def generate_pairs_from_qrels(qrel_file, topk_rank=20, num_random=5000):
    qrels = TrecQrel(qrel_file)
    for topic in tqdm(qrels.topics()):
        qrels_for_topic = [d.to_dict() for _, d in qrels.qrels_data[qrels.qrels_data['query'] == topic].iterrows()]
        for i in range(0, len(qrels_for_topic)):
            for j in range(0, len(qrels_for_topic)):
                if qrels_for_topic[i]['rel'] > qrels_for_topic[j]['rel']:
                    yield __generate_single_qrel_pair(qrels_for_topic, qrels_for_topic[i], qrels_for_topic[j])
    def setUp(self):
        run1 = TrecRun("./files/r4.run")
        qrels1 = TrecQrel("./files/qrel1.txt")

        run2 = TrecRun("./files/input.uic0301")
        qrels2 = TrecQrel("./files/robust03_cs_qrels.txt")

        # Contains the first 30 documents for the first 10 topics in input.uic0301
        run3 = TrecRun("./files/input.uic0301_top30")
        self.commontopics = [303, 307, 310, 314, 320, 322, 325, 330, 336, 341]
        self.teval1 = TrecEval(run1, qrels1)
        self.teval2 = TrecEval(run2, qrels2)
        self.teval3 = TrecEval(run3, qrels2)
文件: evaluate.py 项目: nz63paxe/IR
def eval(topx):
    qrels = TrecQrel("./relevance-args-v2.qrels")

    # Generates a P@10 graph with all the runs in a directory
    path_to_runs = "./runs/"
    runs = procedures.list_of_runs_from_path(path_to_runs, "*")

    for run in runs:
        te = TrecEval(run, qrels)

        rbp, residuals = te.get_rbp()

        coverage = run.get_mean_coverage(qrels, topX=topx)
            "Average number of documents judged among top %.0f: %.2f, thats about: %.2f percent."
            % (topx, coverage, coverage / topx * 100))
        # precision = te.get_precision(depth=topx)
        # print("precision (p"+str(topx)+"): ",precision)

        ndcg = te.get_ndcg(depth=topx, removeUnjudged=False)
        print("nDCG (n=" + str(topx) + " removeUnjudged=False): " + str(ndcg))

        ndcg = te.get_ndcg(depth=topx, removeUnjudged=True)
        print("nDCG (n=" + str(topx) + " removeUnjudged=True): " + str(ndcg))

def eval(qrel_file_path, run_file_path):
        qrel_file_path {[string]} -- [path of the qrel file usually located at the source language folder]
        run_file_path {[string]} -- [path of the run file usually located at the results folder of a language]
        [type] -- [precision@10, precision@20, precision@30, mAP rounded up to four digits]

    r1 = TrecRun(run_file_path)
    qrels = TrecQrel(qrel_file_path)

    te = TrecEval(r1, qrels)
    p5 = te.get_precision(depth=5)
    p10 = te.get_precision(depth=10)
    p20 = te.get_precision(depth=20)
    map = te.get_map()
    rprec = te.get_rprec()
    run_object = r1.evaluate_run(qrels, per_query=True)

    return round(p5, 4), round(p10, 4), round(p20,
                                              4), round(map,
                                                        4), round(rprec, 4)
def compute_map(valid_codes, pred, gs_out_path=None):
    Custom function to compute MAP evaluation metric. 
    Code adapted from https://github.com/TeMU-BSC/CodiEsp-Evaluation-Script/blob/master/codiespD_P_evaluation.py
    # Input args default values
    if gs_out_path is None: gs_out_path = './intermediate_gs_file.txt' 
    pred_out_path = './intermediate_predictions_file.txt'
    ###### 2. Format predictions as TrecRun format: ######
    format_predictions(pred, pred_out_path, valid_codes)
    ###### 3. Calculate MAP ######
    # Load GS from qrel file
    qrels = TrecQrel(gs_out_path)

    # Load pred from run file
    run = TrecRun(pred_out_path)

    # Calculate MAP
    te = TrecEval(run, qrels)
    MAP = te.get_map(trec_eval=False) # With this option False, rank order is taken from the given document order
    ###### 4. Return results ######
    return MAP
def trec_eval_ndcg(run_name,
                   depths=[5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 100, 200, 500, 1000]):
    qrel_name = os.path.join(data_path, '2019qrels-pass.txt')
    qrel = TrecQrel(qrel_name)
    res = TrecRun(run_name)
    for depth in depths:
        score = TrecEval(res, qrel).get_ndcg(depth=depth)
        print('ndcg_cur_%d \t all \t %.4f' % (depth, score))
def trec_eval(file):
    r1 = TrecRun(file)
    qrels = TrecQrel("./dataset/.txt")
    results = TrecEval(r1, qrels)
    p5 = results.get_precision(5)
    p10 = results.get_precision(10)
    p15 = results.get_precision(15)
def main(gs_path, pred_path, codes_path):
    Load GS, predictions and valid codes; format GS and predictions according
    to TREC specifications; compute MAP and print it.

    gs_path : str
        Path to Gold Standard TSV with 2 columns: filename, code
        It has no headers row.
    pred_path : str
        Path to Gold Standard TSV with 2 columns: filename, code
        It has no headers row.
    codes_path : str
        Path to TSV file with valid codes.
        It has no headers row.



    ###### 0. Load valid codes lists: ######
    valid_codes = set(
        pd.read_csv(codes_path, sep='\t', header=None,
    valid_codes = set([x.lower() for x in valid_codes])

    ###### 1. Format GS as TrecQrel format: ######
    qid_gs = format_gs(gs_path, './intermediate_gs_file.txt')

    ###### 2. Format predictions as TrecRun format: ######
    format_predictions(pred_path, './intermediate_predictions_file.txt',
                       valid_codes, qid_gs)

    ###### 3. Calculate MAP ######
    # Load GS from qrel file
    qrels = TrecQrel('./intermediate_gs_file.txt')

    # Load pred from run file
    run = TrecRun('./intermediate_predictions_file.txt')

    # Calculate MAP
    te = TrecEval(run, qrels)
    MAP = te.get_map(
    )  # With this option False, rank order is taken from the given document order

    ###### 4. Show results ######
    print('\nMAP estimate: {}\n'.format(round(MAP, 3)))
    #print('\n{}'.format(round(MAP, 3)))
    print('{}|{}'.format(pred_path, round(MAP, 3)))
def trec_eval(runs_file_path: Path or str, qrels_file_path: Path or str):
    metrics = dict()
    r1 = TrecRun(str(runs_file_path.absolute()))
    qrels = TrecQrel(str(qrels_file_path.absolute()))
    results = TrecEval(r1, qrels)
    metrics["P@5"] = results.get_precision(5)
    metrics["P@10"] = results.get_precision(10)
    metrics["P@15"] = results.get_precision(15)
    metrics["bpref"] = results.get_bpref()
    metrics["map"] = results.get_map()

    metrics = {k: round(v, 4) for k, v in metrics.items()}
    return metrics
def main(args):
    gold_labels = TrecQrel(args.gold_labels)
    prediction = TrecRun(args.scores)

    results = TrecEval(prediction, gold_labels)
    metrics = extract_metrics(results, args.metrics)

    metrics.loc[:, '@depth'] = metrics.loc[:, '@depth'].astype(str)
    metrics.loc[:, '@depth'] = metrics.loc[:, '@depth'].replace(str(MAX_DEPTH), 'all')
    if args.output:
        metrics.to_csv(args.output, sep="\t", index=False)
        logger.info(f"Saved results to {args.output}")
def main(args):
    format_check_passed = run_checks(args.scores)
    if not format_check_passed:
    gold_labels = TrecQrel(args.gold_labels)
    prediction = TrecRun(args.scores)

    results = TrecEval(prediction, gold_labels)
    metrics = extract_metrics(results, args.metrics, args.depths)

    metrics.loc[:, '@depth'] = metrics.loc[:, '@depth'].astype(str)
    metrics.loc[:, '@depth'] = metrics.loc[:, '@depth'].replace(str(MAX_DEPTH), 'all')
    if args.output:
        metrics.to_csv(args.output, sep='\t', index=False)
        logger.info(f'Saved results to file: {args.output}')
def parse_qrels(input_file, labels_to_keep=None):
    ret = TrecQrel(input_file)

    if labels_to_keep is None:
        return ret
        ret.filename = None

        ret.qrels_data['tmp_delete_me'] = ret.qrels_data['docid'].apply(
            lambda i: labels_to_keep.keep_doc(i))
        ret.qrels_data = ret.qrels_data[ret.qrels_data['tmp_delete_me']]
        ret.qrels_data = ret.qrels_data.drop(['tmp_delete_me'], axis=1)

        return ret
def collect(qrelsFilePath, baseDir):
    qrels = TrecQrel(qrelsFilePath)

    result = {}
    for i, [topicPath, topicNum] in enumerate(
            sorted(_getDirectoryContent(baseDir, directory=True),
                   key=lambda a_b: int(a_b[1]))):
        for modelPath, modelName in _getDirectoryContent(topicPath,
            modelName = modelName[:-4]
            if modelName not in result:
                result[modelName] = {}

            for filePath, fileName in _getDirectoryContent(modelPath,
                score = 0

                # only evaluate non empty files
                if os.path.getsize(filePath) > 0:
                    run = TrecRun(filePath)
                    runResult = run.evaluate_run(qrels, True)
                    rs = list(
                    score = np.mean(rs)

                if fileName not in result[modelName]:
                    result[modelName][fileName] = [score]
            print("Finished processing model {} of topic {}".format(
                modelName, topicNum))
        print("Finished processing topic: ", topicNum)

    # Calculate average over all topics
    for modelName in result:
        for comparisonName in result[modelName]:
            result[modelName][comparisonName] = sum(
                result[modelName][comparisonName]) / len(

    return result
        (QREL_DIR + 'qrels.inofficial.duplicate-free.web.' + topics + '.txt',
        (transferred_prefix + 'transferred-to-cc15.' + topics + '.txt', 'cc15')

    if topics in ['1-50', '51-100', '101-150', '151-200']:
        ret += [
            (transferred_prefix + 'transferred-to-cw12.' + topics + '.txt',
            (transferred_prefix + 'transferred-to-cw12wb12.' + topics + '.txt',

    return ret

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parse_args()
    with open(args.outputFile, 'w+') as f:
        for topics in [
                '1-50', '51-100', '101-150', '151-200', '201-250', '251-300'
            qrel_files_for_topic = qrel_files(topics)
            for qrel_file, corpus in qrel_files_for_topic:
                trec_qrel = TrecQrel(qrel_file)
                for run_file in list_run_files_of_qrel_file(
                    print(corpus + ': evaluate ' + run_file)
                        report_run(trec_qrel, corpus, topics, run_file) + '\n')
from trectools import TrecRun, TrecQrel, TrecRes, misc
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import collections

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import numpy as np

#retrieval_approaches = ['lm', 'prf']
#retrieval_approaches = ['lm', 'prf', 'lr']
retrieval_approaches = ['prf']

myQrel = TrecQrel("../../data/runs/iterative_qrel")
print 'qrel description '
#print myQrel.describe()

#results = []

for retrieval_approach in retrieval_approaches:
    print retrieval_approach
    if retrieval_approach == 'lm':
        mypath = "../../data/runs/iterative_lm_run_dir"
    elif retrieval_approach == 'prf':
        mypath = "../../data/runs/iterative_prf_run_dir"
    elif retrieval_approach == 'lr':
        mypath = "../../data/runs/iterative_lr_run_dir/clean"
        mypath = "../../data/runs/iterative_lr_ir_run_dir/"

    run_files = [
        join(mypath, f) for f in listdir(mypath)
import sys
from trectools import TrecQrel
filename = sys.argv[1]

tqrel = TrecQrel(filename)
df = tqrel.qrels_data.copy()

def multiply_the_bread(x):
    for a in range(1,7):
        print str(x["query"]) + "00" + str(a), x["q0"], x["filename"], x["rel"]

df.apply(multiply_the_bread, axis=1)

 def map(self):
     qrels_file = TrecQrel("./Data/qrel.txt")
     path_to_runs = TrecRun("./Data/run.txt")
     te = TrecEval(path_to_runs, qrels_file)
     dic = {"map": te.get_map(), "ndcg": te.get_ndcg()}
     return dic
def evaluation(topics, r_test, ix):
    # Recall-precision curves for different output sizes
    # MAP
    # BPREF
    # Cumulative gains
    # Efficiency

    # train_corpus = process_documents(corpus_directory, train=True)  # Stemmed documents
    # test_corpus = process_documents(corpus_directory, train=False)  # Stemmed documents
    # processed_topics = process_topics(topic_directory, stemmed=True)  # Stemmed topics
    # train_rels = extract_relevance(qrels_train_directory)

    print("Executing boolean queries...")
    unranked_results = [boolean_query(topic, k, ix) for topic in topics]
    print("Executing TF-IDF queries...")
    tfidf_results = [ranking(topic, p, ix, "TF-IDF") for topic in topics]
    # print("Executing TF-IDF queries (with classifier input)...")
    # tfidf_results = ranking_with_classifier(train_corpus, test_corpus, train_rels, topic_ids, 500, ix, 1.0, 0.0)
    print("Executing BM25 queries...")
    bm25_results = [ranking(topic, p, ix, "BM25") for topic in topics]
    # print("Executing queries with pagerank input (reusing BM25 directory):")
    # bm25_results = ranking_with_pagerank(test_corpus, processed_topics, docs_to_test, "BM25", ix,
    #                                      threshold=0.4, use_priors=True, weighted=True, alpha1=0.25, alpha2=0.75)

    # Query results are stored in temp/<scoring>/runs.txt, where scoring can either be "boolean", "tfidf" or "bm25"
    # Creating runs files for TrecTools
    print("Writing prep files...")
    boolean_runs = os.path.join("runs", "boolean.txt")
    with open(boolean_runs, "w") as f:
        for i, topic in enumerate(unranked_results):
            for j, r in enumerate(topic):
                f.write(f"{topics[i]} Q0 {r} {j+1} 1 booleanIR\n")
    tfidf_runs = os.path.join("runs", "tfidf.txt")
    with open(tfidf_runs, "w") as f:
        for i, topic in enumerate(tfidf_results):
            for j, r in enumerate(topic):
                f.write(f"{topics[i]} Q0 {r[0]} {j+1} {r[1]} tfidfIR\n")
    bm25_runs = os.path.join("runs", "bm25.txt")
    with open(bm25_runs, "w") as f:
        for i, topic in enumerate(bm25_results):
            for j, r in enumerate(topic):
                f.write(f"{topics[i]} Q0 {r[0]} {j+1} {r[1]} bm25IR\n")

    # Creating qrels file with the right format (at temp/qrelstest.txt)
    qrels_file = os.path.join("runs", "qrelstest.txt")
    with open(qrels_file, "w") as new:
        with open(r_test, "r") as f:
            for line in f:
                topic, doc, relevant = line.split()
                if int(topic[1:]) in topics:
                    new.write(f"{topic[1:]} 0 {doc} {relevant}\n")

    # Judgment
    qrels = TrecQrel(qrels_file)

    # Evaluation files are stored in temp/<scoring>/eval.csv, where scoring can either be "boolean", "tfidf" or "bm25"
    # Unranked evaluation
    print("Beginning evaluation for boolean retrieval.")
    evaluate_boolean(qrels_file, unranked_results, topics)

    # TF-IDF evaluation
    print("Beginning evaluation for TF-IDF retrieval.")
    evaluate(qrels, tfidf_runs, topics, "tfidf")
    print("Plotting Precision-Recall curves for each topic...")
    plot_rp_curve(qrels, topics, tfidf_runs, tfidf_results, "tfidf")

    # BM25 evaluation
    print("Beginning evaluation for BM25 retrieval.")
    evaluate(qrels, bm25_runs, topics, "bm25")
    print("Plotting Precision-Recall curves for each topic...")
    plot_rp_curve(qrels, topics, bm25_runs, bm25_results, "bm25")
        "All evaluations finished. You can see detailed results in the 'eval' folder."
        yield json.dumps({
            'corpus': extract_corpus(run_file_name),
            'topic': query,
            'tag': system,
            "bpref": r['Bpref@1000'],
            "pseudoNDCG@10": r['NDCG@10'],
            "pseudoNDCG": r['NDCG@1000']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parse_args()
    with open(args.outputFile + '-per-query-zero-scores-removed.jsonl',
              'w+') as f:
        for run_file_dir in RUN_FILE_DIR_TO_QRELS:
            trec_qrel = TrecQrel(RUN_FILE_DIR_TO_QRELS[run_file_dir])
            for run_file in glob.glob(args.inputDir + run_file_dir +
                print('Evaluate ' + run_file)
                for report_line in report_run_per_query(
                        trec_qrel, run_file, remove_docs_with_zero_score=True):
                    f.write(report_line + '\n')

    with open(args.outputFile + '-zero-scores-removed.jsonl', 'w+') as f:
        for run_file_dir in RUN_FILE_DIR_TO_QRELS:
            trec_qrel = TrecQrel(RUN_FILE_DIR_TO_QRELS[run_file_dir])
            for run_file in glob.glob(args.inputDir + run_file_dir +
                print('Evaluate ' + run_file)
import json
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing as mp
from trectools import TrecQrel
from os import listdir

DIR = '/mnt/ceph/storage/data-in-progress/data-research/web-search/SIGIR-21/sigir21-deduplicate-trec-run-files/'
qrels = None

    '18': TrecQrel(DIR + 'qrel-files/qrels-web-2009.txt'),
    '19': TrecQrel(DIR + 'qrel-files/qrels-web-2010.txt'),
    '20': TrecQrel(DIR + 'qrel-files/qrels-web-2011.txt'),
    '21': TrecQrel(DIR + 'qrel-files/qrels-web-2012.txt'),
    '22': TrecQrel(DIR + 'qrel-files/qrels-web-2013.txt'),
    '23': TrecQrel(DIR + 'qrel-files/qrels-web-2014.txt'),

def analyze_line(line):
    dedup_data = json.loads(line)
    topic = dedup_data['topic']
    judged_docs = set(
        qrels.qrels_data[(qrels.qrels_data['query'] == int(topic))]['docid'])
    irrelevant_docs = set(
        qrels.qrels_data[(qrels.qrels_data['query'] == int(topic))
                         & (qrels.qrels_data['rel'] <= 0)]['docid'])
    ret = []
    for sim in dedup_data['similarities']:
        is_judged = sim['firstId'] in judged_docs or sim[
def evaluation(topics, r_test, ix):
    # Recall-precision curves for different output sizes
    # MAP
    # BPREF
    # Cumulative gains
    # Efficiency

    print("Executing boolean queries...")
    unranked_results = [boolean_query(topic, k, ix) for topic in topics]
    print("Executing TF-IDF queries...")
    tfidf_results = [ranking(topic, p, ix, "TF-IDF") for topic in topics]
    print("Executing BM25 queries...")
    bm25_results = [ranking(topic, p, ix, "BM25") for topic in topics]

    # Query results are stored in temp/<scoring>/runs.txt, where scoring can either be "boolean", "tfidf" or "bm25"
    # Creating runs files for TrecTools
    print("Writing prep files...")
    boolean_runs = os.path.join("runs", "boolean.txt")
    with open(boolean_runs, "w") as f:
        for i, topic in enumerate(unranked_results):
            for j, r in enumerate(topic):
                f.write(f"{topics[i]} Q0 {r} {j+1} 1 booleanIR\n")
    tfidf_runs = os.path.join("runs", "tfidf.txt")
    with open(tfidf_runs, "w") as f:
        for i, topic in enumerate(tfidf_results):
            for j, r in enumerate(topic):
                f.write(f"{topics[i]} Q0 {r[0]} {j+1} {r[1]} tfidfIR\n")
    bm25_runs = os.path.join("runs", "bm25.txt")
    with open(bm25_runs, "w") as f:
        for i, topic in enumerate(bm25_results):
            for j, r in enumerate(topic):
                f.write(f"{topics[i]} Q0 {r[0]} {j+1} {r[1]} bm25IR\n")

    # Creating qrels file with the right format (at temp/qrelstest.txt)
    qrels_file = os.path.join("runs", "qrelstest.txt")
    with open(qrels_file, "w") as new:
        with open(r_test, "r") as f:
            for line in f:
                topic, doc, relevant = line.split()
                if int(topic[1:]) in topics:
                    new.write(f"{topic[1:]} 0 {doc} {relevant}\n")

    # Judgment
    qrels = TrecQrel(qrels_file)

    # Evaluation files are stored in temp/<scoring>/eval.csv, where scoring can either be "boolean", "tfidf" or "bm25"
    # Unranked evaluation
    print("Beginning evaluation for boolean retrieval.")
    evaluate_boolean(qrels_file, unranked_results, topics)

    # TF-IDF evaluation
    print("Beginning evaluation for TF-IDF retrieval.")
    evaluate(qrels, tfidf_runs, topics, "tfidf")
    print("Plotting Precision-Recall curves for each topic...")
    plot_rp_curve(qrels, topics, tfidf_runs, tfidf_results, "tfidf")

    # BM25 evaluation
    print("Beginning evaluation for BM-25 retrieval.")
    evaluate(qrels, bm25_runs, topics, "bm25")
    print("Plotting Precision-Recall curves for each topic...")
    plot_rp_curve(qrels, topics, bm25_runs, bm25_results, "bm25")
        "All evaluations finished. You can see detailed results in the 'eval' folder."
porter_stemmer = PorterStemmer()
regex = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
stopwords = list(set(stopwords.words('english')))
#[line.strip() for line in open("ENstopwords891.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8').readlines()]
new_punctuation = list(string.punctuation)

documents = [i.get_text() for i in paragraphs]
for no, doc in enumerate(documents):
    documents[no] = " ".join([
        porter_stemmer.stem(i) for i in regex.sub(' ', doc).split()
        if (i != " ") & (i not in stopwords) & (not i.isdigit())
        & (i not in new_punctuation)
    ])  # pre-process: stemming
pickle.dump(documents, open('processed_data\processed_paragraph.pkl', 'wb'))

A = TrecQrel(
article = A.qrels_data
H = TrecQrel(
hierarchical = H.qrels_data
T = TrecQrel(
toplevel = T.qrels_data

#Combine the query files abour paragraph retrieval
combine = list(toplevel['query'])
combine = np.unique(combine)
flat_query = []
for query in combine:
from trectools import TrecQrel
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, NotFoundError
import os
import codecs

es = Elasticsearch([""])
qrels = TrecQrel("./data/clef-dynamic-topic-subset-click-data.txt")

nmissing = 0
npages = 0

for topic in qrels.topics():
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("data", "topic%d" % (topic))):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join("data", "topic%d" % (topic)))
        os.makedirs(os.path.join("data", "topic%d" % (topic), "pos"))
        os.makedirs(os.path.join("data", "topic%d" % (topic), "neg"))

    for docid in qrels.get_document_names_for_topic(topic):
        npages += 1

        print "Downloading %s" % (docid)
            r = es.get(index="clueweb12_docs", id=docid)
        except NotFoundError:
            print "Missing: %s" % (docid)
            nmissing += 1

        if qrels.get_judgement(docid, topic):
            outpath = os.path.join("data", "topic%d" % (topic), "pos", docid)
from trectools import TrecRun, TrecQrel
from trectools import procedures
import glob
import os

task1_run_filepath = "../runs_t1/"
qrels_top = "../qrels/task1.qrels"

filepath = glob.glob(os.path.join(task1_run_filepath, "*.txt"))
topqrels = TrecQrel(qrels_top)

results = []

for filename in filepath:
    r = TrecRun(filename)
    res = r.evaluate_run(topqrels)

p10 = procedures.get_results(results, "P_10")
procedures.plot_system_rank("task1_p10.jpg", p10, "P@10")

bpref = procedures.get_results(results, "bpref")
procedures.plot_system_rank("task1_bpref.jpg", bpref, "BPREF")

map_ = procedures.get_results(results, "map")
procedures.plot_system_rank("task1_map.jpg", map_, "MAP")
    if '.web.251-300' in qrel_file_name:
        return '/mnt/ceph/storage/data-in-progress/trec-system-runs/trec23/web.adhoc/'

    raise ValueError('Could not handle: ' + str(qrel_file_name))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    label_transfers = ['', 'cw12-url', 'wayback-cw12-url']

    for track in [
            'qrels-web-2009', 'qrels-web-2010', 'qrels-web-2011',
        track_display_name = track.replace('qrels-', '')
        qrels = {
            'orig': TrecQrel('data/' + track),
            'cw12-url': TrecQrel('data/' + track + '-cw12-url'),
            TrecQrel('data/' + track + '-wayback-cw12-url'),

        track_eval_data = []

        for run_file in list_run_files_of_qrel_file(track):
            run = TrecRun(run_file)

            run_file_eval = {
                'run': run.get_runid(),
                'track': track_display_name
import os
from trectools import TrecQrel, procedures

qrels_file = os.path.join('gov', 'qrels', 'gov.qrels')
qrels = TrecQrel(qrels_file)

path_to_runs = 'runs'
runs = procedures.list_of_runs_from_path(path_to_runs, '*.runs')
results = procedures.evaluate_runs(runs, qrels, per_query=False)

metrics = ['map', 'Rprec', 'recip_rank', 'P_5', 'P_10', 'P_15']
for metric in metrics:
        f'{metric}: {procedures.extract_metric_from_results(results, metric)[0][1]}'
    gs_path, pred_path, codes_path = parse_arguments()

    ###### 0. Load valid codes lists: ######
    valid_codes = set(
        pd.read_csv(codes_path, sep='\t', header=None,
    valid_codes = set([x.lower() for x in valid_codes])

    ###### 1. Format GS as TrecQrel format: ######
    format_gs(gs_path, './intermediate_gs_file.txt')

    ###### 2. Format predictions as TrecRun format: ######
    format_predictions(pred_path, './intermediate_predictions_file.txt',

    ###### 3. Calculate MAP ######
    # Load GS from qrel file
    qrels = TrecQrel('./intermediate_gs_file.txt')

    # Load pred from run file
    run = TrecRun('./intermediate_predictions_file.txt')

    # Calculate MAP
    te = TrecEval(run, qrels)
    MAP = te.get_map(
    )  # With this option False, rank order is taken from the given document order

    ###### 4. Show results ######
    print('\nMAP estimate: {}\n'.format(round(MAP, 3)))