def __init__(self, num_features, n_classes, num_hidden, num_hidden_layers, dropout, activation, heads=1, bias=True): super(PFeaSt, self).__init__() # dropout if dropout: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) else: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.) #activation self.activation = activation # input layer self.conv_input = FeaStConv(num_features, num_hidden, heads=1, bias=bias) # Hidden layers self.layers = nn.ModuleList() for _ in range(num_hidden_layers): self.layers.append( FeaStConv(num_hidden, num_hidden, heads=1, bias=bias)) # output layer self.conv_output = FeaStConv(num_hidden, n_classes, heads=1, bias=bias)
def __init__(self, nfeat, nhid, nclass, dropout, nlayer=3): super(FeaSTX, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(nfeat, nhid) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(nhid, nclass) self.convx = nn.ModuleList( [FeaStConv(nhid, nhid) for _ in range(nlayer - 2)]) self.dropout_p = dropout
def __init__(self, n_features, heads=4, masif_descr=False): # REMEMBER TO UPDATE MODEL NAME super(TenConvwAffine, self).__init__() self.masif_descr = masif_descr if masif_descr is True: self.pre_lin = Linear(80, n_features) self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv4 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv5 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv6 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv7 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv8 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv9 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv10 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.lin1 = Linear(16, 16) self.lin2 = Linear(16, 4) self.s1 = SELU() self.s2 = SELU() self.s3 = SELU() self.s4 = SELU() self.s5 = SELU() self.s6 = SELU() self.s7 = SELU() self.s8 = SELU() self.s9 = SELU() self.s10 = SELU() self.s11 = SELU() self.s12 = SELU() self.out = Linear(4, 1) self.affine1 = Linear(16, 16) self.affine2 = Linear(16, 16)
def __init__(self, n_features, lin2=4, heads=4): super(ThreeConvBlock2, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 32, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(32, 32, heads=heads) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(32, 32, heads=heads) self.lin1 = Linear(32, 64) self.lin2 = Linear(64, lin2) self.out = Linear(lin2, 1)
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, heads=4): super(FourConvPoolBlock, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(in_features, 16, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv4 = FeaStConv(16, out_features, heads=heads) self.batch = BatchNorm(out_features) self.pool = TopKPooling(16)
def __init__(self, n_features, heads=4): super(MultiScaleFeaStNet,self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(16, 32, heads=heads) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(32, 64, heads=heads) self.conv4 = FeaStConv(64, 32, heads=heads) self.conv5 = FeaStConv(64, 16, heads=heads) self.lin1 = Linear(32, 256) self.lin2 = Linear(256, 6890) self.out = Linear(6890, 1)
def __init__(self, n_features, heads=4, dropout=True): super(ThreeConv, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(16, 32, heads=heads) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(32, 64, heads=heads) self.batch = BatchNorm(64) self.lin1 = Linear(64, 32) self.lin2 = Linear(32, 16) self.lin3 = Linear(16, 8) self.lin4 = Linear(8, 4) self.out = Linear(4, 1)
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, heads=4): super(FourConvBlock, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(in_features, 4, heads=heads) torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.conv1, nonlinearity='relu') self.conv2 = FeaStConv(4, 4, heads=heads) torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.conv2, nonlinearity='relu') self.conv3 = FeaStConv(4, 4, heads=heads) torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.conv3, nonlinearity='relu') self.conv4 = FeaStConv(4, out_features, heads=heads) torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(self.conv4, nonlinearity='relu') self.batch = BatchNorm(out_features)
def __init__(self, n_features, heads=4): super(ThreeConvBlock, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.lin1 = Linear(16, 16) self.lin2 = Linear(16, 4) self.s1 = SELU() self.s2 = SELU() self.s3 = SELU() self.s4 = SELU() self.s5 = SELU() self.out = Linear(4, 1)
def __init__(self, n_features, heads=4, masif_descr=False): # REMEMBER TO UPDATE MODEL NAME super(TwoConv, self).__init__() self.masif_descr = masif_descr if masif_descr is True: self.pre_lin = Linear(80, n_features) self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.lin1 = Linear(16, 64) self.lin2 = Linear(64, 4) self.s1 = SELU() self.s2 = SELU() self.s3 = SELU() self.s4 = SELU() self.out = Linear(4, 1)
def __init__(self, n_features, heads=4): # REMEMBER TO UPDATE MODEL NAME super(FourConv, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv4 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.lin1 = Linear(16, 64) self.lin2 = Linear(64, 16) self.out = Linear(16, 1) self.s1 = SELU() self.s2 = SELU() self.s3 = SELU() self.s4 = SELU() self.s5 = SELU() self.s6 = SELU()
def test_feast_conv(): x1 = torch.randn(4, 16) x2 = torch.randn(2, 16) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 1]]) row, col = edge_index adj = SparseTensor(row=row, col=col, sparse_sizes=(4, 4)) conv = FeaStConv(16, 32, heads=2) assert conv.__repr__() == 'FeaStConv(16, 32, heads=2)' out = conv(x1, edge_index) assert out.size() == (4, 32) assert torch.allclose(conv(x1, adj.t()), out, atol=1e-6) t = '(Tensor, Tensor) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert jit(x1, edge_index).tolist() == out.tolist() t = '(Tensor, SparseTensor) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert torch.allclose(jit(x1, adj.t()), out, atol=1e-6) adj = adj.sparse_resize((4, 2)) out = conv((x1, x2), edge_index) assert out.size() == (2, 32) assert torch.allclose(conv((x1, x2), adj.t()), out, atol=1e-6) t = '(PairTensor, Tensor) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert jit((x1, x2), edge_index).tolist() == out.tolist() t = '(PairTensor, SparseTensor) -> Tensor' jit = torch.jit.script(conv.jittable(t)) assert torch.allclose(jit((x1, x2), adj.t()), out, atol=1e-6)
def test_feast_conv(): in_channels, out_channels = (16, 32) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]]) num_nodes = edge_index.max().item() + 1 x = torch.randn((num_nodes, in_channels)) conv = FeaStConv(in_channels, out_channels, heads=2) assert conv.__repr__() == 'FeaStConv(16, 32, heads=2)' assert conv(x, edge_index).size() == (num_nodes, out_channels)
def __init__(self, hcs, act): super(NodeModel, self).__init__() self.hcs = hcs self.act = act self.FeaStConv = FeaStConv( (2 + N_scatter_feats) * self.hcs, (2 + N_scatter_feats) * self.hcs, 1, False) self.decoder = torch.nn.Linear( (2 + N_scatter_feats) * self.hcs, self.hcs)
def makeConv(self, nin, nout, conv_args): # FeaStConv if(conv_args['name'] == 'FeaSt'): return FeaStConv(nin, nout, conv_args["num_heads"]) # SplineConv if(conv_args['name'] == 'Spline'): return SplineConv(nin, nout, self.edge_dim, conv_args["kernel_size"], is_open_spline=conv_args["open_spline"], degree=conv_args["degree"] ) # GMMConv if(conv_args['name'] == "GMM"): return GMMConv(nin, nout, self.edge_dim, conv_args["kernel_size"] ) # NNConv if(conv_args["name"] == "NN"): h = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.edge_dim, nin*nout), nn.ReLU() #nn.Linear(int(nin*nout/2), nin*nout) ) return NNConv(nin, nout, h) # PPFConv if(conv_args["name"] == "PPF"): cin = nin+4 hl = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(cin, conv_args['nhidden']), nn.ReLU() ) hg = nn.Linear(conv_args['nhidden'], nout) #hl = nn.Sequential( #nn.Linear(cin, int(conv_args['nhidden']/2)), #nn.ReLU(), #nn.Linear(int(conv_args['nhidden']/2), conv_args['nhidden']) #) #hg = nn.Sequential( #nn.Linear(conv_args['nhidden'], nout), #nn.ReLU(), #nn.Linear(nout, nout) #) return PPFConv(hl, hg) # CGConv if(conv_args["name"] == "CG"): return CGConv(nin, self.edge_dim)
def __init__(self, n_features): super(MultiScaleEncoder, self).__init__() # Will have to update these self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16, heads=4) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(32, 16, heads=4) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(32, 16, heads=4) self.conv4 = FeaStConv(48, 16, heads=4) self.conv5 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=4) self.affine1 = Linear(n_features, 16) self.affine2 = Linear(n_features, 16) self.affine3 = Linear(16, 16) self.affine4 = Linear(16, 16) self.lin1 = Linear(16, 64) self.lin2 = Linear(64, 8) self.out = Linear(8, 1) self.s1 = SELU() self.s2 = SELU() self.s3 = SELU() self.s4 = SELU() self.s5 = SELU() self.s6 = SELU() self.s7 = SELU()
def test_feast_conv(): in_channels, out_channels = (16, 32) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0]]) num_nodes = edge_index.max().item() + 1 x = torch.randn((num_nodes, in_channels)) conv = FeaStConv(in_channels, out_channels, heads=2) assert conv.__repr__() == 'FeaStConv(16, 32, heads=2)' out = conv(x, edge_index) assert out.size() == (num_nodes, out_channels) jit_conv = conv.jittable(x=x, edge_index=edge_index) jit_conv = torch.jit.script(jit_conv) assert jit_conv(x, edge_index).tolist() == out.tolist()
def __init__(self, n_features, heads=4): # REMEMBER TO UPDATE MODEL NAME super(EightConv, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16, heads=heads) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv3 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv4 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv5 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv6 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv7 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.conv8 = FeaStConv(16, 16, heads=heads) self.lin1 = Linear(16, 16) self.lin2 = Linear(16, 4) self.s1 = SELU() self.s2 = SELU() self.s3 = SELU() self.s4 = SELU() self.s5 = SELU() self.s6 = SELU() self.s7 = SELU() self.s8 = SELU() self.s9 = SELU() self.s10 = SELU() self.out = Linear(4, 1)
def __init__(self, nfeat, nhid, nclass, dropout, nlayer=2): super(FeaST2, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(nfeat, nhid) self.conv2 = FeaStConv(nhid, nclass) self.dropout_p = dropout self.sig = nn.Sigmoid()
def init_layers(self, batch): self.layer_lst = [] ##[in_channel, out_channel, in_pn, out_pn, max_neighbor_num, neighbor_num_lst,neighbor_id_lstlst,conv_layer, residual_layer] self.layer_num = len(self.channel_lst) in_point_num = self.point_num in_channel = 3 for l in range(self.layer_num): out_channel = self.channel_lst[l] weight_num = self.weight_num_lst[l] residual_rate = self.residual_rate_lst[l] connection_info = np.load(self.connection_layer_fn_lst[l]) print ("##Layer",self.connection_layer_fn_lst[l]) out_point_num = connection_info.shape[0] neighbor_num_lst = torch.FloatTensor(connection_info[:,0].astype(float)).cuda() #out_point_num*1 neighbor_id_dist_lstlst = connection_info[:, 1:] #out_point_num*(max_neighbor_num*2) neighbor_id_lstlst = neighbor_id_dist_lstlst.reshape((out_point_num, -1,2))[:,:,0] #out_point_num*max_neighbor_num #neighbor_id_lstlst = torch.LongTensor(neighbor_id_lstlst) avg_neighbor_num = neighbor_num_lst.mean().item() max_neighbor_num = neighbor_id_lstlst.shape[1] pc_mask = torch.ones(in_point_num+1).cuda() pc_mask[in_point_num]=0 neighbor_mask_lst = pc_mask[ torch.LongTensor(neighbor_id_lstlst)].contiguous() #out_pn*max_neighbor_num neighbor is 1 otherwise 0 if((residual_rate<0) or (residual_rate>1)): print ("Invalid residual rate", residual_rate) ####parameters for conv############### conv_layer = "" if(residual_rate<1): edge_index_lst = self.get_edge_index_lst_from_neighbor_id_lstlst(neighbor_id_lstlst, neighbor_num_lst) print ("edge_index_lst", edge_index_lst.shape) if(self.conv_method=="Cheb"): conv_layer = edge_index_lst, ChebConv(in_channel, out_channel, K=6, normalization='sym', bias=True) for p in conv_layer[-1].parameters(): ii=0 for p in conv_layer[-1].parameters(): self.register_parameter("GMM"+str(l)+"_"+str(ii),p) ii+=1 elif(self.conv_method=="GAT"): #conv_layer = edge_index_lst,GATConv(in_channel, out_channel, heads=1) if((l!=((self.layer_num/2)-2)) and (l!=(self.layer_num-1))): #not middle or last layer conv_layer = edge_index_lst, GATConv(in_channel, out_channel, heads=8, concat=True) out_channel=out_channel*8 else: conv_layer = edge_index_lst, GATConv(in_channel, out_channel, heads=8, concat=False) for p in conv_layer[-1].parameters(): ii=0 for p in conv_layer[-1].parameters(): self.register_parameter("GAT"+str(l)+"_"+str(ii),p) ii+=1 #conv_layer = edge elif(self.conv_method=="GMM"): pseudo_coordinates = self.get_GMM_pseudo_coordinates( edge_index_lst, neighbor_num_lst) #edge_num*2 #print ("pseudo_coordinates", pseudo_coordinates.shape) conv_layer = edge_index_lst,pseudo_coordinates, GMMConv(in_channel, out_channel, dim=2 , kernel_size=25) ii=0 for p in conv_layer[-1].parameters(): self.register_parameter("GMM"+str(l)+"_"+str(ii),p) ii+=1 elif(self.conv_method=="FeaST"): conv_layer = edge_index_lst,FeaStConv(in_channel, out_channel, heads=32) ii=0 for p in conv_layer[-1].parameters(): self.register_parameter("FeaST"+str(l)+"_"+str(ii),p) ii+=1 elif(self.conv_method=="vw"): weights = torch.randn(out_point_num, max_neighbor_num, out_channel,in_channel)/(avg_neighbor_num*weight_num) weights = nn.Parameter(weights.cuda()) self.register_parameter("weights"+str(l),weights) bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_channel).cuda()) if(self.perpoint_bias == 1): bias= nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_point_num, out_channel).cuda()) self.register_parameter("bias"+str(l),bias) conv_layer = (weights, bias) else: print ("ERROR! Unknown convolution layer!!!") zeros_batch_outpn_outchannel = torch.zeros((batch, out_point_num, out_channel)).cuda() ####parameters for residual############### residual_layer = "" if(residual_rate>0): p_neighbors = "" weight_res = "" if((out_point_num != in_point_num) and (self.use_vanilla_pool == 0)): p_neighbors = nn.Parameter((torch.randn(out_point_num, max_neighbor_num)/(avg_neighbor_num)).cuda()) self.register_parameter("p_neighbors"+str(l),p_neighbors) if(out_channel != in_channel): weight_res = torch.randn(out_channel,in_channel) #self.normalize_weights(weight_res) weight_res = weight_res/out_channel weight_res = nn.Parameter(weight_res.cuda()) self.register_parameter("weight_res"+str(l),weight_res) residual_layer = (weight_res, p_neighbors) #####put everythin together layer = (in_channel, out_channel, in_point_num, out_point_num, weight_num, max_neighbor_num, neighbor_num_lst,neighbor_id_lstlst, conv_layer, residual_layer, residual_rate, neighbor_mask_lst, zeros_batch_outpn_outchannel) self.layer_lst +=[layer] print ("in_channel", in_channel,"out_channel",out_channel, "in_point_num", in_point_num, "out_point_num", out_point_num, "weight_num", weight_num, "max_neighbor_num", max_neighbor_num, "avg_neighbor_num", avg_neighbor_num) in_point_num=out_point_num in_channel = out_channel
def __init__(self, n_features, dropout=True): # REMEMBER TO UPDATE MODEL NAME super(OneConv, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(n_features, 16) self.lin1 = Linear(16, 8) self.out = Linear(8, 1)
def __init__(self, nfeat, nhid, nclass, dropout, nlayer=1): super(FeaST1, self).__init__() self.conv1 = FeaStConv(nfeat, nclass) self.dropout_p = dropout