def bbox_iou(box1, box2, x1y1x2y2=True):
    Returns the IoU of two bounding boxes
    if not x1y1x2y2:
        # Transform from center and width to exact coordinates
        b1_x1, b1_x2 = box1[:, 0] - box1[:, 2] / 2, box1[:, 0] + box1[:, 2] / 2
        b1_y1, b1_y2 = box1[:, 1] - box1[:, 3] / 2, box1[:, 1] + box1[:, 3] / 2
        b2_x1, b2_x2 = box2[:, 0] - box2[:, 2] / 2, box2[:, 0] + box2[:, 2] / 2
        b2_y1, b2_y2 = box2[:, 1] - box2[:, 3] / 2, box2[:, 1] + box2[:, 3] / 2
        # Get the coordinates of bounding boxes
        b1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1[:, 0], box1[:, 1], box1[:, 2], box1[:, 3]
        b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2[:, 0], box2[:, 1], box2[:, 2], box2[:, 3]

    # get the corrdinates of the intersection rectangle
    inter_rect_x1 = torch.max(b1_x1, b2_x1)
    inter_rect_y1 = torch.max(b1_y1, b2_y1)
    inter_rect_x2 = torch.min(b1_x2, b2_x2)
    inter_rect_y2 = torch.min(b1_y2, b2_y2)
    # Intersection area
    inter_area = torch.clamp(inter_rect_x2 - inter_rect_x1 + 1, min=0) * torch.clamp(
        inter_rect_y2 - inter_rect_y1 + 1, min=0
    # Union Area
    b1_area = (b1_x2 - b1_x1 + 1) * (b1_y2 - b1_y1 + 1)
    b2_area = (b2_x2 - b2_x1 + 1) * (b2_y2 - b2_y1 + 1)

    iou = inter_area / (b1_area + b2_area - inter_area + 1e-16)

    return iou
def F_bilinear_interp2d(input, coords):
    bilinear interpolation of 2d torch.autograd.Variable
    x = torch.clamp(coords[:,:,0], 0, input.size(1)-2)
    x0 = x.floor()
    x1 = x0 + 1
    y = torch.clamp(coords[:,:,1], 0, input.size(2)-2)
    y0 = y.floor()
    y1 = y0 + 1

    stride = torch.LongTensor(input.stride())
    x0_ix = x0.mul(stride[1]).long()
    x1_ix = x1.mul(stride[1]).long()
    y0_ix = y0.mul(stride[2]).long()
    y1_ix = y1.mul(stride[2]).long()

    input_flat = input.view(input.size(0),-1).contiguous()

    vals_00 = input_flat.gather(1, x0_ix.add(y0_ix).detach())
    vals_10 = input_flat.gather(1, x1_ix.add(y0_ix).detach())
    vals_01 = input_flat.gather(1, x0_ix.add(y1_ix).detach())
    vals_11 = input_flat.gather(1, x1_ix.add(y1_ix).detach())
    xd = x - x0
    yd = y - y0
    xm = 1 - xd
    ym = 1 - yd

    x_mapped = (vals_00.mul(xm).mul(ym) +
                vals_10.mul(xd).mul(ym) +
                vals_01.mul(xm).mul(yd) +

    return x_mapped.view_as(input)
def bbox_iou(box1, box2):
    Returns the IoU of two bounding boxes 
    #Get the coordinates of bounding boxes
    b1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1[:,0], box1[:,1], box1[:,2], box1[:,3]
    b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2[:,0], box2[:,1], box2[:,2], box2[:,3]
    #get the corrdinates of the intersection rectangle
    inter_rect_x1 =  torch.max(b1_x1, b2_x1)
    inter_rect_y1 =  torch.max(b1_y1, b2_y1)
    inter_rect_x2 =  torch.min(b1_x2, b2_x2)
    inter_rect_y2 =  torch.min(b1_y2, b2_y2)
    #Intersection area
    inter_area = torch.clamp(inter_rect_x2 - inter_rect_x1 + 1, min=0) * torch.clamp(inter_rect_y2 - inter_rect_y1 + 1, min=0)

    #Union Area
    b1_area = (b1_x2 - b1_x1 + 1)*(b1_y2 - b1_y1 + 1)
    b2_area = (b2_x2 - b2_x1 + 1)*(b2_y2 - b2_y1 + 1)
    iou = inter_area / (b1_area + b2_area - inter_area)
    return iou
文件: utils.py 项目: insperatum/vhe
def sample_from_discretized_mix_logistic_1d(l, nr_mix):
    # Pytorch ordering
    l = l.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
    ls = [int(y) for y in l.size()]
    xs = ls[:-1] + [1] #[3]

    # unpack parameters
    logit_probs = l[:, :, :, :nr_mix]
    l = l[:, :, :, nr_mix:].contiguous().view(xs + [nr_mix * 2]) # for mean, scale

    # sample mixture indicator from softmax
    temp = torch.FloatTensor(logit_probs.size())
    if l.is_cuda : temp = temp.cuda()
    temp.uniform_(1e-5, 1. - 1e-5)
    temp = logit_probs.data - torch.log(- torch.log(temp))
    _, argmax = temp.max(dim=3)
    one_hot = to_one_hot(argmax, nr_mix)
    sel = one_hot.view(xs[:-1] + [1, nr_mix])
    # select logistic parameters
    means = torch.sum(l[:, :, :, :, :nr_mix] * sel, dim=4) 
    log_scales = torch.clamp(torch.sum(
        l[:, :, :, :, nr_mix:2 * nr_mix] * sel, dim=4), min=-7.)
    u = torch.FloatTensor(means.size())
    if l.is_cuda : u = u.cuda()
    u.uniform_(1e-5, 1. - 1e-5)
    u = Variable(u)
    x = means + torch.exp(log_scales) * (torch.log(u) - torch.log(1. - u))
    x0 = torch.clamp(torch.clamp(x[:, :, :, 0], min=-1.), max=1.)
    out = x0.unsqueeze(1)
    return out
    def forward(self, input) -> torch.FloatTensor:
        """ Preprocess the input matrix
        :param input tensor
        if isinstance(input, np.ndarray):
            input = torch.from_numpy(input).type(self.dtype)
        if isinstance(input, rlt.FeatureVector):
            input = input.float_features.type(self.dtype)

        # ONNX doesn't support != yet
        not_missing_input = (
            self.one_tensor.float() - (input == self.missing_tensor).float()
        feature_starts = self._get_type_boundaries()

        outputs = []
        for i, feature_type in enumerate(FEATURE_TYPES):
            begin_index = feature_starts[i]
            if (i + 1) == len(FEATURE_TYPES):
                end_index = len(self.normalization_parameters)
                end_index = feature_starts[i + 1]
            if begin_index == end_index:
                continue  # No features of this type
            if feature_type == ENUM:
                # Process one-at-a-time
                for j in range(begin_index, end_index):
                    norm_params = self.normalization_parameters[self.sorted_features[j]]
                    new_output = self._preprocess_feature_single_column(
                        j, input[:, j : j + 1], norm_params
                    new_output *= not_missing_input[:, j : j + 1]
                    self._check_preprocessing_output(new_output, [norm_params])
                norm_params = []
                for f in self.sorted_features[begin_index:end_index]:
                new_output = self._preprocess_feature_multi_column(
                    begin_index, input[:, begin_index:end_index], norm_params
                new_output *= not_missing_input[:, begin_index:end_index]
                self._check_preprocessing_output(new_output, norm_params)

        def wrap(output):
            if self.typed_output:
                return rlt.FeatureVector(float_features=output)
                return output

        if len(outputs) == 1:
            return wrap(torch.clamp(outputs[0], MIN_FEATURE_VALUE, MAX_FEATURE_VALUE))

        return wrap(
            torch.clamp(torch.cat(outputs, dim=1), MIN_FEATURE_VALUE, MAX_FEATURE_VALUE)
def train_actor_critic(actor, critic, memory, actor_optim, critic_optim, args):
    memory = np.array(memory) 
    states = np.vstack(memory[:, 0]) 
    actions = list(memory[:, 1]) 
    rewards = list(memory[:, 2]) 
    masks = list(memory[:, 3]) 

    old_values = critic(torch.Tensor(states))
    returns, advants = get_gae(rewards, masks, old_values, args)
    mu, std = actor(torch.Tensor(states))
    old_policy = log_prob_density(torch.Tensor(actions), mu, std)

    criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
    n = len(states)
    arr = np.arange(n)

    for _ in range(args.ppo_update_num):

        for i in range(n // args.batch_size): 
            batch_index = arr[args.batch_size * i : args.batch_size * (i + 1)]
            batch_index = torch.LongTensor(batch_index)
            inputs = torch.Tensor(states)[batch_index]
            actions_samples = torch.Tensor(actions)[batch_index]
            returns_samples = returns.unsqueeze(1)[batch_index]
            advants_samples = advants.unsqueeze(1)[batch_index]
            oldvalue_samples = old_values[batch_index].detach()
            values = critic(inputs)
            clipped_values = oldvalue_samples + \
                             torch.clamp(values - oldvalue_samples,
            critic_loss1 = criterion(clipped_values, returns_samples)
            critic_loss2 = criterion(values, returns_samples)
            critic_loss = torch.max(critic_loss1, critic_loss2).mean()

            loss, ratio, entropy = surrogate_loss(actor, advants_samples, inputs,
                                         old_policy.detach(), actions_samples,
            clipped_ratio = torch.clamp(ratio,
                                        1.0 - args.clip_param,
                                        1.0 + args.clip_param)
            clipped_loss = clipped_ratio * advants_samples
            actor_loss = -torch.min(loss, clipped_loss).mean()

            loss = actor_loss + 0.5 * critic_loss - 0.001 * entropy


    def forward(self, x=None, warmup=1., inf_net=None): #, k=1): #, marginf_type=0):

        outputs = {}
        B = x.shape[0]

        if inf_net is None:
            # mu, logvar = self.inference_net(x)
            z, logits = self.q.sample(x) 
            # mu, logvar = inf_net.inference_net(x)   
            z, logqz = inf_net.sample(x) 

        # print (z[0])
        # b = harden(z)
        # print (b[0])
        # logpz = torch.sum( self.prior.log_prob(b), dim=1)

        # print (logpz[0])
        # print (logpz.shape)
        # fdasf

        probs_q = torch.sigmoid(logits)
        probs_q = torch.clamp(probs_q, min=.00000001, max=.9999999)
        probs_p = torch.ones(B, self.z_size).cuda() *.5
        KL = probs_q*torch.log(probs_q/probs_p) + (1-probs_q)*torch.log((1-probs_q)/(1-probs_p))
        KL = torch.sum(KL, dim=1)

        # print (z.shape)
        # Decode Image
        x_hat = self.generator.forward(z)
        alpha = torch.sigmoid(x_hat)
        beta = Beta(alpha*self.beta_scale, (1.-alpha)*self.beta_scale)
        x_noise = torch.clamp(x + torch.FloatTensor(x.shape).uniform_(0., 1./256.).cuda(), min=1e-5, max=1-1e-5)
        logpx = beta.log_prob(x_noise) #[120,3,112,112]  # add uniform noise here

        logpx = torch.sum(logpx.view(B, -1),1) # [PB]  * self.w_logpx

        # print (logpx.shape,logpz.shape,logqz.shape)
        # fsdfda

        log_ws = logpx - KL #+ logpz - logqz

        outputs['logpx'] = torch.mean(logpx)
        outputs['x_recon'] = alpha
        # outputs['welbo'] = torch.mean(logpx + warmup*( logpz - logqz))
        outputs['welbo'] = torch.mean(logpx + warmup*(KL))
        outputs['elbo'] = torch.mean(log_ws)
        outputs['logws'] = log_ws
        outputs['z'] = z
        outputs['logpz'] = torch.zeros(1) #torch.mean(logpz)
        outputs['logqz'] = torch.mean(KL)
        # outputs['logvar'] = logvar

        return outputs
def F_trilinear_interp3d(input, coords):
    trilinear interpolation of 3D image
    # take clamp then floor/ceil of x coords
    x = torch.clamp(coords[:,0], 0, input.size(1)-2)
    x0 = x.floor()
    x1 = x0 + 1
    # take clamp then floor/ceil of y coords
    y = torch.clamp(coords[:,1], 0, input.size(2)-2)
    y0 = y.floor()
    y1 = y0 + 1
    # take clamp then floor/ceil of z coords
    z = torch.clamp(coords[:,2], 0, input.size(3)-2)
    z0 = z.floor()
    z1 = z0 + 1

    stride = torch.LongTensor(input.stride())[1:]
    x0_ix = x0.mul(stride[0]).long()
    x1_ix = x1.mul(stride[0]).long()
    y0_ix = y0.mul(stride[1]).long()
    y1_ix = y1.mul(stride[1]).long()
    z0_ix = z0.mul(stride[2]).long()
    z1_ix = z1.mul(stride[2]).long()

    input_flat = th_flatten(input)

    vals_000 = input_flat[x0_ix.add(y0_ix).add(z0_ix).detach()]
    vals_100 = input_flat[x1_ix.add(y0_ix).add(z0_ix).detach()]
    vals_010 = input_flat[x0_ix.add(y1_ix).add(z0_ix).detach()]
    vals_001 = input_flat[x0_ix.add(y0_ix).add(z1_ix).detach()]
    vals_101 = input_flat[x1_ix.add(y0_ix).add(z1_ix).detach()]
    vals_011 = input_flat[x0_ix.add(y1_ix).add(z1_ix).detach()]
    vals_110 = input_flat[x1_ix.add(y1_ix).add(z0_ix).detach()]
    vals_111 = input_flat[x1_ix.add(y1_ix).add(z1_ix).detach()]

    xd = x - x0
    yd = y - y0
    zd = z - z0
    xm = 1 - xd
    ym = 1 - yd
    zm = 1 - zd

    x_mapped = (vals_000.mul(xm).mul(ym).mul(zm) +
                vals_100.mul(xd).mul(ym).mul(zm) +
                vals_010.mul(xm).mul(yd).mul(zm) +
                vals_001.mul(xm).mul(ym).mul(zd) +
                vals_101.mul(xd).mul(ym).mul(zd) +
                vals_011.mul(xm).mul(yd).mul(zd) +
                vals_110.mul(xd).mul(yd).mul(zm) +

    return x_mapped.view_as(input)
def F_batch_trilinear_interp3d(input, coords):
    input : torch.Tensor
        size = (N,H,W,C)
    coords : torch.Tensor
        size = (N,H*W*C,2)
    x = torch.clamp(coords[:,:,0], 0, input.size(2)-2)
    x0 = x.floor()
    x1 = x0 + 1
    y = torch.clamp(coords[:,:,1], 0, input.size(3)-2)
    y0 = y.floor()
    y1 = y0 + 1
    z = torch.clamp(coords[:,:,2], 0, input.size(4)-2)
    z0 = z.floor()
    z1 = z0 + 1

    stride = torch.LongTensor(input.stride())
    x0_ix = x0.mul(stride[2]).long()
    x1_ix = x1.mul(stride[2]).long()
    y0_ix = y0.mul(stride[3]).long()
    y1_ix = y1.mul(stride[3]).long()
    z0_ix = z0.mul(stride[4]).long()
    z1_ix = z1.mul(stride[4]).long()

    input_flat = input.contiguous().view(input.size(0),-1)

    vals_000 = input_flat.gather(1,x0_ix.add(y0_ix).add(z0_ix).detach())
    vals_100 = input_flat.gather(1,x1_ix.add(y0_ix).add(z0_ix).detach())
    vals_010 = input_flat.gather(1,x0_ix.add(y1_ix).add(z0_ix).detach())
    vals_001 = input_flat.gather(1,x0_ix.add(y0_ix).add(z1_ix).detach())
    vals_101 = input_flat.gather(1,x1_ix.add(y0_ix).add(z1_ix).detach())
    vals_011 = input_flat.gather(1,x0_ix.add(y1_ix).add(z1_ix).detach())
    vals_110 = input_flat.gather(1,x1_ix.add(y1_ix).add(z0_ix).detach())
    vals_111 = input_flat.gather(1,x1_ix.add(y1_ix).add(z1_ix).detach())

    xd = x - x0
    yd = y - y0
    zd = z - z0
    xm = 1 - xd
    ym = 1 - yd
    zm = 1 - zd

    x_mapped = (vals_000.mul(xm).mul(ym).mul(zm) +
                vals_100.mul(xd).mul(ym).mul(zm) +
                vals_010.mul(xm).mul(yd).mul(zm) +
                vals_001.mul(xm).mul(ym).mul(zd) +
                vals_101.mul(xd).mul(ym).mul(zd) +
                vals_011.mul(xm).mul(yd).mul(zd) +
                vals_110.mul(xd).mul(yd).mul(zm) +

    return x_mapped.view_as(input)
def calculate_variance_term(pred, gt, means, n_objects, delta_v, norm=2):
    """pred: bs, height * width, n_filters
       gt: bs, height * width, n_instances
       means: bs, n_instances, n_filters"""

    bs, n_loc, n_filters = pred.size()
    n_instances = gt.size(2)

    # bs, n_loc, n_instances, n_filters
    means = means.unsqueeze(1).expand(bs, n_loc, n_instances, n_filters)
    # bs, n_loc, n_instances, n_filters
    pred = pred.unsqueeze(2).expand(bs, n_loc, n_instances, n_filters)
    # bs, n_loc, n_instances, n_filters
    gt = gt.unsqueeze(3).expand(bs, n_loc, n_instances, n_filters)

    _var = (torch.clamp(torch.norm((pred - means), norm, 3) -
                        delta_v, min=0.0) ** 2) * gt[:, :, :, 0]

    var_term = 0.0
    for i in range(bs):
        _var_sample = _var[i, :, :n_objects[i]]  # n_loc, n_objects
        _gt_sample = gt[i, :, :n_objects[i], 0]  # n_loc, n_objects

        var_term += torch.sum(_var_sample) / torch.sum(_gt_sample)
    var_term = var_term / bs

    return var_term
def calculate_distance_term(means, n_objects, delta_d, norm=2, usegpu=True):
    """means: bs, n_instances, n_filters"""

    bs, n_instances, n_filters = means.size()

    dist_term = 0.0
    for i in range(bs):
        _n_objects_sample = n_objects[i]

        if _n_objects_sample <= 1:

        _mean_sample = means[i, : _n_objects_sample, :]  # n_objects, n_filters
        means_1 = _mean_sample.unsqueeze(1).expand(
            _n_objects_sample, _n_objects_sample, n_filters)
        means_2 = means_1.permute(1, 0, 2)

        diff = means_1 - means_2  # n_objects, n_objects, n_filters

        _norm = torch.norm(diff, norm, 2)

        margin = 2 * delta_d * (1.0 - torch.eye(_n_objects_sample))
        if usegpu:
            margin = margin.cuda()
        margin = Variable(margin)

        _dist_term_sample = torch.sum(
            torch.clamp(margin - _norm, min=0.0) ** 2)
        _dist_term_sample = _dist_term_sample / \
            (_n_objects_sample * (_n_objects_sample - 1))
        dist_term += _dist_term_sample

    dist_term = dist_term / bs

    return dist_term
    def encode(self, x):

        # x = x.view(-1, 1, self.x_size, self.x_size)
        # print (x.shape)

        x = self.act_func(self.conv1(x))

        # print (x.shape)
        x = self.act_func(self.conv2(x))
        x = self.act_func(self.conv3(x))

        # print (x.size())

        x = x.view(-1, self.intermediate_size)

        h1 = self.act_func(self.fc1(x))
        h2 = self.fc2(h1)
        mean = h2[:,:self.z_size]
        logvar = h2[:,self.z_size:]

        #this solves the nan grad problem.
        logvar = torch.clamp(logvar, min=-20.)

        self.mean = mean
        self.logvar = logvar

        return mean, logvar
 def inference_net(self, x):
     mean_logvar = self.image_encoder2(x)
     mean = mean_logvar[:,:6]
     logvar = mean_logvar[:,6:6*2]
     xenc = mean_logvar[:,6*2:]
     logvar = torch.clamp(logvar, min=-15., max=10.)
     return mean, logvar, xenc
    def _get_state_cost(self, worlds: List[WikiTablesWorld], state: CoverageState) -> torch.Tensor:
        if not state.is_finished():
            raise RuntimeError("_get_state_cost() is not defined for unfinished states!")
        world = worlds[state.batch_indices[0]]

        # Our checklist cost is a sum of squared error from where we want to be, making sure we
        # take into account the mask. We clamp the lower limit of the balance at 0 to avoid
        # penalizing agenda actions produced multiple times.
        checklist_balance = torch.clamp(state.checklist_state[0].get_balance(), min=0.0)
        checklist_cost = torch.sum((checklist_balance) ** 2)

        # This is the number of items on the agenda that we want to see in the decoded sequence.
        # We use this as the denotation cost if the path is incorrect.
        denotation_cost = torch.sum(state.checklist_state[0].checklist_target.float())
        checklist_cost = self._checklist_cost_weight * checklist_cost
        action_history = state.action_history[0]
        batch_index = state.batch_indices[0]
        action_strings = [state.possible_actions[batch_index][i][0] for i in action_history]
        logical_form = world.get_logical_form(action_strings)
        lisp_string = state.extras[batch_index]
        if self._executor.evaluate_logical_form(logical_form, lisp_string):
            cost = checklist_cost
            cost = checklist_cost + (1 - self._checklist_cost_weight) * denotation_cost
        return cost
def log_Bernoulli(x, mean, average=False, dim=None):
    probs = torch.clamp( mean, min=min_epsilon, max=max_epsilon )
    log_bernoulli = x * torch.log( probs ) + (1. - x ) * torch.log( 1. - probs )
    if average:
        return torch.mean( log_bernoulli, dim )
        return torch.sum( log_bernoulli, dim )
    def pdist(self, fX):
        """Compute pdist à-la scipy.spatial.distance.pdist

        fX : (n, d) torch.Tensor

        distances : (n * (n-1) / 2,) torch.Tensor
            Condensed pairwise distance matrix

        n_sequences, _ = fX.size()
        distances = []

        for i in range(n_sequences - 1):

            if self.metric in ('cosine', 'angular'):
                d = 1. - F.cosine_similarity(
                    fX[i, :].expand(n_sequences - 1 - i, -1),
                    fX[i+1:, :], dim=1, eps=1e-8)

                if self.metric == 'angular':
                    d = torch.acos(torch.clamp(1. - d, -1 + 1e-6, 1 - 1e-6))

            elif self.metric == 'euclidean':
                d = F.pairwise_distance(
                    fX[i, :].expand(n_sequences - 1 - i, -1),
                    fX[i+1:, :], p=2, eps=1e-06).view(-1)


        return torch.cat(distances)
    def get_triplet_loss(image_a_pred, image_b_pred, matches_a, matches_b, non_matches_a, non_matches_b, alpha):
        Computes the loss function

        \sum_{triplets} ||D(I_a, u_a, I_b, u_{b,match})||_2^2 - ||D(I_a, u_a, I_b, u_{b,non-match)||_2^2 + alpha 

        num_matches = matches_a.size()[0]
        num_non_matches = non_matches_a.size()[0]
        multiplier = num_non_matches / num_matches

        ## non_matches_a is already replicated up to be the right size
        ## non_matches_b is also that side
        ## matches_a is just a smaller version of non_matches_a
        ## matches_b is the only thing that needs to be replicated up in size

        matches_b_long =  torch.t(matches_b.repeat(multiplier, 1)).contiguous().view(-1)
        matches_a_descriptors = torch.index_select(image_a_pred, 1, non_matches_a)
        matches_b_descriptors      = torch.index_select(image_b_pred, 1, matches_b_long)
        non_matches_b_descriptors  = torch.index_select(image_b_pred, 1, non_matches_b)

        triplet_losses = (matches_a_descriptors - matches_b_descriptors).pow(2) - (matches_a_descriptors - non_matches_b_descriptors).pow(2) + alpha
        triplet_loss = 1.0 / num_non_matches * torch.clamp(triplet_losses, min=0).sum()

        return triplet_loss
    def l2_pixel_loss(self, matches_b, non_matches_b, M_pixel=None):
        Apply l2 loss in pixel space.

        This weights non-matches more if they are "far away" in pixel space.

        :param matches_b: A torch.LongTensor with shape torch.Shape([num_matches])
        :param non_matches_b: A torch.LongTensor with shape torch.Shape([num_non_matches])
        :return l2 loss per sample: A torch.FloatTensorof with shape torch.Shape([num_matches])

        if M_pixel is None:
            M_pixel = self._config['M_pixel']

        num_non_matches_per_match = len(non_matches_b)/len(matches_b)

        ground_truth_pixels_for_non_matches_b = torch.t(matches_b.repeat(num_non_matches_per_match,1)).contiguous().view(-1,1)

        ground_truth_u_v_b = self.flattened_pixel_locations_to_u_v(ground_truth_pixels_for_non_matches_b)
        sampled_u_v_b      = self.flattened_pixel_locations_to_u_v(non_matches_b.unsqueeze(1))

        # each element is always within [0,1], you have 1 if you are at least M_pixel away in
        # L2 norm in pixel space
        norm_degree = 2
        squared_l2_pixel_loss = 1.0/M_pixel * torch.clamp((ground_truth_u_v_b - sampled_u_v_b).float().norm(norm_degree,1), max=M_pixel)

        return squared_l2_pixel_loss, ground_truth_u_v_b, sampled_u_v_b
def hinge_loss(positive_predictions, negative_predictions, mask=None):
    Hinge pairwise loss function.


    positive_predictions: tensor
        Tensor containing predictions for known positive items.
    negative_predictions: tensor
        Tensor containing predictions for sampled negative items.
    mask: tensor, optional
        A binary tensor used to zero the loss from some entries
        of the loss tensor.


    loss, float
        The mean value of the loss function.

    loss = torch.clamp(negative_predictions -
                       positive_predictions +
                       1.0, 0.0)

    if mask is not None:
        mask = mask.float()
        loss = loss * mask
        return loss.sum() / mask.sum()

    return loss.mean()
def project_to_2d(X, camera_params):
    Project 3D points to 2D using the Human3.6M camera projection function.
    This is a differentiable and batched reimplementation of the original MATLAB script.
    X -- 3D points in *camera space* to transform (N, *, 3)
    camera_params -- intrinsic parameteres (N, 2+2+3+2=9)
    assert X.shape[-1] == 3
    assert len(camera_params.shape) == 2
    assert camera_params.shape[-1] == 9
    assert X.shape[0] == camera_params.shape[0]
    while len(camera_params.shape) < len(X.shape):
        camera_params = camera_params.unsqueeze(1)
    f = camera_params[..., :2]
    c = camera_params[..., 2:4]
    k = camera_params[..., 4:7]
    p = camera_params[..., 7:]
    XX = torch.clamp(X[..., :2] / X[..., 2:], min=-1, max=1)
    r2 = torch.sum(XX[..., :2]**2, dim=len(XX.shape)-1, keepdim=True)

    radial = 1 + torch.sum(k * torch.cat((r2, r2**2, r2**3), dim=len(r2.shape)-1), dim=len(r2.shape)-1, keepdim=True)
    tan = torch.sum(p*XX, dim=len(XX.shape)-1, keepdim=True)

    XXX = XX*(radial + tan) + p*r2
    return f*XXX + c
文件: utils.py 项目: insperatum/vhe
def discretized_mix_logistic_loss_1d(x, l):
    """ log-likelihood for mixture of discretized logistics, assumes the data has been rescaled to [-1,1] interval """
    # Pytorch ordering
    x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
    l = l.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
    xs = [int(y) for y in x.size()]
    ls = [int(y) for y in l.size()]

    # here and below: unpacking the params of the mixture of logistics
    nr_mix = int(ls[-1] / 3)
    logit_probs = l[:, :, :, :nr_mix]
    l = l[:, :, :, nr_mix:].contiguous().view(xs + [nr_mix * 2]) # 2 for mean, scale
    means = l[:, :, :, :, :nr_mix]
    log_scales = torch.clamp(l[:, :, :, :, nr_mix:2 * nr_mix], min=-7.)
    # here and below: getting the means and adjusting them based on preceding
    # sub-pixels
    x = x.contiguous()
    x = x.unsqueeze(-1) + Variable(torch.zeros(xs + [nr_mix]).cuda(), requires_grad=False)

    # means = torch.cat((means[:, :, :, 0, :].unsqueeze(3), m2, m3), dim=3)
    centered_x = x - means
    inv_stdv = torch.exp(-log_scales)
    plus_in = inv_stdv * (centered_x + 1. / 255.)
    cdf_plus = F.sigmoid(plus_in)
    min_in = inv_stdv * (centered_x - 1. / 255.)
    cdf_min = F.sigmoid(min_in)
    # log probability for edge case of 0 (before scaling)
    log_cdf_plus = plus_in - F.softplus(plus_in)
    # log probability for edge case of 255 (before scaling)
    log_one_minus_cdf_min = -F.softplus(min_in)
    cdf_delta = cdf_plus - cdf_min  # probability for all other cases
    mid_in = inv_stdv * centered_x
    # log probability in the center of the bin, to be used in extreme cases
    # (not actually used in our code)
    log_pdf_mid = mid_in - log_scales - 2. * F.softplus(mid_in)
    inner_inner_cond = (cdf_delta > 1e-5).float()
    inner_inner_out  = inner_inner_cond * torch.log(torch.clamp(cdf_delta, min=1e-12)) + (1. - inner_inner_cond) * (log_pdf_mid - np.log(127.5))
    inner_cond       = (x > 0.999).float()
    inner_out        = inner_cond * log_one_minus_cdf_min + (1. - inner_cond) * inner_inner_out
    cond             = (x < -0.999).float()
    log_probs        = cond * log_cdf_plus + (1. - cond) * inner_out
    log_probs        = torch.sum(log_probs, dim=3) + log_prob_from_logits(logit_probs)
    #Don't sum over batch dimension
    lse = log_sum_exp(log_probs)
    return -torch.sum(lse.view(lse.size(0), -1), dim=1)
    def feed(self, Q, pi_s, actions, stats, old_pi_s=dict()):
        """One iteration of policy gradient.

        rho nabla_w log p_w(a|s) Q + entropy_ratio * nabla H(pi(.|s))

            Q(tensor): estimated return
            actions(tensor): action
            pi_s(variable): policy
            old_pi_s(tensor, optional): old policy, in order to
                                        get importance factor.

        If you specify multiple policies, then all the log prob of these
        policies are added, and their importance factors are multiplied.

        Feed to stats: policy error and nll error
        # We need to set it beforehand.
        # Note that the samples we collect might be off-policy, so we need
        # to do importance sampling.
        pg_weights = Q.clone()

        policy_err = None
        entropy_err = None
        log_pi_s = []

        for pi_node, a_node in self.policy_action_nodes:
            pi = pi_s[pi_node]
            a = actions[a_node].squeeze()

            if pi_node in old_pi_s:
                old_pi = old_pi_s[pi_node].squeeze()

                # Cap it.
                clamped_ratios = torch.clamp(
                    pi.data.div(old_pi), max=self.options.ratio_clamp)
                coeff = clamped_ratios.gather(1, a.view(-1, 1)).squeeze()
                # There is another term (to compensate clamping), but we omit
                # it for now.

            # Compute policy gradient error:
            errs = self._compute_policy_entropy_err(pi, Variable(a))
            policy_err = add_err(policy_err, errs["policy_err"])
            entropy_err = add_err(entropy_err, errs["entropy_err"])

            stats["nll_" + pi_node].feed(errs["policy_err"].data[0])
            stats["entropy_" + pi_node].feed(errs["entropy_err"].data[0])

        for log_pi in log_pi_s:
            self._reg_backward(log_pi, Variable(pg_weights))

        if len(self.policy_action_nodes) > 1:

        return policy_err + entropy_err * self.options.entropy_ratio
 def __call__(self, *inputs):
     outputs = []
     for idx, _input in enumerate(inputs):
         channel_means = _input.mean(1).mean(2)
         channel_means = channel_means.expand_as(_input)
         _input = th.clamp((_input - channel_means) * self.value + channel_means,0,1)
     return outputs if idx > 1 else outputs[0]
def th_nearest_interp3d(input, coords):
    2d nearest neighbor interpolation th.Tensor
    # take clamp of coords so they're in the image bounds
    coords[:,0] = th.clamp(coords[:,0], 0, input.size(1)-1).round()
    coords[:,1] = th.clamp(coords[:,1], 0, input.size(2)-1).round()
    coords[:,2] = th.clamp(coords[:,2], 0, input.size(3)-1).round()

    stride = th.LongTensor(input.stride())[1:].float()
    idx = coords.mv(stride).long()

    input_flat = th_flatten(input)

    mapped_vals = input_flat[idx]

    return mapped_vals.view_as(input)
 def forward(self, x, y, xidx=None, yidx=None):
     K = torch.sqrt(l2_distance(x, y))
     u, v = self._get_uv(x, y, xidx, yidx)
     if self.regularization == 'entropy':
         return torch.exp((u[:, None] + v[None, :] - K) / self.alpha)
         return torch.clamp((u[:, None] + v[None, :] - K),
                            min=0) / (2 * self.alpha)
 def __call__(self, *inputs):
     outputs = []
     for idx, _input in enumerate(inputs):
         _in_gs = Grayscale(keep_channels=True)(_input)
         alpha = 1.0 + self.value
         _in = th.clamp(_blend(_input, _in_gs, alpha), 0, 1)
     return outputs if idx > 1 else outputs[0]
def th_nearest_interp2d(input, coords):
    2d nearest neighbor interpolation th.Tensor
    # take clamp of coords so they're in the image bounds
    x = th.clamp(coords[:,:,0], 0, input.size(1)-1).round()
    y = th.clamp(coords[:,:,1], 0, input.size(2)-1).round()

    stride = th.LongTensor(input.stride())
    x_ix = x.mul(stride[1]).long()
    y_ix = y.mul(stride[2]).long()

    input_flat = input.view(input.size(0),-1)

    mapped_vals = input_flat.gather(1, x_ix.add(y_ix))

    return mapped_vals.view_as(input)
def batch_iou_pair(yx_min1, yx_max1, yx_min2, yx_max2, min=float(np.finfo(np.float32).eps)):
    Pairwisely calculates the IoU of two lists (at the same size M) of bounding boxes for N independent batches.
    :author 申瑞珉 (Ruimin Shen)
    :param yx_min1: The top left coordinates (y, x) of the first lists (size [N, M, 2]) of bounding boxes.
    :param yx_max1: The bottom right coordinates (y, x) of the first lists (size [N, M, 2]) of bounding boxes.
    :param yx_min2: The top left coordinates (y, x) of the second lists (size [N, M, 2]) of bounding boxes.
    :param yx_max2: The bottom right coordinates (y, x) of the second lists (size [N, M, 2]) of bounding boxes.
    :return: The lists (size [N, M]) of the IoU.
    yx_min = torch.max(yx_min1, yx_min2)
    yx_max = torch.min(yx_max1, yx_max2)
    size = torch.clamp(yx_max - yx_min, min=0)
    intersect_area = torch.prod(size, -1)
    area1 = torch.prod(yx_max1 - yx_min1, -1)
    area2 = torch.prod(yx_max2 - yx_min2, -1)
    union_area = torch.clamp(area1 + area2 - intersect_area, min=min)
    return intersect_area / union_area
 def part_loss(pred_part, gt_seg_part, gt_seg_object, object_label, valid):
     mask_object = (gt_seg_object == object_label)
     loss = F.nll_loss(pred_part, gt_seg_part * mask_object.long(), reduction='none')
     loss = loss * mask_object.float()
     loss = torch.sum(loss.view(loss.size(0), -1), dim=1)
     nr_pixel = torch.sum(mask_object.view(mask_object.shape[0], -1), dim=1)
     sum_pixel = (nr_pixel * valid).sum()
     loss = (loss * valid.float()).sum() / torch.clamp(sum_pixel, 1).float()
     return loss
文件: model.py 项目: tyhu/PyAI
 def forward(self, anchor, positive, negative):
     sim1 = torch.sum(anchor*positive,1)
     sim2 = torch.sum(anchor*negative,1)
     #print sim1
     #print sim2
     dist = sim2-sim1+self.margin
     dist_hinge = torch.clamp(dist, min=0.0)
     loss = torch.mean(dist_hinge)
     return loss
def convert_to_multimnist(d, t, t_len=14):
    d = d.permute(1, 0)
    d = d.reshape((64, 1, t_len, t_len))
    perm = torch.randperm(d.shape[0])
    drand = d[perm]
    #save_image(d.data.cpu(), 'multimnist_0.png')
    #save_image(drand.data.cpu(), 'multimnist_1_preshift.png')

    for i in range(0, 64):
        dr = drand[i]
        rshiftx1 = random.randint(0, 3)
        rshiftx2 = random.randint(0, 3)
        rshifty1 = random.randint(0, 3)
        rshifty2 = random.randint(0, 3)
        dr = dr[:, rshiftx1:t_len - rshiftx2, rshifty1:t_len - rshifty2]

        if random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.5:
            padl = rshiftx1 + rshiftx2
            padr = 0
            padl = 0
            padr = rshiftx1 + rshiftx2

        if random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.5:
            padt = rshifty1 + rshifty2
            padb = 0
            padt = 0
            padb = rshifty1 + rshifty2

        dr = torch.cat([
            torch.zeros(1, padl, dr.shape[2]).long(), dr,
            torch.zeros(1, padr, dr.shape[2]).long()
        ], 1)
        dr = torch.cat([
            torch.zeros(1, dr.shape[1], padt).long(), dr,
            torch.zeros(1, dr.shape[1], padb).long()
        ], 2)
        drand[i] = dr * 1.0

    #save_image(drand.data.cpu(), 'multimnist_1.png')

    d = torch.clamp((d + drand), 0, 1)

    tr = t[perm]
    #print(t[0:5], tr[0:5])

    new_target = t * 0.0

    for i in range(t.shape[0]):
        if t[i] >= tr[i]:
            nt = int(str(t[i].item()) + str(tr[i].item()))
            nt = int(str(tr[i].item()) + str(t[i].item()))

        new_target[i] += nt

    #print('new target i', new_target[0:5])
    #save_image(d.data.cpu(), 'multimnist.png')
    #raise Exception('done')

    d = d.reshape((64, t_len * t_len))
    d = d.permute(1, 0)

    return d, new_target
def _do_paste_mask(masks, boxes, img_h, img_w, skip_empty=True):
    """Paste instance masks acoording to boxes.

    This implementation is modified from

        masks (Tensor): N, 1, H, W
        boxes (Tensor): N, 4
        img_h (int): Height of the image to be pasted.
        img_w (int): Width of the image to be pasted.
        skip_empty (bool): Only paste masks within the region that
            tightly bound all boxes, and returns the results this region only.
            An important optimization for CPU.

        tuple: (Tensor, tuple). The first item is mask tensor, the second one
            is the slice object.
        If skip_empty == False, the whole image will be pasted. It will
            return a mask of shape (N, img_h, img_w) and an empty tuple.
        If skip_empty == True, only area around the mask will be pasted.
            A mask of shape (N, h', w') and its start and end coordinates
            in the original image will be returned.
    # On GPU, paste all masks together (up to chunk size)
    # by using the entire image to sample the masks
    # Compared to pasting them one by one,
    # this has more operations but is faster on COCO-scale dataset.
    device = masks.device
    if skip_empty:
        x0_int, y0_int = torch.clamp(
            boxes.min(dim=0).values.floor()[:2] - 1,
        x1_int = torch.clamp(
            boxes[:, 2].max().ceil() + 1, max=img_w).to(dtype=torch.int32)
        y1_int = torch.clamp(
            boxes[:, 3].max().ceil() + 1, max=img_h).to(dtype=torch.int32)
        x0_int, y0_int = 0, 0
        x1_int, y1_int = img_w, img_h
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = torch.split(boxes, 1, dim=1)  # each is Nx1

    N = masks.shape[0]

    img_y = torch.arange(
        y0_int, y1_int, device=device, dtype=torch.float32) + 0.5
    img_x = torch.arange(
        x0_int, x1_int, device=device, dtype=torch.float32) + 0.5
    img_y = (img_y - y0) / (y1 - y0) * 2 - 1
    img_x = (img_x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * 2 - 1
    # img_x, img_y have shapes (N, w), (N, h)
    if torch.isinf(img_x).any():
        inds = torch.where(torch.isinf(img_x))
        img_x[inds] = 0
    if torch.isinf(img_y).any():
        inds = torch.where(torch.isinf(img_y))
        img_y[inds] = 0

    gx = img_x[:, None, :].expand(N, img_y.size(1), img_x.size(1))
    gy = img_y[:, :, None].expand(N, img_y.size(1), img_x.size(1))
    grid = torch.stack([gx, gy], dim=3)

    img_masks = F.grid_sample(
        masks.to(dtype=torch.float32), grid, align_corners=False)

    if skip_empty:
        return img_masks[:, 0], (slice(y0_int, y1_int), slice(x0_int, x1_int))
        return img_masks[:, 0], ()
def find_dynamic_lmk_idx_and_bcoords(vertices, pose, dynamic_lmk_faces_idx,
                                     neck_kin_chain, dtype=torch.float32):
    ''' Compute the faces, barycentric coordinates for the dynamic landmarks

        To do so, we first compute the rotation of the neck around the y-axis
        and then use a pre-computed look-up table to find the faces and the
        barycentric coordinates that will be used.

        Special thanks to Soubhik Sanyal ([email protected])
        for providing the original TensorFlow implementation and for the LUT.

        vertices: torch.tensor BxVx3, dtype = torch.float32
            The tensor of input vertices
        pose: torch.tensor Bx(Jx3), dtype = torch.float32
            The current pose of the body model
        dynamic_lmk_faces_idx: torch.tensor L, dtype = torch.long
            The look-up table from neck rotation to faces
        dynamic_lmk_b_coords: torch.tensor Lx3, dtype = torch.float32
            The look-up table from neck rotation to barycentric coordinates
        neck_kin_chain: list
            A python list that contains the indices of the joints that form the
            kinematic chain of the neck.
        dtype: torch.dtype, optional

        dyn_lmk_faces_idx: torch.tensor, dtype = torch.long
            A tensor of size BxL that contains the indices of the faces that
            will be used to compute the current dynamic landmarks.
        dyn_lmk_b_coords: torch.tensor, dtype = torch.float32
            A tensor of size BxL that contains the indices of the faces that
            will be used to compute the current dynamic landmarks.

    batch_size = vertices.shape[0]

    aa_pose = torch.index_select(pose.view(batch_size, -1, 3), 1,
    rot_mats = batch_rodrigues(
        aa_pose.view(-1, 3), dtype=dtype).view(batch_size, -1, 3, 3)

    rel_rot_mat = torch.eye(3, device=vertices.device,
    for idx in range(len(neck_kin_chain)):
        rel_rot_mat = torch.bmm(rot_mats[:, idx], rel_rot_mat)

    y_rot_angle = torch.round(
        torch.clamp(-rot_mat_to_euler(rel_rot_mat) * 180.0 / np.pi,
    neg_mask = y_rot_angle.lt(0).to(dtype=torch.long)
    mask = y_rot_angle.lt(-39).to(dtype=torch.long)
    neg_vals = mask * 78 + (1 - mask) * (39 - y_rot_angle)
    y_rot_angle = (neg_mask * neg_vals +
                   (1 - neg_mask) * y_rot_angle)

    dyn_lmk_faces_idx = torch.index_select(dynamic_lmk_faces_idx,
                                           0, y_rot_angle)
    dyn_lmk_b_coords = torch.index_select(dynamic_lmk_b_coords,
                                          0, y_rot_angle)

    return dyn_lmk_faces_idx, dyn_lmk_b_coords
def amp_to_db(x):
    o = 20 * torch.log10(torch.clamp(x, min=1e-5))
    return o
 def funcInf(a, b):
     return torch.clamp(a + b, min=0, max=float('inf'))
def build_targets(pred_boxes, pred_conf, pred_cls, target, anchor_wh, nA, nC, nG, batch_report):
    returns nT, nCorrect, tx, ty, tw, th, tconf, tcls
    nG_w = nG[0]
    nG_h = nG[1]
    nB = len(target)  # number of images in batch
    nT = [len(x) for x in target]  # torch.argmin(target[:, :, 4], 1)  # targets per image
    tx = torch.zeros(nB, nA, nG_h, nG_w)  # batch size (4), number of anchors (3), number of grid points (13)
    ty = torch.zeros(nB, nA, nG_h, nG_w)
    tw = torch.zeros(nB, nA, nG_h, nG_w)
    th = torch.zeros(nB, nA, nG_h, nG_w)
    tconf = torch.ByteTensor(nB, nA, nG_h, nG_w).fill_(0)
    tcls = torch.ByteTensor(nB, nA, nG_h, nG_w, nC).fill_(0)  # nC = number of classes
    TP = torch.ByteTensor(nB, max(nT)).fill_(0)
    FP = torch.ByteTensor(nB, max(nT)).fill_(0)
    FN = torch.ByteTensor(nB, max(nT)).fill_(0)
    TC = torch.ShortTensor(nB, max(nT)).fill_(-1)  # target category

    for b in range(nB):
        nTb = nT[b]  # number of targets
        if nTb == 0:
        t = target[b]

        # Convert to position relative to box
        TC[b, :nTb], gx, gy, gw, gh = t[:, 0].long(), t[:, 1] * nG_w, t[:, 2] * nG_h, t[:, 3] * nG_w, t[:, 4] * nG_h
        # Get grid box indices and prevent overflows (i.e. 13.01 on 13 anchors)
        gi = torch.clamp(gx.long(), min=0, max=nG_w - 1)
        gj = torch.clamp(gy.long(), min=0, max=nG_h - 1)

        # iou of targets-anchors (using wh only)
        box1_1 = (t[:, 3] * nG_w).view(-1,1)
        box1_2 = (t[:, 4] * nG_h).view(-1,1)
        box1 = torch.cat((box1_1, box1_2), 1)
        box2 = anchor_wh.unsqueeze(1)
        inter_area = torch.min(box1, box2).prod(2)
        iou = inter_area / (gw * gh + box2.prod(2) - inter_area + 1e-16)

        # Select best iou_pred and anchor
        iou_best, a = iou.max(0)  # best anchor [0-2] for each target

        # Select best unique target-anchor combinations
        if nTb > 1:
            iou_order = torch.argsort(-iou_best)  # best to worst

            # Unique anchor selection
            u = torch.cat((gi, gj, a), 0).view(3, -1)
            _, first_unique = np.unique(u[:, iou_order], axis=1, return_index=True)  # first unique indices
            # _, first_unique = torch.unique(u[:, iou_order], dim=1, return_inverse=True)  # different than numpy?

            i = iou_order[first_unique]
            # best anchor must share significant commonality (iou) with target
            i = i[iou_best[i] > 0.10]
            if len(i) == 0:

            a, gj, gi, t = a[i], gj[i], gi[i], t[i]
            if len(t.shape) == 1:
                t = t.view(1, 5)
            if iou_best < 0.10:
            i = 0

        tc, gx, gy, gw, gh = t[:, 0].long(), t[:, 1] * nG_w, t[:, 2] * nG_h, t[:, 3] * nG_w, t[:, 4] * nG_h

        # Coordinates
        tx[b, a, gj, gi] = gx - gi.float()
        ty[b, a, gj, gi] = gy - gj.float()

        # Width and height (yolo method)
        tw[b, a, gj, gi] = torch.log(gw / anchor_wh[a, 0])
        th[b, a, gj, gi] = torch.log(gh / anchor_wh[a, 1])

        # Width and height (power method)
        # tw[b, a, gj, gi] = torch.sqrt(gw / anchor_wh[a, 0]) / 2
        # th[b, a, gj, gi] = torch.sqrt(gh / anchor_wh[a, 1]) / 2

        # One-hot encoding of label
        tcls[b, a, gj, gi, tc] = 1
        tconf[b, a, gj, gi] = 1

        if batch_report:
            # predicted classes and confidence
            tb = torch.cat((gx - gw / 2, gy - gh / 2, gx + gw / 2, gy + gh / 2)).view(4, -1).t()  # target boxes
            pcls = torch.argmax(pred_cls[b, a, gj, gi], 1).cpu()
            pconf = torch.sigmoid(pred_conf[b, a, gj, gi]).cpu()
            iou_pred = bbox_iou(tb, pred_boxes[b, a, gj, gi].cpu())

            TP[b, i] = (pconf > 0.5) & (iou_pred > 0.5) & (pcls == tc)
            FP[b, i] = (pconf > 0.5) & (TP[b, i] == 0)  # coordinates or class are wrong
            FN[b, i] = pconf <= 0.5  # confidence score is too low (set to zero)

    return tx, ty, tw, th, tconf, tcls, TP, FP, FN, TC
            if args.norm_adv:
                mb_advantages = (mb_advantages - mb_advantages.mean()) / (
                    mb_advantages.std() + 1e-8)

            _, newlogproba, entropy = agent.get_action(
            ratio = (newlogproba - b_logprobs[minibatch_ind]).exp()

            # Stats
            approx_kl = (b_logprobs[minibatch_ind] - newlogproba).mean()

            # Policy loss
            pg_loss1 = -mb_advantages * ratio
            pg_loss2 = -mb_advantages * torch.clamp(ratio, 1 - args.clip_coef,
                                                    1 + args.clip_coef)
            pg_loss = torch.max(pg_loss1, pg_loss2).mean()
            entropy_loss = entropy.mean()

            # Value loss
            new_values = agent.get_value(b_obs[minibatch_ind]).view(-1)
            if args.clip_vloss:
                v_loss_unclipped = ((new_values - b_returns[minibatch_ind])**2)
                v_clipped = b_values[minibatch_ind] + torch.clamp(
                    new_values - b_values[minibatch_ind], -args.clip_coef,
                v_loss_clipped = (v_clipped - b_returns[minibatch_ind])**2
                v_loss_max = torch.max(v_loss_unclipped, v_loss_clipped)
                v_loss = 0.5 * v_loss_max.mean()
                v_loss = 0.5 * ((new_values - b_returns[minibatch_ind])**2)
 def sampleIsotropic(self, w):
     theta = 2 * self.PI * self.random()
     phi = torch.acos(torch.clamp(1 - 2 * self.random(), -1, 1))
     return self.vec(
         torch.sin(phi) * torch.cos(theta),
         torch.sin(phi) * torch.sin(theta), torch.cos(phi))
def disagg_fold(dataset, fold_num, lr, p):
    train, test = get_train_test(dataset, num_folds=num_folds, fold_num=fold_num)
    valid = train[int(0.8 * len(train)):].copy()
    train = train[:int(0.8 * len(train))].copy()
    train_aggregate = train[:, 0, :, :].reshape(train.shape[0], 1, -1, 24)
    valid_aggregate = valid[:, 0, :, :].reshape(valid.shape[0], 1, -1, 24)
    test_aggregate = test[:, 0, :, :].reshape(test.shape[0], 1, -1, 24)

    out_train, out_valid, out_test = preprocess(train, valid, test)

    loss_func = nn.L1Loss()
    model = AppliancesCNN(len(ORDER))
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)

    if cuda_av:
        model = model.cuda()
        loss_func = loss_func.cuda()

    inp = Variable(torch.Tensor(train_aggregate), requires_grad=False)
    valid_inp = Variable(torch.Tensor(valid_aggregate), requires_grad=False)
    test_inp = Variable(torch.Tensor(test_aggregate), requires_grad=False)
    if cuda_av:
        inp = inp.cuda()
        valid_inp = valid_inp.cuda()
        test_inp = test_inp.cuda()
    valid_out = torch.cat([out_valid[appliance_num] for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER)])
    test_out = torch.cat([out_test[appliance_num] for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER)])
    train_out = torch.cat([out_train[appliance_num] for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER)])

    valid_pred = {}
    train_pred = {}
    test_pred = {}
    train_losses = {}
    test_losses = {}
    valid_losses = {}

    params = [inp, p]
    for a_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):

    if cuda_av:
        train_out = train_out.cuda()

    for t in range(1, num_iterations + 1):

        pred = model(*params)
        loss = loss_func(pred, train_out)

        if t % 500 == 0:

            if cuda_av:
                valid_inp = valid_inp.cuda()
            valid_params = [valid_inp, -2]
            for i in range(len(ORDER)):
            valid_pr = model(*valid_params)
            valid_loss = loss_func(valid_pr, valid_out)

            if cuda_av:
                test_inp = test_inp.cuda()
            test_params = [test_inp, -2]
            for i in range(len(ORDER)):
            test_pr = model(*test_params)
            test_loss = loss_func(test_pr, test_out)

            test_losses[t] = test_loss.data[0]
            valid_losses[t] = valid_loss.data[0]
            train_losses[t] = loss.data[0]
            # np.save("./baseline/p_50_loss")

            if t % 1000 == 0:
                valid_pr = torch.clamp(valid_pr, min=0.)
                valid_pred[t] = valid_pr
                test_pr = torch.clamp(test_pr, min=0.)
                test_pred[t] = test_pr
                train_pr = pred
                train_pr = torch.clamp(train_pr, min=0.)
                train_pred[t] = train_pr

            print("Round:", t, "Training Error:", loss.data[0], "Validation Error:", valid_loss.data[0], "Test Error:", test_loss.data[0])


    train_fold = [None for x in range(len(ORDER))]
    train_fold = {}
    for t in range(1000, num_iterations + 1, 1000):
        train_pred[t] = torch.split(train_pred[t], train_aggregate.shape[0])
        train_fold[t] = [None for x in range(len(ORDER))]
        if cuda_av:
            for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
                train_fold[t][appliance_num] = train_pred[t][appliance_num].cpu().data.numpy().reshape(-1, 24)
            for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
                train_fold[t][appliance_num] = train_pred[t][appliance_num].data.numpy().reshape(-1, 24)

    valid_fold = {}
    for t in range(1000, num_iterations + 1, 1000):
        valid_pred[t] = torch.split(valid_pred[t], valid_aggregate.shape[0])
        valid_fold[t] = [None for x in range(len(ORDER))]
        if cuda_av:
            for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
                valid_fold[t][appliance_num] = valid_pred[t][appliance_num].cpu().data.numpy().reshape(-1, 24)
            for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
                valid_fold[t][appliance_num] = valid_pred[t][appliance_num].data.numpy().reshape(-1, 24)

    test_fold = {}
    for t in range(1000, num_iterations + 1, 1000):
        test_pred[t] = torch.split(test_pred[t], test_aggregate.shape[0])
        test_fold[t] = [None for x in range(len(ORDER))]
        if cuda_av:
            for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
                test_fold[t][appliance_num] = test_pred[t][appliance_num].cpu().data.numpy().reshape(-1, 24)
            for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
                test_fold[t][appliance_num] = test_pred[t][appliance_num].data.numpy().reshape(-1, 24)

    # store ground truth of validation set
    train_gt_fold = [None for x in range(len(ORDER))]
    for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
        train_gt_fold[appliance_num] = train[:, APPLIANCE_ORDER.index(appliance), :, :].reshape(
            -1, 1).reshape(-1, 24)

    valid_gt_fold = [None for x in range(len(ORDER))]
    for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
        valid_gt_fold[appliance_num] = valid[:, APPLIANCE_ORDER.index(appliance), :, :].reshape(
            -1, 1).reshape(-1, 24)

    test_gt_fold = [None for x in range(len(ORDER))]
    for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
        test_gt_fold[appliance_num] = test[:, APPLIANCE_ORDER.index(appliance), :, :].reshape(
            -1, 1).reshape(-1, 24)

    # calcualte the error of validation set
    train_error = {}
    for t in range(1000, num_iterations + 1, 1000):
        train_error[t] = {}
        for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
            train_error[t][appliance] = mean_absolute_error(train_fold[t][appliance_num], train_gt_fold[appliance_num])

    valid_error = {}
    for t in range(1000, num_iterations + 1, 1000):
        valid_error[t] = {}
        for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
            valid_error[t][appliance] = mean_absolute_error(valid_fold[t][appliance_num], valid_gt_fold[appliance_num])

    test_error = {}
    for t in range(1000, num_iterations + 1, 1000):
        test_error[t] = {}
        for appliance_num, appliance in enumerate(ORDER):
            test_error[t][appliance] = mean_absolute_error(test_fold[t][appliance_num], test_gt_fold[appliance_num])

    return train_fold, valid_fold, test_fold, train_error, valid_error, test_error, train_losses, valid_losses, test_losses
def _pgd_whitebox(model,
    device = X.device
    out = model(X)
    acc = (out.data.max(1)[1] == y.data).float().mean()

    X_pgd = Variable(X.data, requires_grad=True)
    batch_size = X.shape[0]

    if args.pgd_loss == "baseline":
        criterion_ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device)
        criterion_ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none').to(device)

    max_loss_pgd = torch.zeros(y.shape[0]).cuda()
    max_delta = torch.zeros_like(X).cuda()

    for zz in range(10):
        if args.random_init:
            random_noise = torch.FloatTensor(*X_pgd.shape).uniform_(-args.epsilon_eval, args.epsilon_eval).to(device)
            X_pgd = Variable(X_pgd.data + random_noise, requires_grad=True)
        # ####################################################################
        # ########################### PGD LOSS ###############################
        # ####################################################################

        for _ in range(args.num_steps_eval):
            opt = optim.SGD([X_pgd], lr=1e-3)
            perturbation = X_pgd - X

            with torch.enable_grad():
                outputs_adv = model(X_pgd)
                outputs = model(X)
                loss_pgd, loss_individual_pgd = pgd_loss_ce(args, outputs_adv, outputs, y, perturbation, criterion_ce)
            eta = args.step_size_eval * X_pgd.grad.data.sign()
            X_pgd = Variable(X_pgd.data + eta, requires_grad=True)
            eta = torch.clamp(X_pgd.data - X.data, -args.epsilon_eval, args.epsilon_eval)
            X_pgd = Variable(X.data + eta, requires_grad=True)
            X_pgd = Variable(torch.clamp(X_pgd, 0, 1.0), requires_grad=True)

        margin loss, if enabled
        # outputs_adv = model(X_pgd)
        # label_mask = nn.functional.one_hot(y, 10).to(torch.bool)
        # label_logit = outputs_adv[label_mask]
        # others = outputs_adv[~label_mask].reshape(-1, 9)
        # top_other_logit, _ = torch.max(others, dim=1)
        # all_loss = (top_other_logit - label_logit).detach()

        cross entropy loss, if enabled
        all_loss = F.cross_entropy(model(X_pgd), y, reduction='none').detach()

        delta = X_pgd - X
        max_delta[all_loss >= max_loss_pgd] = delta.detach()[all_loss >= max_loss_pgd]
        max_loss_pgd = torch.max(max_loss_pgd, all_loss)

    outputs_adv = model(X + max_delta)
    one_hot_adv = (outputs_adv.data.max(1)[1] == y.data).float().detach().cpu().numpy()
    margin loss, if enabled
    # label_mask = nn.functional.one_hot(y, 10).to(torch.bool)
    # label_logit = outputs_adv[label_mask]
    # others = outputs_adv[~label_mask].reshape(-1, 9)
    # top_other_logit, _ = torch.max(others, dim=1)
    # loss_individual_pgd = (top_other_logit - label_logit).detach().cpu().numpy()
    cross entropy loss, if enabled
    loss_individual_pgd = F.cross_entropy(outputs_adv, y, reduction='none').detach().cpu().numpy()

    outputs = model(X)
    one_hot = (outputs.data.max(1)[1] == y.data).float().detach().cpu().numpy()
    margin loss, if enabled
    # label_mask = nn.functional.one_hot(y, 10).to(torch.bool)
    # label_logit = outputs[label_mask]
    # others = outputs[~label_mask].reshape(-1, 9)
    # top_other_logit, _ = torch.max(others, dim=1)
    # loss_individual = (top_other_logit - label_logit).detach().cpu().numpy()
    cross entropy loss, if enabled
    loss_individual = F.cross_entropy(outputs, y, reduction='none').detach().cpu().numpy()
    perturbation = max_delta
    margin, weights_margin = compute_weights(args, outputs_adv, perturbation, y)

    acc = np.mean(one_hot)
    return margin, weights_margin, one_hot, one_hot_adv, acc, loss_individual, loss_individual_pgd
def test_model_fit(model_fit: bool):
    Test that controls that scVI inferred distributions make sense on a non-trivial synthetic

    We define technical zeros of the synthetic dataset as the zeros that result from
    highly expressed genes (relatively to the considered cell) and the biological zeros as the
    rest of the zeros
    :return: None
    print("model_fit set to : ", model_fit)
    folder = "/tmp/scVI_zeros_test"
    print("Saving graphs in : {}".format(folder))
    if not os.path.exists(folder):

    n_epochs = 150 if model_fit else 1
    n_mc_sim_total = 100 if model_fit else 1
    n_cells_cluster = 1000 if model_fit else 100

    synth_data = ZISyntheticDatasetCorr(

    is_high = synth_data.is_highly_exp.squeeze()
    poisson_params_gt = synth_data.exprs_param.squeeze()

    # Step 2: Training scVI model
    mdl = VAE(

    trainer = UnsupervisedTrainer(
        model=mdl, gene_dataset=synth_data, use_cuda=True, train_size=1.0
    trainer.train(n_epochs=n_epochs, lr=1e-3)
    full = trainer.create_posterior(
        trainer.model, synth_data, indices=np.arange(len(synth_data))

    # Step 3: Inference
    poisson_params = []
    p_dropout_infered = []
    latent_reps = []
    bio_zero_p = []
    tech_zero_p = []
    with torch.no_grad():
        for tensors in full.sequential():
            # TODO: Properly sample posterior
            sample_batch, _, _, batch_index, labels = tensors
            px_scale, px_dispersion, px_rate, px_dropout, qz_m, qz_v, z, ql_m, ql_v, library = mdl.inference(
                sample_batch, batch_index
            p_zero = 1.0 / (1.0 + torch.exp(-px_dropout))

            l_train_batch = torch.zeros(
                (sample_batch.size(0), sample_batch.size(1), n_mc_sim_total),

            for n_mc_sim in range(n_mc_sim_total):
                p = px_rate / (px_rate + px_dispersion)
                r = px_dispersion
                l_train = torch.distributions.Gamma(
                    concentration=r, rate=(1 - p) / p
                l_train = torch.clamp(l_train, max=1e18)
                X = torch.distributions.Poisson(l_train).sample()
                l_train_batch[:, :, n_mc_sim] = l_train
                p_zero = 1.0 / (1.0 + torch.exp(-px_dropout))
                random_prob = torch.rand_like(p_zero)
                X[random_prob <= p_zero] = 0

            l_train_batch = torch.mean(l_train_batch, dim=(-1))

            bio_zero_prob_batch = torch.exp(-l_train_batch)
            tech_zero_prob_batch = p_zero


    latent_reps = np.concatenate(latent_reps)
    bio_zero_p = np.concatenate(bio_zero_p)
    tech_zero_p = np.concatenate(tech_zero_p)
    bio_zero_tech_no = bio_zero_p * (1.0 - tech_zero_p)
    tech_zero_bio_no = (1.0 - bio_zero_p) * tech_zero_p

    # Final Step: Checking predictions
    # Dropout checks
    p_dropout_infered_all = np.concatenate(p_dropout_infered)
    p_dropout_gt = synth_data.p_dropout.squeeze()
    vmin = 0.0
    vmax = 2.0 * p_dropout_gt.max()
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, figsize=(10, 10))
    sns.heatmap(p_dropout_infered_all, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=axes[0, 1])
    axes[0, 1].set_title("Dropout Rate Predicted")
    sns.heatmap(p_dropout_gt, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=axes[0, 0])
    axes[0, 0].set_title("Dropout Rate GT")

    # Poisson Params checks
    poisson_params = np.concatenate(poisson_params)
    vmin = min(poisson_params_gt.min(), poisson_params.min())
    vmax = max(poisson_params_gt.max(), poisson_params.max())
    sns.heatmap(poisson_params, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=axes[1, 1])
    axes[1, 1].set_title("Poisson Distribution Parameter Predicted")

    sns.heatmap(poisson_params_gt, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=axes[1, 0])
    axes[1, 0].set_title("Poisson Distribution Parameter GT")
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, "params_comparison.png"))

    # TODO: Decrease test tolerances
    l1_poisson = np.abs(poisson_params - poisson_params_gt).mean()
    if model_fit:
        print("Average Poisson L1 error: ", l1_poisson)
        assert l1_poisson <= 0.75, "High Error on Poisson parameter inference"
        l1_dropout = np.abs(p_dropout_infered_all - synth_data.p_dropout).mean()
        print("Average Dropout L1 error: ", l1_dropout)
        assert l1_dropout <= 5e-2, "High Error on Dropout parameter inference"

    # tSNE plot
    print("Computing tSNE rep ...")
    x_rep = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(latent_reps)
    pos = np.random.permutation(len(x_rep))[:1000]
    labels = ["c_{}".format(idx) for idx in synth_data.labels[pos].squeeze()]
    sns.scatterplot(x=x_rep[pos, 0], y=x_rep[pos, 1], hue=labels, palette="Set2")
    plt.title("Synthetic Dataset latent space")
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder, "t_sne.png"))

    # Tech/Bio Classif checks
    # --For high expressed genes
    # ---Poisson nul and ZI non null
    print(bio_zero_tech_no[is_high].mean(), synth_data.probas_zero_bio_tech_high[1, 0])
    # ---Poisson non nul and .
    print(tech_zero_bio_no[is_high].mean(), synth_data.probas_zero_bio_tech_high[0, 1])

    # --Low expressed expressend
    # ---Poisson nul and ZI non null
    print(bio_zero_tech_no[~is_high].mean(), synth_data.probas_zero_bio_tech_low[1, 0])
    # ---Poisson non nul and .
    print(tech_zero_bio_no[~is_high].mean(), synth_data.probas_zero_bio_tech_low[0, 1])

    diff1 = np.abs(
        bio_zero_tech_no[is_high].mean() - synth_data.probas_zero_bio_tech_high[1, 0]
    diff2 = np.abs(
        tech_zero_bio_no[is_high].mean() - synth_data.probas_zero_bio_tech_high[0, 1]
    diff3 = np.abs(
        bio_zero_tech_no[~is_high].mean() - synth_data.probas_zero_bio_tech_low[1, 0]
    diff4 = np.abs(
        tech_zero_bio_no[~is_high].mean() - synth_data.probas_zero_bio_tech_low[0, 1]

    if model_fit:
        assert diff1 <= 2e-2
        assert diff2 <= 2e-2
        assert diff3 <= 2e-2
        assert diff4 <= 2e-2
def nms(boxes, scores, overlap=0.5, top_k=200):
    """Apply non-maximum suppression at test time to avoid detecting too many
    overlapping bounding boxes for a given object.
        boxes: (tensor) The location preds for the img, Shape: [num_priors,4].
        scores: (tensor) The class predscores for the img, Shape:[num_priors].
        overlap: (float) The overlap thresh for suppressing unnecessary boxes.
        top_k: (int) The Maximum number of box preds to consider.
        The indices of the kept boxes with respect to num_priors.

    keep = scores.new(scores.size(0)).zero_().long()
    if boxes.numel() == 0:
        return keep
    x1 = boxes[:, 0]
    y1 = boxes[:, 1]
    x2 = boxes[:, 2]
    y2 = boxes[:, 3]
    area = torch.mul(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
    v, idx = scores.sort(0)  # sort in ascending order
    # I = I[v >= 0.01]
    idx = idx[-top_k:]  # indices of the top-k largest vals
    xx1 = boxes.new()
    yy1 = boxes.new()
    xx2 = boxes.new()
    yy2 = boxes.new()
    w = boxes.new()
    h = boxes.new()

    # keep = torch.Tensor()
    count = 0
    while idx.numel() > 0:
        i = idx[-1]  # index of current largest val
        # keep.append(i)
        keep[count] = i
        count += 1
        if idx.size(0) == 1:
        idx = idx[:-1]  # remove kept element from view
        # load bboxes of next highest vals
        torch.index_select(x1, 0, idx, out=xx1)
        torch.index_select(y1, 0, idx, out=yy1)
        torch.index_select(x2, 0, idx, out=xx2)
        torch.index_select(y2, 0, idx, out=yy2)
        # store element-wise max with next highest score
        xx1 = torch.clamp(xx1, min=x1[i])
        yy1 = torch.clamp(yy1, min=y1[i])
        xx2 = torch.clamp(xx2, max=x2[i])
        yy2 = torch.clamp(yy2, max=y2[i])
        w = xx2 - xx1
        h = yy2 - yy1
        # check sizes of xx1 and xx2.. after each iteration
        w = torch.clamp(w, min=0.0)
        h = torch.clamp(h, min=0.0)
        inter = w * h
        # IoU = i / (area(a) + area(b) - i)
        rem_areas = torch.index_select(area, 0, idx)  # load remaining areas)
        union = (rem_areas - inter) + area[i]
        IoU = inter / union  # store result in iou
        # keep only elements with an IoU <= overlap
        idx = idx[IoU.le(overlap)]
    return keep, count

        #Prepare sample and target
        image = torch.autograd.Variable(sample_batched['image'].cpu())
        depth = torch.autograd.Variable(sample_batched['depth'].cpu())
        # print("input", image.shape)
        # Normalize depth
        depth_n = DepthNorm( depth )

        # Predict
        output = model(image)
        # print("prediction output", output.shape)
        # print("GT", depth_n.shape)
        # Compute the loss
        l_depth = l1_criterion(output, depth_n)
        l_ssim = torch.clamp((1 - ssim(output, depth_n, val_range = 1000.0 / 10.0)) * 0.5, 0, 1)

        loss = (1.0 * l_ssim.mean().item()) + (0.1 * l_depth)

        # Update step
        losses.update(loss.data.item(), image.size(0))

        # Measure elapsed time
        batch_time.update(time.time() - end)
        end = time.time()
        eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(batch_time.val*(N - i))))

        # Log progress
 def funcOptMax(a, b):
     return torch.clamp(a + b, min=0)
    def detect(self, sample):

        input_pair = []
        detection_pair = []
        camera = sample[30][0].cuda()
        for indexOffset in [0, ]:
            images, image_metas, rpn_match, rpn_bbox, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks, gt_parameters, gt_depth, extrinsics, planes, gt_segmentation = sample[indexOffset + 0].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 1].numpy(), sample[indexOffset + 2].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 3].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 4].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 5].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 6].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 7].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 8].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 9].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 10].cuda(), sample[indexOffset + 11].cuda()
            rpn_class_logits, rpn_pred_bbox, target_class_ids, mrcnn_class_logits, target_deltas, mrcnn_bbox, target_mask, mrcnn_mask, target_parameters, mrcnn_parameters, detections, detection_masks, detection_gt_parameters, detection_gt_masks, rpn_rois, roi_features, roi_indices, depth_np_pred = self.model.predict([images, image_metas, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks, gt_parameters, camera], mode='inference_detection', use_nms=2, use_refinement=True)

            if len(detections) > 0:
                detections, detection_masks = unmoldDetections(self.config, camera, detections, detection_masks, depth_np_pred, debug=False)

            XYZ_pred, detection_mask, plane_XYZ = calcXYZModule(self.config, camera, detections, detection_masks, depth_np_pred, return_individual=True)
            detection_mask = detection_mask.unsqueeze(0)

            input_pair.append({'image': images, 'depth': gt_depth, 'mask': gt_masks, 'bbox': gt_boxes, 'extrinsics': extrinsics, 'segmentation': gt_segmentation, 'camera': camera})

            if 'nyu_dorn_only' in self.options.dataset:
                XYZ_pred[1:2] = sample[27].cuda()

            detection_pair.append({'XYZ': XYZ_pred, 'depth': XYZ_pred[1:2], 'mask': detection_mask, 'detection': detections, 'masks': detection_masks, 'depth_np': depth_np_pred, 'plane_XYZ': plane_XYZ})

        if ('refine' in self.modelType or 'refine' in self.options.suffix):
            pose = sample[26][0].cuda()
            pose = torch.cat([pose[0:3], pose[3:6] * pose[6]], dim=0)
            pose_gt = torch.cat([pose[0:1], -pose[2:3], pose[1:2], pose[3:4], -pose[5:6], pose[4:5]], dim=0).unsqueeze(0)
            camera = camera.unsqueeze(0)

            for c in range(1):
                detection_dict, input_dict = detection_pair[c], input_pair[c]

                new_input_dict = {k: v for k, v in input_dict.items()}
                new_input_dict['image'] = (input_dict['image'] + self.config.MEAN_PIXEL_TENSOR.view((-1, 1, 1))) / 255.0 - 0.5
                new_input_dict['image_2'] = (sample[13].cuda() + self.config.MEAN_PIXEL_TENSOR.view((-1, 1, 1))) / 255.0 - 0.5
                detections = detection_dict['detection']
                detection_masks = detection_dict['masks']
                depth_np = detection_dict['depth_np']
                image = new_input_dict['image']
                image_2 = new_input_dict['image_2']
                depth_gt = new_input_dict['depth'].unsqueeze(1)

                masks_inp = torch.cat([detection_masks.unsqueeze(1), detection_dict['plane_XYZ']], dim=1)

                segmentation = new_input_dict['segmentation']

                detection_masks = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(detection_masks[:, 80:560].unsqueeze(1), size=(192, 256), mode='nearest').squeeze(1)
                image = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(image[:, :, 80:560], size=(192, 256), mode='bilinear')
                image_2 = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(image_2[:, :, 80:560], size=(192, 256), mode='bilinear')
                masks_inp = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(masks_inp[:, :, 80:560], size=(192, 256), mode='bilinear')
                depth_np = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(depth_np[:, 80:560].unsqueeze(1), size=(192, 256), mode='bilinear').squeeze(1)
                plane_depth = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(detection_dict['depth'][:, 80:560].unsqueeze(1), size=(192, 256), mode='bilinear').squeeze(1)
                segmentation = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(segmentation[:, 80:560].unsqueeze(1).float(), size=(192, 256), mode='nearest').squeeze().long()

                new_input_dict['image'] = image
                new_input_dict['image_2'] = image_2

                results = self.refine_model(image, image_2, camera, masks_inp, detection_dict['detection'][:, 6:9], plane_depth, depth_np)

                masks = results[-1]['mask'].squeeze(1)

                all_masks = torch.softmax(masks, dim=0)

                masks_small = all_masks[1:]
                all_masks = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(all_masks.unsqueeze(1), size=(480, 640), mode='bilinear').squeeze(1)
                all_masks = (all_masks.max(0, keepdim=True)[1] == torch.arange(len(all_masks)).cuda().long().view((-1, 1, 1))).float()
                masks = all_masks[1:]
                detection_masks = torch.zeros(detection_dict['masks'].shape).cuda()
                detection_masks[:, 80:560] = masks

                detection_dict['masks'] = detection_masks
                detection_dict['depth_ori'] = detection_dict['depth'].clone()
                detection_dict['mask'][:, 80:560] = (masks.max(0, keepdim=True)[0] > (1 - masks.sum(0, keepdim=True))).float()

                if self.options.modelType == 'fitting':
                    masks_cropped = masks_small
                    ranges = self.config.getRanges(camera).transpose(1, 2).transpose(0, 1)
                    XYZ = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(ranges.unsqueeze(1), size=(192, 256), mode='bilinear').squeeze(1) * results[-1]['depth'].squeeze(1)
                    detection_areas = masks_cropped.sum(-1).sum(-1)
                    A = masks_cropped.unsqueeze(1) * XYZ
                    b = masks_cropped
                    Ab = (A * b.unsqueeze(1)).sum(-1).sum(-1)
                    AA = (A.unsqueeze(2) * A.unsqueeze(1)).sum(-1).sum(-1)
                    plane_parameters = torch.stack([torch.matmul(torch.inverse(AA[planeIndex]), Ab[planeIndex]) if detection_areas[planeIndex] else detection_dict['detection'][planeIndex, 6:9] for planeIndex in range(len(AA))], dim=0)
                    plane_offsets = torch.norm(plane_parameters, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
                    plane_parameters = plane_parameters / torch.clamp(torch.pow(plane_offsets, 2), 1e-4)
                    detection_dict['detection'][:, 6:9] = plane_parameters

                    XYZ_pred, detection_mask, plane_XYZ = calcXYZModule(self.config, camera, detection_dict['detection'], detection_masks, detection_dict['depth'], return_individual=True)
                    detection_dict['depth'] = XYZ_pred[1:2]
        return detection_pair
def postprocess(im, invert=False):
    im = th.clamp((im + 1.0) / 2.0, 0, 1)
    if invert:
        im = (1.0 - im)
    im = ttools.tensor2image(im)
    return im
    def forward(self, x, target=None):
        # backbone
        c2, c3, c4, c5 = self.backbone(x)
        B = c5.size(0)

        # bottom-up
        p5 = self.spp(c5)
        p4 = self.deconv5(p5)
        p3 = self.deconv4(p4)
        p2 = self.deconv3(p3)

        # head
        cls_pred = self.cls_pred(p2)
        txty_pred = self.txty_pred(p2)
        twth_pred = self.twth_pred(p2)

        # train
        if self.trainable:
            # [B, H*W, num_classes]
            cls_pred = cls_pred.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(B, -1, self.num_classes)
            # [B, H*W, 2]
            txty_pred = txty_pred.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(B, -1, 2)
            # [B, H*W, 2]
            twth_pred = twth_pred.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(B, -1, 2)

            # compute loss
            cls_loss, txty_loss, twth_loss, total_loss = tools.loss(pred_cls=cls_pred, 

            return cls_loss, txty_loss, twth_loss, total_loss       

        # test
            with torch.no_grad():
                # batch_size = 1
                cls_pred = torch.sigmoid(cls_pred)              
                # simple nms
                hmax = F.max_pool2d(cls_pred, kernel_size=5, padding=2, stride=1)
                keep = (hmax == cls_pred).float()
                cls_pred *= keep

                # decode box
                txtytwth_pred = torch.cat([txty_pred, twth_pred], dim=1).permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous().view(B, -1, 4)
                # [B, H*W, 4] -> [H*W, 4]
                bbox_pred = torch.clamp((self.decode_boxes(txtytwth_pred) / self.scale_torch)[0], 0., 1.)

                # topk
                topk_scores, topk_inds, topk_clses = self._topk(cls_pred)

                topk_scores = topk_scores[0].cpu().numpy()
                topk_ind = topk_clses[0].cpu().numpy()
                topk_bbox_pred = bbox_pred[topk_inds[0]].cpu().numpy()

                if self.use_nms:
                    # nms
                    keep = np.zeros(len(topk_bbox_pred), dtype=np.int)
                    for i in range(self.num_classes):
                        inds = np.where(topk_ind == i)[0]
                        if len(inds) == 0:
                        c_bboxes = topk_bbox_pred[inds]
                        c_scores = topk_scores[inds]
                        c_keep = self.nms(c_bboxes, c_scores)
                        keep[inds[c_keep]] = 1

                    keep = np.where(keep > 0)
                    topk_bbox_pred = topk_bbox_pred[keep]
                    topk_scores = topk_scores[keep]
                    topk_ind = topk_ind[keep]

                return topk_bbox_pred, topk_scores, topk_ind
def earlystop(model,
    The implematation of early-stopped PGD
    Following the Alg.1 in our FAT paper <https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.11242>
    :param step_size: the PGD step size
    :param epsilon: the perturbation bound
    :param perturb_steps: the maximum PGD step
    :param tau: the step controlling how early we should stop interations when wrong adv data is found
    :param randominit_type: To decide the type of random inirialization (random start for searching adv data)
    :param rand_init: To decide whether to initialize adversarial sample with random noise (random start for searching adv data)
    :param omega: random sample parameter for adv data generation (this is for escaping the local minimum.)
    :return: output_adv (friendly adversarial data) output_target (targets), output_natural (the corresponding natrual data), count (average backword propagations count)

    K = perturb_steps
    count = 0
    output_target = []
    output_adv = []
    output_natural = []

    control = (torch.ones(len(target)) * tau).cuda()

    # Initialize the adversarial data with random noise
    if rand_init:
        if randominit_type == "normal_distribution_randominit":
            iter_adv = data.detach() + 0.001 * torch.randn(
            iter_adv = torch.clamp(iter_adv, 0.0, 1.0)
        if randominit_type == "uniform_randominit":
            iter_adv = data.detach() + torch.from_numpy(
                np.random.uniform(-epsilon, epsilon,
            iter_adv = torch.clamp(iter_adv, 0.0, 1.0)
        iter_adv = data.cuda().detach()

    iter_clean_data = data.cuda().detach()
    iter_target = target.cuda().detach()
    output_iter_clean_data = model(data)

    while K > 0:
        output = model(iter_adv)
        pred = output.max(1, keepdim=True)[1]
        output_index = []
        iter_index = []

        # Calculate the indexes of adversarial data those still needs to be iterated
        for idx in range(len(pred)):
            if pred[idx] != target[idx]:
                if control[idx] == 0:
                    control[idx] -= 1

        # Add adversarial data those do not need any more iteration into set output_adv
        if len(output_index) != 0:
            if len(output_target) == 0:
                # incorrect adv data should not keep iterated
                output_adv = iter_adv[output_index].reshape(-1, 3, 32,
                output_natural = iter_clean_data[output_index].reshape(
                    -1, 3, 32, 32).cuda()
                output_target = iter_target[output_index].reshape(-1).cuda()
                # incorrect adv data should not keep iterated
                output_adv = torch.cat(
                    (output_adv, iter_adv[output_index].reshape(-1, 3, 32,
                output_natural = torch.cat(
                    (output_natural, iter_clean_data[output_index].reshape(
                        -1, 3, 32, 32).cuda()),
                output_target = torch.cat(

        # calculate gradient
        with torch.enable_grad():
            if loss_fn == "cent":
                loss_adv = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='mean')(output,
            if loss_fn == "kl":
                criterion_kl = nn.KLDivLoss(size_average=False).cuda()
                loss_adv = criterion_kl(
                    F.log_softmax(output, dim=1),
                    F.softmax(output_iter_clean_data, dim=1))
        grad = iter_adv.grad

        # update iter adv
        if len(iter_index) != 0:
            control = control[iter_index]
            iter_adv = iter_adv[iter_index]
            iter_clean_data = iter_clean_data[iter_index]
            iter_target = iter_target[iter_index]
            output_iter_clean_data = output_iter_clean_data[iter_index]
            grad = grad[iter_index]
            eta = step_size * grad.sign()

            iter_adv = iter_adv.detach() + eta + omega * torch.randn(
            iter_adv = torch.min(
                torch.max(iter_adv, iter_clean_data - epsilon),
                iter_clean_data + epsilon)
            iter_adv = torch.clamp(iter_adv, 0, 1)
            count += len(iter_target)
            return output_adv, output_target, output_natural, count
        K = K - 1

    if len(output_target) == 0:
        output_target = iter_target.reshape(-1).squeeze().cuda()
        output_adv = iter_adv.reshape(-1, 3, 32, 32).cuda()
        output_natural = iter_clean_data.reshape(-1, 3, 32, 32).cuda()
        output_adv = torch.cat((output_adv, iter_adv.reshape(-1, 3, 32, 32)),
        output_target = torch.cat((output_target, iter_target.reshape(-1)),
        output_natural = torch.cat(
            (output_natural, iter_clean_data.reshape(-1, 3, 32, 32).cuda()),
    return output_adv, output_target, output_natural, count
def update_policy(args,
    """Updates parameters of policy network according to optimization scheme."""

    # This method is used for updating the policy parameters based on the selected policy gradient setting.
    grads = torch.autograd.grad(get_loss(), policy_net.parameters())
    loss_grad = torch.cat([grad.view(-1) for grad in grads]).data

    step_size = None

    def Fvp(v):
        # Computes Fisher vector product as a Hessian vector product of KL divergence (same as the trick used in TRPO)
        kl = get_kl()
        kl = kl.mean()
        grads = torch.autograd.grad(kl,
        flat_grad_kl = torch.cat([grad.view(-1) for grad in grads])
        kl_v = (flat_grad_kl * Variable(v)).sum()
        grads = torch.autograd.grad(kl_v, policy_net.parameters())
        flat_grad_grad_kl = torch.cat(
            [grad.contiguous().view(-1) for grad in grads]).data
        return flat_grad_grad_kl + v * args.damping  # damping ensures numerical stability and faster convergence

    if args.pg_algorithm == "vanilla":  # Computes conventional policy gradient
        if args.pg_estimator == 'BQ' and args.UAPG_flag:
            # Computes the low-rank SVD of the covariance matrix for vanilla PG, without constructing it in the first place.
            # Specifically, we utilize fast covariance vector products for fast low-rank SVD computation.
            u_cov, s_cov, v_cov = fast_svd.pca_Cov(args, conjugate_gradients,
                                                   Fvp, policy_net, value_net,
            # Lowering the step-size of the gradient components with high estimation uncertainty.
            new_s_cov = 1 - torch.sqrt(s_cov.min()) / torch.sqrt(s_cov)
            # Final UAPG update for vanilla policy gradient
            loss_grad = loss_grad - torch.matmul(
                             torch.matmul(v_cov, loss_grad)))
        set_flat_grad_to(policy_net, loss_grad)

    else:  # Computes natural policy gradient, for NPG and TRPO
        neg_stepdir = conjugate_gradients(Fvp,
        if args.pg_estimator == 'BQ' and args.UAPG_flag:
            # Computes the low-rank SVD of the inverse Covariance matrix for the natural gradient.
            u_cov, s_cov, v_cov = fast_svd.pca_NPG_InvCov(
                args, conjugate_gradients, Fvp, policy_net, value_net,
            # Increasing the step-size of the gradient components with low estimation uncertainty (most confident directions).
            new_s_cov = torch.clamp(torch.sqrt(s_cov / s_cov.min()), 1,
                                    args.UAPG_epsilon) - 1
            # Final UAPG update for natural policy gradient
            neg_stepdir = neg_stepdir + torch.matmul(
                             torch.matmul(v_cov, neg_stepdir)))

        if args.pg_algorithm == "NPG":  # NPG update
            old_params = get_flat_params_from(policy_net)
            set_flat_grad_to(policy_net, neg_stepdir)
            new_params = get_flat_params_from(policy_net)
        else:  # TRPO update
            stepdir = -neg_stepdir  # Search direction after solving the constrained optimization problem, same as natural gradient
            shs = 0.5 * (stepdir * Fvp(stepdir)).sum(0, keepdim=True) ## Important, here is the TRPO magic
            lm = torch.sqrt(shs / args.max_kl)  # One over largest step size/ trust region size
            beta = torch.sqrt(args.max_kl/shs)
            step_size = 1 / lm
            fullstep = stepdir / lm[
                0]  # Naive trust region based update corresponding to the largest step size
            # print(fullstep)
            neggdotstepdir = (stepdir * Fvp(stepdir)).sum(0, keepdim=True)
            # print(neggdotstepdir)
            prev_params = get_flat_params_from(policy_net)
            # Line search avoids large policy steps that result in catastrophic performance degradation.
            success, new_params = linesearch(policy_net, get_loss, prev_params,
                                             fullstep, neggdotstepdir / lm[0])
            set_flat_params_to(policy_net, new_params)

    return step_size        
    def run(self, frame, frames):
        if self.skip_flag == 0:
            inp_dim = int(self.model.net_info["height"])
            assert inp_dim % 32 == 0
            assert inp_dim > 32

            img, orig_im, dim = prep_image(frame, inp_dim)
            im_dim = torch.FloatTensor(dim).repeat(1, 2)

            if self.CUDA:
                im_dim = im_dim.cuda()
                img = img.cuda()

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = self.model(Variable(img), self.CUDA)

            output = write_results(output,
            if type(output) == int:
                return frame

            im_dim = im_dim.repeat(output.size(0), 1)
            scaling_factor = torch.min(inp_dim / im_dim, 1)[0].view(-1, 1)

                   [1, 3]] -= (inp_dim -
                               scaling_factor * im_dim[:, 0].view(-1, 1)) / 2
                   [2, 4]] -= (inp_dim -
                               scaling_factor * im_dim[:, 1].view(-1, 1)) / 2

            output[:, 1:5] /= scaling_factor

            for i in range(output.shape[0]):
                output[i, [1, 3]] = torch.clamp(output[i, [1, 3]], 0.0,
                                                im_dim[i, 0])
                output[i, [2, 4]] = torch.clamp(output[i, [2, 4]], 0.0,
                                                im_dim[i, 1])

            classes = load_classes('data/coco.names')
            colors = pkl.load(open("pallete", "rb"))

            #print('output: {}'.format(output.shape[0]))
            for i in range(output.shape[0]):
                data_list = np.array([[
                    int(output[i, 1]),
                    int(output[i, 3]),
                    int(output[i, 2]),
                    int(output[i, 4]), classes[int(output[i, 7])]
                self.data = np.vstack([self.data, data_list])

                map(lambda x: write(
                ), output))
            return orig_im
 def forward(self,
     nq = num_codes.max()
     nq_temp = self.codes_per_checkpoint
     scores, word_level_attentions, traceback_word_level_attentions, sentence_level_scores = [], [], [], []
     for offset in range(0, nq, nq_temp):
         if codes is not None:
             codes_temp = codes[:, offset:offset + nq_temp]
             codes_temp = torch.zeros(0)
         if code_description is not None:
             code_description_temp = code_description[:, offset:offset +
             code_description_length_temp = code_description_length[:,
                                                                    offset +
             code_description_temp = torch.zeros(0)
             code_description_length_temp = torch.zeros(0)
         if linearized_codes is not None:
             linearized_codes_temp = linearized_codes[:, offset:offset +
             linearized_codes_lengths_temp = linearized_codes_lengths[:,
             linearized_codes_temp = torch.zeros(0)
             linearized_codes_lengths_temp = torch.zeros(0)
         num_codes_temp = torch.clamp(num_codes - offset, 0, nq_temp)
         scores_temp, word_level_attentions_temp, traceback_word_level_attentions_temp, sentence_level_scores_temp = checkpoint(
             self.inner_forward, article_sentences,
             article_sentences_lengths, num_codes_temp, codes_temp,
             code_description_temp, code_description_length_temp,
             linearized_codes_temp, linearized_codes_lengths_temp,
     scores = torch.cat(scores, 1)
     word_level_attentions = torch.cat(word_level_attentions, 1)
     traceback_word_level_attentions = torch.cat(
         traceback_word_level_attentions, 1)
     sentence_level_scores = torch.cat(sentence_level_scores, 1)
     return_dict = dict(
     if codes is not None:
         return_dict['codes'] = codes
     return return_dict
 def clip(self, x, clipping_value):
     return torch.clamp(x, min=-clipping_value, max=clipping_value)
 def funcOptMin(a, b):
     return torch.clamp(a + b, max=2)
 def f_p(self, p):
     # Calculate activation for inferred grounded location, using a leaky relu for sparsity. Either apply to full multi-frequency grounded location or single frequency module
     activation = [utils.leaky_relu(torch.clamp(p_f, min=-1, max=1)) for p_f in p] if type(p) is list else utils.leaky_relu(torch.clamp(p, min=-1, max=1)) 
     return activation        
 def func2(a, b):
     return torch.clamp(a + b, min=0, max=2)
 def f_g_clamp(self, g):
     # Calculate activation for abstract location, thresholding between -1 and 1
     activation = [torch.clamp(g_f, min=-1, max=1) for g_f in g]
     return activation    
def acquire_scores(base_cfg, samples_to_score, all_samples, model_file, depth_ifp_w=0, verbose=False):
    calc_depth_distances = depth_ifp_w > 0
    depth_lambda = base_cfg["label_selection"]["depth_lambda"]
    entropy_lambda = base_cfg["label_selection"]["entropy_lambda"]
    dist_bias_weight = base_cfg["label_selection"]["bias_weight"]
    ifp_args = base_cfg["label_selection"]["ifp_args"]
    if not verbose:
        if isinstance(depth_lambda, list):
            for dl, el in zip(depth_lambda, entropy_lambda):
                assert dl + el > 0
            assert depth_lambda + entropy_lambda > 0 or calc_depth_distances

    if calc_depth_distances and ifp_args["m"] in ["aspp", "u4", "u3", "bn"]:
        depth_teacher = build_depth_trainer_model(base_cfg)

    cfg = deepcopy(base_cfg)
    cfg['data']['augmentations'] = {}
    cfg['training']['batch_size'] = 1
    cfg['data']['shuffle_trainset'] = False
    restrict_subset = all_samples if calc_depth_distances else samples_to_score
    cfg['data']['restrict_to_subset'] = {
        "mode": "fixed",
        "n_subset": len(restrict_subset),
        "subset": restrict_subset,
    cfg["training"]["resume"] = model_file

    trainer = build_trainer(cfg, "label_selection_scoring")
    if cfg["training"]["resume"] is not None:
        trainer.load_resume(strict=True, load_model_only=True)
        print("LABEL_SELECTION: Warning - Evaluated model is None. This might happen when using ifp.")

    scores = []
    all_depth_features = []
    dist_i_to_img_idx = {}
    img_idx_to_dist_i = {}
    dist_bias = []
    with torch.no_grad():
        depth_loss_mask = None
        for inputs in tqdm(trainer.train_data_loader):
            for k, v in inputs.items():
                cuda_tensor_names = [("color_aug", 0, 0), "pseudo_depth"]
                if verbose:
                    cuda_tensor_names.extend(["lbl", ("color", 0, 0)])
                if torch.is_tensor(v) and k in cuda_tensor_names:
                    inputs[k] = v.to(trainer.device, non_blocking=True)

            if calc_depth_distances:
                if ifp_args["pool"] == "avg":
                    pool_fn = torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d
                elif ifp_args["pool"] == "max":
                    pool_fn = torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool2d
                    raise NotImplementedError(ifp_args["pool"])
                if ifp_args["m"] in ["aspp", "u3", "u4", "bn"]:
                    teacher_outputs = depth_teacher(inputs)
                    if ifp_args["m"] == "u3":
                        depth_features = teacher_outputs[("upconv", 3)]
                    elif ifp_args["m"] == "u4":
                        depth_features = teacher_outputs[("upconv", 4)]
                    elif ifp_args["m"] == "bn":
                        depth_features = teacher_outputs["bottleneck"]
                        raise NotImplementedError(ifp_args["m"])
                    depth_features = pool_fn(depth_features, (ifp_args["h"], 2 * ifp_args["h"]))
                elif ifp_args["m"] == "logdepth":
                    depth_features = inputs["pseudo_depth"][0]
                    depth_features = torch.log(torch.clamp(1 / depth_features, 0.1, 80))
                    depth_features = pool_fn(depth_features, (ifp_args["h"], 2 * ifp_args["h"]))
                elif ifp_args["m"] == "depth":
                    depth_features = inputs["pseudo_depth"][0]
                    depth_features = torch.clamp(1 / depth_features, 0.1, 80)
                    depth_features = pool_fn(depth_features, (ifp_args["h"], 2 * ifp_args["h"]))
                    raise NotImplementedError(ifp_args["m"])
                assert depth_features.shape[0] == 1
                dist_i_to_img_idx[len(all_depth_features)] = inputs["idx"].item()
                img_idx_to_dist_i[inputs["idx"].item()] = len(all_depth_features)
                if not verbose and dist_bias_weight == 0:
                        "idx": inputs["idx"],
                        "label_criterion": [0],
                        "depth_error": [0],
                        "entropy_mean": 0,

            with autocast(enabled=trainer.cfg["training"]["amp"]):
                outputs = trainer.model(inputs)

            if inputs["idx"] not in samples_to_score:

            entropy_imgs = pixel_wise_entropy(outputs["semantics"])
            disp_pred = outputs["disp", 0][0][0]
            disp_pseudo = inputs["pseudo_depth"][0][0]

            depth_error_maps = []
            depth_errors = []
            depth_error_types = cfg["label_selection"].get("depth_error_types", "abs")
            if not isinstance(depth_error_types, list):
                depth_error_types = [depth_error_types]
            for depth_error_type in depth_error_types:
                if depth_error_type == "abs":
                    depth_error_map = torch.abs(disp_pred - disp_pseudo)
                elif depth_error_type == "abs_inv_log":
                    depth_pred = torch.log(torch.clamp(1 / disp_pred, 0.1, 80))
                    depth_pseudo = torch.log(torch.clamp(1 / disp_pseudo, 0.1, 80))
                    depth_error_map = torch.abs(depth_pseudo - depth_pred)
                elif depth_error_type == "abs_inv":
                    depth_pred = torch.clamp(1 / disp_pred, 0.1, 80)
                    depth_pseudo = torch.clamp(1 / disp_pseudo, 0.1, 80)
                    depth_error_map = torch.abs(depth_pseudo - depth_pred)
                elif depth_error_type == "sq":
                    depth_error_map = (disp_pred - disp_pseudo) ** 2
                elif depth_error_type == "abs_rel":
                    depth_error_map = torch.abs(disp_pred - disp_pseudo) / (disp_pseudo + 1e-1)
                elif depth_error_type == "sq_rel":
                    depth_error_map = ((disp_pred - disp_pseudo) ** 2) / (disp_pseudo + 1e-1)
                elif depth_error_type == "abs_log":
                    depth_error_map = torch.abs(torch.log(1 + disp_pred) - torch.log(1 + disp_pseudo))
                    raise NotImplementedError(depth_error_type)

                # Mask out cars moving in front with very small disparity
                mask = dilate((disp_pseudo < 0.07).float(), 7, 3)
                depth_error_map *= (1 - mask)
                # Mask out own car
                depth_error_map[int(0.87 * depth_error_map.shape[0]):, :] = 0
                depth_error = torch.mean(depth_error_map)
            entropy_mean = torch.mean(entropy_imgs[0])

            assert not (isinstance(depth_lambda, list) and len(depth_error_types) > 1)
            if isinstance(depth_lambda, list):
                label_criterion = []
                for dl, el in zip(depth_lambda, entropy_lambda):
                    label_criterion.append((dl * depth_error + el * entropy_mean).detach())
            elif isinstance(depth_error_types, list):
                label_criterion = []
                for depth_error in depth_errors:
                    label_criterion.append((depth_lambda * depth_error + entropy_lambda * entropy_mean).detach())
                label_criterion = (depth_lambda * depth_error + entropy_lambda * entropy_mean).detach()
            if dist_bias_weight > 0:
                assert len(label_criterion) == 1
                dist_bias.append(dist_bias_weight * label_criterion[0])

                "idx": inputs["idx"],
                "label_criterion": label_criterion,
                "depth_error": depth_errors,
                "entropy_mean": entropy_mean.detach(),

            if verbose:
                segmentation_loss = trainer.loss_fn(
                    input=outputs["semantics"], target=inputs["lbl"],

                preds = outputs["semantics"].data.max(1)[1].cpu().numpy()
                gts = inputs["lbl"].data.cpu().numpy()

                for k, v in outputs.items():
                    if "depth" in k or "cam_T_cam" in k:
                        outputs[k] = v.to(torch.float32)
                # trainer.monodepth_loss_calculator_train.generate_images_pred(all_inputs, outputs)
                # mono_losses = trainer.monodepth_loss_calculator_train.compute_losses(all_inputs, outputs)
                # mono_loss = mono_losses["loss"]
                mono_loss = torch.tensor([0])
                mono_outputs = trainer.model.predict_test_disp(inputs)

                # Crop away bottom of image with own car
                if depth_loss_mask is None:
                    depth_loss_mask = torch.ones(outputs["disp", 0].shape, device=trainer.device)
                    depth_loss_mask[:, :, int(outputs["disp", 0].shape[2] * 0.9):, :] = 0
                pseudo_depth_loss = berhu(outputs["disp", 0], inputs["pseudo_depth"], depth_loss_mask)

                running_metrics_val = runningScore(trainer.n_classes)
                running_metrics_val.update(gts, preds)
                score, class_iou = running_metrics_val.get_scores()

                    "image": inputs["color_aug", 0, 0][0].detach().cpu(),
                    "segmentation_entropy": entropy_imgs[0].detach().cpu(),
                    "disparity": torch.log(torch.clamp(1 / outputs["disp", 0][0], 0.1, 80)).detach().cpu(),
                    "teacher_depth": torch.log(torch.clamp(1 / inputs["pseudo_depth"][0], 0.1, 80)).detach().cpu(),
                    "depth_error_map": depth_error_maps,
                    "mIoU": score["Mean IoU : \t"],
                    "fwAcc": score["FreqW Acc : \t"],
                    "mAcc": score["Mean Acc : \t"],
                    "tAcc": score["Overall Acc: \t"],
                    "cIoU": class_iou,
                    "segmentation_loss": segmentation_loss.item(),
                    "mono_loss": mono_loss.item(),
                    "pseudo_depth_loss": pseudo_depth_loss.item(),
                    "segmentation_pred": preds[0],
                    "segmentation_gt": gts[0],
                    # "reprojection_error_map": outputs["to_optimise/0"][0].detach().cpu(),

        depth_feature_distances = 0
        if calc_depth_distances:
            depth_feature_distances = _calc_feature_distance(all_depth_features, dist_bias, dist_bias_weight,
                                                             normalize_features=ifp_args.get("norm", False),
                                                             patch_wise=ifp_args.get("pw", False))
        feature_distances = depth_ifp_w * depth_feature_distances

    return scores, {'distances': feature_distances, 'dist_i_to_img_idx': dist_i_to_img_idx,
                    'img_idx_to_dist_i': img_idx_to_dist_i}
    def backward(self, sample_):
        sample_["logp"] = self.pd.log_prob(self.action)
        sample_["value"] = self.Q
        self.running_step += 1
        """""" """""" ""
        "training part"
        "in each step, we train for batch batch_training_times"
        """""" """""" ""
        if self.step > self.learning_starts:
            if self.running_step % self.run_step == 0 and self.training_step == 0:
                " sample advantage generate "
                with torch.no_grad():
                    sample = self.replay_buffer.recent_step_sample(
                    last_value = self.value_model.forward(sample["s_"][-1])
                    self.record_sample = gae(sample, last_value, self.gamma,
                self.running_step = 0

            if self.training_step < self.sample_training_step and self.record_sample is not None:
                pg_loss_re = 0
                entropy_re = 0
                vf_loss_re = 0
                loss_re = 0
                for _ in range(self.batch_training_round):
                    index = self.train_ticks[self.training_step]
                    S = self.record_sample["s"][index].detach()
                    A = self.record_sample["a"][index].detach()
                    old_log = self.record_sample["logp"][index].detach()
                    advs = self.record_sample["advs"][index].detach()
                    value = self.record_sample["value"][index].detach()
                    returns = self.record_sample["return"][index].detach()
                    # generate Policy gradient loss
                    outcome = self.run_policy.forward(S)
                    new_policy = self.dist(outcome)
                    new_lop = new_policy.log_prob(A)
                    ratio = torch.exp(new_lop - old_log)
                    pg_loss1 = advs * ratio
                    pg_loss2 = advs * torch.clamp(ratio, 1.0 - self.cliprange,
                                                  1.0 + self.cliprange)
                    pg_loss = -.5 * torch.min(pg_loss1, pg_loss2).mean()
                    # value loss
                    value_now = self.run_value.forward(S)
                    value_clip = value + torch.clamp(
                        value_now - value,
                        max=self.cliprange)  # Clipped value
                    vf_loss1 = self.loss_cal(value_now,
                                             returns)  # Unclipped loss
                    vf_loss2 = self.loss_cal(value_clip,
                                             returns)  # clipped loss
                    vf_loss = .5 * torch.max(vf_loss1, vf_loss2)
                    # vf_loss = 0.5 * vf_loss1
                    # entropy
                    entropy = new_policy.entropy().mean()
                    loss = pg_loss - entropy * self.ent_coef + vf_loss * self.vf_coef
                    # approxkl = self.loss_cal(neg_log_pac, self.record_sample["neglogp"])
                    # self.cliprange = torch.gt(torch.abs(ratio - 1.0).mean(), self.cliprange)



                    self.training_step += 1
                    pg_loss_re += pg_loss.data.numpy()
                    entropy_re += entropy.data.numpy()
                    vf_loss_re += vf_loss.data.numpy()
                    loss_re += loss.data.numpy()

                if self.training_step == self.sample_training_step:
                    print("the" + str(self.episode) +
                          " round have training finished")
                    self.training_step = 0
                    self.record_sample = None
                return loss_re, {
                    "pg_loss": pg_loss_re,
                    "entropy": entropy_re,
                    "vf_loss": vf_loss_re
        return 0, {"pg_loss": 0, "entropy": 0, "vf_loss": 0}
init_states[:, n_link + which] = mesh[1].reshape(-1)

n_steps = 2000
ROApoints = []
grads = []
for n in range(n_samples):
    print("Sample # {}".format(n))
    x = init_states[n]
    Trj = [x.copy()]
    running_V = 100.
    inROA = True
    for t in range(n_steps):
        x_torch = numpy2torch(x.copy())
        with torch.no_grad():
            _, u, V = net(x_torch.unsqueeze(0))
            u = torch.clamp(u, -10., 10.)  # Limit the amount of control input
        u = torch2numpy(u[0])

        times = np.arange(2) * dt
        x_orig = x.copy()
        x_orig[:n_link] = wrapToPi(x_orig[:n_link] + target)
        y = odeint(system.gradient, x_orig, times, args=(u, ))
        y = y[1]
        y[:n_link] = wrapToPi(y[:n_link] - target)

        if t == 0:
            grads.append(system.gradient(x_orig, times, u))

        within = (y.copy() <= domain).all()
        within = within & (y.copy() >= -domain).all()
def safe_log(x, eps=1e-6):
    """ Prevents :math:`log(0)` by using :math:`log(max(x, eps))`."""
    return th.log(th.clamp(x, min=eps))