def forward(self, pointcloud: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, return_all=False): pointcloud = pointcloud.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() li_xyz, li_features = self._break_up_pc(pointcloud) # B,C,N # l_xyz, l_features = [xyz], [li_features] l_xyz, l_features = [], [] for i in range(len(self.SA_modules)): # Pointnetmodule + MLP + maxpool li_xyz, li_features = self.SA_modules[i](li_xyz, li_features) li_features_post = self.postSA_mlp[i](li_features) l_xyz.append(li_xyz) l_features.append(li_features_post) # max pool (B,4*#SA,1) all SAmodules # exclude the first None features global_code = [torch.max(l_feat, dim=-1)[0] for l_feat in l_features], dim=1) l_features.append(global_code) l_xyz.append(None) if return_all: return l_features, l_xyz else: return global_code
def copy_torch2glumpy(dst: gloo.VertexBuffer, src: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): # torch 2 pycuda src = gp.GPUArray(src.shape, np.float32, gpudata=src.data_ptr()) # copy pycuda 2 glumpy copy_pycuda2glumpy(dst, src) return
def acc_segmentation(input: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, targs: torch.cuda.IntTensor, rm_bknd=True): """The intent of this metric is to have a metric where it's easy to understand the implications of the value it outputs since the output value of mAP IoU is more difficult to understand intuitively.""" _n = targs.shape[0] input = input.argmax(dim=1).view(_n, -1) targs = targs.view(_n, -1) return (input == targs).float().mean()
def copy_torch2RegisteredBuffer(dst:, src: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): # torch 2 pycuda src = gp.GPUArray(src.shape, np.float32, gpudata=src.data_ptr()) # copy pycuda 2 glumpy copy_pycuda2RegisteredBuffer(dst, src) return
def forward(self, pointcloud: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): r""" Forward pass of the network Parameters ---------- pointcloud: Variable(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) (B, N, 3 + input_channels) tensor Point cloud to run predicts on Each point in the point-cloud MUST be formated as (x, y, z, features...) """ pointcloud = pointcloud.transpose(1, 2) xyz, features = self._break_up_pc(pointcloud) cls = torch.zeros(pointcloud.size(0), 16).cuda() l_xyz, l_features = [xyz], [features] for i in range(len(self.SA_modules)): if i < 5: li_xyz, li_features = self.SA_modules[i](l_xyz[i], l_features[i]) if li_xyz is not None: random_index = np.arange(li_xyz.size()[1]) np.random.shuffle(random_index) li_xyz = li_xyz[:, random_index, :] li_features = li_features[:, :, random_index] l_xyz.append(li_xyz) l_features.append(li_features) _, global_out2_feat = self.SA_modules[5](l_xyz[3], l_features[3]) for i in range(-1, -(len(self.FP_modules) + 1), -1): l_features[i - 1 - 1] = self.FP_modules[i](l_xyz[i - 1 - 1], l_xyz[i - 1], l_features[i - 1 - 1], l_features[i - 1]) cls = cls.view(-1, 16, 1).repeat( 1, 1, l_features[0].size()[2]) # object class one-hot-vector l_features[0] = (l_features[0], l_features[-1].repeat(1, 1, l_features[0].size()[2]), global_out2_feat.repeat(1, 1, l_features[0].size()[2]), cls), 1) return self.FC_layer(l_features[0]).transpose(1, 2).contiguous()
def forward(self, pc: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, normal: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): """ pc shape: (B, N, 3 + input_channels) formatted as (x, y, z, features...) """ xyz = pc[..., 0:3].contiguous() if pc.size(-1) > 3: features = pc[..., 3:].transpose(1, 2).contiguous() else: features = None for module in self.SA_modules: xyz, normal, features = module(xyz, normal, features) return self.FC_layer(features.squeeze(-1))
def forward(self, pointcloud: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): r""" Forward pass of the network Parameters ---------- pointcloud: Variable(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) (B, N, 3 + input_channels) tensor Point cloud to run predicts on Each point in the point-cloud MUST be formated as (x, y, z, features...) """ pointcloud = pointcloud.transpose(1, 2) xyz, features = self._break_up_pc(pointcloud) for module in self.SA_modules: xyz, features = module(xyz, features) logits = self.FC_layer(features.squeeze(-1)) #print(logits) return logits, None
def forward(self, pointcloud: torch.cuda.FloatTensor): r""" Forward pass of the network Parameters ---------- pointcloud: Variable(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) (B, N, 3 + input_channels) tensor Point cloud to run predicts on Each point in the point-cloud MUST be formated as (x, y, z, features...) """ batch_size = pointcloud.size(0) xyz, features = self._break_up_pc(pointcloud) l_xyz, l_features = [xyz], [features] combined = [xyz] for i in range(len(self.SA_modules)): # print(i,'-l_xyz shape:', l_xyz[i].shape) # print(i,'-l_feature shape:', l_features[i].shape) li_xyz, li_features = self.SA_modules[i](l_xyz[i], l_features[i]) l_xyz.append(li_xyz) l_features.append(li_features) combined.append(li_xyz) # combined.append(li_features.max(dim=-1, keepdim=False)[0]) # print('here!!!', + l_features), dim=1).shape) combined =, dim=1) combined = self.conv(combined) c1 = F.adaptive_max_pool1d(combined, 1).view(batch_size, -1) c2 = F.adaptive_avg_pool1d(combined, 1).view(batch_size, -1) combined =, c2), 1) combined = self.dp1( F.leaky_relu(self.bn1(self.linear1(combined)), negative_slope=0.2)) combined = self.dp2( F.leaky_relu(self.bn2(self.linear2(combined)), negative_slope=0.2)) combined = self.linear3(combined) # combined = self.linear4(c1) return combined
def forward(self, pointcloud: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, center_points: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, cue_points: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, matching: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, matching_sem: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, floor_height: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, end_points=None, mode=''): r""" Forward pass of the network Parameters ---------- pointcloud: Variable(torch.cuda.FloatTensor) (B, N, 3 + input_feature_dim) tensor Point cloud to run predicts on Each point in the point-cloud MUST be formated as (x, y, z, features...) Returns ---------- end_points: {XXX_xyz, XXX_features, XXX_inds} XXX_xyz: float32 Tensor of shape (B,K,3) XXX_features: float32 Tensor of shape (B,K,D) XXX-inds: int64 Tensor of shape (B,K) values in [0,N-1] """ if not end_points: end_points = {} batch_size = pointcloud.shape[0] xyz, features = self._break_up_pc(pointcloud) end_points['sa0_xyz' + mode] = xyz end_points['sa0_features' + mode] = features #center_points = end_points['center_points'] #cue_points = end_points['cue_points']#.view(batch_size, -1, 3).float() obj_points =, cue_points), dim=1) #center_matching = torch.max(matching.view(batch_size, 18, 256), dim=1)[0] center_matching = end_points['match_center'] center_sem = torch.cuda.FloatTensor( batch_size, 256, 18).zero_() ### Need to change to config sem later center_sem.scatter_( 2, matching_sem[:, :256].unsqueeze(-1), 1) # src==1 so it's *one-hot* (B,K,num_size_cluster) cue_sem = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size, 256 * 18, 18).zero_() cue_sem.scatter_(2, matching_sem[:, 256:].unsqueeze(-1), 1) # src==1 so it's *one-hot* (B,K,num_size_cluster) center_feature = ((center_points[:, :, 2] - floor_height.unsqueeze(-1)).unsqueeze(1), center_matching.unsqueeze(1), center_sem.transpose( 2, 1).contiguous()), dim=1) ### Need to make the floor height an option cue_feature = ((cue_points[:, :, 2] - floor_height.unsqueeze(-1)).unsqueeze(1), matching.unsqueeze(1), cue_sem.transpose(2, 1).contiguous()), dim=1) other_features = (features, torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size, 19, features.shape[-1]).zero_()), dim=1) features =, cue_feature, other_features), dim=2) #features =, other_features), dim=2) # --------- 4 SET ABSTRACTION LAYERS --------- ### Concatenate the #xyz, features, fps_inds = self.sa1(obj_points, xyz, features, inds=end_points['sa1_inds']) xyz, features, fps_inds = self.sa1(obj_points, xyz, features) end_points['sa1_inds' + mode] = fps_inds end_points['sa1_xyz' + mode] = xyz end_points['sa1_features' + mode] = features #xyz, features, fps_inds = self.sa2(xyz[:,:256*18,:].contiguous(), xyz[:,256*18:,:].contiguous(), features) # this fps_inds is just 0,1,...,1023 xyz, features, fps_inds = self.sa2( xyz[:, :256 * 19, :].contiguous(), xyz[:, 256 * 19:, :].contiguous(), features, inds=end_points['sa2_inds']) # this fps_inds is just 0,1,...,1023 end_points['sa2_inds' + mode] = fps_inds end_points['sa2_xyz' + mode] = xyz end_points['sa2_features' + mode] = features ### Append the surface and line info here ''' center_ind = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size, 4, 256).zero_() center_ind[:,0,:] = 1.0 surfacez_ind = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size, 4, 256*2).zero_() surfacez_ind[:,1,:] = 1.0 surfacexy_ind = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size, 4, 256*4).zero_() surfacexy_ind[:,2,:] = 1.0 line_ind = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size, 4, 256*12).zero_() line_ind[:,3,:] = 1.0 cue_ind =, 1, 1024).zero_(), end_points["pred_z_ind"].unsqueeze(1), end_points["pred_xy_ind"].unsqueeze(1), end_points["pred_line_ind"].unsqueeze(1)), dim=1) ind_feature =, surfacez_ind, surfacexy_ind, line_ind, cue_ind), dim=2) features =, ind_feature), dim=1) ''' #xyz, features, fps_inds = self.sa3(xyz[:,:256*18,:].contiguous(), xyz[:,256*18:,:].contiguous(), features) # this fps_inds is just 0,1,...,1023 xyz, features, fps_inds = self.sa3( xyz[:, :256 * 19, :].contiguous(), xyz[:, 256 * 19:, :].contiguous(), features, inds=end_points['sa3_inds']) # this fps_inds is just 0,1,...,1023 end_points['sa3_inds' + mode] = fps_inds end_points['sa3_xyz' + mode] = xyz end_points['sa3_features' + mode] = features #xyz, features, fps_inds = self.sa4(xyz[:,:256*18,:].contiguous(), xyz[:,256*18:,:].contiguous(), features) # this fps_inds is just 0,1,...,1023 xyz, features, fps_inds = self.sa4( xyz[:, :256 * 19, :].contiguous(), xyz[:, 256 * 19:, :].contiguous(), features, inds=end_points['sa4_inds']) # this fps_inds is just 0,1,...,1023 end_points['sa4_inds' + mode] = fps_inds end_points['sa4_xyz' + mode] = xyz end_points['sa4_features' + mode] = features # --------- 2 FEATURE UPSAMPLING LAYERS -------- #features = self.fp1(end_points['sa3_xyz'+mode], end_points['sa4_xyz'+mode], end_points['sa3_features'+mode], end_points['sa4_features'+mode]) #features = self.fp2(end_points['sa2_xyz'+mode], end_points['sa3_xyz'+mode], end_points['sa2_features'+mode], features) features = self.fp1( end_points['sa3_xyz' + mode], end_points['sa4_xyz' + mode][:, 256 * 19:, :].contiguous(), end_points['sa3_features' + mode], end_points['sa4_features' + mode][:, :, 256 * 19:].contiguous()) features = self.fp2( end_points['sa2_xyz' + mode][:, :256 * 19, :].contiguous(), end_points['sa3_xyz' + mode][:, 256 * 19:, :].contiguous(), end_points['sa2_features' + mode][:, :, :256 * 19].contiguous(), features[:, :, 256 * 19:].contiguous()) end_points['fp2_features' + mode] = features end_points['fp2_xyz' + mode] = end_points['sa2_xyz' + mode][:, :256 * 19, :].contiguous() num_seed = end_points['fp2_xyz' + mode].shape[1] end_points['fp2_inds' + mode] = end_points[ 'sa1_inds' + mode][:, 0:num_seed] # indices among the entire input point clouds return end_points
def mAP_IoU(preds: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, targs: torch.cuda.IntTensor, thresholds: list, num_tot_classes: int, bknd_idx: int = None, max_workers: int = 1, rm_bknd=True, fast_hist2d: bool = False, sparsify: bool = False): """Segmentation: calculates the IoU-based precision at a specified IoU threshold (t) { TP(t) / ( TP(t) + FP(t) + FN(t) ) } for a single image.""" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# _fmin = 1e-9 if rm_bknd: if not isinstance(bknd_idx, int): raise Exception( 'If removing background is desired, please specify index of backround in preds.' ) # The following catches whether there will be division by 0 further below: if not (min(thresholds) > _fmin and max(thresholds) < 1 - _fmin): raise Exception( 'Minimum specified threshold must be > 1e-9 and maximum specified threshold must be < (1 - 1e-9).' ) if bknd_idx != 0: warnings.warn( 'Warning: To maintain consistency across segmentation models, please make `bknd_idx` be equal ' + \ 'to index number 0.' ) first_idx = False else: first_idx = True #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # TODO: Implement fast np.bincount/np.unique/etc. to get num classes for targs and preds num_classes_IU = _ if fast_hist2d else ( num_tot_classes, num_tot_classes, ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# _preds_flat_np = preds.view( -1, preds.size()[-2] * preds.size()[-1]).cpu().numpy().astype(np.int32) _targs_flat_np = targs.view( -1, targs.size()[-2] * targs.size()[-1]).cpu().numpy().astype(np.int32) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # TODO: Implement CUDA (GPU Parallel Computing) version of histogram2d histogram2d_async = partial( np.histogram2d, bins = num_classes_IU, \ range = np.array( [[-0.5, num_classes_IU[0] - .5], [-0.5, num_classes_IU[1] - .5]] ) ) intersections = parallel_map_func_re(histogram2d_async, np.stack(( _targs_flat_np, _preds_flat_np, ), axis=0), max_workers=max_workers) intersections = torch.stack( tuple( \ torch.from_numpy( intersection[0] ).to( device = DEFAULT_DEVICE, dtype = torch.float64 ) for \ intersection in intersections ) ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # TODO: Implement CUDA (GPU Parallel Computing) version of histogram # Calculate Union. First calculate areas (needed for finding the union between all objects). # Shape : (true_objects, pred_objects) bincount1d_preds_async = partial(np.bincount, minlength=num_classes_IU[0]) area_preds = parallel_map_func_re(bincount1d_preds_async, [_preds_flat_np], max_workers=max_workers) area_preds = torch.stack( tuple( \ torch.from_numpy( area_pred ).to( device = DEFAULT_DEVICE, dtype = torch.float64 ) for \ area_pred in area_preds ) ) bincount1d_trues_async = partial(np.bincount, minlength=num_classes_IU[0]) area_trues = parallel_map_func_re(bincount1d_trues_async, [_targs_flat_np], max_workers=max_workers) area_trues = torch.stack( tuple( \ torch.from_numpy( area_true ).to( device = DEFAULT_DEVICE, dtype = torch.float64 ) for \ area_true in area_trues ) ) area_preds.unsqueeze_(-1) area_trues.unsqueeze_(-2) unions = area_trues + area_preds - intersections # subtract intersection to remove double-countings #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Exclude background from the analysis if rm_bknd == True if rm_bknd: if first_idx: intersections = intersections[:, 1:, 1:] unions = unions[:, 1:, 1:] else: intersections = intersections[:, :, :bknd_idx], intersections[:, :, bknd_idx + 1:], )) intersections = intersections[:, :bknd_idx, :], intersections[:, bknd_idx + 1:, :], )) unions = unions[:, :, :bknd_idx], unions[:, :, bknd_idx + 1:], )) unions = unions[:, :bknd_idx, :], unions[:, bknd_idx + 1:, :], )) unions[unions == 0] = _fmin # Calculate the Intersection over Union (IoU) for all preds labels-targs labels pairs iou = torch.div(intersections, unions) # print( iou.shape ) # iou_sparse = coo_matrix( iou.ravel('C'), \ # (true_obj_coords.ravel('C'), pred_obj_coords.ravel('C')), shape = (num_tot_classes, num_tot_classes) ).tocsc() if sparsify: iou = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(iou, device=DEFAULT_DEVICE) # Calculate the inverse Identity Matrix (needed to compute FP and FN). Shape : (num_tot_classes, num_tot_classes) _inv_eye = torch.abs( \ torch.eye( iou.shape[-2], iou.shape[-1], dtype = torch.int8 ) - 1 ) \ .to( device = DEFAULT_DEVICE, dtype = torch.uint8 ) _inv_eye.unsqueeze_(0) # Loop over IoU thresholds prec = torch.empty(targs.shape[0], len(thresholds), dtype=torch.float64, device=DEFAULT_DEVICE) for n, t in enumerate(thresholds): tp, fp, fn = precision_at(iou, t, _inv_eye) _prec_n = tp / (tp + fp + fn) _prec_n[_prec_n != _prec_n] = 0. prec[:, n] = _prec_n return prec.mean()
def accuracy(input: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, targs: torch.cuda.LongTensor): _n = targs.shape[0] input = input.argmax(dim=1).view(_n, -1) targs = targs.view(_n, -1) return (input == targs).float().mean()
def forward(self, pc: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, normal: torch.cuda.FloatTensor, cls): """ pc shape: (B, N, 3 + input_channels) formatted as (x, y, z, features...) """ xyz = pc[..., 0:3].contiguous() if pc.size(-1) > 3: features = pc[..., 3:].transpose(1, 2).contiguous() else: features = None l_xyz, l_features = [xyz], [features] for i in range(len(self.SA_modules)): if i < 5: if i < 4: li_xyz, normal, li_features = self.SA_modules[i]( l_xyz[i], normal, l_features[i]) else: li_xyz, normal, li_features = self.SA_modules[i]( l_xyz[i], None, l_features[i]) if li_xyz is not None: random_index = np.arange(li_xyz.size()[1]) np.random.shuffle(random_index) li_xyz = li_xyz[:, random_index, :] li_features = li_features[:, :, random_index] l_xyz.append(li_xyz) l_features.append(li_features) # filter the added relative pose # for i in range(len(l_features)): # li_features = l_features[i] # if li_features is None: # continue # if li_features.shape[1] == 201: # l_features[i] =[li_features[:, 3:67,:], li_features[:, 70:134,:], li_features[:, 137:,:]], dim=1) # if li_features.shape[1] == 393: # l_features[i] =[li_features[:, 3:131,:], li_features[:, 134:262,:], li_features[:, 265:,:]], dim=1) # if li_features.shape[1] == 777: # l_features[i] =[li_features[:, 3:259,:], li_features[:, 262:518,:], li_features[:, 521:,:]], dim=1) for i in range(4): li_features = l_features[i] if li_features is None: continue l = li_features.shape[1] // self.scale_num fts = [] for j in range(self.scale_num): fts.append(li_features[:, 3 + j * l:l * (j + 1), :]) l_features[i] =, dim=1) _, _, global_out2_feat = self.SA_modules[5](l_xyz[3], None, l_features[3]) for i in range(-1, -(len(self.FP_modules) + 1), -1): l_features[i - 1 - 1] = self.FP_modules[i](l_xyz[i - 1 - 1], l_xyz[i - 1], l_features[i - 1 - 1], l_features[i - 1]) cls = cls.view(-1, 16, 1).repeat( 1, 1, l_features[0].size()[2]) # object class one-hot-vector l_features[0] = (l_features[0], l_features[-1].repeat(1, 1, l_features[0].size()[2]), global_out2_feat.repeat(1, 1, l_features[0].size()[2]), cls), 1) return self.FC_layer(l_features[0]).transpose(1, 2).contiguous()