文件: test_dests.py 项目: awlzac/th
    def test_travelcat(self):
        # test getsubdests
        p = Place.objects.get(name="Krabi")
        sd = travelcat.getAllSubDestinations(p)
        self.assertEqual(len(sd), 1, "subdests...found " + str(len(sd)))
        p = Place.objects.get(name="Southern Thailand")
        sd = travelcat.getAllSubDestinations(p)
        self.assertEqual(len(sd), 5, "subdests...found " + str(len(sd)))
        p = Place.objects.get(name="Thailand")
        sd = travelcat.getAllSubDestinations(p)
        self.assertEqual(len(sd), 7, "subdests...found " + str(len(sd)))

        # test getratings
        p = Place.objects.get(name="Krabi")
        r = p.get_ratings()
        self.assertEqual(r.nature, 4.5)
        self.assertEqual(r.relaxing, 2)

        # search for location
        region = Place.objects.get(name="Thailand")
        self.userp.prefs.social = 5  # party animal time
        self.userp.prefs.relaxing = 2
        self.userp.prefs.budget = 4

        # this currently fails if the postgres stored proc is called.
        # worked around by specifying "django = True" to compute in django space;
        # that's not how prod works, and not really the path we want test coverage
        # on, but at least it's an approximation :/
        dests = travelcat.get_destinations(self.userp, region, django=True)
            len(dests) > 1, "Only got {} dests back: {}".format(len(dests), dests))

        # first item in tuple should be name
        # this depends on how name is formatted in get_destinations; is rather
        # arbitrary at moment.
                         0], "Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand", "Party animal wwanted KPNG; got " + dests[0][0])
        self.userp.prefs.social = 1  # need to rest
        self.userp.prefs.relaxing = 4
        dests = travelcat.get_destinations(self.userp, region, django=True)
        self.assertTrue(len(dests) > 1)
        # print(dests)
            dests[0][0], "Ko Lanta, Thailand", "expecting Ko Lanta; got " + dests[0][0])
文件: tests.py 项目: awlzac/th
    def test_leafdescendants(self):
        p = Place.objects.get(name="Ko Tao")
        self.assertEqual(p.leafdescendants.count(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(travelcat.computeAllSubDestinations(p)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(travelcat.getAllSubDestinations(p)), 1)
        pth = Place.objects.get(name="Thailand")
        self.assertTrue(p in pth.leafdescendants.all())
        newp = Place(name="newplace", parent=p)
        self.assertEqual(newp.leafdescendants.count(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(travelcat.computeAllSubDestinations(newp)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(travelcat.getAllSubDestinations(newp)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(p.leafdescendants.count(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(travelcat.computeAllSubDestinations(p)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(travelcat.getAllSubDestinations(p)), 1)
        self.assertFalse(p in pth.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(newp in pth.leafdescendants.all())
        # all ancestors, self included
        self.assertEqual(len(newp.leafancestors.all()), 7)

        pe = Place.objects.get(name="Earth")
        pl = Place(name="Livermore", parent=pe)
        self.assertTrue(pl in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(pl in pl.leafdescendants.all())
        po = Place(name="Orgahousia", parent=pl)
        # o is the leaf node now, l is not
        self.assertFalse(pl in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertFalse(pl in pl.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(po in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(po in pl.leafdescendants.all())

        pbr = Place(name="Big Room", parent=po)
        # br is the leaf now
        self.assertFalse(po in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertFalse(po in po.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(pbr in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(pbr in po.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(pbr in pl.leafdescendants.all())

        # move place
        p = Place.objects.get(name="Ko Pha Ngan")
        po.parent = p
        self.assertTrue(pl in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(pl in pl.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(pbr in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(pbr in po.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(pbr in p.leafdescendants.all())
        # not in livermore anymore
        self.assertFalse(pbr in pl.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertFalse(po in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertFalse(p in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertFalse(p in p.leafdescendants.all())

        # delete place
        po = Place.objects.get(name="Orgahousia")
        self.assertTrue(po in pe.leafdescendants.all())
        self.assertTrue(po in po.leafdescendants.all())
文件: views.py 项目: awlzac/th
def meow(request, template_name):
    search for place(s) based on user input
    vardict = {}        
    if request.method == 'POST':
        f = forms.MeowForm(request.POST)
        if f.is_valid():
            name = f.cleaned_data['destregion']
            regions = search_place(name)
            if len(regions) == 0:
                # no such place in tc system -- check google
                  locinfo = geocode.get_global_loc(name)
                  regions = search_place(locinfo['addr'])
                  if regions:
                    # found it after all, google must have polished the name 
                    # a little for us
                    # google recognizes it but we don't; let's clean the name a little and try again
                    regions = search_place(locinfo['name']+", "+locinfo['country'])
                  if regions:
                    # found it
                    # still don't recognize it; that means we should 
                    # add a place into our hierarchy and go directly to the 
                    # detail page                    
                    locaddr = locinfo['addr']
                    newplaces = []
                    # we know we can't find it as-is, so try to go back up the 
                    # parent chain until we find something in common.  
                    # probably a country or province.
                      while not regions:
                        pname = locaddr[:locaddr.index(", ")]
                        locaddr = locaddr[locaddr.index(", ")+2:]
                        newplaces.insert(0, (pname, locinfo['lat'], locinfo['lng'], locinfo['radiuskm']))
                        # assume we are looking for a region
                        regions = search_place(locaddr, True)  
                      if len(regions) != 1:
                        logger.info ("Trying to add {} from Google, came up with {} existing regions for {}.". \
                                        format(locinfo['addr'], len(regions), locaddr))
                    except ValueError:
                        # if we searched through all components of the address, 
                        # that means either we don't even have the country, or
                        # Something Awkward is happening.
                        logger.info ("Trying to add {} from Google, can't find anything on that path.". \
                    if regions and regions[0].is_leaf():
                        # recognized region is a leaf. fall through and route to the leaf
                    elif regions:
                            # create link(s), so that user can verify what they
                            # want to add.  placedetail screen will note the 0 id,
                            # and add the place based on our session data.                     
                            # at present, we only look at google's best guess, so
                            # there's only one possible place to add; either the user
                            # verifies it, or searches differently.
                            vardict[TC_MESSAGE] = "A new place!  Click to add to the system:"
                            vardict[TC_LINKS] = [(0, locinfo['addr'], reverse('travelcat:placedetail', args=(0,)))]
                            newplaces.append(regions[0].id) # node where we will add new places
                            request.session[TC_NEWPLACEDATA] = newplaces
                            # force no results, so we stay on search screen, until user clicks
                except Exception as e:
                  # can't geolocate given address.
                  vardict[TC_MESSAGE] = "Unable to locate any place named '{}'.".format(name)
                  logger.exception("Unable to locate place '{}'".format(name))

            if len(regions) >1:
                # ambiguous place -- send back for refinement
                vardict[TC_MESSAGE] = "{} matching areas found. Which do you mean?".format(len(regions))
                vardict[TC_LINKS] = [(r.id, 
                                      reverse('travelcat:meow', args=(r.id,))
                                     ) for r in regions]
            elif len(regions) == 1:
                # start the pref based search 
                    return search_and_display_dests(request, regions[0])
                    leaves = travelcat.getAllSubDestinations(regions[0])
                    logger.info("Failed to redirect for {};\n but {} leaves in system\n  ...maybe place or user does not have all prefs set, and SP got confused?".format(regions[0], len(leaves)))
                    vardict[TC_MESSAGE] = "Unable to show destinations for {}; system doesn't yet have enough information about this destination.".format(regions[0])
        # get
        f = forms.MeowForm()
        if TC_MESSAGE in request.session:
            vardict[TC_MESSAGE] = request.session[TC_MESSAGE]
            del request.session[TC_MESSAGE]

    vardict['form'] = f        
    #logger.info ("after meow, passing to template: {}".format(vardict))
    return render_to_response(template_name,