"""Running this demo assumes a Redis instance installed on localhost with default port and no authentication requirements. """ from uuid import uuid4 from tornado import log from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler from tornadose.stores import RedisStore from tornadose.handlers import EventSource import redis store = RedisStore(channel='mychannel') def send_random_string(store): store.submit(str(uuid4()), debug=True) class MainHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render('redis-pubsub.html') if __name__ == "__main__": log.enable_pretty_logging() app = Application([(r'/', MainHandler), (r'/stream', EventSource, dict(store=store))], template_path='templates', debug=True)
def setUp(self): self.store = RedisStore(channel='tornadose-test') super(TestRedisStore, self).setUp()