god['DER'].append(float(tempDER[-1])) god['SA'].append(float(tempSA[-1])) god['TM'].append(float(tempTM[-1])) god['IT'].append(float(tempIT[-1])) god_time.append(msg["news"]["time"]) f = open('data.txt', 'w') f.write(str(buzz)) f.write('\n') f.write(str(buzz_time)) f.write('\n') f.write(str(assoc)) f.write('\n') f.write(str(assoc_time)) f.write('\n') f.write(str(alpha)) f.write('\n') f.write(str(alpha_time)) f.write('\n') f.write(str(god)) f.write('\n') f.write(str(god_time)) f.close() #from assignQValue.py estimate_distribution_mean() #run tradersbot t.onNews = news_Callback t.run()
} pending_orders.append(new_order) except: print('Unable to parse headline: Unknown error') DEBUG = True algo_bot = None if len(sys.argv) >= 4: algo_bot = TradersBot(host=sys.argv[1], id=sys.argv[2], password=sys.argv[3]) # DEBUG = False CANCEL_TRADES = False else: algo_bot = TradersBot('', 'trader0', 'trader0') algo_bot.onAckRegister = onAckRegister algo_bot.onMarketUpdate = onMarketUpdate algo_bot.onTraderUpdate = onTraderUpdate algo_bot.onTrade = onTrade algo_bot.onAckModifyOrders = onAckModifyOrders algo_bot.onNews = onNews if not DEBUG: def f(*args): return None print = f algo_bot.run()
newsBody = msg["news"]["body"] newsBody = str(newsBody).split(' ') vals = [float(item.replace(';','')) for item in newsBody if ';' in item] vals.append(float(newsBody[-1])) news.append(vals) print 'Data ', news if len(news) >= 2: x = [] d1 = np.array(news[-2]) d0 = np.delete(np.array(news[-1]),[2]) x = np.append(x, d0) x = np.append(x,d1) print 'Prediction: ', ridge.predict([x])[0] t.onNews = updatePredict def hi(msg,order): print "hey" t.onAckRegister = hi # ###################################################### # # each time AAPL trade happens for $x, make bid # # and ask at $x-0.02, $x+0.02, respectively # def marketMake(msg, order): # for trade in msg["trades"]: # if trade["ticker"] == 'AAPL': # px = trade["price"] # order.addBuy('AAPL', 10, px - 0.02) # order.addSell('AAPL', 10, px + 0.02)
news_items = news.split(';') news_items = [item.split() for item in news_items] names = [item[0] for item in news_items] numbers = [[float(item[4])] for item in news_items] reading = zip(names, numbers) reading = pd.DataFrame.from_items(reading) outcry_data = pd.concat([outcry_data, reading]) model = smf.ols( formula='TAMIT ~ GDP + CPI + RS + HS + PPI + MTIS + U + MS + PI', data=outcry_data) res = model.fit() tamit_pred = res.predict(reading) logfile = open("outcry_log.txt", "a") logfile.write("Prediction " + str(pred_counter) + ": " + str(tamit_pred) + "\n") logfile.close() pred_counter += 1 t.onNews = get_data ## onMarketUpdate ## onTraderUpdate ## onTrade ### RUN BOT t.run()
from tradersbot import TradersBot '''t = TradersBot('mangocore.pw:10914', '*****@*****.**', 'never-open-students')''' t = TradersBot('localhost', 'trader0', 'trader0') def showNews(msg, order): a = msg['news']['body'].split() val = [] for word in a: word = word.strip(';') try: num = float(word) val.append(num) except: continue print val idx = t.onNews = showNews t.run()