文件: algorithms.py 项目: ryankav/MIT
def algorithm3(problem, bestSeen = None, trace = None):
    This algorithm looks for the maximum value that appears in a cross created
    by the middle column and the middle row of the array. It then checks if any
    of the neighbours around this maximum value is larger. If the maximum value
    contained within the cross is larger than all it's neighbour it is a peak
    so return it. 
    If there is a larger neighbour we check if that value is the largest value
    we've seen so far. We then calle the function recursively, inputting the
    quadrant that contains the largest value we've seen so far.
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    midRow = problem.numRow // 2
    midCol = problem.numCol // 2

    # first, get the list of all subproblems
    subproblems = []

    (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, midRow)
    (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (midRow + 1, problem.numRow - (midRow + 1))
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, midCol)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (midCol + 1, problem.numCol - (midCol + 1))

    subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC1, subNumR1, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC2, subNumR1, subNumC2))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC1, subNumR2, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC2, subNumR2, subNumC2))

    # find the best location on the cross (the middle row combined with the
    # middle column)
    cross = []

    cross.extend(crossProduct([midRow], range(problem.numCol)))
    cross.extend(crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [midCol]))

    crossLoc = problem.getMaximum(cross, trace)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(crossLoc, trace)

    # update the best we've seen so far based on this new maximum
    if bestSeen is None or problem.get(neighbor) > problem.get(bestSeen):
        bestSeen = neighbor
        if not trace is None: trace.setBestSeen(bestSeen)

    # return if we can't see any better neighbors
    if neighbor == crossLoc:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(crossLoc)
        return crossLoc

    # figure out which subproblem contains the largest number we've seen so
    # far, and recurse
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, bestSeen)
    newBest = sub.getLocationInSelf(problem, bestSeen)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm3(sub, newBest, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
文件: algorithms.py 项目: gear/learn
def algorithm4(problem, bestSeen=None, rowSplit=True, trace=None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    subproblems = []
    divider = []

    if rowSplit:
        # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of rows
        mid = problem.numRow // 2

        # information about the two subproblems
        (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, mid)
        (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (mid + 1, problem.numRow - (mid + 1))
        (subStartC, subNumC) = (0, problem.numCol)

        subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC, subNumR1, subNumC))
        subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC, subNumR2, subNumC))

        # get a list of all locations in the dividing column
        divider = crossProduct([mid], range(problem.numCol))
        # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of columns
        mid = problem.numCol // 2

        # information about the two subproblems
        (subStartR, subNumR) = (0, problem.numRow)
        (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, mid)
        (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (mid + 1, problem.numCol - (mid + 1))

        subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC1, subNumR, subNumC1))
        subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC2, subNumR, subNumC2))

        # get a list of all locations in the dividing column
        divider = crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [mid])

    # find the maximum in the dividing row or column
    bestLoc = problem.getMaximum(divider, trace)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(bestLoc, trace)

    # update the best we've seen so far based on this new maximum
    if bestSeen is None or problem.get(neighbor) > problem.get(bestSeen):
        bestSeen = neighbor
        if not trace is None: trace.setBestSeen(bestSeen)

    # return when we know we've found a peak
    if neighbor == bestLoc and problem.get(bestLoc) >= problem.get(bestSeen):
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(bestLoc)
        return bestLoc

    # figure out which subproblem contains the largest number we've seen so
    # far, and recurse, alternating between splitting on rows and splitting
    # on columns
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, bestSeen)
    newBest = sub.getLocationInSelf(problem, bestSeen)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm4(sub, newBest, not rowSplit, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm4(problem, bestSeen = None, rowSplit = True, trace = None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    subproblems = []
    divider = []

    if rowSplit:
        # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of rows
        mid = problem.numRow // 2

        # information about the two subproblems
        (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, mid)
        (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (mid + 1, problem.numRow - (mid + 1))
        (subStartC, subNumC) = (0, problem.numCol)

        subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC, subNumR1, subNumC))
        subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC, subNumR2, subNumC))

        # get a list of all locations in the dividing column
        divider = crossProduct([mid], range(problem.numCol))
        # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of columns
        mid = problem.numCol // 2

        # information about the two subproblems
        (subStartR, subNumR) = (0, problem.numRow)
        (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, mid)
        (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (mid + 1, problem.numCol - (mid + 1))

        subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC1, subNumR, subNumC1))
        subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC2, subNumR, subNumC2))

        # get a list of all locations in the dividing column
        divider = crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [mid])

    # find the maximum in the dividing row or column
    bestLoc = problem.getMaximum(divider, trace)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(bestLoc, trace)

    # update the best we've seen so far based on this new maximum
    if bestSeen is None or problem.get(neighbor) > problem.get(bestSeen):
        bestSeen = neighbor
        if not trace is None: trace.setBestSeen(bestSeen)

    # return when we know we've found a peak
    if neighbor == bestLoc and problem.get(bestLoc) >= problem.get(bestSeen):
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(bestLoc)
        return bestLoc

    # figure out which subproblem contains the largest number we've seen so
    # far, and recurse, alternating between splitting on rows and splitting
    # on columns
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, bestSeen)
    newBest = sub.getLocationInSelf(problem, bestSeen)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm4(sub, newBest, not rowSplit, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm3(problem, bestSeen=None, trace=None):
    # if it's empty, we're done
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    midRow = problem.numRow // 2
    midCol = problem.numCol // 2
    if bestSeen == None:
        print midRow, midCol

    # first, get the list of all subproblems
    subproblems = []

    (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, midRow)
    (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (midRow + 1, problem.numRow - (midRow + 1))
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, midCol)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (midCol + 1, problem.numCol - (midCol + 1))

        (subStartR1, subStartC1, subNumR1, subNumC1))  #K: top left corner
        (subStartR1, subStartC2, subNumR1, subNumC2))  #K: top right corner
        (subStartR2, subStartC1, subNumR2, subNumC1))  #bottom left corner
        (subStartR2, subStartC2, subNumR2, subNumC2))  #bottom right corner
    #K: divides up into 4 subprolems, each corner of the matrix
    # find the best location on the cross (the middle row combined with the
    # middle column)
    cross = []

    cross.extend(crossProduct([midRow], range(problem.numCol)))
    cross.extend(crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [midCol]))

    crossLoc = problem.getMaximum(cross, trace)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(crossLoc, trace)

    # update the best we've seen so far based on this new maximum
    if bestSeen is None or problem.get(neighbor) > problem.get(bestSeen):
        bestSeen = neighbor
        if not trace is None: trace.setBestSeen(bestSeen)

    # return if we can't see any better neighbors
    if neighbor == crossLoc:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(crossLoc)
        return crossLoc

    # figure out which subproblem contains the largest number we've seen so
    # far, and recurse
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, bestSeen)
    newBest = sub.getLocationInSelf(problem, bestSeen)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm3(sub, newBest, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm3(problem, bestSeen = None, trace = None):
    ## The problem of this algorithm is that it fails to consider if the max
    ## of a cross is on the edge of the maxtrix, then its neighbor may got
    ## cut in the previous run.
    ## Besides judging neighbor == bestloc, need to judge if the value is
    ## larger than or equal to best seen.
    # if it's empty, we're done
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    midRow = problem.numRow // 2
    midCol = problem.numCol // 2

    # first, get the list of all subproblems
    subproblems = []

    (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, midRow)
    (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (midRow + 1, problem.numRow - (midRow + 1))
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, midCol)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (midCol + 1, problem.numCol - (midCol + 1))

    subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC1, subNumR1, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC2, subNumR1, subNumC2))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC1, subNumR2, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC2, subNumR2, subNumC2))

    # find the best location on the cross (the middle row combined with the
    # middle column)
    cross = []

    cross.extend(crossProduct([midRow], range(problem.numCol)))
    cross.extend(crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [midCol]))

    crossLoc = problem.getMaximum(cross, trace)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(crossLoc, trace)

    # update the best we've seen so far based on this new maximum
    if bestSeen is None or problem.get(neighbor) > problem.get(bestSeen):
        bestSeen = neighbor
        if not trace is None: trace.setBestSeen(bestSeen)

    # return if we can't see any better neighbors
    if neighbor == crossLoc:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(crossLoc)
        return crossLoc

    # figure out which subproblem contains the largest number we've seen so
    # far, and recurse
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, bestSeen)
    newBest = sub.getLocationInSelf(problem, bestSeen)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm3(sub, newBest, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm2(problem, location = (0, 0), trace = None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    nextLocation = problem.getBetterNeighbor(location, trace)

    if nextLocation == location:
        # there is no better neighbor, so return this peak
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(location)
        return location
        # there is a better neighbor, so move to the neighbor and recurse
        return algorithm2(problem, nextLocation, trace)
文件: algorithms.py 项目: gear/learn
def algorithm2(problem, location=(0, 0), trace=None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    nextLocation = problem.getBetterNeighbor(location, trace)

    if nextLocation == location:
        # there is no better neighbor, so return this peak
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(location)
        return location
        # there is a better neighbor, so move to the neighbor and recurse
        return algorithm2(problem, nextLocation, trace)
文件: algorithms.py 项目: gear/learn
def algorithm3(problem, bestSeen=None, trace=None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    midRow = problem.numRow // 2
    midCol = problem.numCol // 2

    # first, get the list of all subproblems
    subproblems = []

    (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, midRow)
    (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (midRow + 1, problem.numRow - (midRow + 1))
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, midCol)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (midCol + 1, problem.numCol - (midCol + 1))

    subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC1, subNumR1, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC2, subNumR1, subNumC2))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC1, subNumR2, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC2, subNumR2, subNumC2))

    # find the best location on the cross (the middle row combined with the
    # middle column)
    cross = []

    cross.extend(crossProduct([midRow], range(problem.numCol)))
    cross.extend(crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [midCol]))

    crossLoc = problem.getMaximum(cross, trace)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(crossLoc, trace)

    # update the best we've seen so far based on this new maximum
    if bestSeen is None or problem.get(neighbor) > problem.get(bestSeen):
        bestSeen = neighbor
        if not trace is None: trace.setBestSeen(bestSeen)

    # return if we can't see any better neighbors
    if neighbor == crossLoc:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(crossLoc)
        return crossLoc

    # figure out which subproblem contains the largest number we've seen so
    # far, and recurse
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, bestSeen)
    newBest = sub.getLocationInSelf(problem, bestSeen)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm3(sub, newBest, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm1(problem, trace=None):
    # if it's empty, we're done
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of columns
    mid = problem.numCol // 2

    # information about the two subproblems
    (subStartR, subNumR) = (0, problem.numRow)
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, mid)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (mid + 1, problem.numCol - (mid + 1))

    subproblems = []
    subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC1, subNumR, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC2, subNumR, subNumC2))

    # get a list of all locations in the dividing column
    divider = crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [mid])

    # find the maximum in the dividing column
    # RUNTIME: O(y)
    bestLoc = problem.getMaximum(divider, trace)

    # see if the maximum value we found on the dividing line has a better
    # neighbor (which cannot be on the dividing line, because we know that
    # this location is the best on the dividing line)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(bestLoc, trace)

    # this is a peak, so return it
    if neighbor == bestLoc:
        if not trace is None:
        return bestLoc

    # otherwise, figure out which subproblem contains the neighbor, and
    # recurse in that half
    # RUNTIME: O(x/2)
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, neighbor)
    if not trace is None:
    result = algorithm1(sub, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm1(problem, trace = None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of columns
    mid = problem.numCol // 2

    # information about the two subproblems
    (subStartR, subNumR) = (0, problem.numRow)
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, mid)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (mid + 1, problem.numCol - (mid + 1))

    subproblems = []
    subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC1, subNumR, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC2, subNumR, subNumC2))

    # get a list of all locations in the dividing column
    divider = crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [mid])

    # find the maximum in the dividing column
        ###O(len(n)) = O(n), where n is the number of rows
    bestLoc = problem.getMaximum(divider, trace)

    # see if the maximum value we found on the dividing line has a better
    # neighbor (which cannot be on the dividing line, because we know that
    # this location is the best on the dividing line)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(bestLoc, trace)

    # this is a peak, so return it
    if neighbor == bestLoc:
        if not trace is None:
        return bestLoc
    # otherwise, figure out which subproblem contains the neighbor, and
    # recurse in that half
        ###O(len(n)), where n is the length of the list in this case the subproblems
        ###This value will decrease by half each time giving log(n) in complexity.
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, neighbor)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm1(sub, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm5(problem, trace = None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of columns
    mid = problem.numCol // 2

    # information about the two subproblems
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, mid)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (mid + 1, problem.numCol - (mid + 1))

    subproblems = []
    subproblems.append((0, subStartC1, problem.numRow, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((0, subStartC2, problem.numRow, subNumC2))

    # find a 1D peak of the dividing column
    divider = problem.getSubproblem((0, mid, problem.numRow, 1))
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(divider)
    dividerPeak = algorithm1D.algorithm1(divider, trace)
    dividerPeak = problem.getLocationInSelf(divider, dividerPeak)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(problem)

    # see if the peak we found on the dividing line has a better neighbor
    # (which cannot be on the dividing line, because we know that this
    # location is a peak on the dividing line)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(dividerPeak, trace)

    # this is a peak, so return it
    if neighbor == dividerPeak:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(dividerPeak)
        return dividerPeak
    # otherwise, figure out which subproblem contains the neighbor, and
    # recurse in that half
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, neighbor)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm5(sub, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm1(problem, trace=None):
    # if it's empty, we're done
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    # the algorithm only works for 1D peak problems --- if the dimensions are
    # wrong, we should just give up, because whatever answer we give will not
    # be correct
    if problem.numCol != 1:
        return None

    # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of rows
    mid = problem.numRow // 2

    # information about the two subproblems
    (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, mid)
    (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (mid + 1, problem.numRow - (mid + 1))

    subproblems = []
    subproblems.append((subStartR1, 0, subNumR1, 1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, 0, subNumR2, 1))

    # see if the center location has a better neighbor
    center = (mid, 0)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(center, trace)

    # this is a peak, so return it
    if neighbor == center:
        if not trace is None:
        return center

    # otherwise, figure out which subproblem contains the neighbor, and
    # recurse in that half
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, neighbor)
    if not trace is None:
    result = algorithm1(sub, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm5(problem, trace = None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of columns
    mid = problem.numCol // 2

    # information about the two subproblems
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, mid)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (mid + 1, problem.numCol - (mid + 1))

    subproblems = []
    subproblems.append((0, subStartC1, problem.numRow, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((0, subStartC2, problem.numRow, subNumC2))

    # find a 1D peak of the dividing column
    divider = problem.getSubproblem((0, mid, problem.numRow, 1))
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(divider)
    dividerPeak = algorithm1D.algorithm1(divider, trace)
    dividerPeak = problem.getLocationInSelf(divider, dividerPeak)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(problem)

    # see if the peak we found on the dividing line has a better neighbor
    # (which cannot be on the dividing line, because we know that this
    # location is a peak on the dividing line)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(dividerPeak, trace)

    # this is a peak, so return it
    if neighbor == dividerPeak:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(dividerPeak)
        return dividerPeak
    # otherwise, figure out which subproblem contains the neighbor, and
    # recurse in that half
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, neighbor)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm5(sub, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
文件: algorithms.py 项目: ryankav/MIT
def algorithm2(problem, location = (0, 0), trace = None):
    This algoritm starts in the corner and then searches for the largest
    neighbour. It then repeats that process for the next element
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    nextLocation = problem.getBetterNeighbor(location, trace)

    if nextLocation == location:
        # there is no better neighbor, so return this peak
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(location)
        return location
        # there is a better neighbor, so move to the neighbor and recurse
        return algorithm2(problem, nextLocation, trace)
def algorithm1(problem, trace = None):
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    # the algorithm only works for 1D peak problems --- if the dimensions are
    # wrong, we should just give up, because whatever answer we give will not
    # be correct
    if problem.numCol != 1:
        return None

    # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of rows
    mid = problem.numRow // 2
    # information about the two subproblems
    (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, mid)
    (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (mid + 1, problem.numRow - (mid + 1))
    subproblems = []
    subproblems.append((subStartR1, 0, subNumR1, 1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, 0, subNumR2, 1))

    # see if the center location has a better neighbor
    center = (mid, 0)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(center, trace)

    # this is a peak, so return it
    if neighbor == center:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(center)
        return center
    # otherwise, figure out which subproblem contains the neighbor, and
    # recurse in that half
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, neighbor)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm1(sub, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
文件: algorithms.py 项目: ryankav/MIT
def algorithm1(problem, trace = None):
    aim of this algorithm is to select the middle column in the array.
    Then find the maximum in that column. After that determine if the maximum
    value in the middle column is a peak. If it is return it.
    If not then decide which of the values in the neighbouring columns are 
    larger than it. If it is to the left then disregard all columns to the 
    right and call the algorithm again, recursively, for this newly formed 
    array. If it is to the right the same but disregarding columns on the left.
    # if it's empty, we're done 
    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    # the recursive subproblem will involve half the number of columns
    mid = problem.numCol // 2

    # information about the two subproblems
# =============================================================================
#     Below is the section of code that will be used to perform a recursive 
#     step if the peak isn't found initially.
#     The first tuple lists the number of rows in the matrix which will stay
#     constant throughout the recursive steps.
#     The second and third tuple create a tuple listing the column starting 
#     location and how many columns the subproblem will have. These are then
#     stored in a list ready to be used later
# =============================================================================
    (subStartR, subNumR) = (0, problem.numRow)
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, mid)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (mid + 1, problem.numCol - (mid + 1))

    subproblems = []
    subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC1, subNumR, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR, subStartC2, subNumR, subNumC2))

    # get a list of all locations in the dividing column
    divider = crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [mid])

    # find the maximum in the dividing column
    bestLoc = problem.getMaximum(divider, trace)

    # see if the maximum value we found on the dividing line has a better
    # neighbor (which cannot be on the dividing line, because we know that
    # this location is the best on the dividing line)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(bestLoc, trace)

    # this is a peak, so return it
    if neighbor == bestLoc:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(bestLoc)
        return bestLoc
    # otherwise, figure out which subproblem contains the neighbor, and
    # recurse in that half
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, neighbor)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm1(sub, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)
def algorithm3(problem, bestSeen = None, trace = None):
    # if it's empty, we're done

    # print bestSeen
    # for i in problem.array:
    #     print i
    # print '\n'

    if problem.numRow <= 0 or problem.numCol <= 0:
        return None

    midRow = problem.numRow // 2
    midCol = problem.numCol // 2

    # first, get the list of all subproblems
    subproblems = []

    (subStartR1, subNumR1) = (0, midRow)
    (subStartR2, subNumR2) = (midRow + 1, problem.numRow - (midRow + 1))
    (subStartC1, subNumC1) = (0, midCol)
    (subStartC2, subNumC2) = (midCol + 1, problem.numCol - (midCol + 1))

    subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC1, subNumR1, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR1, subStartC2, subNumR1, subNumC2))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC1, subNumR2, subNumC1))
    subproblems.append((subStartR2, subStartC2, subNumR2, subNumC2))

    # find the best location on the cross (the middle row combined with the
    # middle column)
    cross = []

    #This is where everyhing is going wrong in this algorithm, the crosses are not inclusive.
    cross.extend(crossProduct([midRow], range(problem.numCol)))
    cross.extend(crossProduct(range(problem.numRow), [midCol]))

    # for i in cross:
    #     print i

        ###O(n), n is the number of rows
    crossLoc = problem.getMaximum(cross, trace)
    neighbor = problem.getBetterNeighbor(crossLoc, trace)

    # print 'Mid: ', midRow, midCol
    # print 'neighbor: ', neighbor
    # print 'crossLoc: ', crossLoc, '\n'

    # update the best we've seen so far based on this new maximum
    if bestSeen is None or problem.get(neighbor) > problem.get(bestSeen):
        bestSeen = neighbor
        if not trace is None: trace.setBestSeen(bestSeen)

    # return if we can't see any better neighbors (if getBestNeighbor returns itself, there are no better neighbors)
    if neighbor == crossLoc:
        if not trace is None: trace.foundPeak(crossLoc)
        # print 'c', crossLoc
        return crossLoc

    # figure out which subproblem contains the largest number we've seen so
    # far, and recurse
    sub = problem.getSubproblemContaining(subproblems, bestSeen)
    newBest = sub.getLocationInSelf(problem, bestSeen)
    if not trace is None: trace.setProblemDimensions(sub)
    result = algorithm3(sub, newBest, trace)
    return problem.getLocationInSelf(sub, result)