def switch_to_soft_ellipses(cat):
    from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, FixedCompositeGalaxy
    from tractor.ellipses import EllipseESoft
    for src in cat:
        if isinstance(src, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy)):
            src.shape = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shape)
        elif isinstance(src, FixedCompositeGalaxy):
            src.shapeDev = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shapeDev)
            src.shapeExp = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shapeExp)
def switch_to_soft_ellipses(cat):
    from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, FixedCompositeGalaxy
    from tractor.ellipses import EllipseESoft
    for src in cat:
        if isinstance(src, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy)):
            src.shape = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shape)
        elif isinstance(src, FixedCompositeGalaxy):
            src.shapeDev = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shapeDev)
            src.shapeExp = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shapeExp)
def switch_to_soft_ellipses(cat):
    Converts our softened-ellipticity EllipseESoft parameters into
    normal EllipseE ellipses.
    *cat*: an iterable of tractor Sources, which will be modified

    from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, FixedCompositeGalaxy
    from tractor.ellipses import EllipseESoft
    for src in cat:
        if isinstance(src, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy)):
            src.shape = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shape)
        elif isinstance(src, FixedCompositeGalaxy):
            src.shapeDev = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shapeDev)
            src.shapeExp = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(src.shapeExp)
def get_galaxy_sources(galaxies, bands):
    from legacypipe.catalog import fits_reverse_typemap
    from legacypipe.survey import (LegacySersicIndex, LegacyEllipseWithPriors,
                                   LogRadius, RexGalaxy)
    from tractor import NanoMaggies, RaDecPos, PointSource
    from tractor.ellipses import EllipseE, EllipseESoft
    from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy
    from tractor.sersic import SersicGalaxy

    # Factor of HyperLEDA to set the galaxy max radius
    radius_max_factor = 2.

    srcs = [None for g in galaxies]

    # If we have pre-burned galaxies, re-create the Tractor sources for them.
    I, = np.nonzero(galaxies.preburned)
    for ii, g in zip(I, galaxies[I]):
        typ = fits_reverse_typemap[g.type.strip()]
        pos = RaDecPos(g.ra, g.dec)
        fluxes = dict([(band, g.get('flux_%s' % band)) for band in bands])
        bright = NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes)
        shape = None
        # put the Rex branch first, because Rex is a subclass of ExpGalaxy!
        if issubclass(typ, RexGalaxy):
            assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_r))
            logre = np.log(g.shape_r)
            shape = LogRadius(logre)
            # set prior max at 2x SGA radius
            shape.setMaxLogRadius(logre + np.log(radius_max_factor))
        elif issubclass(typ, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, SersicGalaxy)):
            assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_r))
            assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_e1))
            assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_e2))
            shape = EllipseE(g.shape_r, g.shape_e1, g.shape_e2)
            # switch to softened ellipse (better fitting behavior)
            shape = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(shape)
            # and then to our custom ellipse class
            logre = shape.logre
            shape = LegacyEllipseWithPriors(logre, shape.ee1, shape.ee2)
            assert (np.all(np.isfinite(shape.getParams())))
            # set prior max at 2x SGA radius
            shape.setMaxLogRadius(logre + np.log(radius_max_factor))

        if issubclass(typ, PointSource):
            src = typ(pos, bright)
        # this catches Rex too
        elif issubclass(typ, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy)):
            src = typ(pos, bright, shape)
        elif issubclass(typ, (SersicGalaxy)):
            assert (np.isfinite(g.sersic))
            sersic = LegacySersicIndex(g.sersic)
            src = typ(pos, bright, shape, sersic)
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown preburned SGA source type "%s"' % typ)
        debug('Created', src)
        assert (np.isfinite(src.getLogPrior()))
        srcs[ii] = src

    # SGA parent catalog: 'preburned' is not set
    # This also can happen in the preburned/ellipse catalog when fitting
    # fails, or no-grz, etc.
    I, = np.nonzero(np.logical_not(galaxies.preburned))
    for ii, g in zip(I, galaxies[I]):
        # Initialize each source with an exponential disk--
        fluxes = dict([(band, NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(g.mag))
                       for band in bands])
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(list(fluxes.values()))))
        rr = g.radius * 3600. / 2  # factor of two accounts for R(25)-->reff [arcsec]
        assert (np.isfinite(rr))
        assert (np.isfinite(g.ba))
        assert (np.isfinite(g.pa))
        ba = g.ba
        if ba <= 0.0 or ba > 1.0:
            # Make round!
            ba = 1.0
        logr, ee1, ee2 = EllipseESoft.rAbPhiToESoft(
            rr, ba, 180 - g.pa)  # note the 180 rotation
        assert (np.isfinite(logr))
        assert (np.isfinite(ee1))
        assert (np.isfinite(ee2))
        shape = LegacyEllipseWithPriors(logr, ee1, ee2)
        shape.setMaxLogRadius(logr + np.log(radius_max_factor))
        src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(g.ra, g.dec),
                        NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes), shape)
        assert (np.isfinite(src.getLogPrior()))
        src.needs_initial_flux = True
        srcs[ii] = src

    return srcs