def convert_examples_to_features( examples: List[InputExample], tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer, slot_label_encoder: LabelEncoder, intent_label_encoder: LabelEncoder, max_length: Optional[int] = None ): if max_length is None: max_length = tokenizer.max_len # slot / intent label id generate. truncation_size = max_length // 2 features = [] for example in examples: tmp_label_slot_origin = slot_label_encoder.batch_encode(example.label_slot_raw).numpy().tolist() if example.label_intent_raw: tmp_label_intent_origin = intent_label_encoder.batch_encode(example.label_intent_raw).numpy().tolist() else: tmp_label_intent_origin = [] # 手动对query/context进行截断,截断长度分别为`max_length // 2` tmp_text_query = example.text_query[:truncation_size] # query向后截断 tmp_label_slot_origin = tmp_label_slot_origin[:truncation_size] tmp_text_context = example.text_context[-truncation_size:] # context向前截断 # TODO: 可选query/context顺序交换 tokenizer_outputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(list(tmp_text_query), list(tmp_text_context), padding='max_length', max_length=max_length) # 处理slot_mask tmp_slot_mask = np.asarray([0] * max_length) tmp_slot_mask[1:len(tmp_text_query) + 1] = 1 # tmp_slot_mask[len(tmp_text_context)+2: len(tmp_text_context)+len(tmp_text_query)+2] = 1 tmp_slot_mask = list(tmp_slot_mask) # 处理tmp_label_slot tmp_label_slot = [0] * max_length tmp_label_slot[1:len(tmp_text_query) + 1] = tmp_label_slot_origin # 处理tmp_label_intent tmp_label_intent = np.asarray([0] * intent_label_encoder.vocab_size) tmp_label_intent[tmp_label_intent_origin] = 1 tmp_label_intent = list(tmp_label_intent) feature = InputFeatures(**tokenizer_outputs, slot_mask=tmp_slot_mask, label_slot=tmp_label_slot, label_intent=tmp_label_intent) features.append(feature) for i, example in enumerate(examples[:5]):"*** Example ***")"guid: %s" % example.guid)"features: %s" % features[i]) return features
def prepare_sample( sample: dict, text_encoder: WhitespaceEncoder, label_encoder: LabelEncoder, max_length: int ) -> (torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor): """ Function that receives a sample from the Dataset iterator and prepares t he input to feed the transformer model. :param sample: dictionary containing the inputs to build the batch (e.g: [{'source': 'This flight was amazing!', 'target': 'pos'}, {'source': 'I hate Iberia', 'target': 'neg'}]) :param text_encoder: Torch NLP text encoder for tokenization and vectorization. :param label_encoder: Torch NLP label encoder for vectorization of labels. :param max_length: Max length of the input sequences. If a sequence passes that value it is truncated. """ sample = collate_tensors(sample) input_seqs, input_lengths = text_encoder.batch_encode(sample['source']) target_seqs = label_encoder.batch_encode(sample['target']) # Truncate Inputs if input_seqs.size(1) > max_length: input_seqs = input_seqs[:, :max_length] input_mask = lengths_to_mask(input_lengths).unsqueeze(1) return input_seqs, input_mask, target_seqs
class Tagger(CaptionModelBase): """ Tagger base class. :param hparams: HyperOptArgumentParser containing the hyperparameters. """ def __init__( self, hparams: HyperOptArgumentParser, ) -> None: super().__init__(hparams) def _build_model(self): self.label_encoder = LabelEncoder(self.hparams.tag_set.split(","), reserved_labels=[]) def _build_loss(self): """ Initializes the loss function/s. """ weights = (np.array([ float(x) for x in self.hparams.class_weights.split(",") ]) if self.hparams.class_weights != "ignore" else np.array([])) if self.hparams.loss == "cross_entropy": self.loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( reduction="sum", ignore_index=self.label_encoder.vocab_size, weight=torch.tensor(weights, dtype=torch.float32) if weights.any() else None, ) else: raise Exception(f"{self.hparams.loss} is not a valid loss option.") def _retrieve_dataset(self, data_hparams, train=True, val=True, test=True): """ Retrieves task specific dataset """ return sequence_tagging_dataset(data_hparams, train, val, test) @property def default_slot_index(self): """ Index of the default slot to be ignored. (e.g. 'O' in 'B-I-O' tags) """ return 0 def predict(self, sample: dict) -> list: """ Function that runs a model prediction, :param sample: a dictionary that must contain the the 'source' sequence. Return: list with predictions """ if self.eval() return_dict = False if isinstance(sample, dict): sample = [sample] return_dict = True with torch.no_grad(): model_input, _ = self.prepare_sample(sample, prepare_target=False) model_out = self.forward(**model_input) tag_logits = model_out["tags"] _, pred_labels = tag_logits.topk(1, dim=-1) for i in range(pred_labels.size(0)): sample_tags = pred_labels[i, :, :].view(-1) tags = [ self.label_encoder.index_to_token[sample_tags[j]] for j in range(model_input["word_lengths"][i]) ] sample[i]["predicted_tags"] = " ".join(tags) sample[i]["tagged_sequence"] = " ".join([ word + "/" + tag for word, tag in zip(sample[i]["text"].split(), tags) ]) sample[i][ "encoded_ground_truth_tags"] = self.label_encoder.batch_encode( [tag for tag in sample[i]["tags"].split()]) if self.hparams.ignore_last_tag: if (sample[i]["encoded_ground_truth_tags"][ model_input["word_lengths"][i] - 1] == 1): sample[i]["encoded_ground_truth_tags"][ model_input["word_lengths"][i] - 1] = self.label_encoder.vocab_size if return_dict: return sample[0] return sample def _compute_loss(self, model_out: dict, targets: dict) -> torch.tensor: """ Computes Loss value according to a loss function. :param model_out: model specific output with predicted tag logits a tensor [batch_size x seq_length x num_tags] :param targets: Target tags [batch_size x seq_length] """ logits = model_out["tags"].view(-1, model_out["tags"].size(-1)) labels = targets["tags"].view(-1) return self.loss(logits, labels) def prepare_sample(self, sample: list, prepare_target: bool = True) -> (dict, dict): """ Function that prepares a sample to input the model. :param sample: list of dictionaries. Returns: - dictionary with the expected model inputs. - dictionary with the expected target values. """ sample = collate_tensors(sample) inputs = self.encoder.prepare_sample(sample["text"], trackpos=True) if not prepare_target: return inputs, {} tags, _ = stack_and_pad_tensors( [ self.label_encoder.batch_encode(tags.split()) for tags in sample["tags"] ], padding_index=self.label_encoder.vocab_size, ) if self.hparams.ignore_first_title: first_tokens = tags[:, 0].clone() tags[:, 0] = first_tokens.masked_fill_( first_tokens == self._label_encoder.token_to_index["T"], self.label_encoder.vocab_size, ) # TODO is this still needed ? if self.hparams.ignore_last_tag: lengths = [len(tags.split()) for tags in sample["tags"]] lengths = np.asarray(lengths) k = 0 for length in lengths: if tags[k][length - 1] == 1: tags[k][length - 1] = self.label_encoder.vocab_size k += 1 targets = {"tags": tags} return inputs, targets def _compute_metrics(self, outputs: list) -> dict: """ Private function that computes metrics of interest based on model predictions and respective targets. """ predictions = [ batch_out["val_prediction"]["tags"] for batch_out in outputs ] targets = [batch_out["val_target"]["tags"] for batch_out in outputs] predicted_tags, ground_truth = [], [] for i in range(len(predictions)): # Get logits and reshape predictions batch_predictions = predictions[i] logits = batch_predictions.view(-1, batch_predictions.size(-1)).cpu() _, pred_labels = logits.topk(1, dim=-1) # Reshape targets batch_targets = targets[i].view(-1).cpu() assert batch_targets.size() == pred_labels.view(-1).size() ground_truth.append(batch_targets) predicted_tags.append(pred_labels.view(-1)) return classification_report(,, padding=self.label_encoder.vocab_size, labels=self.label_encoder.token_to_index, ignore=self.default_slot_index, ) @classmethod def add_model_specific_args( cls, parser: HyperOptArgumentParser) -> HyperOptArgumentParser: """ Parser for Estimator specific arguments/hyperparameters. :param parser: HyperOptArgumentParser obj Returns: - updated parser """ parser = super(Tagger, Tagger).add_model_specific_args(parser) parser.add_argument( "--tag_set", type=str, default="L,U,T", help="Task tags we want to use.\ Note that the 'default' label should appear first", ) # Loss parser.add_argument( "--loss", default="cross_entropy", type=str, help="Loss function to be used.", choices=["cross_entropy"], ) parser.add_argument( "--class_weights", default="ignore", type=str, help= 'Weights for each of the classes we want to tag (e.g: "1.0,7.0,8.0").', ) ## Data args: parser.add_argument( "--data_type", default="csv", type=str, help="The type of the file containing the training/dev/test data.", choices=["csv"], ) parser.add_argument( "--train_path", default="data/dummy_train.csv", type=str, help="Path to the file containing the train data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--dev_path", default="data/dummy_test.csv", type=str, help="Path to the file containing the dev data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--test_path", default="data/dummy_test.csv", type=str, help="Path to the file containing the test data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--loader_workers", default=0, type=int, help=("How many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that" "the data will be loaded in the main process."), ) # Metric args: parser.add_argument( "--ignore_first_title", default=False, help="When used, this flag ignores T tags in the first position.", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore_last_tag", default=False, help="When used, this flag ignores S tags in the last position.", action="store_true", ) return parser
with open(fn, 'rb') as f: model, criterion, optimizer = torch.load(f) from torchnlp import datasets from torchnlp.encoders import LabelEncoder from torchnlp.samplers import BPTTBatchSampler print('Producing dataset...') train, val, test = getattr(datasets,, dev=True, test=True) encoder = LabelEncoder(train + val + test) train_data = encoder.batch_encode(train) val_data = encoder.batch_encode(val) test_data = encoder.batch_encode(test) eval_batch_size = 10 test_batch_size = 1 train_source_sampler, val_source_sampler, test_source_sampler = tuple([ BPTTBatchSampler(d, args.bptt, args.batch_size, True, 'source') for d in (train, val, test) ]) train_target_sampler, val_target_sampler, test_target_sampler = tuple([ BPTTBatchSampler(d, args.bptt, args.batch_size, True, 'target') for d in (train, val, test) ])
class BERTClassifier(pl.LightningModule): """ Sample model to show how to use BERT to classify sentences. :param hparams: ArgumentParser containing the hyperparameters. """ def __init__(self, hparams) -> None: super(BERTClassifier, self).__init__() self.hparams = hparams self.batch_size = hparams.batch_size # build model self.__build_model() # Loss criterion initialization. self.__build_loss() if hparams.nr_frozen_epochs > 0: self.freeze_encoder() else: self._frozen = False self.nr_frozen_epochs = hparams.nr_frozen_epochs def __build_model(self) -> None: """ Init BERT model + tokenizer + classification head.""" self.bert = AutoModel.from_pretrained(self.hparams.encoder_model, output_hidden_states=True, num_labels=11) # set the number of features our encoder model will return... if self.hparams.encoder_model == "google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2": self.encoder_features = 128 else: self.encoder_features = 768 # Tokenizer self.tokenizer = BERTTextEncoder("bert-base-uncased") # Label Encoder self.label_encoder = LabelEncoder(self.hparams.label_set.split(","), reserved_labels=[]) self.label_encoder.unknown_index = None # Classification head self.classification_head = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.encoder_features, self.encoder_features * 2), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(self.encoder_features * 2, self.encoder_features), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(self.encoder_features, self.label_encoder.vocab_size), ) def __build_loss(self): """ Initializes the loss function/s. """ self._loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() def unfreeze_encoder(self) -> None: """ un-freezes the encoder layer. """ if self._frozen:"\n-- Encoder model fine-tuning") for param in self.bert.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True self._frozen = False def freeze_encoder(self) -> None: """ freezes the encoder layer. """ for param in self.bert.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self._frozen = True def predict(self, sample: dict) -> dict: """ Predict function. :param sample: dictionary with the text we want to classify. Returns: Dictionary with the input text and the predicted label. """ if self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): model_input, _ = self.prepare_sample([sample], prepare_target=False) model_out = self.forward(**model_input) logits = model_out["logits"].numpy() predicted_labels = [ self.label_encoder.index_to_token[prediction] for prediction in np.argmax(logits, axis=1) ] sample["predicted_label"] = predicted_labels[0] return sample def forward(self, tokens, lengths): """ Usual pytorch forward function. :param tokens: text sequences [batch_size x src_seq_len] :param lengths: source lengths [batch_size] Returns: Dictionary with model outputs (e.g: logits) """ tokens = tokens[:, :lengths.max()] # When using just one GPU this should not change behavior # but when splitting batches across GPU the tokens have padding # from the entire original batch mask = lengths_to_mask(lengths, device=tokens.device) # Run BERT model. word_embeddings = self.bert(tokens, mask)[0] # Average Pooling word_embeddings = mask_fill(0.0, tokens, word_embeddings, self.tokenizer.padding_index) sentemb = torch.sum(word_embeddings, 1) sum_mask = mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand( word_embeddings.size()).float().sum(1) sentemb = sentemb / sum_mask return {"logits": self.classification_head(sentemb)} def loss(self, predictions: dict, targets: dict) -> torch.tensor: """ Computes Loss value according to a loss function. :param predictions: model specific output. Must contain a key 'logits' with a tensor [batch_size x 1] with model predictions :param labels: Label values [batch_size] Returns: torch.tensor with loss value. """ return self._loss(predictions["logits"], targets["labels"]) def prepare_sample(self, sample: list, prepare_target: bool = True) -> (dict, dict): """ Function that prepares a sample to input the model. :param sample: list of dictionaries. Returns: - dictionary with the expected model inputs. - dictionary with the expected target labels. """ sample = collate_tensors(sample) tokens, lengths = self.tokenizer.batch_encode(sample["text"]) inputs = {"tokens": tokens, "lengths": lengths} if not prepare_target: return inputs, {} # Prepare target: try: targets = { "labels": self.label_encoder.batch_encode(sample["label"]) } return inputs, targets except RuntimeError: raise Exception("Label encoder found an unknown label.") def training_step(self, batch: tuple, batch_nb: int, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Runs one training step. This usually consists in the forward function followed by the loss function. :param batch: The output of your dataloader. :param batch_nb: Integer displaying which batch this is Returns: - dictionary containing the loss and the metrics to be added to the lightning logger. """ inputs, targets = batch model_out = self.forward(**inputs) loss_val = self.loss(model_out, targets) # in DP mode (default) make sure if result is scalar, there's another dim in the beginning if self.trainer.use_dp or self.trainer.use_ddp2: loss_val = loss_val.unsqueeze(0) tqdm_dict = {"train_loss": loss_val} output = OrderedDict({ "loss": loss_val, "progress_bar": tqdm_dict, "log": tqdm_dict }) # can also return just a scalar instead of a dict (return loss_val) return output def validation_step(self, batch: tuple, batch_nb: int, *args, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Similar to the training step but with the model in eval mode. Returns: - dictionary passed to the validation_end function. """ inputs, targets = batch model_out = self.forward(**inputs) loss_val = self.loss(model_out, targets) y = targets["labels"] y_hat = model_out["logits"] # acc labels_hat = torch.argmax(y_hat, dim=1) val_acc = torch.sum(y == labels_hat).item() / (len(y) * 1.0) val_acc = torch.tensor(val_acc) if self.on_gpu: val_acc = val_acc.cuda(loss_val.device.index) # in DP mode (default) make sure if result is scalar, there's another dim in the beginning if self.trainer.use_dp or self.trainer.use_ddp2: loss_val = loss_val.unsqueeze(0) val_acc = val_acc.unsqueeze(0) output = OrderedDict({ "val_loss": loss_val, "val_acc": val_acc, }) # can also return just a scalar instead of a dict (return loss_val) return output def validation_end(self, outputs: list) -> dict: """ Function that takes as input a list of dictionaries returned by the validation_step function and measures the model performance accross the entire validation set. Returns: - Dictionary with metrics to be added to the lightning logger. """ val_loss_mean = 0 val_acc_mean = 0 for output in outputs: val_loss = output["val_loss"] # reduce manually when using dp if self.trainer.use_dp or self.trainer.use_ddp2: val_loss = torch.mean(val_loss) val_loss_mean += val_loss # reduce manually when using dp val_acc = output["val_acc"] if self.trainer.use_dp or self.trainer.use_ddp2: val_acc = torch.mean(val_acc) val_acc_mean += val_acc val_loss_mean /= len(outputs) val_acc_mean /= len(outputs) tqdm_dict = {"val_loss": val_loss_mean, "val_acc": val_acc_mean} result = { "progress_bar": tqdm_dict, "log": tqdm_dict, "val_loss": val_loss_mean, } return result def configure_optimizers(self): """ Sets different Learning rates for different parameter groups. """ parameters = [ { "params": self.classification_head.parameters() }, { "params": self.bert.parameters(), "lr": self.hparams.encoder_learning_rate, }, ] optimizer = optim.Adam(parameters, lr=self.hparams.learning_rate) return [optimizer], [] def on_epoch_end(self): """ Pytorch lightning hook """ if self.current_epoch + 1 >= self.nr_frozen_epochs: self.unfreeze_encoder() def __retrieve_dataset(self, train=True, val=True, test=True): """ Retrieves task specific dataset """ return sentiment_analysis_dataset(self.hparams, train, val, test) @pl.data_loader def train_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader: """ Function that loads the train set. """ self._train_dataset = self.__retrieve_dataset(val=False, test=False)[0] return DataLoader( dataset=self._train_dataset, sampler=RandomSampler(self._train_dataset), batch_size=self.hparams.batch_size, collate_fn=self.prepare_sample, num_workers=self.hparams.loader_workers, ) @pl.data_loader def val_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader: """ Function that loads the validation set. """ self._dev_dataset = self.__retrieve_dataset(train=False, test=False)[0] return DataLoader( dataset=self._dev_dataset, batch_size=self.hparams.batch_size, collate_fn=self.prepare_sample, num_workers=self.hparams.loader_workers, ) @pl.data_loader def test_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader: """ Function that loads the validation set. """ self._test_dataset = self.__retrieve_dataset(train=False, val=False)[0] return DataLoader( dataset=self._test_dataset, batch_size=self.hparams.batch_size, collate_fn=self.prepare_sample, num_workers=self.hparams.loader_workers, ) @classmethod def add_model_specific_args( cls, parser: HyperOptArgumentParser) -> HyperOptArgumentParser: """ Parser for Estimator specific arguments/hyperparameters. :param parser: HyperOptArgumentParser obj Returns: - updated parser """ parser.add_argument( "--encoder_model", default="bert-base-uncased", type=str, help="Encoder model to be used.", ) parser.add_argument( "--encoder_learning_rate", default=1e-05, type=float, help="Encoder specific learning rate.", ) parser.add_argument( "--learning_rate", default=3e-05, type=float, help="Classification head learning rate.", ) parser.opt_list( "--nr_frozen_epochs", default=1, type=int, help="Number of epochs we want to keep the encoder model frozen.", tunable=True, options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ) # Data Args: parser.add_argument( "--label_set", default="pos,neg", type=str, help="Classification labels set.", ) parser.add_argument( "--train_csv", default="data/imdb_reviews_train.csv", type=str, help="Path to the file containing the train data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--dev_csv", default="data/imdb_reviews_test.csv", type=str, help="Path to the file containing the dev data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--test_csv", default="data/imdb_reviews_test.csv", type=str, help="Path to the file containing the dev data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--loader_workers", default=8, type=int, help="How many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that \ the data will be loaded in the main process.", ) return parser
class UniProtData(): def __init__(self, tokenizer, sequence_length): self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.sequence_length = sequence_length def from_file(self, fasta_file, reduce_to_binary=False): sequence_labels, sequence_strs = [], [] cur_seq_label = None buf = [] def _flush_current_seq(reduce_to_binary): nonlocal cur_seq_label, buf if cur_seq_label is None: return if reduce_to_binary: if cur_seq_label == "0": sequence_labels.append(cur_seq_label) else: sequence_labels.append("1") else: sequence_labels.append(cur_seq_label) sequence_strs.append("".join(buf)) cur_seq_label = None buf = [] with open(fasta_file, "r") as infile: for line_idx, line in enumerate(infile): if line.startswith(">"): # label line _flush_current_seq(reduce_to_binary) line = line[1:].strip() if len(line) > 0: cur_seq_label = line.split("|")[-1] else: cur_seq_label = f"seqnum{line_idx:09d}" else: # sequence line buf.append(" ".join(line.strip())) _flush_current_seq(reduce_to_binary) # More usefull is to check if we have equal number of sequences and labels assert len(sequence_strs) == len(sequence_labels) # Create label encoder from unique strings in the label list self.label_encoder = LabelEncoder(np.unique(sequence_labels), reserved_labels=[]) = [] for i in range(len(sequence_strs)):{ "seq": str(sequence_strs[i]), "label": str(sequence_labels[i]) }) return def prepare_sample(self, sample: list, prepare_target: bool = True) -> (dict, dict): """ Function that prepares a sample to input the model. :param sample: list of dictionaries. Returns: - dictionary with the expected model inputs. - dictionary with the expected target labels. """ sample = collate_tensors(sample) # Tokenize the input, return dict with 3 entries: # input_ids: tokenized matrix # token_input_id: matrix of 0,1 indicating if the element belongs to seq0 or eq1 # attention_mask: matrix of 0,1 indicating if a token ist masked (0) or not (1) # Convert to PT tensor inputs = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( sample["seq"], add_special_tokens=True, padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=self.sequence_length, return_tensors="pt") if prepare_target is False: return inputs, {} # Prepare target: try: targets = { "labels": self.label_encoder.batch_encode(sample["label"]) } return inputs, targets except RuntimeError: print(sample["label"]) raise Exception("Label encoder found an unknown label.") def get_dataloader(self, file_path, batch_size, num_worker=4): data = self.from_file(file_path) data_loader = DataLoader(data, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=RandomSampler(data), collate_fn=self.prepare_sample, num_workers=num_worker) return data_loader