def load(self, data, training=True): print('Loading Audio') = training m = Manager() audio = set() for i in data: _, _, path = i.strip().split('@') if path not in audio: audio.add(path + self.domain + '.npy') self.feats = m.dict() if training: self.mean, self.std = m.list(), m.list() with Pool(processes=100) as p: with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(audio)) as pbar: for i, _ in tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(p.imap_unordered(self._load, audio))): pbar.update() examples, lengths = {}, {} for i in data: key, _, path = i.strip().split('@') path += self.domain + '.npy' if path in self.feats: examples[key] = path lengths[key] = self.feats[path] #$import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if self.mean = (sum(self.mean) / (len(self.mean) + 1)) self.std = sum(self.std) / (len(self.std) + 1) self.dim = self.mean.shape[0] del self.feats return examples, lengths
def img_rescaler(dir_in, extension_in, threads=1): """ Import an image, rescale it to normal UBYTE (0-255, 8 bit) range, and re-save it. """ dir_out = os.path.join(dir_in, "rescaled") total_files = 0 for path, folder, filename in os.walk(dir_in): if dir_out not in path: for f in filename: if f.endswith(extension_in): total_files += 1 print("\nYou have {} images to analyze".format(total_files)) for path, folder, filename in os.walk(dir_in): if dir_out not in path: # Don't run in the output directory. # Make directory for saving objects subpath = path[len(dir_in)+1:] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_out, subpath)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir_out, subpath)) # What we'll do: global _core_fn # bad form for compatibility def _core_fn(filename): if filename.endswith(extension_in): # count progress. path_in = os.path.join(path, filename) subpath_in = os.path.join(subpath, filename) # for printing purposes path_out = os.path.join(dir_out, subpath, filename) if os.path.exists(path_out): #skip print("\nALREADY ANALYZED: {}. Skipping...\n".format(subpath_in)) else: #(try to) do it try: img = io.imread(path_in) # load image img = img_as_ubyte(img / np.max(img)) io.imsave(path_out, img) except: print("Couldn't analyze {}".format(subpath_in)) return() # run it sleep(1) # to give everything time to load thread_pool = Pool(threads) # Work on _core_fn (and give progressbar) tqdm.tqdm(thread_pool.imap_unordered(_core_fn, filename, chunksize=1), total=total_files) # finish thread_pool.close() thread_pool.join() return()
def fit(use_onecycle=False, model=model): print("Epoch\tTrn_loss\tVal_loss\tTrn_acc\t\tVal_acc") for j in range(epoch): t = tqdm.tqdm(train_loader, leave=False, total=len(train_loader)) train(t, j, use_onecycle, model) t = tqdm.tqdm(train_loader, leave=False, total=len(train_loader)) test(t, model) #pdb.set_trace() print(j + 1, trn_losses[-1], val_losses[-1], sum(trn_accs) / len(trn_accs), sum(val_accs) / len(val_accs))
def sn7_convert_geojsons_to_csv(json_dirs, population='proposal'): ''' Convert jsons to csv Population is either "ground" or "proposal" ''' first_file = True # switch that will be turned off once we process the first file for json_dir in tqdm.tqdm(json_dirs): json_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(json_dir, '*.geojson'))) for json_file in tqdm.tqdm(json_files): try: df = gpd.read_file(json_file) except (fiona.errors.DriverError): message = '! Invalid dataframe for %s' % json_file print(message) continue #raise Exception(message) if population == 'ground': file_name_col = df.image_fname.apply( lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[0]) elif population == 'proposal': file_name_col = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(json_file))[0] else: raise Exception('! Invalid population') all_geom = [] for g in df.geometry.scale(xfact=1 / scale, yfact=1 / scale, origin=(0, 0)): g0 = g.simplify(0.25) g0 = loads(dumps(g0, rounding_precision=2)) all_geom.append(g0) df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({ 'filename': file_name_col, 'id': df.Id.astype(int), 'geometry': all_geom, }) if len(df) == 0: message = '! Empty dataframe for %s' % json_file print(message) #raise Exception(message) if first_file: net_df = df first_file = False else: net_df = net_df.append(df) return net_df
def get_features(self, image_list, model=None): self.image_list = image_list.files if Path('features/{}_features.npy'.format(self.dataset_name)).exists():'Feature files are found.') self.load_features() else:'Feature Extraction, It may take a while...') if model is not None: self.model = model embeddings = np.zeros((len(self.image_list), 512)) for idx in tqdm.tqdm( range(0, len(self.image_list), self.batch_size)): batch_list = self.image_list[idx:idx + self.batch_size] batch_data = self.get_batch_img(batch_list) batch_data = torch.FloatTensor(batch_data).to(self.device) embed = self.model(batch_data) embeddings[idx:idx + self.batch_size] = embed.detach().cpu().numpy() embed = None self.features = embeddings self.save_feature() labels = image_list.Class_ID le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() self.labels = le.fit_transform(labels)
def parallel_apply(df_column, function, number_of_workers, loading_bars, **props): """ This function will run pandas.apply in parallel depending on the number of CPUS the user specifies. """ steps = len(df_column) / number_of_workers mid_dfs = [] for x in range(number_of_workers): if x == number_of_workers - 1: mid_dfs.append(df_column.iloc[int(steps * x):]) else: mid_dfs.append(df_column.iloc[int(steps * x):int(steps * (x + 1))]) main_df = None with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=number_of_workers) as executor: results = [] for mid_df in mid_dfs: results.append(executor.submit(__aw__, mid_df, function, **props)) if loading_bars: for f in tqdm.tqdm(cf.as_completed(results), total=number_of_workers): if main_df is None: main_df = f.result() else: main_df = main_df.append(f.result()) else: for f in cf.as_completed(results): if main_df is None: main_df = f.result() else: main_df = main_df.append(f.result()) return main_df
def execute_feature_combo1(feature_combo, feature_combo_id=0, params=pARAMS): mask = np.zeros(mp_globalsfs.data_per_fold[0][0].shape[1], dtype=bool) for fc in feature_combo: mask[fc] = True mp_globalsfs.mask = mask hyperparameter_search_scores = [] for c in params: pipeline = Pipeline([('imputation', SimpleImputer()), ('selection', MaskSelection(mask)), get_model(c)]) mp_globalsfs.parameter = c cv_scores = [] with Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as p: cv_scores = list( tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(run_fold, range(len(mp_globalsfs.data_per_fold))), total=len(mp_globalsfs.data_per_fold))) hyperparameter_search_scores.append(np.mean(cv_scores)) return (feature_combo_id, np.max(hyperparameter_search_scores), params[np.argmax(hyperparameter_search_scores)])
def pred(self, sample_size=1): """ Do prediction on train data. """ predictions = [] with torch.no_grad(): self.model.eval() total = len(self.train_dialogue_dataloader) for i, data in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(self.train_dialogue_dataloader), total=total): d_data = data post = d_data['post'].to(self.device) bs = len(post) enc_contexts = list() enc_contexts.append(self.model.encode(post)) styles = torch.ones(bs).long().to(self.device) top_p = self.config.annealing_topp prediction, lens = self.model.top_k_top_p_search( enc_contexts, top_p=top_p, styles=styles, sample_size=sample_size) for j in range(bs): post_str = self.ids2string(post[j]) for k in range(sample_size): pred_str = self.ids2string( prediction[j * sample_size + k], lens[j * sample_size + k] - 1) predictions.append((post_str, pred_str)) return predictions
def extract_object_feature(flags): is_cuda = t.cuda.is_available() # 是否有GPU资源 cnn = factory(flags, is_cuda, is_cuda) games = [] for set in ["train", "valid", "test"]: games.extend(get_games(flags.data_dir, set)) objectset = ObjectSet(games, flags.image_dir) batch_size = flags.batch_size objectloader = DataLoader(objectset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, collate_fn=collate) fea_dir = os.path.join(flags.fea_dir, flags.arch) if not os.path.exists(fea_dir): os.mkdir(fea_dir) fea_dir = os.path.join(fea_dir, flags.feature) f = h5py.File(os.path.join(fea_dir, "crop.hdf5"), "w") shape = tuple([len(objectset)] + list(flags.shape)) fea_set = f.create_dataset("feature", shape, chunks=True) index_set = f.create_dataset("index", (len(objectset),), dtype='i') index = 0 for batch_input in tqdm.tqdm(objectloader): # retrieve id images fea, ids = batch_input fea = cnn(fea).detach().cpu().numpy() size = ids.shape[0] fea_set[index:index + size] = fea index_set[index:index + size] = ids index += size f.close()
def install_zip(zip_file, end_dir, rpath, arg): print('unzipping...', file=sys.stderr) import tqdm from zipfile import ZipFile with ZipFile(zip_file, 'r') as zipObj: # Get a list of all archived file names from the zip files = zipObj.namelist() for i in arg: if arg in files: pass else: files.append(i) import tqdm print('installing...') Bar = tqdm.tqdm(files) # Iterate over the file names first = None for fileName in Bar: # Extract a single file from zip if first == None: first = fileName try: zipObj.extract(fileName, end_dir) except: pass Bar.close()
def subsample(self, down_to=1, new_path=None, verbose=True): """Pick a given number of sequences from the file pseudo-randomly.""" # Pick the destination path # if new_path is None: subsampled = self.__class__(new_temp_path()) elif isinstance(new_path, FASTA): subsampled = new_path else: subsampled = self.__class__(new_path) # Check size # if down_to > len(self): message = "Can't subsample %s down to %i. Only down to %i." print(Color.ylw + message % (self, down_to, len(self)) + Color.end) self.copy(new_path) return # Select verbosity # import tqdm if verbose: wrapper = lambda x: tqdm.tqdm(x, total=self.count) else: wrapper = lambda x: x # Generator # def iterator(): for read in wrapper(isubsample(self, down_to)): yield read # Do it # subsampled.write(iterator()) # Did it work # assert len(subsampled) == down_to # Return # return subsampled
def preprocess_images(images, use_multiprocessing): """Resizes and shifts the dynamic range of image to 0-1 Args: images: np.array, shape: (N, H, W, 3), dtype: float32 between 0-1 or np.uint8 use_multiprocessing: If multiprocessing should be used to pre-process the images Return: final_images: torch.tensor, shape: (N, 3, 299, 299), dtype: torch.float32 between 0-1 """ if use_multiprocessing: with multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as pool: jobs = [] for im in tqdm.tqdm(images, desc="Starting FID jobs"): job = pool.apply_async(preprocess_image, (im, )) jobs.append(job) final_images = torch.zeros(images.shape[0], 3, 299, 299) for idx, job in enumerate(tqdm(jobs, desc="finishing jobs")): im = job.get() final_images[idx] = im #job.get() else: final_images = torch.zeros((len(images), 3, 299, 299), dtype=torch.float32) for idx in range(len(images)): im = preprocess_image(images[idx]) final_images[idx] = im assert final_images.shape == (images.shape[0], 3, 299, 299) assert final_images.max() <= 1.0 assert final_images.min() >= 0.0 assert final_images.dtype == torch.float32 return final_images
def train_one_epoch(self): """ Return: total_loss: the total loss during training accuracy: the mAP """ pred_bboxes, pred_labels, pred_scores = list(), list(), list() gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults = list(), list(), list() self.trainer.reset_meters() for ii, (img, sizes, bbox_, label_, scale, gt_difficults_) in \ tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(self.dataloader)): scale = at.scalar(scale) img, bbox, label = img.cuda().float(), bbox_.cuda(), label_.cuda() self.trainer.train_step(img, bbox, label, scale) if (ii + 1) % self.opt.plot_every == 0: sizes = [sizes[0][0].item(), sizes[1][0].item()] pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = \ self.faster_rcnn.predict(img, [sizes]) pred_bboxes += pred_bboxes_ pred_labels += pred_labels_ pred_scores += pred_scores_ gt_bboxes += list(bbox_.numpy()) gt_labels += list(label_.numpy()) gt_difficults += list(gt_difficults_.numpy()) return self.trainer.get_meter_data()['total_loss']
def test(self): self.netG.eval() self.netD.eval() for inputs, label in tqdm.tqdm(self.test_dataloader, desc='test'): # convert tensor to variables real_img = inputs.cuda().float() real_cond = ops.group_to_one_hot( label, age_group=self.age_group).cuda().float() real_ordinal_cond = ops.group_to_binary( label, age_group=self.age_group).cuda().float() desired_cond = ops.desired_group_to_one_hot( label, self.age_group).cuda().float() # test D loss_d_prob, loss_d_cond, fake_imgs_masked = self.forward_D( real_img, real_cond, real_ordinal_cond, desired_cond) loss_d_gp = self.gradient_penalty_D(real_img, fake_imgs_masked) # save losses self.loss_d_prob.append( self.loss_d_cond.append( self.loss_d_gp.append( # test G loss_g_masked_fake, loss_g_masked_cond, loss_g_mask, loss_g_mask_smooth = self.forward_G( real_img, real_cond, desired_cond, desired_ordinal_cond) loss_G = loss_g_masked_fake + loss_g_masked_cond + loss_g_mask + loss_g_mask_smooth # save losses self.loss_g_masked_fake.append( self.loss_g_masked_cond.append( self.loss_g_mask.append( self.loss_g_mask_smooth.append(
def copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None): import tqdm items = tqdm.tqdm(os.listdir(src)) fi = False for item in items: if fi == False: fi == item s = os.path.join(src, item) d = os.path.join(dst, item) s = s.replace('/', '\\') d = d.replace('/', '\\') if os.path.isdir(s): try: shutil.rmtree(d) except: pass try: shutil.copytree(s, d, symlinks, ignore) except Exception as ex: print('ERROR:', ex.__class__, str(ex)) else: try: shutil.copy2(s, d) except Exception as ex: print('ERROR:', ex.__class__, str(ex)) items.close() return fi
def greedy_find_clique_number2(graph, progress=False, nodes=None, \ ordering_func=None, node_deletion=True): graph_order = graph.order() if graph_order == 0: return 0 nodes = list(graph.nodes) if ordering_func is None else ordering_func(graph) output=0 node_index_iterator = tqdm.tqdm(range(graph_order)) if progress else\ range(graph_order) for i in node_index_iterator: node = nodes[i] neighbours = set(graph.neighbors(node)) if node_deletion: output = max(output, 1 + greedy_find_clique_number2(graph.subgraph(neighbours).copy(), progress=False, node_deletion=node_deletion)) graph.remove_node(node) else: output = max(output, 1 + greedy_find_clique_number2(graph.subgraph(neighbours), progress=False, node_deletion=node_deletion)) return output
def greedy_find_clique(graph, progress=False, nodes=None, ordering_func=None, node_deletion=True): """Finds the graph's clique (largest complete subgraph) """ graph_order = graph.order() if graph_order == 0: return [] if nodes is None: nodes = list(graph.nodes) if ordering_func is None else \ordering_func(graph) output=[] node_index_iterator = tqdm.tqdm(range(graph_order)) if progress else\ range(graph_order) for i in node_index_iterator: node = nodes[i] neighbours = set(graph.neighbors(node)) if node_deletion: subgraph_output = [node] + \ greedy_find_clique(graph.subgraph(neighbours).copy(), progress=False, nodes=[u for u in nodes[i+1:] if u in neighbours], node_deletion=node_deletion) graph.remove_node(node) else: subgraph_output = [node] + \ greedy_find_clique(graph.subgraph(neighbours), progress=False, nodes=[u for u in nodes if u in neighbours], node_deletion=node_deletion) output = output if len(output) >= len(subgraph_output) else subgraph_output return output
def tiftopng(self, path): list = os.listdir(path) for x in tqdm.tqdm(list): one = path + x a = new = path + x.replace('tif', 'png'), a)
def gen_vocab_lang8(dirs, vocab_out='', current_vocab=''): thu1 = thulac.thulac(T2S=True, seg_only=True) # 默认模式 dic = {} if current_vocab: with open(current_vocab) as fv: for line in fv: dic[line.split()[0]] = int(line.split()[1]) fv.close() cnt = 0 for dir in dirs: with open(dir + '.src.txt') as fs, open(dir + '.trg.txt') as ft: doc_num = fs.readlines() for line_src in tqdm.tqdm(doc_num): # cnt += 1 # if cnt > 10: # break line_trg = ft.readline() texts = [k[0] for k in thu1.cut(line_src, text=False)] texts.extend([k[0] for k in thu1.cut(line_trg, text=False)]) for t in set(texts): if t in dic: dic[t] += 1 else: dic[t] = 1 with open(vocab_out, 'w') as fvw: for k in dic: if k.strip(): fvw.write(k + ' ' + str(dic[k]) + '\n')
def generate_pianoroll( args, input_seq_ln, model, generated, samples_dir, min_note, max_note, ): temperature = float(args.temp) nr_samples = int( for i in tqdm.tqdm(list(range(nr_samples))): for timestep in range(input_seq_ln, len(generated)): start_index = timestep - (input_seq_ln) sequence_for_prediction = generated[start_index:timestep] # next_step, att = sample(model, sequence_for_prediction, temperature, withatt=True) next_step, _ = sample(model, sequence_for_prediction, temperature, withatt=args.att) # print(att.argsort()[-10:][::-1]) generated[timestep] = next_step generated_noseed = generated[input_seq_ln:] new_path = os.path.join(samples_dir, "temp_%s_%s.mid" % (temperature, i)) save_trim_pianoroll_seq(generated_noseed, min_note, max_note, new_path) plot_midifile(new_path, samples_dir, "temp_%s_%s.png" % (temperature, i))
def __init__(self, tokenizer: Type[transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer], file_path: str, block_size=512): file_path: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(file_path) assert file_path.is_file(), f'{file_path} is not file' block_size = block_size - (tokenizer.max_len - tokenizer.max_len_single_sentence)"Creating tokens from dataset file at %s", file_path) self.examples = [] with open(str(file_path), encoding="utf-8") as f: text = tokenized_text = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( tokenizer.tokenize(text)) # Truncate in block of block_size for i in tqdm.tqdm( range(0, len(tokenized_text) - block_size + 1, block_size)): self.examples.append( tokenizer.build_inputs_with_special_tokens( tokenized_text[i:i + block_size]))
def eval(self, dataloader, faster_rcnn, test_num=10000): pred_bboxes, pred_labels, pred_scores = list(), list(), list() gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults = list(), list(), list() total_losses = list() for ii, (imgs, sizes, gt_bboxes_, gt_labels_, scale, gt_difficults_) \ in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)): img = imgs.cuda().float() bbox = gt_bboxes_.cuda() label = gt_labels_.cuda() sizes = [sizes[0][0].item(), sizes[1][0].item()] pred_bboxes_, pred_labels_, pred_scores_ = \ faster_rcnn.predict(imgs, [sizes]) losses = self.trainer.forward(img, bbox, label, float(scale)) total_losses.append(losses.total_loss.item()) gt_bboxes += list(gt_bboxes_.numpy()) gt_labels += list(gt_labels_.numpy()) gt_difficults += list(gt_difficults_.numpy()) pred_bboxes += pred_bboxes_ pred_labels += pred_labels_ pred_scores += pred_scores_ if ii == test_num: break result = eval_detection_voc( pred_bboxes, pred_labels, pred_scores, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_difficults, use_07_metric=True) total_loss = sum(total_losses) / len(total_losses) return total_loss, result
def eval(self, dataloader, yolo, test_num=10000): labels = [] sample_metrics = [] # List of tuples (TP, confs, pred) total_losses = list() Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.FloatTensor for batch_i, (_, imgs, targets) in enumerate(tqdm.tqdm(dataloader, desc="Detecting objects")): # Extract labels labels += targets[:, 1].tolist() # Rescale target targets = Variable(, requires_grad=False) imgs = Variable(imgs.type(Tensor), requires_grad=False) with torch.no_grad(): loss, outputs = yolo(imgs, targets) outputs = non_max_suppression(outputs, conf_thres=0.5, nms_thres=0.5) total_losses.append(loss.item()) targets ="cpu") targets[:, 2:] = xywh2xyxy(targets[:, 2:]) targets[:, 2:] *= int(self.model_config['img_size']) sample_metrics += get_batch_statistics(outputs, targets, iou_threshold=0.5) if len(sample_metrics) > 0: true_positives, pred_scores, pred_labels = [np.concatenate(x, 0) for x in list(zip(*sample_metrics))] precision, recall, AP, f1, ap_class = ap_per_class(true_positives, pred_scores, pred_labels, labels) else: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 total_loss = sum(total_losses) / len(total_losses) return total_loss, AP.mean(), recall.mean()
def build_images_folder(data_root, X, labels, dest_folder): images = data_folder/"images" for i, (x, y) in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(zip(X, labels))): folder = images/dest_folder/f"{y}" ensure_folder(folder) x = x.numpy() image = np.stack([x for ch in range(3)], axis=-1) PIL.Image.fromarray(image).save(folder/f"img{y}_{i:06d}.png")
def window_powers_max_any(width, height, serial): previous = dict() powers = dict(((i, j, w), window_powers(i, j, serial, w, previous)) for w in tqdm.tqdm(range(1, 300)) for i in range(1, 300) for j in range(1, 300)) return max(previous, key=previous.get)
def _eval_train(self, epoch, after_step_funcs=[]): self.model.train() loss, acc, step_count = 0, 0, 0 #'epoch %d, rank %d, before loop' % (epoch, self.rank)) total = len(self.train_dataloader) for i, data in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(self.train_dataloader), total=total): d_data = data text, style = d_data['text'].to(self.device), d_data['style'].to( self.device) text_len = d_data['text_len'].to(self.device) outputs = self.model(text[:, 1:], text_len - 1) batch_loss = self.criterion(outputs, style) batch_acc = (torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1) == style).float().mean() full_loss = batch_loss / self.config.batch_split full_loss.backward() loss += batch_loss.item() acc += batch_acc.item() step_count += 1 #'epoch %d, batch %d' % (epoch, i)) if (i + 1) % self.config.batch_split == 0: if self.config.clip_grad is not None: for group in self.optimizer.param_groups: nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(group['params'], self.config.clip_grad) # update weights self.optimizer.step() self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.optimizer.curr_step() % self.config.save_interval == 0: for func in after_step_funcs: func(self.optimizer.curr_step(), self.device) # shit log if you are node 0 in every step if self.rank == -1 or self.rank == 0: loss /= step_count acc /= step_count self.train_writer.add_scalar('loss/loss', loss, self.optimizer.curr_step()) self.train_writer.add_scalar('acc/acc', acc, self.optimizer.curr_step()) self.train_writer.add_scalar('lr/lr', self.optimizer.rate(), self.optimizer.curr_step()) loss, acc, step_count = 0, 0, 0 # only valid on dev and sample on dev data at every eval_steps if self.optimizer.curr_step() % self.config.eval_steps == 0: self._eval_test(epoch, self.optimizer.curr_step(), self.optimizer.rate())
def multiprocess_gdf(fxn, gdf, *args, num_cores=None, **kwargs): from joblib import Parallel, delayed num_cores = num_cores if num_cores else multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 2 split_dfs = [gdf.iloc[[i]] for i in range(len(gdf))] # Run fxn in counts results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(fxn)(i, *args, **kwargs) for i in tqdm.tqdm(split_dfs)) # Combine individual gdfs back into one output = pd.concat(results) return output
def download_kgml_files(kegg_pathway_ids, path=KEGG_FILES): """Download KEGG KGML files by querying the KEGG API. :param list kegg_pathway_ids: list of kegg ids """ for kegg_id in tqdm.tqdm(kegg_pathway_ids, desc='Downloading KEGG files'): request = requests.get(KEGG_KGML_URL.format(kegg_id)) with open(os.path.join(path, '{}.xml'.format(kegg_id)), 'w+') as file: file.write(request.text) file.close()
def validation(model_dibert, criterion_cls,criterion_mlm,criterion_pp, valid_iter, epoch): model_dibert.eval() losses_cls = [] losses_mlm = [] losses_pp = [] l_cls = [] p_cls = [] l_pp = [] p_pp = [] l_mlm = [] p_mlm = [] softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1) print('\nValid_Epoch:', epoch) with torch.no_grad(): for batch in tqdm.tqdm(valid_iter): input_ids = batch['input_ids'].cuda() attention_mask = batch['attention_mask'].cuda() token_type_ids = batch['token_type_ids'].cuda() #truelabel_pp = batch['indexes'].cuda() truelabel_pp = batch['parent_ids'].cuda() truelabel_mlm = batch['mask_ids'].cuda() truelabel_cls = batch['cls_label'].cuda() logits_cls, logits_mlm, logits_pp = model_dibert(input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids) ## if out dim is (bs x seqlen x numclass) -> (total_words_batch x numclass) ## if true label is (bs x seqlen) -> (total_words_batch) loss_mlm = criterion_mlm(logits_mlm.view(-1, model.Config.vocab_size), truelabel_mlm.view(-1)) loss_cls = criterion_cls(logits_cls.view(-1, 2), truelabel_cls.view(-1)) if (Config.is_dibert == True): #loss_pp = criterion_pp(logits_pp.view(-1, model.Config.max_len), truelabel_pp.view(-1)) loss_pp = criterion_pp(logits_pp.view(-1, model.Config.vocab_size), truelabel_pp.view(-1)) losses_pp.append(loss_pp.item()) pred_pp = softmax(logits_pp).argmax(2) nptrue_pp, nppreds_pp = utils.prune_preds(truelabel_pp.view(-1), pred_pp.view(-1)) l_pp.extend(nptrue_pp) p_pp.extend(nppreds_pp) losses_cls.append(loss_cls.item()) losses_mlm.append(loss_mlm.item()) # for now we are only interested in accuracy and f1 of the classification task l_cls.extend(truelabel_cls.cpu().detach().numpy()) preds_cls = softmax(logits_cls).argmax(1) p_cls.extend(preds_cls.view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy()) pred_mlm = softmax(logits_mlm).argmax(2) nptrue_mlm, nppreds_mlm = utils.prune_preds(truelabel_mlm.view(-1), pred_mlm.view(-1)) l_mlm.extend(nptrue_mlm) p_mlm.extend(nppreds_mlm) return losses_cls, losses_mlm, losses_pp, l_cls, p_cls, l_mlm, p_mlm, l_pp, p_pp
def ap_per_class(tp, conf, pred_cls, target_cls): """ Compute the average precision, given the recall and precision curves. Source: # Arguments tp: True positives (list). conf: Objectness value from 0-1 (list). pred_cls: Predicted object classes (list). target_cls: True object classes (list). # Returns The average precision as computed in py-faster-rcnn. """ # Sort by objectness i = np.argsort(-conf) tp, conf, pred_cls = tp[i], conf[i], pred_cls[i] # Find unique classes unique_classes = np.unique(target_cls) # Create Precision-Recall curve and compute AP for each class ap, p, r = [], [], [] for c in tqdm.tqdm(unique_classes, desc="Computing AP"): i = pred_cls == c n_gt = (target_cls == c).sum() # Number of ground truth objects n_p = i.sum() # Number of predicted objects if n_p == 0 and n_gt == 0: continue elif n_p == 0 or n_gt == 0: ap.append(0) r.append(0) p.append(0) else: # Accumulate FPs and TPs fpc = (1 - tp[i]).cumsum() tpc = (tp[i]).cumsum() # Recall recall_curve = tpc / (n_gt + 1e-16) r.append(recall_curve[-1]) # Precision precision_curve = tpc / (tpc + fpc) p.append(precision_curve[-1]) # AP from recall-precision curve ap.append(compute_ap(recall_curve, precision_curve)) # Compute F1 score (harmonic mean of precision and recall) p, r, ap = np.array(p), np.array(r), np.array(ap) f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r + 1e-16) return p, r, ap, f1, unique_classes.astype("int32")
def select(save_path): train_word = np.load('./data/train_word.npy') train_pos1 = np.load('./data/train_pos1.npy') train_pos2 = np.load('./data/train_pos2.npy') train_entitypair = np.load('./data/train_entitypair.npy') y_train = np.load('data/train_y.npy') all_sentence_ebd = np.load('./data/all_sentence_ebd.npy') all_reward = np.load('./data/all_reward.npy') entity_ebd = np.load('origin_data/entity_ebd.npy') selected_word = [] selected_pos1 = [] selected_pos2 = [] selected_y = [] g_rl = tf.Graph() sess2 = tf.Session(graph=g_rl) env = environment(230) with g_rl.as_default(): with sess2.as_default(): myAgent = agent(0.02, entity_ebd, 460) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess2, save_path=save_path) g_rl.finalize() for epoch in range(1): total_reward = [] num_chosen = 0 all_list = list(range(len(all_sentence_ebd))) for batch in tqdm.tqdm(all_list): batch_en1 = train_entitypair[batch][0] batch_en2 = train_entitypair[batch][1] batch_sentence_ebd = all_sentence_ebd[batch] batch_reward = all_reward[batch] batch_len = len(batch_sentence_ebd) batch_word = train_word[batch] batch_pos1 = train_pos1[batch] batch_pos2 = train_pos2[batch] batch_y = [y_train[batch] for x in range(len(batch_word))] # reset environment state = env.reset(batch_en1, batch_en2, batch_sentence_ebd, batch_reward) old_prob = [] # get action # start = time.time() for i in range(batch_len): state_in = np.append(state[0], state[1]) feed_dict = {} feed_dict[myAgent.entity1] = [state[2]] feed_dict[myAgent.entity2] = [state[3]] feed_dict[myAgent.state_in] = [state_in] prob =, feed_dict=feed_dict) old_prob.append(prob[0]) action = decide_action(prob) # produce data for training cnn model state = env.step(action) if action == 1: num_chosen+=1 #print (old_prob) chosen_reward = [batch_reward[x] for x in env.list_selected] total_reward += chosen_reward selected_word += [batch_word[x] for x in env.list_selected] selected_pos1 += [batch_pos1[x] for x in env.list_selected] selected_pos2 += [batch_pos2[x] for x in env.list_selected] selected_y += [batch_y[x] for x in env.list_selected] print(num_chosen) selected_word = np.array(selected_word) selected_pos1 = np.array(selected_pos1) selected_pos2 = np.array(selected_pos2) selected_y = np.array(selected_y)'cnndata/selected_word.npy',selected_word)'cnndata/selected_pos1.npy', selected_pos1)'cnndata/selected_pos2.npy', selected_pos2)'cnndata/selected_y.npy', selected_y)
def train(): train_word = np.load('./data/train_word.npy') train_pos1 = np.load('./data/train_pos1.npy') train_pos2 = np.load('./data/train_pos2.npy') train_entitypair = np.load('./data/train_entitypair.npy') y_train = np.load('data/train_y.npy') all_sentence_ebd = np.load('./data/all_sentence_ebd.npy') all_reward= np.load('./data/all_reward.npy') average_reward = np.load('data/average_reward.npy') entity_ebd = np.load('origin_data/entity_ebd.npy') g_cnn = tf.Graph() g_rl = tf.Graph() sess1 = tf.Session(graph=g_cnn) sess2 = tf.Session(graph=g_rl) with g_cnn.as_default(): with sess1.as_default(): interact = cnnmodel.interaction(sess1,save_path='model/origin_cnn_model.ckpt') tvars_best_cnn = interact.tvars() for index, var in enumerate(tvars_best_cnn): tvars_best_cnn[index] = var * 0 g_cnn.finalize() env = environment(230) best_score = -100000 with g_rl.as_default(): with sess2.as_default(): myAgent = agent(0.02,entity_ebd,460) updaterate = 0.01 num_epoch = 25 sampletimes = 3 best_reward = -100000 init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess2, save_path='rlmodel/origin_rl_model.ckpt') tvars_best_rl = for index, var in enumerate(tvars_best_rl): tvars_best_rl[index] = var * 0 tvars_old = gradBuffer = for index, grad in enumerate(gradBuffer): gradBuffer[index] = grad * 0 g_rl.finalize() for epoch in range(num_epoch): update_word = [] update_pos1 = [] update_pos2 = [] update_y = [] all_list = list(range(len(all_sentence_ebd))) total_reward = [] # shuffle bags random.shuffle(all_list) print ('update the rlmodel') for batch in tqdm.tqdm(all_list): #for batch in tqdm.tqdm(range(10000)): batch_en1 = train_entitypair[batch][0] batch_en2 = train_entitypair[batch][1] batch_sentence_ebd = all_sentence_ebd[batch] batch_reward = all_reward[batch] batch_len = len(batch_sentence_ebd) batch_word = train_word[batch] batch_pos1 = train_pos1[batch] batch_pos2 = train_pos2[batch] batch_y = [y_train[batch] for x in range(len(batch_word))] list_list_state = [] list_list_action = [] list_list_reward = [] avg_reward = 0 # add sample times for j in range(sampletimes): #reset environment state = env.reset( batch_en1, batch_en2,batch_sentence_ebd,batch_reward) list_action = [] list_state = [] old_prob = [] #get action #start = time.time() for i in range(batch_len): state_in = np.append(state[0],state[1]) feed_dict = {} feed_dict[myAgent.entity1] = [state[2]] feed_dict[myAgent.entity2] = [state[3]] feed_dict[myAgent.state_in] = [state_in] prob =,feed_dict = feed_dict) old_prob.append(prob[0]) action = get_action(prob) ''' if action == None: print (123) action = 1 ''' #add produce data for training cnn model list_action.append(action) list_state.append(state) state = env.step(action) #end = time.time() #print ('get action:',end - start) if env.num_selected == 0: tmp_reward = average_reward else: tmp_reward = env.reward() avg_reward += tmp_reward list_list_state.append(list_state) list_list_action.append(list_action) list_list_reward.append(tmp_reward) avg_reward = avg_reward / sampletimes # add sample times for j in range(sampletimes): list_state = list_list_state[j] list_action = list_list_action[j] reward = list_list_reward[j] # compute gradient # start = time.time() list_reward = [reward - avg_reward for x in range(batch_len)] list_state_in = [np.append(state[0],state[1]) for state in list_state] list_entity1 = [state[2] for state in list_state] list_entity2 = [state[3] for state in list_state ] feed_dict = {} feed_dict[myAgent.state_in] = list_state_in feed_dict[myAgent.entity1] = list_entity1 feed_dict[myAgent.entity2] = list_entity2 feed_dict[myAgent.reward_holder] = list_reward feed_dict[myAgent.action_holder] = list_action grads =, feed_dict=feed_dict) for index, grad in enumerate(grads): gradBuffer[index] += grad #end = time.time() #print('get loss and update:', end - start) #decide action and compute reward state = env.reset(batch_en1, batch_en2, batch_sentence_ebd, batch_reward) old_prob = [] for i in range(batch_len): state_in = np.append(state[0], state[1]) feed_dict = {} feed_dict[myAgent.entity1] = [state[2]] feed_dict[myAgent.entity2] = [state[3]] feed_dict[myAgent.state_in] = [state_in] prob =, feed_dict=feed_dict) old_prob.append(prob[0]) action = decide_action(prob) state = env.step(action) chosen_reward = [batch_reward[x] for x in env.list_selected] total_reward += chosen_reward update_word += [batch_word[x] for x in env.list_selected] update_pos1 += [batch_pos1[x] for x in env.list_selected] update_pos2 += [batch_pos2[x] for x in env.list_selected] update_y += [batch_y[x] for x in env.list_selected] print ('finished') #print (len(update_word),len(update_pos1),len(update_pos2),len(update_y),updaterate) #train and update cnnmodel print('update the cnnmodel') interact.update_cnn(update_word,update_pos1,update_pos2,update_y,updaterate) print('finished') #produce new embedding print ('produce new embedding') average_reward, all_sentence_ebd, all_reward = interact.produce_new_embedding() average_score = average_reward print ('finished') #update the rlmodel #apply gradient feed_dict = dictionary = dict(zip(myAgent.gradient_holders, gradBuffer)), feed_dict=feed_dict) for index, grad in enumerate(gradBuffer): gradBuffer[index] = grad * 0 #get tvars_new tvars_new = # update old variables of the target network tvars_update = for index, var in enumerate(tvars_update): tvars_update[index] = updaterate * tvars_new[index] + (1-updaterate) * tvars_old[index] feed_dict = dictionary = dict(zip(myAgent.tvars_holders, tvars_update)), feed_dict) tvars_old = #break #find the best parameters chosen_size = len(total_reward) total_reward = np.mean(np.array(total_reward)) if (total_reward > best_reward): best_reward = total_reward tvars_best_rl = tvars_old if average_score > best_score: best_score = average_score #tvars_best_rl = tvars_old print ('epoch:',epoch) print ('chosen sentence size:',chosen_size) print ('total_reward:',total_reward) print ('best_reward',best_reward) print ('average score',average_score) print ('best score',best_score) #set parameters = best_tvars feed_dict = dictionary = dict(zip(myAgent.tvars_holders, tvars_best_rl)), feed_dict) #save model, save_path='rlmodel/union_rl_model.ckpt') #interact.update_tvars(tvars_best_cnn) interact.save_cnnmodel(save_path='model/union_cnn_model.ckpt')
def train(): train_entitypair = np.load('./data/train_entitypair.npy') all_sentence_ebd = np.load('./data/all_sentence_ebd.npy') all_reward= np.load('./data/all_reward.npy') average_reward = np.load('data/average_reward.npy') entity_ebd = np.load('origin_data/entity_ebd.npy') g_rl = tf.Graph() sess2 = tf.Session(graph=g_rl) env = environment(230) with g_rl.as_default(): with sess2.as_default(): myAgent = agent(0.03,entity_ebd,460) updaterate = 1 num_epoch = 25 sampletimes = 3 best_reward = -100000 init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver = tf.train.Saver() #saver.restore(sess2, save_path='rlmodel/rl.ckpt') tvars_best = for index, var in enumerate(tvars_best): tvars_best[index] = var * 0 tvars_old = gradBuffer = for index, grad in enumerate(gradBuffer): gradBuffer[index] = grad * 0 g_rl.finalize() for epoch in range(num_epoch): all_list = list(range(len(all_sentence_ebd))) total_reward = [] # shuffle bags random.shuffle(all_list) for batch in tqdm.tqdm(all_list): #for batch in tqdm.tqdm(range(10000)): batch_en1 = train_entitypair[batch][0] batch_en2 = train_entitypair[batch][1] batch_sentence_ebd = all_sentence_ebd[batch] batch_reward = all_reward[batch] batch_len = len(batch_sentence_ebd) list_list_state = [] list_list_action = [] list_list_reward = [] avg_reward = 0 # add sample times for j in range(sampletimes): #reset environment state = env.reset( batch_en1, batch_en2,batch_sentence_ebd,batch_reward) list_action = [] list_state = [] old_prob = [] #get action #start = time.time() for i in range(batch_len): state_in = np.append(state[0],state[1]) feed_dict = {} feed_dict[myAgent.entity1] = [state[2]] feed_dict[myAgent.entity2] = [state[3]] feed_dict[myAgent.state_in] = [state_in] prob =,feed_dict = feed_dict) old_prob.append(prob[0]) action = get_action(prob) #add produce data for training cnn model list_action.append(action) list_state.append(state) state = env.step(action) #end = time.time() #print ('get action:',end - start) if env.num_selected == 0: tmp_reward = average_reward else: tmp_reward = env.reward() avg_reward += tmp_reward list_list_state.append(list_state) list_list_action.append(list_action) list_list_reward.append(tmp_reward) avg_reward = avg_reward / sampletimes # add sample times for j in range(sampletimes): list_state = list_list_state[j] list_action = list_list_action[j] reward = list_list_reward[j] # compute gradient # start = time.time() list_reward = [reward - avg_reward for x in range(batch_len)] list_state_in = [np.append(state[0],state[1]) for state in list_state] list_entity1 = [state[2] for state in list_state] list_entity2 = [state[3] for state in list_state ] feed_dict = {} feed_dict[myAgent.state_in] = list_state_in feed_dict[myAgent.entity1] = list_entity1 feed_dict[myAgent.entity2] = list_entity2 feed_dict[myAgent.reward_holder] = list_reward feed_dict[myAgent.action_holder] = list_action ''' loss, feed_dict=feed_dict) if loss == float("-inf"): probs,pis =[myAgent.prob,myAgent.pi], feed_dict=feed_dict) print(' ') print ('batch:',batch) print (old_prob) print (list_action) print(probs) print (pis) print('error!') return 0 ''' grads =, feed_dict=feed_dict) for index, grad in enumerate(grads): gradBuffer[index] += grad #end = time.time() #print('get loss and update:', end - start) ''' print (len(list_state),len(list_action),len(list_reward),len(list_entity1),len(list_entity2)) print (list_action) print (list_reward) print (list_entity1) print (list_entity2) break ''' #decide action and compute reward state = env.reset(batch_en1, batch_en2, batch_sentence_ebd, batch_reward) old_prob = [] for i in range(batch_len): state_in = np.append(state[0], state[1]) feed_dict = {} feed_dict[myAgent.entity1] = [state[2]] feed_dict[myAgent.entity2] = [state[3]] feed_dict[myAgent.state_in] = [state_in] prob =, feed_dict=feed_dict) old_prob.append(prob[0]) action = decide_action(prob) state = env.step(action) chosen_reward = [batch_reward[x] for x in env.list_selected] total_reward += chosen_reward #apply gradient feed_dict = dictionary = dict(zip(myAgent.gradient_holders, gradBuffer)), feed_dict=feed_dict) for index, grad in enumerate(gradBuffer): gradBuffer[index] = grad * 0 #get tvars_new tvars_new = # update old variables of the target network tvars_update = for index, var in enumerate(tvars_update): tvars_update[index] = updaterate * tvars_new[index] + (1-updaterate) * tvars_old[index] feed_dict = dictionary = dict(zip(myAgent.tvars_holders, tvars_update)), feed_dict) tvars_old = #break #find the best parameters chosen_size = len(total_reward) total_reward = np.mean(np.array(total_reward)) if (total_reward > best_reward): best_reward = total_reward tvars_best = tvars_old print ('chosen sentence size:',chosen_size) print ('total_reward:',total_reward) print ('best_reward',best_reward) #set parameters = best_tvars feed_dict = dictionary = dict(zip(myAgent.tvars_holders, tvars_best)), feed_dict) #save model, save_path='rlmodel/origin_rl_model.ckpt')