 def generate(self):
     treelog.user('my message')
     with treelog.infofile('test.dat', 'w') as f:
     with treelog.context('my context'):
         with treelog.iter.plain('iter', 'abc') as items:
             for c in items:
         with treelog.context('empty'):
         treelog.error('multiple..\n  ..lines')
         with treelog.userfile('test.dat', 'wb') as f:
     with treelog.context('context step={}', 0) as format:
     with treelog.errorfile('same.dat', 'wb') as f:
     with treelog.debugfile('dbg.dat', 'wb') as f:
def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float):
  Driven cavity benchmark problem using compatible spaces.

  .. arguments::

     nelems [12]
       Number of elements along edge.
     degree [2]
       Polynomial degree for velocity; the pressure space is one degree less.
     reynolds [1000]
       Reynolds number, taking the domain size as characteristic length.

    verts = numpy.linspace(0, 1, nelems + 1)
    domain, geom = mesh.rectilinear([verts, verts])

    ns = function.Namespace()
    ns.x = geom
    ns.Re = reynolds
    ns.ubasis = function.vectorize([
                     degree=(degree, degree - 1),
                     removedofs=((0, -1), None)),
                     degree=(degree - 1, degree),
                     removedofs=(None, (0, -1)))
    ns.pbasis = domain.basis('spline', degree=degree - 1)
    ns.u_i = 'ubasis_ni ?u_n'
    ns.p = 'pbasis_n ?p_n'
    ns.stress_ij = '(d(u_i, x_j) + d(u_j, x_i)) / Re - p δ_ij'
    ns.uwall = domain.boundary.indicator('top'), 0
    ns.N = 5 * degree * nelems  # nitsche constant based on element size = 1/nelems
    ns.nitsche_ni = '(N ubasis_ni - (d(ubasis_ni, x_j) + d(ubasis_nj, x_i)) n(x_j)) / Re'

    ures = domain.integral('d(ubasis_ni, x_j) stress_ij d:x' @ ns,
                           degree=2 * degree)
    ures += domain.boundary.integral(
        '(nitsche_ni (u_i - uwall_i) - ubasis_ni stress_ij n(x_j)) d:x' @ ns,
        degree=2 * degree)
    pres = domain.integral('pbasis_n (d(u_k, x_k) + ?lm) d:x' @ ns,
                           degree=2 * degree)
    lres = domain.integral('p d:x' @ ns, degree=2 * degree)

    with treelog.context('stokes'):
        state0 = solver.solve_linear(['u', 'p', 'lm'], [ures, pres, lres])
        postprocess(domain, ns, **state0)

    ures += domain.integral('ubasis_ni d(u_i, x_j) u_j d:x' @ ns,
                            degree=3 * degree)
    with treelog.context('navierstokes'):
        state1 = solver.newton(('u', 'p', 'lm'), (ures, pres, lres),
        postprocess(domain, ns, **state1)

    return state0, state1
def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float):
  Driven cavity benchmark problem using compatible spaces.

  .. arguments::

     nelems [12]
       Number of elements along edge.
     degree [2]
       Polynomial degree for velocity; the pressure space is one degree less.
     reynolds [1000]
       Reynolds number, taking the domain size as characteristic length.

    verts = numpy.linspace(0, 1, nelems + 1)
    domain, geom = mesh.rectilinear([verts, verts])

    ns = function.Namespace()
    ns.x = geom
    ns.Re = reynolds
    ns.uxbasis, ns.uybasis, ns.pbasis, ns.lbasis = function.chain([
                     degree=(degree, degree - 1),
                     removedofs=((0, -1), None)),
                     degree=(degree - 1, degree),
                     removedofs=(None, (0, -1))),
        domain.basis('spline', degree=degree - 1),
        [1],  # lagrange multiplier
    ns.ubasis_ni = '<uxbasis_n, uybasis_n>_i'
    ns.u_i = 'ubasis_ni ?lhs_n'
    ns.p = 'pbasis_n ?lhs_n'
    ns.l = 'lbasis_n ?lhs_n'
    ns.stress_ij = '(u_i,j + u_j,i) / Re - p δ_ij'
    ns.uwall = domain.boundary.indicator('top'), 0
    ns.N = 5 * degree * nelems  # nitsche constant based on element size = 1/nelems
    ns.nitsche_ni = '(N ubasis_ni - (ubasis_ni,j + ubasis_nj,i) n_j) / Re'

    res = domain.integral(
        '(ubasis_ni,j stress_ij + pbasis_n (u_k,k + l) + lbasis_n p) d:x' @ ns,
        degree=2 * degree)
    res += domain.boundary.integral(
        '(nitsche_ni (u_i - uwall_i) - ubasis_ni stress_ij n_j) d:x' @ ns,
        degree=2 * degree)
    with treelog.context('stokes'):
        lhs0 = solver.solve_linear('lhs', res)
        postprocess(domain, ns, lhs=lhs0)

    res += domain.integral('ubasis_ni u_i,j u_j d:x' @ ns, degree=3 * degree)
    with treelog.context('navierstokes'):
        lhs1 = solver.newton('lhs', res, lhs0=lhs0).solve(tol=1e-10)
        postprocess(domain, ns, lhs=lhs1)

    return lhs0, lhs1
def main(nelems: int, etype: str, degree: int, reynolds: float):
  Driven cavity benchmark problem.

  .. arguments::

     nelems [12]
       Number of elements along edge.
     etype [square]
       Element type (square/triangle/mixed).
     degree [2]
       Polynomial degree for velocity; the pressure space is one degree less.
     reynolds [1000]
       Reynolds number, taking the domain size as characteristic length.

    domain, geom = mesh.unitsquare(nelems, etype)

    ns = function.Namespace()
    ns.Re = reynolds
    ns.x = geom
    ns.ubasis, ns.pbasis = function.chain([
        domain.basis('std', degree=degree).vector(2),
        domain.basis('std', degree=degree - 1),
    ns.u_i = 'ubasis_ni ?lhs_n'
    ns.p = 'pbasis_n ?lhs_n'
    ns.stress_ij = '(u_i,j + u_j,i) / Re - p δ_ij'

    sqr = domain.boundary.integral('u_k u_k d:x' @ ns, degree=degree * 2)
    wallcons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15)

    sqr = domain.boundary['top'].integral('(u_0 - 1)^2 d:x' @ ns,
                                          degree=degree * 2)
    lidcons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15)

    cons = numpy.choose(numpy.isnan(lidcons), [lidcons, wallcons])
    cons[-1] = 0  # pressure point constraint

    res = domain.integral('(ubasis_ni,j stress_ij + pbasis_n u_k,k) d:x' @ ns,
                          degree=degree * 2)
    with treelog.context('stokes'):
        lhs0 = solver.solve_linear('lhs', res, constrain=cons)
        postprocess(domain, ns, lhs=lhs0)

    res += domain.integral(
        '.5 (ubasis_ni u_i,j - ubasis_ni,j u_i) u_j d:x' @ ns,
        degree=degree * 3)
    with treelog.context('navierstokes'):
        lhs1 = solver.newton('lhs', res, lhs0=lhs0,
        postprocess(domain, ns, lhs=lhs1)

    return lhs0, lhs1
def main(nelems:int, etype:str, degree:int, reynolds:float):
  Driven cavity benchmark problem.

  .. arguments::

     nelems [12]
       Number of elements along edge.
     etype [square]
       Element type (square/triangle/mixed).
     degree [2]
       Polynomial degree for velocity; the pressure space is one degree less.
     reynolds [1000]
       Reynolds number, taking the domain size as characteristic length.

  domain, geom = mesh.unitsquare(nelems, etype)

  ns = function.Namespace()
  ns.Re = reynolds
  ns.x = geom
  ns.ubasis = domain.basis('std', degree=degree).vector(domain.ndims)
  ns.pbasis = domain.basis('std', degree=degree-1)
  ns.u_i = 'ubasis_ni ?u_n'
  ns.p = 'pbasis_n ?p_n'
  ns.stress_ij = '(d(u_i, x_j) + d(u_j, x_i)) / Re - p δ_ij'

  usqr = domain.boundary.integral('u_k u_k d:x' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
  wallcons = solver.optimize('u', usqr, droptol=1e-15)

  usqr = domain.boundary['top'].integral('(u_0 - 1)^2 d:x' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
  lidcons = solver.optimize('u', usqr, droptol=1e-15)

  ucons = numpy.choose(numpy.isnan(lidcons), [lidcons, wallcons])
  pcons = numpy.zeros(len(ns.pbasis), dtype=bool)
  pcons[-1] = True # constrain pressure to zero in a point
  cons = dict(u=ucons, p=pcons)

  ures = domain.integral('d(ubasis_ni, x_j) stress_ij d:x' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
  pres = domain.integral('pbasis_n d(u_k, x_k) d:x' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
  with treelog.context('stokes'):
    state0 = solver.solve_linear(('u', 'p'), (ures, pres), constrain=cons)
    postprocess(domain, ns, **state0)

  ures += domain.integral('.5 (ubasis_ni d(u_i, x_j) - d(ubasis_ni, x_j) u_i) u_j d:x' @ ns, degree=degree*3)
  with treelog.context('navierstokes'):
    state1 = solver.newton(('u', 'p'), (ures, pres), arguments=state0, constrain=cons).solve(tol=1e-10)
    postprocess(domain, ns, **state1)

  return state0, state1
    def solve_scipy(self,
        rhsnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(rhs)
        solverfun = getattr(self.scipy.sparse.linalg, solver)
        myrhs = rhs / rhsnorm  # normalize right hand side vector for best control over scipy's stopping criterion
        mytol = atol / rhsnorm
        M = self.getprecon(precon) if isinstance(
            precon, str) else precon(self.core) if callable(precon) else precon
        with log.context(solver + ' {:.0f}%', 0) as reformat:

            def mycallback(arg):
                # some solvers provide the residual, others the left hand side vector
                res = numpy.linalg.norm(myrhs - self @ arg) if numpy.ndim(
                    arg) == 1 else float(arg)
                if callback:
                reformat(100 * numpy.log10(max(mytol, res)) /

            mylhs, status = solverfun(self.core,
        if status != 0:
            raise Exception('status {}'.format(status))
        return mylhs * rhsnorm
文件: sample.py 项目: nutils/nutils
  def eval(*args, **arguments:argdict):
    '''Evaluate function.

    funcs : :class:`nutils.function.Array` object or :class:`tuple` thereof.
        The integrand(s).
    arguments : :class:`dict` (default: None)
        Optional arguments for function evaluation.

    self, funcs = args

    nprocs = min(config.nprocs, self.nelems)
    zeros = parallel.shzeros if nprocs > 1 else numpy.zeros
    funcs = [function.asarray(func) for func in funcs]
    retvals = [zeros((self.npoints,)+func.shape, dtype=func.dtype) for func in funcs]
    idata = function.Tuple(function.Tuple([ifunc, function.Tuple(ind), f.simplified]) for ifunc, func in enumerate(funcs) for ind, f in function.blocks(func.prepare_eval(ndims=self.ndims)))

    if config.dot:

    ielems = parallel.range(self.nelems)
    with parallel.fork(nprocs):
      for ielem in ielems:
        with log.context('elem', ielem, '({:.0f}%)'.format(100*ielem/self.nelems)):
          for ifunc, inds, data in idata.eval(_transforms=tuple(t[ielem] for t in self.transforms), _points=self.points[ielem].coords, **arguments):
            numpy.add.at(retvals[ifunc], numpy.ix_(self.index[ielem], *[ind for (ind,) in inds]), data)

    return retvals
 def mycallback(arg):
   niter[...] += 1
   # some solvers provide the residual, others the left hand side vector
   res = numpy.linalg.norm(myrhs - self.matvec(arg)) if numpy.ndim(arg) == 1 else float(arg)
   if callback:
   with log.context('residual {:.2e} ({:.0f}%)'.format(res, 100. * numpy.log10(res) / numpy.log10(mytol) if res > 0 else 0)):
def fork(nprocs=None):
    '''continue as ``nprocs`` parallel processes by forking ``nprocs-1`` times

  If ``nprocs`` exceeds the configured ``maxprocs`` than it will silently be
  capped. It is up to the user to prepare shared memory and/or locks for
  inter-process communication. As a safety measure nested forks are blocked by
  limiting nprocs to 1; all secondary forks will be silently ignored.

    if nprocs is None or nprocs > _maxprocs.value:
        nprocs = _maxprocs.value
    if nprocs <= 1:
        yield 0
    if not hasattr(os, 'fork'):
        warnings.warn('fork is unavailable on this platform')
        yield 0
    amchild = False
        child_pids = []
        for procid in builtins.range(1, nprocs):
            pid = os.fork()
            if not pid:  # pragma: no cover
                amchild = True
                    signal.SIG_IGN)  # disable sigint (ctrl+c) handler
                treelog.current = treelog.NullLog()  # silence treelog
            procid = 0
        with maxprocs(1):
            yield procid
    except BaseException as e:
        if amchild:  # pragma: no cover
                print('[parallel.fork] exception in child process:', e)
                os._exit(1)  # communicate failure to main process
        for pid in child_pids:  # kill all child processes
            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
        if amchild:  # pragma: no cover
            os._exit(0)  # communicate success to main process
        with treelog.context('waiting for child processes'):
            nfails = sum(not _wait(pid) for pid in child_pids)
        if nfails:  # failure in child process: raise exception
            raise Exception('fork failed in {} out of {} processes'.format(
                nfails, nprocs))
        if amchild:  # pragma: no cover
            os._exit(1)  # failsafe
文件: matrix.py 项目: scdivi/nutils
 def mycallback(arg):
     niter[...] += 1
     # some solvers provide the residual, others the left hand side vector
     res = numpy.linalg.norm(myrhs -
                             self.matvec(arg)) if numpy.ndim(
                                 arg) == 1 else float(arg)
     if callback:
     with log.context('residual {:.2e} ({:.0f}%)'.format(
             res, 100. * numpy.log10(res) /
             numpy.log10(mytol) if res > 0 else 0)):
文件: _mkl.py 项目: Sc0rpionJY/nutils
 def _solver_fgmres(self, rhs, atol, maxiter=0, restart=150, precon=None, ztol=1e-12, preconargs={}, **args):
   rci = c_int(0)
   n = c_int(len(rhs))
   b = numpy.array(rhs, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)
   x = numpy.zeros_like(b)
   N = min(restart, len(rhs))
   ipar = numpy.empty(128, dtype=numpy.int32)
   dpar = numpy.empty(128, dtype=numpy.float64)
   tmp = numpy.empty((2*N+1)*len(rhs)+(N*(N+9))//2+1, dtype=numpy.float64)
   dfgmres_args = byref(n), x.ctypes, b.ctypes, byref(rci), ipar.ctypes, dpar.ctypes, tmp.ctypes
   itercount = c_int(0)
   ipar[7] = 0 # do not perform the stopping test for the maximum number of iterations
   ipar[8] = 0 # do not perform the residual stopping test
   ipar[9] = 1 # perform the user-defined stopping test by setting RCI_request=2
   if precon is not None:
     ipar[10] = 1 # run the preconditioned version of the FGMRES method
     precon = self.getprecon(precon, **args, **preconargs)
   ipar[11] = 0 # do not perform the automatic test for zero norm of the currently generated vector
   ipar[12] = 0 # update the solution to the vector x according to the computations done by the dfgmres routine
   ipar[14] = N # the number of non-restarted FGMRES iterations
   if rci.value in (-1001, -1010, -1011):
     warnings.warn('dgmres ' + ' and '.join(['wrote some warnings to stdout', 'changed some parameters to make them consistent or correct'][1 if rci.value==-1010 else 0:1 if rci.value==-1001 else 2]))
   elif rci.value != 0:
     raise MatrixError('dgmres check failed with error code {}'.format(rci.value))
   with log.context('fgmres {:.0f}%', 0, 0) as format:
     while True:
       if rci.value == 1: # multiply the matrix
         tmp[ipar[22]-1:ipar[22]+n.value-1] = self @ tmp[ipar[21]-1:ipar[21]+n.value-1]
       elif rci.value == 2: # perform the stopping test
         if dpar[4] < atol:
           libmkl.dfgmres_get(*dfgmres_args, byref(itercount))
           if numpy.linalg.norm(self @ x - b) < atol:
         format(100 * numpy.log(dpar[2]/dpar[4]) / numpy.log(dpar[2]/atol))
         if ipar[3] > maxiter > 0:
       elif rci.value == 3: # apply the preconditioner
         tmp[ipar[22]-1:ipar[22]+n.value-1] = precon(tmp[ipar[21]-1:ipar[21]+n.value-1])
       elif rci.value == 4: # check if the norm of the current orthogonal vector is zero
         if dpar[6] < ztol:
           libmkl.dfgmres_get(*dfgmres_args, byref(itercount))
           if numpy.linalg.norm(self @ x - b) < atol:
           raise MatrixError('singular matrix')
         raise MatrixError('this should not have occurred: rci={}'.format(rci.value))
   log.debug('performed {} fgmres iterations, {} restarts'.format(ipar[3], ipar[3]//ipar[14]))
   return x
    def run(self, collector: 'ResultCollector', context: Dict, workpath: Path,
            logdir: Path) -> bool:
        kwargs = {
            'cwd': workpath,
            'capture_output': True,
            'shell': False,

        if isinstance(self._command, str):
            kwargs['shell'] = True
            command = render(self._command, context, mode='shell')
            command = [render(arg, context) for arg in self._command]

        with log.context(self.name):
                command if isinstance(command, str) else ' '.join(command))
            with time() as duration:
                result = subprocess.run(command, **kwargs)
            duration = duration()

            if logdir:
                stdout_path = logdir / f'{self.name}.stdout'
                with open(stdout_path, 'wb') as f:
                stderr_path = logdir / f'{self.name}.stderr'
                with open(stderr_path, 'wb') as f:

            stdout = result.stdout.decode()
            for capture in self._capture:
                capture.find_in(collector, stdout)
            if self._capture_walltime:
                collector.collect(f'walltime/{self.name}', duration)

            if result.returncode:
                log.error(f"Command returned exit status {result.returncode}")
                if logdir:
                    log.error(f"stdout stored in {stdout_path}")
                    log.error(f"stderr stored in {stderr_path}")
                return False
                log.info(f"Success ({duration:.3g}s)")

        return True
 def getprecon(self, precon):
     if precon == self._precon:
         return self._precon_object
     if self.shape[0] != self.shape[1]:
         raise MatrixError('matrix must be square')
     precon_method, precon_name = self._method('precon', precon)
         with treelog.context(
                 'constructing {} preconditioner'.format(precon_name)):
             precon_object = precon_method()
     except MatrixError:
     except Exception as e:
         raise MatrixError(
             'failed to create preconditioner: {}'.format(e)) from e
     self._precon = precon
     self._precon_object = precon_object
     return precon_object
 def _solver_scipy(self, rhs, method, atol, callback=None, precon=None, **solverargs):
   rhsnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(rhs)
   solverfun = getattr(scipy.sparse.linalg, method)
   myrhs = rhs / rhsnorm # normalize right hand side vector for best control over scipy's stopping criterion
   mytol = atol / rhsnorm
   if precon is not None:
     precon = scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator(self.shape, self.getprecon(precon), dtype=float)
   with log.context(method + ' {:.0f}%', 0) as reformat:
     def mycallback(arg):
       # some solvers provide the residual, others the left hand side vector
       res = numpy.linalg.norm(myrhs - self @ arg) if numpy.ndim(arg) == 1 else float(arg)
       if callback:
       reformat(100 * numpy.log10(max(mytol, res)) / numpy.log10(mytol))
     mylhs, status = solverfun(self.core, myrhs, M=precon, tol=mytol, callback=mycallback, **solverargs)
   if status != 0:
     raise Exception('status {}'.format(status))
   return mylhs * rhsnorm
文件: sample.py 项目: scdivi/nutils
    def eval(*args, **arguments: argdict):
        '''Evaluate function.

    funcs : :class:`nutils.function.Array` object or :class:`tuple` thereof.
        The integrand(s).
    arguments : :class:`dict` (default: None)
        Optional arguments for function evaluation.

        self, funcs = args

        nprocs = min(config.nprocs, self.nelems)
        zeros = parallel.shzeros if nprocs > 1 else numpy.zeros
        funcs = [function.asarray(func) for func in funcs]
        retvals = [
            zeros((self.npoints, ) + func.shape, dtype=func.dtype)
            for func in funcs
        idata = function.Tuple(
            function.Tuple([ifunc, function.Tuple(ind), f.simplified])
            for ifunc, func in enumerate(funcs)
            for ind, f in function.blocks(func.prepare_eval(ndims=self.ndims)))

        if config.dot:

        ielems = parallel.range(self.nelems)
        with parallel.fork(nprocs):
            for ielem in ielems:
                with log.context('elem', ielem, '({:.0f}%)'.format(
                        100 * ielem / self.nelems)):
                    for ifunc, inds, data in idata.eval(
                                      *[ind for (ind, ) in inds]), data)

        return retvals
  return iter(title, builtins.range(*args))

def enumerate(title, iterable):
  warnings.deprecation('log.enumerate is deprecated; use log.iter.percentage instead')
  return iter(title, builtins.enumerate(iterable), length=_len(iterable))

def zip(title, *iterables):
  warnings.deprecation('log.zip is deprecated; use log.iter.percentage instead')
  return iter(title, builtins.zip(*iterables), length=min(map(_len, iterables)))

def count(title, start=0, step=1):
  warnings.deprecation('log.count is deprecated; use log.iter.percentage instead')
  return iter(title, itertools.count(start, step))

if distutils.version.StrictVersion(treelog.version) >= distutils.version.StrictVersion('1.0b5'):
  from treelog import debug, info, user, warning, error, debugfile, infofile, userfile, warningfile, errorfile, context
  debug = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.debug(*args, **kwargs)
  info = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.info(*args, **kwargs)
  user = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.user(*args, **kwargs)
  warning = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.warning(*args, **kwargs)
  error = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.error(*args, **kwargs)
  debugfile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.debugfile(*args, **kwargs)
  infofile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.infofile(*args, **kwargs)
  userfile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.userfile(*args, **kwargs)
  warningfile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.warningfile(*args, **kwargs)
  errorfile = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.errorfile(*args, **kwargs)
  context = lambda *args, **kwargs: treelog.context(title, *initargs, **initkwargs)

# vim:sw=2:sts=2:et
 def _solver_fgmres(self,
     rci = c_int(0)
     n = c_int(len(rhs))
     b = numpy.array(rhs, dtype=numpy.float64)
     x = numpy.zeros_like(b)
     ipar = numpy.zeros(128, dtype=numpy.int32)
     ipar[0] = len(rhs)  # problem size
     ipar[1] = 6  # output on screen
         2] = 1  # current stage of the RCI FGMRES computations; the initial value is 1
     ipar[3] = 0  # current iteration number; the initial value is 0
     ipar[4] = 0  # maximum number of iterations
         5] = 1  # output error messages in accordance with the parameter ipar[1]
         6] = 1  # output warning messages in accordance with the parameter ipar[1]
         7] = 0  # do not perform the stopping test for the maximum number of iterations: ipar[3] <= ipar[4]
         8] = 0  # do not perform the residual stopping test: dpar[4] <= dpar[3]
         9] = 1  # perform the user-defined stopping test by setting RCI_request=2
     if precon is None:
             10] = 0  # run the non-preconditioned version of the FGMRES method
         ipar[10] = 1  # run the preconditioned version of the FGMRES method
         precon = self.getprecon(precon, **args, **preconargs)
         11] = 0  # do not perform the automatic test for zero norm of the currently generated vector: dpar[6] <= dpar[7]
         12] = 1  # update the solution to the vector b according to the computations done by the dfgmres routine
         13] = 0  # internal iteration counter that counts the number of iterations before the restart takes place; the initial value is 0
     ipar[14] = min(
         restart, len(rhs))  # the number of non-restarted FGMRES iterations
     dpar = numpy.zeros(128, dtype=numpy.float64)
     tmp = numpy.zeros((2 * ipar[14] + 1) * ipar[0] +
                       (ipar[14] * (ipar[14] + 9)) // 2 + 1,
     libmkl.dfgmres_check(byref(n), x.ctypes, b.ctypes, byref(rci),
                          ipar.ctypes, dpar.ctypes, tmp.ctypes)
     if rci.value != 0:
         raise MatrixError('dgmres check failed with error code {}'.format(
     with log.context('fgmres {:.0f}%', 0, 0) as format:
         while True:
             libmkl.dfgmres(byref(n), x.ctypes, b.ctypes, byref(rci),
                            ipar.ctypes, dpar.ctypes, tmp.ctypes)
             if rci.value == 1:  # multiply the matrix
                 tmp[ipar[22] - 1:ipar[22] + n.value -
                     1] = self @ tmp[ipar[21] - 1:ipar[21] + n.value - 1]
             elif rci.value == 2:  # perform the stopping test
                 if dpar[4] < atol:
                     libmkl.dfgmres_get(byref(n), x.ctypes, b.ctypes,
                                        byref(rci), ipar.ctypes,
                                        dpar.ctypes, tmp.ctypes,
                     if numpy.linalg.norm(self @ b - rhs) < atol:
                     b[:] = rhs  # reset rhs vector for restart
                 format(100 * numpy.log(dpar[2] / dpar[4]) /
                        numpy.log(dpar[2] / atol))
                 if ipar[3] > maxiter > 0:
             elif rci.value == 3:  # apply the preconditioner
                 tmp[ipar[22] - 1:ipar[22] + n.value - 1] = precon(
                     tmp[ipar[21] - 1:ipar[21] + n.value - 1])
             elif rci.value == 4:  # check if the norm of the current orthogonal vector is zero
                 if dpar[6] < ztol:
                     libmkl.dfgmres_get(byref(n), x.ctypes, b.ctypes,
                                        byref(rci), ipar.ctypes,
                                        dpar.ctypes, tmp.ctypes,
                     if numpy.linalg.norm(self @ b - rhs) < atol:
                     raise MatrixError('singular matrix')
                 raise MatrixError(
                     'this should not have occurred: rci={}'.format(
     log.debug('performed {} fgmres iterations, {} restarts'.format(
         ipar[3], ipar[3] // ipar[14]))
     return b
文件: solver.py 项目: gdmcbain/nutils
def optimize(target: types.strictstr,
             functional: sample.strictintegral,
             tol: types.strictfloat = 0.,
             arguments: argdict = {},
             droptol: float = None,
             constrain: types.frozenarray = None,
             lhs0: types.frozenarray[types.strictfloat] = None,
             relax0: float = 1.,
             failrelax: types.strictfloat = 1e-6,
    '''find the minimizer of a given functional

  target : :class:`str`
      Name of the target: a :class:`nutils.function.Argument` in ``residual``.
  functional : scalar :class:`nutils.sample.Integral`
      The functional the should be minimized by varying target
  tol : :class:`float`
      Target residual norm.
  arguments : :class:`collections.abc.Mapping`
      Defines the values for :class:`nutils.function.Argument` objects in
      `residual`.  The ``target`` should not be present in ``arguments``.
  droptol : :class:`float`
      Threshold for leaving entries in the return value at NaN if they do not
      contribute to the value of the functional.
  constrain : :class:`numpy.ndarray` with dtype :class:`float`
      Defines the fixed entries of the coefficient vector
  lhs0 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
      Coefficient vector, starting point of the iterative procedure.
  relax0 : :class:`float`
      Initial relaxation value.
  linesearch : :class:`nutils.solver.LineSearch`
      Callable that defines relaxation logic.
  failrelax : :class:`float`
      Fail with exception if relaxation reaches this lower limit.

      Coefficient vector corresponding to the functional optimum

    if linesearch is None:
        linesearch = NormBased.legacy(kwargs)
    solveargs = _strip(kwargs, 'lin')
    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError('unexpected keyword arguments: {}'.format(
            ', '.join(kwargs)))
    residual = functional.derivative(target)
    jacobian = residual.derivative(target)
    lhs, cons = _parse_lhs_cons(lhs0, constrain, residual.shape)
    val, res, jac = sample.eval_integrals(functional, residual, jacobian,
                                          **{target: lhs}, **arguments)
    if droptol is not None:
        nan = ~(cons | jac.rowsupp(droptol))
        cons = cons | nan
    resnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(res[~cons])
    if jacobian.contains(target):
        if tol <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'nonlinear optimization problem requires a nonzero "tol" argument'
        solveargs.setdefault('rtol', 1e-3)
        firstresnorm = resnorm
        relax = relax0
        accept = True
        with log.context('newton {:.0f}%', 0) as reformat:
            while not numpy.isfinite(resnorm) or resnorm > tol:
                if accept:
                    reformat(100 * numpy.log(firstresnorm / resnorm) /
                             numpy.log(firstresnorm / tol))
                    lhs0 = lhs
                    dlhs = -jac.solve_leniently(
                        res, constrain=cons, **solveargs)
                    res0 = res[~cons]
                    dres0 = (
                        jac @ dlhs
                    )[~cons]  # == -res0 if dlhs was solved to infinite precision
                    resnorm0 = resnorm
                lhs = lhs0 + relax * dlhs
                val, res, jac = sample.eval_integrals(functional, residual,
                                                         lhs}, **arguments)
                resnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(res[~cons])
                scale, accept = linesearch(res0, relax * dres0, res[~cons],
                                           relax * (jac @ dlhs)[~cons])
                relax = min(relax * scale, 1)
                if relax <= failrelax:
                    raise SolverError('stuck in local minimum')
            log.info('converged with residual {:.1e}'.format(resnorm))
    elif resnorm > tol:
        solveargs.setdefault('atol', tol)
        dlhs = -jac.solve(res, constrain=cons, **solveargs)
        lhs = lhs + dlhs
        val += (res + jac @ dlhs / 2).dot(dlhs)
    if droptol is not None:
        lhs = numpy.choose(nan, [lhs, numpy.nan])
        log.info('constrained {}/{} dofs'.format(
            len(lhs) - nan.sum(), len(lhs)))
    log.info('optimum value {:.2e}'.format(val))
    return lhs
文件: sample.py 项目: nutils/nutils
  def integrate(*args, **arguments:argdict):
    '''Integrate functions.

    funcs : :class:`nutils.function.Array` object or :class:`tuple` thereof.
        The integrand(s).
    arguments : :class:`dict` (default: None)
        Optional arguments for function evaluation.

    self, funcs = args

    # Functions may consist of several blocks, such as originating from
    # chaining. Here we make a list of all blocks consisting of triplets of
    # argument id, evaluable index, and evaluable values.

    funcs = [function.asarray(func).prepare_eval(ndims=self.ndims) for func in funcs]
    blocks = [(ifunc, function.Tuple(ind), f.simplified) for ifunc, func in enumerate(funcs) for ind, f in function.blocks(func)]
    block2func, indices, values = zip(*blocks) if blocks else ([],[],[])

    log.debug('integrating {} distinct blocks'.format('+'.join(
      str(block2func.count(ifunc)) for ifunc in range(len(funcs)))))

    if config.dot:

    # To allocate (shared) memory for all block data we evaluate indexfunc to
    # build an nblocks x nelems+1 offset array, and nblocks index lists of
    # length nelems.

    offsets = numpy.zeros((len(blocks), self.nelems+1), dtype=int)
    if blocks:
      sizefunc = function.stack([f.size for ifunc, ind, f in blocks]).simplified
      for ielem, transforms in enumerate(zip(*self.transforms)):
        n, = sizefunc.eval(_transforms=transforms, **arguments)
        offsets[:,ielem+1] = offsets[:,ielem] + n

    # Since several blocks may belong to the same function, we post process the
    # offsets to form consecutive intervals in longer arrays. The length of
    # these arrays is captured in the nfuncs-array nvals.

    nvals = numpy.zeros(len(funcs), dtype=int)
    for iblock, ifunc in enumerate(block2func):
      offsets[iblock] += nvals[ifunc]
      nvals[ifunc] = offsets[iblock,-1]

    # The data_index list contains shared memory index and value arrays for
    # each function argument.

    nprocs = min(config.nprocs, self.nelems)
    empty = parallel.shempty if nprocs > 1 else numpy.empty
    data_index = [
      (empty(n, dtype=float),
        empty((funcs[ifunc].ndim,n), dtype=int))
            for ifunc, n in enumerate(nvals) ]

    # In a second, parallel element loop, valuefunc is evaluated to fill the
    # data part of data_index using the offsets array for location. Each
    # element has its own location so no locks are required. The index part of
    # data_index is filled in the same loop. It does not use valuefunc data but
    # benefits from parallel speedup.

    valueindexfunc = function.Tuple(function.Tuple([value]+list(index)) for value, index in zip(values, indices))
    ielems = parallel.range(self.nelems)
    with parallel.fork(nprocs):
      for ielem in ielems:
        with log.context('elem', ielem, '({:.0f}%)'.format(100*ielem/self.nelems)):
          points = self.points[ielem]
          for iblock, (intdata, *indices) in enumerate(valueindexfunc.eval(_transforms=tuple(t[ielem] for t in self.transforms), _points=points.coords, **arguments)):
            s = slice(*offsets[iblock,ielem:ielem+2])
            data, index = data_index[block2func[iblock]]
            w_intdata = numeric.dot(points.weights, intdata)
            data[s] = w_intdata.ravel()
            si = (slice(None),) + (numpy.newaxis,) * (w_intdata.ndim-1)
            for idim, (ii,) in enumerate(indices):
              index[idim,s].reshape(w_intdata.shape)[...] = ii[si]
              si = si[:-1]

    retvals = []
    for i, func in enumerate(funcs):
      with log.context('assembling {}/{}'.format(i+1, len(funcs))):
        retvals.append(matrix.assemble(*data_index[i], shape=func.shape))
    return retvals
def optimize(target: types.strictstr,
             functional: sample.strictintegral,
             tol: types.strictfloat = 0.,
             arguments: argdict = {},
             droptol: float = None,
             constrain: types.frozenarray = None,
             lhs0: types.frozenarray[types.strictfloat] = None,
             solveargs: types.frozendict = {},
             searchrange: types.tuple[float] = (.01, 2 / 3),
             rebound: types.strictfloat = 2.,
             failrelax: types.strictfloat = 1e-6,
    '''find the minimizer of a given functional

  target : :class:`str`
      Name of the target: a :class:`nutils.function.Argument` in ``residual``.
  functional : scalar :class:`nutils.sample.Integral`
      The functional the should be minimized by varying target
  tol : :class:`float`
      Target residual norm.
  arguments : :class:`collections.abc.Mapping`
      Defines the values for :class:`nutils.function.Argument` objects in
      `residual`.  The ``target`` should not be present in ``arguments``.
  droptol : :class:`float`
      Threshold for leaving entries in the return value at NaN if they do not
      contribute to the value of the functional.
  constrain : :class:`numpy.ndarray` with dtype :class:`float`
      Defines the fixed entries of the coefficient vector
  lhs0 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
      Coefficient vector, starting point of the iterative procedure.

      Coefficient vector corresponding to the functional optimum

    if 'newtontol' in linargs:
            'argument "newtontol" is deprecated, use "tol" instead')
        tol = linargs.pop('newtontol')
    solveargs = _striplin(linargs, solveargs)
    residual = functional.derivative(target)
    jacobian = residual.derivative(target)
    lhs, cons = _parse_lhs_cons(lhs0, constrain, residual.shape)
    val, res, jac = sample.eval_integrals(functional, residual, jacobian,
                                          **{target: lhs}, **arguments)
    if droptol is not None:
        nan = ~(cons | jac.rowsupp(droptol))
        cons = cons | nan
    resnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(res[~cons])
    if jacobian.contains(target):
        if tol <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'nonlinear optimization problem requires a nonzero "tol" argument'
        solveargs.setdefault('rtol', 1e-3)
        linesearch = LineSearch(searchrange, rebound, failrelax)
        firstresnorm = resnorm
        relax = 1
        accept = True
        with log.context('newton {:.0f}%', 0) as reformat:
            while resnorm > tol:
                if accept:
                    reformat(100 * numpy.log(firstresnorm / resnorm) /
                             numpy.log(firstresnorm / tol))
                    dlhs = -jac.solve_leniently(
                        res, constrain=cons, **solveargs)
                    lhs0 = lhs
                    resnorm0 = resnorm
                lhs = lhs0 + relax * dlhs
                val, res, jac = sample.eval_integrals(functional, residual,
                                                         lhs}, **arguments)
                resnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(res[~cons])
                relax, accept = linesearch(
                    resnorm0**2, -2 * resnorm0**2, resnorm**2,
                    2 * (jac @ dlhs)[~cons].dot(res[~cons]), relax)
            log.info('converged with residual {:.1e}'.format(resnorm))
    elif resnorm > tol:
        solveargs.setdefault('atol', tol)
        dlhs = -jac.solve(res, constrain=cons, **solveargs)
        lhs = lhs + dlhs
        val += (res + jac @ dlhs / 2).dot(dlhs)
    if droptol is not None:
        lhs = numpy.choose(nan, [lhs, numpy.nan])
        log.info('constrained {}/{} dofs'.format(
            len(lhs) - nan.sum(), len(lhs)))
    log.info('optimum value {:.2e}'.format(val))
    return lhs
def optimize(target,
             functional: sample.strictintegral,
             tol: types.strictfloat = 0.,
             arguments: argdict = {},
             droptol: float = None,
             constrain: arrayordict = None,
             lhs0: types.frozenarray[types.strictfloat] = None,
             relax0: float = 1.,
             failrelax: types.strictfloat = 1e-6,
    '''find the minimizer of a given functional

  target : :class:`str`
      Name of the target: a :class:`nutils.function.Argument` in ``residual``.
  functional : scalar :class:`nutils.sample.Integral`
      The functional the should be minimized by varying target
  tol : :class:`float`
      Target residual norm.
  arguments : :class:`collections.abc.Mapping`
      Defines the values for :class:`nutils.function.Argument` objects in
      `residual`.  The ``target`` should not be present in ``arguments``.
  droptol : :class:`float`
      Threshold for leaving entries in the return value at NaN if they do not
      contribute to the value of the functional.
  constrain : :class:`numpy.ndarray` with dtype :class:`float`
      Defines the fixed entries of the coefficient vector
  lhs0 : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
      Coefficient vector, starting point of the iterative procedure.
  relax0 : :class:`float`
      Initial relaxation value.
  linesearch : :class:`nutils.solver.LineSearch`
      Callable that defines relaxation logic.
  failrelax : :class:`float`
      Fail with exception if relaxation reaches this lower limit.

      Coefficient vector corresponding to the functional optimum

    if linesearch is None:
        linesearch = NormBased.legacy(kwargs)
    solveargs = _strip(kwargs, 'lin')
    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError('unexpected keyword arguments: {}'.format(
            ', '.join(kwargs)))
    if any(t not in functional.argshapes for t in target):
        if not droptol:
            raise ValueError(
                'target {} does not occur in integrand; consider setting droptol>0'
                .format(', '.join(t for t in target
                                  if t not in functional.argshapes)))
        target = [t for t in target if t in functional.argshapes]
        if not target:
            return {}
    residual = [functional.derivative(t) for t in target]
    jacobian = _derivative(residual, target)
    lhs0, constrain = _parse_lhs_cons(lhs0, constrain, target,
                                      functional.argshapes, arguments)
    mask, vmask = _invert(constrain, target)
    lhs, vlhs = _redict(lhs0, target)
    val, res, jac = _integrate_blocks(functional,
    if droptol is not None:
        supp = jac.rowsupp(droptol)
        res = res[supp]
        jac = jac.submatrix(supp, supp)
        nan = numpy.zeros_like(vmask)
        nan[vmask] = ~supp  # return value is set to nan if dof is not supported and not constrained
            vmask] = supp  # dof is computed if it is supported and not constrained
        assert vmask.sum() == len(res)
    resnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(res)
    if any(jacobian.contains(t) for jacobian in jacobian for t in target):
        if tol <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'nonlinear optimization problem requires a nonzero "tol" argument'
        solveargs.setdefault('rtol', 1e-3)
        firstresnorm = resnorm
        relax = relax0
        accept = True
        with log.context('newton {:.0f}%', 0) as reformat:
            while not numpy.isfinite(resnorm) or resnorm > tol:
                if accept:
                    reformat(100 * numpy.log(firstresnorm / resnorm) /
                             numpy.log(firstresnorm / tol))
                    dlhs = -jac.solve_leniently(res, **solveargs)
                    res0 = res
                    dres = jac @ dlhs  # == -res0 if dlhs was solved to infinite precision
                    relax0 = 0
                vlhs[vmask] += (relax - relax0) * dlhs
                relax0 = relax  # currently applied relaxation
                val, res, jac = _integrate_blocks(functional,
                resnorm = numpy.linalg.norm(res)
                scale, accept = linesearch(res0, relax * dres, res,
                                           relax * (jac @ dlhs))
                relax = min(relax * scale, 1)
                if relax <= failrelax:
                    raise SolverError('stuck in local minimum')
            log.info('converged with residual {:.1e}'.format(resnorm))
    elif resnorm > tol:
        solveargs.setdefault('atol', tol)
        dlhs = -jac.solve(res, **solveargs)
        vlhs[vmask] += dlhs
        val += (res + jac @ dlhs / 2).dot(dlhs)
    if droptol is not None:
        vlhs[nan] = numpy.nan
        log.info('constrained {}/{} dofs'.format(
            len(vlhs) - nan.sum(), len(vlhs)))
    log.info('optimum value {:.2e}'.format(val))
    return lhs
文件: sample.py 项目: scdivi/nutils
    def integrate(*args, **arguments: argdict):
        '''Integrate functions.

    funcs : :class:`nutils.function.Array` object or :class:`tuple` thereof.
        The integrand(s).
    arguments : :class:`dict` (default: None)
        Optional arguments for function evaluation.

        self, funcs = args

        # Functions may consist of several blocks, such as originating from
        # chaining. Here we make a list of all blocks consisting of triplets of
        # argument id, evaluable index, and evaluable values.

        funcs = [
            for func in funcs
        blocks = [(ifunc, function.Tuple(ind), f.simplified)
                  for ifunc, func in enumerate(funcs)
                  for ind, f in function.blocks(func)]
        block2func, indices, values = zip(*blocks) if blocks else ([], [], [])

        log.debug('integrating {} distinct blocks'.format('+'.join(
            str(block2func.count(ifunc)) for ifunc in range(len(funcs)))))

        if config.dot:

        # To allocate (shared) memory for all block data we evaluate indexfunc to
        # build an nblocks x nelems+1 offset array, and nblocks index lists of
        # length nelems.

        offsets = numpy.zeros((len(blocks), self.nelems + 1), dtype=int)
        if blocks:
            sizefunc = function.stack([f.size
                                       for ifunc, ind, f in blocks]).simplified
            for ielem, transforms in enumerate(self.transforms):
                n, = sizefunc.eval(_transforms=transforms, **arguments)
                offsets[:, ielem + 1] = offsets[:, ielem] + n

        # Since several blocks may belong to the same function, we post process the
        # offsets to form consecutive intervals in longer arrays. The length of
        # these arrays is captured in the nfuncs-array nvals.

        nvals = numpy.zeros(len(funcs), dtype=int)
        for iblock, ifunc in enumerate(block2func):
            offsets[iblock] += nvals[ifunc]
            nvals[ifunc] = offsets[iblock, -1]

        # The data_index list contains shared memory index and value arrays for
        # each function argument.

        nprocs = min(config.nprocs, self.nelems)
        empty = parallel.shempty if nprocs > 1 else numpy.empty
        data_index = [(empty(n, dtype=float),
                       empty((funcs[ifunc].ndim, n), dtype=int))
                      for ifunc, n in enumerate(nvals)]

        # In a second, parallel element loop, valuefunc is evaluated to fill the
        # data part of data_index using the offsets array for location. Each
        # element has its own location so no locks are required. The index part of
        # data_index is filled in the same loop. It does not use valuefunc data but
        # benefits from parallel speedup.

        valueindexfunc = function.Tuple(
            function.Tuple([value] + list(index))
            for value, index in zip(values, indices))
        ielems = parallel.range(self.nelems)
        with parallel.fork(nprocs):
            for ielem in ielems:
                with log.context('elem', ielem, '({:.0f}%)'.format(
                        100 * ielem / self.nelems)):
                    points = self.points[ielem]
                    for iblock, (intdata, *indices) in enumerate(
                        s = slice(*offsets[iblock, ielem:ielem + 2])
                        data, index = data_index[block2func[iblock]]
                        w_intdata = numeric.dot(points.weights, intdata)
                        data[s] = w_intdata.ravel()
                        si = (slice(None),
                              ) + (numpy.newaxis, ) * (w_intdata.ndim - 1)
                        for idim, (ii, ) in enumerate(indices):
                                  s].reshape(w_intdata.shape)[...] = ii[si]
                            si = si[:-1]

        retvals = []
        for i, func in enumerate(funcs):
            with log.context('assembling {}/{}'.format(i + 1, len(funcs))):
                    matrix.assemble(*data_index[i], shape=func.shape))
        return retvals