 def f(log_probs, advantages, old_log_probs, mask):
     if reweight:  # Use new policy weights for sampled actions instead.
         mask *= jnp.exp(fastmath.stop_gradient(log_probs) - old_log_probs)
     if sampled_all_discrete:  # Actions were sampled uniformly; weight them.
         mask *= jnp.exp(old_log_probs)
     weights = jnp.minimum(awr_weights(advantages, beta), w_max)
     return -jnp.sum(log_probs * weights * mask) / jnp.sum(mask)
 def f(preds, values, returns, actions, mask):
   advantages = jnp.squeeze(returns - stop_gradient(values), axis=-1)
   logps = self._policy_dist.log_prob(preds, actions)
   awr_loss = actor_critic.AWRLoss(beta=self._beta, w_max=self._w_max)(
       (logps, advantages, jnp.zeros_like(logps), mask))
   l2_value_loss = jnp.mean((returns - values)**2) * self._value_loss_coeff
   return awr_loss + l2_value_loss
        def f(dist_inputs, values, returns, dones, rewards, actions,
              old_log_probs, mask):
            """Definition of the A2C loss."""
            del old_log_probs

            # Typically we have dist_inputs of the shape float32[128,1,18]
            assert len(dist_inputs.shape) == 3, (
                f'dist_inputs.shape was {dist_inputs.shape} '
                f'but expected length of the tensor shape is 3')
            # values of the shape float32[128,1,1]
            # returns of the shape float32[128,1,1]
            assert values.shape == returns.shape, (
                f'values.shape was {values.shape}'
                f'returns.shape was (returns.shape)')
            # actions of the shape int32[128,1] in the case of discrete actions
            # and float32[128,1,6] in the case of of half-cheetah
            # actions agree with returns/values on the first two coordinates
            assert actions.shape[0:2] == returns.shape[0:2], (
                f'actions.shape was {actions.shape}'
                f'returns.shape was (returns.shape)')
            # and mask of the shape float32[128,1]
            assert len(mask.shape) == 2, f'mask.shape was {mask.shape}'
            # which agrees with returns/values/actions on the first two coordinates
            assert mask.shape[0:2] == returns.shape[0:2], (
                f'mask.shape was {mask.shape}'
                f'returns.shape was (returns.shape)')

            a2c_objective = rl_layers.A2CObjective(

            # we insist that a2c_objective is a scalar
            assert jnp.ndim(
                a2c_objective) == 0, f'a2c_objective was {a2c_objective}'

            entropy_loss = rl_layers.EntropyLoss(

            assert jnp.ndim(
                entropy_loss) == 0, f'entropy_loss was {entropy_loss}'

            l2_value_loss = rl_layers.ValueLoss(
                values, returns, value_loss_coeff=self._value_loss_coeff)

            assert jnp.ndim(
                l2_value_loss) == 0, f'l2_value_loss was {l2_value_loss}'

            combined_loss = a2c_objective + l2_value_loss - entropy_loss

            return combined_loss
文件: base.py 项目: ppvalluri09/trax
    def _do_custom_gradients(self, x, weights, state, rng):
        """Calls this layer for a forward pass, but with custom gradients."""
        def _do_forward(y, weights):
            old_weights, old_state, old_rng = self.weights, self.state, self._rng
            self.weights = weights
            res = self.forward(y)
            s = self.state
            self.weights, self.state, self._rng = old_weights, old_state, old_rng
            return res, s

        def do_forward_vjp(y, weights):
            """Custom gradient (vjp) function."""
            old_weights, old_state, old_rng = self.weights, self.state, self._rng
            self.weights = weights
            output = self.forward(y)
            new_state = self.state
            self.weights, self.state, self._rng = old_weights, old_state, old_rng

            def vjpfun(grad):
                grad = grad[0]  # Ignore dummy gradient wrt state.
                res = self.backward(y, output, grad, weights, state, new_state,
                return res

            return (output, new_state), vjpfun

        do_forward = fastmath.custom_grad(do_forward_vjp, _do_forward)

        output, state = do_forward(x, weights)
        # TODO(lukaszkaiser): Investigate why we need this stop_gradient
        state = fastmath.stop_gradient(state)
        return output, state
def StopGradient():
    """Returns an identity layer with a stop gradient."""
    return Fn('StopGradient', lambda x: fastmath.stop_gradient(x))  # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
    def f(dist_inputs, values, returns, dones, rewards,
          actions, old_log_probs, mask):
      """Definition of the Proximal Policy Optimization loss."""
      del mask  # TODO(lukaszkaiser): make PPO work with Transformer
      # We have dist_inputs of the shape float32[128,1,18]
      assert len(dist_inputs.shape) == 3, (
          f'dist_inputs.shape was {dist_inputs.shape}'
          f'but expected length of the tensor shape is 3')
      # values of the shape float32[128,1,1]
      # returns of the shape float32[128,1,1]
      # dones of the shape int32[128,1,1]
      # rewards of the shape float32[128,1,1]
      # and old_log_probs of the shape float32[128,1]
      assert values.shape == returns.shape, (
          f'values.shape was {values.shape}'
          f'returns.shape was {returns.shape}')
      assert values.shape == dones.shape, (
          f'values.shape was {values.shape}'
          f'returns.shape was {dones.shape}')
      assert rewards.shape == dones.shape, (
          f'values.shape was {values.shape}'
          f'returns.shape was {dones.shape}')
      assert returns.shape[0:2] == old_log_probs.shape, (
          f'returns.shape was {returns.shape}'
          f'old_log_probs.shape was {old_log_probs.shape}')

      # actions is a tensor of the shape int32[128,1] in the case
      # of discrete actions and float32[128,1,6] in the case of
      # half-cheetah and other continuous actions
      # actions agree with returns/values on the first two coordinates
      # meaning batch and time
      assert actions.shape[0:2] == returns.shape[0:2], (
          f'actions.shape was {actions.shape} and '
          f'returns.shape was {returns.shape}')

      ppo_objective = rl_layers.PPOObjective(
          dist_inputs, stop_gradient(values), returns, dones, rewards,
          actions, old_log_probs,

      # we insist that ppo_objective is a vector of shape [128,1]
      assert len(ppo_objective.shape) == 2, (
          f'ppo_objective was {ppo_objective}')
      # which agrees with returns/values/actions on the first two coordinates
      assert ppo_objective.shape[0:2] == values.shape[0:2], (
          f'ppo_objective.shape was {ppo_objective.shape} and '
          f'values.shape was {values.shape}')

      entropy_loss = rl_layers.EntropyLoss(

      assert jnp.ndim(entropy_loss) == 0, f'entropy_loss was {entropy_loss}'

      l2_value_loss = rl_layers.ValueLoss(
          values, returns, value_loss_coeff=self._value_loss_coeff)

      assert jnp.ndim(l2_value_loss) == 0, f'l2_value_loss was {l2_value_loss}'

      return -ppo_objective.mean() + l2_value_loss - entropy_loss
    def forward(self, x):
        """Executes this layer as part of a forward pass through the model.

      x: Tensor of same shape and dtype as the input signature used to
          initialize this layer.

      Tensor of same shape and dtype as the input.
        m1, m2, mb, w1, w2, b2 = self.weights
        if self._mode != 'predict':
            w1 = jnp.reshape(w1.T, (-1, self._d_ff))
            w2 = jnp.reshape(w2, (self._d_ff, -1))
        x_shape = x.shape
        x = jnp.reshape(x,
                        [-1, x_shape[-1]])  # Easier to operate on flattened x.

        # Q: should we add bias and/or put relu after the low-rank m1 dot?
        mask_logits = jnp.dot(jnp.dot(x, m1), m2) + mb
        mask_logits = jnp.reshape(mask_logits, [-1, self._d1, self._d2])
        # Softmax.
        mask_logsumexp = fastmath.logsumexp(mask_logits,
        log_mask = mask_logits - mask_logsumexp
        mask = jnp.exp(log_mask)
        # Gumbel-softmax with straight-through discretization.
        rng1, rng2 = fastmath.random.split(self.rng, 2)
        u = fastmath.random.uniform(rng1, mask.shape, jnp.float32, 1e-6,
                                    1.0 - 1e-6)
        g = -jnp.log(-jnp.log(u))
        quant_mask = jnp.argmax(log_mask + g * self._temperature, axis=-1)
        if self._mode == 'train':
            # Tricks from Section 2.1 in https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.09797
            quant_mask = tl.one_hot(quant_mask, self._n_elements_in_block)
            quant_mask = fastmath.stop_gradient(quant_mask)
            quant_mask += mask - fastmath.stop_gradient(
                mask)  # straight-through
            # We will sometimes (quant_prob of the batches) use the soft-mask instead
            # of the quantized mask to improve training stability (see paper above).
            select = fastmath.random.uniform(rng2, (), jnp.float32, 0.0, 1.0)
            quant_mask = jnp.where(select < self._quant_prob, quant_mask, mask)
            quant_mask = jnp.reshape(quant_mask, [-1, self._d_ff])

        if self._mode == 'train':
            # In training, run full matmul to get benefits from the above tricks.
            mid = jnp.dot(x, w1) * quant_mask  # [joint_batch, d_ff]
            relu = jnp.where(mid <= 0, jnp.zeros_like(mid), mid)
            res = jnp.dot(relu, w2) + b2
        elif self._mode == 'predict':
            # w1 = jnp.reshape(w1.T, (self._d1, self._d2, -1))
            # w2 = jnp.reshape(w2, (self._d1, self._d2, -1))
            # This implementation mimicks inference. It's not efficient for large
            # size of joint_batch, but at inference that will be 1 most of the time.
            # Shapes:
            # quant_mask is [joint_batch, self._d1]
            # w1 is [d_model, self._d1, self._d2]
            # we'll index w1 with advanced numpy indexing, first range over
            # self._d1 times the batch size, second range being quant_mask
            batch_size = quant_mask.shape[0]
            idx1 = jnp.array([jnp.arange(self._d1)] * batch_size)
            # flatten indices and select from w1
            idx1 = jnp.reshape(idx1, [-1])
            idx2 = jnp.reshape(quant_mask, [-1])
            w = w1[idx1,
                   idx2, :]  # now we have per-element weights with batch dim
            w = jnp.reshape(w, [batch_size, self._d1, -1])
            mid = jnp.einsum('ai,aji->aj', x, w)
            relu = jnp.where(mid <= 0, jnp.zeros_like(mid), mid)
            # w2 is [self._d1, self._d2, d_model]
            v = w2[idx1, idx2, :]
            v = jnp.reshape(v, [batch_size, self._d1, -1])
            res = jnp.einsum('ai,aij->aj', relu, v) + b2
            quant_mask = tl.one_hot(quant_mask, self._n_elements_in_block)
            quant_mask = jnp.reshape(quant_mask, [-1, self._d_ff])
            mid = jnp.dot(x, w1) * quant_mask  # [joint_batch, d_ff]
            relu = jnp.where(mid <= 0, jnp.zeros_like(mid), mid)
            res = jnp.dot(relu, w2) + b2

        return jnp.reshape(res, x_shape)  # un-flatten if needed
    def forward(self, x):
        """Executes this layer as part of a forward pass through the model.

      x: Tensor of same shape and dtype as the input signature used to
        initialize this layer.

      Tensor of same shape and dtype as the input.
        m1, w1, w2, b2 = self.weights
        x_shape = x.shape
        x = jnp.reshape(x,
                        [-1, x_shape[-1]])  # Easier to operate on flattened x.

        # Q: check if we need bias and/or put relu after the m1 dot?
        mask_logits = jnp.dot(x, m1)
        # Softmax.
        mask_logsumexp = fastmath.logsumexp(mask_logits,
        log_mask = mask_logits - mask_logsumexp
        mask = jnp.exp(log_mask)
        # Gumbel-softmax with straight-through discretization.
        # TODO(lukaszkaiser, chowdhery): Extract this block and share
        rng1, rng2 = fastmath.random.split(self.rng, 2)
        u = fastmath.random.uniform(rng1, mask.shape, jnp.float32, 1e-6,
                                    1.0 - 1e-6)
        g = -jnp.log(-jnp.log(u))
        selected_experts = jnp.argmax(log_mask + g * self._temperature,
        if self._mode == 'train':
            # Tricks from Section 2.1 in https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.09797
            quant_mask = tl.one_hot(selected_experts, self._num_experts)
            quant_mask = fastmath.stop_gradient(quant_mask)
            quant_mask += mask - fastmath.stop_gradient(
                mask)  # straight-through
            # We will sometimes (50% of the batches) use the soft-mask instead of
            # the quantized mask to improve training stability (see the paper above).
            # Q: is selecting 50% of batches the best? Other %? Mixed in-batch?
            select = fastmath.random.uniform(rng2, (), jnp.float32, -1.0, 1.0)
            quant_mask = jnp.where(select > 0.0, quant_mask, mask)
            quant_mask = tl.one_hot(selected_experts, self._num_experts)
        quant_mask = jnp.reshape(quant_mask, [-1, self._num_experts, 1])
        quant_mask_shape = quant_mask.shape
        batch_size = quant_mask.shape[0]

        if self._mode == 'predict' and batch_size == 1:
            # This implementation mimicks inference for batch_size 1.
            start_idx = selected_experts[0] * self._n_elements_in_block
            # w1 is [d_model, d_ff], w is [d_model, n_elements_in_block]
            w = fastmath.dynamic_slice(
                w1, [0, start_idx], [w1.shape[0], self._n_elements_in_block])
            mid = jnp.dot(x, w)
            relu = jnp.where(mid <= 0, jnp.zeros_like(mid), mid)
            # w2 is [d_ff, d_model], v is [n_elements_in_block, d_model]
            v = fastmath.dynamic_slice(
                w2, [start_idx, 0], [self._n_elements_in_block, w2.shape[-1]])
            v = jnp.reshape(v, [self._n_elements_in_block, -1])
            res = jnp.dot(relu, v) + b2
            expanded_mask = jnp.broadcast_to(
                quant_mask, (quant_mask_shape[0], quant_mask.shape[1],
            expanded_mask = jnp.reshape(expanded_mask, (-1, self._d_ff))
            mid = jnp.dot(x, w1) * expanded_mask  # [joint_batch, d_ff]
            relu = jnp.where(mid <= 0, jnp.zeros_like(mid), mid)
            res = jnp.dot(relu, w2) + b2

        return jnp.reshape(res, x_shape)  # un-flatten if needed