def embedding_bag(g, embedding_matrix, indices, offsets, scale_grad_by_freq, mode, sparse, per_sample_weights, include_last_offset, padding_idx): if scale_grad_by_freq and sym_help._training_mode: return sym_help._onnx_unsupported("embedding_bag with scale_grad_by_freq for training mode") if padding_idx is not None and padding_idx >= 0: raise RuntimeError("embedding_bag with padding_idx") from torch.onnx.symbolic_opset9 import select import warnings warnings.warn("Export of embedding_bag with dynamic input/offsets shape is not supported in opset 10. " "Please use opset 11 or higher to export model for dynamic input shape.'") offsets_dim_0 = sym_help._get_tensor_dim_size(offsets, 0) if offsets_dim_0 is not None: if include_last_offset: offset_len = offsets_dim_0 - 1 offsets_extended = offsets else: offset_len = offsets_dim_0 offsets_extended = [offsets, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor([maxsize]))] offsets_extended = g.op("Concat", *offsets_extended, axis_i=0) list_ = [] for i in range(offset_len): start_ = sym_help._unsqueeze_helper(g, select(g, offsets_extended, torch.tensor(0), torch.tensor(i)), [0]) end_ = sym_help._unsqueeze_helper(g, select(g, offsets_extended, torch.tensor(0), torch.tensor(i + 1)), [0]) axes_ = g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor([0])) indices_row = g.op("Slice", indices, start_, end_, axes_) embeddings = g.op("Gather", embedding_matrix, indices_row) if not sym_help._is_none(per_sample_weights): per_sample_weights_row = g.op("Slice", per_sample_weights, start_, end_, axes_) per_sample_weights_row = sym_help._unsqueeze_helper(g, per_sample_weights_row, [1]) embeddings = g.op("Mul", embeddings, per_sample_weights_row) if mode == 0: embeddings = sym_help._reducesum_helper(g, embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) elif mode == 1: embeddings = g.op("ReduceMean", embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) else: embeddings = g.op("ReduceMax", embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) embeddings = sym_help._unsqueeze_helper(g, embeddings, [0]) list_.append(embeddings) output = g.op("Concat", *list_, axis_i=0) # aten::embedding_bag returns a tuple of 4 elements: output, offset2bag, bag_size, max_indices. # But the last three outputs are not used in torch.nn.EmbeddingBag or torch.nn.functional.embedding_bag. return output, None, None, None else: return sym_help._onnx_unsupported("embedding_bag with unknown shape of offsets for opset 10 is not supported. " "please use opset 11 or higher.")
def binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(g, input, target, weight, pos_weight, reduction): from torch.onnx.symbolic_opset9 import sigmoid, log, sub, neg, mul, add p = g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor([1])) sig_x = sigmoid(g, input) log_sig_x = log(g, sig_x) sub_1_x = sub(g, p, sig_x) sub_1_y = sub(g, p, target) log_1_x = log(g, sub_1_x) if pos_weight is None or sym_help._is_none(pos_weight): output = neg( g, add(g, mul(g, target, log_sig_x), mul(g, sub_1_y, log_1_x))) else: output = neg( g, add(g, mul(g, mul(g, target, log_sig_x), pos_weight), mul(g, sub_1_y, log_1_x))) if weight is not None and not sym_help._is_none(weight): output = mul(g, weight, output) reduction = sym_help._maybe_get_const(reduction, 'i') if reduction == 0: return output elif reduction == 1: return g.op("ReduceMean", output) elif reduction == 2: return g.op("ReduceSum", output) else: return sym_help._onnx_unsupported( "binary_cross_entropy_with_logits with reduction other than none, mean, or sum" )
def binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(g, input, target, weight, pos_weight, reduction): p = g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor([1])) sig_x = opset9.sigmoid(g, input) log_sig_x = opset9.log(g, sig_x) sub_1_x = opset9.sub(g, p, sig_x) sub_1_y = opset9.sub(g, p, target) log_1_x = opset9.log(g, sub_1_x) if pos_weight is None or symbolic_helper._is_none(pos_weight): output = opset9.neg( g, opset9.add(g, opset9.mul(g, target, log_sig_x), opset9.mul(g, sub_1_y, log_1_x)), ) else: output = opset9.neg( g, opset9.add( g, opset9.mul(g, opset9.mul(g, target, log_sig_x), pos_weight), opset9.mul(g, sub_1_y, log_1_x), ), ) if weight is not None and not symbolic_helper._is_none(weight): output = opset9.mul(g, weight, output) reduction = symbolic_helper._maybe_get_const(reduction, "i") if reduction == 0: return output elif reduction == 1: return g.op("ReduceMean", output, keepdims_i=0) elif reduction == 2: return g.op("ReduceSum", output, keepdims_i=0) else: return symbolic_helper._onnx_unsupported( "binary_cross_entropy_with_logits with reduction other than none, mean, or sum", input, )
def embedding_bag(g, embedding_matrix, indices, offsets, scale_grad_by_freq, mode, sparse, per_sample_weights, include_last_offset, padding_idx): if scale_grad_by_freq and sym_help._training_mode: return sym_help._onnx_unsupported( 'embedding_bag with scale_grad_by_freq for training mode') if padding_idx is not None and padding_idx >= 0: raise RuntimeError('embedding_bag with padding_idx') loop_condition = g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor(1)) loop_condition = g.op("Cast", loop_condition, to_i=9) zero = g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor([0])) indices_len = sym_help._unsqueeze_helper( g, sym_help._size_helper(g, indices, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor(0))), [0]) if not include_last_offset: offsets = [offsets, indices_len] offsets = g.op("Concat", *offsets, axis_i=0) # Offsets holds the starting index position of each bag. So we create a list of the indices slices (determined by # offsets) and gather those indices in indices_row. Then we use this subset of indices to gather from embeddings. # The embeddings output is a loop scan output, so we can avoid creating a sequence and inserting elements in. offsets_starts = sym_help._slice_helper(g, offsets, axes=[0], starts=[0], ends=[maxsize], steps=[1]) offsets_ends = sym_help._slice_helper(g, offsets, axes=[0], starts=[1], ends=[maxsize], steps=[1]) loop_len = sym_help._size_helper(g, offsets_ends, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor(0))) loop = g.op("Loop", loop_len, loop_condition) loop_block = _add_block(loop.node()) block_input_iter = _add_input_to_block(loop_block) cond = _add_input_to_block(loop_block) indices_start = loop_block.op("Gather", offsets_starts, block_input_iter, axis_i=0) indices_end = loop_block.op("Gather", offsets_ends, block_input_iter, axis_i=0) indices_start = sym_help._unsqueeze_helper(loop_block, indices_start, [0]) indices_end = sym_help._unsqueeze_helper(loop_block, indices_end, [0]) indices_row = loop_block.op("Slice", indices, indices_start, indices_end, zero) embeddings = loop_block.op("Gather", embedding_matrix, indices_row, axis_i=0) if not sym_help._is_none(per_sample_weights): per_sample_weights_row = loop_block.op("Slice", per_sample_weights, indices_start, indices_end, zero) per_sample_weights_row = sym_help._unsqueeze_helper( loop_block, per_sample_weights_row, [1]) embeddings = loop_block.op("Mul", embeddings, per_sample_weights_row) if mode == 0: embeddings = sym_help._reducesum_helper(loop_block, embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) elif mode == 1: embeddings = loop_block.op("ReduceMean", embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) else: embeddings = loop_block.op("ReduceMax", embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) cond_out = loop_block.op("Cast", loop_condition, to_i=9) _add_output_to_block(loop_block, cond_out) _add_output_to_block(loop_block, embeddings) # aten::embedding_bag returns a tuple of 4 elements: output, offset2bag, bag_size, max_indices. # But the last three outputs are not used in torch.nn.EmbeddingBag or torch.nn.functional.embedding_bag. return loop.node().output(), None, None, None
def bad_clamp(g, self, min, max): return symbolic_helper._onnx_unsupported("Bad boy!")
def bad_clamp(g, self, min, max): return _onnx_unsupported("Bad boy!")
def embedding_bag(g, embedding_matrix, indices, offsets, scale_grad_by_freq, mode, sparse, per_sample_weights, include_last_offset): if scale_grad_by_freq and sym_help._training_mode: return sym_help._onnx_unsupported( 'embedding_bag with scale_grad_by_freq for training mode') from torch.onnx.symbolic_opset9 import size, div, select # Check if initial indices was 2D. In # offsets is set to torch.arange(0, indices.numel(), indices.size(1)) # Then indices is reshaped to 1D: indices.reshape(-1) if len(list(indices.node().inputs())) > 0 and indices.node().inputs().__next__().type().sizes() is not None \ and len(indices.node().inputs().__next__().type().sizes()) == 2: # Assert include_last_offset is False assert not include_last_offset embeddings = g.op("Gather", embedding_matrix, indices) dim_0 = size(g, offsets, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.LongTensor([0]))) dim_1 = div( g, size(g, indices, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.LongTensor([0]))), dim_0) dim_2 = g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.LongTensor([-1])) shape = [dim_0, dim_1, dim_2] shape = g.op("Concat", *shape, axis_i=0) if not sym_help._is_none(per_sample_weights): per_sample_weights = g.op("Unsqueeze", per_sample_weights, axes_i=[1]) embeddings = g.op("Mul", embeddings, per_sample_weights) embeddings = g.op("Reshape", embeddings, shape) if mode == 0: embeddings = g.op("ReduceSum", embeddings, axes_i=[1], keepdims_i=0) elif mode == 1: embeddings = g.op("ReduceMean", embeddings, axes_i=[1], keepdims_i=0) else: embeddings = g.op("ReduceMax", embeddings, axes_i=[1], keepdims_i=0) # aten::embedding_bag returns a tuple of 4 elements: output, offset2bag, bag_size, max_indices. # But the last three outputs are not used in torch.nn.EmbeddingBag or torch.nn.functional.embedding_bag. return embeddings, None, None, None elif offsets.type().sizes() is not None: if include_last_offset: offset_len = offsets.type().sizes()[0] - 1 offsets_extended = offsets else: offset_len = offsets.type().sizes()[0] offsets_extended = [ offsets, g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor([maxsize])) ] offsets_extended = g.op("Concat", *offsets_extended, axis_i=0) list_ = [] for i in range(offset_len): start_ = g.op("Unsqueeze", select(g, offsets_extended, torch.tensor(0), torch.tensor(i)), axes_i=[0]) end_ = g.op("Unsqueeze", select(g, offsets_extended, torch.tensor(0), torch.tensor(i + 1)), axes_i=[0]) axes_ = g.op("Constant", value_t=torch.tensor([0])) indices_row = g.op("Slice", indices, start_, end_, axes_) embeddings = g.op("Gather", embedding_matrix, indices_row) if not sym_help._is_none(per_sample_weights): per_sample_weights_row = g.op("Slice", per_sample_weights, start_, end_, axes_) per_sample_weights_row = g.op("Unsqueeze", per_sample_weights_row, axes_i=[1]) embeddings = g.op("Mul", embeddings, per_sample_weights_row) if mode == 0: embeddings = g.op("ReduceSum", embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) elif mode == 1: embeddings = g.op("ReduceMean", embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) else: embeddings = g.op("ReduceMax", embeddings, axes_i=[0], keepdims_i=0) embeddings = g.op("Unsqueeze", embeddings, axes_i=[0]) list_.append(embeddings) output = g.op("Concat", *list_, axis_i=0) # aten::embedding_bag returns a tuple of 4 elements: output, offset2bag, bag_size, max_indices. # But the last three outputs are not used in torch.nn.EmbeddingBag or torch.nn.functional.embedding_bag. return output, None, None, None else: return sym_help._onnx_unsupported( 'embedding_bag with unknown shape of indices')