 def build_model(self):
     self.prior = GaussBernouilliPrior(size=(self.N, ), rho=self.rho)
     ensemble = GaussianEnsemble(self.M, self.N)
     self.A = ensemble.generate()
     model = self.prior @ V(id="x") @ LinearChannel(W=self.A) @ V(
         id='z') @ GaussianChannel(var=self.Delta) @ O(id="y")
     model = model.to_model()
     return model
    def init_model(self, prior_x):
            Init the model with inpainting/denoising task
        self.y_ids = ['y']

        if self.model_params['name'] == 'denoising':
            model = prior_x @ V(id="x")
            self.x_ids = ['x']

        elif self.model_params['name'] == 'inpainting':
            # Create sensing matrix
            N = self.model_params['N']
            F = np.identity(N)
            p_rem = self.model_params['p_rem']

            ## Remove a Band ##
            if self.model_params['type'] == 'band':
                N_rem = int(p_rem * N / 100)
                id_0 = int(N / 2) - int(N_rem / 2)
                for rem in range(id_0, id_0 + N_rem):
                    F[rem, rem] = 0

            ## Remove randomly ##
            if self.model_params['type'] == 'uniform':
                tab = np.arange(1, N)
                for i in range(int(p_rem * N / 100)):
                    rem = tab[i]
                    F[rem, rem] = 0

            ## Diagonal ##
            if self.model_params['type'] == 'diagonal':
                l = int(p_rem * 28 / 100)
                for j in range(-int(l / 2), int(l / 2), 1):
                    for i in range(1, 27, 1):
                        ind = i * 28 + i + j
                        F[ind, ind] = 0
                        ind = i * 28 - i - j
                        F[ind, ind] = 0

            F_tot = F
            F_obs = np.delete(F, np.where(~F.any(axis=0))[0], axis=0)

            self.F = F_obs
            self.F_tot = F_tot
            # Model
            model = prior_x @ V(id="x") @ LinearChannel(F_obs,
                                                        name="F") @ V(id="z")

            # Variables
            self.x_ids = ['x']

            raise NotImplementedError

        return model
    def init_model(self, prior_x):
        self.y_ids = ['y']

        if self.model_params['name'] == 'denoising':
            # Model
            model = prior_x @ V(id="x")
            # Variables
            self.x_ids = ['x']

        elif self.model_params['name'] == 'inpainting':
            # Create sensing matrix
            N_rem = self.model_params['N_rem']
            N = self.model_params['N']
            F = np.identity(N)

            ## Remove a Band ##
            if self.model_params['type'] == 'band':
                id_0 = int(N / 2) - int(N_rem / 2)
                for rem in range(id_0, id_0 + N_rem):
                    F[rem, rem] = 0

            ## Remove randomly ##
            if self.model_params['type'] == 'random':
                for i in range(N_rem):
                    rem = random.randrange(1, N, 1)

                    F[rem, rem] = 0

            ## Diagonal ##
            if self.model_params['type'] == 'diagonal':
                l = 4
                for j in range(-int(l / 2), int(l / 2), 1):
                    for i in range(1, 27, 1):
                        ind = i * 28 + i + j
                        F[ind, ind] = 0
                        ind = i * 28 - i - j
                        F[ind, ind] = 0

            F_tot = F
            F_obs = np.delete(F, np.where(~F.any(axis=0))[0], axis=0)

            self.F = F_obs
            self.F_tot = F_tot
            # Model
            model = prior_x @ V(id="x") @ LinearChannel(F_obs,
                                                        name="F") @ V(id="z")

            # Variables
            self.x_ids = ['x']

            raise NotImplementedError

        return model
def run_benchmark(alpha, algo, seed):
    # create scenario
    N, rho, noise_var = 1000, 0.05, 1e-2
    M = int(alpha * N)
    A = GaussianEnsemble(M=M, N=N).generate()
    t0 = time()
    model = (GaussBernoulliPrior(size=N, rho=rho) @ V("x") @ LinearChannel(A)
             @ V("z") @ GaussianChannel(var=noise_var) @ O("y")).to_model()
    t1 = time()
    record = {"svd_time": t1 - t0}  # svd precomputation time
    scenario = BayesOptimalScenario(model, x_ids=["x"])
    y = scenario.observations["y"]
    # run algo
    t0 = time()
    if algo == "SE":
        x_data = scenario.run_se(max_iter=1000, damping=0.1)
        record["mse"] = x_data["x"]["v"]
        record["n_iter"] = x_data["n_iter"]
    if algo == "EP":
        x_data = scenario.run_ep(max_iter=1000, damping=0.1)
        x_pred = x_data["x"]["r"]
        record["n_iter"] = x_data["n_iter"]
    if algo == "LassoCV":
        lasso = LassoCV(cv=5)
        lasso.fit(A, y)
        x_pred = lasso.coef_
        record["param_scikit"] = lasso.alpha_
        record["n_iter"] = lasso.n_iter_
    if algo == "Lasso":
        optim = pd.read_csv("optimal_param_lasso.csv")
        param_scaled = np.interp(alpha, optim["alpha"], optim["param_scaled"])
        param_scikit = noise_var * param_scaled / (M * rho)
        lasso = Lasso(alpha=param_scikit)
        lasso.fit(A, y)
        x_pred = lasso.coef_
        record["param_scikit"] = param_scikit
        record["n_iter"] = lasso.n_iter_
    if algo == "pymc3":
        with pm.Model():
            ber = pm.Bernoulli("ber", p=rho, shape=N)
            nor = pm.Normal("nor", mu=0, sd=1, shape=N)
            x = pm.Deterministic("x", ber * nor)
            likelihood = pm.Normal("y",
                                   mu=pm.math.dot(A, x),
            trace = pm.sample(draws=1000, chains=1, return_inferencedata=False)
        x_pred = trace.get_values('x').mean(axis=0)
    t1 = time()
    record["time"] = t1 - t0
    if algo != "SE":
        record["mse"] = mean_squared_error(x_pred, scenario.x_true["x"])
    return record
def mse_lasso(alpha, param_scaled, seed):
    # create scenario
    N, rho, noise_var = 1000, 0.05, 1e-2
    M = int(alpha * N)
    A = GaussianEnsemble(M=M, N=N).generate()
    model = (GaussBernoulliPrior(size=N, rho=rho) @ V("x") @ LinearChannel(A)
             @ V("z") @ GaussianChannel(var=noise_var) @ O("y")).to_model()
    scenario = BayesOptimalScenario(model, x_ids=["x"])
    y = scenario.observations["y"]
    # run lasso
    param_scikit = noise_var * param_scaled / (M * rho)
    lasso = Lasso(alpha=param_scikit)
    lasso.fit(A, y)
    x_pred = lasso.coef_
    mse = mean_squared_error(x_pred, scenario.x_true["x"])
    return mse
    def build_VAE_prior(self, params):
            Build a VAE prior with loaded weights
        shape = self.shape
        assert self.N == 784
        biases, weights = self.load_VAE_prior(params)

        if params['id'] == '20_relu_400_sigmoid_784_bias':
            D, N1, N = 20, 400, 28*28
            W1, W2 = weights
            b1, b2 = biases
            prior_x = (GaussianPrior(size=D) @ V(id="z_0") @
                       LinearChannel(W1, name="W_1") @ V(id="Wz_1") @ BiasChannel(b1) @ V(id="b_1") @ LeakyReluChannel(0) @ V(id="z_1") @
                       LinearChannel(W2, name="W_2") @ V(id="Wz_2") @ BiasChannel(b2) @ V(id="b_2") @ HardTanhChannel() @ V(id="z_2") @
                       ReshapeChannel(prev_shape=self.N, next_shape=self.shape))
            raise NotImplementedError

        return prior_x
        return model

# %%
# Create a sparse teacher
N = 250
alpha = 1
rho = 0.1
Delta = 1e-2

teacher = SparseTeacher(N=N, alpha=alpha, rho=rho, Delta=Delta)
sample = (teacher.model).sample()

# %%
prior = GaussBernouilliPrior(size=(N, ), rho=rho)
student = prior @ V(id="x") @ LinearChannel(W=teacher.A) @ V(
    id='z') @ GaussianLikelihood(y=sample['y'], var=Delta)
student = student.to_model_dag()
student = student.to_model()

# %%
max_iter = 20
damping = 0.1

ep = ExpectationPropagation(student)
data_ep = ep.get_variables_data(['x'])
mse = mean_squared_error(data_ep['x']['r'], sample['x'])
def conv_model(A, C, prior):
    return prior @ V(id="x") @ LinearChannel(W=C) @ V(id="Cx") @ LinearChannel(
        W=A) @ V(id="z")