    def create_fields(
        header: List[str],
        to_lower: bool = False,
        sen_column: str = "sen",
        tokenize_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        convert_numerical: bool = False,
        tokenizer: Optional[PreTrainedTokenizer] = None,
    ) -> List[Tuple[str, Field]]:
        tokenize_columns = tokenize_columns or [sen_column]

        pipeline = None
        if convert_numerical:

            def preprocess_field(s: Union[str, int]) -> Union[str, int]:
                return int(s) if (isinstance(s, str) and s.isdigit()) else s

            pipeline = Pipeline(convert_token=preprocess_field)

        fields = []

        for column in header:
            if column in tokenize_columns:
                field = Field(batch_first=True, include_lengths=True, lower=to_lower)
                if tokenizer is not None:
                    attach_tokenizer(field, tokenizer)
                field = RawField(preprocessing=pipeline)
                field.is_target = False

            fields.append((column, field))

        return fields
def import_corpus(
    path: str,
    header: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    header_from_first_line: bool = False,
    to_lower: bool = False,
    vocab_path: Optional[str] = None,
    vocab_from_corpus: bool = False,
    sen_column: str = "sen",
) -> TabularDataset:

    """ Imports a corpus from a path.

    The corpus can either be a raw string or a pickled dictionary.
    Outputs a `Corpus` type, that is used throughout the library.

    The raw sentence is assumed to be labeled `sen` or `sent`
    Sentences can possibly be labeled, which are assumed to be labeled
    by a `labels` tag.

    path : str
        Path to corpus file
    header : List[str], optional
        Optional list of attribute names of each column, if not provided
        all lines will be considered to be sentences,  with the
        attribute name "sen".
    to_lower : bool, optional
        Transform entire corpus to lower case, defaults to False.
    header_from_first_line : bool, optional
        Use the first line of the corpus as the attribute names of the
    vocab_path : str, optional
        Path to the model vocabulary, which should a file containing a
        vocab entry at each line.
    vocab_from_corpus : bool, optional
        Create a new vocabulary from the tokens of the corpus itself.
        If set to True `vocab_path` does not need to be provided.
        Defaults to False.
    sen_column : str, optional
        Name of the corpus column containing the raw sentences.
        Defaults to `sen`.

    corpus : TabularDataset
        A TabularDataset containing the parsed sentences and optional labels

    if header is None:
        if header_from_first_line:
            with open(path) as f:
                header = f.readline().strip().split("\t")
            header = ["sen"]

    assert sen_column in header, "`sen` should be part of corpus_header!"

    def preprocess(s: str) -> Union[str, int]:
        return int(s) if s.isdigit() else s

    pipeline = Pipeline(convert_token=preprocess)
    fields = {}
    for field in header:
        if field == sen_column:
            fields[field] = Field(
                batch_first=True, include_lengths=True, lower=to_lower
        elif field == "labels":
            fields[field] = Field(
                use_vocab=False, tokenize=lambda s: list(map(int, s.split()))
            fields[field] = RawField(preprocessing=pipeline)
            fields[field].is_target = False

    corpus = TabularDataset(
        csv_reader_params={"quotechar": None},

    # The current torchtext Vocab does not allow a fixed vocab order
    if vocab_path is not None or vocab_from_corpus:
        attach_vocab(corpus, vocab_path or path, sen_column=sen_column)

    return corpus