def test_no_drift(self): N = 10 expected = DataFrame({'x': np.zeros(N), 'y': np.zeros(N)}).iloc[1:] expected = expected.astype('float') = 'frame' expected.columns = ['x', 'y'] # ^ no drift measured for Frame 0 actual = tp.compute_drift(self.dead_still) assert_frame_equal(actual, expected[['y', 'x']]) actual_rolling = tp.compute_drift(self.dead_still, smoothing=2) assert_frame_equal(actual_rolling, expected[['y', 'x']])
def test_no_drift(self): N = 10 expected = DataFrame({'x': np.zeros(N), 'y': np.zeros(N)}).iloc[1:] expected = expected.astype('float') = 'frame' expected.columns = ['x', 'y'] # ^ no drift measured for Frame 0 actual = tp.compute_drift(self.dead_still) assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) # Small random drift actual = tp.compute_drift(self.many_walks) assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
def GlobalEstimation(t_drift, drift_smoothing_frames): """ estimates the drift for all particles in a frame at once, makes use of trackpy's compute_drift function Attention: This ignores laminar flow, but needs fewer frames (and thus time) to get a good estimation. """"Mode: global drift correction (frame per frame)") # calculate the cumulated (!) overall drift (e.g. drift of setup or flow of particles) my_drift = tp.compute_drift(t_drift, drift_smoothing_frames) # There is is a bug in tracky. If there is no particle in a frame, # it will sometimes not calculate the drift in the next frame with a particle. # So a small workaround here: # get a list of all frames full_index = t_drift.frame.sort_values().unique() # interpolate the missing frames (the ones without a particle in it) my_drift = my_drift.reindex(full_index) my_drift = my_drift.interpolate(method = 'linear') # subtract overall drift from trajectories t_no_drift = tp.subtract_drift(t_drift.copy(), my_drift) t_no_drift = t_no_drift.drop(columns = "frame").reset_index() return t_no_drift, my_drift
def test_constant_drift(self): N = 10 expected = DataFrame({'x': np.arange(N), 'y': np.zeros(N)}).iloc[1:] expected = expected.astype('float') = 'frame' expected.columns = ['x', 'y'] actual = tp.compute_drift(self.steppers) assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)
def linkTrajectories(circles_tp, removeDrift=False): trajectories = tp.link_df(circles_tp, 5, memory=10) if removeDrift == True: drift = tp.compute_drift(trajectories) trajectories = tp.subtract_drift(trajectories.copy(), drift) return trajectories """
def generateDriftPlots(): directory = os.fsencode("../csv_raw/csv_raw_4") for file in os.listdir(directory): filename = os.fsdecode(file) if filename.endswith(".csv"): df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv("../csv_raw/csv_raw_4/" + str(filename)) x = tp.compute_drift(df) plt.figure() filename = filename.split('.')[0] plt.title(str(filename)) plt.xlabel('Frame Number') plt.ylabel('Pixels') plt.plot(x)
def __init__(self, trajectories_dataframe, particle_id=None): self.trajectories = trajectories_dataframe self.filtered = self.__filter_trajectories() self.drift = tp.compute_drift(self.filtered) self.disp_x = [] self.disp_y = [] for i in range(1, len(self.drift.x.values)): self.disp_x.append(self.drift.x.values[i] - self.drift.x.values[i - 1]) self.disp_y.append(self.drift.y.values[i] - self.drift.y.values[i - 1]) if particle_id is not None: self.single_trajectory = self.__get_single_trajectory(particle_id) else: self.single_trajectory = self.__get_first_single_trajectory()
def frames2coords_cor(frames,params_locate_start={'diameter':11,'minmass_percentile':92}, params_filter={}, params_link_df={}, out_fh=None, params_msd={}, subtract_drift=False, force=False): params_locate=get_params_locate(frames[0],out_fh=out_fh,**params_locate_start) print(params_locate)'getting coords') t_flt=frames2coords(frames=frames,out_fh=out_fh, params_locate=params_locate,params_msd=params_msd,params_link_df=params_link_df, force=force,**params_filter) if subtract_drift: d = tp.compute_drift(t_flt) t_cor = tp.subtract_drift(t_flt, d) return t_cor else: return t_flt
def nd2msd(nd_fh): # print nd_fh frames=pims.ND2_Reader(nd_fh)'number of frames = %d' % len(np.shape(frames))) if len(np.shape(frames))==4: frames = average_z(frames) threshold=np.percentile(frames,75) f_batch = tp.batch(frames,diameter=11,threshold=threshold) t = tp.link_df(f_batch, search_range=11, memory=3) t_flt = tp.filter_stubs(t, 3*int(len(frames)/4)) try: d = tp.compute_drift(t_flt) t_cor = tp.subtract_drift(t_flt, d) except: t_cor=t_flt"drift correction excepted") # plt.figure() # tp.plot_traj(t_flt) # plt.figure() # d.plot() imsd=tp.imsd(t_cor,0.1,0.2, max_lagtime=100, statistic='msd') emsd=tp.emsd(t_cor,0.1,0.2, max_lagtime=100) return imsd,emsd
def DriftCorrection(t_drift, ParameterJsonFile, Do_transversal_drift_correction = None, drift_smoothing_frames = None, rolling_window_size = None, min_particle_per_block = None, min_tracking_frames = None, PlotGlobalDrift = False, PlotDriftAvgSpeed = False, PlotDriftTimeDevelopment = False, PlotDriftFalseColorMapFlow = False, PlotDriftVectors = False, PlotDriftFalseColorMapSpeed = False, PlotDriftCorrectedTraj = False): """ Calculate and remove overall drift from trajectories The drift needs to be removed, because the entire movement consists of brownian motion and drift In order to measure the brownian motion, the drift needs to be calculated and subtracted There are currently three options to choose from 1) No drift correction - this is dangerous. However, if just a few particles are tracked the average drift is most the particles movement and thus the trajectory vanishes! 2) Global Drift Calculated the drift of all particles between neighbouring frames 3) Transversal drift corretion Splits the fiber in several "subfibers". Each of them is treated independent. This is motivated by the idea of laminar flow, where particles on the side have a lower current than the ones in the middle However this method requires a lot of particles and makes sense for small fiber diameters where laminar flow is significant. """ settings = nd.handle_data.ReadJson(ParameterJsonFile) ApplyDriftCorrection = settings["Drift"]["Apply"] if ApplyDriftCorrection == 0: t_no_drift = t_drift else: if settings["Help"]["Drift"] == "auto": num_particles_per_frame = t_drift.groupby("frame")["particle"].count().mean() nd.ParameterEstimation.Drift(ParameterJsonFile, num_particles_per_frame) Do_transversal_drift_correction = settings["Drift"]["Do transversal drift correction"] drift_smoothing_frames = settings["Drift"]["Drift smoothing frames"] rolling_window_size = settings["Drift"]["Drift rolling window size"] min_particle_per_block = settings["Drift"]["Min particle per block"] min_tracking_frames = settings["Link"]["Min_tracking_frames"] if Do_transversal_drift_correction == False: print('Mode: global drift correction') # That's not to be used if y-depending correction (next block) is performed! # Attention: Strictly this might be wrong: # Drift might be different along y-positions of channel. # It might be more appropriate to divide into subareas and correct for drift individually there # That's done if Do_transversal_drift_correction==1 my_drift = tp.compute_drift(t_drift, drift_smoothing_frames) # calculate the overall drift (e.g. drift of setup or flow of particles) """ this is a bug in tracky. If there is no particle in a frame, it will sometimes not calculate the drift in the next frame with a particle. So a small workaround here """ full_index = t_drift.frame.sort_values().unique() # full_index = t_drift.index.unique() # oldfull_index = t_drift.sort_values("frame").frame.unique() my_drift = my_drift.reindex(full_index) my_drift = my_drift.interpolate(method = 'linear') t_no_drift = tp.subtract_drift(t_drift.copy(), my_drift) # subtract overall drift from trajectories (creates new dataset) t_no_drift = t_no_drift.drop(columns = "frame").reset_index() # my_a = t_drift[t_drift.particle==103].x # my_b = t_no_drift[t_no_drift.particle==103].x # # plt.plot(my_drift,'o') # plt.plot(my_a,'x') # plt.plot(my_b,'x') # plt.plot(my_a - my_b,'x') if PlotGlobalDrift == True: nd.visualize.PlotGlobalDrift(my_drift) # plot the calculated drift else: print('Mode: transversal correction') # Y-Depending drift-correction # RF: Creation of y-sub-zones and calculation of drift # SW 180717: Subtraction of drift from trajectories # how many particles are needed to perform a drift correction #min_particle_per_block = 40 # # use blocks above and below for averaging (more particles make drift correction better) # # e.g. 2 means y subarea itself and the two above AND below # rolling_window_size = 5 average_over_total_block = 2 * rolling_window_size + 1 # sort y values to have in each sub area the same amount of particles all_y_sorted = t_drift.y.values.copy() all_y_sorted.sort() y_min = all_y_sorted[0]; # min y of tracked particle y_max = all_y_sorted[-1]; # max y of tracked particle num_data_points = len(all_y_sorted) # total number of captured frames num_frames = t_drift.index.max() - t_drift.index.min() + 1 # this is difficult to explain # we have >num_data_points< data points and want to split them such, that each sub y has >min_particle_per_block< in it # in each frame >num_frames< # Because of the averaging with neighbouring areas the effective number is lifted >average_over_total_block< #start: distribute num_data_points over all number of frames and blocks number_blocks = int(num_data_points / min_particle_per_block / num_frames * average_over_total_block) #sub_y = np.linspace(y_min,y_max,number_blocks+1) sub_y = np.zeros(number_blocks+1) for x in range(0,number_blocks): use_index = int(num_data_points * (x / number_blocks)) sub_y[x] = all_y_sorted[use_index] sub_y[-1] = y_max #average y-range for later y_range = (sub_y[:-1] + sub_y[1:]) / 2 # delete variable to start again if 'calc_drift' in locals(): del calc_drift del total_drift total_drift = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['y','x','frame']) calc_drift_diff = pd.DataFrame() # Creating a copy of t1 which will contain a new column with each values ysub-position t_drift_ysub = t_drift.copy() t_drift_ysub['ysub']=np.nan # Defining values to nan for x in range(0,number_blocks): print(x) # calc which subareas of y are in the rolling window. sub_y_min = x - rolling_window_size if sub_y_min < 0: sub_y_min = 0 sub_y_max = x + 1 + rolling_window_size if sub_y_max > number_blocks: sub_y_max = number_blocks; # select which particles are in the current subarea use_part = (t_drift['y'] >= sub_y[sub_y_min]) & (t_drift['y'] < sub_y[sub_y_max]) use_part_subtract = (t_drift['y'] >= sub_y[x]) & (t_drift['y'] < sub_y[x+1]) # get their indices use_part_index = np.where(np.array(use_part)==True) # find index of elements true # WHAT IS THIS VARIABLE ACTUALLY GOOD FOR? use_part_subtract_index = np.where(np.array(use_part_subtract)==True) # Writing x as ysub into copy of t1. That's needed to treat data differently depending on y-sub-position # Python 3.5 t1_ysub['ysub'].iloc[use_part_subtract_index]=x # I believe that's not an elegant way of doing it. Maybe find a better approach t_drift_ysub.loc[use_part,'ysub'] = x # RF 180906 # how many particles are in each frames use_part_index = list(use_part_index)[0] use_part_subtract_index = list(use_part_subtract_index)[0] num_particles_block = len(use_part_index) # check if drift_smoothing_frames is not longer than the video is long num_frames = settings["ROI"]["frame_max"] - settings["ROI"]["frame_min"] + 1 if num_frames < drift_smoothing_frames: sys.exit("Number of frames is smaller than drift_smoothing_frames") # raise NameError('HiThere') # make the drift correction with the subframe calc_drift_y = tp.compute_drift(t_drift.iloc[use_part_index], drift_smoothing_frames) # calculate the drift of this y block calc_drift_y_diff=calc_drift_y.diff(periods=1).fillna(value=0) calc_drift_y_diff['ysub']=x calc_drift_y['frame'] = calc_drift_y.index.values calc_drift_y['y_range'] = y_range[x] # calculate entire drift with starting and end position start_pos = calc_drift_y.set_index('y_range')[['y', 'x', 'frame']].iloc[[0],:] end_pos = calc_drift_y.set_index('y_range')[['y', 'x', 'frame']].iloc[[-1],:] my_total = end_pos - start_pos my_total ['num_particles'] = num_particles_block if x == 0: calc_drift = calc_drift_y total_drift = my_total calc_drift_diff = calc_drift_y_diff # that's going to be the look-up for the drift, depending on y-sub else: calc_drift = pd.concat([calc_drift, calc_drift_y]) #prepare additional index total_drift = pd.concat([total_drift, my_total]) calc_drift_diff = pd.concat([calc_drift_diff,calc_drift_y_diff]) # to distinguish that we're not looking at positions but the difference of positions calc_drift_diff=calc_drift_diff.rename(columns={'x':'x_diff1', 'y':'y_diff1'}) # Adding frame as a column calc_drift_diff['frame']=calc_drift_diff.index # Indexing by y-sub-area and frame calc_drift_diff=calc_drift_diff.set_index(['ysub','frame']) # Adding frame as a calumn to particle data t_drift_ysub['frame']=t_drift_ysub.index # Indexing particle-data analogously to drift-lookup t_drift_ysub=t_drift_ysub.set_index(['ysub','frame']) # Adding drift-lookup into particle data, using frame and ysub t_drift_ysub_diff=pd.merge(t_drift_ysub,calc_drift_diff, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') # Releasing frame from index -> allows to sort easier by frame t_drift_ysub_diff=t_drift_ysub_diff.reset_index('frame') cumsums_x=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame']).groupby(by='particle')['x_diff1'].cumsum() # Calculating particle history in x direction: # sorting by particle first, then frame, grouping then by particle and calculating the cumulative sum of displacements cumsums_y=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame']).groupby(by='particle')['y_diff1'].cumsum() # same in y-direction # Sorting particle data in the same way t_no_drift_ysub_diff_sort=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame']) # UNSICHER: + oder - ????? t_no_drift_ysub_diff_sort['x_corr']=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame'])['x']-cumsums_x # subtracting drift-history for each particle # UNSICHER: + oder - ????? t_no_drift_ysub_diff_sort['y_corr']=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame'])['y']-cumsums_y # same in y-direction #tm_sub=t1_ysub_diff_sort.copy() # just giving a more descriptive name to particle data t_no_drift_sub = t_no_drift_ysub_diff_sort # dropping axes that wouldn't be needed any longer t_no_drift_sub = t_no_drift_sub.drop(['x', 'y', 'x_diff1', 'y_diff1'], axis=1) #tm_sub=tm_sub.rename(columns={'x':'x', 'y':'y'}) # renaming the corrected position into original names to keep the remaining code working with it t_no_drift_sub = t_no_drift_sub.rename(columns={'x_corr':'x', 'y_corr':'y'}) # Bringing tm_sub back into a format that later parts of the code need to work with it t_no_drift_sub_store=t_no_drift_sub.copy() # Forgetting about ysub - which isn't needed anymore - and making frame the only index again t_no_drift_sub.set_index('frame', drop=True, inplace=True) # Sorting by frame t_no_drift_sub=t_no_drift_sub.sort_index() # Adding frame as a column t_no_drift_sub['frame'] = t_no_drift_sub.index #reindex cols = t_no_drift_sub.columns.tolist() cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("y"))) cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("x"))) t_no_drift_sub = t_no_drift_sub.reindex(columns= cols)# Ordering as needed later # Set this, if y-depending-drift-correction is to be used t_no_drift = t_no_drift_sub # t_no_drift = tp.filter_stubs(t_no_drift, min_tracking_frames) t_no_drift = t_no_drift.sort_values('frame') # insert y_range # total_drift.index = y_range RF180906 is that needed? # set two new indices - first frame than y_range calc_drift = calc_drift.set_index(['frame']) # calc velocity as deviation of drift # average speed for display avg_frames = 30 calc_drift[['velocity_y', 'velocity_x','new_y_range']] = calc_drift[['y','x','y_range']].diff(avg_frames)/avg_frames # Delete lines where new y range begins # ronny does not like python yet calc_drift_copy = calc_drift[abs(calc_drift['new_y_range']) == 0].copy() # still not... del calc_drift calc_drift = calc_drift_copy.copy() del calc_drift_copy # Do some plotting of the drift stuff if PlotDriftAvgSpeed == True: nd.visualize.DriftAvgSpeed() if PlotDriftTimeDevelopment == True: nd.visualize.DriftTimeDevelopment() if PlotDriftFalseColorMapFlow == True: nd.visualize.DriftFalseColorMapFlow(calc_drift, number_blocks, y_range) if PlotDriftVectors == True: nd.visualize.DriftVectors() if PlotDriftFalseColorMapSpeed == True: nd.visualize.DriftFalseColorMapSpeed() if PlotDriftCorrectedTraj == True: nd.visualize.DriftCorrectedTraj() print('drift correction --> finished') nd.handle_data.WriteJson(ParameterJsonFile, settings) return t_no_drift
def cellcfg2distances(cellcfg, # for 150x150 images params={'locate':{'diameter':11, # round to odd number 'noise_size':1, 'separation':15, 'threshold':4000, 'preprocess':True, 'invert':False, 'max_iterations':50, 'percentile':0, 'engine':'numba', }, 'link_df':{ 'search_range':5, 'memory':1, 'link_strategy':'drop',}, 'filter_stubs':{'threshold':4}, 'get_distance_from_centroid':{'center':[75,75]}, # 'msd':{'mpp':0.0645,'fps':0.2, 'max_lagtime':100}, }, test=False,force=False): params['locate']['separation']=params['locate']['diameter']*1 params['locate']['threshold']=cellcfg['signal_cytoplasm']*0.5 params['link_df']['search_range']=params['locate']['diameter']*0.33 to_dict(params,f"{cellcfg['outp']}/params.yml") if not test_locate_particles(cellcfg,params['locate'],force=force,test=False): print(cellcfg['cfgp']) return # get trajectories steps=['locate','link_df','filter_stubs','filter_returns','subtract_drift','distance'] dn2dp={s:f"{cellcfg['outp']}/d{si}{s}.tsv" for si,s in enumerate(steps)} dn2plotp_suffix={s:f"{si}{s}.png" for si,s in enumerate(steps)} steps_done=[k for k in dn2dp if exists(dn2dp[k])] if ('distance' in steps_done) and not force: print(cellcfg['cfgp']) return from htsimaging.lib.plot import image_trajectories from htsimaging.lib.stat import get_distance_from_centroid img_gfp=np.load(cellcfg['cellgfpmaxp']) img_bright=np.load(cellcfg['cellbrightp']) dn2df={} dn2df['locate']=tp.batch([np.load(p) for p in sorted(cellcfg['cellframes_masked_substracted'])], **params['locate']) if len(dn2df['locate'])==0: return dn2df['locate']['frame']=dn2df['locate']['frame'].astype(np.integer) dn2df['link_df']=tp.link_df(dn2df['locate'], **params['link_df']) # if params['link_df']['memory']!=0: dn2df['link_df']=fill_frame_jumps(dn2df['link_df'], jump_length=2 if params['link_df']['memory']==0 else params['link_df']['memory']+1) # to_table(dn2df['link_df'],'test.tsv') # to_table(dn2df['link_df'],dn2dp['link_df']) image_trajectories(dtraj=dn2df['link_df'], img_gfp=img_gfp, img_bright=img_bright, fig=None, ax=None) savefig(f"{cellcfg['plotp']}/image_trajectories_{dn2plotp_suffix['link_df']}") # to_table(dn2df['link_df'],dn2dp['link_df']) dn2df['filter_stubs']=tp.filter_stubs(dn2df['link_df'], threshold=params['filter_stubs']['threshold']) dn2df['filter_stubs']'index' dn2df['filter_stubs'].index=range(len(dn2df['filter_stubs'])) if len(dn2df['filter_stubs'])==0: to_table(dn2df['filter_stubs'],dn2dp['distance']) print(cellcfg['cfgp']) return image_trajectories(dtraj=dn2df['filter_stubs'], img_gfp=img_gfp, img_bright=img_bright, fig=None, ax=None) savefig(f"{cellcfg['plotp']}/image_trajectories_{dn2plotp_suffix['filter_stubs']}") dn2df['filter_returns']=get_distance_from_centroid(dn2df['filter_stubs'],**params['get_distance_from_centroid']) dn2df['filter_returns']=trim_returns(dn2df['filter_returns']) savefig(f"{cellcfg['plotp']}/image_trajectories_stats_trimming_{dn2plotp_suffix['filter_returns']}") dn2df['filter_returns']=tp.filter_stubs(dn2df['filter_returns'], threshold=params['filter_stubs']['threshold']) dn2df['filter_returns']'index' dn2df['filter_returns'].index=range(len(dn2df['filter_returns'])) if len(dn2df['filter_returns'])==0: to_table(dn2df['filter_returns'],dn2dp['distance']) print(cellcfg['cfgp']) return image_trajectories(dtraj=dn2df['filter_stubs'], img_gfp=img_gfp, img_bright=img_bright, fig=None, ax=None) savefig(f"{cellcfg['plotp']}/image_trajectories_{dn2plotp_suffix['filter_returns']}") d = tp.compute_drift(dn2df['filter_returns']) dn2df['subtract_drift'] = tp.subtract_drift(dn2df['filter_stubs'], d) image_trajectories(dtraj=dn2df['subtract_drift'], img_gfp=img_gfp, img_bright=img_bright, fig=None, ax=None) savefig(f"{cellcfg['plotp']}/image_trajectories_{dn2plotp_suffix['subtract_drift']}") dn2df['distance']=get_distance_from_centroid(dn2df['subtract_drift'],**params['get_distance_from_centroid']) from htsimaging.lib.stat import get_distance_travelled dn2df['distance']=get_distance_travelled(t_cor=dn2df['distance']) for k in dn2df: to_table(dn2df[k],dn2dp[k])
squared_displacements = [] a = coeff[0] for i in range(len(x)): disp = (1 / (1 + a**2)) * ((y[i] - y_approx[i])**2) / len(x) squared_displacements.append(disp) plt.title('MSD') plt.hist(squared_displacements, 100) with tp.PandasHDFStore('data.h5') as store: trajectories = pd.concat(iter(store)) #filtered = tp.filter_stubs(trajectories) filtered = trajectories drift = tp.compute_drift(filtered) im = tp.imsd(filtered, 1, 1) plt.plot(im.index, im, 'k-', alpha=0.1) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.title("Mean squared displacement for each particle") disp_x = [] disp_y = [] for i in range(1, len(drift.x.values)): disp_x.append(drift.x.values[i] - drift.x.values[i - 1]) disp_y.append(drift.y.values[i] - drift.y.values[i - 1]) plt.figure(dpi=300)
import trackpy as tp import os def plotTraj(i): particle = df.loc[df['particle'] == i] plt.plot(particle['frame'], particle['x']) turning_index = particle['y'].idxmax() bef = particle[:turning_index] aft = particle[turning_index:] print(turning_index) return bef, aft df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('../csvs/extract.csv') x = tp.compute_drift(df) x.plot() #particles = set(df['particle']) # #for i in particles: # plotTraj(i) def returnParticles(middle): filtered = [] turning_indices = [] for i in pivoted_y: turning_index = pivoted_y[i].idxmax() if abs(turning_index - middle) < 10: filtered.append(i)
def TransversalEstimation(settings, t_drift, drift_smoothing_frames, rolling_window_size, min_particle_per_block): """ Y-Depending drift-correction RF: Creation of y-sub-zones and calculation of drift SW 180717: Subtraction of drift from trajectories """"Mode: transversal drift correction (laminar flow)") nd.logger.warning('That code should work but not ideal sure. Have a look if you rely on it!') # how many particles are needed to perform a drift correction #min_particle_per_block = 40 # # use blocks above and below for averaging (more particles make drift correction better) # # e.g. 2 means y subarea itself and the two above AND below # rolling_window_size = 5 #total number of averaged blocks average_over_total_block = 2 * rolling_window_size + 1 # sort y values to have in each sub area the same amount of particles all_y_sorted = t_drift.y.values.copy() all_y_sorted.sort() y_min = all_y_sorted[0]; # min y of tracked particle y_max = all_y_sorted[-1]; # max y of tracked particle num_data_points = len(all_y_sorted) # total number of captured frames num_frames = t_drift.index.max() - t_drift.index.min() + 1 """ This is difficult to explain =/ We have >num_data_points< data points and want to split them such, that each sub y has >min_particle_per_block< in it in each frame >num_frames<. Because of the averaging with neighbouring areas the effective number is lifted >average_over_total_block< start: distribute num_data_points over all number of frames and blocks """ # calculate how many transversal blocks we can form number_blocks = int(num_data_points / min_particle_per_block / num_frames * average_over_total_block) # get the y-coordinates of all particles in a block sub_y = np.zeros(number_blocks+1) for x in range(0,number_blocks): use_index = int(num_data_points * (x / number_blocks)) sub_y[x] = all_y_sorted[use_index] sub_y[-1] = y_max #average y-range in each block y_range = (sub_y[:-1] + sub_y[1:]) / 2 # delete variable to start again if 'calc_drift' in locals(): del calc_drift del total_drift total_drift = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['y','x','frame']) calc_drift_diff = pd.DataFrame() # Creating a copy of the trajectory which will contain a new column with each values ysub-position t_drift_ysub = t_drift.copy() t_drift_ysub['ysub']=np.nan # Defining values to nan # loop the drift correction over the transversal blocks for x in range(0,number_blocks): print(x) # calc which subareas of y are in the rolling window. sub_y_min = x - rolling_window_size if sub_y_min < 0: sub_y_min = 0 sub_y_max = x + 1 + rolling_window_size if sub_y_max > number_blocks: sub_y_max = number_blocks; # select which particles are in the surrounding blocks for the averaging use_part = (t_drift['y'] >= sub_y[sub_y_min]) & (t_drift['y'] < sub_y[sub_y_max]) # select which particles are in the current block and are corrected use_part_subtract = (t_drift['y'] >= sub_y[x]) & (t_drift['y'] < sub_y[x+1]) # get their indices use_part_index = np.where(np.array(use_part)==True) # find index of elements true # WHAT IS THIS VARIABLE ACTUALLY GOOD FOR? use_part_subtract_index = np.where(np.array(use_part_subtract)==True) # Writing x as ysub into copy of t1. That's needed to treat data differently depending on y-sub-position # Python 3.5 t1_ysub['ysub'].iloc[use_part_subtract_index]=x # I believe that's not an elegant way of doing it. Maybe find a better approach t_drift_ysub.loc[use_part,'ysub'] = x # RF 180906 # how many particles are in each frames use_part_index = list(use_part_index)[0] use_part_subtract_index = list(use_part_subtract_index)[0] num_particles_block = len(use_part_index) # check if drift_smoothing_frames is not longer than the video is long num_frames = settings["ROI"]["frame_max"] - settings["ROI"]["frame_min"] + 1 if num_frames < drift_smoothing_frames: sys.exit("Number of frames is smaller than drift_smoothing_frames") # make the drift correction with the subframe calc_drift_y = tp.compute_drift(t_drift.iloc[use_part_index], drift_smoothing_frames) # calculate the drift of this y block calc_drift_y_diff=calc_drift_y.diff(periods=1).fillna(value=0) calc_drift_y_diff['ysub']=x calc_drift_y['frame'] = calc_drift_y.index.values calc_drift_y['y_range'] = y_range[x] # calculate entire drift with starting and end position start_pos = calc_drift_y.set_index('y_range')[['y', 'x', 'frame']].iloc[[0],:] end_pos = calc_drift_y.set_index('y_range')[['y', 'x', 'frame']].iloc[[-1],:] my_total = end_pos - start_pos my_total ['num_particles'] = num_particles_block if x == 0: calc_drift = calc_drift_y total_drift = my_total calc_drift_diff = calc_drift_y_diff # that's going to be the look-up for the drift, depending on y-sub else: calc_drift = pd.concat([calc_drift, calc_drift_y]) #prepare additional index total_drift = pd.concat([total_drift, my_total]) calc_drift_diff = pd.concat([calc_drift_diff,calc_drift_y_diff]) # to distinguish that we're not looking at positions but the difference of positions calc_drift_diff=calc_drift_diff.rename(columns={'x':'x_diff1', 'y':'y_diff1'}) # Adding frame as a column calc_drift_diff['frame']=calc_drift_diff.index # Indexing by y-sub-area and frame calc_drift_diff=calc_drift_diff.set_index(['ysub','frame']) # Adding frame as a calumn to particle data t_drift_ysub['frame']=t_drift_ysub.index # Indexing particle-data analogously to drift-lookup t_drift_ysub=t_drift_ysub.set_index(['ysub','frame']) # Adding drift-lookup into particle data, using frame and ysub t_drift_ysub_diff=pd.merge(t_drift_ysub,calc_drift_diff, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner') # Releasing frame from index -> allows to sort easier by frame t_drift_ysub_diff=t_drift_ysub_diff.reset_index('frame') cumsums_x=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame']).groupby(by='particle')['x_diff1'].cumsum() # Calculating particle history in x direction: # sorting by particle first, then frame, grouping then by particle and calculating the cumulative sum of displacements cumsums_y=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame']).groupby(by='particle')['y_diff1'].cumsum() # same in y-direction # Sorting particle data in the same way t_no_drift_ysub_diff_sort=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame']) # UNSICHER: + oder - ????? t_no_drift_ysub_diff_sort['x_corr']=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame'])['x']-cumsums_x # subtracting drift-history for each particle # UNSICHER: + oder - ????? t_no_drift_ysub_diff_sort['y_corr']=t_drift_ysub_diff.sort_values(['particle','frame'])['y']-cumsums_y # same in y-direction #tm_sub=t1_ysub_diff_sort.copy() # just giving a more descriptive name to particle data t_no_drift_sub = t_no_drift_ysub_diff_sort # dropping axes that wouldn't be needed any longer t_no_drift_sub = t_no_drift_sub.drop(['x', 'y', 'x_diff1', 'y_diff1'], axis=1) #tm_sub=tm_sub.rename(columns={'x':'x', 'y':'y'}) # renaming the corrected position into original names to keep the remaining code working with it t_no_drift_sub = t_no_drift_sub.rename(columns={'x_corr':'x', 'y_corr':'y'}) # Bringing tm_sub back into a format that later parts of the code need to work with it t_no_drift_sub_store=t_no_drift_sub.copy() # Forgetting about ysub - which isn't needed anymore - and making frame the only index again t_no_drift_sub.set_index('frame', drop=True, inplace=True) # Sorting by frame t_no_drift_sub=t_no_drift_sub.sort_index() # Adding frame as a column t_no_drift_sub['frame'] = t_no_drift_sub.index #reindex cols = t_no_drift_sub.columns.tolist() cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("y"))) cols.insert(0, cols.pop(cols.index("x"))) t_no_drift_sub = t_no_drift_sub.reindex(columns= cols)# Ordering as needed later # Set this, if y-depending-drift-correction is to be used t_no_drift = t_no_drift_sub # t_no_drift = tp.filter_stubs(t_no_drift, min_tracking_frames) t_no_drift = t_no_drift.sort_values('frame') # insert y_range # total_drift.index = y_range RF180906 is that needed? # set two new indices - first frame than y_range calc_drift = calc_drift.set_index(['frame']) # calc velocity as deviation of drift # average speed for display avg_frames = 30 calc_drift[['velocity_y', 'velocity_x','new_y_range']] = calc_drift[['y','x','y_range']].diff(avg_frames)/avg_frames # Delete lines where new y range begins # ronny does not like python yet calc_drift_copy = calc_drift[abs(calc_drift['new_y_range']) == 0].copy() # still not... del calc_drift calc_drift = calc_drift_copy.copy() return t_no_drift, total_drift, calc_drift, number_blocks, y_range
tp.mass_size(tra1.groupby('particle').mean()); ##plots size vs mass fig,(ax1,ax2,ax3)=plt.subplots(1,3) fig.suptitle("Trajectories with/without Overall Drift") plt.figure() tp.plot_traj(tra1); d =tp.compute_drift(tra1) ##subtract overall drift from trajectory d.plot() tm=tp.subtract_drift(tra1.copy(),d) ##plot filtered trajectory ax=tp.plot_traj(tm) ##MSD Calculation and Plot im=tp.imsd(tm,1/5.,60) ##microns per pixel, frames per second=60 fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(im.index, im, 'k-', alpha=0.1) # black lines, semitransparent ax.set(ylabel=r'$\langle \Delta r^2 \rangle$ [$\mu$m$^2$]', xlabel='lag time $t$',title='MSD') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log')
# plt.figure() # tp.annotate(traj3[traj3['frame'] == 0], frames[0]); #============================================================================== traj3.drop(traj3.columns[[2,3,4,5,6,7]], axis = 1, inplace = True) # keep only x,y,frame,particle #============================================================================== # plt.figure() # tp.plot_traj(traj3); #============================================================================== ## Drift # Calculate the drift drift = tp.compute_drift(traj,smoothing = 20) # return the cumsum of <dx,dy> #============================================================================== # plt.figure() # plot <dx,dy> # drift.plot(); #============================================================================== # Substract the drift traj_f = tp.subtract_drift(traj3.copy(), drift) # final trajectories no = traj_f.groupby('frame').size() # no. of particle per frame print('Activity', act, 'particels', no.mean()) #============================================================================== # plt.figure() # tp.plot_traj(traj_f); #==============================================================================
#fig=tp.annotate(f, aa[0]) #fig.figure.savefig("./trackpyResult/trackpyAnnotation.jpg") #f = tp.batch(aa[:], 11, minmass=200, invert=True); #f = tp.batch(aa[:], 11, invert=True); fig, ax = plt.subplots() t = tp.link_df(f, 5, memory=3) t1 = tp.filter_stubs(t, 50) print(t1) t1.to_csv("./trackpyResult/t1.csv") # Compare the number of particles in the unfiltered and filtered data. print('Before:', t['particle'].nunique()) print('After:', t1['particle'].nunique()) #fig=plt.figure() #fig=tp.mass_size(t1.groupby('particle').mean()); # convenience function -- just plots size vs. mass #fig.figure.savefig("./trackpyResult/particle.jpg") fig=plt.figure() fig=tp.plot_traj(t1) fig.figure.savefig("./trackpyResult/trajectoryI.jpg") t2 = t1 fig=plt.figure() fig=tp.annotate(t2[t2['frame'] == 0], aa[0]); fig.figure.savefig("./trackpyResult/t2Annotation.jpg") d = tp.compute_drift(t2) fig=plt.figure() fig=d.plot() tm = tp.subtract_drift(t1.copy(), d) fig.figure.savefig("./trackpyResult/comDrift.jpg") fig=plt.figure() fig=tp.plot_traj(tm) fig.figure.savefig("./trackpyResult/traj.jpg")
print("Loading CDF.pkl done") ''' feats=tpy.batch(frames, diameter=d, minmass=None, maxsize=59, noise_size=1, smoothing_size=None, threshold=None, invert=False, topn=None, preprocess= True, max_iterations=10, filter_after=True, characterize=True, engine='python', meta='Results/Batch_Info.txt') ''' tr = tpy.link_df(features, search_range=10, adaptive_stop=3, adaptive_step=0.95, memory=3) #tr.to_pickle("DS5tracks.pkl") #tr=pandas.read_pickle("DS5tracks.pkl") tr1 = tpy.filter_stubs(tr, 0.1 * numFiles) drift = tpy.compute_drift(tr1) #tr1=tr #No Truncation trF = tpy.subtract_drift(tr1, drift) plt.clf() ''' tempTr=trF R=60 pairs=[] for t in range(numFiles-1): frame0=trF.loc[[t], ['particle', 'x', 'y']] frame1=trF.loc[[t+1], ['particle', 'x', 'y']] nums0=frame0['particle'] nums1=frame1['particle'] for idx, rows in frame1.iterrows(): num=rows['particle']
def main(): for case_idx, case in enumerate(cases.values()): res_path = gen_path + case[1] frames = pims.ImageSequence(gen_path + case[0], as_grey=True) # Stores the unfiltered annotated image of a frame to local file path if plots["Annotate_unfiltered"]: k = tp.locate(frames[0], 11, invert=[case_idx in [0, 1]], minmass=200) fig = plt.figure("Annotated_unfiltered_image_" + case[2]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot() a = ["k", "w"][case_idx in [2, 3]] tp.annotate(k, frames[0], color=a, ax=ax1) #ax1.set_title("Annotated unfiltered image case: "+ case[2]) #ax1.set_xlabel("x[px]", fontsize=size) #ax1.set_ylabel("y[px]", fontsize=size) ax1.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", top=False, bottom=False, labelbottom=False, right=False, left=False, labelleft=False) fig.savefig(res_path + "Annotated_unfiltered_image_" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) # If True: Tracks all frames and stores .csv to locally, else: imports such .csv file from local if plots["Generate_batch"]: f = tp.batch(frames[:225], 11, minmass=100, invert=[case_idx in [0, 1]]) f.to_csv(res_path + "batch_" + case[2] + ".csv") if not plots["Generate_batch"]: f = pd.read_csv(res_path + "batch_" + case[2] + ".csv") # Linking and filtering t = tp.link_df(f, 5, memory=3) t1 = tp.filter_stubs(t, 50) # Plots the size vs mass profile and saves to local file path if plots["Size_vs_mass"]: fig = plt.figure("Size_vs_mass_" + case[2]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot() tp.mass_size( t1.groupby('particle').mean(), ax=ax1) # convenience function -- just plots size vs. mass #ax1.set_title("Size vs mass case: " + case[2]) ax1.set_xlabel("mass", fontsize=size) ax1.set_ylabel("Gyration radius [px]", fontsize=size) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax1.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=size) ax1.tick_params(axis="both", which="minor", labelsize=size) fig.savefig(res_path + "Size_vs_mass_" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) if plots["Annotate_filtered"]: if case_idx in [0, 1]: # Set BF condition condition = lambda x: ( (x['mass'].mean() > 250) & (x['size'].mean() < 3.0) & (x['ecc'].mean() < 0.1)) elif case_idx in [2, 3]: # Set DF condition condition = lambda x: ( (x['mass'].mean() > 100) & (x['size'].mean() < 5.0) & (x['ecc'].mean() < 0.1)) t2 = tp.filter( t1, condition ) # a wrapper for pandas' filter that works around a bug in v 0.12 fig = plt.figure("Annotated_filtered_image_" + case[2]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot() k = ["k", "w"][case_idx in [2, 3]] tp.annotate(t2[t2['frame'] == 0], frames[0], color=k, ax=ax1) #ax1.set_title("Annotated filtered image case: " + case[2]) #ax1.set_xlabel("x[px]", fontsize=size) #ax1.set_ylabel("y[px]", fontsize=size) ax1.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", top=False, bottom=False, labelbottom=False, right=False, left=False, labelleft=False) fig.savefig(res_path + "Annotated_filtered_image_" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) if plots["Gyration_radius_filtered"]: size_dis_t1 = [i * ratio_μm_px for i in t1['size']] plt.figure("Gyration_radius_filtered_" + case[2]) plt.hist(size_dis_t1, bins=300, color="k", alpha=0.5) #plt.title("Gyration radius filtered case: "+ case[2]) plt.ylabel("Events", fontsize=size) plt.xlabel("Gyration radius [μm]", fontsize=size) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=size) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="minor", labelsize=size) plt.savefig(res_path + "Gyration_radius_filtered" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close("all") if plots["Gyration_radius_unfiltered"]: size_dis_t = [i * ratio_μm_px for i in t['size']] plt.figure("Gyration_radius_unfiltered_" + case[2]) plt.hist(size_dis_t, bins=300, color="k", alpha=0.5) #plt.title("Gyration radius unfiltered case: " + case[2]) plt.ylabel("Events", fontsize=size) plt.xlabel("Gyration radius [μm]", fontsize=size) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=size) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="minor", labelsize=size) plt.savefig(res_path + "Gyration_radius_unfiltered" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close("all") d = tp.compute_drift(t1) tm = tp.subtract_drift(t1, d) if plots["Trajectory_drift"]: fig = plt.figure("Trajectory_drift_subtracted_" + case[2]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot() ax1.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=size) ax1.tick_params(axis="both", which="minor", labelsize=size) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) tp.plot_traj(tm, ax=ax1) #ax1.set_title("Trajectory with drift subtracted case: " + case[2]) plt.savefig(res_path + "Trajectory_drift_subtracted_" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) if plots["Variance_all_parts"]: im = tp.imsd( tm, ratio_μm_px, fps, max_lagtime=225 ) # microns per pixel = 100/285., frames per second = 24 plt.figure("Variance_for_all_particles_" + case[2]) #plt.title("Variance for all particles case: " + case[2]) plt.plot(im.index, im, 'k-', alpha=0.1) # black lines, semitransparent plt.ylabel(r'$\langle \Delta r^2 \rangle$ [$\mu$m$^2$]', fontsize=size), plt.xlabel('time $t$', fontsize=size) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig(res_path + "Variance_for_all_particles_" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) if plots["Variance_linear"] or plots["Variance_power_fit"] or plots[ "Return_A_and_D"]: em = tp.emsd(tm, ratio_μm_px, fps, max_lagtime=225) if plots["Variance_linear"]: plt.figure("Variance_linear_fit_" + case[2]) #plt.title("Variance linear fit case: " + case[2]) plt.plot(em.index, em, 'ko', alpha=0.5) plt.ylabel(r'$\langle \Delta r^2 \rangle$ [$\mu$m$^2$]', fontsize=size), plt.xlabel('time $t$ [s]', fontsize=size) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=size) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="minor", labelsize=size) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim(1e-2, 50) plt.savefig(res_path + "Variance_linear_fit_" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) if plots["Variance_power_fit"]: fig = plt.figure("Variance_power_fit_" + case[2]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot() tp.utils.fit_powerlaw(em, ax=ax1, color="k", alpha=0.5) #ax1.set_title("Variance power fitted case: " + case[2]) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\langle \Delta r^2 \rangle$ [$\mu$m$^2$]', fontsize=size) ax1.set_xlabel('time $t$ [s]', fontsize=size) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax1.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=size) ax1.tick_params(axis="both", which="minor", labelsize=size) fig.savefig(res_path + "Variance_power_fit_" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) if plots["Hydrodynamic_radius_filtered"]: im = tp.imsd(tm, ratio_μm_px, fps, max_lagtime=225) r_h = [] count = 0 im = im.rename_axis("ID").values for index in range(1, len(im[0])): if isinstance(im[40][index], float) and isinstance( im[8][index], float): D = (im[40][index] - im[8][index]) / (4 * (40 - 8) / fps) * 10**(-12) if isinstance(D, float): r_h += [abs(10**6 * (k_b * T) / (6 * np.pi * μ * D))] if 0 < abs(10**6 * (k_b * T) / (6 * np.pi * μ * D)) < 6: count += 1 print("In interval: ", count, "Total: ", len(r_h), "Ratio: ", count / len(r_h)) plt.figure("Hydrodynamic_radius_filtered_" + case[2]) plt.hist(r_h, bins=int(count / 3), color="k", alpha=0.5, range=(0, 6)) #plt.title("Hydrodynamic radius filtered case: "+ case[2]) plt.ylabel("Trajectories", fontsize=size) plt.xlabel("Hydrodynamic radius [μm]", fontsize=size) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=size) plt.tick_params(axis="both", which="minor", labelsize=size) plt.savefig(res_path + "Hydrodynamic_radius_filtered" + case[2] + ".png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close("all") if plots["Return_A_and_D"]: A = tp.utils.fit_powerlaw(em, ax=ax1, color="k", alpha=0.5)["A"] * 10**(-12) print(tp.utils.fit_powerlaw(em, ax=ax1, color="k", alpha=0.5)) print("For case ", case[2], " A=", A, ", and D=", A / 4, ".")
def analyze(self, plot_gif=False): self.drifts = [] self.v_drift_mag = [] self.D_constants = [] self.D_constants2 = [] self.msd_slope = [] self.msd_intercept = [] self.mu_hats = [] self.ed = [] self.em = [] self.frames = [] self.dataframes = [] for i, path in enumerate(self.SXM_PATH): frames = SXMReader(path) self.frames.append(frames) self.NM_PER_PIXEL = frames.meters_per_pixel * 1e9 molecule_size, min_mass, max_mass, separation, min_size, max_ecc, adaptive_stop, search_range, _ = self.PARAMS[ i] f = tp.batch(frames, molecule_size, minmass=min_mass, separation=separation) t =, search_range=search_range, adaptive_stop=adaptive_stop) t1 = t[((t['mass'] > min_mass) & (t['size'] > min_size) & (t['ecc'] < max_ecc)) & (t['mass'] < max_mass)] t2 = tp.filter_stubs(t, 3) # Compare the number of particles in the unfiltered and filtered data. print('Before:', t['particle'].nunique()) print('After:', t2['particle'].nunique()) if plot_gif == True: moviename = "{}-{}".format(min(self.fileranges[i]), max(self.fileranges[i])) singlemoviefolder = self.MOVIE_FOLDER + moviename + "/" if not os.path.exists(singlemoviefolder): os.makedirs(singlemoviefolder) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14, 'font.weight': 'bold'}) mpl.rc('image', origin='lower') mpl.rc('text', usetex=False) mpl.rc('text', color='orange') fns = [] for j, frame in enumerate(frames): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) tp.plot_traj(t2[(t2['frame'] <= j)], superimpose=frames[j], label=True) fn = singlemoviefolder + "Image_{}.png".format( self.fileranges[i][j]) fig.savefig(fn) fns.append(fn) ax = plt.gca() # get the axis ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) # invert the axis ax.xaxis.tick_top() # and move the X-Axis ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 16, 1)) # set y-ticks ax.yaxis.tick_left() # remove right y-Ticks plt.clf() mpl.rc('text', color='black') images = [] for fn in fns: images.append(imageio.imread(fn)) imageio.mimsave(singlemoviefolder + moviename + '.gif', images, duration=0.5) self._cleanup_png(singlemoviefolder) # Compute drifts d = tp.compute_drift(t2) d.loc[0] = [0, 0] t3 = t2.copy() # Storing drifts self.drifts.append(d) # Method 1 of calculating D: variance of all displacements of Delta_t=1 displacements = self._calculate_displacements(t3) self.D_constants.append( (displacements.dx.var() + displacements.dy.var()) / 4) # r^2 = x^2 + y^2 = 2Dt + 2Dt self.mu_hats.append(np.mean(displacements[['dx', 'dy']], axis=0)) # Method 2 of calculating D: linear fit to MSD em = tp.emsd(t3, frames.meters_per_pixel * 1e9, self.DIFFUSION_TIME, max_lagtime=len(frames), detail=True) self.em.append(em) self.ed.append([em['<x>'], em['<y>']]) result = linregress(em.index[:-8] * self.DIFFUSION_TIME, em['msd'][:-8]) self.msd_slope.append(result.slope) self.msd_intercept.append(result.intercept) self.D_constants2.append(result.slope / 4) # Store dataframe for future analysis self.dataframes.append(t3) self.v_drift_mag = np.linalg.norm(self.mu_hats, 2, axis=1)