def eval_probability(
        model: transformer.Transformer,
        input_seq: torch.LongTensor,
        target_seq: torch.LongTensor,
        pad_index: int=None
) -> torch.FloatTensor:
    """Computes the probability that the provided model computes a target sequence given an input sequence.
         model (:class:`transformer.Transformer`): The model to use.
         input_seq (torch.LongTensor): The input sequence to be provided to the model. This has to be a
            (batch-size x input-seq-len)-tensor.
         target_seq (torch.LongTensor): The target sequence whose probability is being evaluated. This has to be a
            (batch-size x target-seq-len)-tensor.
         pad_index (int, optional): The index that indicates a padding token in a sequence. If ``target_seq`` is padded,
            then the ``pad_index`` has to be provided in order to allow for computing the probabilities for relevant
            parts of the target sequence only.
        torch.FloatTensor: A 1D-tensor of size (batch-size), which contains one probability for each sample in
            ``input_seq`` and ``target_seq``, respectively.
    if not isinstance(model, transformer.Transformer):
        raise TypeError("The <model> has to be a transformer.Transformer!")
    if not isinstance(input_seq, torch.LongTensor) and not isinstance(input_seq, torch.cuda.LongTensor):
        raise TypeError("The <input_seq> has to be a LongTensor!")
    if input_seq.dim() != 2:
        raise ValueError("<input_seq> has to be a 2D-tensor!")
    if input_seq.is_cuda:
        if not isinstance(target_seq, torch.cuda.LongTensor):
            raise TypeError("The <target_seq> has to be of the same type as <input_seq>, i.e., cuda.LongTensor!")
    elif not isinstance(target_seq, torch.LongTensor):
        raise TypeError("The <target_seq> has to be of the same type as <input_seq>, i.e., LongTensor!")
    if target_seq.dim() != 2:
        raise ValueError("<input_seq> has to be a 2D-tensor!")
    if input_seq.size(0) != target_seq.size(0):
        raise ValueError("<input_seq> and <target_seq> use different batch sizes!")
    if pad_index is not None and not isinstance(pad_index, int):
        raise TypeError("The <pad_index>, if provided, has to be an integer!")
    batch_size = input_seq.size(0)
    max_seq_len = input_seq.size(1)
    # put model in evaluation mode
    original_mode = model.training  # store original mode (train/eval) to be restored eventually
    # run the model to compute the needed probabilities
    predictions = model(input_seq, target_seq)
    # determine the lengths of the target sequences
    if pad_index is not None:
        mask = util.create_padding_mask(target_seq, pad_index)[:, 0, :]
        seq_len = mask.sum(dim=1).cpu().numpy().tolist()
        seq_len = (np.ones(batch_size, dtype=np.long) * max_seq_len).tolist()
    # compute the probabilities for each of the provided samples
    sample_probs = torch.ones(batch_size)
    for sample_idx in range(batch_size):  # iterate over each sample
        for token_idx in range(seq_len[sample_idx]):  # iterate over each position in the output sequence
            sample_probs[sample_idx] *= predictions[sample_idx, token_idx, target_seq[sample_idx, token_idx]].item()

    # restore original mode of the model
    return sample_probs
def sample_output(
        model: transformer.Transformer,
        input_seq: torch.LongTensor,
        eos_index: int,
        pad_index: int,
        max_len: int
) -> torch.LongTensor:
    """Samples an output sequence based on the provided input.
        model (:class:`transformer.Transformer`): The model to use.
        input_seq (torch.LongTensor): The input sequence to be provided to the model. This has to be a
            (batch-size x input-seq-len)-tensor.
        eos_index (int): The index that indicates the end of a sequence.
        pad_index (int): The index that indicates a padding token in a sequence.
        max_len (int): The maximum length of the generated output.
        torch.LongTensor: The generated output sequence as (batch-size x output-seq-len)-tensor.
    # sanitize args
    if not isinstance(model, transformer.Transformer):
        raise TypeError("The <model> has to be a transformer.Transformer!")
    if not isinstance(input_seq, torch.LongTensor) and not isinstance(input_seq, torch.cuda.LongTensor):
        raise TypeError("The <input_seq> has to be a LongTensor!")
    if input_seq.dim() != 2:
        raise ValueError("<input_seq> has to be a matrix!")
    if not isinstance(eos_index, int):
        raise TypeError("The <eos_index> has to be an integer!")
    if eos_index < 0 or eos_index >= model.output_size:
        raise ValueError("The <eos_index> is not a legal index in the vocabulary used by <model>!")
    if not isinstance(pad_index, int):
        raise TypeError("The <pad_index> has to be an integer!")
    if pad_index < 0 or pad_index >= model.output_size:
        raise ValueError("The <pad_index> is not a legal index in the vocabulary used by <model>!")
    if max_len is not None:
        if not isinstance(max_len, int):
            raise TypeError("<max_len> has to be an integer!")
        if max_len < 1:
            raise ValueError("<max_len> has to be > 0!")
    original_mode = model.training  # the original mode (train/eval) of the provided model
    batch_size = input_seq.size(0)  # number of samples in the provided input sequence
    # put model in evaluation mode
    output_seq = []  # used to store the generated outputs for each position
    finished = [False] * batch_size
    for _ in range(max_len):
        # prepare the target to provide to the model
        # this is the current output with an additional final entry that is supposed to be predicted next
        # (which is why the concrete value does not matter)
        current_target = torch.cat(output_seq + [input_seq.new(batch_size, 1).zero_()], dim=1)
        # run the model
        probs = model(input_seq, current_target)[:, -1, :]
        # sample next output form the computed probabilities
        output = torch.multinomial(probs, 1)
        # determine which samples have been finished, and replace sampled output with padding for those that are already
        for sample_idx in range(batch_size):
            if finished[sample_idx]:
                output[sample_idx, 0] = pad_index
            elif output[sample_idx, 0].item() == eos_index:
                finished[sample_idx] = True
        # store created output
        # check whether generation has been finished
        if all(finished):
    # restore original mode of the model
    return torch.cat(output_seq, dim=1)