class latest(Stream): """ Drop held-up data and emit the latest result This allows you to skip intermediate elements in the stream if there is some back pressure causing a slowdown. Use this when you only care about the latest elements, and are willing to lose older data. This passes through values without modification otherwise. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ _graphviz_shape = 'octagon' def __init__(self, upstream, **kwargs): self.condition = Condition() = [] Stream.__init__(self, upstream, ensure_io_loop=True, **kwargs) self.loop.add_callback(self.cb) def update(self, x, who=None): = [x] self.loop.add_callback(self.condition.notify) @gen.coroutine def cb(self): while True: yield self.condition.wait() [x] = yield self._emit(x)
def get_data(cls, account, source_filter, limit=100, skip=0): """ Gathers card information from Google Sheets GET[spreadsheet]/[worksheet]/private/full """ if not account or not account.enabled: raise ValueError('cannot gather information without an account') client = AsyncHTTPClient() if source_filter.spreadsheet is None: raise ValueError('required parameter spreadsheet missing') if source_filter.worksheet is None: raise ValueError('required parameter worksheet missing') uri = "{}/export?format=csv&gid={}".format( source_filter.spreadsheet, source_filter.worksheet ) "Start retrieval of worksheet {}/{} for {}".format(source_filter.spreadsheet, source_filter.worksheet, account._id)) lock = Condition() oauth_client = account.get_client() uri, headers, body = oauth_client.add_token(uri) req = HTTPRequest(uri, headers=headers, body=body, streaming_callback=lambda c: cls.write(c)) client.fetch(req, callback=lambda r: lock.notify()) yield lock.wait(timeout=timedelta(seconds=MAXIMUM_REQ_TIME)) "Finished retrieving worksheet for {}".format(account._id))
def get_data(cls, account, source_filter, limit=100, skip=0): """ Gathers card information from Google Sheets GET[spreadsheet]/[worksheet]/private/full """ if not account or not account.enabled: raise ValueError('cannot gather information without an account') client = AsyncHTTPClient() if source_filter.spreadsheet is None: raise ValueError('required parameter spreadsheet missing') if source_filter.worksheet is None: raise ValueError('required parameter worksheet missing') uri = "{}/export?format=csv&gid={}".format( source_filter.spreadsheet, source_filter.worksheet)"Start retrieval of worksheet {}/{} for {}".format( source_filter.spreadsheet, source_filter.worksheet, account._id)) lock = Condition() oauth_client = account.get_client() uri, headers, body = oauth_client.add_token(uri) req = HTTPRequest(uri, headers=headers, body=body, streaming_callback=lambda c: cls.write(c)) client.fetch(req, callback=lambda r: lock.notify()) yield lock.wait(timeout=timedelta(seconds=MAXIMUM_REQ_TIME))"Finished retrieving worksheet for {}".format( account._id))
class FlowControlWindow(object): __slots__ = ['condition', 'value'] def __init__(self, initial_value=DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE): self.condition = Condition() self.value = initial_value @gen.coroutine def available(self, timeout=None): if self.value > 0: raise gen.Return(self.value) yield self.condition.wait(timeout=timeout) raise gen.Return(self.value) def consume(self, n): """Tries to consume n from value""" consumed = min(self.value, n) self.value -= consumed return consumed def produce(self, n): self.value += n self.condition.notify_all()
class gather(Stream): def __init__(self, child, limit=10, client=None): self.client = client or default_client() self.queue = Queue(maxsize=limit) self.condition = Condition() Stream.__init__(self, child) self.client.loop.add_callback(self.cb) def update(self, x, who=None): return self.queue.put(x) @gen.coroutine def cb(self): while True: x = yield self.queue.get() L = [x] while not self.queue.empty(): L.append(self.queue.get_nowait()) results = yield self.client._gather(L) for x in results: yield self.emit(x) if self.queue.empty(): self.condition.notify_all() @gen.coroutine def flush(self): while not self.queue.empty(): yield self.condition.wait()
class zip(Stream): """ Combine streams together into a stream of tuples We emit a new tuple once all streams have produce a new tuple. See also -------- combine_latest zip_latest """ _graphviz_orientation = 270 _graphviz_shape = 'triangle' def __init__(self, *upstreams, **kwargs): self.maxsize = kwargs.pop('maxsize', 10) self.condition = Condition() self.literals = [(i, val) for i, val in enumerate(upstreams) if not isinstance(val, Stream)] self.buffers = { upstream: deque() for upstream in upstreams if isinstance(upstream, Stream) } upstreams2 = [ upstream for upstream in upstreams if isinstance(upstream, Stream) ] Stream.__init__(self, upstreams=upstreams2, **kwargs) def pack_literals(self, tup): """ Fill buffers for literals whenever we empty them """ inp = list(tup)[::-1] out = [] for i, val in self.literals: while len(out) < i: out.append(inp.pop()) out.append(val) while inp: out.append(inp.pop()) return tuple(out) def update(self, x, who=None): L = self.buffers[who] # get buffer for stream L.append(x) if len(L) == 1 and all(self.buffers.values()): tup = tuple(self.buffers[up][0] for up in self.upstreams) for buf in self.buffers.values(): buf.popleft() self.condition.notify_all() if self.literals: tup = self.pack_literals(tup) return self._emit(tup) elif len(L) > self.maxsize: return self.condition.wait()
class EventSource(object): def __init__(self): self.lock = Condition() = None @tornado.gen.coroutine def publish(self, events): = events self.lock.notify_all() @tornado.gen.coroutine def wait(self): yield self.lock.wait()
class Window(object): def __init__(self, parent, stream_id, initial_window_size): self.parent = parent self.stream_id = stream_id self.cond = Condition() self.closed = False self.size = initial_window_size def close(self): self.closed = True self.cond.notify_all() def _raise_error(self, code, message): if self.parent is None: raise ConnectionError(code, message) else: raise StreamError(self.stream_id, code) def adjust(self, amount): self.size += amount if self.size > constants.MAX_WINDOW_SIZE: self._raise_error(constants.ErrorCode.FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR, "flow control window too large") self.cond.notify_all() def apply_window_update(self, frame): try: window_update, = struct.unpack('>I', except struct.error: raise ConnectionError(constants.ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR, "WINDOW_UPDATE incorrect size") # strip reserved bit window_update = window_update & 0x7fffffff if window_update == 0: self._raise_error(constants.ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "window update must not be zero") self.adjust(window_update) @gen.coroutine def consume(self, amount): while not self.closed and self.size <= 0: yield self.cond.wait() if self.closed: raise StreamClosedError() if self.size < amount: amount = self.size if self.parent is not None: amount = yield self.parent.consume(amount) self.size -= amount raise gen.Return(amount)
class zip(Stream): """ Combine streams together into a stream of tuples We emit a new tuple once all streams have produce a new tuple. See also -------- combine_latest zip_latest """ _graphviz_orientation = 270 _graphviz_shape = 'triangle' def __init__(self, *upstreams, **kwargs): self.maxsize = kwargs.pop('maxsize', 10) self.buffers = [deque() for _ in upstreams] self.condition = Condition() self.literals = [(i, val) for i, val in enumerate(upstreams) if not isinstance(val, Stream)] self.pack_literals() self.buffers_by_stream = { upstream: buffer for upstream, buffer in, self.buffers) if isinstance(upstream, Stream) } upstreams2 = [ upstream for upstream in upstreams if isinstance(upstream, Stream) ] Stream.__init__(self, upstreams=upstreams2, **kwargs) def pack_literals(self): """ Fill buffers for literals whenver we empty them """ for i, val in self.literals: self.buffers[i].append(val) def update(self, x, who=None): L = self.buffers_by_stream[who] # get buffer for stream L.append(x) if len(L) == 1 and all(self.buffers): tup = tuple(buf.popleft() for buf in self.buffers) self.condition.notify_all() if self.literals: self.pack_literals() return self._emit(tup) elif len(L) > self.maxsize: return self.condition.wait()
class zip(Stream): def __init__(self, *children, **kwargs): self.maxsize = kwargs.pop('maxsize', 10) self.buffers = [deque() for _ in children] self.condition = Condition() Stream.__init__(self, children=children) def update(self, x, who=None): L = self.buffers[self.children.index(who)] L.append(x) if len(L) == 1 and all(self.buffers): tup = tuple(buf.popleft() for buf in self.buffers) self.condition.notify_all() return self.emit(tup) elif len(L) > self.maxsize: return self.condition.wait()
class CounterCondition(object): def __init__(self): self.condition = Condition() self.counter = 0 def increment(self, value=1): self.counter += value self.condition.notify_all() @gen.coroutine def wait_until(self, value): while True: yield self.condition.wait() if self.counter >= value: self.counter -= value return
class PingHandler(firenado.core.TornadoHandler): def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(PingHandler, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.callback_queue = None self.condition = Condition() self.response = None self.corr_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.in_channel = self.application.get_app_component().rabbitmq[ 'client'].channels['in'] @gen.coroutine def post(self): self.in_channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True, callback=self.on_request_queue_declared) yield self.condition.wait()
class GameScrapperWorker(object): def __init__(self, session, home): self.scrapper = Scrapper(session, home) self.session = session self.home = home self.condition = Condition() tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()\ .spawn_callback(self.main) @tornado.gen.coroutine def main(self): _log().info('scrapper sleeping') yield self.condition.wait() _log().info('scrapper woke up') self.scrapper.scrap_missing() tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()\ .spawn_callback(self.main) raise tornado.gen.Return(False)
class PingHandler(firenado.tornadoweb.TornadoHandler): def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(PingHandler, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.callback_queue = None self.condition = Condition() self.response = None self.corr_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.in_channel = self.application.get_app_component().rabbitmq[ 'client'].channels['in'] @gen.coroutine def post(self): self.in_channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True, callback=self.on_request_queue_declared) yield self.condition.wait() self.write(self.response) def on_request_queue_declared(self, response):'Request temporary queue declared.') self.callback_queue = response.method.queue self.in_channel.basic_consume(self.on_response, no_ack=True, queue=self.callback_queue) self.in_channel.basic_publish( exchange='', routing_key='ping_rpc_queue', properties=pika.BasicProperties( reply_to=self.callback_queue, correlation_id=self.corr_id, ), body=self.request.body) def on_response(self, ch, method, props, body): if self.corr_id == props.correlation_id: self.response = { 'data': body.decode("utf-8"), 'date':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), } self.in_channel.queue_delete(queue=self.callback_queue) self.condition.notify()
def test_future_close_callback(self): # Regression test for interaction between the Future read interfaces # and IOStream._maybe_add_error_listener. rs, ws = yield self.make_iostream_pair() closed = [False] cond = Condition() def close_callback(): closed[0] = True cond.notify() rs.set_close_callback(close_callback) try: ws.write(b'a') res = yield rs.read_bytes(1) self.assertEqual(res, b'a') self.assertFalse(closed[0]) ws.close() yield cond.wait() self.assertTrue(closed[0]) finally: rs.close() ws.close()
def test_future_close_callback(self): # Regression test for interaction between the Future read interfaces # and IOStream._maybe_add_error_listener. rs, ws = yield self.make_iostream_pair() closed = [False] cond = Condition() def close_callback(): closed[0] = True cond.notify() rs.set_close_callback(close_callback) try: ws.write(b"a") res = yield rs.read_bytes(1) self.assertEqual(res, b"a") self.assertFalse(closed[0]) ws.close() yield cond.wait() self.assertTrue(closed[0]) finally: rs.close() ws.close()
class ImporterWorker(object): def __init__(self, session, home, scrapper): self.session = session self.home = home self.condition = Condition() self.scrapper = scrapper tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()\ .spawn_callback(self.main) @tornado.gen.coroutine def main(self): _log().info('importer sleeping') yield self.condition.wait() _log().info('importer woke up') changed = True while changed: changed = yield tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()\ .spawn_callback(self.main) @tornado.gen.coroutine def work(self): changed = False fi = slickbird.FileImporter(self.session, self.home) for f in self.session.query(orm.Importerfile)\ .filter(orm.Importerfile.status == 'scanning'): changed = True r, status = fi.file_import(f.filename) f.status = status if status == 'moved': self.scrapper.condition.notify() yield tornado.gen.moment self.session.commit() self.scrapper.condition.notify() raise tornado.gen.Return(changed)
class WebUpdater: def __init__(self, config, cmd_helper): self.server = cmd_helper.get_server() self.cmd_helper = cmd_helper self.repo = config.get('repo').strip().strip("/") self.owner, = self.repo.split("/", 1) if hasattr(config, "get_name"): = config.get_name().split()[-1] self.path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(config.get("path"))) self.persistent_files = [] pfiles = config.get('persistent_files', None) if pfiles is not None: self.persistent_files = [ pf.strip().strip("/") for pf in pfiles.split("\n") if pf.strip() ] if ".version" in self.persistent_files: raise config.error( "Invalid value for option 'persistent_files': " "'.version' can not be persistent") self.version = self.remote_version = self.dl_url = "?" self.etag = None self.init_evt = Event() self.refresh_condition = None self._get_local_version()"\nInitializing Client Updater: '{}'," f"\nversion: {self.version}" f"\npath: {self.path}") def _get_local_version(self): version_path = os.path.join(self.path, ".version") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, ".version")): with open(version_path, "r") as f: v = self.version = v.strip() async def check_initialized(self, timeout=None): if self.init_evt.is_set(): return if timeout is not None: timeout = IOLoop.current().time() + timeout await self.init_evt.wait(timeout) async def refresh(self): if self.refresh_condition is None: self.refresh_condition = Condition() else: self.refresh_condition.wait() return try: self._get_local_version() await self._get_remote_version() except Exception: logging.exception("Error Refreshing Client") self.init_evt.set() self.refresh_condition.notify_all() self.refresh_condition = None async def _get_remote_version(self): # Remote state url = f"{self.repo}/releases/latest" try: result = await self.cmd_helper.github_api_request(url, etag=self.etag) except Exception: logging.exception(f"Client {self.repo}: Github Request Error") result = {} if result is None: # No change, update not necessary return self.etag = result.get('etag', None) self.remote_version = result.get('name', "?") release_assets = result.get('assets', [{}])[0] self.dl_url = release_assets.get('browser_download_url', "?")"Github client Info Received:\nRepo: {}\n" f"Local Version: {self.version}\n" f"Remote Version: {self.remote_version}\n" f"url: {self.dl_url}") async def update(self, *args): await self.check_initialized(20.) if self.refresh_condition is not None: # wait for refresh if in progess self.refresh_condition.wait() if self.remote_version == "?": await self.refresh() if self.remote_version == "?": raise self.server.error( f"Client {self.repo}: Unable to locate update") if self.dl_url == "?": raise self.server.error( f"Client {self.repo}: Invalid download url") if self.version == self.remote_version: # Already up to date return self.cmd_helper.notify_update_response( f"Downloading Client: {}") archive = await self.cmd_helper.http_download_request(self.dl_url) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(, prefix="client") as tempdir: if os.path.isdir(self.path): # find and move persistent files for fname in os.listdir(self.path): src_path = os.path.join(self.path, fname) if fname in self.persistent_files: dest_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join( tempdir, fname)) os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True) shutil.move(src_path, dest_dir) shutil.rmtree(self.path) os.mkdir(self.path) with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(archive)) as zf: zf.extractall(self.path) # Move temporary files back into for fname in os.listdir(tempdir): src_path = os.path.join(tempdir, fname) dest_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self.path, fname)) os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True) shutil.move(src_path, dest_dir) self.version = self.remote_version version_path = os.path.join(self.path, ".version") if not os.path.exists(version_path): with open(version_path, "w") as f: f.write(self.version) self.cmd_helper.notify_update_response( f"Client Update Finished: {}", is_complete=True) def get_update_status(self): return { 'name':, 'owner': self.owner, 'version': self.version, 'remote_version': self.remote_version }
class HttpChunkedRecognizeHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): """ Provides a HTTP POST/PUT interface supporting chunked transfer requests, similar to that provided by """ def prepare(self): = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.final_hyp = "" self.worker_done = Condition() self.user_id = self.request.headers.get("device-id", "none") self.content_id = self.request.headers.get("content-id", "none")"%s: OPEN: user='******', content='%s'" % (, self.user_id, self.content_id)) self.worker = None self.error_status = 0 self.error_message = None #Waiter thread for final hypothesis: #self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) try: self.worker = self.application.available_workers.pop() self.application.send_status_update()"%s: Using worker %s" % (, self.__str__())) self.worker.set_client_socket(self) content_type = self.request.headers.get("Content-Type", None) if content_type: content_type = content_type_to_caps(content_type)"%s: Using content type: %s" % (, content_type)) self.worker.write_message( json.dumps( dict(, content_type=content_type, user_id=self.user_id, content_id=self.content_id))) except KeyError: logging.warn("%s: No worker available for client request" % self.set_status(503) self.finish("No workers available") @tornado.gen.coroutine def data_received(self, chunk): assert self.worker is not None logging.debug("%s: Forwarding client message of length %d to worker" % (, len(chunk))) self.worker.write_message(chunk, binary=True) @tornado.gen.coroutine def post(self, *args, **kwargs): yield self.end_request(args, kwargs) @tornado.gen.coroutine def put(self, *args, **kwargs): yield self.end_request(args, kwargs) @tornado.gen.coroutine def end_request(self, *args, **kwargs):"%s: Handling the end of chunked recognize request" % assert self.worker is not None self.worker.write_message("EOS", binary=False)"%s: Waiting for worker to finish" % yield self.worker_done.wait() if self.error_status == 0:"%s: Final hyp: %s" % (, self.final_hyp)) response = { "status": 0, "id":, "hypotheses": [{ "utterance": self.final_hyp }] } self.write(response) else:"%s: Error (status=%d) processing HTTP request: %s" % (, self.error_status, self.error_message)) response = { "status": self.error_status, "id":, "message": self.error_message } self.write(response) self.application.num_requests_processed += 1 self.application.send_status_update() self.worker.set_client_socket(None) self.worker.close() self.finish()"Everything done") @tornado.gen.coroutine def send_event(self, event): event_str = str(event) if len(event_str) > 100: event_str = event_str[:97] + "...""%s: Receiving event %s from worker" % (, event_str)) if event["status"] == 0 and ("result" in event): try: if len(event["result"] ["hypotheses"]) > 0 and event["result"]["final"]: if len(self.final_hyp) > 0: self.final_hyp += " " self.final_hyp += event["result"]["hypotheses"][0][ "transcript"] except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logging.warn( "Failed to extract hypothesis from recognition result:" + e) elif event["status"] != 0: self.error_status = event["status"] self.error_message = event.get("message", "") @tornado.gen.coroutine def close(self):"%s: Receiving 'close' from worker" % ( self.worker_done.notify()
def get_data(cls, account, source_filter, limit=100, skip=0): source_filter = OneDriveFileFilter(source_filter) if source_filter.file is None: raise ValueError("required parameter file missing")"Starting to retrieve file for {}".format(account._id)) client = AsyncHTTPClient() uri = "{}/content".format(source_filter.file) lock = Condition() def crawl_url(url): # some yummy regex location_header_regex = re.compile(r"^Location:\s?(?P<uri>http:/{2}\S+)") http_status_regex = re.compile(r"^HTTP/[\d\.]+\s(?P<status>\d+)") receiving_file = False # define our callbacks def header_callback(header): m = http_status_regex.match(header) if m is not None: # process our HTTP status header status ="status") if int(status) == 200: # if we're 200, we're receiving the file, not just a redirect"Receiving file {} for account {}".format(source_filter.file, account._id)) global receiving_file receiving_file = True m = location_header_regex.match(header) if m is not None: # process our location header uri ="uri") # and grab _that_ url"Following redirect for file {}".format(source_filter.file)) crawl_url(uri) def stream_callback(chunk): # only dump out chunks that are of the file we're looking for global receiving_file if receiving_file:"Writing chunk of {}B".format(chunk.__len__())) cls.write(chunk) def on_completed(resp): if 200 <= resp.code <= 299: lock.notify() oauth_client = account.get_client() uri, headers, body = oauth_client.add_token(url) req = HTTPRequest( uri, headers=headers, body=body, header_callback=header_callback, streaming_callback=stream_callback ) client.fetch(req, callback=on_completed) crawl_url(uri) # wait for us to complete try: yield lock.wait(timeout=timedelta(seconds=MAXIMUM_REQ_TIME))"File {} retrieved successfully".format(source_filter.file)) except gen.TimeoutError: app_log.error("Request for file {} => {} timed out!".format(source_filter.file, account._id))
class InMemStream(Stream): def __init__(self, buf=None, auto_close=True): """In-Memory based stream :param buf: the buffer for the in memory stream """ self._stream = deque() if buf: self._stream.append(buf) self.state = StreamState.init self._condition = Condition() self.auto_close = auto_close self.exception = None def clone(self): new_stream = InMemStream() new_stream.state = self.state new_stream.auto_close = self.auto_close new_stream._stream = deque(self._stream) return new_stream def read(self): def read_chunk(future): if self.exception: future.set_exception(self.exception) return future chunk = "" while len(self._stream) and len(chunk) < common.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE: chunk += self._stream.popleft() future.set_result(chunk) return future read_future = tornado.concurrent.Future() # We're not ready yet if self.state != StreamState.completed and not len(self._stream): wait_future = self._condition.wait() wait_future.add_done_callback( lambda f: f.exception() or read_chunk(read_future) ) return read_future return read_chunk(read_future) def write(self, chunk): if self.exception: raise self.exception if self.state == StreamState.completed: raise UnexpectedError("Stream has been closed.") if chunk: self._stream.append(chunk) self._condition.notify() # This needs to return a future to match the async interface. r = tornado.concurrent.Future() r.set_result(None) return r def set_exception(self, exception): self.exception = exception self.close() def close(self): self.state = StreamState.completed self._condition.notify()
class WebUpdater: def __init__(self, umgr, config): self.umgr = umgr self.server = umgr.server self.notify_update_response = umgr.notify_update_response self.repo = config.get('repo').strip().strip("/") = self.repo.split("/")[-1] if hasattr(config, "get_name"): = config.get_name().split()[-1] self.path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(config.get("path"))) self.version = self.remote_version = self.dl_url = "?" self.etag = None self.init_evt = Event() self.refresh_condition = None self._get_local_version()"\nInitializing Client Updater: '{}'," f"\nversion: {self.version}" f"\npath: {self.path}") def _get_local_version(self): version_path = os.path.join(self.path, ".version") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, ".version")): with open(version_path, "r") as f: v = self.version = v.strip() async def check_initialized(self, timeout=None): if self.init_evt.is_set(): return if timeout is not None: timeout = IOLoop.current().time() + timeout await self.init_evt.wait(timeout) async def refresh(self): if self.refresh_condition is None: self.refresh_condition = Condition() else: self.refresh_condition.wait() return try: self._get_local_version() await self._get_remote_version() except Exception: logging.exception("Error Refreshing Client") self.init_evt.set() self.refresh_condition.notify_all() self.refresh_condition = None async def _get_remote_version(self): # Remote state url = f"{self.repo}/releases/latest" try: result = await self.umgr.github_api_request(url, etag=self.etag) except Exception: logging.exception(f"Client {self.repo}: Github Request Error") result = {} if result is None: # No change, update not necessary return self.etag = result.get('etag', None) self.remote_version = result.get('name', "?") release_assets = result.get('assets', [{}])[0] self.dl_url = release_assets.get('browser_download_url', "?")"Github client Info Received:\nRepo: {}\n" f"Local Version: {self.version}\n" f"Remote Version: {self.remote_version}\n" f"url: {self.dl_url}") async def update(self, *args): await self.check_initialized(20.) if self.refresh_condition is not None: # wait for refresh if in progess self.refresh_condition.wait() if self.remote_version == "?": await self.refresh() if self.remote_version == "?": raise self.server.error( f"Client {self.repo}: Unable to locate update") if self.dl_url == "?": raise self.server.error( f"Client {self.repo}: Invalid download url") if self.version == self.remote_version: # Already up to date return if os.path.isdir(self.path): shutil.rmtree(self.path) os.mkdir(self.path) self.notify_update_response(f"Downloading Client: {}") archive = await self.umgr.http_download_request(self.dl_url) with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(archive)) as zf: zf.extractall(self.path) self.version = self.remote_version version_path = os.path.join(self.path, ".version") if not os.path.exists(version_path): with open(version_path, "w") as f: f.write(self.version) self.notify_update_response(f"Client Update Finished: {}", is_complete=True) def get_update_status(self): return { 'name':, 'version': self.version, 'remote_version': self.remote_version }
class InMemStream(Stream): def __init__(self, buf=None, auto_close=True): """In-Memory based stream :param buf: the buffer for the in memory stream """ self._stream = deque() if buf: self._stream.append(buf) self.state = StreamState.init self._condition = Condition() self.auto_close = auto_close self.exception = None self.exc_info = None def clone(self): new_stream = InMemStream() new_stream.state = self.state new_stream.auto_close = self.auto_close new_stream._stream = deque(self._stream) return new_stream def read(self): def read_chunk(future): if self.exception: if self.exc_info: future.set_exc_info(self.exc_info) else: future.set_exception(self.exception) return future chunk = b"" while len(self._stream) and len(chunk) < common.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE: new_chunk = self._stream.popleft() if six.PY3 and isinstance(new_chunk, str): new_chunk = new_chunk.encode('utf8') chunk += new_chunk future.set_result(chunk) return future read_future = tornado.concurrent.Future() # We're not ready yet if self.state != StreamState.completed and not len(self._stream): wait_future = self._condition.wait() tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_future( wait_future, lambda f: f.exception() or read_chunk(read_future)) return read_future return read_chunk(read_future) def write(self, chunk): if self.exception: raise self.exception if self.state == StreamState.completed: raise UnexpectedError("Stream has been closed.") if chunk: self._stream.append(chunk) self._condition.notify() # This needs to return a future to match the async interface. r = tornado.concurrent.Future() r.set_result(None) return r def set_exception(self, exception, exc_info=None): self.exception = exception self.exc_info = exc_info self.close() def close(self): self.state = StreamState.completed self._condition.notify()
class TornadoCoroutineExecutor(Executor): def __init__(self, core_pool_size, queue, reject_handler, coroutine_pool_name=None): self._core_pool_size = core_pool_size self._queue = queue self._reject_handler = reject_handler self._coroutine_pool_name = coroutine_pool_name or \ 'tornado-coroutine-pool-%s' % uuid.uuid1().hex self._core_coroutines_condition = Condition() self._core_coroutines = {} self._core_coroutines_wait_condition = Condition() self._shutting_down = False self._shuted_down = False self._initialize_core_coroutines() def _initialize_core_coroutines(self): for ind in range(self._core_pool_size): self._core_coroutines[ind] = self._core_coroutine_run(ind)"core coroutine: %s is intialized" % self._get_coroutine_name(ind)) def _get_coroutine_name(self, ind): return '%s:%d' % (self._coroutine_pool_name, ind) @gen.coroutine def _core_coroutine_run(self, ind): coroutine_name = self._get_coroutine_name(ind) while not self._shutting_down and not self._shuted_down: try: task_item = self._queue.get_nowait() except QueueEmpty: LOGGER.debug("coroutine: %s will enter into waiting pool" % coroutine_name) if self._shutting_down or self._shuted_down: break yield self._core_coroutines_wait_condition.wait() LOGGER.debug("coroutine: %s was woken up from waiting pool" % coroutine_name) continue async_result = task_item.async_result async_result.set_time_info("consumed_from_queue_at") if not async_result.set_running_or_notify_cancel(): continue time_info_key = "executed_completion_at" try: result = yield task_item.function(*task_item.args, **task_item.kwargs) async_result.set_time_info(time_info_key).set_result(result) except Exception as ex: async_result.set_time_info(time_info_key).set_exception(ex)"coroutine: %s is stopped" % coroutine_name) self._core_coroutines.pop(ind) if not self._core_coroutines:"all coroutines in %s are stopped" % self._coroutine_pool_name) self._core_coroutines_condition.notify_all() def submit_task(self, function, *args, **kwargs): async_result = AsyncResult() if self._shutting_down or self._shuted_down: async_result.set_exception( ShutedDownError(self._coroutine_pool_name)) return async_result if not gen.is_coroutine_function(function): async_result.set_exception( RuntimeError("function must be tornado coroutine function")) return async_result is_full = False task_item = TaskItem(function, args, kwargs, async_result) try: self._queue.put_nowait(task_item) async_result.set_time_info("submitted_to_queue_at") except QueueFull: is_full = True if is_full: return self._reject_handler(self._queue, task_item) else: self._core_coroutines_wait_condition.notify() return async_result @gen.coroutine def shutdown(self, wait_time=None): if self._shutting_down or self._shuted_down: raise gen.Return() self._shutting_down = True self._shuted_down = False"begin to notify all coroutines") self._core_coroutines_wait_condition.notify_all() if self._core_coroutines: yield self._core_coroutines_condition.wait(wait_time) while True: try: task_item = self._queue.get_nowait() except QueueEmpty: break else: task_item.async_result.set_exception( ShutedDownError(self._coroutine_pool_name)) self._shutting_down = False self._shuted_down = True
class TaskLoggerTornadoTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase): def setUp(self): self.condition = Condition() self.log_str = 'aaaaaa' * 100000 self.exc = None super(TaskLoggerTornadoTest, self).setUp() def get_app(self): receives = [] class LogTestHandler(web.RequestHandler): def post(hdlr): try: self.assertEqual(hdlr.request.query_arguments['task_id'], ['1']) self.assertIn(hdlr.request.query_arguments['seq'], [['1'], ['2']]) payload = json.loads(hdlr.request.body) seq = payload['messages']['body'].pop('seq') self.assertIn(seq, [1, 2]) self.assertEqual(payload['messages']['body'], { 'log': self.log_str + '\n', 'task_id': 1, }) hdlr.write('ok') receives.append('a') except Exception as exc: self.exc = exc class ResultTestHandler(web.RequestHandler): def post(hdlr): try: self.assertEqual(hdlr.request.headers['Content-Type'], 'application/json') self.assertEqual(hdlr.request.query_arguments, { 'task_id': ['1'], 'seq': ['3'], 'exit_code': ['0'] }) payload = json.loads(hdlr.request.body) self.assertEqual( payload['messages']['body'], { 'exit_code': 0, 'is_aborted': False, 'is_timeout': False, 'result': 'b\n', 'task_id': 1, 'seq': 3 }) hdlr.write('ok') receives.append('b') self.assertEqual(receives, ['a', 'a', 'b']) except Exception as exc: self.exc = exc print(traceback.format_exc()) finally: self.condition.notify() return web.Application([(r'/log', LogTestHandler), (r'/result', ResultTestHandler)]) @gen_test def test_tornado(self): task_logger = TaskLogger(task_id=1, engine=EngineType.TORNADO, task_url=self.get_url('/'), wrap=True) self.io_loop.spawn_callback(task_logger.log, self.log_str) self.io_loop.spawn_callback(task_logger.log, self.log_str) self.io_loop.spawn_callback(task_logger.result, 'b') yield self.condition.wait() if self.exc: raise self.exc
class MockFitsWriterClient(object): """ Wrapper class for a KATCP client to a EddFitsWriterServer """ def __init__(self, address): """ @brief Construct new instance """ self._address = address self._ioloop = IOLoop.current() self._stop_event = Event() self._is_stopped = Condition() self._socket = None def reset_connection(self): self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._socket.setblocking(False) try: self._socket.connect(self._address) except socket.error as error: if error.args[0] == errno.EINPROGRESS: pass else: raise error @coroutine def recv_nbytes(self, nbytes): received_bytes = 0 data = b'' while received_bytes < nbytes: if self._stop_event.is_set(): raise StopEvent try: log.debug("Requesting {} bytes".format(nbytes - received_bytes)) current_data = self._socket.recv(nbytes - received_bytes) received_bytes += len(current_data) data += current_data log.debug("Received {} bytes ({} of {} bytes)".format( len(current_data), received_bytes, nbytes)) except socket.error as error: error_id = error.args[0] if error_id == errno.EAGAIN or error_id == errno.EWOULDBLOCK: yield sleep(0.1) else: log.exception("Unexpected error on socket recv: {}".format( str(error))) raise error raise Return(data) @coroutine def recv_loop(self): try: header, sections = yield self.recv_packet() except StopEvent: log.debug("Notifying that recv calls have stopped") self._is_stopped.notify() except Exception: log.exception("Failure while receiving packet") else: self._ioloop.add_callback(self.recv_loop) def start(self): self._stop_event.clear() self.reset_connection() self._ioloop.add_callback(self.recv_loop) @coroutine def stop(self, timeout=2): self._stop_event.set() try: success = yield self._is_stopped.wait(timeout=self._ioloop.time() + timeout) if not success: raise TimeoutError except TimeoutError: log.error(("Could not stop the client within " "the {} second limit").format(timeout)) except Exception: log.exception("Fucup") @coroutine def recv_packet(self): log.debug("Receiving packet header") raw_header = yield self.recv_nbytes(C.sizeof(FWHeader)) log.debug("Converting packet header") header = FWHeader.from_buffer_copy(raw_header)"Received header: {}".format(header)) fw_data_type = header.channel_data_type.strip().upper() c_data_type, np_data_type = TYPE_MAP[fw_data_type] sections = [] for section in range(header.nsections): log.debug("Receiving section {} of {}".format( section + 1, header.nsections)) raw_section_header = yield self.recv_nbytes( C.sizeof(FWSectionHeader)) section_header = FWSectionHeader.from_buffer_copy( raw_section_header)"Section {} header: {}".format(section, section_header)) log.debug("Receiving section data") raw_bytes = yield self.recv_nbytes( C.sizeof(c_data_type) * section_header.nchannels) data = np.frombuffer(raw_bytes, dtype=np_data_type)"Section {} data: {}".format(section, data[:10])) sections.append((section_header, data)) raise Return((header, sections))
class GitUpdater: def __init__(self, umgr, config, path=None, env=None): self.server = umgr.server self.execute_cmd = umgr.execute_cmd self.execute_cmd_with_response = umgr.execute_cmd_with_response self.notify_update_response = umgr.notify_update_response = config.get_name().split()[-1] self.repo_path = path if path is None: self.repo_path = config.get('path') self.env = config.get("env", env) dist_packages = None if self.env is not None: self.env = os.path.expanduser(self.env) dist_packages = config.get('python_dist_packages', None) self.python_reqs = os.path.join(self.repo_path, config.get("requirements")) self.origin = config.get("origin").lower() self.install_script = config.get('install_script', None) if self.install_script is not None: self.install_script = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.repo_path, self.install_script)) self.venv_args = config.get('venv_args', None) self.python_dist_packages = None self.python_dist_path = None self.env_package_path = None if dist_packages is not None: self.python_dist_packages = [ p.strip() for p in dist_packages.split('\n') if p.strip() ] self.python_dist_path = os.path.abspath( config.get('python_dist_path')) if not os.path.exists(self.python_dist_path): raise config.error( "Invalid path for option 'python_dist_path'") self.env_package_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.env), "..", config.get('env_package_path'))) for opt in [ "repo_path", "env", "python_reqs", "install_script", "python_dist_path", "env_package_path" ]: val = getattr(self, opt) if val is None: continue if not os.path.exists(val): raise config.error("Invalid path for option '%s': %s" % (val, opt)) self.version = self.cur_hash = "?" self.remote_version = self.remote_hash = "?" self.init_evt = Event() self.refresh_condition = None self.debug = umgr.repo_debug self.remote = "origin" self.branch = "master" self.is_valid = self.is_dirty = self.detached = False def _get_version_info(self): ver_path = os.path.join(self.repo_path, "scripts/version.txt") vinfo = {} if os.path.isfile(ver_path): data = "" with open(ver_path, 'r') as f: data = try: entries = [e.strip() for e in data.split('\n') if e.strip()] vinfo = dict([i.split('=') for i in entries]) vinfo = { k: tuple(re.findall(r"\d+", v)) for k, v in vinfo.items() } except Exception: pass else: self._log_info(f"Version Info Found: {vinfo}") vinfo['version'] = tuple(re.findall(r"\d+", self.version)) return vinfo def _log_exc(self, msg, traceback=True): log_msg = f"Repo {}: {msg}" if traceback: logging.exception(log_msg) else: return self.server.error(msg) def _log_info(self, msg): log_msg = f"Repo {}: {msg}" def _notify_status(self, msg, is_complete=False): log_msg = f"Repo {}: {msg}" logging.debug(log_msg) self.notify_update_response(log_msg, is_complete) async def check_initialized(self, timeout=None): if self.init_evt.is_set(): return if timeout is not None: timeout = IOLoop.current().time() + timeout await self.init_evt.wait(timeout) async def refresh(self): if self.refresh_condition is None: self.refresh_condition = Condition() else: self.refresh_condition.wait() return try: await self._check_version() except Exception: logging.exception("Error Refreshing git state") self.init_evt.set() self.refresh_condition.notify_all() self.refresh_condition = None async def _check_version(self, need_fetch=True): self.is_valid = self.detached = False self.cur_hash = self.branch = self.remote = "?" self.version = self.remote_version = "?" try: blist = await self.execute_cmd_with_response( f"git -C {self.repo_path} branch --list") if blist.startswith("fatal:"): self._log_info(f"Invalid git repo at path '{self.repo_path}'") return branch = None for b in blist.split("\n"): b = b.strip() if b[0] == "*": branch = b[2:] break if branch is None: self._log_info( "Unable to retreive current branch from branch list\n" f"{blist}") return if "HEAD detached" in branch: bparts = branch.split()[-1].strip("()") self.remote, self.branch = bparts.split("/") self.detached = True else: self.branch = branch.strip() self.remote = await self.execute_cmd_with_response( f"git -C {self.repo_path} config --get" f" branch.{self.branch}.remote") if need_fetch: await self.execute_cmd( f"git -C {self.repo_path} fetch {self.remote} --prune -q", retries=3) remote_url = await self.execute_cmd_with_response( f"git -C {self.repo_path} remote get-url {self.remote}") cur_hash = await self.execute_cmd_with_response( f"git -C {self.repo_path} rev-parse HEAD") remote_hash = await self.execute_cmd_with_response( f"git -C {self.repo_path} rev-parse " f"{self.remote}/{self.branch}") repo_version = await self.execute_cmd_with_response( f"git -C {self.repo_path} describe --always " "--tags --long --dirty") remote_version = await self.execute_cmd_with_response( f"git -C {self.repo_path} describe {self.remote}/{self.branch}" " --always --tags --long") except Exception: self._log_exc("Error retreiving git info") return self.is_dirty = repo_version.endswith("dirty") versions = [] for ver in [repo_version, remote_version]: tag_version = "?" ver_match = re.match(r"v\d+\.\d+\.\d-\d+", ver) if ver_match: tag_version = versions.append(tag_version) self.version, self.remote_version = versions self.cur_hash = cur_hash.strip() self.remote_hash = remote_hash.strip() self._log_info( f"Repo Detected:\nPath: {self.repo_path}\nRemote: {self.remote}\n" f"Branch: {self.branch}\nRemote URL: {remote_url}\n" f"Current SHA: {self.cur_hash}\n" f"Remote SHA: {self.remote_hash}\nVersion: {self.version}\n" f"Remote Version: {self.remote_version}\n" f"Is Dirty: {self.is_dirty}\nIs Detached: {self.detached}") if self.debug: self.is_valid = True self._log_info("Debug enabled, bypassing official repo check") elif self.branch == "master" and self.remote == "origin": if self.detached: self._log_info("Detached HEAD detected, repo invalid") return remote_url = remote_url.lower() if remote_url[-4:] != ".git": remote_url += ".git" if remote_url == self.origin: self.is_valid = True self._log_info("Validity check for git repo passed") else: self._log_info(f"Invalid git origin url '{remote_url}'") else: self._log_info("Git repo not on offical remote/branch: " f"{self.remote}/{self.branch}") async def update(self, update_deps=False): await self.check_initialized(20.) if self.refresh_condition is not None: self.refresh_condition.wait() if not self.is_valid: raise self._log_exc("Update aborted, repo is not valid", False) if self.is_dirty: raise self._log_exc("Update aborted, repo is has been modified", False) if self.remote_hash == self.cur_hash: # No need to update return self._notify_status("Updating Repo...") try: if self.detached: await self.execute_cmd( f"git -C {self.repo_path} fetch {self.remote} -q", retries=3) await self.execute_cmd(f"git -C {self.repo_path} checkout" f" {self.remote}/{self.branch} -q") else: await self.execute_cmd(f"git -C {self.repo_path} pull -q", retries=3) except Exception: raise self._log_exc("Error running 'git pull'") # Check Semantic Versions vinfo = self._get_version_info() cur_version = vinfo.get('version', ()) update_deps |= cur_version < vinfo.get('deps_version', ()) need_env_rebuild = cur_version < vinfo.get('env_version', ()) if update_deps: await self._install_packages() await self._update_virtualenv(need_env_rebuild) elif need_env_rebuild: await self._update_virtualenv(True) # Refresh local repo state await self._check_version(need_fetch=False) if == "moonraker": # Launch restart async so the request can return # before the server restarts self._notify_status("Update Finished...", is_complete=True) IOLoop.current().call_later(.1, self.restart_service) else: await self.restart_service() self._notify_status("Update Finished...", is_complete=True) async def _install_packages(self): if self.install_script is None: return # Open install file file and read inst_path = self.install_script if not os.path.isfile(inst_path): self._log_info(f"Unable to open install script: {inst_path}") return with open(inst_path, 'r') as f: data = packages = re.findall(r'PKGLIST="(.*)"', data) packages = [p.lstrip("${PKGLIST}").strip() for p in packages] if not packages: self._log_info(f"No packages found in script: {inst_path}") return # TODO: Log and notify that packages will be installed pkgs = " ".join(packages) logging.debug(f"Repo {}: Detected Packages: {pkgs}") self._notify_status("Installing system dependencies...") # Install packages with apt-get try: await self.execute_cmd(f"{APT_CMD} update", timeout=300., notify=True) await self.execute_cmd(f"{APT_CMD} install --yes {pkgs}", timeout=3600., notify=True) except Exception: self._log_exc("Error updating packages via apt-get") return async def _update_virtualenv(self, rebuild_env=False): if self.env is None: return # Update python dependencies bin_dir = os.path.dirname(self.env) env_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bin_dir, "..")) if rebuild_env: self._notify_status(f"Creating virtualenv at: {env_path}...") if os.path.exists(env_path): shutil.rmtree(env_path) try: await self.execute_cmd( f"virtualenv {self.venv_args} {env_path}", timeout=300.) except Exception: self._log_exc(f"Error creating virtualenv") return if not os.path.exists(self.env): raise self._log_exc("Failed to create new virtualenv", False) reqs = self.python_reqs if not os.path.isfile(reqs): self._log_exc(f"Invalid path to requirements_file '{reqs}'") return pip = os.path.join(bin_dir, "pip") self._notify_status("Updating python packages...") try: await self.execute_cmd(f"{pip} install -r {reqs}", timeout=1200., notify=True, retries=3) except Exception: self._log_exc("Error updating python requirements") self._install_python_dist_requirements() def _install_python_dist_requirements(self): dist_reqs = self.python_dist_packages if dist_reqs is None: return dist_path = self.python_dist_path site_path = self.env_package_path for pkg in dist_reqs: for f in os.listdir(dist_path): if f.startswith(pkg): src = os.path.join(dist_path, f) dest = os.path.join(site_path, f) self._notify_status(f"Linking to dist package: {pkg}") if os.path.islink(dest): os.remove(dest) elif os.path.exists(dest): self._notify_status( f"Error symlinking dist package: {pkg}, " f"file already exists: {dest}") continue os.symlink(src, dest) break async def restart_service(self): self._notify_status("Restarting Service...") try: await self.execute_cmd(f"sudo systemctl restart {}") except Exception: raise self._log_exc("Error restarting service") def get_update_status(self): return { 'remote_alias': self.remote, 'branch': self.branch, 'version': self.version, 'remote_version': self.remote_version, 'current_hash': self.cur_hash, 'remote_hash': self.remote_hash, 'is_dirty': self.is_dirty, 'is_valid': self.is_valid, 'detached': self.detached, 'debug_enabled': self.debug }
class MockFitsWriterClient(object): """ Wrapper class for a KATCP client to a EddFitsWriterServer """ def __init__(self, address, record_dest): """ @brief Construct new instance If record_dest is not empty, create a folder named record_dest and record the received packages there. """ self._address = address self.__record_dest = record_dest if record_dest: if not os.path.isdir(record_dest): os.makedirs(record_dest) self._ioloop = IOLoop.current() self._stop_event = Event() self._is_stopped = Condition() self._socket = None self.__last_package = 0 def reset_connection(self): self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._socket.setblocking(False) try: self._socket.connect(self._address) except socket.error as error: if error.args[0] == errno.EINPROGRESS: pass else: raise error @coroutine def recv_nbytes(self, nbytes): received_bytes = 0 data = b'' while received_bytes < nbytes: if self._stop_event.is_set(): raise StopEvent try: log.debug("Requesting {} bytes".format(nbytes - received_bytes)) current_data = self._socket.recv(nbytes - received_bytes) received_bytes += len(current_data) data += current_data log.debug("Received {} bytes ({} of {} bytes)".format( len(current_data), received_bytes, nbytes)) except socket.error as error: error_id = error.args[0] if error_id == errno.EAGAIN or error_id == errno.EWOULDBLOCK: yield sleep(0.1) else: log.exception("Unexpected error on socket recv: {}".format( str(error))) raise error raise Return(data) @coroutine def recv_loop(self): while not self._stop_event.is_set(): try: header, sections = yield self.recv_packet() except StopEvent: log.debug("Notifying that recv calls have stopped") except Exception as E: log.exception("Failure while receiving packet: {}".format(E)) def start(self): self._stop_event.clear() self.reset_connection() self._ioloop.add_callback(self.recv_loop) @coroutine def stop(self, timeout=2): self._stop_event.set() try: success = yield self._is_stopped.wait(timeout=self._ioloop.time() + timeout) if not success: raise TimeoutError except TimeoutError: log.error(("Could not stop the client within " "the {} second limit").format(timeout)) except Exception: log.exception("Fucup") @coroutine def recv_packet(self): log.debug("Receiving packet header") raw_header = yield self.recv_nbytes(C.sizeof(FWHeader)) log.debug("Converting packet header") header = FWHeader.from_buffer_copy(raw_header)"Received header: {}".format(header)) if header.timestamp < self.__last_package: log.error("Timestamps out of order!") else: self.__last_package = header.timestamp if self.__record_dest: filename = os.path.join(self.__record_dest, "FWP_{}.dat".format(header.timestamp)) while os.path.isfile(filename): log.warning('Filename {} already exists. Add suffix _'.format( filename)) filename += '_''Recording to file {}'.format(filename)) ofile = open(filename, 'wb') ofile.write(raw_header) fw_data_type = header.channel_data_type.strip().upper() c_data_type, np_data_type = TYPE_MAP[fw_data_type] sections = [] for section in range(header.nsections): log.debug("Receiving section {} of {}".format( section + 1, header.nsections)) raw_section_header = yield self.recv_nbytes( C.sizeof(FWSectionHeader)) if self.__record_dest: ofile.write(raw_section_header) section_header = FWSectionHeader.from_buffer_copy( raw_section_header)"Section {} header: {}".format(section, section_header)) log.debug("Receiving section data") raw_bytes = yield self.recv_nbytes( C.sizeof(c_data_type) * section_header.nchannels) if self.__record_dest: ofile.write(raw_bytes) data = np.frombuffer(raw_bytes, dtype=np_data_type)"Section {} data: {}".format(section, data[:10])) sections.append((section_header, data)) if self.__record_dest: ofile.close() raise Return((header, sections))
class PackageUpdater: def __init__(self, umgr): self.server = umgr.server self.execute_cmd = umgr.execute_cmd self.execute_cmd_with_response = umgr.execute_cmd_with_response self.notify_update_response = umgr.notify_update_response self.available_packages = [] self.init_evt = Event() self.refresh_condition = None async def refresh(self, fetch_packages=True): # TODO: Use python-apt python lib rather than command line for updates if self.refresh_condition is None: self.refresh_condition = Condition() else: self.refresh_condition.wait() return try: if fetch_packages: await self.execute_cmd(f"{APT_CMD} update", timeout=300., retries=3) res = await self.execute_cmd_with_response("apt list --upgradable", timeout=60.) pkg_list = [p.strip() for p in res.split("\n") if p.strip()] if pkg_list: pkg_list = pkg_list[2:] self.available_packages = [ p.split("/", maxsplit=1)[0] for p in pkg_list ] pkg_list = "\n".join(self.available_packages) f"Detected {len(self.available_packages)} package updates:" f"\n{pkg_list}") except Exception: logging.exception("Error Refreshing System Packages") self.init_evt.set() self.refresh_condition.notify_all() self.refresh_condition = None async def check_initialized(self, timeout=None): if self.init_evt.is_set(): return if timeout is not None: timeout = IOLoop.current().time() + timeout await self.init_evt.wait(timeout) async def update(self, *args): await self.check_initialized(20.) if self.refresh_condition is not None: self.refresh_condition.wait() self.notify_update_response("Updating packages...") try: await self.execute_cmd(f"{APT_CMD} update", timeout=300., notify=True) await self.execute_cmd(f"{APT_CMD} upgrade --yes", timeout=3600., notify=True) except Exception: raise self.server.error("Error updating system packages") self.available_packages = [] self.notify_update_response("Package update finished...", is_complete=True) def get_update_status(self): return { 'package_count': len(self.available_packages), 'package_list': self.available_packages }
class DecodeRequestHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): SUPPORTED_METHOD = ('POST') #Called at the beginning of a request before get/post/etc def prepare(self): self.worker = None self.filePath = None self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.set_status(200, "Initial statut") self.waitResponse = Condition() self.waitWorker = Condition() if self.request.method != 'POST': logging.debug("Received a non-POST request") self.set_status( 403, "Wrong request, server handles only POST requests") self.finish() #File Retrieval # TODO: Adapt input to existing controller API if 'wavFile' not in self.request.files.keys(): self.set_status( 403, "POST request must contain a 'file_to_transcript' field.") self.finish() logging.debug( "POST request from %s does not contain 'file_to_transcript' field." ) temp_file = self.request.files['wavFile'][0]['body'] self.temp_file = temp_file #Writing file try: f = open(TEMP_FILE_PATH + self.uuid + '.wav', 'wb') except IOError: logging.error("Could not write file.") self.set_status( 500, "Server error: Counldn't write file on server side.") self.finish() else: f.write(temp_file) self.filePath = TEMP_FILE_PATH + self.uuid + '.wav' logging.debug("File correctly received from client") @gen.coroutine def post(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.debug("Allocating Worker to %s" % self.uuid) yield self.allocate_worker() self.worker.write_message( json.dumps({ 'uuid': self.uuid, 'file': self.temp_file.encode('base64') })) yield self.waitResponse.wait() self.finish() @gen.coroutine def allocate_worker(self): while self.worker == None: try: self.worker = self.application.available_workers.pop() except: self.worker = None self.application.waiting_client.add(self) self.application.display_server_status() yield self.waitWorker.wait() else: self.worker.client_handler = self logging.debug("Worker allocated to client %s" % self.uuid) self.application.display_server_status() @gen.coroutine def receive_response(self, message): os.remove(TEMP_FILE_PATH + self.uuid + '.wav') self.set_status(200, "Transcription succeded") self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") self.write({'transcript': message}) self.application.num_requests_processed += 1 self.waitResponse.notify() def on_finish(self): #CLEANUP pass
def get_data(cls, account, source_filter, limit=100, skip=0): source_filter = OneDriveFileFilter(source_filter) if source_filter.file is None: raise ValueError('required parameter file missing')"Starting to retrieve file for {}".format(account._id)) client = AsyncHTTPClient() uri = "{}/content".format( source_filter.file) lock = Condition() def crawl_url(url): # some yummy regex location_header_regex = re.compile( r'^Location:\s?(?P<uri>http:/{2}\S+)') http_status_regex = re.compile(r'^HTTP/[\d\.]+\s(?P<status>\d+)') receiving_file = False # define our callbacks def header_callback(header): m = http_status_regex.match(header) if m is not None: # process our HTTP status header status ='status') if int(status) == 200: # if we're 200, we're receiving the file, not just a redirect"Receiving file {} for account {}".format( source_filter.file, account._id)) global receiving_file receiving_file = True m = location_header_regex.match(header) if m is not None: # process our location header uri ='uri') # and grab _that_ url"Following redirect for file {}".format( source_filter.file)) crawl_url(uri) def stream_callback(chunk): # only dump out chunks that are of the file we're looking for global receiving_file if receiving_file:"Writing chunk of {}B".format( chunk.__len__())) cls.write(chunk) def on_completed(resp): if 200 <= resp.code <= 299: lock.notify() oauth_client = account.get_client() uri, headers, body = oauth_client.add_token(url) req = HTTPRequest(uri, headers=headers, body=body, header_callback=header_callback, streaming_callback=stream_callback) client.fetch(req, callback=on_completed) crawl_url(uri) # wait for us to complete try: yield lock.wait(timeout=timedelta(seconds=MAXIMUM_REQ_TIME))"File {} retrieved successfully".format( source_filter.file)) except gen.TimeoutError: app_log.error("Request for file {} => {} timed out!".format( source_filter.file, account._id))
class PeerGroup(object): """A PeerGroup represents a collection of Peers. Requests routed through a PeerGroup can be sent to either a specific peer or a peer chosen at random. """ def __init__(self, tchannel, score_threshold=None): """Initializes a new PeerGroup. :param tchannel: TChannel used for communication by this PeerGroup :param score_threshold: A value in the ``[0, 1]`` range. If specifiede, this requires that chosen peers havea score higher than this value when performing requests. """ self.tchannel = tchannel self._score_threshold = score_threshold # Dictionary from hostport to Peer. self._peers = {} # Notified when a reset is performed. This allows multiple coroutines # to block on the same reset. self._resetting = False self._reset_condition = Condition() def __str__(self): return "<PeerGroup peers=%s>" % str(self._peers) @gen.coroutine def clear(self): """Reset this PeerGroup. This closes all connections to all known peers and forgets about these peers. :returns: A Future that resolves with a value of None when the operation has finished """ if self._resetting: # If someone else is already resetting the PeerGroup, just block # on them to be finished. yield self._reset_condition.wait() raise gen.Return(None) self._resetting = True try: yield [peer.close() for peer in self._peers.values()] finally: self._peers = {} self._resetting = False self._reset_condition.notify_all() def get(self, hostport): """Get a Peer for the given destination. A new Peer is added and returned if one does not already exist for the given host-port. Otherwise, the existing Peer is returned. """ assert hostport, "hostport is required" if hostport not in self._peers: self._peers[hostport] = Peer(self.tchannel, hostport) return self._peers[hostport] def lookup(self, hostport): """Look up a Peer for the given host and port. Returns None if a Peer for the given host-port does not exist. """ assert hostport, "hostport is required" return self._peers.get(hostport, None) def remove(self, hostport): """Delete the Peer for the given host port. Does nothing if a matching Peer does not exist. :returns: The removed Peer """ assert hostport, "hostport is required" return self._peers.pop(hostport, None) def add(self, peer): """Add an existing Peer to this group. A peer for the given host-port must not already exist in the group. """ assert peer, "peer is required" if isinstance(peer, basestring): # Assume strings are host-ports peer = Peer(self.tchannel, peer) assert peer.hostport not in self._peers, ( "%s already has a peer" % peer.hostport ) self._peers[peer.hostport] = peer @property def hosts(self): """Get all host-ports managed by this PeerGroup.""" return self._peers.keys() @property def peers(self): """Get all Peers managed by this PeerGroup.""" return self._peers.values() def request(self, **kwargs): """Initiate a new request through this PeerGroup. :param hostport: If specified, requests will be sent to the specific host. Otherwise, a known peer will be picked at random. :param service: Name of the service being called. Defaults to an empty string. :param service_threshold: If ``hostport`` was not specified, this specifies the score threshold at or below which peers will be ignored. :param blacklist: Peers on the blacklist won't be chosen. """ peer = self.choose( hostport=kwargs.get('hostport', None), score_threshold=kwargs.get('score_threshold', None), blacklist=kwargs.get('blacklist', None), ) if peer: return peer.request(**kwargs) else: raise NoAvailablePeerError("Can't find available peer.") def choose(self, hostport=None, score_threshold=None, blacklist=None): """Choose a Peer that matches the given criteria. The Peer with the highest score will be chosen. :param hostport: Specifies that the returned Peer must be for the given host-port. Without this, all peers managed by this PeerGroup are candidates. If this is present, ``score_threshold`` is ignored. :param score_threshold: If specified, Peers with a score equal to or below this will be ignored. Defaults to the value specified when the PeerGroup was initialized. :param blacklist: Peers on the blacklist won't be chosen. :returns: A Peer that matches all the requested criteria or None if no such Peer was found. """ blacklist = blacklist or set() if hostport: return self.get(hostport) score_threshold = score_threshold or self._score_threshold or 0 chosen_peer = None chosen_score = 0 hosts = self._peers.viewkeys() - blacklist for host in hosts: peer = self.get(host) score = peer.state.score() if score <= score_threshold: continue if score > chosen_score: chosen_peer = peer chosen_score = score return chosen_peer
class InMemStream(Stream): def __init__(self, buf=None, auto_close=True): """In-Memory based stream :param buf: the buffer for the in memory stream """ self._stream = deque() if buf: self._stream.append(buf) self.state = StreamState.init self._condition = Condition() self.auto_close = auto_close self.exception = None def clone(self): new_stream = InMemStream() new_stream.state = self.state new_stream.auto_close = self.auto_close new_stream._stream = deque(self._stream) return new_stream def read(self): def read_chunk(future): if self.exception: future.set_exception(self.exception) return future chunk = "" while len(self._stream) and len(chunk) < common.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE: chunk += self._stream.popleft() future.set_result(chunk) return future read_future = tornado.concurrent.Future() # We're not ready yet if self.state != StreamState.completed and not len(self._stream): wait_future = self._condition.wait() wait_future.add_done_callback( lambda f: f.exception() or read_chunk(read_future)) return read_future return read_chunk(read_future) def write(self, chunk): if self.exception: raise self.exception if self.state == StreamState.completed: raise StreamingError("Stream has been closed.") if chunk: self._stream.append(chunk) self._condition.notify() # This needs to return a future to match the async interface. r = tornado.concurrent.Future() r.set_result(None) return r def set_exception(self, exception): self.exception = exception self.close() def close(self): self.state = StreamState.completed self._condition.notify()
class foreach_zip(Pipeline): _graphviz_orientation = 270 _graphviz_shape = 'triangle' def __init__(self, *upstreams, **kwargs): self.maxsize = kwargs.pop('maxsize', 10) self.condition = Condition() self.literals = [(i, val) for i, val in enumerate(upstreams) if not isinstance(val, Pipeline)] self.buffers = { upstream: deque() for upstream in upstreams if isinstance(upstream, Pipeline) } upstreams2 = [ upstream for upstream in upstreams if isinstance(upstream, Pipeline) ] Pipeline.__init__(self, upstreams=upstreams2, **kwargs) _global_sinks.add(self) def _add_upstream(self, upstream): # Override method to handle setup of buffer for new stream self.buffers[upstream] = deque() super(zip, self)._add_upstream(upstream) def _remove_upstream(self, upstream): # Override method to handle removal of buffer for stream self.buffers.pop(upstream) super(zip, self)._remove_upstream(upstream) def pack_literals(self, tup): """ Fill buffers for literals whenever we empty them """ inp = list(tup)[::-1] out = [] for i, val in self.literals: while len(out) < i: out.append(inp.pop()) out.append(val) while inp: out.append(inp.pop()) return out def update(self, x, who=None): L = self.buffers[who] # get buffer for stream L.append(x) if len(L) == 1 and all(self.buffers.values()): tup = tuple(self.buffers[up][0] for up in self.upstreams) for buf in self.buffers.values(): buf.popleft() self.condition.notify_all() if self.literals: tup = self.pack_literals(tup) tup = tuple(zipping(*tup)) return self._emit(tup) elif len(L) > self.maxsize: return self.condition.wait()