    def _normalize_logits(self, unnorm: torch.tensor, dim: int = -1):
        unnorm = unnorm.clamp(-100, 100)

        max_u = unnorm.max(dim, keepdim=True).values
        logsumexp = (unnorm - max_u).exp().sum(dim, keepdim=True).log()
        norm = unnorm - (max_u + logsumexp)

        if not ((norm.exp().sum(dim) - 1).abs() < 1e-5).all():
            import pdb
        assert ((norm.exp().sum(dim) - 1).abs() < 1e-5).all(
        ), f'{unnorm.min()}, {unnorm.max()}, {unnorm.mean()}, {unnorm.std()}'
        return norm
    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor):

        scale_factor = 1 / (x.numel() * self.Qp)**0.5

        scale = self.grad_scale(self.s, scale_factor)
        x = x / scale
        x = x.clamp(self.Qn, self.Qp)

        x_bar = self.round_pass(x)

        x_hat = x_bar * scale

        return x_hat, scale, torch.Tensor([self.bit_width])
def gem(x: torch.tensor, p: int = 3, eps: float = 1e-6) -> torch.tensor:
    """Generalized Mean Pooling.

        x (torch.tensor): input features,
            expected shapes - BxCxHxW
        p (int, optional): normalization degree.
            Defaults is `3`.
        eps (float, optional): minimum value to use in x.
            Defaults is `1e-6`.

        tensor with shapes - BxCx1x1
    return F.avg_pool2d(x.clamp(min=eps).pow(p),
                        (x.size(-2), x.size(-1))).pow(1.0 / p)
    def __call__(self, distance_matrix: torch.tensor):
        # continuous distances (personalized page rank)
        if distance_matrix.dtype in [torch.float32, torch.float16, torch.float64]:
            dist_values = distance_matrix.reshape(-1).cpu().numpy()
            if UNREACHABLE in dist_values:
                # We fix UNREACHABLE to be the bin with index 0
                possible_distances = torch.tensor(
                    hist_by_area(dist_values[dist_values < UNREACHABLE], self.n_bins - 2), dtype=torch.float32)
                possible_distances = torch.cat(
                    [torch.tensor([UNREACHABLE], dtype=torch.float32), possible_distances])
                dist_values = torch.tensor(dist_values, dtype=torch.float32)
                indices = (dist_values[:, None] > possible_distances[None, :]).sum(-1).reshape(distance_matrix.shape)
                # Shift all indices by 1, as UNREACHABLE will be bin 0
                indices = (indices + 1) % self.n_bins
                # We assume there is already many 0 values in the distance matrix, that will be in bin 0
                possible_distances = torch.tensor(hist_by_area(dist_values, self.n_bins - 1),
                dist_values = torch.tensor(dist_values, dtype=torch.float32)
                # It is very important that both dist_values and possible_distances are float32
                # Otherwise, it can happen that a > b if a = b, just because a.dtype = float64, b.dtype=32
                indices = (dist_values[:, None] > possible_distances[None, :]).sum(-1).reshape(distance_matrix.shape)

        # discrete distances (shortest paths)
        elif distance_matrix.dtype in [torch.long, torch.int32, torch.int16, torch.int8, torch.int, torch.bool]:
            max_distance = 1000
            dist_values = distance_matrix.clamp(-max_distance, max_distance)
            unreachable_ixs = abs(dist_values) == max_distance
            dist_values[unreachable_ixs] = UNREACHABLE
            unique_values = dist_values.unique()
            num_unique_values = len(unique_values)
            num_unique_values += 1 if UNREACHABLE not in dist_values else 0
            num_unique_values = min(num_unique_values, self.n_bins)
            dist_values = dist_values.reshape(-1).cpu().numpy()

            values = dist_values[abs(dist_values) < max_distance]
            if num_unique_values < self.n_bins:
                # if there are fewer unique values than bins, we do not need to use sophisticated binning
                # possible_distances = hist_by_area(values, num_unique_values - 1)
                possible_distances = torch.sort(unique_values)[0]
                if UNREACHABLE in possible_distances:
                    possible_distances = possible_distances[:-1]
                if isinstance(self.trans_func, EqualBinning) and self.n_fixed == 0:
                    # Also resort to regular binning
                    possible_distances = hist_by_area(values, num_unique_values - 1)
                    # Calculate bins where the area of each bin is governed by trans_func.
                    # When using exponential binning, this means that bin area will grow exponentially in distance
                    # to the bin containing the value 0
                    possible_distances = calculate_bins(values, num_unique_values - 1, self.n_fixed, hist_by_area,

            if isinstance(possible_distances, torch.Tensor):
                possible_distances = possible_distances.type(torch.float32)
                possible_distances = torch.tensor(possible_distances, dtype=torch.float32)
            dist_values = torch.tensor(dist_values)

            neg_bins, pos_bins = possible_distances[possible_distances < 0], possible_distances[possible_distances >= 0]
            neg_vals, pos_vals = dist_values[dist_values < 0], dist_values[dist_values >= 0]
            neg_ixs = (neg_vals[:, None] >= neg_bins[None]).sum(-1) - 1
            pos_ixs = len(pos_bins) - (pos_vals[:, None] <= pos_bins[None]).sum(-1)

            indices = torch.cat([neg_ixs, pos_ixs + len(neg_bins)])
            indices = torch.zeros_like(dist_values)
            indices[dist_values < 0] = neg_ixs
            indices[dist_values >= 0] = pos_ixs + len(neg_bins)
            # Shift all indices by 1, as UNREACHABLE will be bin 0
            indices += 1
            indices = indices.reshape(distance_matrix.shape)
            indices[unreachable_ixs] = 0
            possible_distances = torch.cat([torch.tensor([UNREACHABLE], dtype=torch.float32), possible_distances])

            if num_unique_values < self.n_bins:
                bin_padding_tensor = torch.tensor([BIN_PADDING for i in range(self.n_bins - num_unique_values)],
                possible_distances = torch.cat([possible_distances, bin_padding_tensor])

            raise NotImplementedError(f"Binning for tensors of type {distance_matrix.dtype} is not impolemented")

        assert 0 <= indices.min() and indices.max() <= self.n_bins, f"Indices have to be in [0, {self.n_bins}] but got [{indices.min()}, {indices.max()}]"
        assert len(
            possible_distances) == self.n_bins, f"Calculated amount of bins ({len(possible_distances)}) differs from requested amount ({self.n_bins})"

        return indices, possible_distances