 def forward(self, q, k, v, key_padding_mask):
     return torch._native_multi_head_attention(
    def forward(self, query: Tensor, key: Tensor, value: Tensor, key_padding_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
                need_weights: bool = True, attn_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
                average_attn_weights: bool = True) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
        query: Query embeddings of shape :math:`(L, E_q)` for unbatched input, :math:`(L, N, E_q)` when ``batch_first=False``
            or :math:`(N, L, E_q)` when ``batch_first=True``, where :math:`L` is the target sequence length,
            :math:`N` is the batch size, and :math:`E_q` is the query embedding dimension ``embed_dim``.
            Queries are compared against key-value pairs to produce the output.
            See "Attention Is All You Need" for more details.
        key: Key embeddings of shape :math:`(S, E_k)` for unbatched input, :math:`(S, N, E_k)` when ``batch_first=False``
            or :math:`(N, S, E_k)` when ``batch_first=True``, where :math:`S` is the source sequence length,
            :math:`N` is the batch size, and :math:`E_k` is the key embedding dimension ``kdim``.
            See "Attention Is All You Need" for more details.
        value: Value embeddings of shape :math:`(S, E_v)` for unbatched input, :math:`(S, N, E_v)` when
            ``batch_first=False`` or :math:`(N, S, E_v)` when ``batch_first=True``, where :math:`S` is the source
            sequence length, :math:`N` is the batch size, and :math:`E_v` is the value embedding dimension ``vdim``.
            See "Attention Is All You Need" for more details.
        key_padding_mask: If specified, a mask of shape :math:`(N, S)` indicating which elements within ``key``
            to ignore for the purpose of attention (i.e. treat as "padding"). For unbatched `query`, shape should be :math:`(S)`.
            Binary and byte masks are supported.
            For a binary mask, a ``True`` value indicates that the corresponding ``key`` value will be ignored for
            the purpose of attention. For a byte mask, a non-zero value indicates that the corresponding ``key``
            value will be ignored.
        need_weights: If specified, returns ``attn_output_weights`` in addition to ``attn_outputs``.
            Default: ``True``.
        attn_mask: If specified, a 2D or 3D mask preventing attention to certain positions. Must be of shape
            :math:`(L, S)` or :math:`(N\cdot\text{num\_heads}, L, S)`, where :math:`N` is the batch size,
            :math:`L` is the target sequence length, and :math:`S` is the source sequence length. A 2D mask will be
            broadcasted across the batch while a 3D mask allows for a different mask for each entry in the batch.
            Binary, byte, and float masks are supported. For a binary mask, a ``True`` value indicates that the
            corresponding position is not allowed to attend. For a byte mask, a non-zero value indicates that the
            corresponding position is not allowed to attend. For a float mask, the mask values will be added to
            the attention weight.
        average_attn_weights: If true, indicates that the returned ``attn_weights`` should be averaged across
            heads. Otherwise, ``attn_weights`` are provided separately per head. Note that this flag only has an
            effect when ``need_weights=True``. Default: ``True`` (i.e. average weights across heads)

        - **attn_output** - Attention outputs of shape :math:`(L, E)` when input is unbatched,
          :math:`(L, N, E)` when ``batch_first=False`` or :math:`(N, L, E)` when ``batch_first=True``,
          where :math:`L` is the target sequence length, :math:`N` is the batch size, and :math:`E` is the
          embedding dimension ``embed_dim``.
        - **attn_output_weights** - Only returned when ``need_weights=True``. If ``average_attn_weights=True``,
          returns attention weights averaged across heads of shape :math:`(L, S)` when input is unbatched or
          :math:`(N, L, S)`, where :math:`N` is the batch size, :math:`L` is the target sequence length, and
          :math:`S` is the source sequence length. If ``average_weights=False``, returns attention weights per
          head of shape :math:`(\text{num\_heads}, L, S)` when input is unbatched or :math:`(N, \text{num\_heads}, L, S)`.

        .. note::
            `batch_first` argument is ignored for unbatched inputs.
        is_batched = query.dim() == 3
        why_not_fast_path = ''
        if not is_batched:
            why_not_fast_path = f"input not batched; expected query.dim() of 3 but got {query.dim()}"
        elif query is not key or key is not value:
            # When lifting this restriction, don't forget to either
            # enforce that the dtypes all match or test cases where
            # they don't!
            why_not_fast_path = "non-self attention was used (query, key, and value are not the same Tensor)"
        elif self.in_proj_bias is not None and query.dtype != self.in_proj_bias.dtype:
            why_not_fast_path = f"dtypes of query ({query.dtype}) and self.in_proj_bias ({self.in_proj_bias.dtype}) don't match"
        elif self.in_proj_weight is not None and query.dtype != self.in_proj_weight.dtype:
            # this case will fail anyway, but at least they'll get a useful error message.
            why_not_fast_path = f"dtypes of query ({query.dtype}) and self.in_proj_weight ({self.in_proj_weight.dtype}) don't match"
        elif self.training:
            why_not_fast_path = "training is enabled"
        elif not self.batch_first:
            why_not_fast_path = "batch_first was not True"
        elif self.bias_k is not None:
            why_not_fast_path = "self.bias_k was not None"
        elif self.bias_v is not None:
            why_not_fast_path = "self.bias_v was not None"
        elif self.dropout:
            why_not_fast_path = f"dropout was {self.dropout}, required zero"
        elif self.add_zero_attn:
            why_not_fast_path = "add_zero_attn was enabled"
        elif not self._qkv_same_embed_dim:
            why_not_fast_path = "_qkv_same_embed_dim was not True"
        elif query.is_nested and (key_padding_mask is not None or attn_mask is not None):
            why_not_fast_path = "key_padding_mask and attn_mask are not supported with NestedTensor input"
        elif not query.is_nested and key_padding_mask is not None and attn_mask is not None:
            why_not_fast_path = "key_padding_mask and attn_mask were both supplied"

        if not why_not_fast_path:
            tensor_args = (
            # We have to use list comprehensions below because TorchScript does not support
            # generator expressions.
            if torch.overrides.has_torch_function(tensor_args):
                why_not_fast_path = "some Tensor argument has_torch_function"
            elif not all([(x.is_cuda or 'cpu' in str(x.device)) for x in tensor_args]):
                why_not_fast_path = "some Tensor argument is neither CUDA nor CPU"
            elif torch.is_grad_enabled() and any([x.requires_grad for x in tensor_args]):
                why_not_fast_path = ("grad is enabled and at least one of query or the "
                                     "input/output projection weights or biases requires_grad")
            if not why_not_fast_path:
                return torch._native_multi_head_attention(
                    key_padding_mask if key_padding_mask is not None else attn_mask,
        any_nested = query.is_nested or key.is_nested or value.is_nested
        assert not any_nested, ("MultiheadAttention does not support NestedTensor outside of its fast path. " +
                                f"The fast path was not hit because {why_not_fast_path}")

        if self.batch_first and is_batched:
            # make sure that the transpose op does not affect the "is" property
            if key is value:
                if query is key:
                    query = key = value = query.transpose(1, 0)
                    query, key = [x.transpose(1, 0) for x in (query, key)]
                    value = key
                query, key, value = [x.transpose(1, 0) for x in (query, key, value)]

        if not self._qkv_same_embed_dim:
            attn_output, attn_output_weights = F.multi_head_attention_forward(
                query, key, value, self.embed_dim, self.num_heads,
                self.in_proj_weight, self.in_proj_bias,
                self.bias_k, self.bias_v, self.add_zero_attn,
                self.dropout, self.out_proj.weight, self.out_proj.bias,
                key_padding_mask=key_padding_mask, need_weights=need_weights,
                attn_mask=attn_mask, use_separate_proj_weight=True,
                q_proj_weight=self.q_proj_weight, k_proj_weight=self.k_proj_weight,
                v_proj_weight=self.v_proj_weight, average_attn_weights=average_attn_weights)
            attn_output, attn_output_weights = F.multi_head_attention_forward(
                query, key, value, self.embed_dim, self.num_heads,
                self.in_proj_weight, self.in_proj_bias,
                self.bias_k, self.bias_v, self.add_zero_attn,
                self.dropout, self.out_proj.weight, self.out_proj.bias,
                key_padding_mask=key_padding_mask, need_weights=need_weights,
                attn_mask=attn_mask, average_attn_weights=average_attn_weights)
        if self.batch_first and is_batched:
            return attn_output.transpose(1, 0), attn_output_weights
            return attn_output, attn_output_weights