def _try_cast_integer_to_float(g, *args):
    floating_scalar_types = ['Half', 'Float', 'Double']
    old_type = None
    # Cast the input tensor to Float if its scalarType is known and is not floating number.
    # If casting is performed, return the old scalarType, otherwise return None.
    if args[0].type().kind() == "DimensionedTensorType" or args[0].type().kind() == "CompleteTensorType":
        old_type = args[0].type().scalarType()
        if old_type not in floating_scalar_types:
            args = tuple(_cast_Float(g, arg, False) for arg in args)
            return (None,) + args
        warnings.warn("Only floating datatype is supported for these operators: "
                      "{Greater, Less, MatMul, PRelu, Gemm, Flatten}. This might cause "
                      "the onnx model to be incorrect, if inputs have integer datatypes.")
    return (old_type,) + args
def _try_cast_integer_to_float(g, *args):
    floating_scalar_types = ["Half", "Float", "Double"]
    old_type = None
    # Cast the input tensor to Float if its scalarType is known and is not floating number.
    # If casting is performed, return the old scalarType, otherwise return None.
    arg0_type = args[0].type().scalarType()
    if arg0_type is not None:
        old_type = arg0_type
        if old_type not in floating_scalar_types:
            # TODO(justinchuby): Remove the type ignore hint once _cast_Float is
            # properly defined.
            # NOTE: _cast_Float is generated programmatically so we need to make the
            # type checker happy with ignore[attr-defined].
            args = tuple(opset9._cast_Float(g, arg, False) for arg in args)  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
            return (None,) + args
            "Only floating datatype is supported for these operators: "
            "{Greater, Less, MatMul, PRelu, Gemm, Flatten}. This might cause "
            "the onnx model to be incorrect, if inputs have integer datatypes."
    return (old_type,) + args
def nonzero(g, input):
    return t(g, g.op('NonZero', _cast_Float(g, input, False)))