def _get_data(): """ Runs the analysis and saves the data to be used later for plotting. """ # get the Roessler trajectory print("Roessler trajectory ...") t = np.linspace(0., 1000., 100000.) params = (0.432, 2., 4.) x0 = (1., 3., 5.) pos = tm.roessler(x0, t, params) i_eq = 90000 x, y, z = pos[i_eq:, 0], pos[i_eq:, 1], pos[i_eq:, 2] t = t[i_eq:] # set the X component as our measured signal s = x.copy() # get mi print("MI ...") maxlag = np.where(t <= (t[0] + 10.))[0][-1].astype("int") mi, mi_lags = rc.mi(s, maxlag) mi_filt, _ = utils.boxfilter(mi, filter_width=25, estimate="mean") tau_mi = rc.first_minimum(mi_filt) print("FNN ...") M = 10 R = 0.50 fnn_mi, dims_mi = rc.fnn(s, tau_mi, maxdim=M, r=R) m_mi = dims_mi[rc.first_zero(fnn_mi)] # save data print("save output ...") FN = "../data/delay_embedding/results" np.savez(FN, x=x, y=y, z=z, t=t, params=params, x0=x0, i_eq=i_eq, s=s, maxlag=maxlag, mi=mi, mi_lags=mi_lags, mi_filt=mi_filt, tau_mi=tau_mi, M=M, R=R, fnn_mi=fnn_mi, dims_mi=dims_mi, m_mi=m_mi) print("saved to: %s.npz" % FN) return None
nR = len(aR) mR = 5000 yR_eq = [] kR = 5 x0R = (-1. + 2. * np.random.rand(nR, kR), -1. + 2. * np.random.rand(nR, kR), 1. * np.random.rand(nR, kR)) count = 0 TOL = 1E-3 pbar_on = True pb = _progressbar_start(max_value=nR * kR, pbar_on=pbar_on) for i in range(nR): params = (aR[i], bR, cR) yR_eq_ = [] for l in range(kR): x0R_ = (x0R[0][i, l], x0R[1][i, l], x0R[2][i, l]) XR = tm.roessler(x0R_, TR, params) xR_ = XR[-mR:, 0] yR_ = XR[-mR:, 1] if np.all((yR_[1:] - yR_[:-1]) < TOL): yR_eq_.extend(yR_) else: d2y = np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(yR_))) iipos = np.where(d2y == -2.)[0] + 1 if len(iipos) > 0: yR_eq_.extend(yR_[iipos]) iineg = np.where(d2y == 2.)[0] + 1 if len(iineg) > 0: yR_eq_.extend(yR_[iineg]) _progressbar_update(pb, count) count += 1 np.random.shuffle(yR_eq_)
for k in range(m): xe[k] = x[ne:] + E * std * re[k] xhi = np.percentile(xe, 97.5, axis=0) xlo = np.percentile(xe, 2.5, axis=0) # 2) plot ax1.plot(t, x, "-", c=main_clr, zorder=10, alpha=0.75) ax1.fill_between(te, xhi, xlo, color=err_clr) ax1.axvline(te[0], color="IndianRed", linestyle="--") # nonlinear example # ----------------- print("nonlinear example ...") # 1) get primary time series params = (0.3, 0.4, 7.5) x0 = (0.0, -1., 1.) pos = tm.roessler(x0, t, params) x, y, z = pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], pos[:, 2] # 2) get noise limit based on variance of main trajectory std = np.std(x) # 3) get upper and lower bounds on trajectory using erroneous IC ne = int(n / 2) te = t[ne:] xe = np.zeros((m, len(te))) re = np.random.randn(m) for k in range(m): xe0 = (x[ne] + E * std * re[k], y[ne], z[ne]) pose = tm.roessler(xe0, t[ne:], params) xe[k] = pose[:, 0] xhi = np.percentile(xe, 97.5, axis=0) xlo = np.percentile(xe, 2.5, axis=0) # 2) plot
clr3 = "IndianRed" # time vector T = np.linspace(0., 600., 600001) n = len(T) i = int(n / 2) t1 = T[:i] t2 = T[i:] neq = 50000 # spiral-type chaos # ----------------- print("spiral-type chaos ...") params = (0.32, 0.3, 4.5) x0 = (0.0, -1., 1.) pos = tm.roessler(x0, t1, params) x1, y1, z1 = pos[neq:, 0], pos[neq:, 1], pos[neq:, 2] # screw-type chaos # ---------------- print("screw-type chaos ...") params = (0.38, 0.4, 4.820) x0 = (x1[-1], y1[-1], z1[-1]) pos = tm.roessler(x0, t2, params) x2, y2, z2 = pos[neq:, 0], pos[neq:, 1], pos[neq:, 2] # get full time series and the mean and variance filter print("mean and variance ...") X = np.r_[x1, x2] T = T[:-2 * neq] n = len(T)
ax2.imshow(R,, interpolation="none", origin="lower", rasterized=True) del R ax2.set_title(r"$\tau_e = %d, m_e = %d, \varepsilon = 0.15$" % (tau_mi, m_mi), fontsize=axlabfs) # C. Chaotic Roessler print("C. Chaotic Roessler ...") t = np.linspace(0., 1000., 100000.) params = (0.432, 2., 4.) x0 = (1., 3., 5.) pos = tm.roessler(x0, t, params) i_eq = 50000 sample_every = 10 t = t[i_eq::sample_every] # set the X component as our measured signal x = pos[i_eq::sample_every, 0] # get mi maxlag = np.where(t <= (t[0] + 10.))[0][-1].astype("int") mi, mi_lags = rc.mi(x, maxlag) mi_filt, _ = utils.boxfilter(mi, filter_width=25, estimate="mean") tau_mi = rc.first_minimum(mi_filt) # FNN M = 10 R = 0.025 fnn_mi, dims_mi = rc.fnn(x, tau_mi, maxdim=M, r=R) m_mi = dims_mi[rc.first_zero(fnn_mi)]
clrs = ["MediumTurquoise", "GoldenRod", "IndianRed"] # Lorenz butterfly # ---------------- print("Roessler ...") Tx = np.linspace(0., 1000., 100000.) params = (0.432, 2., 4.) x0 = { 1: (1., 3., 5.), 2: (7.5, -4.5, 1.), 3: (-2.5, -4.5, 0.), } X = {} for i in range(1, 4): print("\tinitial condition #%d" % i) X[i] = tm.roessler(x0[i], Tx, params) # Henon map # --------- print("Henon map ...") Ty = np.arange(0, 10000, 1) params = (1.4, 0.30) y0 = { 1: (-1., 0.), 2: (1., -0.1), 3: (0.5, 0.1), } Y = {} for i in range(1, 4): print("\tinitial condition #%d" % i) Y[i] = tm.henon(y0[i], Ty[-1], params)