def validate_registration(self, req):
        if req.path_info == '/prefs':

        acctmgr = AccountManager(self.env)
        username = acctmgr.handle_username_casing(
            req.args.get('username', '').strip())

        if not username:
            raise RegistrationError(N_("Username cannot be empty."))

        # Always exclude some special characters, i.e.
        #   ':' can't be used in HtPasswdStore
        #   '[' and ']' can't be used in SvnServePasswordStore
        blacklist = acctmgr.username_char_blacklist
        if contains_any(username, blacklist):
            pretty_blacklist = ''
            for c in blacklist:
                if pretty_blacklist == '':
                    pretty_blacklist = tag(' \'', tag.b(c), '\'')
                    pretty_blacklist = tag(pretty_blacklist,
                                           ', \'', tag.b(c), '\'')
            raise RegistrationError(N_(
                "The username must not contain any of these characters: %s"),

        # All upper-cased names are reserved for permission action names.
        if username.isupper():
            raise RegistrationError(N_("A username with only upper-cased "
                                       "characters is not allowed."))

        # Prohibit some user names, that are important for Trac and therefor
        # reserved, even if not in the permission store for some reason.
        if username.lower() in ['anonymous', 'authenticated']:
            raise RegistrationError(N_("Username %s is not allowed."),

        # NOTE: A user may exist in a password store but not in the permission
        #   store.  I.e. this happens, when the user (from the password store)
        #   never logged in into Trac.  So we have to perform this test here
        #   and cannot just check for the user being in the permission store.
        #   And better obfuscate whether an existing user or group name
        #   was responsible for rejection of this user name.
        for store_user in acctmgr.get_users():
            # Do it carefully by disregarding case.
            if store_user.lower() == username.lower():
                raise RegistrationError(tag_(
                    "Another account or group already exists, who's name "
                    "differs from %(username)s only by case or is identical.",

        # Password consistency checks follow.
        password = req.args.get('password')
        if not password:
            raise RegistrationError(N_("Password cannot be empty."))
        elif password != req.args.get('password_confirm'):
            raise RegistrationError(N_("The passwords must match."))
    def render_registration_fields(self, req, data):
        """Add a hidden text input field to the registration form, and
        a visible one with mandatory input as well, if token is configured.
        if self.reg_basic_token:
            # Preserve last input for editing on failure instead of typing
            # everything again.
            old_value = req.args.get('basic_token', '')

            if self.reg_basic_question:
                # TRANSLATOR: Question-style hint for visible bot trap
                # registration input field.
                hint = tag.p(_("Please answer above: %(question)s",
                # TRANSLATOR: Verbatim token hint for visible bot trap
                # registration input field.
                hint = tag.p(tag_(
                    "Please type [%(token)s] as verification token, "
                    "exactly replicating everything within the braces.",
                    token=tag.b(self.reg_basic_token)), class_='hint')
            insert = tag(
                          tag.input(type='text', name='basic_token', size=20,
                                    class_='textwidget', value=old_value)),
            insert = None
        # TRANSLATOR: Registration form hint for hidden bot trap input field.
        insert = tag(insert,
                     tag.input(type='hidden', name='sentinel',
                               title=_("Better do not fill this field.")))
        return insert, data
 def _do_account(self, req):
     assert (req.authname and req.authname != 'anonymous')
     action = req.args.get('action')
     delete_enabled = self.acctmgr.supports('delete_user') and \
     data = {
         'delete_enabled': delete_enabled,
             _("Are you sure you want to delete your account?"),
     force_change_password = req.session.get('force_change_passwd', False)
     if req.method == 'POST':
         if action == 'save':
             if self._do_change_password(req) and force_change_password:
                 del req.session['force_change_passwd']
                 add_notice(req, _("Thank you for taking the time to "
                                   "update your password."))
                 force_change_password = False
         elif action == 'delete' and delete_enabled:
     if force_change_password:
         add_warning(req, tag_(
             "You are required to change password because of a recent "
             "password change request. %(invitation)s",
             invitation=tag.b(_("Please change your password now."))))
     return data
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        arguments = content.split(',')
        error_hash = arguments[0]
        peer = SymfonyErrorPeer(self.env)
        msg = peer.retrieve_by_hash(error_hash)
        if msg:
            html_msg_h3 = html.h3('Komunikat')            
            html_msg = html.p(html.b(msg[0]))
            html_uri_h3 = html.h3('Adres strony')
            html_uri = html.p(msg[1])
            html_symfony_action = html.h3(html.span('Modul: ') + html.b(msg[2]) + html.span(' Akcja: ') + html.b(msg[3]))
            html_delete_link = html.a('Usun podobne bledy', href='/trac/bugs?delete_bug_id=' + arguments[0])
            html_error = html.div(html_msg_h3 + html_msg + html_uri_h3 + html_uri + html_symfony_action + html_delete_link, class_='ticket_symfony_box')
            return html_error
            return 'Brak bledu o podanym identyfikatorze: ' + arguments[0]

        return html_url
    def validate_registration(self, req):
        acctmgr = AccountManager(self.env)

        username = acctmgr.handle_username_casing(
            req.args.get('username', '').strip())
        if req.path_info != '/prefs' and self.username_regexp != '' and \
                not re.match(self.username_regexp.strip(), username):
            raise RegistrationError(N_(
                "Username %s doesn't match local naming policy."),

        email = req.args.get('email', '').strip()
        if self.env.is_enabled(EmailCheck) and \
                self.env.is_enabled(EmailVerificationModule) and \
            if self.email_regexp.strip() != '' and \
                    not re.match(self.email_regexp.strip(), email) and \
                    not req.args.get('active'):
                raise RegistrationError(N_(
                    "The email address specified appears to be invalid. "
                    "Please specify a valid email address."))
    def validate_registration(self, req):
        if req.authname and req.authname != 'anonymous':
        username = AccountManager(self.env).handle_username_casing(
            req.args.get('username', '').strip())

        # NOTE: We can't use 'get_user_permissions(username)' here
        #   as this always returns a list - even if the user doesn't exist.
        #   In this case the permissions of "anonymous" are returned.
        #   Also note that we can't simply compare the result of
        #   'get_user_permissions(username)' to some known set of permission,
        #   i.e. "get_user_permissions('authenticated') as this is always
        #   false when 'username' is the name of an existing permission group.
        #   And again obfuscate whether an existing user or group name
        #   was responsible for rejection of this username.
        for (perm_user, perm_action) in \
            if perm_user.lower() == username.lower():
                raise RegistrationError(tag_(
                    "Another account or group already exists, who's name "
                    "differs from %(username)s only by case or is identical.",
 def process_request(self, req):
     acctmgr = self.acctmgr
     if req.authname != 'anonymous':
     action = req.args.get('action')
     name = req.args.get('name', '')
     if isinstance(name, list):
         raise HTTPBadRequest(_("Invalid request arguments."))
     name = name.strip()
     username = req.args.get('username', '')
     if isinstance(username, list):
         raise HTTPBadRequest(_("Invalid request arguments."))
     username = acctmgr.handle_username_casing(username.strip())
     data = {
         '_dgettext': dgettext,
         'acctmgr': {'name': name, 'username': username},
         'ignore_auth_case': self.config.getbool('trac',
     verify_enabled = self.env.is_enabled(EmailVerificationModule) and \
     data['verify_account_enabled'] = verify_enabled
     if req.method == 'POST' and action == 'create':
                 # Check request and prime account on success.
                 acctmgr.validate_account(req, True)
             except NotificationError, e:
                 chrome.add_warning(req, _(
                     "Error raised while sending a change notification."
                 ) + _("You should report that issue to a Trac admin."))
                     'Unable to send registration notification: %s',
                     exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True))
         except RegistrationError, e:
             chrome.add_warning(req, e)
             if self.require_approval:
                 set_user_attribute(self.env, username, 'approval',
                 # Notify admin user about registration pending for review.
                 except NotificationError, e:
                     chrome.add_warning(req, _(
                         "Error raised while sending a change "
                         "notification.") + _(
                         "You should report that issue to a Trac admin."))
                         'Unable to send admin notification: %s',
                         exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True))
                     chrome.add_notice(req, tag_(
                         "Your username has been registered successfully, "
                         "but your account requires administrative "
                         "approval. Please proceed according to local "
             if verify_enabled:
                 chrome.add_notice(req, tag_(
                     "Your username has been successfully registered but "
                     "your account still requires activation. Please "
                     "login as user %(user)s, and follow the "
                     "instructions.", user=tag.b(username)))
             chrome.add_notice(req, tag_(
                 "Registration has been finished successfully. "
                 "You may log in as user %(user)s now.",
                 if data.has_key('messages'):
     # adding user list
     um_data.update(users = UserManager(self.env).get_active_users())
     # additional cells
     # adding usernamager's data to the data dict
     data.update(user_manager = um_data)
     # checking for external users
     trac_managed_users_out = self._do_import_current_users(req, dry_run=True)
     if len(trac_managed_users_out)>0:
         um_data['errors'].append(html.form(html.b(_("WARNING: ")),_(" [%s] users are not added to the team.")%(', '.join(trac_managed_users_out)),html.input(type="submit", name="um_import_current_users", value=_("Add Users")), action=req.href.admin('accounts/users'), method="post") )
         from acct_mgr.api import AccountManager
         data.update(account_manager = AccountManager(self.env))
     except Exception, e:
         data.update(account_manager = {'has_user':lambda x: False})
         self.log.error('Account manager not loaded')
     # adding stylesheets
     add_stylesheet(req, 'tracusermanager/css/admin_um.css')
     add_script(req, 'tracusermanager/js/admin_um.js')
     return 'admin_um.html', data    
 # Internal methods
        # additional cells

        # adding usernamager's data to the data dict

        data['sort'] = req.args.get('sort') or 'name'
        data['asc'] = req.args.get('asc') or '1'

        # checking for external users
        trac_managed_users_out = self._do_import_current_users(req,
        if len(trac_managed_users_out) > 0:
                html.form(html.b(_("WARNING: ")),
                          _(" [%s] users are not added to the team.") %
                          (', '.join(trac_managed_users_out)),
                                     value=_("Add Users")),

            from acct_mgr.api import AccountManager
        except Exception, e:
            data.update(account_manager={'has_user': lambda x: False})
            self.log.error('Account manager not loaded')
class MultiLangTitleIndex(WikiMacroBase):
    """Inserts an alphabetic list of all wiki pages cosidering suffixes.

    This macro is similar to TitleIndex macro but differ in two points.
     * All the variants are displayed in one line.
     * Displayed in two columns. One is for the pages made for the project.
       One is for the pages provided by Trac. `WikiStart` and `SandBox`
       are grouped in project pages as default. This is configurable
       via `_explicit_user_pages` option.

    One entry displayed by this macro has a format like this:
    WikiStart (en, fr, ja, default)

    Left most page name is for usual access with negotiation.
    Items in paren are existing language variants for the page.

    System pages are decided by listing files in wiki-default
    directory. As described before, you can exclude some pages as user
    page by spcifying `_explicit_user_pages`. Likewise, you can
    specify the system pages via `_explicit_system_pages` option.
    These two options are list of page names separated by comma. If
    the page name ends with '*' character, it works as prefix for
    matching. For exmaple, 'Trac*' means "page names staring with
    _explicit_user_pages = ListOption('multi-lang-title-index',
                                      'WikiStart, SandBox',
                                      doc="List of page names to be grouped"
                                      " in user page. If the name ends"
                                      " with '*', it works as prefix.")

    _explicit_system_pages = ListOption('multi-lang-title-index',
                                        '', #'GraphViz*',
                                        doc="List of page names to be grouped"
                                        " in system page. If the name ends"
                                        " with '*', it works as prefix.")

    _wiki_default_pages = _list_wiki_default_pages()

    SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r"( |/|[0-9])")
    PAGE_SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r"([a-z])([A-Z])(?=[a-z])")

    # macro entry point for Trac 0.11
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        args, kw = util.parse_args(content)
        prefix = args and args[0] or None
        format = kw.get('format', '')
        minsize = max(int(kw.get('min', 2)), 2)
        depth = int(kw.get('depth', -1))
        start = prefix and prefix.count('/') or 0

        wiki =
        pages = sorted([page for page in wiki.get_pages(prefix) \
                        if 'WIKI_VIEW' in formatter.perm('wiki', page)])
        pagelangs = {}
        for page in pages:
            name, lang = util.split_lang(page, '')
            langs = pagelangs.get(name, [])
            if lang not in langs:
            pagelangs[name] = langs
        pages = sorted(pagelangs.keys()) # collection of default pages

        upages, spages = self.split_pages(pages)

        def format_page_name(page, split=False):
                # for trac 0.11                
                return wiki.format_page_name(page, split=split)
                # for trac 0.10
                if split:
                    return self.PAGE_SPLIT_RE.sub(r"\1 \2", page)
                return page
        def split(page):
            if format != 'group':
                return [format_page_name(page)]
                return self.SPLIT_RE.split(format_page_name(page, split=True))
        # Group by Wiki word and/or Wiki hierarchy
        upages, spages = [[(split(page), page) for page in pages
                           if depth < 0 or depth >= page.count('/') - start]
                          for pages in (upages, spages)]
        def split_in_groups(group):
            """Return list of pagename or (key, sublist) elements"""
            groups = []
            for key, subgrp in groupby(group, lambda (k,p): k and k[0] or ''):
                subgrp = [(k[1:],p) for k,p in subgrp]
                if key and len(subgrp) >= minsize:
                    sublist = split_in_groups(sorted(subgrp))
                    if len(sublist) == 1:
                        elt = (key+sublist[0][0], sublist[0][1])
                        elt = (key, sublist)
                    for elt in subgrp:
            return groups

        def render_one(page, langs):
            result = [tag.a(wiki.format_page_name(page),
            if langs:
                for lang in sorted(langs):
                    result.append(', ')
                    p = '%s.%s' % (page, lang)
                    result.append(tag.a(lang or 'default',
                result[1] = ' ('
            return result

        def render_groups(groups):
            return tag.ul(
                [, tuple) and 
                        tag(tag.strong(elt[0]), render_groups(elt[1])) or
                        render_one(elt, pagelangs.get(elt)))
                 for elt in groups])
        #return render_groups(split_in_groups(pages))
        return tag.table([[tag.b(title + ' pages:'),
                                 for title, pages in [('User', upages),
                                                      ('System', spages)]],