path = r'D:/Protocols/Behavior/Shuttling/LightDarkServoStable/Data/JPAK_21/2013_04_16-11_35'
path = r'D:/Protocols/Behavior/Shuttling/LightDarkServoStable/Data/JPAK_23/2013_04_23-14_49'
#path = r'D:/Random/Data/JPAK_21/2013_04_16-11_35'
preprocess.make_videoanalysis(os.path.join(path, 'Analysis'))
traj = trajectories.genfromtxt(path)
traj = trajectories.scale(traj)

# Plot trajectories
#p = [plt.plot(t[:,0],t[:,1]) for t in traj.tolist()]

# Load video time
vtimepath = os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/videotime.csv')
vtime = np.genfromtxt(vtimepath)

# Filter trajectories by height
ftraj = trajectories.heightfilter(traj, 0, 5)
print ftraj.slices.shape

# Filter trajectories by step activity
#steps = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path,'Analysis\step_activity.csv'))

# Compute speed and mirror values for left trials
sp = trajectories.speed(ftraj, vtime)
mtraj = trajectories.mirrorleft(ftraj)

for s in mtraj.slices:
    if s.start < s.stop:  # right
        x = mtraj.data[s, 0]
        y = mtraj.data[s, 1]
        x = mtraj.data[s, 0] - 7 * trajectories.width_pixel_to_cm
def figure3(paths):
    stable = []
    unstable = []
    for path in paths:
        traj = trajectories.genfromtxt(path)
        steps = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path,'Analysis\step_activity.csv'))
        time = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path,'front_video.csv'),dtype=str)
        trajtrials = trials.gettrialindices(path)
        stepstate = trials.gettrialstate(os.path.join(path,'step3_trials.csv'),trajtrials)
        ftraj = trajectories.heightfilter(trajectories.lengthfilter(traj,0,500),0,6)
    #    plt.figure()
    #    for t in traj.tolist():
    #        plt.plot(len(t),max(t[:,1]),'k.')
    #    for t in ftraj.tolist():
    #        plt.plot(len(t),max(t[:,1]),'r.')
        traj = trajectories.mirrorleft(ftraj)
        #activesteptrials = [sum(steps[s,3 if s.step < 0 else 2]) / 255 for s in traj.slices]
        activesteptrials = [s for s in traj.slices
        if (sum(steps[s,3 if s.step < 0 else 2]) / 255) > 500]
        traj = trajectories.trajectories(traj.data,activesteptrials)
    #    plt.figure()    
    #    for t in traj.tolist():
    #        plt.plot(t[:,0],t[:,1],'k',alpha=0.1)
        speed = [np.insert(np.diff(traj.data[s,0])/timedelta(time[s]),0,0)
        for s in traj.slices]
        validtrials = [traj.slices[i] for i,s in enumerate(speed) if np.mean(s) > 0]
        traj = trajectories.trajectories(traj.data,validtrials)
        speed = [s for s in speed if np.mean(s) > 0]
    #    plt.figure()
    #    for sp in speed:
    #        plt.plot(sp,'k',alpha=0.1)
        # Bin (progrssion - X) Speed Profiles (from position 200 to 1200)
        numBins = 25
        binSize = 50 / numBins
        bins = range(0,50,binSize)
        speedbins = np.zeros((len(traj.slices),numBins))
        for i,t in enumerate(traj.tolist()):
            xs = t[:,0]
            binindices = np.digitize(xs,bins)
            for b in range(numBins):
                speedbin = speed[i][binindices == b]
                speedbins[i,b] = np.mean(speedbin) if speedbin.size > 0 else np.nan
            basespeed = stats.nanmean(speedbins[i,0:numBins/3])
            speedbins[i,:] /= basespeed
        stabletrials = [i for i,s in enumerate(validtrials) if stepstate[s.start]]
        unstabletrials = [i for i,s in enumerate(validtrials) if not stepstate[s.start]]
        stablespeeds = speedbins[stabletrials,:]
        unstablespeeds = speedbins[unstabletrials,:]
    def plotcurve(speeds,color):
        x = np.arange(numBins) * binSize
        mu = np.mean(speeds,axis=0)
        sd = np.std(speeds,axis=0)
    stablespeeds = np.concatenate(stable,0)
    unstablespeeds = np.concatenate(unstable,0)
    return stablespeeds,unstablespeeds
def get_randomized_speed_profiles(sessions):    
    avgSpeeds_allsess = []
    trialTypes_allsess = []

    # Select Session
    for s in sessions:
        # Load trials
        rawtrials = trajectories.genfromtxt(s)
        validtrials = trajectories.heightfilter(rawtrials,430,590)
        [plt.plot(t[:,0],t[:,1],'k',alpha=0.1) for t in validtrials.tolist()]
        numTrials = validtrials.slices.shape[0]
        print numTrials
        # There is some misalignment for sessions on the last 4 animals..there session 0 is other session 1
#        if a >= 10:
#            s = s-1
        # Look at all Trajectories
        traj = validtrials
        vtimepath = os.path.join(s, 'Analysis/videotime.csv')
        vtime = np.genfromtxt(vtimepath)
        trajtrials = trials.gettrialindices(s)
        stepstate = trials.gettrialstate(os.path.join(s,'step3_trials.csv'),trajtrials)
        #print str.format('a:s {0}:{1} {2} {3}', a, s, numTrials, len(validtrials.slices))
        # Set Valid Trials (No exploration or tracking errors)
        crossings = traj
        # Set Binning and Range
        avgSpeeds = np.zeros((numTrials, numBins))
        trialTypes = np.zeros((numTrials, 1))
        for t in range(0,numTrials):
            #label_indices = np.array(pt.get_labeled_indices(labels,labelFilters[l]))
            #c = crossings[t]
            # Load X Trajectories and flip all of 'Left'
            trialX = crossings.data[crossings.slices[t],0]
            if trialX[0] > trialX[-1]:
                # ALign on 2 important rails (the center of rail 3 is 550)
                # and the centr of rail 4 is 737, therefore, the first encounter
                # is at 550 going "right", and when flipped, (1280-737 = 543)
                # going "left"...therefore, to correct for the shift, I subteact 1273 
                # and align the left and right trials
                trialX = np.abs(trialX-1273)
            # Load Y Trajectories
            trialY = crossings.data[crossings.slices[t],1]
            # Load and Parse Times
            trialT = vtime[crossings.slices[t]]
            # Measure Progression Speed
            diffX = np.diff(trialX)
            diffT = np.diff(trialT) # Time interval in seconds
            speedX = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1) , diffX/diffT))
            # Find enter/exit and crop trials
#            indR = np.where(trialX > 1200)
#            indL = np.where(trialX < 150)
#            if (np.size(indR) > 0) and (np.size(indL) > 0):
#                exitInd = indR[0][0]+1
#                enterInd = indL[0][-1]
#            trialX = trialX[enterInd:exitInd]
#            trialY = trialY[enterInd:exitInd]
#            speedX = speedX[enterInd:exitInd]
            # Bin (progrssion - X) Speed Profiles (from position 200 to 1200)
            for b in range(0,numBins):
                bins = np.where((trialX >= (200+(b*binSize))) & (trialX < (200+(b*binSize)+binSize)))
                if np.size(bins) > 0:
                    avgSpeeds[t, b] = np.mean(speedX[bins])
                    avgSpeeds[t, b] = np.NaN
            # Correct for starting speed - - first Third of assay
            baseSpeed = stats.nanmean(avgSpeeds[t, 0:14])
            avgSpeeds[t,:] = avgSpeeds[t,:]/baseSpeed
            # Get Lables            
            if stepstate[crossings.slices[t].start]:
                trialTypes[t] = 0
                trialTypes[t] = 1
        # Pool All Average Speeds/TrialTypes Across Sessions        
    avgSpeeds = np.concatenate(avgSpeeds_allsess)
    trialTypes = np.concatenate(trialTypes_allsess)
    return avgSpeeds,trialTypes
path = r'D:/Protocols/Behavior/Shuttling/LightDarkServoStable/Data/JPAK_21/2013_04_16-11_35'
path = r'D:/Protocols/Behavior/Shuttling/LightDarkServoStable/Data/JPAK_23/2013_04_23-14_49'
#path = r'D:/Random/Data/JPAK_21/2013_04_16-11_35'
traj = trajectories.genfromtxt(path)
traj = trajectories.scale(traj)

# Plot trajectories
#p = [plt.plot(t[:,0],t[:,1]) for t in traj.tolist()]

# Load video time
vtimepath = os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/videotime.csv')
vtime = np.genfromtxt(vtimepath)

# Filter trajectories by height
ftraj = trajectories.heightfilter(traj,0,5)
print ftraj.slices.shape

# Filter trajectories by step activity
#steps = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(path,'Analysis\step_activity.csv'))

# Compute speed and mirror values for left trials
sp = trajectories.speed(ftraj,vtime)
mtraj = trajectories.mirrorleft(ftraj)

for s in mtraj.slices:
    if s.start < s.stop: # right
        x = mtraj.data[s,0]
        y = mtraj.data[s,1]
        x = mtraj.data[s,0]-7*trajectories.width_pixel_to_cm