def doTest2(listBones): fp = open(thePosesFile, "w") for bone,coords in listBones: fp.write("\n%s %.4f\n" % (, bone.roll)) writeMat(fp, "Rest", bone.matrixRest) writeMat(fp, "Global", bone.matrixGlobal) pose = bone.getPoseFromGlobal() writeMat(fp, "Pose", pose) xyz = tm.euler_from_matrix(pose, axes='sxyz') fp.write("XYZ %.4g %.4g %.4g\n" % tuple(xyz)) zyx = tm.euler_from_matrix(pose, axes='szyx') fp.write("ZYX %.4g %.4g %.4g\n" % tuple(zyx)) #writeMat(fp, "Pose0", bone.matrixPose) fp.close()
def predictSinglePose(self, armName, curPose, prevPose, dt=1.0): if dt <= 0: print 'Error: Illegal timestamp' return None # Convert pose to numpy matrix curTrans = tft.translation_matrix([curPose.position.x, curPose.position.y, curPose.position.z]) curRot = tft.quaternion_matrix([curPose.orientation.x, curPose.orientation.y ,curPose.orientation.z, curPose.orientation.w]) curPoseMatrix =, curRot) prevTrans = tft.translation_matrix([prevPose.position.x, prevPose.position.y, prevPose.position.z]) prevRot = tft.quaternion_matrix([prevPose.orientation.x, prevPose.orientation.y ,prevPose.orientation.z, prevPose.orientation.w]) prevPoseMatrix =, prevRot) deltaPoseMatrix = np.linalg.inv(prevPoseMatrix).dot(curPoseMatrix) deltaAngles = euler_from_matrix(deltaPoseMatrix[:3,:3]) deltaPos = deltaPoseMatrix[:3,3] #deltaAngles = np.array([a / dt for a in deltaAngles]) deltaPos = deltaPos / dt #deltaPoseMatrix = euler_matrix(deltaAngles[0], deltaAngles[1], deltaAngles[2]) deltaPoseMatrix[:3,3] = deltaPos gpList, sysList = self.predict(armName, [curPoseMatrix], [deltaPoseMatrix]) return tfx.pose(gpList[0], frame=curPose.frame, stamp=curPose.stamp), tfx.pose(sysList[0], frame=curPose.frame, stamp=curPose.stamp)
def componentwiseError(self, estimatedPoses, truePoses): n_poses = len(estimatedPoses) n_dim = estimatedPoses[0].shape[0] * estimatedPoses[0].shape[1] n_trans = 3 n_rot = 3 translationError = np.zeros((n_poses, n_trans)) rotationError = np.zeros((n_poses, n_rot)) for i in range(n_poses): estimatedPose = estimatedPoses[i] truePose = truePoses[i] deltaPose = np.linalg.inv(estimatedPose).dot(truePose) deltaRotation = np.eye(4,4) deltaRotation[:3,:3] = deltaPose[:3,:3] translationError[i,:] = deltaPose[:3,3].T rotationError[i,:] = euler_from_matrix(deltaRotation) #if np.abs(translationError[i,1]) > 0.01: # print 'Outlier', i combinedError = np.c_[translationError, rotationError] meanError = np.mean(np.abs(combinedError), axis=0) medianError = np.median(np.abs(combinedError), axis=0) rmsError = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(combinedError), axis=0)) maxError = np.max(np.abs(combinedError), axis=0) predictionError = PredictionError(medianError, meanError, rmsError, maxError) return predictionError
def init_local_transformation(self): """ compute local transformation w.r.t for the first time (compute everything) """ # rotation part self.localTransformation = numpy.eye(4) # print type(self), id(self), self.rotation try: angle = self.rotation[3] except IndexError: logger.exception("Failed on {0}, rotation={1}".format(type(self),self.rotation)) raise direction = self.rotation[:3] self.localTransformation[0:3,0:3] = tf.rotation_matrix(angle, direction)[:3,:3] self.rpy = tf.euler_from_matrix(self.localTransformation) # last column scale = [1,1,1] if self.parent: scale = self.cumul_scale() scale_translation = [self.translation[i]*scale[i] for i in range(3)] self.localTransformation[0:3,3] = numpy.array(scale_translation)+\[:3,:3], numpy.array( # last line self.localTransformation[3,0:4]=[0,0,0,1]
def addObjToCloud(self, objs_wrt_mbly): """ Add the mobileye returns to the 3d scene """ mbly_vtk_boxes = [] car_rot = self.imu_transforms_mk1[self.t, :, :3] objs_wrt_world = self.xformMblyToGlobal(objs_wrt_mbly) # Draw each box car_rot = euler_from_matrix(car_rot)[2] * 180 / math.pi for o in objs_wrt_world: # Create the vtk object box = VtkBoundingBox(o) actor = box.get_vtk_box(car_rot) color = self.mbly_obj_colors[int(o[5])] actor.GetProperty().SetColor(*color) mbly_vtk_boxes.append(box) # Remove old boxes for vtk_box in self.mbly_vtk_boxes: self.cloud_ren.RemoveActor( # Update to new actors self.mbly_vtk_boxes = mbly_vtk_boxes # Draw new boxes for vtk_box in self.mbly_vtk_boxes: self.cloud_ren.AddActor(
def calculatePoseError(tf0, tf1): numDimMat = 16 numDimEul = 6 numDimQuat = 7 numData = len(tf0) # should be the same for tf1 matrixPoseError = np.empty((numData, numDimMat)) translationPoseError = np.empty((numData, numDimMat)) rotationPoseError = np.empty((numData, numDimMat)) for i_data in range(numData): subtractedTau = tf0 - tf1 deltaTau = np.lin_alg.inverse(tf0[i_data]).dot(tf1[i_data]) diffTranslation = deltaTau[:3,3] diffRotation = np.eye(4,4) diffRotation[:3,:3] = deltaTau[:3,:3] diffQuat = quaternion_from_matrix(diffRotation) diffEuler = euler_from_matrix(diffRotation) # flip quaternions on the wrong side of the hypersphere if diffQuat[3] < 0: diffQuat = -diffQuat pose_error[i_data,:] = np.r_[diff_translation, diff_rot_rep] return pose_error
def get_SVD(self): """ Get the affine transformation matrix that best matches the moelcules cxns to each rod cxn by SVD We do a Euclidean (rigid) transform """ print("\n\nCalculating intial affine transformations:") print("\n\nM = affine transformation for best fit of mol cxn -> rod cxn:") for i in range(len(self.cxns)): for it in self.mol.permutations: for dc in self.dc_ints: pass a = self.mol.cxns[0:3,:] b = self.cxn_xyz[i] M = trans.affine_matrix_from_points(a, b, shear = False, scale = False, usesvd = True) alpha, beta, gamma = trans.euler_from_matrix(M) translations = M[0:3,3] conn_start_ind = 1 + len(self.rods) + i*6 self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+0] = alpha self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+1] = beta self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+2] = gamma self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+3] = translations[0] self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+4] = translations[1] self.opt_vec[conn_start_ind+5] = translations[2] print(M)
def determine_obj_frame(self): if self.detected_artags != None: eng_poses = [] ar_tfs = [] for da in self.detected_artags.markers: ar_pose = th.aruco_to_pose_stamp(da) eng_pose = self.get_engine_pose_from_ps(ar_pose) eng_poses.append(eng_pose) ar_tfs.append(th.pose_stamp_to_tf(eng_pose)) ar_tf_sum = np.zeros((4,4)) for tf in ar_tfs: ar_tf_sum = ar_tf_sum + tf/len(ar_tfs) engine_frame_combined = ar_tf_sum tran = transformations.translation_from_matrix(engine_frame_combined), eul = transformations.euler_from_matrix(engine_frame_combined) self.updated_engine_pose = str(tran[0][0]) + ' ' + str(tran[0][1]) + ' ' + str(tran[0][2]) + ' ' + str(eul[0]) + ' ' + str(eul[1]) + ' ' + str(eul[2]) ps = th.tf_to_pose_stamp(engine_frame_combined, 'engine_frame_combined') th.broadcast_transform(ps, global_frame) return engine_frame_combined else: return None
def updateRadar(self): # Taken from fren = self.iren.GetRenderWindow().GetRenderers().GetFirstRenderer() t = self.start + self.step * self.count radar_data = loadRDR(self.rdr_pts[t])[0] if radar_data.shape[0] > 0: #Convert from radar to lidar ref-frame radar_data[:, :3] = calibrateRadarPts(radar_data[:, :3], self.radar_params) #Convert from lidar to IMU ref-frame radar_data[:, :3] =['T_from_l_to_i'][:3, :3], radar_data[:, :3].transpose()).transpose() h_radar_data = np.hstack((radar_data[:, :3], np.ones((radar_data.shape[0], 1)))) radar_data[:, :3] =[t], h_radar_data.transpose()).transpose()[:, :3] for i in xrange(len(self.radar_actors)): fren.RemoveActor(self.radar_actors[i]) self.radar_actors = [] self.radar_clouds = [] for i in xrange(radar_data.shape[0]): self.radar_clouds.append(VtkBoundingBox(radar_data[i, :])) (ax, ay, az) = euler_from_matrix(self.imu_transforms[t]) box = self.radar_clouds[i].get_vtk_box(rot=az*180/np.pi) self.radar_actors.append(box) fren.AddActor(self.radar_actors[i])
def getRotation(self): """ Get rotation matrix of rotation of this bone in local space. """ qw,qx,qy,qz = tm.quaternion_from_matrix(self.matPose) ax,ay,az = tm.euler_from_matrix(self.matPose, axes='sxyz') return (1000*qw,1000*qx,1000*qy,1000*qz, ax/D,ay/D,az/D)
def setRotationIndex(self, index, angle, useQuat): """ Set the rotation for one of the three rotation channels, either as quaternion or euler matrix. index should be 1,2 or 3 and represents x, y and z axis accordingly """ if useQuat: quat = tm.quaternion_from_matrix(self.matPose) log.debug("%s", str(quat)) quat[index] = angle/1000 log.debug("%s", str(quat)) _normalizeQuaternion(quat) log.debug("%s", str(quat)) self.matPose = tm.quaternion_matrix(quat) return quat[0]*1000 else: angle = angle*D ax,ay,az = tm.euler_from_matrix(self.matPose, axes='sxyz') if index == 1: ax = angle elif index == 2: ay = angle elif index == 3: az = angle mat = tm.euler_matrix(ax, ay, az, axes='sxyz') self.matPose[:3,:3] = mat[:3,:3] return 1000.0
def writeAnimation(fp, bone, action, config): aname = "Action%s" % points = action[] for channel,default in [ ("T", 0), ("R", 0), ("S", 1) ]: writeAnimationCurveNode(fp, bone, channel, default) relmat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis, config.offset) translations = [] eulers = [] R = 180/math.pi for quat in points: mat = tm.quaternion_matrix(quat) mat =, mat) translations.append(mat[:3,3]) eul = tm.euler_from_matrix(mat, axes='sxyz') eulers.append((eul[0]*R, eul[1]*R, eul[2]*R)) scales = len(points)*[(1,1,1)] for channel,data in [ ("T", translations), ("R", eulers), ("S", scales) ]: for idx,coord in enumerate(["X","Y","Z"]): writeAnimationCurve(fp, idx, coord, bone, channel, data)
def update(self, amt, bone): target = amt.bones[self.subtar] if self.ownsp == "WORLD": halt else: if self.map_from != "ROTATION" or self.map_to != "ROTATION": halt brad = tm.euler_from_matrix(target.matrixPose, axes="sxyz") arad = [] for n in range(3): if self.from_max[n] == self.from_min[n]: cdeg = self.from_max[n] else: bdeg = brad[n] / D if bdeg < self.from_min[n]: bdeg = self.from_min[n] if bdeg > self.from_max[n]: bdeg = self.from_max[n] slope = (self.to_max[n] - self.to_min[n]) / float(self.from_max[n] - self.from_min[n]) adeg = slope * (bdeg - self.from_min[n]) + self.to_min[n] arad.append(adeg * D) mat = tm.euler_matrix(arad[0], arad[1], arad[2], axes="sxyz") bone.matrixPose[:3, :3] = mat[:3, :3] bone.updateBone() return log.debug("Transform %s %s",, log.debug("Arad %s", arad) log.debug("Brad %s", brad) log.debug("P %s", bone.matrixPose) log.debug("R %s", bone.matrixRest) log.debug("G %s", bone.matrixGlobal) pass
def writeBoneProp(fp, bone, config): id,key = getId("Model::%s" % fp.write( ' Model: %d, "%s", "LimbNode" {' % (id,key) + """ Version: 232 Properties70: { P: "RotationActive", "bool", "", "",1 P: "InheritType", "enum", "", "",1 P: "ScalingMax", "Vector3D", "Vector", "",0,0,0 P: "DefaultAttributeIndex", "int", "Integer", "",0 """) mat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(config) trans = mat[:3,3] e = tm.euler_from_matrix(mat, axes='sxyz') fp.write( ' P: "Lcl Translation", "Lcl Translation", "", "A",%.4f,%.4f,%.4f\n' % tuple(trans) + ' P: "Lcl Rotation", "Lcl Rotation", "", "A",%.4f,%.4f,%.4f\n' % (e[0]*R, e[1]*R, e[2]*R) + ' P: "Lcl Scaling", "Lcl Scaling", "", "A",1,1,1\n' + ' P: "MHName", "KString", "", "", "%s"' % + """ } Shading: Y Culling: "CullingOff" } """)
def fromSkeleton(self, skel, animationTrack = None): """ Construct a BVH object from a skeleton structure and optionally an animation track. If no animation track is specified, a dummy animation of one frame will be added. NOTE: Make sure that the skeleton has only one root. """ # Traverse skeleton joints in depth-first order for jointName in skel.getJointNames(): bone = skel.getBone(jointName) if bone.parent: joint = self.addJoint(, jointName) joint.channels = ["Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation"] else: joint = self.addRootJoint( joint.channels = ["Xposition", "Yposition", "Zposition", "Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation"] offset = bone.getRestOffset() self.__calcPosition(joint, offset) if not bone.hasChildren(): endJoint = self.addJoint(jointName, 'End effector') offset = bone.getRestTailPos() - bone.getRestHeadPos() self.__calcPosition(endJoint, offset) self.__cacheGetJoints() nonEndJoints = [ joint for joint in self.getJoints() if not joint.isEndConnector() ] if animationTrack: self.frameCount = animationTrack.nFrames self.frameTime = 1.0/animationTrack.frameRate jointToBoneIdx = {} for joint in nonEndJoints: jointToBoneIdx[] = skel.getBone( for fIdx in xrange(animationTrack.nFrames): offset = fIdx * animationTrack.nBones for jIdx,joint in enumerate(nonEndJoints): bIdx = jointToBoneIdx[] poseMat =[offset + bIdx] if len(joint.channels) == 6: # Add transformation tx, ty, tz = poseMat[:3,3] joint.frames.extend([tx, ty, tz]) ay,ax,az = tm.euler_from_matrix(poseMat, "syxz") joint.frames.extend([az/D, ax/D, ay/D]) else: # Add bogus animation with one frame self.frameCount = 1 self.frameTime = 1.0 for jIdx,joint in enumerate(nonEndJoints): if len(joint.channels) == 6: # Add transformation joint.frames.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: joint.frames.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) for joint in self.getJoints(): joint.calculateFrames()
def execute(self, iren, event): fren = iren.GetRenderWindow().GetRenderers().GetFirstRenderer() radar_data = loadRDR(self.rdr_pts[self.count])[0] if radar_data.shape[0] > 0: #Convert from radar to lidar ref-frame radar_data[:, :3] = calibrateRadarPts(radar_data[:, :3], self.radar_params) #Convert from lidar to IMU ref-frame radar_data[:, :3] =['T_from_l_to_i'][:3, :3], \ radar_data[:, :3].transpose()).transpose() h_radar_data = np.hstack((radar_data[:, :3], np.ones((radar_data.shape[0], 1)))) radar_data[:, :3] =[self.count], \ h_radar_data.transpose()).transpose()[:, :3] #Insert the Q50 position at the beginning me_l = 4.1 me_w = 2.1 me_x = self.imu_transforms[self.count, 0, 3]-me_l/2. me_y = self.imu_transforms[self.count, 1, 3] me_z = self.imu_transforms[self.count, 2, 3] me = [me_x, me_y, me_z, me_l, me_w, 0, 0, 0] radar_data = np.vstack((np.array(me), radar_data)) for i in xrange(len(self.radar_actors)): fren.RemoveActor(self.radar_actors[i]) self.radar_actors = [] self.radar_clouds = [] for i in xrange(radar_data.shape[0]): self.radar_clouds.append(VtkBoundingBox(radar_data[i, :])) (ax, ay, az) = euler_from_matrix(self.imu_transforms[self.count]) box = self.radar_clouds[i].get_vtk_box(rot = az*180/math.pi) if i == 0: box.GetProperty().SetColor((1, 0, 0)) self.radar_actors.append(box) fren.AddActor(self.radar_actors[i]) if self.count == 0: self.lidar_cloud = VtkPointCloud(self.lidar_data[:, :3], self.lidar_data[:,3]) self.lidar_actor = self.lidar_cloud.get_vtk_cloud(zMin=0, zMax=255) fren.AddActor(self.lidar_actor) self.gpsPointCloud = VtkPointCloud(self.imu_transforms[:, 0:3, 3], np.zeros(self.imu_transforms.shape[0])) fren.AddActor(self.gpsPointCloud.get_vtk_cloud()) # if self.count == 0: # fren.ResetCamera() # fren.GetActiveCamera().Zoom(1.6) cam_center = [x for x in self.radar_actors[0].GetCenter()] cam_center[2] += 150 fren.GetActiveCamera().SetPosition(cam_center) fren.GetActiveCamera().SetFocalPoint(self.radar_actors[0].GetCenter()) self.count += 5 iren.GetRenderWindow().Render()
def __modify_euler( self , a , d ) : glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf( tr.euler_matrix( *a ) ) glRotatef( d[0] , 0 , 1 , 0 ) glRotatef( d[1] , 1 , 0 , 0 ) a = np.array( tr.euler_from_matrix( glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX) ) ) glPopMatrix() return a
def update_config2(self, T, q): self.count += 1 T = numpy.array(T) self.localTransformation = T self.translation = T[:3,3] angle, direction, point = tf.rotation_from_matrix(T) self.rpy = tf.euler_from_matrix(T) self.rotation = [ direction[0],direction[1],direction[2], angle ] self.origin.update()
def newPose(self, poseMsg): self.publish() q = [poseMsg.orientation.x, poseMsg.orientation.y, poseMsg.orientation.z, poseMsg.orientation.w] rq = transformations.quaternion_matrix(q) al, be, ga = transformations.euler_from_matrix(rq, 'rxyz') = ga x = poseMsg.position.x y = poseMsg.position.y z = poseMsg.position.z self.dist = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) print al, be, ga
def test_euler_from_matrix_random_angles_all_axes(self): angles = (4*math.pi) * (numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5) successes = [] failures = [] for axes in transformations._AXES2TUPLE.keys(): R0 = transformations.euler_matrix(axes=axes, *angles) R1 = transformations.euler_matrix(axes=axes, *transformations.euler_from_matrix(R0, axes)) if numpy.allclose(R0, R1): successes.append(axes) else: failures.append(axes) self.assertEquals(0, len(failures), "Failed for:\n%sand succeeded for:\n%s" % (failures, successes))
def compute_state_space_trajectory_and_derivatives(p,psi,dt): num_timesteps = len(p) psi = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(psi) p_dot = c_[ gradient(p[:,0],dt), gradient(p[:,1],dt), gradient(p[:,2],dt)] p_dot_dot = c_[ gradient(p_dot[:,0],dt), gradient(p_dot[:,1],dt), gradient(p_dot[:,2],dt)] f_thrust_world = m*p_dot_dot - f_external_world.T.A f_thrust_world_normalized = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(f_thrust_world) z_axis_intermediate = c_[ cos(psi), zeros_like(psi), -sin(psi) ] y_axis = f_thrust_world_normalized x_axis = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(cross(z_axis_intermediate, y_axis)) z_axis = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(cross(y_axis, x_axis)) theta = zeros(num_timesteps) psi_recomputed = zeros(num_timesteps) phi = zeros(num_timesteps) for ti in range(num_timesteps): z_axis_ti = c_[matrix(z_axis[ti]),0].T y_axis_ti = c_[matrix(y_axis[ti]),0].T x_axis_ti = c_[matrix(x_axis[ti]),0].T R_world_from_body_ti = c_[z_axis_ti,y_axis_ti,x_axis_ti,[0,0,0,1]] psi_recomputed_ti,theta_ti,phi_ti = transformations.euler_from_matrix(R_world_from_body_ti,"ryxz") assert allclose(R_world_from_body_ti, transformations.euler_matrix(psi_recomputed_ti,theta_ti,phi_ti,"ryxz")) theta[ti] = theta_ti psi_recomputed[ti] = psi_recomputed_ti phi[ti] = phi_ti theta = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(theta) psi_recomputed = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(psi_recomputed) phi = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(phi) assert allclose(psi_recomputed, psi) psi = psi_recomputed theta_dot = gradient(theta,dt) psi_dot = gradient(psi,dt) phi_dot = gradient(phi,dt) theta_dot_dot = gradient(theta_dot,dt) psi_dot_dot = gradient(psi_dot,dt) phi_dot_dot = gradient(phi_dot,dt) return p, p_dot, p_dot_dot, theta, theta_dot, theta_dot_dot, psi, psi_dot, psi_dot_dot, phi, phi_dot, phi_dot_dot
def __init__(self,dx,dy,dz,rx,ry,rz,surfID): self.dx=dx self.dy=dy self.surfID=surfID #surface id corresponding to names, zmxSurfNos, and phosimSurfNos lists. M=tf.euler_matrix(m.radians(rx),m.radians(ry),m.radians(rz),'rxyz') phi,theta,psi=tf.euler_from_matrix(M,'rzxz') theta=-theta while phi < 0: phi+=2*m.pi while theta < 0: theta+=2*m.pi self.phi=phi self.theta=theta
def stretchTo(self, goal, doStretch): """ Orient bone to point to goal position. Set doStretch to true to position the tail joint at goal, false to maintain length of this bone. """ length, self.matPoseGlobal = _getMatrix(self.getHead(), goal, 0) if doStretch: factor = length/self.length self.matPoseGlobal[:3,1] *= factor pose = self.getPoseFromGlobal() az,ay,ax = tm.euler_from_matrix(pose, axes='szyx') rot = tm.rotation_matrix(-ay + self.roll_angle, Bone.Axes[1]) self.matPoseGlobal[:3,:3] =[:3,:3], rot[:3,:3])
def pose_to_vector(pose): t = pose[:3,3] eul = euler_from_matrix(pose[:3,:3]) # correct euler angles to face the camera eul = list(eul) for i in range(3): if eul[i] > np.pi / 2.0: eul[i] = eul[i] - np.pi elif eul[i] < np.pi / 2.0: eul[i] = eul[i] + np.pi vec = np.r_[t, eul] return vec
def update(self, amt, bone): target = amt.bones[self.subtar] if self.ownsp == "WORLD": mat = target.matrixGlobal bone.matrixGlobal[0, :3] += self.influence * (mat[:3, :3] - bone.matrixGlobal[:3, :3]) else: ay, ax, az = tm.euler_from_matrix(bone.matrixPose, axes="syxz") by, bx, bz = tm.euler_from_matrix(target.matrixPose, axes="syxz") if self.usex: ax += self.influence * (bx - ax) if self.usey: ay += self.influence * (by - ay) if self.usez: az += self.influence * (bz - az) testbones = ["DfmUpArm1_L", "DfmUpArm2_L", "DfmLoArm1_L", "DfmLoArm2_L", "DfmLoArm3_L"] if in testbones: log.debug("%s %s",, log.debug("%s", str(bone.matrixPose)) log.debug("%s", str(target.matrixPose)) bone.matrixPose = tm.euler_matrix(ay, ax, az, axes="syxz") if in testbones: log.debug("%s", str(bone.matrixPose)) bone.updateBone()
def euler_angles_and_eigenframes(self): '''Calculate the Euler angles only if the rotation matrix (eigenframe) has positive determinant.''' signs = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, -1], [1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1]]) eulangs = [] eigframes = [] for i, sign in enumerate(signs): eigframe =, np.diag(sign)) if np.linalg.det(eigframe) > 1e-4: eigframes.append(np.array(eigframe)) eulangs.append(np.array( transformations.euler_from_matrix(eigframe, axes='szyz'))) self.eigframes = np.array(eigframes) # The sign has to be inverted to be consistent with ORCA and EasySpin. self.eulangs = -np.array(eulangs)
def remove_generic_objects(self): generic_children = [child for child in self.children if (type(child) == GenericObject and child.children[:])] while generic_children[:]: for child in generic_children: for grandchild in child.children[:]: grandchild.localTransformation =, grandchild.localTransformation) grandchild.translation = grandchild.localTransformation[:3,3] angle, direction, point = tf.rotation_from_matrix(grandchild.localTransformation) grandchild.rotation = list(direction) + [angle] grandchild.rpy = tf.euler_from_matrix(grandchild.localTransformation) grandchild.scale = [grandchild.scale[i]*child.scale[i] for i in range(3)] self.add_child(grandchild) self.children.remove(child) del child generic_children = [child for child in self.children if (type(child) == GenericObject and child.children[:])] for child in self.children: child.remove_generic_objects()
def writeBoneProp(fp, bone, config): import fbx_utils id, key = getId("Model::%s" % mat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis, config.offset) trans = mat[:3, 3] e = tm.euler_from_matrix(mat, axes="sxyz") properties = [ ("RotationActive", "p_bool", 1), ("InheritType", "p_enum", 1), ("ScalingMax", "p_vector_3d", [0, 0, 0]), ("DefaultAttributeIndex", "p_integer", 0), ("Lcl Translation", "p_lcl_translation", list(trans), True), ("Lcl Rotation", "p_lcl_rotation", [e[0] * R, e[1] * R, e[2] * R], True), ("Lcl Scaling", "p_lcl_scaling", [1, 1, 1], True), ("MHName", "p_string",, False, True), ] if config.binary: from . import fbx_binary elem = fbx_binary.get_child_element(fp, "Objects") fbx_binary.fbx_data_skeleton_bone_model(elem, key, id, properties) return fp.write( ' Model: %d, "%s", "LimbNode" {' % (id, key) + """ Version: 232 Properties70: { """ + fbx_utils.get_ascii_properties(properties, indent=3) + """ } Shading: Y Culling: "CullingOff" } """ )
def test_obj_pose(): from transformations import rotation_matrix, concatenate_matrices, euler_from_matrix from utils import _axis_rot_matrices, _ypr_from_rot_matrix alpha, beta, gamma = 0.123, -1.234, 2.345 origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1) # I = identity_matrix() Rx_tf = rotation_matrix(gamma, xaxis) Ry_tf = rotation_matrix(beta, yaxis) Rz_tf = rotation_matrix(alpha, zaxis) obj = Obj("obj") Rz, Ry, Rx = _axis_rot_matrices([alpha, beta, gamma, 0., 0., 0.]) assert np.allclose(Rx_tf[:3,:3], Rx) assert np.allclose(Ry_tf[:3,:3], Ry) assert np.allclose(Rz_tf[:3,:3], Rz) R = concatenate_matrices(Rz_tf, Ry_tf, Rx_tf) rot_mat =,, Rx)) euler = euler_from_matrix(R, 'sxyz') assert np.allclose(R[:3,:3], rot_mat) assert np.allclose([gamma, beta, alpha], euler) assert np.allclose([alpha, beta, gamma], _ypr_from_rot_matrix(R[:3,:3]))
def setRotationIndex(self, index, angle, useQuat): if useQuat: quat = tm.quaternion_from_matrix(self.matrixPose) log.debug("%s", str(quat)) quat[index] = angle/1000 log.debug("%s", str(quat)) normalizeQuaternion(quat) log.debug("%s", str(quat)) self.matrixPose = tm.quaternion_matrix(quat) return quat[0]*1000 else: angle = angle*D ax,ay,az = tm.euler_from_matrix(self.matrixPose, axes='sxyz') if index == 1: ax = angle elif index == 2: ay = angle elif index == 3: az = angle mat = tm.euler_matrix(ax, ay, az, axes='sxyz') self.matrixPose[:3,:3] = mat[:3,:3] return 1000.0
def generate_integrated_xml(env_xml_file, obj_xml_file, scale=1.0, mass=None, euler=None, target_size=None, add_bbox_indicator=False, randomize_color=False, include_obj_info=False, verbose=False, prefix="", obj_name=None, remove_site=True): """ This function takes an env xml file, and put an obj in the obj_xml_file to the env to create a integrated file describing the final env. inputs: env_xml_file: a xml file under quantize-gym/gym/envs/robotics/assets obj_xml_file: obsolute path for the obj xml scale: scale of the object add_bbox_indicator: [True or False] if True add a box object with free joint which does not take part in the collision output: final_xml_file: an integrated xml file (relative path) under quantize-gym/gym/envs/robotics/assets """ # get the extent of the bounding box coords, combined_mesh = pcp_utils.np_vis.compute_bounding_box_from_obj_xml( obj_xml_file, np.asarray([0, 0, 0]), scale=scale, euler=euler, return_combined_mesh=True) # center of the mesh center = combined_mesh.vertices.mean(axis=0) #print(f'center is {center}') centroid = combined_mesh.centroid # center_str, centroid_str center_str = ' '.join([str(c) for c in center]) centroid_str = ' '.join([str(c) for c in centroid]) obj_tree = ET.parse(obj_xml_file) obj_root = obj_tree.getroot() # find the mesh in the obj file mesh_elems = list() is_mesh_obj = False for m in obj_root.iter('mesh'): is_mesh_obj = True if 'scale' not in m.attrib: m.attrib['scale'] = "1 1 1" scale_from_xml = [float(s) for s in m.attrib['scale'].split(" ")] scale_from_xml = [str(s * scale) for s in scale_from_xml] m.attrib['scale'] = " ".join(scale_from_xml) mesh_elems.append(m) # find the geom in the obj file obj_collision_body = None obj_body = obj_root.find('worldbody').find('body') #print(obj_body, obj_body.attrib['name']) #if obj_body.attrib['name'] == 'puck': for obj_body_part in obj_body.findall('body'): if obj_body_part.attrib['name'] == 'collision': obj_collision_body = obj_body_part break if obj_collision_body is None: print(f"cannot find collision body in the object file") raise ValueError # load the env file gym_xml_path = os.path.join(pcp_utils.utils.get_gym_dir(), 'gym/envs/robotics/assets') full_env_xml_file = os.path.join(gym_xml_path, env_xml_file) if not os.path.exists(full_env_xml_file): print(f"cannot find the env file: {full_env_xml_file}") env_tree = ET.parse(full_env_xml_file) env_root = env_tree.getroot() #insert object asset (meshes) to the file after the include insert_id = 0 new_asset = ET.Element('asset') for mesh in mesh_elems: mfp = mesh.attrib['file'] mfp = pcp_utils.utils.maybe_refine_mesh_path(mfp) mesh.attrib['file'] = mfp new_asset.append(mesh) for elem_id, elem in enumerate(env_root.iter()): if elem.tag == "include": insert_id = elem_id break env_root.insert(insert_id - 1, new_asset)# obj_root.find('asset')) # find object in the worldbody and replace it with geom from the obj xml worldbody_root = env_root.find('worldbody') # todo this part object_to_find = 'object0' object_body_in_env = None for body in worldbody_root.iter('body'): if body.attrib['name'] == object_to_find: object_body_in_env = body if object_body_in_env is None: print(f"cannot find {object_to_find} placeholder in the env file") raise ValueError # replace the object geom in the env for g in object_body_in_env.findall('geom'): object_body_in_env.remove(g) num_geoms = len(obj_collision_body.findall('geom')) for g in obj_collision_body.findall('geom'): if euler is not None: # rotate each geom if 'euler' not in g.attrib: current_euler = [0, 0, 0] else: # zyx current_euler = [float(a) for a in g.attrib['euler'].split(" ")][::-1] alpha, beta, gamma = current_euler dalpha, dbeta, dgamma = euler rot_mat = transformations.euler_matrix(alpha, beta, gamma) d_rot_mat = transformations.euler_matrix(dalpha, dbeta, dgamma) new_euler = transformations.euler_from_matrix(np.matmul(d_rot_mat, rot_mat), 'rxyz') euler_str = " ".join([str(a) for a in new_euler]) g.attrib['euler'] = euler_str g.attrib["solref"] = "0.000002 1" g.attrib["solimp"] = "0.99 0.99 0.01" if "mass" not in g.attrib: g.attrib["mass"] = str(0.01/num_geoms) if mass is not None: g.attrib["mass"] = str(mass/num_geoms) # condim="4" mass="0.01"] if randomize_color: rgb = np.random.rand(3).tolist() rgb_str = " ".join([str(f) for f in rgb]) rgb_str += " 1" g.attrib["rgba"] = rgb_str #"1 0 0 1" if not is_mesh_obj and scale is not None: # native geom object if 'size' not in g.attrib: g.attrib['size'] = "1 1 1" if 'pos' not in g.attrib: g.attrib['pos'] = "0 0 0" size_from_xml = [float(s) for s in g.attrib['size'].split(" ")] size_from_xml = [str(s * scale) for s in size_from_xml] g.attrib['size'] = " ".join(size_from_xml) pos_from_xml = [float(s) for s in g.attrib['pos'].split(" ")] pos_from_xml = [str(s * scale) for s in pos_from_xml] g.attrib['pos'] = " ".join(pos_from_xml) #g.attrib.pop("solimp") #g.attrib.pop("solref") object_body_in_env.append(g) num_site = len(obj_collision_body.findall('site')) if num_site > 0: for s in object_body_in_env.findall('site'): object_body_in_env.remove(s) for s in obj_collision_body.findall('site'): # here add the center string as the site object_body_in_env.append(s) if remove_site: # making them super small for body in worldbody_root.iter('body'): for s in body.findall('site'): s.attrib['rgba'] = "0 0 1 0" for site in worldbody_root.findall('site'): site.attrib['rgba'] = "0 0 1 0" # site_elem = object_body_in_env.findall('site') # site_elem[0].attrib['pos'] = center_str # add the indicator bbox object if necessary if add_bbox_indicator: bounds, center, extents = pcp_utils.np_vis.get_bbox_attribs(coords) # Mujoco requires half sizes of the box took me few hours to figure it out extents = extents / 2.0 size = ' '.join([str(e) for e in extents]) # create a body subelement in worldbody_element body_element = ET.SubElement(worldbody_root, 'body', name='bbox_indicator', pos='0 0 0') # add the geom to the body element ET.SubElement(body_element, 'geom', name="bbox_indicator_geom", type='box', contype='0', conaffinity='0', size=size, rgba='0 0 1 0.3') # finally add a free joint to the indicator ET.SubElement(body_element, 'joint', type='free', name='bbox_indicator_joint') indent(env_root) if prefix == "": final_xml_file = f'fetch/generated_env.xml' else: final_xml_file = f'fetch/{prefix}_generated_env.xml' env_tree.write(os.path.join(gym_xml_path, final_xml_file)) return final_xml_file
def compute_state_space_trajectory_and_derivatives(p_body,p_look_at,y_axis_cam_hint,dt): num_timesteps = len(p_body) # # compute the yaw, roll, and pitch of the quad using differential flatness # p_body_dot = c_[ gradient(p_body[:,0],dt), gradient(p_body[:,1],dt), gradient(p_body[:,2],dt)] p_body_dot_dot = c_[ gradient(p_body_dot[:,0],dt), gradient(p_body_dot[:,1],dt), gradient(p_body_dot[:,2],dt)] f_thrust_world = m*p_body_dot_dot - f_external_world.T.A f_thrust_world_normalized = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(f_thrust_world) y_axis_body = f_thrust_world_normalized z_axis_body = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(cross(y_axis_body, p_look_at - p_body)) x_axis_body = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(cross(z_axis_body, y_axis_body)) R_world_from_body = zeros((num_timesteps,4,4)) theta_body = zeros(num_timesteps) psi_body = zeros(num_timesteps) phi_body = zeros(num_timesteps) for ti in range(num_timesteps): z_axis_body_ti = c_[matrix(z_axis_body[ti]),0].T y_axis_body_ti = c_[matrix(y_axis_body[ti]),0].T x_axis_body_ti = c_[matrix(x_axis_body[ti]),0].T R_world_from_body_ti = c_[z_axis_body_ti,y_axis_body_ti,x_axis_body_ti,[0,0,0,1]] psi_body_ti,theta_body_ti,phi_body_ti = transformations.euler_from_matrix(R_world_from_body_ti,"ryxz") assert allclose(R_world_from_body_ti, transformations.euler_matrix(psi_body_ti,theta_body_ti,phi_body_ti,"ryxz")) R_world_from_body[ti] = R_world_from_body_ti theta_body[ti] = theta_body_ti psi_body[ti] = psi_body_ti phi_body[ti] = phi_body_ti psi_body = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(psi_body) theta_body = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(theta_body) phi_body = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(phi_body) # # now that we have the full orientation of the quad, compute the full orientation of the camera relative to the quad # x_axis_cam = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize( p_look_at - p_body ) z_axis_cam = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize( cross(y_axis_cam_hint, x_axis_cam) ) y_axis_cam = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize( cross(x_axis_cam, z_axis_cam) ) theta_cam = zeros(num_timesteps) psi_cam = zeros(num_timesteps) phi_cam = zeros(num_timesteps) for ti in range(num_timesteps): z_axis_cam_ti = c_[matrix(z_axis_cam[ti]),0].T y_axis_cam_ti = c_[matrix(y_axis_cam[ti]),0].T x_axis_cam_ti = c_[matrix(x_axis_cam[ti]),0].T R_world_from_cam_ti = matrix(c_[z_axis_cam_ti, y_axis_cam_ti, x_axis_cam_ti, [0,0,0,1]]) R_world_from_body_ti = matrix(R_world_from_body[ti]) R_body_from_cam_ti = R_world_from_body_ti.T*R_world_from_cam_ti psi_cam_ti, theta_cam_ti, phi_cam_ti = transformations.euler_from_matrix(R_body_from_cam_ti,"ryxz") # # sanity check that world-from-body rotation matrix we compute actually # maps the vector [0,0,1] to the quadrotor x axis # assert allclose(c_[matrix(x_axis_body[ti]),1].T, R_world_from_body_ti*matrix([0,0,1,1]).T) # # sanity check that the world-from-camera rotation matrix we compute actually # maps the vector [0,0,1] to the camera x axis # assert allclose(c_[matrix(x_axis_cam[ti]),1].T, R_world_from_cam_ti*matrix([0,0,1,1]).T) # # sanity check that the world-from-body and body-from-camera rotation matrices # we compute actually maps the vector [0,0,1] to the camera x axis # assert allclose(c_[matrix(x_axis_cam[ti]),1].T, R_world_from_body_ti*R_body_from_cam_ti*matrix([0,0,1,1]).T) theta_cam[ti] = theta_cam_ti psi_cam[ti] = psi_cam_ti phi_cam[ti] = phi_cam_ti theta_cam = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(theta_cam) psi_cam = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(psi_cam) phi_cam = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(phi_cam) # # assert that we never need any camera yaw in the body frame of the quad # assert allclose(psi_cam, 0) # # compute derivatives # theta_body_dot = gradient(theta_body,dt) psi_body_dot = gradient(psi_body,dt) phi_body_dot = gradient(phi_body,dt) theta_cam_dot = gradient(theta_cam,dt) psi_cam_dot = gradient(psi_cam,dt) phi_cam_dot = gradient(phi_cam,dt) theta_body_dot_dot = gradient(theta_body_dot,dt) psi_body_dot_dot = gradient(psi_body_dot,dt) phi_body_dot_dot = gradient(phi_body_dot,dt) theta_cam_dot_dot = gradient(theta_cam_dot,dt) psi_cam_dot_dot = gradient(psi_cam_dot,dt) phi_cam_dot_dot = gradient(phi_cam_dot,dt) return p_body, p_body_dot, p_body_dot_dot, theta_body, theta_body_dot, theta_body_dot_dot, psi_body, psi_body_dot, psi_body_dot_dot, phi_body, phi_body_dot, phi_body_dot_dot, theta_cam, theta_cam_dot, theta_cam_dot_dot, psi_cam, psi_cam_dot, psi_cam_dot_dot, phi_cam, phi_cam_dot, phi_cam_dot_dot
H_aeroRef_aeroBody = # Realign heading to face north using initial compass data if compass_enabled == 1: H_aeroRef_aeroBody = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, heading_north_yaw, 'sxyz')) # Show debug messages here if debug_enable == 1: os.system( 'clear' ) # This helps in displaying the messages to be more readable progress("DEBUG: Raw RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix(H_T265Ref_T265body, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) progress("DEBUG: NED RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix(H_aeroRef_aeroBody, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) progress("DEBUG: Raw pos xyz : {}".format( np.array([ data.translation.x, data.translation.y, data.translation.z ]))) progress("DEBUG: NED pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix(H_aeroRef_aeroBody)))) except Exception as e:
def __init__(self, base_dir, sequences): self.truncated_seq_sizes = [] self.end_of_sequence_indices = [] total_num_examples = 0 for seq in sequences: seq_data = pykitti.odometry(base_dir, seq, frames=range(0, 11)) num_frames = len(seq_data.poses) # less than timesteps number of frames will be discarded num_examples = (num_frames - 1) // config.timesteps self.truncated_seq_sizes.append(num_examples * config.timesteps + 1) total_num_examples += num_examples # less than batch size number of examples will be discarded examples_per_batch = total_num_examples // config.batch_size # +1 adjusts for the extra image in the last time step frames_per_batch = examples_per_batch * (config.timesteps + 1) # since some examples will be discarded, readjust the truncated_seq_sizes deleted_frames = (total_num_examples - examples_per_batch * config.batch_size) * config.timesteps for i in range(len(self.truncated_seq_sizes) - 1, -1, -1): if self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] > deleted_frames: self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] -= deleted_frames break else: self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] = 0 deleted_frames -= self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] # for storing all training self.input_frames = np.zeros([ frames_per_batch, config.batch_size, config.input_channels, config.input_height, config.input_width ], dtype=np.uint8) poses = np.zeros([frames_per_batch, config.batch_size, 4, 4], dtype=np.float32) num_image_loaded = 0 for i_seq, seq in enumerate(sequences): seq_data = pykitti.odometry(base_dir, seq) length = self.truncated_seq_sizes[i_seq] for i_img in range(length): if i_img % 50 == 0: print("Loading sequence %s %.1f%% " % (seq, (i_img / length) * 100)) i = num_image_loaded % frames_per_batch j = num_image_loaded // frames_per_batch # swap axis to channels first img = seq_data.get_cam0(i_img) img = img.resize((config.input_width, config.input_height)) img = np.array(img) img = np.reshape( img, [img.shape[0], img.shape[1], config.input_channels]) img = np.moveaxis(np.array(img), 2, 0) pose = seq_data.poses[i_img] self.input_frames[i, j] = img poses[i, j] = pose num_image_loaded += 1 print(i_img) # if at end of a sequence if i_img != 0 and i_img != length - 1 and i_img % config.timesteps == 0: i = num_image_loaded % frames_per_batch j = num_image_loaded // frames_per_batch self.input_frames[i, j] = img poses[i, j] = pose # save this index, so we know where the next sequence begins self.end_of_sequence_indices.append(( i, j, )) num_image_loaded += 1 print(i_img) gc.collect() # force garbage collection # make sure everything is fully loaded assert (num_image_loaded == frames_per_batch * config.batch_size) # now convert all the ground truth from 4x4 to xyz + quat self.se3_ground_truth = np.zeros( [frames_per_batch, config.batch_size, 7], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(0, self.se3_ground_truth.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.se3_ground_truth.shape[1]): translation = transformations.translation_from_matrix(poses[i, j]) quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(poses[i, j]) self.se3_ground_truth[i, j] = np.concatenate([translation, quat]) # extract the relative motion between frames self.fc_ground_truth = np.zeros( [frames_per_batch, config.batch_size, 6], dtype=np.float32) # going through rows, then columns for i in range(0, self.fc_ground_truth.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.fc_ground_truth.shape[1]): # always identity at the beginning of the sequence if i % (config.timesteps + 1) == 0: m = transformations.identity_matrix() else: m = np.linalg.inv(poses[i - 1, j]) * poses[i, j] # double check translation = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m) ypr = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m) self.fc_ground_truth[i, j] = np.concatenate([translation, ypr]) #double check
converged = np.all(np.logical_or(dist <= tol, dist >= max_dist)) i += 1 return dist tsdf, rgb, depth, pose = get_scene_data() # rgb = np.array(rgb)[::skip, ::skip] depth = np.array(depth) ray_depth = np.reshape(depth[-1::-skip, ::skip].T, (-1,)) / 1000 upper_depth = 4 ray_depth[ray_depth > upper_depth] = upper_depth print('mid depth: %d' % depth[depth.shape[0] // 2, depth.shape[1] // 2]) # print(euler_from_matrix(pose)) # print(t) angles = list(euler_from_matrix(pose)) print('angles: %s' % str(angles)) print('t: %s' % str(pose[:3, 3])) # angles[1] *= -1 # pose[:3, :3] = euler_matrix(*angles)[:3, :3] rays0 = get_rays() s = 8 i, j, k = np.where([::s, ::s, ::s] < 0) i *= s j *= s k *= s ijk = np.stack((i, j, k), axis=-1) xyz = tsdf.ijk_to_xyz(ijk) R = pose[:3, :3] t = pose[:3, 3]
def getRotation(self): qw,qx,qy,qz = tm.quaternion_from_matrix(self.matrixPose) ax,ay,az = tm.euler_from_matrix(self.matrixPose, axes='sxyz') return (1000*qw,1000*qx,1000*qy,1000*qz, ax/D,ay/D,az/D)
def writeAnimationBone(fp, bone, anim, config): aname = "Anim_%s_%s" % (, goodBoneName( fp.write( ' <animation id="%s_pose_matrix">\n' % aname + ' <source id="%s_pose_matrix-input">\n' % aname + ' <float_array id="%s_pose_matrix-input-array" count="%d">' % (aname, anim.nFrames)) # TIME POINTS timepoints = np.asarray(list(range(anim.nFrames)), dtype=np.float32) * (1.0/anim.frameRate) fp.write(' '.join(["%g" % t for t in timepoints])) fp.write( '</float_array>\n' + ' <technique_common>\n' + ' <accessor source="#%s_pose_matrix-input-array" count="%d" stride="1">\n' % (aname, anim.nFrames) + ' <param name="TIME" type="float"/>\n' + ' </accessor>\n' + ' </technique_common>\n' + ' </source>\n' + ' <source id="%s_pose_matrix-output">\n' % aname + ' <float_array id="%s_pose_matrix-output-array" count="%d">\n' % (aname, 16*anim.nFrames)) string = ' ' relmat = bone.getRelativeMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis, config.offset) restmat = bone.getRestMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis, config.offset) #print bone.index, anim.nBones mats =[bone.index::anim.nBones] # Get all pose matrices for this bone I = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) parents = [] bone_ = bone while bone_.parent: relmat = bone_.parent.getRelativeMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis, config.offset) parents.append((bone_.parent.index, relmat)) bone_ = bone_.parent for f_idx, mat0 in enumerate(mats): # TODO poses currently only work for default local bone axis #I[:3,:4] = mat0[:3,:4] #relmat[:3,:3] = np.identity(3, dtype=np.float32) #if 'clavicle' in or 'shoulder' in #if bone.level < 6: # I = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) #mat =, I) ''' mat = I.copy() for b_idx in reversed(parents): I[:3,:4] =[f_idx * anim.nBones + b_idx] #mat =, I), mat) mat =,la.inv(I)) mat =, mat) ''' mat = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) for b_idx, rel in reversed(parents): #rel = parent.getRelativeMatrix(config.meshOrientation, config.localBoneAxis, config.offset) #b_idx = parent.index I[:3,:4] =[f_idx * anim.nBones + b_idx] #mat =,,, I))) #mat =, I) mat =, mat) I[:3,:4] = mat0[:3,:4] mat =,, I)) ''' if self.parent: self.matPoseGlobal =,, self.matPose)) else: self.matPoseGlobal =, self.matPose) ''' ''' # R * K * iR * R_dae = M mat =, restmat) mat =, mat) mat =, I) ''' string += ''.join(['%g %g %g %g ' % tuple(mat[i,:]) for i in range(4)]) string += '\n ' fp.write(string) def _to_degrees(rad): return 180*rad/3.14 I = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) I[:3,:3] = mats[0,:3,:3] print(, list(map(_to_degrees, tm.euler_from_matrix(I)))) fp.write( '</float_array>\n' + ' <technique_common>\n' + ' <accessor source="#%s_pose_matrix-output-array" count="%d" stride="16">\n' % (aname, anim.nFrames) + ' <param name="TRANSFORM" type="float4x4"/>\n' + ' </accessor>\n' + ' </technique_common>\n' + ' </source>\n' + ' <source id="%s_pose_matrix-interpolation">\n' % aname + ' <Name_array id="%s_pose_matrix-interpolation-array" count="%d">' % (aname, anim.nFrames)) fp.write(anim.nFrames * 'LINEAR ') fp.write( '</Name_array>\n' + ' <technique_common>\n' + ' <accessor source="#%s_pose_matrix-interpolation-array" count="%d" stride="1">\n' % (aname, anim.nFrames) + ' <param name="INTERPOLATION" type="name"/>\n' + ' </accessor>\n' + ' </technique_common>\n' + ' </source>\n' + ' <sampler id="%s_pose_matrix-sampler">\n' % aname + ' <input semantic="INPUT" source="#%s_pose_matrix-input"/>\n' % aname + ' <input semantic="OUTPUT" source="#%s_pose_matrix-output"/>\n' % aname + ' <input semantic="INTERPOLATION" source="#%s_pose_matrix-interpolation"/>\n' % aname + ' </sampler>\n' + ' <channel source="#%s_pose_matrix-sampler" target="%s/transform"/>\n' % (aname, goodBoneName( + ' </animation>\n')
(result, rvec, tvec) \ = cv2.solvePnP(np.float32(new_ned_list), np.float32(new_uv_list),, None, rvec, tvec, useExtrinsicGuess=True) Rned2cam, jac = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) pos = -np.matrix(Rned2cam[:3, :3]).T * np.matrix(tvec) newned = pos.T[0].tolist()[0] # Our Rcam matrix (in our ned coordinate system) is body2cam * Rned, # so solvePnP returns this combination. We can extract Rned by # premultiplying by cam2body aka inv(body2cam). cam2body = new_image.get_cam2body() Rned2body = Rbody2ned = np.matrix(Rned2body).T (yaw, pitch, roll) = transformations.euler_from_matrix(Rbody2ned, 'rzyx') print "original pose:", new_image.get_camera_pose() #print "original pose:", proj.image_list[30].get_camera_pose() new_image.set_camera_pose_sba(ned=newned, ypr=[yaw * r2d, pitch * r2d, roll * r2d]) new_image.save_meta() print "solvepnp() pose:", new_image.get_camera_pose_sba() print 'Image placed:', # final triangulation of all match coordinates # print 'Performing final complete group triangulation' # my_triangulate(matches_group, placed_images, min_vectors=2) # write out the updated matches_group file as matches_sba
th = np.deg2rad(30.0) target.transform( np.array([[np.cos(th), -np.sin(th), 0.0, 0.0], [np.sin(th), np.cos(th), 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])) source = o3.voxel_down_sample(source, voxel_size=0.6) target = o3.voxel_down_sample(target, voxel_size=0.6) # source = o3.voxel_down_sample(source, voxel_size=0.005) # target = o3.voxel_down_sample(target, voxel_size=0.005) # compute cpd registration #tf_param, _ = gmmtree.registration_gmmtree(source, target) #tf_param = registration_svr(source, target, callbacks=[]) tf_param = registration_gmmreg(source, target, callbacks=[]) rot = trans.identity_matrix() rot[:3, :3] = tf_param.rot print("result: ", np.rad2deg(trans.euler_from_matrix(rot)), tf_param.scale, tf_param.t) result = copy.deepcopy(source) result.points = tf_param.transform(result.points) # draw result source.paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0]) target.paint_uniform_color([0, 1, 0]) result.paint_uniform_color([0, 0, 1]) o3.draw_geometries([source, target, result]) #o3.draw_geometries([pcd, pcd2])
error = odom - gt dx = [x[3] for x in error] dy = [x[7] for x in error] dz = [x[11] for x in error] error_odom = np.eye(len(odom), 6) error_s2s = np.eye(len(odom), 6) for i in range(1, len(odom)): RT_odom = np.mat( ((odom[i][0], odom[i][1], odom[i][2], odom[i][3]), (odom[i][4], odom[i][5], odom[i][6], odom[i][7]), (odom[i][8], odom[i][9], odom[i][10], odom[i][11]), (0, 0, 0, 1)), dtype=np.float64) x_odom, y_odom, z_odom = transformations.translation_from_matrix( RT_odom) al_odom, be_odom, ga_odom = transformations.euler_from_matrix( RT_odom, 'szyx') RT_gt = np.mat( ((gt[i][0], gt[i][1], gt[i][2], gt[i][3]), (gt[i][4], gt[i][5], gt[i][6], gt[i][7]), (gt[i][8], gt[i][9], gt[i][10], gt[i][11]), (0, 0, 0, 1)), dtype=np.float64) x_gt, y_gt, z_gt = transformations.translation_from_matrix(RT_gt) al_gt, be_gt, ga_gt = transformations.euler_from_matrix(RT_gt, 'szyx') error_odom[i, 0:6] = [ x_odom - x_gt, y_odom - y_gt, z_odom - z_gt, al_odom - al_gt, be_odom - be_gt, ga_odom - ga_gt ] #print error_odom[i,0:6]
def __init__(self, cfg, base_dir, sequences, frames=None): self.cfg = cfg self.sequences = sequences self.curr_batch_sequence = 0 self.current_batch = 0 if (self.cfg.bidir_aug == True) and (self.cfg.batch_size % 2 != 0): raise ValueError("Batch size must be even") if self.cfg.data_type != "cam" and self.cfg.data_type != "lidar": raise ValueError("lidar or camera for data type!") frames_data_type = np.uint8 if self.cfg.data_type == "lidar": frames_data_type = np.float16 if not frames: frames = [None] * len(sequences) self.input_frames = {} self.poses = {} # Mirror in y-z plane self.H = np.identity(3, dtype=np.float32) self.H[1][1] = -1.0 self.se3_ground_truth = {} self.se3_mirror_ground_truth = {} self.fc_ground_truth = {} self.fc_reverse_ground_truth = {} self.fc_mirror_ground_truth = {} self.fc_reverse_mirror_ground_truth = {} self.imu_measurements = {} self.imu_measurements_mirror = {} self.imu_measurements_reverse = {} self.imu_measurements_reverse_mirror = {} # This keeps track of the number of batches in each sequence self.batch_counts = {} # this holds the batch ids for each sequence. It is randomized and the order determines the order in # which the batches are used self.batch_order = {} # this keeps track of the starting offsets in the input frames for batch id 0 in each sequence self.batch_offsets = {} # contains batch_cnt counters, each sequence is represented by it's index repeated for # however many batches are in that sequence self.sequence_ordering = None # contains batch_size counters. Keeps track of how many batches from each sequence # have already been used for the current epoch self.sequence_batch = {} self.batch_cnt = 0 self.total_frames = 0 for i_seq, seq in enumerate(sequences): seq_loader = DataLoader(self.cfg, base_dir, seq, frames=frames[i_seq]) num_frames = seq_loader.get_num_frames() self.input_frames[seq] = np.zeros( [num_frames, self.cfg.input_channels, self.cfg.input_height, self.cfg.input_width], dtype=frames_data_type) self.poses[seq] = seq_loader.get_poses_in_corresponding_frame() self.se3_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames, 7], dtype=np.float32) self.se3_mirror_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames, 7], dtype=np.float32) self.fc_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.fc_reverse_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.fc_mirror_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.fc_reverse_mirror_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.imu_measurements[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.imu_measurements_mirror[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.imu_measurements_reverse[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.imu_measurements_reverse_mirror[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) for i_img in range(num_frames): if i_img % 100 == 0: tools.printf("Loading sequence %s %.1f%% " % (seq, (i_img / num_frames) * 100)) img = seq_loader.get_img(i_img) self.input_frames[seq][i_img, :] = img # now convert all the ground truth from 4x4 to xyz + quat, this is after the SE3 layer translation = transformations.translation_from_matrix(self.poses[seq][i_img]) quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(self.poses[seq][i_img]) mirror_pose = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) mirror_pose[0:3, 0:3] =,[seq][i_img][0:3, 0:3], self.H)) mirror_pose[0:3, 3] =, translation) mirror_quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(mirror_pose[0:3, 0:3]) self.se3_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([translation, quat]) self.se3_mirror_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([mirror_pose[0:3, 3], mirror_quat]) # relative transformation labels if i_img + 1 < num_frames: mirror_pose_next = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) mirror_pose_next[0:3, 0:3] =,[seq][i_img + 1][0:3, 0:3], self.H)) trans_next = transformations.translation_from_matrix(self.poses[seq][i_img + 1]) mirror_pose_next[0:3, 3] =, trans_next) m_forward =[seq][i_img]), self.poses[seq][i_img + 1]) m_forward_mirror =, mirror_pose_next) m_reverse =[seq][i_img + 1]), self.poses[seq][i_img]) m_reverse_mirror =, mirror_pose) trans_forward = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m_forward) ypr_forward = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m_forward, axes="rzyx") trans_forward_mirror = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m_forward_mirror) ypr_forward_mirror = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m_forward_mirror, axes="rzyx") trans_reverse = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m_reverse) ypr_reverse = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m_reverse, axes="rzyx") trans_reverse_mirror = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m_reverse_mirror) ypr_reverse_mirror = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m_reverse_mirror, axes="rzyx") self.fc_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([trans_forward, ypr_forward]) self.fc_mirror_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([trans_forward_mirror, ypr_forward_mirror]) self.fc_reverse_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([trans_reverse, ypr_reverse]) self.fc_reverse_mirror_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate( [trans_reverse_mirror, ypr_reverse_mirror]) get_imu = seq_loader.get_averaged_imu_in_corresponding_frame self.imu_measurements[seq][i_img] = get_imu(i_img, mirror=False, reverse=False) self.imu_measurements_mirror[seq][i_img] = get_imu(i_img, mirror=True, reverse=False) self.imu_measurements_reverse[seq][i_img] = get_imu(i_img, mirror=False, reverse=True) self.imu_measurements_reverse_mirror[seq][i_img] = get_imu(i_img, mirror=True, reverse=True) # How many examples the sequence contains, were it to be processed using a batch size of 1 sequence_examples = np.ceil((num_frames - self.cfg.timesteps) / self.cfg.sequence_stride).astype( np.int32) # how many batches in the sequence, cutting off any extra if self.cfg.bidir_aug: self.batch_counts[seq] = np.floor(2 * sequence_examples / self.cfg.batch_size).astype(np.int32) else: self.batch_counts[seq] = np.floor(sequence_examples / self.cfg.batch_size).astype(np.int32) self.batch_cnt += self.batch_counts[seq].astype(np.int32) self.batch_order[seq] = np.arange(0, self.batch_counts[seq], dtype=np.uint32) self.batch_offsets[seq] = np.zeros([self.cfg.batch_size], dtype=np.uint32) self.sequence_batch[seq] = 0 self.total_frames += num_frames tools.printf("All data loaded, batch_size=%d, timesteps=%d, num_batches=%d" % ( self.cfg.batch_size, self.cfg.timesteps, self.batch_cnt)) gc.collect() self.sequence_ordering = np.zeros([self.batch_cnt], dtype=np.uint16) self.set_batch_offsets() self.next_epoch(False)
def __init__(self, config, base_dir, sequences, frames=None): self.truncated_seq_sizes = [] self.end_of_sequence_indices = [] self.curr_batch_idx = 0 self.unused_batch_indices = [] self.cfg = config if not frames: frames = [None] * len(sequences) total_num_examples = 0 for i_seq, seq in enumerate(sequences): seq_data = pykitti.odometry(base_dir, seq, frames=frames[i_seq]) num_frames = len(seq_data.poses) # less than timesteps number of frames will be discarded num_examples = (num_frames - 1) // self.cfg.timesteps self.truncated_seq_sizes.append(num_examples * self.cfg.timesteps + 1) total_num_examples += num_examples # less than batch size number of examples will be discarded self.total_batch_count = total_num_examples // self.cfg.batch_size # +1 adjusts for the extra image in the last time step total_timesteps = self.total_batch_count * (self.cfg.timesteps + 1) # since some examples will be discarded, readjust the truncated_seq_sizes deleted_frames = (total_num_examples - self.total_batch_count * self.cfg.batch_size) * self.cfg.timesteps for i in range(len(self.truncated_seq_sizes) - 1, -1, -1): if self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] > deleted_frames: self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] -= deleted_frames break else: self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] = 0 deleted_frames -= self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] # for storing all training self.input_frames = np.zeros([ total_timesteps, self.cfg.batch_size, self.cfg.input_channels, self.cfg.input_height, self.cfg.input_width ], dtype=np.uint8) poses_wrt_g = np.zeros([total_timesteps, self.cfg.batch_size, 4, 4], dtype=np.float32) # ground truth poses num_image_loaded = 0 for i_seq, seq in enumerate(sequences): seq_data = pykitti.odometry(base_dir, seq, frames=frames[i_seq]) length = self.truncated_seq_sizes[i_seq] i = -1 j = -1 for i_img in range(length): if i_img % 100 == 0: tools.printf("Loading sequence %s %.1f%% " % (seq, (i_img / length) * 100)) i = num_image_loaded % total_timesteps j = num_image_loaded // total_timesteps # swap axis to channels first img = seq_data.get_cam0(i_img) img = img.resize((self.cfg.input_width, self.cfg.input_height)) img = np.array(img) img = np.reshape( img, [img.shape[0], img.shape[1], self.cfg.input_channels]) img = np.moveaxis(np.array(img), 2, 0) pose = seq_data.poses[i_img] self.input_frames[i, j] = img poses_wrt_g[i, j] = pose num_image_loaded += 1 # insert the extra image at the end of the batch, note the number of # frames per batch of batch size 1 is timesteps + 1 if i_img != 0 and i_img != length - 1 and i_img % self.cfg.timesteps == 0: i = num_image_loaded % total_timesteps j = num_image_loaded // total_timesteps self.input_frames[i, j] = img poses_wrt_g[i, j] = pose num_image_loaded += 1 # If the batch has the last frame in a sequence, the following frame # in the next batch must have a reset for lstm state self.end_of_sequence_indices.append(( i + 1, j, )) # make sure the all of examples are fully loaded, just to detect bugs assert (num_image_loaded == total_timesteps * self.cfg.batch_size) # now convert all the ground truth from 4x4 to xyz + quat, this is after the SE3 layer self.se3_ground_truth = np.zeros( [total_timesteps, self.cfg.batch_size, 7], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(0, self.se3_ground_truth.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.se3_ground_truth.shape[1]): translation = transformations.translation_from_matrix( poses_wrt_g[i, j]) quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(poses_wrt_g[i, j]) self.se3_ground_truth[i, j] = np.concatenate([translation, quat]) # extract the relative transformation between frames after the fully connected layer self.fc_ground_truth = np.zeros( [total_timesteps, self.cfg.batch_size, 6], dtype=np.float32) # going through rows, then columns for i in range(0, self.fc_ground_truth.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.fc_ground_truth.shape[1]): # always identity at the beginning of the sequence if i % (self.cfg.timesteps + 1) == 0: m = transformations.identity_matrix() else: m =[i - 1, j]), poses_wrt_g[i, j]) # double check translation = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m) ypr = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m, axes="rzyx") assert (np.all(np.abs(ypr) < np.pi)) self.fc_ground_truth[i, j] = np.concatenate([translation, ypr]) # double check tools.printf( "All data loaded, batch_size=%d, timesteps=%d, num_batches=%d" % (self.cfg.batch_size, self.cfg.timesteps, self.total_batch_count)) self.next_epoch() gc.collect() # force garbage collection
def fromSkeleton(self, skel, animationTrack=None): """ Construct a BVH object from a skeleton structure and optionally an animation track. If no animation track is specified, a dummy animation of one frame will be added. NOTE: Make sure that the skeleton has only one root. """ # Traverse skeleton joints in depth-first order for jointName in skel.getJointNames(): bone = skel.getBone(jointName) if bone.parent: joint = self.addJoint(, jointName) joint.channels = ["Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation"] else: joint = self.addRootJoint( joint.channels = [ "Xposition", "Yposition", "Zposition", "Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation" ] offset = bone.getRestOffset() self.__calcPosition(joint, offset) if not bone.hasChildren(): endJoint = self.addJoint(jointName, 'End effector') offset = bone.getRestTailPos() - bone.getRestHeadPos() self.__calcPosition(endJoint, offset) self.__cacheGetJoints() nonEndJoints = [ joint for joint in self.getJoints() if not joint.isEndConnector() ] if animationTrack: self.frameCount = animationTrack.nFrames self.frameTime = 1.0 / animationTrack.frameRate jointToBoneIdx = {} for joint in nonEndJoints: jointToBoneIdx[] = skel.getBone( for fIdx in xrange(animationTrack.nFrames): offset = fIdx * animationTrack.nBones for jIdx, joint in enumerate(nonEndJoints): bIdx = jointToBoneIdx[] poseMat =[offset + bIdx] if len(joint.channels) == 6: # Add transformation tx, ty, tz = poseMat[:3, 3] joint.frames.extend([tx, ty, tz]) ay, ax, az = tm.euler_from_matrix(poseMat, "syxz") joint.frames.extend([az / D, ax / D, ay / D]) else: # Add bogus animation with one frame self.frameCount = 1 self.frameTime = 1.0 for jIdx, joint in enumerate(nonEndJoints): if len(joint.channels) == 6: # Add transformation joint.frames.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: joint.frames.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) for joint in self.getJoints(): joint.calculateFrames()
import numpy as np import transformations as trans from probreg import filterreg from probreg import callbacks import utils source, target = utils.prepare_source_and_target_rigid_3d('bunny.pcd') cbs = [callbacks.Open3dVisualizerCallback(source, target)] objective_type = 'pt2pt' tf_param, _, _ = filterreg.registration_filterreg(source, target, target.normals, objective_type=objective_type, sigma2=None, callbacks=cbs) rot = trans.identity_matrix() rot[:3, :3] = tf_param.rot print("result: ", np.rad2deg(trans.euler_from_matrix(rot)), tf_param.scale, tf_param.t)
if body_offset_enabled == 1: H_body_camera = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, 0, 'sxyz') H_body_camera[0][3] = body_offset_x H_body_camera[1][3] = body_offset_y H_body_camera[2][3] = body_offset_z H_camera_body = np.linalg.inv(H_body_camera) H_aeroRef_aeroBody = # Realign heading to face north using initial compass data if compass_enabled == 1 and heading_north_yaw not None: H_aeroRef_aeroBody = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, heading_north_yaw, 'sxyz')) # Show debug messages here if debug_enable == 1: os.system('clear') # This helps in displaying the messages to be more readable utils.progress("DEBUG: Raw RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix( H_T265Ref_T265body, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) utils.progress("DEBUG: NED RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix( H_aeroRef_aeroBody, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) utils.progress("DEBUG: Raw pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( [data.translation.x, data.translation.y, data.translation.z]))) utils.progress("DEBUG: NED pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix( H_aeroRef_aeroBody)))) if save_file: timestamp = str(time.time()) s1 = "[" + timestamp + "] Raw RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix( H_T265Ref_T265body, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi) s2 = "[" + timestamp + "] NED RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix( H_aeroRef_aeroBody, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi) s3 = "[" + timestamp + "] Raw pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( [data.translation.x, data.translation.y, data.translation.z])) s4 = "[" + timestamp + "] NED pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix( H_aeroRef_aeroBody))) save_file.write(s1+"\n") save_file.write(s2+"\n") save_file.write(s3+"\n") save_file.write(s4+"\n")
def tfm_to_state(tfm): euler = tf.euler_from_matrix(tfm) return [tfm[0, 3], tfm[1, 3], tfm[2, 3], euler[0], euler[1], euler[2]]
def compute_relative_error(p_es, q_es, p_gt, q_gt, T_cm, dist, max_dist_diff, accum_distances=[], scale=1.0): if len(accum_distances) == 0: accum_distances = tu.get_distance_from_start(p_gt) comparisons = tu.compute_comparison_indices_length(accum_distances, dist, max_dist_diff) n_samples = len(comparisons) print('number of samples = {0} '.format(n_samples)) if n_samples < 2: print("Too few samples! Will not compute.") return np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]),\ np.array([]), np.array([]) T_mc = np.linalg.inv(T_cm) errors = [] for idx, c in enumerate(comparisons): if not c == -1: T_c1 = tu.get_rigid_body_trafo(q_es[idx, :], p_es[idx, :]) T_c2 = tu.get_rigid_body_trafo(q_es[c, :], p_es[c, :]) T_c1_c2 =, T_c2) T_c1_c2[:3, 3] *= scale T_m1 = tu.get_rigid_body_trafo(q_gt[idx, :], p_gt[idx, :]) T_m2 = tu.get_rigid_body_trafo(q_gt[c, :], p_gt[c, :]) T_m1_m2 =, T_m2) T_m1_m2_in_c1 =,, T_mc)) T_error_in_c2 =, T_c1_c2) T_c2_rot = np.eye(4) T_c2_rot[0:3, 0:3] = T_c2[0:3, 0:3] T_error_in_w = T_c2_rot,, np.linalg.inv(T_c2_rot))) errors.append(T_error_in_w) error_trans_norm = [] error_trans_perc = [] error_yaw = [] error_gravity = [] e_rot = [] e_rot_deg_per_m = [] for e in errors: tn = np.linalg.norm(e[0:3, 3]) error_trans_norm.append(tn) error_trans_perc.append(tn / dist * 100) ypr_angles = tf.euler_from_matrix(e, 'rzyx') e_rot.append(tu.compute_angle(e)) error_yaw.append(abs(ypr_angles[0]) * 180.0 / np.pi) error_gravity.append( np.sqrt(ypr_angles[1]**2 + ypr_angles[2]**2) * 180.0 / np.pi) e_rot_deg_per_m.append(e_rot[-1] / dist) return errors, np.array(error_trans_norm), np.array(error_trans_perc),\ np.array(error_yaw), np.array(error_gravity), np.array(e_rot),\ np.array(e_rot_deg_per_m)
def CCD_error(window_angular_error, window_range_error, angular_error, mechanical_error, distance, iterations): #Initializing the arrays for the 6-DOF values X_CCD = [] Y_CCD = [] Z_CCD = [] Roll_CCD = [] Pitch_CCD = [] Yaw_CCD = [] CCD_centroid = np.zeros((3,1)) for i in range(iterations): #the cartesian cordinates of targets in the CCD frame is known CCD_target_1 = np.matrix([[0.034125],[0.039125],[0],[1]]) CCD_target_2 = np.matrix([[-0.034125],[0.039125],[0],[1]]) CCD_target_3 = np.matrix([[-0.034125],[-0.039125],[0],[1]]) CCD_target_4 = np.matrix([[0.034125],[-0.039125],[0],[1]]) Targets_CCD_frame = np.concatenate((CCD_target_1, CCD_target_2, CCD_target_3, CCD_target_4), axis = 1) #transformation matrix for converting the CCD frame to the LT frame CCD_to_LT = np.matrix([[1,0,0,1.3],[0,1,0,1.2],[0,0,1,distance],[0,0,0,1]]) Homogeneous_modelled_points = (CCD_to_LT * Targets_CCD_frame).T #removing the fourth dimension for ease of calculations modelled_points = np.delete(Homogeneous_modelled_points, 3, 1) LT_err_CCD = un.LT_uncertainities(modelled_points, 1).T Window_err_CCD = un.Window_uncertainities(modelled_points, window_range_error, window_angular_error, window_angular_error) Additional_err = un.Additional_ang_uncertatinities(modelled_points, angular_error, angular_error) Mechanical_err = un.Mechanical_uncertainities(modelled_points, mechanical_error, mechanical_error, mechanical_error) #Adding mechanical uncertainities of mounting the targets modelled_points_1 = modelled_points + Mechanical_err #Converting the modelled points into Laser tracker's spherical coordinate system spherical_points = cartesian_to_spherical(modelled_points_1) #Adding the uncertainities from the Laser Tracker #spherical_points = spherical_points + LT_err_CCD #Adding uncertainities from the window spherical_points = spherical_points + Window_err_CCD #Adding additional angular uncertainities spherical_points = spherical_points + Additional_err #Converting back to the cartesian coordinate system cartesian_points = spherical_to_cartesian(spherical_points) Homogeneous_transform = t.superimposition_matrix(modelled_points, cartesian_points, usesvd=True) Rotation = np.matrix(Homogeneous_transform[0:3, 0:3]) Translation = np.matrix(Homogeneous_transform[0:3,3]).T #[Rotation, Translation] = best_fit(cartesian_points, modelled_points, scaling) n = modelled_points.shape[0] #modelled_points = modelled_points.T fit_points = (Rotation * modelled_points.T) + np.tile(Translation, (1, n)) #Finding centroid of the fitted point cloud fit_point_centroid = np.mean(fit_points, axis = 1) CCD_centroid = np.append(CCD_centroid, fit_point_centroid, 1) #Finding centroid of the modelled point cloud modelled_points_centroid = np.mean(modelled_points, axis = 0).T #calculating homogeneous transformation function #Homogeneous_transform = np.zeros((4,4)) #Homogeneous_transform[:3,:3] = Rotation #Homogeneous_transform[0,3] = Translation[0] #Homogeneous_transform[1,3] = Translation[1] #Homogeneous_transform[2,3] = Translation[2] #Homogeneous_transform[3,3] = 1 #Finding the euler angles from the homogeneous transformation matrix euler_angles_CCD = np.matrix(t.euler_from_matrix(Homogeneous_transform)).T for i in range(3): euler_angles_CCD[i,0] = m.degrees(euler_angles_CCD[i,0]) * 3600 #Appending strings for 6-DOF values in each iteration X_CCD.append((Translation[0,0])*1e6) Y_CCD.append((Translation[1,0])*1e6) Z_CCD.append((Translation[2,0])*1e6) Roll_CCD.append(euler_angles_CCD[0,0]) Pitch_CCD.append(euler_angles_CCD[1,0]) Yaw_CCD.append(euler_angles_CCD[2,0]) #calculating STD of each 6-DOF strings to find the average over the number of iterations X_CCD = np.std(X_CCD) Y_CCD = np.std(Y_CCD) Z_CCD = np.std(Z_CCD) Roll_CCD = np.std(Roll_CCD) Pitch_CCD = np.std(Pitch_CCD) Yaw_CCD = np.std(Yaw_CCD) CCD_centroid = np.delete(CCD_centroid, 0, 1) CCD_centroid_STD = np.std(CCD_centroid, axis = 1) CCD_centroid = np.mean(CCD_centroid, axis = 1) return X_CCD, Y_CCD, Z_CCD, Roll_CCD, Pitch_CCD, Yaw_CCD, CCD_centroid, CCD_centroid_STD
def q_to_rpy(q): m = xf.quaternion_matrix([q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z]) # Order is w, x, y, z rpy = xf.euler_from_matrix(m) return rpy
def matrix_to_rpypose(mat): """Returns the rpy pose from a homogeneous transformation matrix.""" rpy = tf.euler_from_matrix(mat, axes='sxyz') trans = mat[:3, 3] return trans, rpy
if body_offset_enabled == 1: H_body_camera = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, 0, 'sxyz') H_body_camera[0][3] = body_offset_x H_body_camera[1][3] = body_offset_y H_body_camera[2][3] = body_offset_z H_camera_body = np.linalg.inv(H_body_camera) H_aeroRef_aeroBody = # Realign heading to face north using initial compass data if compass_enabled == 1: H_aeroRef_aeroBody = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, heading_north_yaw, 'sxyz')) # Show debug messages here if debug_enable == 1: os.system('clear') # This helps in displaying the messages to be more readable print("DEBUG: Raw RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix( H_T265Ref_T265body, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) print("DEBUG: NED RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix( H_aeroRef_aeroBody, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) print("DEBUG: Raw pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( [data.translation.x, data.translation.y, data.translation.z]))) print("DEBUG: NED pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix( H_aeroRef_aeroBody)))) except KeyboardInterrupt: send_msg_to_gcs('Closing the script...') except: send_msg_to_gcs('ERROR IN SCRIPT') print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) finally: pipe.stop() vehicle.close() print("INFO: Realsense pipeline and vehicle object closed.")
def solvePnP(pts_dict): # start with a clean slate for image in proj.image_list: image.img_pts = [] image.obj_pts = [] # build a new cam_dict that is a copy of the current one cam_dict = {} for image in proj.image_list: cam_dict[] = {} rvec, tvec = image.get_proj() ned, ypr, quat = image.get_camera_pose() cam_dict[]['rvec'] = rvec cam_dict[]['tvec'] = tvec cam_dict[]['ned'] = ned # iterate through the match dictionary and build a per image list of # obj_pts and img_pts for key in matches_dict: feature_dict = matches_dict[key] points = feature_dict['pts'] ned = pts_dict[key] # from separate provided point positions for p in points: image = proj.image_list[p[0]] kp = image.kp_list[p[1]] image.img_pts.append( image.obj_pts.append(ned) camw, camh = for image in proj.image_list: print if len(image.img_pts) < 4: continue scale = float(image.width) / float(camw) K = rvec, tvec = image.get_proj() (result, rvec, tvec) = cv2.solvePnP(np.float32(image.obj_pts), np.float32(image.img_pts), K, None, rvec, tvec, useExtrinsicGuess=True) print "rvec=", rvec print "tvec=", tvec Rned2cam, jac = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec) #print "Rraw (from SolvePNP):\n", Rraw ned = image.camera_pose['ned'] print "original ned = ", ned #tvec = -np.matrix(R[:3,:3]) * np.matrix(ned).T #print "tvec =", tvec pos = -np.matrix(Rned2cam[:3, :3]).T * np.matrix(tvec) newned = pos.T[0].tolist()[0] print "new ned =", newned # Our Rcam matrix (in our ned coordinate system) is body2cam * Rned, # so solvePnP returns this combination. We can extract Rned by # premultiplying by cam2body aka inv(body2cam). cam2body = image.get_cam2body() Rned2body = #print "R (after M * R):\n", R ypr = image.camera_pose['ypr'] print "original ypr = ", ypr Rbody2ned = np.matrix(Rned2body).T IRo = transformations.euler_matrix(ypr[0] * d2r, ypr[1] * d2r, ypr[2] * d2r, 'rzyx') IRq = transformations.quaternion_matrix(image.camera_pose['quat']) #print "Original IR:\n", IRo #print "Original IR (from quat)\n", IRq #print "IR (from SolvePNP):\n", IR (yaw, pitch, roll) = transformations.euler_from_matrix(Rbody2ned, 'rzyx') print "ypr =", [yaw / d2r, pitch / d2r, roll / d2r] #image.set_camera_pose( pos.T[0].tolist(), [yaw/d2r, pitch/d2r, roll/d2r] ) #print "Proj =", np.concatenate((R, tvec), axis=1) cam_dict[] = {} cam_dict[]['rvec'] = rvec cam_dict[]['tvec'] = tvec cam_dict[]['ned'] = newned return cam_dict
def CCD_mechanical_error(mechanical_error, iterations): #Initializing the arrays for the 6-DOF values ME_X_CCD = [] ME_Y_CCD = [] ME_Z_CCD = [] ME_Roll_CCD = [] ME_Pitch_CCD = [] ME_Yaw_CCD = [] ME_CCD_centroid = np.zeros((3,1)) for i in range(iterations): #the cartesian cordinates of targets in the CCD frame is known CCD_target_1 = np.matrix([[0.034125],[0.039125],[0],[1]]) CCD_target_2 = np.matrix([[-0.034125],[0.039125],[0],[1]]) CCD_target_3 = np.matrix([[-0.034125],[-0.039125],[0],[1]]) CCD_target_4 = np.matrix([[0.034125],[-0.039125],[0],[1]]) Targets_CCD_frame = np.concatenate((CCD_target_1, CCD_target_2, CCD_target_3, CCD_target_4), axis = 1) #transformation matrix for converting the CCD frame to the LT frame CCD_to_LT = np.matrix([[1,0,0,1.3],[0,1,0,1.2],[0,0,1,5.7],[0,0,0,1]]) Homogeneous_modelled_points = (CCD_to_LT * Targets_CCD_frame).T #removing the fourth dimension for ease of calculations modelled_points = np.delete(Homogeneous_modelled_points, 3, 1) LT_err_CCD = un.LT_uncertainities(modelled_points, 1).T Mechanical_err = un.Mechanical_uncertainities(modelled_points, mechanical_error, mechanical_error, mechanical_error) #Adding mechanical uncertainities of mounting the targets modelled_points_1 = modelled_points + Mechanical_err #Converting the modelled points into Laser tracker's spherical coordinate system spherical_points = cartesian_to_spherical(modelled_points_1) #Adding the uncertainities from the Laser Tracker spherical_points = spherical_points + LT_err_CCD #Converting back to the cartesian coordinate system cartesian_points = spherical_to_cartesian(spherical_points) [Rotation, Translation] = best_fit(cartesian_points, modelled_points, scaling) n = modelled_points.shape[0] #modelled_points = modelled_points.T fit_points = (Rotation * modelled_points.T) + np.tile(Translation, (1, n)) #Finding centroid of the fitted point cloud fit_point_centroid = np.mean(fit_points, axis = 1) ME_CCD_centroid = np.append(ME_CCD_centroid, fit_point_centroid, 1) #Finding centroid of the modelled point cloud modelled_points_centroid = np.mean(modelled_points, axis = 0).T #calculating homogeneous transformation function Homogeneous_transform = np.zeros((4,4)) Homogeneous_transform[:3,:3] = Rotation Homogeneous_transform[0,3] = Translation[0] Homogeneous_transform[1,3] = Translation[1] Homogeneous_transform[2,3] = Translation[2] Homogeneous_transform[3,3] = 1 #Finding the euler angles from the homogeneous transformation matrix ME_euler_angles_CCD = np.matrix(t.euler_from_matrix(Homogeneous_transform)).T for i in range(3): ME_euler_angles_CCD[i,0] = m.degrees(ME_euler_angles_CCD[i,0]) * 3600 #Appending strings for 6-DOF values in each iteration ME_X_CCD.append((Translation[0,0])*1e6) ME_Y_CCD.append((Translation[1,0])*1e6) ME_Z_CCD.append((Translation[2,0])*1e6) ME_Roll_CCD.append(ME_euler_angles_CCD[0,0]) ME_Pitch_CCD.append(ME_euler_angles_CCD[1,0]) ME_Yaw_CCD.append(ME_euler_angles_CCD[2,0]) #calculating mean of each 6-DOF strings to find the average over the number of iterations ME_X_CCD = np.mean(ME_X_CCD) ME_Y_CCD = np.mean(ME_Y_CCD) ME_Z_CCD = np.mean(ME_Z_CCD) ME_Roll_CCD = np.mean(ME_Roll_CCD) ME_Pitch_CCD = np.mean(ME_Pitch_CCD) ME_Yaw_CCD = np.mean(ME_Yaw_CCD) ME_CCD_centroid = np.delete(ME_CCD_centroid, 0, 1) ME_CCD_centroid = np.mean(ME_CCD_centroid, axis = 1) return ME_X_CCD, ME_Y_CCD, ME_Z_CCD, ME_Roll_CCD, ME_Pitch_CCD, ME_Yaw_CCD, ME_CCD_centroid
image_name) # Reading image = image_rgb = rgb_converter(image) # Remap camera name camera_name = camera_calibration_map[camera_dir] x, y, z, *q = pose t = (x, y, z) # Calculate camera transformation R_camera, T_camera, R_final_inv, T_final_inv = calculateCameraMotion( t, q, torch.from_numpy(calibration_info[camera_name].T_bl_cam).float()) a1, a2, theta = euler_from_matrix(R_camera[0]) qw, qx, qy, qz = quaternion_from_euler(a1, a2, theta) pose = x, y, qw, qx, qy, qz # Saving image_name, ext = image_name.split(".") jpeg_image_name = ".".join((image_name, "jpeg")) stereo_ch, camera_id = camera_dir.split("_z_") jpeg_image_dir = os.path.join(dest_path, dir_map[camera_id]) jpeg_image_path = os.path.join(jpeg_image_dir, jpeg_image_name) os.makedirs(jpeg_image_dir, exist_ok=True), "JPEG") poses_path = os.path.join(jpeg_image_dir, "poses.txt")
def fromSkeleton(self, skel, animationTrack=None, dummyJoints=True): """ Construct a BVH object from a skeleton structure and optionally an animation track. If no animation track is specified, a dummy animation of one frame will be added. If dummyJoints is true (the default) then extra dummy joints will be introduced when bones are not directly connected, but have their head position offset from their parent bone tail. This often happens when multiple bones are attached to one parent bones, for example in the shoulder, hip and hand areas. When dummyJoints is set to false, for each bone in the skeleton, exactly one BVH joint will be created. How this is interpreted depends on the tool importing the BVH file. Some create only a bone between the parent and its first child joint, and create empty offsets to the other childs. Other tools create one bone, with the tail position being the average of all the child joints. Dummy joints are introduced to prevent ambiguities between tools. Dummy joints carry the same name as the bone they parent, with "__" prepended. NOTE: Make sure that the skeleton has only one root. """ # Traverse skeleton joints in depth-first order for jointName in skel.getJointNames(): bone = skel.getBone(jointName) if dummyJoints and bone.parent and \ (bone.getRestHeadPos() != bone.parent.getRestTailPos()).any(): # Introduce a dummy joint to cover the offset between two not- # connected bones joint = self.addJoint(, "__" + jointName) joint.channels = ["Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation"] parentName = offset = bone.parent.getRestTailPos( ) - bone.parent.getRestHeadPos() self.__calcPosition(joint, offset) offset = bone.getRestHeadPos() - bone.parent.getRestTailPos() else: parentName = if bone.parent else None offset = bone.getRestOffset() if bone.parent: joint = self.addJoint(parentName, jointName) joint.channels = ["Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation"] else: # Root bones have translation channels joint = self.addRootJoint( joint.channels = [ "Xposition", "Yposition", "Zposition", "Zrotation", "Xrotation", "Yrotation" ] self.__calcPosition(joint, offset) if not bone.hasChildren(): endJoint = self.addJoint(jointName, 'End effector') offset = bone.getRestTailPos() - bone.getRestHeadPos() self.__calcPosition(endJoint, offset) self.__cacheGetJoints() nonEndJoints = [ joint for joint in self.getJoints() if not joint.isEndConnector() ] if animationTrack: self.frameCount = animationTrack.nFrames self.frameTime = 1.0 / animationTrack.frameRate jointToBoneIdx = {} for joint in nonEndJoints: if skel.containsBone( jointToBoneIdx[] = skel.getBone( else: jointToBoneIdx[] = -1 for fIdx in range(animationTrack.nFrames): offset = fIdx * animationTrack.nBones for jIdx, joint in enumerate(nonEndJoints): bIdx = jointToBoneIdx[] if bIdx < 0: poseMat = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) else: poseMat =[offset + bIdx] if len(joint.channels) == 6: # Add transformation tx, ty, tz = poseMat[:3, 3] joint.frames.extend([tx, ty, tz]) ay, ax, az = tm.euler_from_matrix(poseMat, "syxz") joint.frames.extend([az / D, ax / D, ay / D]) else: # Add bogus animation with one frame self.frameCount = 1 self.frameTime = 1.0 for jIdx, joint in enumerate(nonEndJoints): if len(joint.channels) == 6: # Add transformation joint.frames.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: joint.frames.extend([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) for joint in self.getJoints(): joint.calculateFrames()
# Start streaming with requested config pipe.start(cfg) try: for _ in range(50000): # Wait for the next set of frames from the camera frames = pipe.wait_for_frames() # Fetch pose frame pose = frames.get_pose_frame() if pose: # Print some of the pose data to the terminal data = pose.get_pose_data() H_T265Ref_T265body = tf.quaternion_matrix([data.rotation.w, data.rotation.x,data.rotation.y,data.rotation.z]) # in transformations, Quaternions w+ix+jy+kz are represented as [w, x, y, z]! # transform to aeronautic coordinates (body AND reference frame!) H_aeroRef_aeroBody = H_T265body_aeroBody )) rpy_rad = np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix(H_aeroRef_aeroBody, 'rxyz') ) # print("Frame #{}".format(pose.frame_number)) # print("RPY [deg]: {}".format(rpy_rad*180/m.pi)) heading = rpy_rad[2]*180/m.pi if heading < 0: heading = 360+heading print ("Heading", round(heading)) finally: pipe.stop()
def parseLXFML(handle, lxffile,ldrfile): #begin urdf print "<!--this file was autogenerated from %s -->" % lxffile ldr_file = open('%s' % ldrfile,'r') print "<robot name=nxt_%s>" % lxffile.strip('.lxf').rsplit("/")[0] lxf_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(handle) bricks = {} parts = {} bones = {} for brick in lxf_doc.getElementsByTagName('Brick'): b = {} b['refID']= int(brick.getAttribute('refID')) b['parts'] = [] b['designID'] = int(brick.getAttribute('designID')) b['handled']=False i = parseInts(brick.getAttribute('itemNos')) if i: b['itemNos'] = i bricks[int(brick.getAttribute('refID'))] = b for part in brick.getElementsByTagName('Part'): p = {} p['bones'] = [] p['designID'] = part.getAttribute('designID') p['materials'] = parseInts(part.getAttribute('materials')) parts[int(part.getAttribute('refID'))] = p b['parts'].append(p) p['parent'] = b for bone in part.getElementsByTagName('Bone'): d = {} d['transformation'] = parseFloats(bone.getAttribute('transformation')) bones[int(bone.getAttribute('refID'))] = d p['bones'].append(d) d['parent'] = p rigids = {} for rigid in lxf_doc.getElementsByTagName('Rigid'): r = {} r['refID'] = int(rigid.getAttribute('refID')) r['transformation'] = parseFloats(rigid.getAttribute('transformation')) r['boneRefs'] = parseInts(rigid.getAttribute('boneRefs')) r['handled'] = False rigids[r['refID']] = r joints = [] for joint in lxf_doc.getElementsByTagName('Joint'): j = [] for rigid_ref in joint.getElementsByTagName('RigidRef'): r = {} r['rigidRef'] = int(rigid_ref.getAttribute('rigidRef')) r['a'] = parseFloats(rigid_ref.getAttribute('a')) r['z'] = parseFloats(rigid_ref.getAttribute('z')) r['t'] = parseFloats(rigid_ref.getAttribute('t')) j.append(r) joints.append(j) ldr_trans={} count=0 for line in ldr_file: if line.startswith('1'): ldr= [x for x in line.split(' ')] l={} l['ldraw'] = ldr[14].strip('.dat\r\n') l['transformation'] = [float(ldr[2]), float(ldr[3]), float(ldr[4]), float(ldr[5]), float(ldr[6]), float(ldr[7]), float(ldr[8]), float(ldr[9]), float(ldr[10]), float(ldr[11]), float(ldr[12]), float(ldr[13])] ldr_trans[count]=l count=count+1 for refID in sorted(bricks.keys()): designID = ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] ldrID =ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] rot_x=rot_y=rot_z=0 #these parts with odd bends need a 180 rotation if ldrID == '6629' or ldrID == '32348' or ldrID == '32140' or ldrID == '32526': rot_y = 3.14159 #scaling factor from the .dat models to meters scale =0.0004 d = { 'refID' : refID, 'mesh' : "package://nxt_description/meshes/parts/%s.dae" % designID, 'bound_x' : 0, 'bound_y' : 0, 'bound_z' : 0, 'm_scale' :' %s' % str(scale), 'bound_roll' : 0, 'bound_pitch' : 0, 'bound_yaw' : 0, 'dim_x' : 0, 'dim_y' : 0, 'dim_z' : 0, 'rot_x': '%s' % str(rot_x), 'rot_y': '%s' % str(rot_y), 'rot_z': '%s' % str(rot_z), } #special templates for sensors and motors if ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '53787': print motor_template % d elif ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '53792': print ultrasonic_link % d elif ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '1044' or ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '64892' or ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '53793': print generic_sensor_link % d else: print link_template % d #create tree with no loops create_rigid_tree(0, joints, rigids) create_brick_tree(rigids, bricks, bones) #for refID, joint_list in enumerate(joints): for refID, branch in enumerate(brick_tree): joint_type = "fixed" child_refID = branch[1] parent_refID = branch[0] #all units are in CM #the models are in LDU which are 0.4mm #let's compute some transforms world_to_c = homogeneous_matrix(ldr_trans[child_refID]['transformation']) world_to_p = homogeneous_matrix(ldr_trans[parent_refID]['transformation']) #now let's get the stuff for the URDF p_to_c = world_to_p.I*world_to_c rpy = TF.euler_from_matrix(p_to_c, 'sxzy') d = { 'refID' : refID, 'joint_type' : joint_type, 'parent_link' : 'ref_%s_link' % parent_refID, 'child_link' : 'ref_%s_link' % child_refID, #a straight transform doesn't seem to work properly (sign changes as needed) 'origin_x' : '%s' % str(-1*float(p_to_c[0,3])*scale), 'origin_y' : '%s'% str(1*float(p_to_c[2,3])*scale), 'origin_z' : '%s' % str(-1*float(p_to_c[1,3])*scale), 'origin_roll' : '%s' % str(1*rpy[0]), 'origin_pitch' : '%s' % str(-1*rpy[1]), 'origin_yaw' : '%s' % str(1*rpy[2]), 'axis_x' : 0, 'axis_y' : 0, 'axis_z' : 0, } print joint_template % d #end urdf print "</robot>"
# create cables if sim_cables: model.insert(2, etree.Comment('Definition of the robot cables')) z = [0, 0, 1] for i, cbl in enumerate(config.points): fp = np.array(cbl.frame).reshape(3, 1) # frame attach point # express platform attach point in world frame pp = pf_t +, np.array(cbl.platform).reshape(3, 1)) # cable orientation u = (pp - fp).reshape(3) u = list(u / np.linalg.norm(u)) R = tr.rotation_matrix( np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(z, u)),, z)), np.cross(z, u)) # to RPY rpy = list(tr.euler_from_matrix(R)) # rpy of z-axis # cable position to stick to the platform a = l / (2. * np.linalg.norm(pp - fp)) cp = list((pp - a * (pp - fp)).reshape(3)) # create cable link = etree.SubElement(model, 'link', name='cable%i' % i) CreateNested(link, 'pose', '%f %f %f %f %f %f' % tuple(cp + rpy)) CreateVisualCollision(link, '/geometry/cylinder/radius', config.cable.radius, color='Black', collision=False, mass=0.001) CreateNested(link, 'visual/geometry/cylinder/length', str(l))
def to_euler(self): return tm.euler_from_matrix(self.matrix)
def compute_state_space_trajectory_and_derivatives(p, psi, dt): num_timesteps = len(p) psi = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(psi) p_dot = c_[gradient(p[:, 0], dt), gradient(p[:, 1], dt), gradient(p[:, 2], dt)] p_dot_dot = c_[gradient(p_dot[:, 0], dt), gradient(p_dot[:, 1], dt), gradient(p_dot[:, 2], dt)] f_thrust_world = m * p_dot_dot - f_external_world.T.A f_thrust_world_normalized = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(f_thrust_world) z_axis_intermediate = c_[cos(psi), zeros_like(psi), -sin(psi)] y_axis = f_thrust_world_normalized x_axis = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(cross(z_axis_intermediate, y_axis)) z_axis = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(cross(y_axis, x_axis)) theta = zeros(num_timesteps) psi_recomputed = zeros(num_timesteps) phi = zeros(num_timesteps) for ti in range(num_timesteps): z_axis_ti = c_[matrix(z_axis[ti]), 0].T y_axis_ti = c_[matrix(y_axis[ti]), 0].T x_axis_ti = c_[matrix(x_axis[ti]), 0].T R_world_from_body_ti = c_[z_axis_ti, y_axis_ti, x_axis_ti, [0, 0, 0, 1]] psi_recomputed_ti, theta_ti, phi_ti = transformations.euler_from_matrix( R_world_from_body_ti, "ryxz") assert allclose( R_world_from_body_ti, transformations.euler_matrix(psi_recomputed_ti, theta_ti, phi_ti, "ryxz")) theta[ti] = theta_ti psi_recomputed[ti] = psi_recomputed_ti phi[ti] = phi_ti theta = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(theta) psi_recomputed = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(psi_recomputed) phi = trigutils.compute_continuous_angle_array(phi) assert allclose(psi_recomputed, psi) psi = psi_recomputed theta_dot = gradient(theta, dt) psi_dot = gradient(psi, dt) phi_dot = gradient(phi, dt) theta_dot_dot = gradient(theta_dot, dt) psi_dot_dot = gradient(psi_dot, dt) phi_dot_dot = gradient(phi_dot, dt) return p, p_dot, p_dot_dot, theta, theta_dot, theta_dot_dot, psi, psi_dot, psi_dot_dot, phi, phi_dot, phi_dot_dot