 def test_exp_ops(self):
     """Test exponentiation: Numeric"""
     parser = Parser(trappy.BareTrace())
     eqn = "3**3 * 2**4"
     self.assertEquals(parser.solve(eqn), 432)
     eqn = "3**(4/2)"
     self.assertEquals(parser.solve(eqn), 9)
    def test_filtered_parse(self):
        """The Parser can filter a trace"""
        trace = trappy.FTrace()

        prs = Parser(trace, filters={"cdev_state": 3})
        dfr_res = prs.solve("devfreq_out_power:freq")
        self.assertEquals(len(dfr_res), 1)
    def test_mul_ops(self):
        """Test Mult and Division: Numeric"""

        parser = Parser(trappy.Run())
        eqn = "(10 * 2 / 10)"
        self.assertEquals(parser.solve(eqn), 2)
        eqn = "-2 * 2 + 2 * 10 / 10"
        self.assertEquals(parser.solve(eqn), -2)
    def test_var_forward(self):
        """Test Forwarding: Variable"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        pvars = {}
        pvars["control_temp"] = 78000
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace(), pvars=pvars)
        eqn = "numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp) < control_temp"
    def test_bool_ops_vector(self):
        """Test Logical Operations: Vector"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        # The equation returns a vector mask
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        eqn = "(trappy.thermal.ThermalGovernor:current_temperature > 77000)\
                & (trappy.pid_controller.PIDController:output > 2500)"
        mask = parser.solve(eqn)
        self.assertEquals(len(parser.ref(mask.dropna()[0])), 0)
    def test_bool_ops_scalar(self):
        """Test Logical Operations: Vector"""

        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        # The equation returns a boolean scalar
        eqn = "(numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp) > 65000) && (numpy.mean(trappy.cpu_power.CpuOutPower) > 500)"
        eqn = "(numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp) > 65000) || (numpy.mean(trappy.cpu_power.CpuOutPower) < 500)"
    def test_sum_operator(self):
        """Test Addition And Subtraction: Numeric"""

        parser = Parser(trappy.BareTrace())
        # Simple equation
        eqn = "10 + 2 - 3"
        self.assertEquals(parser.solve(eqn), 9)
        # Equation with bracket and unary ops
        eqn = "(10 + 2) - (-3 + 2)"
        self.assertEquals(parser.solve(eqn), 13)
    def test_func_forward(self):
        """Test Forwarding: Mixed"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        pvars = {}
        pvars["mean"] = np.mean
        pvars["control_temp"] = 78000
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace(), pvars=pvars)
        eqn = "mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp) < control_temp"
    def test_funcparams_mul(self):
        """Test Mult and Division: Data"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        eqn = "trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp * 10.0"
        series = parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"]
        assert_series_equal(parser.solve(eqn)[thermal_zone_id], series * 10.0, check_names=False)
        eqn = "trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp / trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp * 10"
        assert_series_equal(parser.solve(eqn)[thermal_zone_id], series / series * 10, check_names=False)
    def test_single_func_call(self):
        """Test Single Function Call"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        eqn = "numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp)"
    def test_super_indexing(self):
        "Test if super-indexing works correctly"""

        trace = trappy.FTrace()
        parser = Parser(trace)
        # The first event has less index values
        sol1 = parser.solve("trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp")
        # The second index has more index values
        sol2 = parser.solve("trappy.pid_controller.PIDController:output")
        # Super Indexing should result in len(sol2) > len(sol1)
        self.assertGreater(len(sol2), len(sol1))
    def test_parser_with_name(self):
        """Test equation using event name"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        # Equation with functions as parameters (Mixed)
        eqn = "numpy.mean(thermal:temp) + 1000"
                parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"]) + 1000)
    def test_for_parsed_event(self):
        """Test if an added parsed event can be accessed"""

        trace = trappy.FTrace(scope="custom")
        dfr = pandas.DataFrame({"l1_misses": [24, 535,  41],
                                "l2_misses": [155, 11, 200],
                                "cpu":       [ 0,   1,   0]},
                           index=pandas.Series([1.020, 1.342, 1.451], name="Time"))
        trace.add_parsed_event("pmu_counters", dfr)

        p = Parser(trace)
        self.assertTrue(len(p.solve("pmu_counters:cpu")), 3)
    def test_accessors_sum(self):
        """Test Addition And Subtraction: Data"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.Run())
        # Equation with dataframe accessors
        eqn = "trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp + \

                            2 * parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"],
    def __init__(self, data, sig_a, sig_b, **kwargs):

        self._parser = Parser(data,
                              config=kwargs.pop("config", None),
        self._a = sig_a
        self._b = sig_b
        self._pivot_vals, self._pivot = self._get_signal_pivots()

        # Concatenate the indices by doing any operation (say add)
        self._a_data = self._parser.solve(sig_a)
        self._b_data = self._parser.solve(sig_b)
文件: Analyzer.py 项目: jrjang/bart
class Analyzer(object):

    :param data: TRAPpy Run Object
    :type data: :mod:`trappy.run.Run`

    :param config: A dictionary of variables, classes
        and functions that can be used in the statements
    :type config: dict

    def __init__(self, data, config, topology=None):
        self._parser = Parser(data, config, topology)

    def assertStatement(self, statement, select=None):
        """Solve the statement for a boolean result

        :param statement: A string representing a valid
            :mod:`trappy.stats.grammar` statement
        :type statement: str

        :param select: If the result represents a boolean
            mask and the data was derived from a TRAPpy event
            with a pivot value. The :code:`select` can be
            used to select a particular pivot value
        :type select: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` column

        result = self.getStatement(statement, select=select)

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not (isinstance(result, bool) or isinstance(result, np.bool_)):
                "solution of {} is not an instance of bool".format(statement))
        return result
        # pylint: enable=no-member

    def getStatement(self, statement, reference=False, select=None):
        """Evaluate the statement"""

        result = self._parser.solve(statement)

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if np.isscalar(result):
            return result
        # pylint: enable=no-member

        if select is not None and len(result):
            result = result[select]
            if reference:
                result = self._parser.ref(result)

        return result
    def test_cls_forward(self):
        """Test Forwarding: Classes"""

        cls = trappy.thermal.Thermal
        pvars = {}
        pvars["mean"] = np.mean
        pvars["control_temp"] = 78000
        pvars["therm"] = cls

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace(), pvars=pvars)
        eqn = "mean(therm:temp) < control_temp"
    def test_cls_forward(self):
        """Test Forwarding: Classes"""

        cls = trappy.thermal.Thermal
        pvars = {}
        pvars["mean"] = np.mean
        pvars["control_temp"] = 78000
        pvars["therm"] = cls

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.Run(), pvars=pvars)
        eqn = "mean(therm:temp) < control_temp"
    def test_accessors_sum(self):
        """Test Addition And Subtraction: Data"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        # Equation with dataframe accessors
        eqn = "trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp + \

            2 *
            parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"], check_names=False)
class Analyzer(object):
    :param data: TRAPpy Run Object
    :type data: :mod:`trappy.run.Run`

    :param config: A dictionary of variables, classes
        and functions that can be used in the statements
    :type config: dict
    def __init__(self, data, config, topology=None):
        self._parser = Parser(data, config, topology)

    def assertStatement(self, statement, select=None):
        """Solve the statement for a boolean result

        :param statement: A string representing a valid
            :mod:`trappy.stats.grammar` statement
        :type statement: str

        :param select: If the result represents a boolean
            mask and the data was derived from a TRAPpy event
            with a pivot value. The :code:`select` can be
            used to select a particular pivot value
        :type select: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` column

        result = self.getStatement(statement, select=select)

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not (isinstance(result, bool) or isinstance(result, np.bool_)):
                "solution of {} is not an instance of bool".format(statement))
        return result
        # pylint: enable=no-member

    def getStatement(self, statement, reference=False, select=None):
        """Evaluate the statement"""

        result = self._parser.solve(statement)

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if np.isscalar(result):
            return result
        # pylint: enable=no-member

        if select is not None and len(result):
            result = result[select]
            if reference:
                result = self._parser.ref(result)

        return result
    def test_funcparams_mul(self):
        """Test Mult and Division: Data"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        eqn = "trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp * 10.0"
        series = parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"]
                            series * 10.0,
        eqn = "trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp / trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp * 10"
                            series / series * 10,
    def test_funcparams_sum(self):
        """Test Addition And Subtraction: Functions"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        # Equation with functions as parameters (Mixed)
        eqn = "numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp) + 1000"
            np.mean(parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"]) + 1000)
        # Multiple func params
        eqn = "numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp) + numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp)"
            np.mean(parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"]) * 2)
    def test_for_parsed_event(self):
        """Test if an added parsed event can be accessed"""

        trace = trappy.FTrace(scope="custom")
        dfr = pandas.DataFrame(
                "l1_misses": [24, 535, 41],
                "l2_misses": [155, 11, 200],
                "cpu": [0, 1, 0]
            index=pandas.Series([1.020, 1.342, 1.451], name="Time"))
        trace.add_parsed_event("pmu_counters", dfr)

        p = Parser(trace)
        self.assertTrue(len(p.solve("pmu_counters:cpu")), 3)
    def test_no_events(self):
        """Test trying to parse absent data"""
        trace = trappy.FTrace()
        prs = Parser(trace)

        # cpu_frequency is an event we know how to parse, but it isn't present
        # in the test trace.
                                "No events found for cpu_frequency", prs.solve,
    def test_funcparams_sum(self):
        """Test Addition And Subtraction: Functions"""

        thermal_zone_id = 0
        parser = Parser(trappy.FTrace())
        # Equation with functions as parameters (Mixed)
        eqn = "numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp) + 1000"
                parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"]) +
        # Multiple func params
        eqn = "numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp) + numpy.mean(trappy.thermal.Thermal:temp)"
                parser.data.thermal.data_frame["temp"]) *
文件: Analyzer.py 项目: sinkap/bart
class Analyzer(object):

            data (trappy.Run): A trappy.Run instance
            config (dict): A dictionary of variables, classes
                and functions that can be used in the statements

    def __init__(self, data, config, topology=None):
        self._parser = Parser(data, config, topology)

    def assertStatement(self, statement, select=None):
        """Solve the statement for a boolean result"""

        result = self.getStatement(statement, select=select)

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not (isinstance(result, bool) or isinstance(result, np.bool_)):
                "solution of {} is not an instance of bool".format(statement))
        return result
        # pylint: enable=no-member

    def getStatement(self, statement, reference=False, select=None):
        """Evaluate the statement"""

        result = self._parser.solve(statement)

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if np.isscalar(result):
            return result
        # pylint: enable=no-member

        if select is not None and len(result):
            result = result[select]
            if reference:
                result = self._parser.ref(result)

        return result
class Analyzer(object):
            data (trappy.Run): A trappy.Run instance
            config (dict): A dictionary of variables, classes
                and functions that can be used in the statements
    def __init__(self, data, config, topology=None):
        self._parser = Parser(data, config, topology)

    def assertStatement(self, statement, select=None):
        """Solve the statement for a boolean result"""

        result = self.getStatement(statement, select=select)

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if not (isinstance(result, bool) or isinstance(result, np.bool_)):
                "solution of {} is not an instance of bool".format(statement))
        return result
        # pylint: enable=no-member

    def getStatement(self, statement, reference=False, select=None):
        """Evaluate the statement"""

        result = self._parser.solve(statement)

        # pylint: disable=no-member
        if np.isscalar(result):
            return result
        # pylint: enable=no-member

        if select is not None and len(result):
            result = result[select]
            if reference:
                result = self._parser.ref(result)

        return result
文件: signal.py 项目: mdigiorgio/bart
    def __init__(self, data, sig_a, sig_b, **kwargs):

        self._parser = Parser(
        self._a = sig_a
        self._b = sig_b
        self._pivot_vals, self._pivot = self._get_signal_pivots()

        # Concatenate the indices by doing any operation (say add)
        self._a_data = self._parser.solve(sig_a)
        self._b_data = self._parser.solve(sig_b)
    def test_windowed_parse(self):
        """Test that the parser can operate on a window of the trace"""
        trace = trappy.FTrace()

        prs = Parser(trace, window=(2, 3))
        dfr_res = prs.solve("thermal:temp")

        self.assertGreater(dfr_res.index[0], 2)
        self.assertLess(dfr_res.index[-1], 3)

        prs = Parser(trace, window=(4, None))
        dfr_res = prs.solve("thermal:temp")

        self.assertGreater(dfr_res.index[0], 4)
        self.assertEqual(dfr_res.index[-1], trace.thermal.data_frame.index[-1])

        prs = Parser(trace, window=(0, 1))
        dfr_res = prs.solve("thermal:temp")

        self.assertEqual(dfr_res.index[0], trace.thermal.data_frame.index[0])
        self.assertLess(dfr_res.index[-1], 1)
    def test_mul_ops(self):
        """Test Mult and Division: Numeric"""

        parser = Parser(trappy.BareTrace())
        eqn = "(10 * 2 / 10)"
        self.assertEqual(parser.solve(eqn), 2)
        eqn = "-2 * 2 + 2 * 10 / 10"
        self.assertEqual(parser.solve(eqn), -2)
        eqn = "3.5 // 2"
        self.assertEqual(parser.solve(eqn), 1)
        eqn = "5 % 2"
        self.assertEqual(parser.solve(eqn), 1)
    def test_windowed_parse(self):
        """Test that the parser can operate on a window of the trace"""
        trace = trappy.FTrace()

        prs = Parser(trace, window=(2, 3))
        dfr_res = prs.solve("thermal:temp")

        self.assertGreater(dfr_res.index[0], 2)
        self.assertLess(dfr_res.index[-1], 3)

        prs = Parser(trace, window=(4, None))
        dfr_res = prs.solve("thermal:temp")

        self.assertGreater(dfr_res.index[0], 4)
        self.assertEquals(dfr_res.index[-1], trace.thermal.data_frame.index[-1])

        prs = Parser(trace, window=(0, 1))
        dfr_res = prs.solve("thermal:temp")

        self.assertEquals(dfr_res.index[0], trace.thermal.data_frame.index[0])
        self.assertLess(dfr_res.index[-1], 1)
 def __init__(self, data, config, topology=None):
     self._parser = Parser(data, config, topology)
文件: Analyzer.py 项目: jrjang/bart
 def __init__(self, data, config, topology=None):
     self._parser = Parser(data, config, topology)
class SignalCompare(object):
    :param data: TRAPpy FTrace Object
    :type data: :mod:`trappy.ftrace.FTrace`

    :param sig_a: The first signal
    :type sig_a: str

    :param sig_b: The first signal
    :type sig_b: str

    :param config: A dictionary of variables, classes
        and functions that can be used in the statements
    :type config: dict

    :param method: The method to be used for reindexing data
        This can be one of the standard :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`
        methods (eg. pad, bfill, nearest). The default is pad
        or use the last valid observation.
    :type method: str

    :param limit: The number of indices a value will be propagated
        when reindexing. The default is None
    :type limit: int

    :param fill: Whether to fill the NaNs in the data.
        The default value is True.
    :type fill: bool

    .. note::

        Both the signals must have the same pivots. For example:

            - Signal A has a pivot as :code:`"cpu"` which means that
              the trappy event (:mod:`trappy.base.Base`) has a pivot
              parameter which is equal to :code:`"cpu"`. Then the signal B
              should also have :code:`"cpu"` as it's pivot.

            - Signal A and B can both have undefined or None
              as their pivots
    def __init__(self, data, sig_a, sig_b, **kwargs):

        self._parser = Parser(data,
                              config=kwargs.pop("config", None),
        self._a = sig_a
        self._b = sig_b
        self._pivot_vals, self._pivot = self._get_signal_pivots()

        # Concatenate the indices by doing any operation (say add)
        self._a_data = self._parser.solve(sig_a)
        self._b_data = self._parser.solve(sig_b)

    def _get_signal_pivots(self):
        """Internal function to check pivot conditions and
        return an intersection of pivot on the signals"""

        sig_a_info = self._parser.inspect(self._a)
        sig_b_info = self._parser.inspect(self._b)

        if sig_a_info["pivot"] != sig_b_info["pivot"]:
            raise RuntimeError("The pivot column for both signals" +
                               "should be same (%s,%s)" %
                               (sig_a_info["pivot"], sig_b_info["pivot"]))

        if sig_a_info["pivot"]:
            pivot_vals = set(sig_a_info["pivot_values"]).intersection(
            pivoted = sig_a_info["pivot"]
            pivot_vals = [StatConf.GRAMMAR_DEFAULT_PIVOT]
            pivoted = False

        return pivot_vals, pivoted

    def conditional_compare(self, condition, **kwargs):
        """Conditionally compare two signals

        The conditional comparison of signals has two components:

        - **Value Coefficient** :math:`\\alpha_{v}` which measures the difference in values of
          of the two signals when the condition is true:

          .. math::

                \\alpha_{v} = \\frac{area\_under\_curve(S_A\ |\ C(t)\ is\ true)}
                {area\_under\_curve(S_B\ |\ C(t)\ is\ true)} \\\\

                \\alpha_{v} = \\frac{\int S_A(\{t\ |\ C(t)\})dt}{\int S_B(\{t\ |\ C(t)\})dt}

        - **Time Coefficient** :math:`\\alpha_{t}` which measures the time during which the
          condition holds true.

          .. math::

                \\alpha_{t} = \\frac{T_{valid}}{T_{total}}

        :param condition: A condition that returns a truth value and obeys the grammar syntax

                "event_x:sig_a > event_x:sig_b"

        :type condition: str

        :param method: The method for area calculation. This can
            be any of the integration methods supported in `numpy`
            or `rect`
        :type param: str

        :param step: The step behaviour for area and time
            summation calculation
        :type step: str

        Consider the two signals A and B as follows:

            .. code::

                A = [0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0]
                B = [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1]

            .. code::

                                                     A = xxxx
                3                 *xxxx*xxxx+        B = ----
                                  |         |
                2            *----*----*----+
                             |    |         |
                1            |    |         *----*----+
                             |    |         |
                0  *x-x-*x-x-+xxxx+         +xxxx*xxxx+
                   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7

        The condition:

        .. math::

            A > B

        is valid between T=3 and T=5. Therefore,

        .. math::

            \\alpha_v=1.5 \\\\

        :returns: There are two cases:

            - **Pivoted Signals**

                        "pivot_name" : {
                                "pval_1" : (v1,t1),
                                "pval_2" : (v2, t2)
            - **Non Pivoted Signals**

              The tuple of :math:`(\\alpha_v, \\alpha_t)`

        if self._pivot:
            result = {self._pivot: {}}

        mask = self._parser.solve(condition)
        step = kwargs.get("step", "post")

        for pivot_val in self._pivot_vals:

            a_piv = self._a_data[pivot_val]
            b_piv = self._b_data[pivot_val]

            area = area_under_curve(a_piv[mask[pivot_val]], **kwargs)
                area /= area_under_curve(b_piv[mask[pivot_val]], **kwargs)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                area = float("nan")

            duration = min(a_piv.last_valid_index(), b_piv.last_valid_index())
            duration -= max(a_piv.first_valid_index(),
            duration = interval_sum(mask[pivot_val], step=step) / duration

            if self._pivot:
                result[self._pivot][pivot_val] = area, duration
                result = area, duration

        return result

    def get_overshoot(self, **kwargs):
        """Special case for :func:`conditional_compare`
        where the condition is:

            "sig_a > sig_b"

        :param method: The method for area calculation. This can
            be any of the integration methods supported in `numpy`
            or `rect`
        :type param: str

        :param step: The step behaviour for calculation of area
            and time summation
        :type step: str

        .. seealso::


        condition = " ".join([self._a, ">", self._b])
        return self.conditional_compare(condition, **kwargs)

    def get_undershoot(self, **kwargs):
        """Special case for :func:`conditional_compare`
        where the condition is:

            "sig_a < sig_b"

        :param method: The method for area calculation. This can
            be any of the integration methods supported in `numpy`
            or `rect`
        :type param: str

        :param step: The step behaviour for calculation of area
            and time summation
        :type step: str

        .. seealso::


        condition = " ".join([self._a, "<", self._b])
        return self.conditional_compare(condition, **kwargs)
文件: signal.py 项目: mdigiorgio/bart
class SignalCompare(object):

    :param data: TRAPpy FTrace Object
    :type data: :mod:`trappy.ftrace.FTrace`

    :param sig_a: The first signal
    :type sig_a: str

    :param sig_b: The first signal
    :type sig_b: str

    :param config: A dictionary of variables, classes
        and functions that can be used in the statements
    :type config: dict

    :param method: The method to be used for reindexing data
        This can be one of the standard :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`
        methods (eg. pad, bfill, nearest). The default is pad
        or use the last valid observation.
    :type method: str

    :param limit: The number of indices a value will be propagated
        when reindexing. The default is None
    :type limit: int

    :param fill: Whether to fill the NaNs in the data.
        The default value is True.
    :type fill: bool

    .. note::

        Both the signals must have the same pivots. For example:

            - Signal A has a pivot as :code:`"cpu"` which means that
              the trappy event (:mod:`trappy.base.Base`) has a pivot
              parameter which is equal to :code:`"cpu"`. Then the signal B
              should also have :code:`"cpu"` as it's pivot.

            - Signal A and B can both have undefined or None
              as their pivots

    def __init__(self, data, sig_a, sig_b, **kwargs):

        self._parser = Parser(
        self._a = sig_a
        self._b = sig_b
        self._pivot_vals, self._pivot = self._get_signal_pivots()

        # Concatenate the indices by doing any operation (say add)
        self._a_data = self._parser.solve(sig_a)
        self._b_data = self._parser.solve(sig_b)

    def _get_signal_pivots(self):
        """Internal function to check pivot conditions and
        return an intersection of pivot on the signals"""

        sig_a_info = self._parser.inspect(self._a)
        sig_b_info = self._parser.inspect(self._b)

        if sig_a_info["pivot"] != sig_b_info["pivot"]:
            raise RuntimeError("The pivot column for both signals" +
                               "should be same (%s,%s)"
                               % (sig_a_info["pivot"], sig_b_info["pivot"]))

        if sig_a_info["pivot"]:
            pivot_vals = set(
            pivoted = sig_a_info["pivot"]
            pivot_vals = [StatConf.GRAMMAR_DEFAULT_PIVOT]
            pivoted = False

        return pivot_vals, pivoted

    def conditional_compare(self, condition, **kwargs):
        """Conditionally compare two signals

        The conditional comparison of signals has two components:

        - **Value Coefficient** :math:`\\alpha_{v}` which measures the difference in values of
          of the two signals when the condition is true:

          .. math::

                \\alpha_{v} = \\frac{area\_under\_curve(S_A\ |\ C(t)\ is\ true)}
                {area\_under\_curve(S_B\ |\ C(t)\ is\ true)} \\\\

                \\alpha_{v} = \\frac{\int S_A(\{t\ |\ C(t)\})dt}{\int S_B(\{t\ |\ C(t)\})dt}

        - **Time Coefficient** :math:`\\alpha_{t}` which measures the time during which the
          condition holds true.

          .. math::

                \\alpha_{t} = \\frac{T_{valid}}{T_{total}}

        :param condition: A condition that returns a truth value and obeys the grammar syntax

                "event_x:sig_a > event_x:sig_b"

        :type condition: str

        :param method: The method for area calculation. This can
            be any of the integration methods supported in `numpy`
            or `rect`
        :type param: str

        :param step: The step behaviour for area and time
            summation calculation
        :type step: str

        Consider the two signals A and B as follows:

            .. code::

                A = [0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0]
                B = [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1]

            .. code::

                                                     A = xxxx
                3                 *xxxx*xxxx+        B = ----
                                  |         |
                2            *----*----*----+
                             |    |         |
                1            |    |         *----*----+
                             |    |         |
                0  *x-x-*x-x-+xxxx+         +xxxx*xxxx+
                   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7

        The condition:

        .. math::

            A > B

        is valid between T=3 and T=5. Therefore,

        .. math::

            \\alpha_v=1.5 \\\\

        :returns: There are two cases:

            - **Pivoted Signals**

                        "pivot_name" : {
                                "pval_1" : (v1,t1),
                                "pval_2" : (v2, t2)
            - **Non Pivoted Signals**

              The tuple of :math:`(\\alpha_v, \\alpha_t)`

        if self._pivot:
            result = {self._pivot: {}}

        mask = self._parser.solve(condition)
        step = kwargs.get("step", "post")

        for pivot_val in self._pivot_vals:

            a_piv = self._a_data[pivot_val]
            b_piv = self._b_data[pivot_val]

            area = area_under_curve(a_piv[mask[pivot_val]], **kwargs)
                area /= area_under_curve(b_piv[mask[pivot_val]], **kwargs)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                area = float("nan")

            duration = min(a_piv.last_valid_index(), b_piv.last_valid_index())
            duration -= max(a_piv.first_valid_index(),
            duration = interval_sum(mask[pivot_val], step=step) / duration

            if self._pivot:
                result[self._pivot][pivot_val] = area, duration
                result = area, duration

        return result

    def get_overshoot(self, **kwargs):
        """Special case for :func:`conditional_compare`
        where the condition is:

            "sig_a > sig_b"

        :param method: The method for area calculation. This can
            be any of the integration methods supported in `numpy`
            or `rect`
        :type param: str

        :param step: The step behaviour for calculation of area
            and time summation
        :type step: str

        .. seealso::


        condition = " ".join([self._a, ">", self._b])
        return self.conditional_compare(condition, **kwargs)

    def get_undershoot(self, **kwargs):
        """Special case for :func:`conditional_compare`
        where the condition is:

            "sig_a < sig_b"

        :param method: The method for area calculation. This can
            be any of the integration methods supported in `numpy`
            or `rect`
        :type param: str

        :param step: The step behaviour for calculation of area
            and time summation
        :type step: str

        .. seealso::


        condition = " ".join([self._a, "<", self._b])
        return self.conditional_compare(condition, **kwargs)
 def __init__(self, data, config, **kwargs):
     self._parser = Parser(data, config, **kwargs)
    def estimate_from_trace(self, trace):
        Estimate the energy consumption of the system by looking at a trace

        Usese the EAS energy model data, and the idle and DVFS conditions
        reported in the trace, to estimate the energy usage of the system at
        every given moment.

        Takes into account knowledge of power domains - where cpuidle makes
        impossible claims about idle states (e.g. a CPU in 'cluster sleep' while
        its cluster siblings are running), the states will be minimised.

        The accuracy of this is otherwise totally dependent on the accuracy of
        the EAS energy model and the kernel's information. This does not take
        into account cost of idle state of DVFS transitions, nor any other
        conditions that are invisible to the kernel. The effect any power
        decisions that the platform makes independently of the kernel cannot be
        seen in this data. Examples of this _might_ include firmware thermal
        management invisibly restricting CPU frequencies, or secure-world
        software with real-time constraints preventing deep CPU idle states.

        :param trace: The trace
        :type trace: Trace

        :returns: A DataFrame with a column for each node in the energy model,
                  labelled with the CPU members of the node joined by  '-'s.
                  Shows the energy use by each node at each given moment.
                  If you don't care about those details, call ``.sum(axis=1)` on
                  the returned DataFrame to get a Series that shows overall
                  estimated power usage over time.
        if not trace.hasEvents('cpu_idle') or not trace.hasEvents('cpu_frequency'):
            raise ValueError('Requires cpu_idle and cpu_frequency trace events')

        idle = Parser(trace.ftrace).solve('cpu_idle:state')
        freqs = Parser(trace.ftrace).solve('cpu_frequency:frequency')

        columns = ['-'.join(str(c) for c in n.cpus)
                   for n in self.root.iter_nodes()
                   if n.active_states and n.idle_states]

        inputs = pd.concat([idle, freqs], axis=1, keys=['idle', 'freq']).ffill()

        # Drop stuff at the beginning where we don't have the inputs
        # (e.g. where we have had our first cpu_idle event but no cpu_frequency)
        inputs = inputs.dropna()
        # Convert to int wholesale so we can do things like use the values in
        # the inputs DataFrame as list indexes. The only reason we had floats
        # was to make room for NaN, but we've just dropped all the NaNs, so
        # that's fine.
        inputs = inputs.astype(int)
        # Drop consecutive duplicates (optimisation)
        inputs = inputs[(inputs.shift() != inputs).any(axis=1)]

        memo_cache = {}

        def f(input_row):
            # The code in this module is slow. Try not to call it too much.
            memo_key = tuple(input_row)
            if memo_key in memo_cache:
                return memo_cache[memo_key]

            # cpuidle doesn't understand shared resources so it will claim to
            # put a CPU into e.g. 'cluster sleep' while its cluster siblings are
            # active. Rectify those false claims.
            cpus_active = input_row['idle'] == -1
            deepest_possible = self._deepest_idle_idxs(cpus_active)
            idle_idxs = [min(i, j) for i, j in zip(deepest_possible,

            # Convert indexes to state names
            idle_states = [n.idle_state_by_idx(max(i, 0))
                           for n, i in zip(self.cpu_nodes, idle_idxs)]

            # We don't use tracked load, we just treat a CPU as active or idle,
            # so set util to 0 or 100%.
            utils = cpus_active * self.capacity_scale

            nrg = self.estimate_from_cpu_util(cpu_utils=utils,

            # nrg is a dict mapping CPU group tuples to energy values.
            # Unfortunately tuples don't play nicely as pandas column labels
            # because parts of its API treat that as nested indexing
            # (i.e. df[(0, 1)] sometimes means df[0][1]). So we'll give them
            # awkward names.

            nrg = {'-'.join(str(c) for c in k): v for k, v in nrg.iteritems()}

            ret = pd.Series(nrg)
            memo_cache[memo_key] = ret
            return ret

        return inputs.apply(f, axis=1)
 def __init__(self, data, config, **kwargs):
     self._parser = Parser(data, config, **kwargs)