embed_input_feature_name, config.hidden_size)) self.embed_i_f_name_layer = Embed( vocab, self.embed_input_feature_name, force_embedding_size=True, ) projector_size = config.hidden_size - self.embed_input_feature_name else: raise ValueError("TabTransformer parameter " "`embed_input_feature_name` " "should be either None, an integer or `add`, " "the current value is " "{}".format(self.embed_input_feature_name)) else: projector_size = config.hidden_size logger.debug(" Projectors") self.unembeddable_features = [] self.embeddable_features = [] for i_f in input_features: if input_features[i_f].type in {NUMBER, BINARY}: self.unembeddable_features.append(i_f) else: self.embeddable_features.append(i_f) self.projectors = ModuleList() for i_f in self.embeddable_features: flatten_size = self.get_flatten_size( input_features[i_f].output_shape) self.projectors.append(Linear(flatten_size[0], projector_size)) # input to layer_norm are the encoder outputs for unembeddable features, # which are number or binary features. These should be 2-dim # tensors. Size should be concatenation of these tensors. concatenated_unembeddable_encoders_size = 0 for i_f in self.unembeddable_features: concatenated_unembeddable_encoders_size += input_features[ i_f].output_shape[0] self.layer_norm = torch.nn.LayerNorm( concatenated_unembeddable_encoders_size) logger.debug(" TransformerStack") self.transformer_stack = TransformerStack( input_size=config.hidden_size, max_sequence_length=len(self.embeddable_features), hidden_size=config.hidden_size, # todo: can we just use projector_size? # hidden_size, num_heads=config.num_heads, output_size=config.transformer_output_size, num_layers=config.num_layers, dropout=config.dropout, ) logger.debug(" FCStack") # determine input size to fully connected layer based on reducer if config.reduce_output == "concat": fc_input_size = len(self.embeddable_features) * config.hidden_size else: fc_input_size = self.reduce_sequence.output_shape[-1] if len( self.embeddable_features) > 0 else 0 self.fc_stack = FCStack( fc_input_size + concatenated_unembeddable_encoders_size, layers=config.fc_layers, num_layers=config.num_fc_layers, default_output_size=config.output_size, default_use_bias=config.use_bias, default_weights_initializer=config.weights_initializer, default_bias_initializer=config.bias_initializer, default_norm=config.norm, default_norm_params=config.norm_params, default_activation=config.fc_activation, default_dropout=config.fc_dropout, fc_residual=config.fc_residual, ) self._empty_hidden = torch.empty([1, 0]) self._embeddable_features_indices = torch.arange( 0, len(self.embeddable_features)) # Create empty tensor of shape [1, 0] to use as hidden in case there are no category or numeric/binary features. self.register_buffer("empty_hidden", self._empty_hidden) self.register_buffer("embeddable_features_indices", self._embeddable_features_indices)
def __init__( self, train_X: Tensor, train_Y: Tensor, likelihood: Optional[Likelihood] = None, covar_modules: Optional[List[Kernel]] = None, num_latent_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None, learn_latent_pars: bool = True, first_dim_is_batch: bool = False, latent_init: str = "default", outcome_transform: Optional[OutcomeTransform] = None, input_transform: Optional[InputTransform] = None, ): r"""A HigherOrderGP model for high-dim output regression. Args: train_X: Training inputs train_Y: Training targets likelihood: Gaussian likelihood for the model. covar_modules: List of kernels for each output structure. num_latent_dims: Sizes for the latent dimensions. learn_latent_pars: If true, learn the latent parameters. first_dim_is_batch: If true, the first dimension of train_Y should be regarded as a batch dimension (e.g. predicting batches of tensors). latent_init: [default or gp] how to initialize the latent parameters. """ if input_transform is not None: if outcome_transform is not None: train_Y, _ = outcome_transform(train_Y) if first_dim_is_batch: self._aug_batch_shape = train_Y.shape[:1] self._num_dimensions = len(train_Y.shape) - 1 self._num_outputs = train_Y.shape[0] else: self._aug_batch_shape = Size() self._num_dimensions = len(train_Y.shape) self._num_outputs = 1 self._input_batch_shape = train_X.shape[:-2] if likelihood is None: noise_prior = GammaPrior(1.1, 0.05) noise_prior_mode = (noise_prior.concentration - 1) / noise_prior.rate likelihood = GaussianLikelihood( noise_prior=noise_prior, batch_shape=self._aug_batch_shape, noise_constraint=GreaterThan( MIN_INFERRED_NOISE_LEVEL, transform=None, initial_value=noise_prior_mode, ), ) else: self._is_custom_likelihood = True super().__init__( train_X, train_Y.view(*self._aug_batch_shape, -1), likelihood=likelihood, ) if covar_modules is not None: self.covar_modules = ModuleList(covar_modules) else: self.covar_modules = ModuleList( [ MaternKernel( nu=2.5, lengthscale_prior=GammaPrior(3.0, 6.0), batch_shape=self._aug_batch_shape, ard_num_dims=1 if dim > 0 else train_X.shape[-1], ) for dim in range(self._num_dimensions) ] ) if num_latent_dims is None: num_latent_dims = [1] * (self._num_dimensions - 1) if first_dim_is_batch: self.target_shape = train_Y.shape[2:] else: self.target_shape = train_Y.shape[1:] self._initialize_latents( latent_init=latent_init, num_latent_dims=num_latent_dims, learn_latent_pars=learn_latent_pars, device=train_Y.device, dtype=train_Y.dtype, ) if outcome_transform is not None: self.outcome_transform = outcome_transform if input_transform is not None: self.input_transform = input_transform
def __init__( self, parameters: dict, ): super(unetr, self).__init__(parameters) if not ("inner_patch_size" in parameters["model"]): parameters["model"]["inner_patch_size"] = parameters["patch_size"][0] print("Default inner patch size set to %d." % parameters["patch_size"][0]) if "inner_patch_size" in parameters["model"]: if np.ceil(np.log2(parameters["model"]["inner_patch_size"])) != np.floor( np.log2(parameters["model"]["inner_patch_size"]) ): sys.exit("The inner patch size must be a power of 2.") self.patch_size = parameters["model"]["inner_patch_size"] self.depth = int(np.log2(self.patch_size)) patch_check = checkPatchDimensions(parameters["patch_size"], self.depth) if patch_check != self.depth and patch_check >= 2: print( "The image size is not large enough for desired depth. It is expected that each dimension of the image is divisible by 2^i, where i is in a integer greater than or equal to 2. Only the first %d layers will run." % patch_check ) elif patch_check < 2: sys.exit( "The image size is not large enough for desired depth. It is expected that each dimension of the image is divisible by 2^i, where i is in a integer greater than or equal to 2." ) if not ("num_heads" in parameters["model"]): parameters["model"]["num_heads"] = 12 print( "Default number of heads in multi-head self-attention (MSA) set to 12." ) if not ("embed_dim" in parameters["model"]): parameters["model"]["embed_dim"] = 768 print("Default size of embedded dimension set to 768.") if self.n_dimensions == 2: self.img_size = parameters["patch_size"][0:2] elif self.n_dimensions == 3: self.img_size = parameters["patch_size"] self.num_layers = 3 * self.depth # number of transformer layers self.out_layers = np.arange(2, self.num_layers, 3) self.num_heads = parameters["model"]["num_heads"] self.embed_size = parameters["model"]["embed_dim"] self.patch_dim = [i // self.patch_size for i in self.img_size] if not all([i % self.patch_size == 0 for i in self.img_size]): sys.exit( "The image size is not divisible by the patch size in at least 1 dimension. UNETR is not defined in this case." ) if not all([self.patch_size <= i for i in self.img_size]): sys.exit("The inner patch size must be smaller than the input image.") self.transformer = _Transformer( img_size=self.img_size, patch_size=self.patch_size, in_feats=self.n_channels, embed_size=self.embed_size, num_heads=self.num_heads, mlp_dim=2048, num_layers=self.num_layers, out_layers=self.out_layers, Conv=self.Conv, Norm=self.Norm, ) self.upsampling = ModuleList([]) self.convs = ModuleList([]) for i in range(0, self.depth - 1): # add deconv blocks tempconvs = nn.Sequential() tempconvs.add_module( "conv0", _DeconvConvBlock( self.embed_size, 32 * 2**self.depth, self.Norm, self.Conv, self.ConvTranspose, ), ) for j in range(self.depth - 2, i, -1): tempconvs.add_module( "conv%d" % j, _DeconvConvBlock( 128 * 2**j, 128 * 2 ** (j - 1), self.Norm, self.Conv, self.ConvTranspose, ), ) self.convs.append(tempconvs) # add upsampling self.upsampling.append( _UpsampleBlock( 128 * 2 ** (i + 1), self.Norm, self.Conv, self.ConvTranspose ) ) # add upsampling for transformer output (no convs) self.upsampling.append( self.ConvTranspose( in_channels=self.embed_size, out_channels=32 * 2**self.depth, kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, output_padding=0, ) ) self.input_conv = nn.Sequential() self.input_conv.add_module( "conv1", _ConvBlock(self.n_channels, 32, self.Norm, self.Conv) ) self.input_conv.add_module("conv2", _ConvBlock(32, 64, self.Norm, self.Conv)) self.output_conv = nn.Sequential() self.output_conv.add_module("conv1", _ConvBlock(128, 64, self.Norm, self.Conv)) self.output_conv.add_module("conv2", _ConvBlock(64, 64, self.Norm, self.Conv)) self.output_conv.add_module( "conv3", out_conv( 64, self.n_classes, conv_kwargs={ "kernel_size": 1, "stride": 1, "padding": 0, "bias": False, }, norm=self.Norm, conv=self.Conv, final_convolution_layer=self.final_convolution_layer, sigmoid_input_multiplier=self.sigmoid_input_multiplier, ), )
def __init__(self, dataset: MusicDataset, note_embedding_dim=20, metadata_embedding_dim=30, num_lstm_constraints_units=256, num_lstm_generation_units=256, linear_hidden_size=128, num_layers=1, dropout_input_prob=0.2, dropout_prob=0.5, unary_constraint=False, teacher_forcing=True ): super(ConstraintModelGaussianReg, self).__init__() self.dataset = dataset self.use_teacher_forcing = teacher_forcing self.teacher_forcing_prob = 0.5 # === parameters === # --- common parameters self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_units_linear = linear_hidden_size self.unary_constraint = unary_constraint unary_constraint_size = 1 if self.unary_constraint else 0 # --- notes self.note_embedding_dim = note_embedding_dim self.num_lstm_generation_units = num_lstm_generation_units self.num_notes_per_voice = [len(d) for d in self.dataset.note2index_dicts ] # use also note_embeddings to embed unary constraints self.note_embeddings = ModuleList( [ Embedding(num_embeddings + unary_constraint_size, self.note_embedding_dim) for num_embeddings in self.num_notes_per_voice ] ) # todo different ways of merging constraints # --- metadatas self.metadata_embedding_dim = metadata_embedding_dim self.num_elements_per_metadata = [metadata.num_values for metadata in self.dataset.metadatas] # must add the number of voices self.num_elements_per_metadata.append(self.dataset.num_voices) # embeddings for all metadata except unary constraints self.metadata_embeddings = ModuleList( [ Embedding(num_embeddings, self.metadata_embedding_dim) for num_embeddings in self.num_elements_per_metadata ] ) # nn hyper parameters self.num_lstm_constraints_units = num_lstm_constraints_units self.dropout_input_prob = dropout_input_prob self.dropout_prob = dropout_prob lstm_constraint_num_hidden = [ (self.metadata_embedding_dim * len( self.num_elements_per_metadata) + self.note_embedding_dim * unary_constraint_size, self.num_lstm_constraints_units) ] + [(self.num_lstm_constraints_units, self.num_lstm_constraints_units)] * ( self.num_layers - 1) # trainable parameters self.lstm_constraint = nn.ModuleList([nn.LSTM( input_size=input_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_layers=1, dropout=dropout_prob, batch_first=True) for input_size, hidden_size in lstm_constraint_num_hidden ]) lstm_generation_num_hidden = [ (self.note_embedding_dim + self.num_lstm_constraints_units, self.num_lstm_constraints_units) ] + [(self.num_lstm_constraints_units, self.num_lstm_constraints_units)] * ( self.num_layers - 1) self.lstm_generation = nn.ModuleList([nn.LSTM( input_size=input_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_layers=1, dropout=dropout_prob, batch_first=True) for input_size, hidden_size in lstm_generation_num_hidden ] ) self.linear_1 = nn.Linear(self.num_lstm_generation_units, linear_hidden_size) self.linear_ouput_notes = ModuleList( [ nn.Linear(self.num_units_linear, num_notes) for num_notes in self.num_notes_per_voice ] ) # todo test real dropout input self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout2d(p=dropout_input_prob) self.dropout_lstm_layer = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_prob) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters()) cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.filepath = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'models/', self.__repr__())