def tutorial_player_round(stage, colors, simon_pattern): tutorial_countdown = ['Ready', 'Set', 'GO'] for count in tutorial_countdown: time.sleep(.5) if count == 'GO': print(f'{Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}{count}!', end='') else: print(f'{Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}{count}...', end='') time.sleep(.4) print('', end='\r') player_turn = input( f'{Fore.RESET}Don\'t worry about capitalization or spaces. Enter your response now: ' ) player_pattern = ' '.join(player_turn.upper()).split( ) # creates space between each char, then splits at each space if player_pattern == simon_pattern: # checks for match against simon's color pattern winsound.PlaySound('audio\\correct.wav', winsound.SND_ASYNC) print(f'{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}Correct! It\'s a match!', end='') time.sleep(1.5) # short delay before beginning next round print('', end='\r') transitions.next_round() else: # if doesn't match winsound.PlaySound('audio\\incorrect.wav', winsound.SND_ASYNC) print( '\nIncorrect pattern, but for tutorial purposes let\'s continue. Normally, this would result in ' f'\"Game Over\".\n') time.sleep(3.5) tutorial_simon_round(stage, colors, simon_pattern) # passes player data to simon
def player_round(stage, colors, simon_pattern): countdown = ['Ready', 'Set', 'GO'] for count in countdown: time.sleep(.4) if count == 'GO': print(f'{Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}{count}!', end='') else: print(f'{Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}{count}...', end='') time.sleep(.3) print('', end='\r') player_turn = input('') player_pattern = ' '.join(player_turn.upper()).split( ) # creates space between each char, then splits at each space if player_pattern == simon_pattern: # checks for match against simon's color pattern winsound.PlaySound('audio\\correct.wav', winsound.SND_ASYNC) if stage < 3: print(f'{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}Correct!', end='') elif 2 < stage < 6: print(f'{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}Keep Going!', end='') elif 5 < stage < 10: print(f'{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}You\'re on fire!', end='') elif 9 < stage < 20: print(f'{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}Unstoppable!!', end='') elif stage > 19: print(f'{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{Bold_text.BOLD}LEGENDARY!!!', end='') time.sleep(1.5) # short delay before beginning next round print('', end='\r') transitions.next_round() else: game_over(stage) # if doesn't match, calls game over function simon_round(stage, colors, player_pattern) # passes player data to simon
def tutorial_intro(): print(general_instruction) see_video = input( '\nWould you like to see a short (45 sec) video of the classic game? Y or Press Enter to \n' 'continue with the tutorial. ').upper() if see_video == 'Y':'' ) # opens up link to youtube video, # input('Press Enter when finished watching. ') time.sleep(.5) transitions.next_round() stage = 0 colors = ['R', 'G', 'B', 'Y'] # possible colors in simon pattern simon_pattern = [] time.sleep(.5) tutorial_simon_round(stage, colors, simon_pattern)