class ILinePlot(AbstractDataPlotter):
    This class uses :mod:`trappy.plotter.Constraint.Constraint` to
    represent different permutations of input parameters. These
    constraints are generated by creating an instance of

    :param traces: The input data
    :type traces: a list of :mod:`trappy.trace.FTrace` or :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` or a single instance of them

    :param column: specifies the name of the column to
           be plotted.
    :type column: (str, list(str))

    :param templates: TRAPpy events

        .. note::

                This is not required if a :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` is

    :type templates: :mod:`trappy.base.Base`

    :param filters: Filter the column to be plotted as per the
        specified criteria. For Example:

            filters =
                        "pid": [ 3338 ],
                        "cpu": [0, 2, 4],
    :type filters: dict

    :param per_line: Used to control the number of graphs
        in each graph subplot row
    :type per_line: int

    :param concat: Draw all the pivots on a single graph
    :type concat: bool

    :param permute: Draw one plot for each of the traces specified
    :type permute: bool

    :param fill: Fill the area under the plots
    :type fill: bool

    :param drawstyle: Set the drawstyle to a matplotlib compatible
        drawing style.

        .. note::

            Only "steps-post" is supported as a valid value for
            the drawstyle. This creates a step plot.

    :type drawstyle: str

    :param sync_zoom: Synchronize the zoom of a group of plots.
        Zooming in one plot of a group (see below) will zoom in every
        plot of that group.  Defaults to False.
    :type sync_zoom: boolean

    :param group: Name given to the plots created by this ILinePlot
        instance.  This name is only used for synchronized zoom.  If
        you zoom on any plot in a group all plots will zoom at the
        same time.
    :type group: string

    :param signals: A string of the type event_name:column
        to indicate the value that needs to be plotted

        .. note::

            - Only one of `signals` or both `templates` and
              `columns` should be specified
            - Signals format won't work for :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`

    :type signals: str

    def __init__(self, traces, templates=None, **kwargs):
        # Default keys, each can be overridden in kwargs
        self._layout = None
        super(ILinePlot, self).__init__(traces=traces,


        for key in kwargs:
            self._attr[key] = kwargs[key]

        if "signals" in self._attr:


        if "column" not in self._attr:
            raise RuntimeError("Value Column not specified")

        if self._attr["drawstyle"] and self._attr["drawstyle"].startswith("steps"):
            self._attr["step_plot"] = True

        zip_constraints = not self._attr["permute"]

        self.c_mgr = ConstraintManager(traces, self._attr["column"], self.templates,
                                       self._attr["filters"], zip_constraints)

    def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("Not Available for ILinePlot")

    def view(self, test=False):
        """Displays the graph"""

        # Defer installation of IPython components
        # to the .view call to avoid any errors at
        # when importing the module. This facilitates
        # the importing of the module from outside
        # an IPython notebook
        if not test:

        if self._attr["concat"]:
            self._plot(self._attr["permute"], test)

    def set_defaults(self):
        """Sets the default attrs"""
        self._attr["per_line"] = AttrConf.PER_LINE
        self._attr["concat"] = AttrConf.CONCAT
        self._attr["filters"] = {}
        self._attr["pivot"] = AttrConf.PIVOT
        self._attr["permute"] = False
        self._attr["drawstyle"] = None
        self._attr["step_plot"] = False
        self._attr["fill"] = AttrConf.FILL
        self._attr["draw_line"] = True
        self._attr["scatter"] = AttrConf.PLOT_SCATTER
        self._attr["point_size"] = AttrConf.POINT_SIZE
        self._attr["map_label"] = {}
        self._attr["title"] = AttrConf.TITLE

    def _plot(self, permute, test):
        """Internal Method called to draw the plot"""
        pivot_vals, len_pivots = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots(permute)

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(len_pivots, **self._attr)
        plot_index = 0
        for p_val in pivot_vals:
            data_frame = pd.Series()
            for constraint in self.c_mgr:
                if permute:
                    trace_idx, pivot = p_val
                    if constraint.trace_index != trace_idx:
                    legend = constraint._template.name + ":" + constraint.column
                    pivot = p_val
                    legend = str(constraint)

                result = constraint.result
                if pivot in result:
                    data_frame[legend] = result[pivot]

            if permute:
                title = self.traces[plot_index].name
            elif pivot != AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                title = "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], self._attr["map_label"].get(pivot, pivot))
                title = ""

            # Fix data frame indexes if necessary
            data_frame = self._fix_indexes(data_frame)
            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title, test=test)
            plot_index += 1


    def _plot_concat(self):
        """Plot all lines on a single figure"""

        pivot_vals, _ = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots()
        plot_index = 0

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(len(self.c_mgr), **self._attr)

        for constraint in self.c_mgr:
            result = constraint.result
            title = str(constraint)
            data_frame = pd.Series()

            for pivot in pivot_vals:
                if pivot in result:
                    if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                        key = ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                        key = "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], self._attr["map_label"].get(pivot, pivot))

                    data_frame[key] = result[pivot]

            # Fix data frame indexes if necessary
            data_frame = self._fix_indexes(data_frame)
            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1


    def _fix_indexes(self, data_frame):
        In case of multiple traces with different indexes (i.e. x-axis values),
        create new ones with same indexes
        # 1) Check if we are processing multiple traces
        if len(data_frame) > 1:
            # 2) Merge the data frames to obtain common indexes
            df_columns = list(data_frame.keys())
            dedup_data = [handle_duplicate_index(s) for s in data_frame.values]
            data_frame = pd.Series(dedup_data, index=df_columns)
            merged_df = pd.concat(data_frame.get_values(), axis=1)
            merged_df.columns = df_columns
            # 3) Fill NaN values depending on drawstyle
            if self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-post":
                merged_df = merged_df.ffill()
            elif self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-pre":
                merged_df = merged_df.bfill()
            elif self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-mid":
                merged_df = merged_df.ffill()
                # default
                merged_df = merged_df.interpolate()

            return merged_df
            return data_frame
class ILinePlot(AbstractDataPlotter):
    This class uses :mod:`trappy.plotter.Constraint.Constraint` to
    represent different permutations of input parameters. These
    constraints are generated by creating an instance of

    :param run: The input data
    :type run: :mod:`trappy.run.Run` or :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`, list or single

    :param column: specifies the name of the column to
           be plotted.
    :type column: (str, list(str))

    :param templates: TRAPpy events

        .. note::

                This is not required if a :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` is

    :type templates: :mod:`trappy.base.Base`

    :param filters: Filter the column to be plotted as per the
        specified criteria. For Example:

            filters =
                        "pid": [ 3338 ],
                        "cpu": [0, 2, 4],
    :type filters: dict

    :param per_line: Used to control the number of graphs
        in each graph subplot row
    :type per_line: int

    :param concat: Draw all the pivots on a single graph
    :type concat: bool

    :param permute: Draw one plot for each of the runs specified
    :type permute: bool

    :param fill: Fill the area under the plots
    :type fill: bool

    :param drawstyle: Set the drawstyle to a matplotlib compatible
        drawing style.

        .. note::

            Only "steps-post" is supported as a valid value for
            the drawstyle. This creates a step plot.

    :type drawstyle: str

    def __init__(self, runs, templates=None, **kwargs):
        # Default keys, each can be overridden in kwargs
        self._attr = {}
        self.runs = runs
        self.templates = templates
        self._layout = None

        for key in kwargs:
            self._attr[key] = kwargs[key]

        if "column" not in self._attr:
            raise RuntimeError("Value Column not specified")

        if self._attr["drawstyle"] and self._attr["drawstyle"].startswith("steps"):
            self._attr["step_plot"] = True

        zip_constraints = not self._attr["permute"]

        self.c_mgr = ConstraintManager(runs, self._attr["column"], templates,
                                       self._attr["filters"], zip_constraints)

        super(ILinePlot, self).__init__()

    def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("Not Available for ILinePlot")

    def view(self, test=False):
        """Displays the graph"""

        # Defer installation of IPython components
        # to the .view call to avoid any errors at
        # when importing the module. This facilitates
        # the importing of the module from outside
        # an IPython notebook

        if self._attr["concat"]:

    def set_defaults(self):
        """Sets the default attrs"""
        self._attr["per_line"] = AttrConf.PER_LINE
        self._attr["concat"] = AttrConf.CONCAT
        self._attr["filters"] = {}
        self._attr["pivot"] = AttrConf.PIVOT
        self._attr["permute"] = False
        self._attr["drawstyle"] = None
        self._attr["step_plot"] = False
        self._attr["fill"] = AttrConf.FILL
        self._attr["draw_line"] = True
        self._attr["scatter"] = AttrConf.PLOT_SCATTER
        self._attr["point_size"] = AttrConf.POINT_SIZE

    def _plot(self, permute):
        """Internal Method called to draw the plot"""
        pivot_vals, len_pivots = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots(permute)

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(self._attr["per_line"],
        plot_index = 0
        for p_val in pivot_vals:
            data_frame = pd.Series()
            for constraint in self.c_mgr:

                if permute:
                    run_idx, pivot = p_val
                    if constraint.run_index != run_idx:
                    title = constraint.get_data_name() + ":"
                    legend = constraint._column
                    pivot = p_val
                    title = ""
                    legend = str(constraint)

                result = constraint.result
                if pivot in result:
                    data_frame[legend] = result[pivot]

            if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                title += ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                title += "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], pivot)

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1


    def _plot_concat(self):
        """Plot all lines on a single figure"""

        pivot_vals, _ = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots()
        plot_index = 0

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(self._attr["per_line"], len(self.c_mgr),

        for constraint in self.c_mgr:
            result = constraint.result
            title = str(constraint)
            data_frame = pd.Series()

            for pivot in pivot_vals:
                if pivot in result:
                    if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                        key = ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                        key = "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], pivot)

                    data_frame[key] = result[pivot]

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1

class ILinePlot(AbstractDataPlotter):
    This class uses :mod:`trappy.plotter.Constraint.Constraint` to
    represent different permutations of input parameters. These
    constraints are generated by creating an instance of

    :param traces: The input data
    :type traces: a list of :mod:`trappy.trace.FTrace`,
        :mod:`trappy.trace.SysTrace`, :mod:`trappy.trace.BareTrace`
        or :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` or a single instance of them.

    :param column: specifies the name of the column to
           be plotted.
    :type column: (str, list(str))

    :param templates: TRAPpy events

        .. note::

                This is not required if a :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` is

    :type templates: :mod:`trappy.base.Base`

    :param filters: Filter the column to be plotted as per the
        specified criteria. For Example:

            filters =
                        "pid": [ 3338 ],
                        "cpu": [0, 2, 4],
    :type filters: dict

    :param per_line: Used to control the number of graphs
        in each graph subplot row
    :type per_line: int

    :param concat: Draw all the pivots on a single graph
    :type concat: bool

    :param permute: Draw one plot for each of the traces specified
    :type permute: bool

    :param fill: Fill the area under the plots
    :type fill: bool

    :param fill_alpha: Opacity of filled area under the plots.
        Implies fill=True.
    :type fill_alpha: float

    :param xlim: A tuple representing the upper and lower xlimits
    :type xlim: tuple

    :param ylim: A tuple representing the upper and lower ylimits
    :type ylim: tuple

    :param drawstyle: Set the drawstyle to a matplotlib compatible
        drawing style.

        .. note::

            Only "steps-post" is supported as a valid value for
            the drawstyle. This creates a step plot.

    :type drawstyle: str

    :param sync_zoom: Synchronize the zoom of a group of plots.
        Zooming in one plot of a group (see below) will zoom in every
        plot of that group.  Defaults to False.
    :type sync_zoom: boolean

    :param group: Name given to the plots created by this ILinePlot
        instance.  This name is only used for synchronized zoom.  If
        you zoom on any plot in a group all plots will zoom at the
        same time.
    :type group: string

    :param signals: A string of the type event_name:column to indicate
        the value that needs to be plotted.  You can add an additional
        parameter to specify the color of the lin in rgb:
        "event_name:column:color".  The color is specified as a comma
        separated list of rgb values, from 0 to 255 or from 0x0 to
        0xff.  E.g. 0xff,0x0,0x0 is red and 100,40,32 is brown.

        .. note::

            - Only one of `signals` or both `templates` and
              `columns` should be specified
            - Signals format won't work for :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`

    :type signals: str
    def __init__(self, traces, templates=None, **kwargs):
        # Default keys, each can be overridden in kwargs
        self._layout = None
        super(ILinePlot, self).__init__(traces=traces, templates=templates)


        for key in kwargs:
            self._attr[key] = kwargs[key]

        if "signals" in self._attr:


        if "column" not in self._attr:
            raise RuntimeError("Value Column not specified")

        if self._attr["drawstyle"] and self._attr["drawstyle"].startswith(
            self._attr["step_plot"] = True

        zip_constraints = not self._attr["permute"]

        window = self._attr["xlim"] if "xlim" in self._attr else None

        self.c_mgr = ConstraintManager(traces,

    def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("Not Available for ILinePlot")

    def view(self, max_datapoints=75000, test=False):
        """Displays the graph

        :param max_datapoints: Maximum number of datapoints to plot.
        Dygraph can make the browser unresponsive if it tries to plot
        too many datapoints.  Chrome 50 chokes at around 75000 on an
        i7-4770 @ 3.4GHz, Firefox 47 can handle up to 200000 before
        becoming too slow in the same machine.  You can increase this
        number if you know what you're doing and are happy to wait for
        the plot to render.  :type max_datapoints: int

        :param test: For testing purposes.  Only set to true if run
        from the testsuite.
        :type test: boolean

        # Defer installation of IPython components
        # to the .view call to avoid any errors at
        # when importing the module. This facilitates
        # the importing of the module from outside
        # an IPython notebook
        if not test:

        self._attr["max_datapoints"] = max_datapoints

        if self._attr["concat"]:
            self._plot(self._attr["permute"], test)

    def set_defaults(self):
        """Sets the default attrs"""
        self._attr["per_line"] = AttrConf.PER_LINE
        self._attr["concat"] = AttrConf.CONCAT
        self._attr["filters"] = {}
        self._attr["pivot"] = AttrConf.PIVOT
        self._attr["permute"] = False
        self._attr["drawstyle"] = None
        self._attr["step_plot"] = False
        self._attr["fill"] = AttrConf.FILL
        self._attr["scatter"] = AttrConf.PLOT_SCATTER
        self._attr["point_size"] = AttrConf.POINT_SIZE
        self._attr["map_label"] = {}
        self._attr["title"] = AttrConf.TITLE

    def _plot(self, permute, test):
        """Internal Method called to draw the plot"""
        pivot_vals, len_pivots = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots(permute)

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(len_pivots, **self._attr)
        plot_index = 0
        for p_val in pivot_vals:
            data_dict = OrderedDict()
            for constraint in self.c_mgr:
                if permute:
                    trace_idx, pivot = p_val
                    if constraint.trace_index != trace_idx:
                    legend = constraint._template.name + ":" + constraint.column
                    pivot = p_val
                    legend = str(constraint)

                result = constraint.result
                if pivot in result:
                    data_dict[legend] = result[pivot]

            if permute:
                title = self.traces[plot_index].name
            elif pivot != AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                title = "{0}: {1}".format(
                    self._attr["map_label"].get(pivot, pivot))
                title = ""

            if len(data_dict) > 1:
                data_frame = self._fix_indexes(data_dict)
                data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title, test=test)
            plot_index += 1


    def _plot_concat(self):
        """Plot all lines on a single figure"""

        pivot_vals, _ = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots()
        plot_index = 0

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(len(self.c_mgr), **self._attr)

        for constraint in self.c_mgr:
            result = constraint.result
            title = str(constraint)
            data_dict = OrderedDict()

            for pivot in pivot_vals:
                if pivot in result:
                    if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                        key = ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                        key = "{0}: {1}".format(
                            self._attr["map_label"].get(pivot, pivot))

                    data_dict[key] = result[pivot]

            if len(data_dict) > 1:
                data_frame = self._fix_indexes(data_dict)
                data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1


    def _fix_indexes(self, data_dict):
        In case of multiple traces with different indexes (i.e. x-axis values),
        create new ones with same indexes
        # 1) Check if we are processing multiple traces
        if len(data_dict) <= 1:
            raise ValueError("Cannot fix indexes for single trace. "\
                             "Expecting multiple traces!")

        # 2) Merge the data frames to obtain common indexes
        df_columns = list(data_dict.keys())
        dedup_data = [handle_duplicate_index(s) for s in data_dict.values()]
        ret = pd.Series(dedup_data, index=df_columns)
        merged_df = pd.concat(ret.get_values(), axis=1)
        merged_df.columns = df_columns
        # 3) Fill NaN values depending on drawstyle
        if self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-post":
            merged_df = merged_df.ffill()
        elif self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-pre":
            merged_df = merged_df.bfill()
        elif self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-mid":
            merged_df = merged_df.ffill()
            # default
            merged_df = merged_df.interpolate()

        return merged_df
class ILinePlot(AbstractDataPlotter):
    This class uses :mod:`trappy.plotter.Constraint.Constraint` to
    represent different permutations of input parameters. These
    constraints are generated by creating an instance of

    :param traces: The input data
    :type traces: a list of :mod:`trappy.trace.FTrace`,
        :mod:`trappy.trace.SysTrace`, :mod:`trappy.trace.BareTrace`
        or :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` or a single instance of them.

    :param column: specifies the name of the column to
           be plotted.
    :type column: (str, list(str))

    :param templates: TRAPpy events

        .. note::

                This is not required if a :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` is

    :type templates: :mod:`trappy.base.Base`

    :param filters: Filter the column to be plotted as per the
        specified criteria. For Example:

            filters =
                        "pid": [ 3338 ],
                        "cpu": [0, 2, 4],
    :type filters: dict

    :param per_line: Used to control the number of graphs
        in each graph subplot row
    :type per_line: int

    :param concat: Draw all the pivots on a single graph
    :type concat: bool

    :param permute: Draw one plot for each of the traces specified
    :type permute: bool

    :param fill: Fill the area under the plots
    :type fill: bool

    :param fill_alpha: Opacity of filled area under the plots.
        Implies fill=True.
    :type fill_alpha: float

    :param xlim: A tuple representing the upper and lower xlimits
    :type xlim: tuple

    :param ylim: A tuple representing the upper and lower ylimits
    :type ylim: tuple

    :param drawstyle: Set the drawstyle to a matplotlib compatible
        drawing style.

        .. note::

            Only "steps-post" is supported as a valid value for
            the drawstyle. This creates a step plot.

    :type drawstyle: str

    :param sync_zoom: Synchronize the zoom of a group of plots.
        Zooming in one plot of a group (see below) will zoom in every
        plot of that group.  Defaults to False.
    :type sync_zoom: boolean

    :param group: Name given to the plots created by this ILinePlot
        instance.  This name is only used for synchronized zoom.  If
        you zoom on any plot in a group all plots will zoom at the
        same time.
    :type group: string

    :param signals: A string of the type event_name:column to indicate
        the value that needs to be plotted.  You can add an additional
        parameter to specify the color of the lin in rgb:
        "event_name:column:color".  The color is specified as a comma
        separated list of rgb values, from 0 to 255 or from 0x0 to
        0xff.  E.g. 0xff,0x0,0x0 is red and 100,40,32 is brown.

        .. note::

            - Only one of `signals` or both `templates` and
              `columns` should be specified
            - Signals format won't work for :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`

    :type signals: str

    def __init__(self, traces, templates=None, **kwargs):
        # Default keys, each can be overridden in kwargs
        self._layout = None
        super(ILinePlot, self).__init__(traces=traces,


        for key in kwargs:
            self._attr[key] = kwargs[key]

        if "signals" in self._attr:


        if "column" not in self._attr:
            raise RuntimeError("Value Column not specified")

        if self._attr["drawstyle"] and self._attr["drawstyle"].startswith("steps"):
            self._attr["step_plot"] = True

        zip_constraints = not self._attr["permute"]

        window = self._attr["xlim"] if "xlim" in self._attr else None

        self.c_mgr = ConstraintManager(traces, self._attr["column"], self.templates,

    def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("Not Available for ILinePlot")

    def view(self, max_datapoints=75000, test=False):
        """Displays the graph

        :param max_datapoints: Maximum number of datapoints to plot.
        Dygraph can make the browser unresponsive if it tries to plot
        too many datapoints.  Chrome 50 chokes at around 75000 on an
        i7-4770 @ 3.4GHz, Firefox 47 can handle up to 200000 before
        becoming too slow in the same machine.  You can increase this
        number if you know what you're doing and are happy to wait for
        the plot to render.  :type max_datapoints: int

        :param test: For testing purposes.  Only set to true if run
        from the testsuite.
        :type test: boolean

        # Defer installation of IPython components
        # to the .view call to avoid any errors at
        # when importing the module. This facilitates
        # the importing of the module from outside
        # an IPython notebook
        if not test:

        self._attr["max_datapoints"] = max_datapoints

        if self._attr["concat"]:
            self._plot(self._attr["permute"], test)

    def set_defaults(self):
        """Sets the default attrs"""
        self._attr["per_line"] = AttrConf.PER_LINE
        self._attr["concat"] = AttrConf.CONCAT
        self._attr["filters"] = {}
        self._attr["pivot"] = AttrConf.PIVOT
        self._attr["permute"] = False
        self._attr["drawstyle"] = None
        self._attr["step_plot"] = False
        self._attr["fill"] = AttrConf.FILL
        self._attr["scatter"] = AttrConf.PLOT_SCATTER
        self._attr["point_size"] = AttrConf.POINT_SIZE
        self._attr["map_label"] = {}
        self._attr["title"] = AttrConf.TITLE

    def _plot(self, permute, test):
        """Internal Method called to draw the plot"""
        pivot_vals, len_pivots = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots(permute)

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(len_pivots, **self._attr)
        plot_index = 0
        for p_val in pivot_vals:
            data_dict = OrderedDict()
            for constraint in self.c_mgr:
                if permute:
                    trace_idx, pivot = p_val
                    if constraint.trace_index != trace_idx:
                    legend = constraint._template.name + ":" + constraint.column
                    pivot = p_val
                    legend = str(constraint)

                result = constraint.result
                if pivot in result:
                    data_dict[legend] = result[pivot]

            if permute:
                title = self.traces[plot_index].name
            elif pivot != AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                title = "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], self._attr["map_label"].get(pivot, pivot))
                title = ""

            if len(data_dict) > 1:
                data_frame = self._fix_indexes(data_dict)
                data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title, test=test)
            plot_index += 1


    def _plot_concat(self):
        """Plot all lines on a single figure"""

        pivot_vals, _ = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots()
        plot_index = 0

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(len(self.c_mgr), **self._attr)

        for constraint in self.c_mgr:
            result = constraint.result
            title = str(constraint)
            data_dict = OrderedDict()

            for pivot in pivot_vals:
                if pivot in result:
                    if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                        key = ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                        key = "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], self._attr["map_label"].get(pivot, pivot))

                    data_dict[key] = result[pivot]

            if len(data_dict) > 1:
                data_frame = self._fix_indexes(data_dict)
                data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1


    def _fix_indexes(self, data_dict):
        In case of multiple traces with different indexes (i.e. x-axis values),
        create new ones with same indexes
        # 1) Check if we are processing multiple traces
        if len(data_dict) <= 1:
            raise ValueError("Cannot fix indexes for single trace. "\
                             "Expecting multiple traces!")

        # 2) Merge the data frames to obtain common indexes
        df_columns = list(data_dict.keys())
        dedup_data = [handle_duplicate_index(s) for s in data_dict.values()]
        ret = pd.Series(dedup_data, index=df_columns)
        merged_df = pd.concat(ret.get_values(), axis=1)
        merged_df.columns = df_columns
        # 3) Fill NaN values depending on drawstyle
        if self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-post":
            merged_df = merged_df.ffill()
        elif self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-pre":
            merged_df = merged_df.bfill()
        elif self._attr["drawstyle"] == "steps-mid":
            merged_df = merged_df.ffill()
            # default
            merged_df = merged_df.interpolate()

        return merged_df
class ILinePlot(AbstractDataPlotter):
    """The plots are plotted by default against the dataframe index
       The column="col_name" specifies the name of the column to
       be plotted

       filters =
          "pid": [ 3338 ],
          "cpu": [0, 2, 4],

       The above filters will filter the column to be plotted as per the
       specified criteria.

       per_line input is used to control the number of graphs
       in each graph subplot row
       concat, Draws all the graphs on a single plot
       permute, draws one plot for each of the runs specified
    def __init__(self, runs, templates=None, **kwargs):
        # Default keys, each can be overridden in kwargs
        self._attr = {}
        self.runs = runs
        self.templates = templates
        self._layout = None

        for key in kwargs:
            self._attr[key] = kwargs[key]

        if "column" not in self._attr:
            raise RuntimeError("Value Column not specified")

        if self._attr["drawstyle"] and self._attr["drawstyle"].startswith(
            self._attr["step_plot"] = True

        zip_constraints = not self._attr["permute"]

        self.c_mgr = ConstraintManager(runs, self._attr["column"], templates,
                                       self._attr["filters"], zip_constraints)

        super(ILinePlot, self).__init__()

    def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("Not Available for ILinePlot")

    def view(self, test=False):
        """Displays the graph"""

        if self._attr["concat"]:

    def set_defaults(self):
        """Sets the default attrs"""
        self._attr["per_line"] = AttrConf.PER_LINE
        self._attr["concat"] = AttrConf.CONCAT
        self._attr["filters"] = {}
        self._attr["pivot"] = AttrConf.PIVOT
        self._attr["permute"] = False
        self._attr["drawstyle"] = None
        self._attr["step_plot"] = False
        self._attr["fill"] = AttrConf.FILL

    def _plot(self, permute):
        """Internal Method called to draw the plot"""
        pivot_vals, len_pivots = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots(permute)

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(self._attr["per_line"], len_pivots,
        plot_index = 0
        for p_val in pivot_vals:
            data_frame = pd.Series()
            for constraint in self.c_mgr:

                if permute:
                    run_idx, pivot = p_val
                    if constraint.run_index != run_idx:
                    title = constraint.get_data_name() + ":"
                    legend = constraint._column
                    pivot = p_val
                    title = ""
                    legend = str(constraint)

                result = constraint.result
                if pivot in result:
                    data_frame[legend] = result[pivot]

            if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                title += ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                title += "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], pivot)

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1


    def _plot_concat(self):
        """Plot all lines on a single figure"""

        pivot_vals, _ = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots()
        plot_index = 0

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(self._attr["per_line"], len(self.c_mgr),

        for constraint in self.c_mgr:
            result = constraint.result
            title = str(constraint)
            data_frame = pd.Series()

            for pivot in pivot_vals:
                if pivot in result:
                    if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                        key = ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                        key = "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], pivot)

                    data_frame[key] = result[pivot]

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1

class ILinePlot(AbstractDataPlotter):
    This class uses :mod:`trappy.plotter.Constraint.Constraint` to
    represent different permutations of input parameters. These
    constraints are generated by creating an instance of

    :param run: The input data
    :type run: :mod:`trappy.run.Run` or :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`, list or single

    :param column: specifies the name of the column to
           be plotted.
    :type column: (str, list(str))

    :param templates: TRAPpy events

        .. note::

                This is not required if a :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` is

    :type templates: :mod:`trappy.base.Base`

    :param filters: Filter the column to be plotted as per the
        specified criteria. For Example:

            filters =
                        "pid": [ 3338 ],
                        "cpu": [0, 2, 4],
    :type filters: dict

    :param per_line: Used to control the number of graphs
        in each graph subplot row
    :type per_line: int

    :param concat: Draw all the pivots on a single graph
    :type concat: bool

    :param permute: Draw one plot for each of the runs specified
    :type permute: bool

    :param fill: Fill the area under the plots
    :type fill: bool

    :param drawstyle: Set the drawstyle to a matplotlib compatible
        drawing style.

        .. note::

            Only "steps-post" is supported as a valid value for
            the drawstyle. This creates a step plot.

    :type drawstyle: str
    def __init__(self, runs, templates=None, **kwargs):
        # Default keys, each can be overridden in kwargs
        self._attr = {}
        self.runs = runs
        self.templates = templates
        self._layout = None

        for key in kwargs:
            self._attr[key] = kwargs[key]

        if "column" not in self._attr:
            raise RuntimeError("Value Column not specified")

        if self._attr["drawstyle"] and self._attr["drawstyle"].startswith(
            self._attr["step_plot"] = True

        zip_constraints = not self._attr["permute"]

        self.c_mgr = ConstraintManager(runs, self._attr["column"], templates,
                                       self._attr["filters"], zip_constraints)

        super(ILinePlot, self).__init__()

    def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("Not Available for ILinePlot")

    def view(self, test=False):
        """Displays the graph"""

        # Defer installation of IPython components
        # to the .view call to avoid any errors at
        # when importing the module. This facilitates
        # the importing of the module from outside
        # an IPython notebook

        if self._attr["concat"]:

    def set_defaults(self):
        """Sets the default attrs"""
        self._attr["per_line"] = AttrConf.PER_LINE
        self._attr["concat"] = AttrConf.CONCAT
        self._attr["filters"] = {}
        self._attr["pivot"] = AttrConf.PIVOT
        self._attr["permute"] = False
        self._attr["drawstyle"] = None
        self._attr["step_plot"] = False
        self._attr["fill"] = AttrConf.FILL
        self._attr["draw_line"] = True
        self._attr["scatter"] = AttrConf.PLOT_SCATTER
        self._attr["point_size"] = AttrConf.POINT_SIZE

    def _plot(self, permute):
        """Internal Method called to draw the plot"""
        pivot_vals, len_pivots = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots(permute)

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(self._attr["per_line"], len_pivots,
        plot_index = 0
        for p_val in pivot_vals:
            data_frame = pd.Series()
            for constraint in self.c_mgr:

                if permute:
                    run_idx, pivot = p_val
                    if constraint.run_index != run_idx:
                    title = constraint.get_data_name() + ":"
                    legend = constraint._column
                    pivot = p_val
                    title = ""
                    legend = str(constraint)

                result = constraint.result
                if pivot in result:
                    data_frame[legend] = result[pivot]

            if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                title += ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                title += "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], pivot)

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1


    def _plot_concat(self):
        """Plot all lines on a single figure"""

        pivot_vals, _ = self.c_mgr.generate_pivots()
        plot_index = 0

        self._layout = ILinePlotGen(self._attr["per_line"], len(self.c_mgr),

        for constraint in self.c_mgr:
            result = constraint.result
            title = str(constraint)
            data_frame = pd.Series()

            for pivot in pivot_vals:
                if pivot in result:
                    if pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
                        key = ",".join(self._attr["column"])
                        key = "{0}: {1}".format(self._attr["pivot"], pivot)

                    data_frame[key] = result[pivot]

            self._layout.add_plot(plot_index, data_frame, title)
            plot_index += 1
