        def test_trace_symlink(self):
            expected = {
                'root': {
                    'children': [],
                    'command': [
                        os.path.join('trace_inputs', 'symlink.py'),
                    'files': [
                            'mode': MODE_R,
                            'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'bar'),
                            'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'bar'),
                            'mode': MODE_R,
                            'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'foo'),
                            'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'foo'),
                            'mode': MODE_R,
                            'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'symlink.py'),
                            'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'symlink.py'),
            cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join('trace_inputs', 'symlink.py')]
            results = self._execute_trace(cmd)
            actual = results.flatten()
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
            files = [
                # In particular, the symlink is *not* resolved.
                u'tests/trace_inputs/files2/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
                u'tests/trace_inputs/symlink.py'.replace('/', os.path.sep),

            def blacklist(f):
                return f.endswith(('.pyc', '.svn', 'do_not_care.txt'))

            simplified = trace_inputs.extract_directories(
                unicode(ROOT_DIR), results.files, blacklist)
            self.assertEqual(files, [f.path for f in simplified])
def generate_simplified(files, root_dir, variables, relative_cwd):
    """Generates a clean and complete .isolate 'variables' dictionary.

  Cleans up and extracts only files from within root_dir then processes
  variables and relative_cwd.
    # Constants.
    # Skip log in PRODUCT_DIR. Note that these are applied on '/' style path
    # separator.
    LOG_FILE = re.compile(r'^\<\(PRODUCT_DIR\)\/[^\/]+\.log$')
    EXECUTABLE = re.compile(r'^(\<\(PRODUCT_DIR\)\/[^\/\.]+)' +
                            re.escape(variables.get('EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX', '')) +

    # Preparation work.
    relative_cwd = cleanup_path(relative_cwd)
    # Creates the right set of variables here. We only care about
    variables = dict(
        ('<(%s)' % k, variables[k]) for k in PATH_VARIABLES if k in variables)

    # Actual work: Process the files.
    files = trace_inputs.extract_directories(root_dir, files)
    files = (f.replace_variables(variables) for f in files)

    def fix(f):
        """Bases the file on the most restrictive variable."""
        logging.debug('fix(%s)' % f)
        # Important, GYP stores the files with / and not \.
        f = f.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
        # If it's not already a variable.
        if not f.startswith('<'):
            # relative_cwd is usually the directory containing the gyp file. It may be
            # empty if the whole directory containing the gyp file is needed.
            f = posix_relpath(f, relative_cwd) or './'

        # Now strips off known files we want to ignore and to any specific mangling
        # as necessary. It's easier to do it here than generate a blacklist.
        match = EXECUTABLE.match(f)
        if match:
            return match.group(1) + '<(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX)'
        if LOG_FILE.match(f):
            return None
        return f

    return classify_files(filter(None, (fix(f.path) for f in files)))
 def test_trace_symlink(self):
   expected = {
     'root': {
       'children': [],
       'command': [
         os.path.join('trace_inputs', 'symlink.py'),
       'executable': self.real_executable,
       'files': [
           'mode': MODE_R,
           'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'bar'),
           'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'bar'),
           'mode': MODE_R,
           'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'foo'),
           'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'foo'),
           'mode': MODE_R,
           'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'symlink.py'),
           'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'symlink.py'),
       'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
   cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join('trace_inputs', 'symlink.py')]
   results = self._execute_trace(cmd)
   actual = results.flatten()
   self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
   files = [
     # In particular, the symlink is *not* resolved.
     u'tests/trace_inputs/files2/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs/symlink.py'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
   def blacklist(f):
     return f.endswith(('.pyc', '.svn', 'do_not_care.txt'))
   simplified = trace_inputs.extract_directories(
       unicode(ROOT_DIR), results.files, blacklist)
   self.assertEqual(files, [f.path for f in simplified])
 def test_trace(self):
   expected = self._gen_dict_full_gyp()
   results = self._execute_trace(self.get_child_command(True))
   actual = results.flatten()
   self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
   files = [
     u'tests/trace_inputs/child1.py'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs/child2.py'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs/files1/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs/test_file.txt'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs_smoke_test.py'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
   def blacklist(f):
     return f.endswith(('.pyc', 'do_not_care.txt', '.git', '.svn'))
   simplified = trace_inputs.extract_directories(
   self.assertEqual(files, [f.path for f in simplified])
 def test_trace(self):
   expected = self._gen_dict_full_gyp()
   results = self._execute_trace(self.get_child_command(True))
   actual = results.flatten()
   self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
   files = [
     u'tests/trace_inputs/child1.py'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs/child2.py'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs/files1/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs/test_file.txt'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
     u'tests/trace_inputs_smoke_test.py'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
   def blacklist(f):
     return f.endswith(('.pyc', 'do_not_care.txt', '.git', '.svn'))
   simplified = trace_inputs.extract_directories(
   self.assertEqual(files, [f.path for f in simplified])
def generate_simplified(tracked, untracked, touched, root_dir, variables,
    """Generates a clean and complete .isolate 'variables' dictionary.

  Cleans up and extracts only files from within root_dir then processes
  variables and relative_cwd.
    logging.info('generate_simplified(%d files, %s, %s, %s)' %
                 (len(tracked) + len(untracked) + len(touched), root_dir,
                  variables, relative_cwd))
    # Constants.
    # Skip log in PRODUCT_DIR. Note that these are applied on '/' style path
    # separator.
    LOG_FILE = re.compile(r'^\<\(PRODUCT_DIR\)\/[^\/]+\.log$')
    EXECUTABLE = re.compile(r'^(\<\(PRODUCT_DIR\)\/[^\/\.]+)' +
                            re.escape(variables.get('EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX', '')) +

    # Preparation work.
    relative_cwd = cleanup_path(relative_cwd)
    # Creates the right set of variables here. We only care about PATH_VARIABLES.
    variables = dict(('<(%s)' % k, variables[k].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
                     for k in PATH_VARIABLES if k in variables)

    # Actual work: Process the files.
    # TODO(maruel): if all the files in a directory are in part tracked and in
    # part untracked, the directory will not be extracted. Tracked files should be
    # 'promoted' to be untracked as needed.
    tracked = trace_inputs.extract_directories(root_dir, tracked,
    untracked = trace_inputs.extract_directories(root_dir, untracked,

    # touched is not compressed, otherwise it would result in files to be archived
    # that we don't need.

    def fix(f):
        """Bases the file on the most restrictive variable."""
        logging.debug('fix(%s)' % f)
        # Important, GYP stores the files with / and not \.
        f = f.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
        # If it's not already a variable.
        if not f.startswith('<'):
            # relative_cwd is usually the directory containing the gyp file. It may be
            # empty if the whole directory containing the gyp file is needed.
            f = posix_relpath(f, relative_cwd) or './'

        for variable, root_path in variables.iteritems():
            if f.startswith(root_path):
                f = variable + f[len(root_path):]

        # Now strips off known files we want to ignore and to any specific mangling
        # as necessary. It's easier to do it here than generate a blacklist.
        match = EXECUTABLE.match(f)
        if match:
            return match.group(1) + '<(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX)'
        if LOG_FILE.match(f):
            return None

        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            # On OSX, the name of the output is dependent on gyp define, it can be
            # 'Google Chrome.app' or 'Chromium.app', same for 'XXX
            # Framework.framework'. Furthermore, they are versioned with a gyp
            # variable.  To lower the complexity of the .isolate file, remove all the
            # individual entries that show up under any of the 4 entries and replace
            # them with the directory itself. Overall, this results in a bit more
            # files than strictly necessary.
            OSX_BUNDLES = (
                '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Chromium Framework.framework/',
                '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Google Chrome Framework.framework/',
                '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Google Chrome.app/',
            for prefix in OSX_BUNDLES:
                if f.startswith(prefix):
                    # Note this result in duplicate values, so the a set() must be used to
                    # remove duplicates.
                    return prefix

        return f

    tracked = set(filter(None, (fix(f.path) for f in tracked)))
    untracked = set(filter(None, (fix(f.path) for f in untracked)))
    touched = set(filter(None, (fix(f.path) for f in touched)))
    out = classify_files(root_dir, tracked, untracked)
    if touched:
        out[KEY_TOUCHED] = sorted(touched)
    return out
def generate_simplified(files, root_dir, variables, relative_cwd):
  """Generates a clean and complete .isolate 'variables' dictionary.

  Cleans up and extracts only files from within root_dir then processes
  variables and relative_cwd.
      'generate_simplified(%d files, %s, %s, %s)' %
      (len(files), root_dir, variables, relative_cwd))
  # Constants.
  # Skip log in PRODUCT_DIR. Note that these are applied on '/' style path
  # separator.
  LOG_FILE = re.compile(r'^\<\(PRODUCT_DIR\)\/[^\/]+\.log$')
  EXECUTABLE = re.compile(
      r'^(\<\(PRODUCT_DIR\)\/[^\/\.]+)' +
      re.escape(variables.get('EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX', '')) +

  # Preparation work.
  relative_cwd = cleanup_path(relative_cwd)
  # Creates the right set of variables here. We only care about PATH_VARIABLES.
  variables = dict(
      ('<(%s)' % k, variables[k]) for k in PATH_VARIABLES if k in variables)

  # Actual work: Process the files.
  files = trace_inputs.extract_directories(root_dir, files, default_blacklist)

  def fix(f):
    """Bases the file on the most restrictive variable."""
    logging.debug('fix(%s)' % f)
    # Important, GYP stores the files with / and not \.
    f = f.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
    # If it's not already a variable.
    if not f.startswith('<'):
      # relative_cwd is usually the directory containing the gyp file. It may be
      # empty if the whole directory containing the gyp file is needed.
      f = posix_relpath(f, relative_cwd) or './'

    for variable, root_path in variables.iteritems():
      if f.startswith(root_path):
        f = variable + f[len(root_path):]

    # Now strips off known files we want to ignore and to any specific mangling
    # as necessary. It's easier to do it here than generate a blacklist.
    match = EXECUTABLE.match(f)
    if match:
      return match.group(1) + '<(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX)'
    if LOG_FILE.match(f):
      return None

    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
      # On OSX, the name of the output is dependent on gyp define, it can be
      # 'Google Chrome.app' or 'Chromium.app', same for 'XXX
      # Framework.framework'. Furthermore, they are versioned with a gyp
      # variable.  To lower the complexity of the .isolate file, remove all the
      # individual entries that show up under any of the 4 entries and replace
      # them with the directory itself. Overall, this results in a bit more
      # files than strictly necessary.
      OSX_BUNDLES = (
        '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Chromium Framework.framework/',
        '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Google Chrome Framework.framework/',
        '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Google Chrome.app/',
      for prefix in OSX_BUNDLES:
        if f.startswith(prefix):
          # Note this result in duplicate values, so the a set() must be used to
          # remove duplicates.
          return prefix

    return f

  return classify_files(set(filter(None, (fix(f.path) for f in files))))