    def get_form(cls, connector: 'MySQLConnector', current_config):
        Method to retrieve the form with a current config
        For example, once the connector is set,
        - we are able to give suggestions for the `database` field
        - if `database` is set, we are able to give suggestions for the `table` field
        constraints = {}

        with suppress(Exception):
            connection = pymysql.connect(**connector.get_connection_params(
                cursorclass=None, database=current_config.get('database')))
            # Always add the suggestions for the available databases
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                cursor.execute('SHOW DATABASES;')
                res = cursor.fetchall()
                # res = (('information_schema',), ('mysql_db',))
                available_dbs = [db_name for (db_name, ) in res]
                constraints['database'] = strlist_to_enum(
                    'database', available_dbs)

                if 'database' in current_config:
                    cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES;')
                    res = cursor.fetchall()
                    available_tables = [table_name for (table_name, ) in res]
                    constraints['table'] = strlist_to_enum(
                        'table', available_tables, None)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'MSSQLConnector', current_config):
        Method to retrieve the form with a current config
        For example, once the connector is set,
        - we are able to give suggestions for the `database` field
        - if `database` is set, we are able to give suggestions for the `table` field
        constraints = {}

        with suppress(Exception):
            connection = pyodbc.connect(**connector.get_connection_params(
                database=current_config.get('database', 'tempdb')))
            # # Always add the suggestions for the available databases
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                cursor.execute('SELECT name FROM sys.databases;')
                res = cursor.fetchall()
                available_dbs = [r[0] for r in res]
                constraints['database'] = strlist_to_enum(
                    'database', available_dbs)

                if 'database' in current_config:
                    res = cursor.fetchall()
                    available_tables = [table_name for (table_name, ) in res]
                    constraints['table'] = strlist_to_enum(
                        'table', available_tables, None)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'ClickhouseConnector', current_config):
        Method to retrieve the form with a current config
        For example, once the connector is set,
        - we are able to give suggestions for the `database` field
        - if `database` is set, we are able to give suggestions for the `table` field
        constraints = {}

        with suppress(Exception):
            connection = clickhouse_driver.connect(
            # Always add the suggestions for the available databases

            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                cursor.execute('SHOW DATABASES')
                res = cursor.fetchall()
                available_dbs = [
                    db_name for (db_name, ) in res if db_name != 'system'
                constraints['database'] = strlist_to_enum(
                    'database', available_dbs)

                if 'database' in current_config:
                        f"""SELECT name FROM system.tables WHERE database = '{current_config["database"]}'"""
                    res = cursor.fetchall()
                    available_tables = [table[0] for table in res]
                    constraints['table'] = strlist_to_enum(
                        'table', available_tables, None)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'MySQLConnector', current_config):
        Method to retrieve the form with a current config
        For example, once the connector is set,
        - we are able to give suggestions for the `database` field
        - if `database` is set, we are able to give suggestions for the `table` field
        connection = pymysql.connect(**connector.get_connection_params(
            cursorclass=None, database=current_config.get('database')))

        # Add constraints to the schema
        # the key has to be a valid field
        # the value is either <default value> or a tuple ( <type>, <default value> )
        # If the field is required, the <default value> has to be '...' (cf pydantic doc)
        constraints = {}

        # # Always add the suggestions for the available databases
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            cursor.execute('SHOW DATABASES;')
            res = cursor.fetchall()
            # res = (('information_schema',), ('mysql_db',))
            available_dbs = [db_name for (db_name, ) in res]
            constraints['database'] = strlist_to_enum('database',

            if 'database' in current_config:
                cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES;')
                res = cursor.fetchall()
                available_tables = [table_name for (table_name, ) in res]
                constraints['table'] = strlist_to_enum('table',

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'PostgresConnector', current_config):
        Method to retrieve the form with a current config
        For example, once the connector is set,
        - we are able to give suggestions for the `database` field
        - if `database` is set, we are able to give suggestions for the `table` field
        constraints = {}

        with suppress(Exception):
            connection = pgsql.connect(
                    database=current_config.get('database', 'postgres')
            # # Always add the suggestions for the available databases
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                cursor.execute("""select datname from pg_database where datistemplate = false;""")
                res = cursor.fetchall()
                available_dbs = [db_name for (db_name,) in res]
                constraints['database'] = strlist_to_enum('database', available_dbs)

                if 'database' in current_config:
                        """select table_schema, table_name from information_schema.tables
                    where table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema');"""
                    res = cursor.fetchall()
                    available_tables = [table_name for (_, table_name) in res]
                    constraints['table'] = strlist_to_enum('table', available_tables)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'MongoConnector', current_config):
        Method to retrieve the form with a current config
        For example, once the connector is set,
        - we are able to give suggestions for the `database` field
        - if `database` is set, we are able to give suggestions for the `collection` field
        client = pymongo.MongoClient(connector.uri, ssl=connector.ssl)

        # Add constraints to the schema
        # the key has to be a valid field
        # the value is either <default value> or a tuple ( <type>, <default value> )
        # If the field is required, the <default value> has to be '...' (cf pydantic doc)
        constraints = {}

        # Always add the suggestions for the available databases
        available_databases = client.list_database_names()
        constraints['database'] = strlist_to_enum('database',

        if 'database' in current_config:
            validate_database(client, current_config['database'])
            available_cols = client[
            constraints['collection'] = strlist_to_enum(
                'collection', available_cols)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'SnowflakeConnector', current_config):
        constraints = {}

        with suppress(Exception):
            databases = connector._get_databases()
            warehouses = connector._get_warehouses()
            # Restrict some fields to lists of existing counterparts
            constraints['database'] = strlist_to_enum('database', databases)
            constraints['warehouse'] = strlist_to_enum('warehouse', warehouses)

        res = create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
        res['properties']['warehouse']['default'] = connector.default_warehouse
        return res
def test_strlist_to_enum_default_value():
    """It should be possible to add a default value (not required)"""
    model = create_model('Test',
                         pokemon=strlist_to_enum('pokemon', ['pika', 'bulbi'],
    assert model.schema() == {
        'title': 'Test',
        'type': 'object',
        'definitions': {
            'pokemon': {
                'description': 'An enumeration.',
                'enum': ['pika', 'bulbi'],
                'title': 'pokemon',
                'type': 'string',
        'properties': {
            'pokemon': {
                'allOf': [{
                    '$ref': '#/definitions/pokemon'
                'default': 'pika'
 def get_form(cls, connector: 'GithubConnector', current_config, **kwargs):
     """Retrieve a form filled with suggestions of available organizations."""
     # Always add the suggestions for the available organizations
     constraints = {}
     with suppress(Exception):
         available_organizations = connector.get_organizations()
         constraints['organization'] = strlist_to_enum(
             'organization', available_organizations)
     return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'GoogleSheetsConnector', current_config,
        """Retrieve a form filled with suggestions of available sheets."""
        # Always add the suggestions for the available sheets
        constraints = {}
        with suppress(Exception):
            available_sheets = connector.list_sheets(
            constraints['sheet'] = strlist_to_enum('sheet', available_sheets)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'MongoConnector', current_config):
        Method to retrieve the form with a current config
        For example, once the connector is set,
        - we are able to give suggestions for the `database` field
        - if `database` is set, we are able to give suggestions for the `collection` field
        constraints = {}

        client = pymongo.MongoClient(**connector._get_mongo_client_kwargs())
        # Always add the suggestions for the available databases
        available_databases = client.list_database_names()
        constraints['database'] = strlist_to_enum('database', available_databases)

        if 'database' in current_config:
            validate_database(client, current_config['database'])
            available_cols = client[current_config['database']].list_collection_names()
            constraints['collection'] = strlist_to_enum('collection', available_cols)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'SoapConnector', current_config):
        constraints = {}
        client = connector.create_client()
        methods_docs = cls._get_methods_docs(client)
        constraints['method'] = strlist_to_enum('method',

        res = create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
            'description'] = f'Services documentation: <br> {"<br>".join(list(methods_docs.values()))}'
        return res
 def get_form(cls, connector: 'RedshiftConnector', current_config):
     constraints = {}
     with suppress(Exception):
         if 'database' in current_config:
             ds = RedshiftDataSource(domain='Redshift',
             available_tables = connector._retrieve_tables(
             constraints['table'] = strlist_to_enum('table',
                                                    available_tables, None)
     return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'GoogleSheetsConnector', current_config):
        # Always add the suggestions for the available sheets
        constraints = {}
        with suppress(Exception):
            data = connector.bearer_oauth_get_endpoint(
            available_sheets = [
                str(x['properties']['title']) for x in data['sheets']
            constraints['sheet'] = strlist_to_enum('sheet', available_sheets)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'GoogleSheets2Connector', current_config,
        """Retrieve a form filled with suggestions of available sheets."""
        # Always add the suggestions for the available sheets
        constraints = {}
        with suppress(Exception):
            partial_endpoint = current_config['spreadsheet_id']
            final_url = f'{connector._baseroute}{partial_endpoint}'
            data = connector._run_fetch(final_url)
            available_sheets = [
                str(x['properties']['title']) for x in data['sheets']
            constraints['sheet'] = strlist_to_enum('sheet', available_sheets)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()
def test_strlist_to_enum_required():
    """It should be required by default"""
    model = create_model('Test',
                         pokemon=strlist_to_enum('pokemon', ['pika', 'bulbi']))
    assert model.schema() == {
        'title': 'Test',
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
            'pokemon': {
                'title': 'Pokemon',
                'enum': ['pika', 'bulbi'],
                'type': 'string'
        'required': ['pokemon']
def test_strlist_to_enum_required():
    """It should be required by default"""
    model = create_model('Test', pokemon=strlist_to_enum('pokemon', ['pika', 'bulbi']))
    assert model.schema() == {
        'title': 'Test',
        'type': 'object',
        'definitions': {
            'pokemon': {
                'description': 'An enumeration.',
                'enum': ['pika', 'bulbi'],
                'title': 'pokemon',
                'type': 'string',
        'properties': {'pokemon': {'$ref': '#/definitions/pokemon'}},
        'required': ['pokemon'],
def test_strlist_to_enum_default_value():
    """It should be possible to add a default value (not required)"""
    model = create_model('Test',
                         pokemon=strlist_to_enum('pokemon', ['pika', 'bulbi'],
    assert model.schema() == {
        'title': 'Test',
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
            'pokemon': {
                'title': 'Pokemon',
                'default': 'pika',
                'enum': ['pika', 'bulbi'],
                'type': 'string'
    def get_form(cls, connector: 'OracleSQLConnector', current_config):
        Method to retrieve the form with a current config
        For example, once the connector is set,
        - we are able to give suggestions for the `database` field
        - if `database` is set, we are able to give suggestions for the `table` field
        constraints = {}

        with suppress(Exception):
            connection = cx_Oracle.connect(**connector.get_connection_params())
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                cursor.execute("""select table_name from ALL_TABLES""")
                res = cursor.fetchall()
                # Filter tables starting with an '_' because strlist_to_enum cannot
                # set attributes starting with '_'
                available_tables = [table_name for (table_name,) in res if table_name[0] != '_']
                constraints['table'] = strlist_to_enum('table', available_tables, None)

        return create_model('FormSchema', **constraints, __base__=cls).schema()