def get_cfht_catalog(mags=['i'], maglim=27., returnTable=False):
    from astrometry.util.pyfits_utils import fits_table
    from tractor import Mags, RaDecPos, PointSource, Images, Catalog
    from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, CompositeGalaxy, GalaxyShape

    T = fits_table(
    print 'Read', len(T), 'sources'
    # Cut to ROI
    (ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1) = radecroi
    T.ra = T.alpha_j2000
    T.dec = T.delta_j2000
    T = T[(T.ra > ra0) * (T.ra < ra1) * (T.dec > dec0) * (T.dec < dec1)]
    print 'Cut to', len(T), 'objects in ROI.'

    srcs = Catalog()
    keepi = []
    for i, t in enumerate(T):
        if t.chi2_psf < t.chi2_model and t.mag_psf <= maglim:
            #print 'PSF'
            themag = t.mag_psf
            m = Mags(order=mags, **dict([(k, themag) for k in mags]))
            srcs.append(PointSource(RaDecPos(t.ra, t.dec), m))
        if t.mag_disk > maglim and t.mag_spheroid > maglim:
            #print 'Faint'
        themag = t.mag_spheroid
        m_exp = Mags(order=mags, **dict([(k, themag) for k in mags]))
        themag = t.mag_disk
        m_dev = Mags(order=mags, **dict([(k, themag) for k in mags]))

        # SPHEROID_REFF [for Sersic index n= 1] = 1.68 * DISK_SCALE
        shape_dev = GalaxyShape(t.disk_scale_world * 1.68 * 3600.,
                                t.disk_aspect_world, t.disk_theta_world + 90.)
        shape_exp = GalaxyShape(t.spheroid_reff_world * 3600.,
                                t.spheroid_theta_world + 90.)
        pos = RaDecPos(t.alphamodel_j2000, t.deltamodel_j2000)

        if t.mag_disk > maglim and t.mag_spheroid <= maglim:
            #print 'Exp'
            srcs.append(ExpGalaxy(pos, m_exp, shape_exp))
        if t.mag_disk <= maglim and t.mag_spheroid > maglim:
            #print 'deV'
            srcs.append(DevGalaxy(pos, m_dev, shape_dev))
        # exp + deV
        srcs.append(CompositeGalaxy(pos, m_exp, shape_exp, m_dev, shape_dev))

    if returnTable:
        import numpy as np
        return srcs, T

    return srcs
 def galaxy_norm(self, tim, x=None, y=None):
     # Galaxy-detection norm
     from tractor.galaxy import ExpGalaxy
     from tractor.ellipses import EllipseE
     from tractor.patch import Patch
     h,w = tim.shape
     band = tim.band
     if x is None:
         x = w/2.
     if y is None:
         y = h/2.
     pos = tim.wcs.pixelToPosition(x, y)
     gal = ExpGalaxy(pos, NanoMaggies(**{band:1.}), EllipseE(0.45, 0., 0.))
     S = 32
     mm = Patch(int(x-S), int(y-S), np.ones((2*S+1, 2*S+1), bool))
     galmod = gal.getModelPatch(tim, modelMask=mm).patch
     galmod = np.maximum(0, galmod)
     galmod /= galmod.sum()
     galnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(galmod**2))
     return galnorm
 def galaxy_norm(self, tim, x=None, y=None):
     # Galaxy-detection norm
     from tractor.galaxy import ExpGalaxy
     from tractor.ellipses import EllipseE
     from tractor.patch import Patch
     h, w = tim.shape
     band = tim.band
     if x is None:
         x = w / 2.
     if y is None:
         y = h / 2.
     pos = tim.wcs.pixelToPosition(x, y)
     gal = ExpGalaxy(pos, NanoMaggies(**{band: 1.}), EllipseE(0.45, 0., 0.))
     S = 32
     mm = Patch(int(x - S), int(y - S), np.ones((2 * S + 1, 2 * S + 1),
     galmod = gal.getModelPatch(tim, modelMask=mm).patch
     galmod = np.maximum(0, galmod)
     galmod /= galmod.sum()
     galnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(galmod**2))
     return galnorm
def main():
    import optparse
    from astrometry.util.plotutils import PlotSequence
    from astrometry.util.util import Tan

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] incat.fits out.fits')
    parser.add_option('-r', '--ralo',  dest='ralo',  type=float,
                      help='Minimum RA')
    parser.add_option('-R', '--rahi',  dest='rahi',  type=float,
                      help='Maximum RA')
    parser.add_option('-d', '--declo', dest='declo', type=float,
                      help='Minimum Dec')
    parser.add_option('-D', '--dechi', dest='dechi', type=float,
                      help='Maximum Dec')

    parser.add_option('-b', '--band', dest='bands', action='append', type=int,
                      default=[], help='WISE band to photometer (default: 1,2)')

    parser.add_option('-u', '--unwise', dest='unwise_dir',
                      help='Directory containing unWISE coadds')

    parser.add_option('--no-ceres', dest='ceres', action='store_false',
                      help='Use scipy lsqr rather than Ceres Solver?')

    parser.add_option('--ceres-block', '-B', dest='ceresblock', type=int,
                      help='Ceres image block size (default: %default)')

    parser.add_option('--plots', dest='plots',
                      default=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_option('--save-fits', dest='save_fits',
                      default=False, action='store_true')

    # parser.add_option('--ellipses', action='store_true',
    #                  help='Assume catalog shapes are ellipse descriptions (not r,ab,phi)')

    # parser.add_option('--ra', help='Center RA')
    # parser.add_option('--dec', help='Center Dec')
    # parser.add_option('--width', help='Degrees width (in RA*cos(Dec))')
    # parser.add_option('--height', help='Degrees height (Dec)')
    opt, args = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 2:

    if len(opt.bands) == 0:
        opt.bands = [1, 2]
    # Allow specifying bands like "123"
    bb = []
    for band in opt.bands:
        for s in str(band):
    opt.bands = bb
    print('Bands', opt.bands)

    ps = None
    if opt.plots:
        ps = PlotSequence('unwise')

    infn, outfn = args

    T = fits_table(infn)
    print('Read', len(T), 'sources from', infn)
    if opt.declo is not None:
        T.cut(T.dec >= opt.declo)
    if opt.dechi is not None:
        T.cut(T.dec <= opt.dechi)

    # Let's be a bit smart about RA wrap-around.  Compute the 'center'
    # of the RA points, use the cross product against that to define
    # inequality (clockwise-of).
    r = np.deg2rad(T.ra)
    x = np.mean(np.cos(r))
    y = np.mean(np.sin(r))
    rr = np.hypot(x, y)
    x /= rr
    y /= rr
    midra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x))
    midra += 360. * (midra < 0)
    xx = np.cos(r)
    yy = np.sin(r)
    T.cross = x * yy - y * xx
    minra = T.ra[np.argmin(T.cross)]
    maxra = T.ra[np.argmax(T.cross)]

    if opt.ralo is not None:
        r = np.deg2rad(opt.ralo)
        xx = np.cos(r)
        yy = np.sin(r)
        crosscut = x * yy - y * xx
        T.cut(T.cross >= crosscut)
        print('Cut to', len(T), 'with RA >', opt.ralo)

    if opt.rahi is not None:
        r = np.deg2rad(opt.rahi)
        xx = np.cos(r)
        yy = np.sin(r)
        crosscut = x * yy - y * xx
        T.cut(T.cross <= crosscut)
        print('Cut to', len(T), 'with RA <', opt.rahi)
    if opt.declo is None:
        opt.declo = T.dec.min()
    if opt.dechi is None:
        opt.dechi = T.dec.max()
    if opt.ralo is None:
        opt.ralo = T.ra[np.argmin(T.cross)]
    if opt.rahi is None:
        opt.rahi = T.ra[np.argmax(T.cross)]

    print('RA range:', opt.ralo, opt.rahi)
    print('Dec range:', opt.declo, opt.dechi)

    x = np.mean([np.cos(np.deg2rad(r)) for r in (opt.ralo, opt.rahi)])
    y = np.mean([np.sin(np.deg2rad(r)) for r in (opt.ralo, opt.rahi)])
    midra = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x))
    midra += 360. * (midra < 0)
    middec = (opt.declo + opt.dechi) / 2.

    print('RA,Dec center:', midra, middec)

    pixscale = 2.75 / 3600.
    H = (opt.dechi - opt.declo) / pixscale
    dra = 2. * min(np.abs(midra - opt.ralo), np.abs(midra - opt.rahi))
    W = dra * np.cos(np.deg2rad(middec)) / pixscale

    margin = 5
    W = int(W) + margin * 2
    H = int(H) + margin * 2
    print('W,H', W, H)
    targetwcs = Tan(midra, middec, (W + 1) / 2., (H + 1) / 2.,
                    -pixscale, 0., 0., pixscale, float(W), float(H))
    #print('Target WCS:', targetwcs)

    ra0, dec0 = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(0.5, 0.5)
    ra1, dec1 = targetwcs.pixelxy2radec(W + 0.5, H + 0.5)
    roiradecbox = [ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1]
    #print('ROI RA,Dec box', roiradecbox)

    tiles = unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(targetwcs)
    print('Cut to', len(tiles), 'unWISE tiles')


    cols = T.get_columns()
    all_ptsrcs = not('type' in cols)
    if not all_ptsrcs:
        assert('shapeexp' in cols)
        assert('shapedev' in cols)
        assert('fracdev' in cols)

    wanyband = 'w'

    print('Creating Tractor catalog...')
    cat = []
    for i, t in enumerate(T):
        pos = RaDecPos(t.ra, t.dec)
        flux = NanoMaggies(**{wanyband: 1.})
        if all_ptsrcs:
            cat.append(PointSource(pos, flux))

        tt = t.type.strip()
        if tt in ['PTSRC', 'STAR', 'S']:
            cat.append(PointSource(pos, flux))
        elif tt in ['EXP', 'E']:
            shape = EllipseE(*t.shapeexp)
            cat.append(ExpGalaxy(pos, flux, shape))
        elif tt in ['DEV', 'D']:
            shape = EllipseE(*t.shapedev)
            cat.append(DevGalaxy(pos, flux, shape))
        elif tt in ['COMP', 'C']:
            eshape = EllipseE(*t.shapeexp)
            dshape = EllipseE(*t.shapedev)
            cat.append(FixedCompositeGalaxy(pos, flux, t.fracdev,
                                            eshape, dshape))
            print('Did not understand row', i, 'of input catalog:')

    W = unwise_forcedphot(cat, tiles, roiradecbox=roiradecbox,
                          bands=opt.bands, unwise_dir=opt.unwise_dir,
                          use_ceres=opt.ceres, ceres_block=opt.ceresblock,
                          save_fits=opt.save_fits, ps=ps)
def gim2d_catalog(cat, band):
    ACS_MU_CLASS 	float 	  	Type of object.
    1 = galaxy
    2 = star
    3 = spurious
    ACS_CLEAN 	float 	  	Object useable flag.
    0 = do not use this object
    1 = use this object
    FLUX_GIM2D 	float 	counts 	GIM2D total flux
    R_GIM2D 	float 	arcseconds 	GIM2D psf-convolved half-light radius of object
    ELL_GIM2D 	float 	  	GIM2D ellipticity = 1-b/a of object
    PA_GIM2D 	float 	degrees 	GIM2D position angle of object - cw from +y-axis
    DX_GIM2D 	float 	arcseconds 	x-offset of GIM2D-model center from ACS-coordinate center
    DY_GIM2D 	float 	arcseconds 	y-offset of GIM2D-model center from ACS-coordinate center
    SERSIC_N_GIM2D 	float 	  	GIM2D Sersic index
    R_0P5_GIM2D 	float 	arcseconds 	GIM2D half-light radius of object without PSF convolution

    TYPE 	float 	  	ZEST Type CLASS
    1 = Early type
    2 = Disk
    3 = Irregular Galaxy
    9 = no classification
    BULG 	float 	  	ZEST "Bulgeness" CLASS - only for Type 2 (disk) galaxies.
    0 = bulge dominated galaxy
    1,2 = intermediate-bulge galaxies
    3 = pure disk galaxy
    9 = no classification
    STELLARITY 	float 	  	Visual Stellarity flag.

    0 if ACS_CLASS_STAR<0.6 (object is ASSUMED to be a galaxy; no visual inspection)
    0 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.6 AND object visually identified as a galaxy.
    1 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.6 AND visually identified as a star.
    2 if ACS_CLASS_STAR>=0.8 (object is assumed to be a star and was not visually inspected)
    3 if ACS_CLASS_STAR<0.6 but object is visually identified as a star (e.g. saturated star, etc)

    JUNKFLAG 	float 	  	
    0 = good object
    1 = spurious

    print('Classifications:', Counter(cat.type).most_common())

    cat.is_galaxy = (cat.stellarity == 0)
    srcs = []
    for t in cat:
        pos = RaDecPos(t.ra, t.dec)
        bright = NanoMaggies(
            **{band: NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(t.acs_mag_auto)})
        shape = GalaxyShape(t.r_0p5_gim2d, 1. - t.ell_gim2d, 90. + t.pa_gim2d)

        is_galaxy = (t.is_galaxy * (shape.re >= 0) * (shape.ab <= 1.) *
                     (shape.phi > -999))

        if is_galaxy and t.type == 1:
            # deV
            src = DevGalaxy(pos, bright, shape)
        elif is_galaxy and t.type == 2:
            # exp
            src = ExpGalaxy(pos, bright, shape)
            src = PointSource(pos, bright)
    return srcs
def get_reference_sources(survey,

    from legacypipe.survey import GaiaSource
    from legacypipe.survey import LegacyEllipseWithPriors
    from tractor import NanoMaggies, RaDecPos
    from tractor.galaxy import ExpGalaxy
    from tractor.ellipses import EllipseESoft

    H, W = targetwcs.shape
    H, W = int(H), int(W)

    # How big of a margin to search for bright stars and star clusters --
    # this should be based on the maximum radius they are considered to
    # affect.
    ref_margin = 0.125
    mpix = int(np.ceil(ref_margin * 3600. / pixscale))
    marginwcs = targetwcs.get_subimage(-mpix, -mpix, W + 2 * mpix,
                                       H + 2 * mpix)

    refs = []

    # Tycho-2 stars
    if tycho_stars:
        tycho = read_tycho2(survey, marginwcs)
        if len(tycho):

    # Add Gaia stars
    gaia = None
    if gaia_stars:
        from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec
        gaia = read_gaia(marginwcs)
    if gaia is not None:
        gaia.isbright = (gaia.phot_g_mean_mag < 13.)
        gaia.ismedium = (gaia.phot_g_mean_mag < 16.)
        gaia.donotfit = np.zeros(len(gaia), bool)
        # Handle sources that appear in both Gaia and Tycho-2 by
        # dropping the entry from Tycho-2.
        if len(gaia) and len(tycho):
            # Before matching, apply proper motions to bring them to
            # the same epoch.  We want to use the more-accurate Gaia
            # proper motions, so rewind Gaia positions to the
            # approximate epoch of Tycho-2: 1991.5.
            cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(gaia.dec))
            gra = gaia.ra + (1991.5 - gaia.ref_epoch) * gaia.pmra / (
                3600. * 1000.) / cosdec
            gdec = gaia.dec + (1991.5 - gaia.ref_epoch) * gaia.pmdec / (3600. *
            I, J, _ = match_radec(tycho.ra,
                                  1. / 3600.,
            debug('Matched', len(I), 'Tycho-2 stars to Gaia stars.')
            if len(I):
                keep = np.ones(len(tycho), bool)
                keep[I] = False
                gaia.isbright[J] = True
        if gaia is not None and len(gaia) > 0:

    # Read the catalog of star (open and globular) clusters and add them to the
    # set of reference stars (with the isbright bit set).
    if star_clusters:
        clusters = read_star_clusters(marginwcs)
        if clusters is not None:
            debug('Found', len(clusters), 'star clusters nearby')
            clusters.iscluster = np.ones(len(clusters), bool)

    # Read large galaxies nearby.
    if large_galaxies:
        galaxies = read_large_galaxies(survey, targetwcs)
        if galaxies is not None:
            # Resolve possible Gaia-large-galaxy duplicates
            if gaia and len(gaia):
                I, J, _ = match_radec(galaxies.ra,
                                      2. / 3600.,
                print('Matched', len(I), 'large galaxies to Gaia stars.')
                if len(I):
                    gaia.donotfit[J] = True

    refcat = None
    if len(refs):
        refs = merge_tables([r for r in refs if r is not None],
    if len(refs) == 0:
        return None, None

    refs.radius_pix = np.ceil(refs.radius * 3600. / pixscale).astype(int)

    ok, xx, yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(refs.ra, refs.dec)
    # ibx = integer brick coords
    refs.ibx = np.round(xx - 1.).astype(int)
    refs.iby = np.round(yy - 1.).astype(int)

    # cut ones whose position + radius are outside the brick bounds.
    refs.cut((xx > -refs.radius_pix) * (xx < W + refs.radius_pix) *
             (yy > -refs.radius_pix) * (yy < H + refs.radius_pix))
    # mark ones that are actually inside the brick area.
    refs.in_bounds = ((refs.ibx >= 0) * (refs.ibx < W) * (refs.iby >= 0) *
                      (refs.iby < H))

    for col in [
            'isbright', 'ismedium', 'islargegalaxy', 'iscluster', 'donotfit'
        if not col in refs.get_columns():
            refs.set(col, np.zeros(len(refs), bool))

    ## Create Tractor sources from reference stars
    refcat = []
    for g in refs:
        if g.donotfit or g.iscluster:

        elif g.islargegalaxy:
            fluxes = dict([(band, NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(g.mag))
                           for band in bands])
            assert (np.all(np.isfinite(list(fluxes.values()))))
            rr = g.radius * 3600. / 0.5  # factor of two accounts for R(25)-->reff
            pa = 180 - g.pa
            if not np.isfinite(pa):
                pa = 0.
            logr, ee1, ee2 = EllipseESoft.rAbPhiToESoft(rr, g.ba, pa)
            gal = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(g.ra, g.dec),
                            NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes),
                            LegacyEllipseWithPriors(logr, ee1, ee2))

            # Gaia star -- which we want to create a source for, regardless of
            # whether it is marked medium | bright (or neither).
            refcat.append(GaiaSource.from_catalog(g, bands))

    for src in refcat:
        if src:
            src.is_reference_source = True

    return refs, refcat
def get_galaxy_sources(galaxies, bands):
    from legacypipe.catalog import fits_reverse_typemap
    from legacypipe.survey import (LegacySersicIndex, LegacyEllipseWithPriors,
                                   LogRadius, RexGalaxy)
    from tractor import NanoMaggies, RaDecPos, PointSource
    from tractor.ellipses import EllipseE, EllipseESoft
    from tractor.galaxy import DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy
    from tractor.sersic import SersicGalaxy

    # Factor of HyperLEDA to set the galaxy max radius
    radius_max_factor = 2.

    srcs = [None for g in galaxies]

    # If we have pre-burned galaxies, re-create the Tractor sources for them.
    I, = np.nonzero(galaxies.preburned)
    for ii, g in zip(I, galaxies[I]):
        typ = fits_reverse_typemap[g.type.strip()]
        pos = RaDecPos(g.ra, g.dec)
        fluxes = dict([(band, g.get('flux_%s' % band)) for band in bands])
        bright = NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes)
        shape = None
        # put the Rex branch first, because Rex is a subclass of ExpGalaxy!
        if issubclass(typ, RexGalaxy):
            assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_r))
            logre = np.log(g.shape_r)
            shape = LogRadius(logre)
            # set prior max at 2x SGA radius
            shape.setMaxLogRadius(logre + np.log(radius_max_factor))
        elif issubclass(typ, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, SersicGalaxy)):
            assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_r))
            assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_e1))
            assert (np.isfinite(g.shape_e2))
            shape = EllipseE(g.shape_r, g.shape_e1, g.shape_e2)
            # switch to softened ellipse (better fitting behavior)
            shape = EllipseESoft.fromEllipseE(shape)
            # and then to our custom ellipse class
            logre = shape.logre
            shape = LegacyEllipseWithPriors(logre, shape.ee1, shape.ee2)
            assert (np.all(np.isfinite(shape.getParams())))
            # set prior max at 2x SGA radius
            shape.setMaxLogRadius(logre + np.log(radius_max_factor))

        if issubclass(typ, PointSource):
            src = typ(pos, bright)
        # this catches Rex too
        elif issubclass(typ, (DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy)):
            src = typ(pos, bright, shape)
        elif issubclass(typ, (SersicGalaxy)):
            assert (np.isfinite(g.sersic))
            sersic = LegacySersicIndex(g.sersic)
            src = typ(pos, bright, shape, sersic)
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown preburned SGA source type "%s"' % typ)
        debug('Created', src)
        assert (np.isfinite(src.getLogPrior()))
        srcs[ii] = src

    # SGA parent catalog: 'preburned' is not set
    # This also can happen in the preburned/ellipse catalog when fitting
    # fails, or no-grz, etc.
    I, = np.nonzero(np.logical_not(galaxies.preburned))
    for ii, g in zip(I, galaxies[I]):
        # Initialize each source with an exponential disk--
        fluxes = dict([(band, NanoMaggies.magToNanomaggies(g.mag))
                       for band in bands])
        assert (np.all(np.isfinite(list(fluxes.values()))))
        rr = g.radius * 3600. / 2  # factor of two accounts for R(25)-->reff [arcsec]
        assert (np.isfinite(rr))
        assert (np.isfinite(g.ba))
        assert (np.isfinite(g.pa))
        ba = g.ba
        if ba <= 0.0 or ba > 1.0:
            # Make round!
            ba = 1.0
        logr, ee1, ee2 = EllipseESoft.rAbPhiToESoft(
            rr, ba, 180 - g.pa)  # note the 180 rotation
        assert (np.isfinite(logr))
        assert (np.isfinite(ee1))
        assert (np.isfinite(ee2))
        shape = LegacyEllipseWithPriors(logr, ee1, ee2)
        shape.setMaxLogRadius(logr + np.log(radius_max_factor))
        src = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(g.ra, g.dec),
                        NanoMaggies(order=bands, **fluxes), shape)
        assert (np.isfinite(src.getLogPrior()))
        src.needs_initial_flux = True
        srcs[ii] = src

    return srcs
    def test_psfex(self):

        if ps is not None:
            from astrometry.util.plotutils import dimshow
            import pylab as plt

        H, W = 100, 100
        cx, cy = W / 2., H / 2.

        pixpsf = self.psf.constantPsfAt(cx, cy)

        ph, pw = pixpsf.shape
        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(pw), np.arange(ph))
        im = pixpsf.img.copy()
        im /= np.sum(im)
        cenx, ceny = np.sum(im * xx), np.sum(im * yy)
        print('Pixpsf centroid:', cenx, ceny)
        print('shape:', ph, pw)

        dx, dy = cenx - pw // 2, ceny - ph // 2
        print('dx,dy', dx, dy)

        # gpsf = GaussianMixturePSF.fromStamp(im, N=1)
        # print('Fit gpsf:', gpsf)
        # self.assertTrue(np.abs(gpsf.mog.mean[0,0] - dx) < 0.1)
        # self.assertTrue(np.abs(gpsf.mog.mean[0,1] - dy) < 0.1)
        # self.assertTrue(np.abs(gpsf.mog.var[0,0,0] - 15.5) < 1.)
        # self.assertTrue(np.abs(gpsf.mog.var[0,1,1] - 13.5) < 1.)
        # self.assertTrue(np.abs(gpsf.mog.var[0,1,0] -   -1) < 1.)

        gpsf = GaussianMixturePSF.fromStamp(im, N=2)
        print('Fit gpsf:', gpsf)
        print('Params:', ', '.join(['%.1f' % p for p in gpsf.getParams()]))

        pp = np.array(
            [0.8, 0.2, 0.1, -0.0, 1.2, 0.2, 7.6, 6.0, -1.0, 51.6, 49.1, -1.3])
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(np.array(gpsf.getParams()) - pp) < 0.1))

        tim = Image(data=np.zeros((H, W)),
                    invvar=np.ones((H, W)),

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H))

        star = PointSource(PixPos(cx, cy), Flux(100.))
        gal = ExpGalaxy(PixPos(cx, cy), Flux(100.), EllipseE(1., 0., 0.))

        tr1 = Tractor([tim], [star])
        tr2 = Tractor([tim], [gal])


        tim.psf = self.psf
        mod = tr1.getModelImage(0)
        mod1 = mod

        im = mod.copy()
        im /= im.sum()
        cenx, ceny = np.sum(im * xx), np.sum(im * yy)
        print('Star model + PsfEx centroid', cenx, ceny)

        self.assertTrue(np.abs(cenx - (cx + dx)) < 0.1)
        self.assertTrue(np.abs(ceny - (cy + dy)) < 0.1)

        if ps is not None:
            plt.title('Star model, PsfEx')

        tim.psf = pixpsf

        mod = tr1.getModelImage(0)

        if ps is not None:
            plt.title('Star model, pixpsf')

        tim.psf = gpsf

        mod = tr1.getModelImage(0)
        mod2 = mod

        if ps is not None:
            plt.title('Star model, gpsf')

            dimshow(mod1 - mod2)
            plt.title('Star model, PsfEx - gpsf')

        # range ~ -0.15 to +0.25
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(mod1 - mod2) < 0.25))

        tim.psf = self.psf
        mod = tr2.getModelImage(0)
        mod1 = mod

        im = mod.copy()
        im /= im.sum()
        cenx, ceny = np.sum(im * xx), np.sum(im * yy)
        print('Gal model + PsfEx centroid', cenx, ceny)

        self.assertTrue(np.abs(cenx - (cx + dx)) < 0.1)
        self.assertTrue(np.abs(ceny - (cy + dy)) < 0.1)

        if ps is not None:
            plt.title('Gal model, PsfEx')

        # tim.psf = pixpsf
        # mod = tr2.getModelImage(0)
        # plt.clf()
        # dimshow(mod)
        # plt.title('Gal model, pixpsf')
        # ps.savefig()

        tim.psf = gpsf
        mod = tr2.getModelImage(0)
        mod2 = mod
        # range ~ -0.1 to +0.2
        self.assertTrue(np.all(np.abs(mod1 - mod2) < 0.2))

        if ps is not None:
            plt.title('Gal model, gpsf')

            dimshow(mod1 - mod2)
            plt.title('Gal model, PsfEx - gpsf')
def add_tractor_sources(obj_cat, sources, w, shape_method='manual'):
    Add tractor sources to the sources list.

    obj_cat: astropy Table, objects catalogue.
    sources: list, to which we will add objects.
    w: wcs object.
    shape_method: string, 'manual' or 'decals'. If 'manual', it will adopt the 
                manually measured shapes. If 'decals', it will adopt 'DECaLS' 
                tractor shapes.

    sources: list of sources.
    from tractor import NullWCS, NullPhotoCal, ConstantSky
    from tractor.galaxy import GalaxyShape, DevGalaxy, ExpGalaxy, CompositeGalaxy
    from tractor.psf import Flux, PixPos, PointSource, PixelizedPSF, Image, Tractor
    from tractor.ellipses import EllipseE
    obj_type = np.array(list(map(lambda st: st.rstrip(' '), obj_cat['type'])))
    comp_galaxy = obj_cat[obj_type == 'COMP']
    dev_galaxy = obj_cat[obj_type == 'DEV']
    exp_galaxy = obj_cat[obj_type == 'EXP']
    rex_galaxy = obj_cat[obj_type == 'REX']
    psf_galaxy = obj_cat[np.logical_or(obj_type =='PSF', obj_type=='   ')]

    if shape_method is 'manual':
        # Using manually measured shapes
        if sources is None:
            sources = []
        for obj in obj_cat:
            pos_x, pos_y = w.wcs_world2pix([[obj['ra'], obj['dec']]], 1)[0]
            if obj['type'].rstrip(' ') == 'COMP':
                        PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(0.4 * obj['flux']),
                        GalaxyShape(obj['a_arcsec'] * 0.8, 0.9,
                                    90.0 + obj['theta'] * 180.0 / np.pi),
                        Flux(0.6 * obj['flux']),
                        GalaxyShape(obj['a_arcsec'], obj['b_arcsec'] / obj['a_arcsec'],
                                    90.0 + obj['theta'] * 180.0 / np.pi)))
            elif obj['type'].rstrip(' ') == 'DEV':
                        PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(obj['flux']),
                        GalaxyShape(obj['a_arcsec'], (obj['b_arcsec'] / obj['a_arcsec']),
                                    (90.0 + obj['theta'] * 180.0 / np.pi))))
            elif obj['type'].rstrip(' ') == 'EXP':
                        PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(obj['flux']),
                        GalaxyShape(obj['a_arcsec'], (obj['b_arcsec'] / obj['a_arcsec']),
                                    (90.0 + obj['theta'] * 180.0 / np.pi))))
            elif obj['type'].rstrip(' ') == 'REX':
                        PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(obj['flux']),
                        GalaxyShape(obj['a_arcsec'], (obj['b_arcsec'] / obj['a_arcsec']),
                                    (90.0 + obj['theta'] * 180.0 / np.pi))))
            elif obj['type'].rstrip(' ') == 'PSF' or obj['type'].rstrip(' ') == '   ':
                sources.append(PointSource(PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(obj['flux'])))

        print("Now you have %d sources" % len(sources))

    elif shape_method is 'decals':
        ## Using DECaLS shapes
        if sources is None:
            sources = []
        for obj in comp_galaxy:
            pos_x, pos_y = w.wcs_world2pix([[obj['ra'], obj['dec']]], 1)[0]
                    PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(0.4 * obj['flux']),
                    EllipseE(obj['shapeexp_r'], obj['shapeexp_e1'],
                             obj['shapeexp_e2']), Flux(0.6 * obj['flux']),
                    EllipseE(obj['shapedev_r'], obj['shapedev_e1'],
        for obj in dev_galaxy:
            pos_x, pos_y = w.wcs_world2pix([[obj['ra'], obj['dec']]], 1)[0]
                    PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(obj['flux']),
                    EllipseE(obj['shapedev_r'], obj['shapedev_e1'],
        for obj in exp_galaxy:
            pos_x, pos_y = w.wcs_world2pix([[obj['ra'], obj['dec']]], 1)[0]
                    PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(obj['flux']),
                    EllipseE(obj['shapeexp_r'], obj['shapeexp_e1'],
        for obj in rex_galaxy:
            #if obj['point_source'] > 0.0:
            #            sources.append(PointSource(PixPos(w.wcs_world2pix([[obj['ra'], obj['dec']]],1)[0]),
            #                                               Flux(obj['flux'])))
            pos_x, pos_y = w.wcs_world2pix([[obj['ra'], obj['dec']]], 1)[0]
                    PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(obj['flux']),
                    EllipseE(obj['shapeexp_r'], obj['shapeexp_e1'],

        for obj in psf_galaxy:
            pos_x, pos_y = w.wcs_world2pix([[obj['ra'], obj['dec']]], 1)[0]
            sources.append(PointSource(PixPos(pos_x, pos_y), Flux(obj['flux'])))

        print("Now you have %d sources" % len(sources))
         raise ValueError('Cannot use this shape method') 
    return sources
if __name__ == '__main__':
    h,w = 100,100
    from tractor.galaxy import ExpGalaxy
    from tractor import Image, GaussianMixturePSF, LinearPhotoCal
    from tractor import PixPos, Flux, EllipseE, Tractor, ModelMask
    import pylab as plt

    # Create a Tractor Image that works in pixel space (WCS not specified).
    tim = Image(data=np.zeros((h,w)), inverr=np.ones((h,w)),
                psf=GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., 3., 3., 0.),

    # Create a plain Exp galaxy to generate a postage stamp that we'll try to fit with
    # the MogGalaxy model.
    gal = ExpGalaxy(PixPos(w//2, h//2), Flux(1000.),
                    EllipseE(10., 0.5, 0.3))

    # Get the model
    tractor = Tractor([tim], [gal])
    mod = tractor.getModelImage(0)

    #mog = gal._getAffineProfile(tim, w//2, h//2)
    #print('Exp galaxy profile:', str(mog))

    # Plot the model
    plt.imshow(mod, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')

    # Set the tractor Image to the Exp model postage stamp -- this is what we'll try to fit.
    tim.data = mod
    # image sensitivity:
    photocal = LinearPhotoCal(10., band=band)

    # flat sky
    sky = ConstantSky(0.)

    # Create tractor.Image object
    tim = Image(data, iv, psf=psf, wcs=wcs, sky=sky, photocal=photocal)

    def brightness(x):
        return NanoMaggies(**{band: x})

    # Create some sources
    ptsrc = PointSource(RaDecPos(ra, dec), brightness(10.))

    gal1 = ExpGalaxy(RaDecPos(ra - 10 * pscale, dec), brightness(50.),
                     GalaxyShape(5., 0.5, 45.))

    gal2 = DevGalaxy(RaDecPos(ra + 10 * pscale, dec), brightness(50.),
                     GalaxyShape(5., 0.25, 135.))

    gal3 = FixedCompositeGalaxy(
        RaDecPos(ra, dec + 10 * pscale),
        0.6,  # fraction of light in deV component
        GalaxyShape(5., 0.6, 30.),
        GalaxyShape(5., 0.3, 45.))

    cat = Catalog(ptsrc, gal1, gal2, gal3)

    # Create Tractor object
    tr = Tractor([tim], cat)