def get_farthest_in_range(self, start_point: Matrix, path: List[Matrix]) -> Tuple[int, Matrix]: farthest = 0 for i, point in enumerate(path): d = dist(tf.translation_from_matrix(point), tf.translation_from_matrix(start_point)) if d > self.max_stride: break else: farthest = i return farthest, path[farthest].copy()
def interpolate(start: np.ndarray, stop: np.ndarray, phase: float) -> np.ndarray: start_trans = tf.translation_from_matrix(start) stop_trans = tf.translation_from_matrix(stop) shift_trans = phase * (stop_trans - start_trans) inter_trans = start_trans + shift_trans trans_matrix = tf.translation_matrix(inter_trans) start_rot = np.array(tf.euler_from_matrix(start, axes='sxyz')) stop_rot = np.array(tf.euler_from_matrix(stop, axes='sxyz')) shift_rot = phase * (stop_rot - start_rot) inter_rot = start_rot + shift_rot rot_matrix = tf.euler_matrix(*inter_rot, axes='sxyz') result = tf.concatenate_matrices(trans_matrix, rot_matrix) return result
def updateData(self, feature, prop): r"""If a property of the handled feature has changed, we have the chance to handle this here See Also -------- """ debug("ViewProviderAnchor/updateData") p = feature.getPropertyByName("p") u = feature.getPropertyByName("u") v = feature.getPropertyByName("v") self.transform.translation.setValue((p[0], p[1], p[2])) at = anchor_transformation(p0=(0, 0, 0), u0=(0, -1, 0), v0=(0, 0, 1), p1=(p[0], p[1], p[2]), u1=(u[0], u[1], u[2]), v1=(v[0], v[1], v[2])) t = translation_from_matrix(at) self.transform.translation.setValue((t[0], t[1], t[2])) angle, direction, point = rotation_from_matrix(at) # print("angle : %f" % angle) # print("direction : %s" % str(direction)) # print("point : %s" % str(point)) self.transform.rotation.setValue(coin.SbVec3f(direction), angle)
def determine_obj_frame(self): if self.detected_artags != None: eng_poses = [] ar_tfs = [] for da in self.detected_artags.markers: ar_pose = th.aruco_to_pose_stamp(da) eng_pose = self.get_engine_pose_from_ps(ar_pose) eng_poses.append(eng_pose) ar_tfs.append(th.pose_stamp_to_tf(eng_pose)) ar_tf_sum = np.zeros((4,4)) for tf in ar_tfs: ar_tf_sum = ar_tf_sum + tf/len(ar_tfs) engine_frame_combined = ar_tf_sum tran = transformations.translation_from_matrix(engine_frame_combined), eul = transformations.euler_from_matrix(engine_frame_combined) self.updated_engine_pose = str(tran[0][0]) + ' ' + str(tran[0][1]) + ' ' + str(tran[0][2]) + ' ' + str(eul[0]) + ' ' + str(eul[1]) + ' ' + str(eul[2]) ps = th.tf_to_pose_stamp(engine_frame_combined, 'engine_frame_combined') th.broadcast_transform(ps, global_frame) return engine_frame_combined else: return None
def back_front_thread(): global published_transform rate = rospy.Rate(10) while True: time = num = 0 sum_mat = None #print("Time diff = %s" %(str(time.to_sec() - front_transform["time"].to_sec()) if front_transform["time"] is not None else "??")) if front_transform["transform"] is not None and time.to_sec( ) - front_transform["time"].to_sec() < 1: sum_mat = front_transform["transform"] num = 1.0 # BRS Let's not use averages - seems to cause normailization errors? if back_transform["transform"] is not None and time.to_sec( ) - back_transform["time"].to_sec() < 1: sum_mat = back_transform[ "transform"] if sum_mat is None else sum_mat + back_transform[ "transform"] num = num + 1.0 if num > 0: transform = sum_mat / num published_transform = transform trans = tr.translation_from_matrix(transform) rot = tr.quaternion_from_matrix(transform) r, p, y = tr.euler_from_quaternion(rot) rot = tr.quaternion_from_euler(r, p, y) br.sendTransform(trans, rot, time, "odom", "map") # elif published_transform is not None: # transform = published_transform # trans = tr.translation_from_matrix(transform) # rot = tr.quaternion_from_matrix(transform) # br.sendTransform(trans, rot, time, "odom", "map") rate.sleep()
def inframe(self, pose, frame): """ Transform a pose from one frame to another one. Uses transformation matrices. Could be refactored to use directly quaternions. """ pose = self.get(pose) if pose['frame'] == "map": orig = numpy.identity(4) else: orig = self._to_mat4(self.get(pose["frame"])) if frame == "map": dest = numpy.identity(4) else: dest = numpy.linalg.inv(self._to_mat4(self.get(frame))) poseMatrix = self._to_mat4(pose) transf =, orig) transformedPose =, poseMatrix) qx,qy,qz,qw = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(transformedPose) x,y,z = transformations.translation_from_matrix(transformedPose) return {"x":x, "y":y, "z":z, "qx":qx, "qy":qy, "qz":qz, "qw":qw, "frame": frame}
def draw(self, surface, baseTransform, parameters): armLength = tr.translation_matrix([self.length, 0, 0]) rPitch = tr.rotation_matrix(parameters[0], yaxis) rYaw = tr.rotation_matrix(parameters[1], zaxis) transform = tr.concatenate_matrices(baseTransform, rYaw, rPitch, armLength) start = tr.translation_from_matrix(baseTransform) end = tr.translation_from_matrix(transform) # Only use the y and z coords for a quick and dirty orthogonal projection pygame.draw.line(surface, (0, 0, 0), start[::2], end[::2], 5) # Draw angle constraints #pygame.draw.aaline(surface, (100, 0, 0), position, position + to_vector(self.pitch.absolute_min(base_angle), 30)) #pygame.draw.aaline(surface, (100, 0, 0), position, position + to_vector(self.pitch.absolute_max(base_angle), 30)) if self.after is not None: self.after.draw(surface, transform, parameters[2:])
def error(self, target_pos, baseTransform, parameters): transform =, self.transform(parameters[0], parameters[1])) if self.after is None: end = tr.translation_from_matrix(transform) return distance(target_pos, end) else: return self.after.error(target_pos, transform, parameters[2:])
def _joints_impl(self, baseTransform, parameters): transform =, self.transform(parameters[0], parameters[1])) end = tr.translation_from_matrix(transform) if self.after is not None: return [end] + self.after._joints_impl(transform, parameters[2:]) else: return [end]
def tf_to_dof(T): if T.shape == (12, ): T.shape = (3, 4) if T.shape == (3, 4): T = np.concatenate((T, np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])), axis=0) assert T.shape == (4, 4), 'T.shape is {}, not (4,4)'.format(T.shape) translation = tr.translation_from_matrix(T) # euler_angles = np.array(tr.euler_from_matrix(T[0:3, 0:3])) euler_angles = np.array(tr.euler_from_matrix(T)) return np.concatenate((translation, euler_angles), axis=0)
def tf_to_quat(T): if T.shape == (12, ): T.shape = (3, 4) if T.shape == (3, 4): T = np.concatenate((T, np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])), axis=0) assert T.shape == (4, 4) translation = tr.translation_from_matrix(T) # quaternions = np.array(tr.quaternion_from_matrix(T[0:3, 0:3])) quaternions = np.array(tr.quaternion_from_matrix(T)) return np.concatenate((translation, quaternions), axis=0)
def error(self, target_pos, baseTransform, parameters): armLength = tr.translation_matrix([self.length, 0, 0]) rPitch = tr.rotation_matrix(parameters[0], yaxis) rYaw = tr.rotation_matrix(parameters[1], zaxis) transform = tr.concatenate_matrices(baseTransform, rYaw, rPitch, armLength) if self.after is None: end = tr.translation_from_matrix(transform) return distance(target_pos, end) else: return self.after.error(target_pos, transform, parameters[2:])
def generate_leg(leg: str, params: list): front_signs = {'front': '', 'rear': '-'} side_signs = {'left': '', 'right': '-'} lower_limits = {'left': '0', 'right': str(-pi)} upper_limits = {'left': str(pi), 'right': '0'} with open('../urdf/leg.urdf.template', 'r') as file: leg_template = Template( mappings = {'l_width': 0.02, 'leg': leg} front, side = leg.split('_') mappings['front_sign'] = front_signs[front] mappings['side_sign'] = side_signs[side] mappings['lower_limit'] = lower_limits[side] mappings['upper_limit'] = upper_limits[side] for param in params: try: d = float(param['d']) except ValueError: d = 0.0 try: th = float(param['th']) except ValueError: th = 0.0 try: a = float(param['a']) except ValueError: a = 0.0 try: al = float(param['al']) except ValueError: al = 0.0 tz = translation_matrix((0, 0, d)) rz = rotation_matrix(th, zaxis) tx = translation_matrix((a, 0, 0)) rx = rotation_matrix(al, xaxis) matrix = concatenate_matrices(tz, rz, tx, rx) rpy = euler_from_matrix(matrix) xyz = translation_from_matrix(matrix) name = param['joint'] mappings[f'{name}_j_xyz'] = '{} {} {}'.format(*xyz) mappings[f'{name}_j_rpy'] = '{} {} {}'.format(*rpy) mappings[f'{name}_l_xyz'] = '{} 0 0'.format(xyz[0] / 2.) mappings[f'{name}_l_rpy'] = '0 0 0' mappings[f'{name}_l_len'] = str(a) return leg_template.substitute(mappings)
def build_joint(index, parent_index): matrix = model['bone_original_matrix'][index] x, y, z = tf.translation_from_matrix(matrix.T) bone_pool.append( pmx.Bone(name=model['bone_name'][index], english_name=model['bone_name'][index], position=common.Vector3(-x, y, -z), parent_index=parent_index, layer=0, flag=0)) bone_pool[-1].setFlag(pmx.BONEFLAG_CAN_ROTATE, True) bone_pool[-1].setFlag(pmx.BONEFLAG_IS_VISIBLE, True) bone_pool[-1].setFlag(pmx.BONEFLAG_CAN_MANIPULATE, True)
def matrix_to_pose(matrix): pose = Pose() trans = tf.translation_from_matrix(matrix) quat = tf.quaternion_from_matrix(matrix) pose.position.x = trans[0] pose.position.y = trans[1] pose.position.z = trans[2] pose.orientation.w = quat[0] pose.orientation.x = quat[1] pose.orientation.y = quat[2] pose.orientation.z = quat[3] return pose
def errors(reference, target): if len(reference) != len(target): raise ValueError("reference and target should be of same length! len(reference): %d, len(target): %d" % (len(reference), len(target)) ) F_ref = to_homogeneous(reference) F_tar = to_homogeneous(target) F_ref_inv = inverse_matrix(F_ref) T_tar_ref = concatenate_matrices(F_ref_inv, F_tar) trans = translation_from_matrix(T_tar_ref) ang, foo, bar = rotation_from_matrix(T_tar_ref) return (numpy.sum( numpy.square(trans) ), ang*ang)
def scale_and_translate(Tlistgroundtruth, Tlistartoolkit): ground_truth_pointcloud = np.asarray([utils.apply_transform(T, np.zeros(3)) for T in Tlistgroundtruth]) artoolkit_pointcloud = np.asarray([utils.apply_transform(T, np.zeros(3)) for T in Tlistartoolkit]) Tscale = tf.affine_matrix_from_points(artoolkit_pointcloud.T, ground_truth_pointcloud.T, shear=False, scale=True) #print("Scaling by {0}".format(tf.scale_from_matrix(Tscale)[0])) try: print("translation by {0}".format(tf.translation_from_matrix(Tscale))) print("rotation by {0}".format(tf.rotation_from_matrix(Tscale)[0])) except ValueError: pass Tlistartoolkit = [tf.concatenate_matrices(Tscale, T) for T in Tlistartoolkit] return Tlistartoolkit
def publish_transform(src: str, dst: str, pose: np.ndarray): trans = tf.translation_from_matrix(pose) rot = tf.quaternion_from_matrix(pose) transform = TransformStamped() transform.header.stamp = header_stamp( transform.header.frame_id = src transform.child_frame_id = dst transform.transform.translation.x = trans[0] transform.transform.translation.y = trans[1] transform.transform.translation.z = trans[2] transform.transform.rotation.w = rot[0] transform.transform.rotation.x = rot[1] transform.transform.rotation.y = rot[2] transform.transform.rotation.z = rot[3] msg = TFMessage(transforms=[transform]) broadcaster.publish(msg)
def from_homogeneous(M,n): if n != 7 and n != 3: raise ValueError("Only poses with 3 or 7 elements supported! this one has %d" % n) trans = translation_from_matrix(M) if n == 7: quat = quaternion_from_matrix(M) out = list(trans) out.extend(quaternion_imag(quat)) out.append(quaternion_real(quat)) else: ang, foo, bar = rotation_from_matrix(M) out = list(trans[0:2]) out.append(ang) if len(out) != n: raise ValueError("Wrong output length: %d should be %d" %(len(out), n)) return out
def inframe(self, pose, frame): """ Transform a pose from one frame to another one. Uses transformation matrices. Could be refactored to use directly quaternions. """ pose = self.get(pose) if pose["frame"] == frame: return pose if pose['frame'] == "map": orig = numpy.identity(4) else: orig = self._to_mat4(self.get(pose["frame"])) if frame == "map": dest = numpy.identity(4) else: dest = numpy.linalg.inv(self._to_mat4(self.get(frame))) pose_matrix = self._to_mat4(pose) transf =, orig) transformedPose =, pose_matrix) qx, qy, qz, qw = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix( transformedPose) x, y, z = transformations.translation_from_matrix(transformedPose) return { "x": float(x), "y": float(y), "z": float(z), "qx": float(qx), "qy": float(qy), "qz": float(qz), "qw": float(qw), "frame": frame }
def calc_legs(self, pose: ndarray, base_pose: ndarray, left_side: bool) -> Dict[str, float]: if len(self.base_to_hip) == 0: self.init_transforms() names = [] positions = [] legs_positions = self.triangle(pose, left_side) legs = ['l1', 'r2', 'l3'] if left_side else ['r1', 'l2', 'r3'] for leg, position in zip(legs, legs_positions): base_to_hip = self.base_to_hip[leg] relative = tf.concatenate_matrices(tf.inverse_matrix(base_to_hip), tf.inverse_matrix(base_pose), position) point = tf.translation_from_matrix(relative) a, b, g = self.inverse_kinematics(*point) positions += [a, b, g] names += [ f'coxa_joint_{leg}', f'femur_joint_{leg}', f'tibia_joint_{leg}' ] return {name: position for name, position in zip(names, positions)}
def process_markers(markers): global listener, br, marker_trans_mat sum_mat = None num = 0 t_latest = rospy.Time(0) for marker in markers.markers: print("Seeing marker %s" % marker_link = '/Marker' + str( + "__link" marker_id = "/Marker" + str( tw = listener.getLatestCommonTime(marker_link, 'world') to = listener.getLatestCommonTime(marker_id, 'odom') t = tw if tw > to else to t_latest = t if t > t_latest else t_latest (trans_w, rot_w) = listener.lookupTransform(marker_link, 'world', tw) (trans_o, rot_o) = listener.lookupTransform(marker_id, 'odom', to) w_mat =, tr.quaternion_matrix(rot_w)) t_o = tr.concatenate_matrices(tr.translation_matrix(trans_o), tr.quaternion_matrix(rot_o)) # Need to do the transform equivalent to 0.25 0 0 0 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5 on marker_id #t_o =, marker_trans_mat); o_mat_i = tr.inverse_matrix(t_o) mat3 =, o_mat_i) mat3 = numpy.inverse_matrix(mat3) if sum_mat is None: sum_mat = mat3 else: sum_mat = sum_mat + mat3 num = num + 1 avg_mat = sum_mat / num trans = tr.translation_from_matrix(avg_mat) rot = tr.quaternion_from_matrix(avg_mat) br.sendTransform(trans, rot, t_latest, "odom", "map")
def marker_hover(vehicle, marker_tracker, rs=None, hover_alt=None, debug=0): if hover_alt is None: hover_alt = vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt # Set the PID setpoint to the desired hover altitude # Negative because of NED coord. system PID_Z.setpoint = -hover_alt # Queue to contain running average for Aruco markers pose_queue = np.zeros((RUNNING_AVG_LENGTH, 3), dtype=float) count = 0 if debug > 0: vehicle_pose_file = file_utils.open_file(VEHICLE_POSE_FILE) # Hover until manual override start_time = time.time() time_found = time.time() print("Tracking marker...") while dronekit_utils.is_guided(vehicle): # Track marker marker_tracker.track_marker( alt=vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt) if marker_tracker.is_marker_found(): # Note the most recent time marker was found time_found = time.time() # Get the marker pose relative to the camera origin marker_pose = marker_tracker.get_pose() # Transform the marker pose into UAV body frame (NED) marker_pose_body_ref = marker_ref_to_body_ref( marker_pose, marker_tracker, vehicle) # PID control; input is the UAV pose relative to the marker (hence the negatives) control_pose = np.array([[ PID_X(-marker_pose_body_ref[0]), PID_Y(-marker_pose_body_ref[1]), PID_Z(-marker_pose_body_ref[2]) ]]) # Keep a running average if using Aruco markers # Yellow marker processing is too slow to use a running average if marker_tracker.get_marker_type() == "aruco": pose_queue[count % len(pose_queue)] = control_pose count += 1 # Take the average if count < RUNNING_AVG_LENGTH - 1: pose_avg = np.sum(pose_queue, axis=0) / count else: pose_avg = np.average(pose_queue, axis=0) else: # Yellow marker pose_avg = control_pose[0] # Approach the marker at the current altitude until above the marker, then navigate to the hover altitude. if np.abs(pose_avg[0]) < HOVER_THRESHOLD and np.abs( pose_avg[1]) < HOVER_THRESHOLD: #print("Marker Hover") alt_hover(vehicle, pose_avg) else: #print("Approaching Marker") marker_approach(vehicle, pose_avg) if debug > 0 and rs is not None: data = rs_pose = tf.quaternion_matrix([ data.rotation.w, data.rotation.x, data.rotation.y, data.rotation.z ]) rs_pose[0][3] = data.translation.x rs_pose[1][3] = data.translation.y rs_pose[2][3] = data.translation.z vehicle_pose = realsense_localization.rs_to_body(rs_pose) vehicle_trans = np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix(vehicle_pose)) vehicle_pose_file.write("{} {} {} {} 0 0 0 0\n".format( time.time() - start_time, vehicle_trans[0], vehicle_trans[1], vehicle_trans[2])) if debug > 2: print("Nav command: {} {} {}".format(pose_avg[0], pose_avg[1], pose_avg[2])) else: if time.time() - time_found > 5: return False # Maintain frequency of sending commands marker_tracker.wait()
H_body_camera[1][3] = body_offset_y H_body_camera[2][3] = body_offset_z H_camera_body = np.linalg.inv(H_body_camera) H_aeroRef_aeroBody = # Realign heading to face north using initial compass data if compass_enabled == 1: H_aeroRef_aeroBody = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, heading_north_yaw, 'sxyz')) # Show debug messages here if debug_enable == 1: os.system('clear') # This helps in displaying the messages to be more readable progress("DEBUG: Raw RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix( H_T265Ref_T265body, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) progress("DEBUG: NED RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix( H_aeroRef_aeroBody, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) progress("DEBUG: Raw pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( [data.translation.x, data.translation.y, data.translation.z]))) progress("DEBUG: NED pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix( H_aeroRef_aeroBody)))) except Exception as e: progress(e) except: send_msg_to_gcs('ERROR IN SCRIPT') progress("Unexpected error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) finally: progress('Closing the script...') # start a timer in case stopping everything nicely doesn't work. signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 5) # seconds... pipe.stop() mavlink_thread_should_exit = True mavlink_thread.join()
def matrix_dist(a: Matrix, b: Matrix): return dist(tf.translation_from_matrix(a), tf.translation_from_matrix(b))
def __init__(self, cfg, base_dir, sequences, frames=None): self.cfg = cfg self.sequences = sequences self.curr_batch_sequence = 0 self.current_batch = 0 if (self.cfg.bidir_aug == True) and (self.cfg.batch_size % 2 != 0): raise ValueError("Batch size must be even") if self.cfg.data_type != "cam" and self.cfg.data_type != "lidar": raise ValueError("lidar or camera for data type!") frames_data_type = np.uint8 if self.cfg.data_type == "lidar": frames_data_type = np.float16 if not frames: frames = [None] * len(sequences) self.input_frames = {} self.poses = {} # Mirror in y-z plane self.H = np.identity(3, dtype=np.float32) self.H[1][1] = -1.0 self.se3_ground_truth = {} self.se3_mirror_ground_truth = {} self.fc_ground_truth = {} self.fc_reverse_ground_truth = {} self.fc_mirror_ground_truth = {} self.fc_reverse_mirror_ground_truth = {} self.imu_measurements = {} self.imu_measurements_mirror = {} self.imu_measurements_reverse = {} self.imu_measurements_reverse_mirror = {} # This keeps track of the number of batches in each sequence self.batch_counts = {} # this holds the batch ids for each sequence. It is randomized and the order determines the order in # which the batches are used self.batch_order = {} # this keeps track of the starting offsets in the input frames for batch id 0 in each sequence self.batch_offsets = {} # contains batch_cnt counters, each sequence is represented by it's index repeated for # however many batches are in that sequence self.sequence_ordering = None # contains batch_size counters. Keeps track of how many batches from each sequence # have already been used for the current epoch self.sequence_batch = {} self.batch_cnt = 0 self.total_frames = 0 for i_seq, seq in enumerate(sequences): seq_loader = DataLoader(self.cfg, base_dir, seq, frames=frames[i_seq]) num_frames = seq_loader.get_num_frames() self.input_frames[seq] = np.zeros( [num_frames, self.cfg.input_channels, self.cfg.input_height, self.cfg.input_width], dtype=frames_data_type) self.poses[seq] = seq_loader.get_poses_in_corresponding_frame() self.se3_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames, 7], dtype=np.float32) self.se3_mirror_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames, 7], dtype=np.float32) self.fc_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.fc_reverse_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.fc_mirror_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.fc_reverse_mirror_ground_truth[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.imu_measurements[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.imu_measurements_mirror[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.imu_measurements_reverse[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) self.imu_measurements_reverse_mirror[seq] = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 6], dtype=np.float32) for i_img in range(num_frames): if i_img % 100 == 0: tools.printf("Loading sequence %s %.1f%% " % (seq, (i_img / num_frames) * 100)) img = seq_loader.get_img(i_img) self.input_frames[seq][i_img, :] = img # now convert all the ground truth from 4x4 to xyz + quat, this is after the SE3 layer translation = transformations.translation_from_matrix(self.poses[seq][i_img]) quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(self.poses[seq][i_img]) mirror_pose = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) mirror_pose[0:3, 0:3] =,[seq][i_img][0:3, 0:3], self.H)) mirror_pose[0:3, 3] =, translation) mirror_quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(mirror_pose[0:3, 0:3]) self.se3_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([translation, quat]) self.se3_mirror_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([mirror_pose[0:3, 3], mirror_quat]) # relative transformation labels if i_img + 1 < num_frames: mirror_pose_next = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32) mirror_pose_next[0:3, 0:3] =,[seq][i_img + 1][0:3, 0:3], self.H)) trans_next = transformations.translation_from_matrix(self.poses[seq][i_img + 1]) mirror_pose_next[0:3, 3] =, trans_next) m_forward =[seq][i_img]), self.poses[seq][i_img + 1]) m_forward_mirror =, mirror_pose_next) m_reverse =[seq][i_img + 1]), self.poses[seq][i_img]) m_reverse_mirror =, mirror_pose) trans_forward = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m_forward) ypr_forward = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m_forward, axes="rzyx") trans_forward_mirror = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m_forward_mirror) ypr_forward_mirror = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m_forward_mirror, axes="rzyx") trans_reverse = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m_reverse) ypr_reverse = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m_reverse, axes="rzyx") trans_reverse_mirror = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m_reverse_mirror) ypr_reverse_mirror = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m_reverse_mirror, axes="rzyx") self.fc_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([trans_forward, ypr_forward]) self.fc_mirror_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([trans_forward_mirror, ypr_forward_mirror]) self.fc_reverse_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate([trans_reverse, ypr_reverse]) self.fc_reverse_mirror_ground_truth[seq][i_img] = np.concatenate( [trans_reverse_mirror, ypr_reverse_mirror]) get_imu = seq_loader.get_averaged_imu_in_corresponding_frame self.imu_measurements[seq][i_img] = get_imu(i_img, mirror=False, reverse=False) self.imu_measurements_mirror[seq][i_img] = get_imu(i_img, mirror=True, reverse=False) self.imu_measurements_reverse[seq][i_img] = get_imu(i_img, mirror=False, reverse=True) self.imu_measurements_reverse_mirror[seq][i_img] = get_imu(i_img, mirror=True, reverse=True) # How many examples the sequence contains, were it to be processed using a batch size of 1 sequence_examples = np.ceil((num_frames - self.cfg.timesteps) / self.cfg.sequence_stride).astype( np.int32) # how many batches in the sequence, cutting off any extra if self.cfg.bidir_aug: self.batch_counts[seq] = np.floor(2 * sequence_examples / self.cfg.batch_size).astype(np.int32) else: self.batch_counts[seq] = np.floor(sequence_examples / self.cfg.batch_size).astype(np.int32) self.batch_cnt += self.batch_counts[seq].astype(np.int32) self.batch_order[seq] = np.arange(0, self.batch_counts[seq], dtype=np.uint32) self.batch_offsets[seq] = np.zeros([self.cfg.batch_size], dtype=np.uint32) self.sequence_batch[seq] = 0 self.total_frames += num_frames tools.printf("All data loaded, batch_size=%d, timesteps=%d, num_batches=%d" % ( self.cfg.batch_size, self.cfg.timesteps, self.batch_cnt)) gc.collect() self.sequence_ordering = np.zeros([self.batch_cnt], dtype=np.uint16) self.set_batch_offsets() self.next_epoch(False)
def translation_from_matrix(m): return tf.translation_from_matrix(m)
def runVIO(veh, callback): global vehicle, body_offset_enabled, body_offset_x, body_offset_y, body_offset_z global compass_enabled, scale_calib_enable, scale_factor, camera_orientation, pipe, is_vehicle_connected global home_lat, home_lon, home_alt, auto_set_ekf_home_enable, debug_enable global H_aeroRef_T265Ref, H_T265body_aeroBody, data, current_confidence, H_aeroRef_aeroBody, heading_north_yaw global current_time print("runVIO() started") vehicle = veh is_vehicle_connected = True if body_offset_enabled == 1: print("INFO: Using camera position offset: Enabled, x y z is", body_offset_x, body_offset_y, body_offset_z) else: print("INFO: Using camera position offset: Disabled") if compass_enabled == 1: print( "INFO: Using compass: Enabled. Heading will be aligned to north.") else: print("INFO: Using compass: Disabled") if scale_calib_enable == True: print( "\nINFO: SCALE CALIBRATION PROCESS. DO NOT RUN DURING FLIGHT.\nINFO: TYPE IN NEW SCALE IN FLOATING POINT FORMAT\n" ) else: if scale_factor == 1.0: print("INFO: Using default scale factor", scale_factor) else: print("INFO: Using scale factor", scale_factor) print("INFO: Using camera orientation", camera_orientation) # Transformation to convert different camera orientations to NED convention. Replace camera_orientation_default for your configuration. # 0: Forward, USB port to the right # 1: Downfacing, USB port to the right # 2: Forward, 45 degree tilted down # Important note for downfacing camera: you need to tilt the vehicle's nose up a little - not flat - before you run the script, otherwise the initial yaw will be randomized, read here for more details: Tilt the vehicle to any other sides and the yaw might not be as stable. if camera_orientation == 0: # Forward, USB port to the right H_aeroRef_T265Ref = np.array([[0, 0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) H_T265body_aeroBody = np.linalg.inv(H_aeroRef_T265Ref) elif camera_orientation == 1: # Downfacing, USB port to the right H_aeroRef_T265Ref = np.array([[0, 0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) H_T265body_aeroBody = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) elif camera_orientation == 2: # 45degree forward H_aeroRef_T265Ref = np.array([[0, 0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) H_T265body_aeroBody = np.array([[0., 1., 0., 0.], [-0.70710676, -0., -0.70710676, -0.], [-0.70710676, 0., 0.70710676, 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) else: # Default is facing forward, USB port to the right H_aeroRef_T265Ref = np.array([[0, 0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) H_T265body_aeroBody = np.linalg.inv(H_aeroRef_T265Ref) if auto_set_ekf_home_enable == False: print("INFO: Automatically set EKF home: DISABLED") else: print("INFO: Automatically set EKF home: Enabled") if not debug_enable: debug_enable = 0 else: debug_enable = 1 np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True) # Format output on terminal print("INFO: Debug messages enabled.") ####################################### # Main code starts here ####################################### print("INFO: Connecting to Realsense camera.") realsense_connect() print("INFO: Realsense connected.") # Listen to the mavlink messages that will be used as trigger to set EKF home automatically if auto_set_ekf_home_enable == True: vehicle.add_message_listener('STATUSTEXT', statustext_callback) if compass_enabled == 1: # Listen to the attitude data in aeronautical frame vehicle.add_message_listener('ATTITUDE', att_msg_callback) data = None current_confidence = None H_aeroRef_aeroBody = None heading_north_yaw = None # Send MAVlink messages in the background sched = BackgroundScheduler() sched.add_job(send_vision_position_message, 'interval', seconds=1 / vision_msg_hz) sched.add_job(send_confidence_level_dummy_message, 'interval', seconds=1 / confidence_msg_hz) # For scale calibration, we will use a thread to monitor user input if scale_calib_enable == True: scale_update_thread = threading.Thread(target=scale_update) scale_update_thread.daemon = True scale_update_thread.start() sched.start() if compass_enabled == 1: # Wait a short while for yaw to be correctly initiated time.sleep(1) print("INFO: Sending VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE messages to FCU.") callback() try: while True: # Wait for the next set of frames from the camera frames = pipe.wait_for_frames() # Fetch pose frame pose = frames.get_pose_frame() if pose: # Store the timestamp for MAVLink messages current_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000000)) # Pose data consists of translation and rotation data = pose.get_pose_data() # In transformations, Quaternions w+ix+jy+kz are represented as [w, x, y, z]! H_T265Ref_T265body = tf.quaternion_matrix([ data.rotation.w, data.rotation.x, data.rotation.y, data.rotation.z ]) H_T265Ref_T265body[0][3] = data.translation.x * scale_factor H_T265Ref_T265body[1][3] = data.translation.y * scale_factor H_T265Ref_T265body[2][3] = data.translation.z * scale_factor # Transform to aeronautic coordinates (body AND reference frame!) H_aeroRef_aeroBody = # Take offsets from body's center of gravity (or IMU) to camera's origin into account if body_offset_enabled == 1: H_body_camera = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, 0, 'sxyz') H_body_camera[0][3] = body_offset_x H_body_camera[1][3] = body_offset_y H_body_camera[2][3] = body_offset_z H_camera_body = np.linalg.inv(H_body_camera) H_aeroRef_aeroBody = # Realign heading to face north using initial compass data if compass_enabled == 1: H_aeroRef_aeroBody = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, heading_north_yaw, 'sxyz')) # Show debug messages here if debug_enable == 1: os.system( 'clear' ) # This helps in displaying the messages to be more readable print("DEBUG: Raw RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix(H_T265Ref_T265body, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) print("DEBUG: NED RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix(H_aeroRef_aeroBody, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) print("DEBUG: Raw pos xyz : {}".format( np.array([ data.translation.x, data.translation.y, data.translation.z ]))) print("DEBUG: NED pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix(H_aeroRef_aeroBody)))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("T265: INFO: KeyboardInterrupt has been caught. Cleaning up...") finally: pipe.stop() print("INFO: Realsense pipeline and vehicle object closed.") sys.exit()
def position(self): ''' @brief Extract branch origin position from the transformation matrix @return a 3D position vector ''' return tr.translation_from_matrix(self.frame)
def marker_hover(vehicle, marker_tracker, rs=None): pid_x = PID(1, 0, 0, setpoint=0) pid_y = PID(1, 0, 0, setpoint=0) pid_z = PID(1, 0, 0, setpoint=-0.5) pid_x.sample_time = 0.01 pid_y.sample_time = 0.01 pid_z.sample_time = 0.01 # Hover until manual override pose_queue = np.zeros((RUNNING_AVG_LENGTH, 3), dtype=float) count = 0 if args["debug"] > 0: vehicle_pose_file = file_utils.open_file(VEHICLE_POSE_FILE) start_time = time.time() print("Tracking marker...") while True: # while vehicle.mode == VehicleMode("GUIDED"): # Track marker marker_tracker.track_marker( alt=vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt) if marker_tracker.is_marker_found(): marker_pose = marker_tracker.get_pose() # Transform pose to UAV body frame; proportional gain marker_pose_body_ref = marker_ref_to_body_ref(marker_pose) # Pid response, input is UAV rel. to marker control_pose = np.array([[ pid_x(-marker_pose_body_ref[0]), pid_y(-marker_pose_body_ref[1]), pid_z(-marker_pose_body_ref[2]) ]]) # Keep a queue of recent marker poses pose_queue[count % len(pose_queue)] = control_pose count += 1 if count < RUNNING_AVG_LENGTH - 1: pose_avg = np.sum(pose_queue, axis=0) / count else: pose_avg = np.average(pose_queue, axis=0) # Send position command to the vehicle dronekit_utils.goto_position_target_body_offset_ned( vehicle, forward=pose_avg[0], right=pose_avg[1], down=-HOVER_ALTITUDE - pose_avg[2]) if args["debug"] > 0 and rs is not None: data = rs_pose = tf.quaternion_matrix([ data.rotation.w, data.rotation.x, data.rotation.y, data.rotation.z ]) rs_pose[0][3] = data.translation.x rs_pose[1][3] = data.translation.y rs_pose[2][3] = data.translation.z vehicle_pose = realsense_localization.rs_to_body(rs_pose) vehicle_trans = np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix(vehicle_pose)) vehicle_pose_file.write("{} {} {} {} 0 0 0 0\n".format( time.time() - start_time, vehicle_trans[0], vehicle_trans[1], vehicle_trans[2])) if args["debug"] > 2: print("Nav command: {} {} {}".format(pose_avg[0], pose_avg[1], pose_avg[2])) # Maintain frequency of sending commands marker_tracker.wait()
def saveiqe(model, filename): model['bone_translate'] = [] model['bone_rotation'] = [] bone_count = len(model['bone_parent']) for i in range(bone_count): matrix = tf.identity_matrix() parent_node = model['bone_parent'][i] if parent_node >= 0: matrix = model['bone_original_matrix'][parent_node] matrix =['bone_original_matrix'][i], np.linalg.inv(matrix)) model['bone_translate'].append(tf.translation_from_matrix(matrix.T)) model['bone_rotation'].append(tf.quaternion_from_matrix(matrix.T)) with open(filename + '.iqe ', 'w') as f: f.write('# Inter-Quake Export\n') f.write('\n') parent_child_dict = {} old2new = {} index_pool = [-1] for i in range(len(model['bone_parent'])): p = model['bone_parent'][i] if p not in parent_child_dict: parent_child_dict[p] = [] parent_child_dict[p].append(i) def print_joint(index, parent_index): f.write('joint "{}" {}\n'.format(model['bone_name'][index], parent_index)) x, y, z = model['bone_translate'][index] r, i, j, k = model['bone_rotation'][index] f.write('pq {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(-x, y, z, i, -j, -k, r)) def deep_first_search(index, index_pool, parent_index): index_pool[0] += 1 current_node_index = index_pool[0] old2new[index] = current_node_index print_joint(index, parent_index) if index in parent_child_dict: for child in parent_child_dict[index]: deep_first_search(child, index_pool, current_node_index) deep_first_search(model['bone_parent'].index(-1), index_pool, -1) f.write('\n') mesh_vertex_counter = 0 mesh_face_counter = 0 for mesh_i in range(len(model['mesh'])): mesh_vertex_counter_end = mesh_vertex_counter + model['mesh'][ mesh_i][0] mesh_face_counter_end = mesh_face_counter + model['mesh'][mesh_i][1] f.write('mesh mesh{}\n'.format(mesh_i)) f.write('material "mesh{}Mat"\n'.format(mesh_i)) f.write('\n') for i in range(mesh_vertex_counter, mesh_vertex_counter_end): x, y, z = model['position'][i] f.write('vp {} {} {}\n'.format(-x, y, z)) f.write('\n') for i in range(mesh_vertex_counter, mesh_vertex_counter_end): x, y, z = model['normal'][i] f.write('vn {} {} {}\n'.format(-x, y, z)) f.write('\n') for i in range(mesh_vertex_counter, mesh_vertex_counter_end): u, v = model['uv'][i] f.write('vt {} {}\n'.format(u, 1 - v)) f.write('\n') for i in range(mesh_vertex_counter, mesh_vertex_counter_end): f.write('vb') for j in range(4): v = model['vertex_joint'][i][j] if v == 255: break v = old2new[v] w = model['vertex_joint_weight'][i][j] f.write(' {} {}'.format(v, w)) f.write('\n') f.write('\n') for i in range(mesh_face_counter, mesh_face_counter_end): v1, v2, v3 = model['face'][i] v1 -= mesh_vertex_counter v2 -= mesh_vertex_counter v3 -= mesh_vertex_counter f.write('fm {} {} {}\n'.format(v3, v1, v2)) f.write('\n') mesh_vertex_counter = mesh_vertex_counter_end mesh_face_counter = mesh_face_counter_end
def __init__(self, config, base_dir, sequences, frames=None): self.truncated_seq_sizes = [] self.end_of_sequence_indices = [] self.curr_batch_idx = 0 self.unused_batch_indices = [] self.cfg = config if not frames: frames = [None] * len(sequences) total_num_examples = 0 for i_seq, seq in enumerate(sequences): seq_data = pykitti.odometry(base_dir, seq, frames=frames[i_seq]) num_frames = len(seq_data.poses) # less than timesteps number of frames will be discarded num_examples = (num_frames - 1) // self.cfg.timesteps self.truncated_seq_sizes.append(num_examples * self.cfg.timesteps + 1) total_num_examples += num_examples # less than batch size number of examples will be discarded self.total_batch_count = total_num_examples // self.cfg.batch_size # +1 adjusts for the extra image in the last time step total_timesteps = self.total_batch_count * (self.cfg.timesteps + 1) # since some examples will be discarded, readjust the truncated_seq_sizes deleted_frames = (total_num_examples - self.total_batch_count * self.cfg.batch_size) * self.cfg.timesteps for i in range(len(self.truncated_seq_sizes) - 1, -1, -1): if self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] > deleted_frames: self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] -= deleted_frames break else: self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] = 0 deleted_frames -= self.truncated_seq_sizes[i] # for storing all training self.input_frames = np.zeros( [total_timesteps, self.cfg.batch_size, self.cfg.input_channels, self.cfg.input_height, self.cfg.input_width], dtype=np.uint8) poses_wrt_g = np.zeros([total_timesteps, self.cfg.batch_size, 4, 4], dtype=np.float32) # ground truth poses num_image_loaded = 0 for i_seq, seq in enumerate(sequences): seq_data = pykitti.odometry(base_dir, seq, frames=frames[i_seq]) length = self.truncated_seq_sizes[i_seq] i = -1 j = -1 for i_img in range(length): if i_img % 100 == 0: tools.printf("Loading sequence %s %.1f%% " % (seq, (i_img / length) * 100)) i = num_image_loaded % total_timesteps j = num_image_loaded // total_timesteps # swap axis to channels first img = seq_data.get_cam2(i_img) img = img.resize((self.cfg.input_width, self.cfg.input_height)) img = np.array(img) if img.shape[2] == 3: # convert to bgr if colored image img = img[..., [2, 1, 0]] img = np.reshape(img, [img.shape[0], img.shape[1], self.cfg.input_channels]) img = np.moveaxis(np.array(img), 2, 0) pose = seq_data.poses[i_img] self.input_frames[i, j] = img poses_wrt_g[i, j] = pose num_image_loaded += 1 # insert the extra image at the end of the batch, note the number of # frames per batch of batch size 1 is timesteps + 1 if i_img != 0 and i_img != length - 1 and i_img % self.cfg.timesteps == 0: i = num_image_loaded % total_timesteps j = num_image_loaded // total_timesteps self.input_frames[i, j] = img poses_wrt_g[i, j] = pose num_image_loaded += 1 # If the batch has the last frame in a sequence, the following frame # in the next batch must have a reset for lstm state self.end_of_sequence_indices.append((i + 1, j,)) # make sure the all of examples are fully loaded, just to detect bugs assert (num_image_loaded == total_timesteps * self.cfg.batch_size) # now convert all the ground truth from 4x4 to xyz + quat, this is after the SE3 layer self.se3_ground_truth = np.zeros([total_timesteps, self.cfg.batch_size, 7], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(0, self.se3_ground_truth.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.se3_ground_truth.shape[1]): translation = transformations.translation_from_matrix(poses_wrt_g[i, j]) quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(poses_wrt_g[i, j]) self.se3_ground_truth[i, j] = np.concatenate([translation, quat]) # extract the relative transformation between frames after the fully connected layer self.fc_ground_truth = np.zeros([total_timesteps, self.cfg.batch_size, 6], dtype=np.float32) # going through rows, then columns for i in range(0, self.fc_ground_truth.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.fc_ground_truth.shape[1]): # always identity at the beginning of the sequence if i % (self.cfg.timesteps + 1) == 0: m = transformations.identity_matrix() else: m =[i - 1, j]), poses_wrt_g[i, j]) # double check translation = transformations.translation_from_matrix(m) ypr = transformations.euler_from_matrix(m, axes="rzyx") assert (np.all(np.abs(ypr) < np.pi)) self.fc_ground_truth[i, j] = np.concatenate([translation, ypr]) # double check tools.printf("All data loaded, batch_size=%d, timesteps=%d, num_batches=%d" % ( self.cfg.batch_size, self.cfg.timesteps, self.total_batch_count)) self.next_epoch() gc.collect() # force garbage collection
def localize(rs, sched=None): # Global variables are usually not good style, but are required here (for now) global vehicle, H0_2, data, current_time # Listen to the mavlink messages that will be used as trigger to set the EKF home automatically # The Pixhawk will not allow arming if the EKF and Home origins have not been set. Once data is # being received from the Realsense, this callback will set the origins. # NOTE: There has been some trouble with this; sometimes it fails to set the origin. If this happens, # reboot the Pixhawk until the issue resolves itself (or find a better solution!) vehicle.add_message_listener('STATUSTEXT', statustext_callback) if compass_enabled == 1: # Listen to the attitude data in aeronautical frame vehicle.add_message_listener('ATTITUDE', att_msg_callback) # Send MAVlink messages in the background if sched is None: sched = BackgroundScheduler() # Add message senders for vision pose message and confidence message sched.add_job(send_vision_position_message, 'interval', seconds=1 / vision_msg_hz, max_instances=5) sched.add_job(send_confidence_level_dummy_message, 'interval', seconds=1 / confidence_msg_hz) # For scale calibration, we will use a thread to monitor user input # NOTE: not tested by VADL if scale_calib_enable: scale_update_thread = threading.Thread(target=scale_update) scale_update_thread.daemon = True scale_update_thread.start() # Start sending background messages to Mavlink sched.start() if compass_enabled == 1: # Wait a short while for yaw to be correctly initiated time.sleep(1) # This function is contained in its own thread and runs indefinitely. start_time = time.time() print("Sending VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE messages to FCU.") try: while True: # Obtain pose from the Realsense data = if data: # Store the timestamp for MAVLink messages current_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000000)) # Extract pose info and format as a homogeneous matrix. # In transformations, Quaternions w+ix+jy+kz are represented as [w, x, y, z] H1_3 = tf.quaternion_matrix([ data.rotation.w, data.rotation.x, data.rotation.y, data.rotation.z ]) H1_3[0][3] = data.translation.x * scale_factor H1_3[1][3] = data.translation.y * scale_factor H1_3[2][3] = data.translation.z * scale_factor # Transform to NED coordinates (body AND reference frame!) H0_2 = rs_to_body(H1_3) # Account for offsets from body's center of gravity (or IMU) to camera's origin if body_offset_enabled == 1: H_body_camera = tf.euler_matrix(0, 0, 0, 'sxyz') H_body_camera[0][3] = body_offset_x H_body_camera[1][3] = body_offset_y H_body_camera[2][3] = body_offset_z H_camera_body = np.linalg.inv(H_body_camera) # Shift the NED pose by an offset H0_2 = # Record time timestamp = time.time() - start_time # Convert to NED & quaternion for data logging pose_ned = np.array(tf.translation_from_matrix(H0_2)) # Write pose and accelerations to file # These logs follow the .tum format so they can be processed by # the EVO SLAM comparisons package: # # rs_pose_file.write( str(timestamp) + " " + str(pose_ned[0]) + " " + str(pose_ned[1]) + " " + str(pose_ned[2]) + " " + str(data.rotation.w) + " " + str(data.rotation.x) + " " + str(data.rotation.y) + " " + str(data.rotation.z) + "\n") rs_accel_file.write( str(timestamp) + " " + str(data.acceleration.x) + " " + str(data.acceleration.y) + " " + str(data.acceleration.z) + "\n") # Show debug messages here if debug_enable == 1: os.system( 'clear' ) # This helps in displaying the messages to be more readable print("DEBUG: Raw RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array(tf.euler_from_matrix(H1_3, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) print("DEBUG: NED RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array(tf.euler_from_matrix(H0_2, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) print("DEBUG: Raw pos xyz : {}".format( np.array([ data.translation.x, data.translation.y, data.translation.z ]))) print("DEBUG: NED pos xyz : {}".format( np.array(tf.translation_from_matrix(H0_2)))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("EXCEPTION: KeyboardInterrupt has been caught. Cleaning up...") finally: # Clean up Realsense and Vehicle objects rs.stop() vehicle.close() print("Realsense pipeline and vehicle object closed.") sys.exit()
def _pack(T): eulxyz = tf.euler_from_matrix(T, axes='sxyz') trans = tf.translation_from_matrix(T) return np.hstack((trans, eulxyz))
progress("DEBUG: Raw RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix(H_T265Ref_T265body, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) progress("DEBUG: NED RPY[deg]: {}".format( np.array( tf.euler_from_matrix(H_aeroRef_aeroBody, 'sxyz')) * 180 / m.pi)) progress("DEBUG: Raw pos xyz : {}".format( np.array([ data.translation.x, data.translation.y, data.translation.z ]))) progress("DEBUG: NED pos xyz : {}".format( np.array( tf.translation_from_matrix(H_aeroRef_aeroBody)))) conn.home_location = LocationGlobal(home_lat, home_lon, home_alt) arm_and_takeoff(0) except Exception as e: progress(e) except: send_msg_to_gcs('ERROR IN SCRIPT') progress("Unexpected error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) finally: progress('Closing the script...') # start a timer in case stopping everything nicely doesn't work. signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 5) # seconds...
def tf_to_pose_stamp(tf, id): q = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(tf) t = transformations.translation_from_matrix(tf) return create_pose_stamp_msg(id, [t[0], t[1], t[2], q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]])